Bible Answers Live
Bible Answers Live
A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

Click here for the Bible Answers Live Question Archive!

Duration: 60 minutes.

Program Listings for Bible Answers Live (Audio)


BAL 2025, Ep03 - Did Enoch Die or Was He Translated ?

Enoch, eternal life, Sundays, cooking, garage sales... add a bit of prophecy of course (and much, mu... 01/19/2025

BAL 2025, Ep02 - Why Did God Stop Talking Directly With Us ?

Join us as together we discover if the devil has access to our thoughts, and if our eating habits in... 01/12/2025

BAL 2025, Ep01 - Why Did God Throw Satan to the Earth Instead of Somewhere Else ?

In this edition of Bible Answers Live, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss why God sent Satan to Ear... 01/05/2025

BAL 2024, Ep31 - Is It Okay To Clean Up After a Meal on Sabbath ?

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Study with us in this edition of “Bible Answers Live” where the pastors discuss dirty frogs and dirt... 12/22/2024

BAL 2024, Ep30 - Does the Bible Mention Visitors From Outer Space ?

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Let's study together as we learn in this installment of “Bible Answers Live” about who the Angel of ... 12/15/2024

BAL 2024, Ep29 - Are All Sins Forgiven ?

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Tune in to “Bible Answers Live” now to watch the pastors discuss some very important things ! Have ... 12/08/2024

BAL 2024, Ep28 - Can We Be Perfect ?

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Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross host this week’s episode to talk about food and diet, prophecy and Revel... 11/24/2024

BAL 2024, Ep27 - Did Jesus Keep the Sabbath After the Resurrection ?

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In this episode of “Bible Answers Live,” Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss with callers the timing... 11/17/2024

BAL 2024, Ep26 - Is All Food Clean To Eat ?

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Join us in this edition of “Bible Answers Live,” as Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross talk about the curre... 11/10/2024

BAL 2024, Ep25 - Did the Sea Creatures Die During the Flood ?

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Tune in to this installment of “Bible Answers Live,” and you’ll learn about when the Ten Commandment... 11/03/2024

BAL 2024, Ep24 - How Can We Be Sure There Is No Pre-Tribulation Rapture ?

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In this episode of “Bible Answers Live,” we’ll learn about the seal of God and the mark of the beast... 10/27/2024

Bible Answers Live Special Edition : Trump Assassination Attempt - America in Prophecy

The attempt on Donald Trump's life shook the whole world ! How should Christians respond, and does ... 07/14/2024

Something More Than Temporary

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This isn't it. This isn't it. There's so much more that we're not seeing. This isn't the happiest... 05/12/2024

Your Forever Doesn't Exist

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"Whatever is being lost momentarily, more is being gained eternally," (A. Voskamp). Sometimes it's ... 04/28/2024

Never More Present Than When It Hurts

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Pain brings you down. Pain brings you back to reality. Pain brings you back to God... pain means y... 04/07/2024

Somewhere in a Stranger's Eye

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"I and all that I have are yours." What if we said this to Christ every hour, every day ? "I and a... 03/31/2024

Did We Ruin It ?

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"And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart." Yet ... 03/10/2024

One With an Ending, the Second Without

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From cover to cover, the Bible is filled with stories of temptations and attacks, betrayals and loss... 03/03/2024

Best Friend Forever

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Our best Friend is Jesus - He who did not withhold His own life from us but for our sakes became poo... 02/25/2024

You Live Inside

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Success should be defined by our faithfulness and obedience to the Lord. Success will be defined wh... 02/04/2024

Look at Us Now

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God has permitted a flood of light to be poured upon the world in discoveries in science. But even ... 01/28/2024

Running From the Daylight

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If the erring one persistently refuses to heed the voice that calls him with pitying, tender love, h... 01/21/2024

It's Worth It for Now

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If "our chastisements are our promotions," and if that which is gained after many a struggle is a fu... 01/14/2024

Something but the Past and Done

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"As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgression from us." Sin is remo... 01/07/2024

Trust in Me and Fall as Well

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Satan's most successful scheme in deceiving man has been to conceal his real purpose and his true ch... 11/12/2023

It's the Little Things

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"Every act of life, however small, has its bearing for good or for evil... It is the little things t... 10/22/2023

Lost Again

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Christ entered into a mercy mission just for you. "The relations between God and each soul are as d... 10/15/2023

Hello, He Lied

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It's our responsibility in the end to believe or not believe God's word, because it's our choice. W... 10/01/2023

When the Rubber Meets the Road

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"Don't worry about Hell if you're planning on going to Heaven," but how do we even get to Heaven ? ... 09/24/2023

Say My Name

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Elohim, our Ruler and Lord... Jehovah, our covenant-God of the promise. "Our hearts shall rejoice... 09/03/2023

Apparently Nothing

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Nothing is ever nothing – not Satan’s minutest deceptions, not God’s quietest warnings, and the seem... 08/27/2023

Believe What God Believes

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“The sweetness of the Bible lies in the possessive pronouns,” (Charles H. Spurgeon). The Lord is YO... 08/13/2023

Outside Gets Inside

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The Christian enjoys the beauty of nature with the highest appreciation, for he recognizes his Fathe... 08/06/2023

Waiting Without Waiting

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“When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. The blessing comes w... 07/30/2023

Don't Let Go

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Intelligence to wisdom, wisdom to recognition, recognition to need, need to reliance, reliance to fr... 07/23/2023

Heaven Is Cheap Enough

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Christ gave Everything to simply have the possibility that you could accept His sacrifice (T. Gibson... 07/16/2023

Don't Worry, Be Happy

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"I have loved you... Fear not, for I am with you." Why do we worry so much ? Why are our eyes so s... 07/09/2023

We All Have Reasons for Moving

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Some of us move to keep things whole. Some of us walk and it seems the air just moves in to fill the... 06/25/2023

The Wait and the Hurting

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You must carry the cross before you wear the crown and learn to leave the time of the blessing in th... 06/11/2023

How Awful Goodness Is

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One of the noblest features of a Christian is the readiness to forgive and the cheerfulness in recom... 05/07/2023

We Did It Backwards

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We went about it all wrong, on our own, not consulting God. We put ourselves in front when our desir... 04/30/2023

Is It That This Hope Has a Purpose ?

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Is it that the heart is closed and dead, coffined, and a phantom... If you don't know what to do wh... 04/09/2023

Change Is Coming Through the Shadow

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“Mold me, fashion me, raise me into a holy atmosphere,” (COL, 159). The earthly sanctuary was but j... 04/02/2023

Tearing Me Asunder

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Each day we must do battle with evil. "Old habits, hereditary tendencies, will strive for the maste... 03/26/2023

A Piece of the Light That Might Have Been Yours

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Regret is an ugly thing. When salvation He's made free, when His love He's made free, when freedom ... 03/12/2023

Deep Down

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“There is a science of Christianity to be mastered – a science much deeper, broader, higher than any... 03/05/2023

Let Me Let You Go

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How much longer can we remain in Satan's spell ? We've learned to lose ourselves, allowing sin to a... 02/26/2023

Into the New Life

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We cannot imagine or fathom what God has prepared for those who love Him... Something Magnificent is... 02/19/2023

The Instinct To Keep Breathing

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God is the Creator of all the beauty and all the choreography around us, but these evidences in natu... 02/12/2023

Next Time

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There is so little time left, we are in the crucible. "Tomorrow is not yours. Today you are to mai... 01/22/2023

A Violence Within

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Why Satan fell, we cannot understand, and Christ's plan of salvation we will never comprehend ! Myst... 01/15/2023

Fight the Good Fight

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Our Father is faithful, no matter the circumstance, no matter the time. Our part is to receive His W... 01/08/2023

Save Me in Spite of Myself

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We are weak. Let Him be your strength. Let Him keep you afloat. Let Him renew you. When you are ... 12/18/2022

Between Two Great Darks

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"Those who caviled at the words of Christ found ever-increasing cause for cavil," refusing the light... 12/11/2022

Keeping About God

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"Only as God shall lead, guide, influence, inspire, can we perform our solemn trust," (C.H.S.) and t... 12/04/2022


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"Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." Knowledge is increasi... 11/13/2022

Always Within Me

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It feels like we are in the valley of the shadow of death, but HE is here with us. HE is here within... 11/06/2022

You're Alive That You're Dead

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"He must increase, but I must decrease," for "those who are true to their calling as messengers of G... 10/23/2022

In the Father's House

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"Our Redeemer has opened the way so that the most sinful, oppressed, and despised... may have a home... 10/09/2022

Nothing Has Changed

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Men's hearts are still for evil continually, God's heart is still for love eternally; Satan stands f... 10/02/2022

The Silence Is Telling

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As the disciples gathered to pray, "they were weighted with the burden of the salvation of souls." ... 09/25/2022

Re-Fall, Re-Tune

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We have to fall in love with Christ again, we have to start from the beginning and see His love. For... 09/11/2022

Away From Yourself

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Do not look to yourself, but away to Jesus... You will find Him away from yourself (2MCP, 808). This... 08/28/2022

Kneel Lower

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Sometimes there is nothing we can do except pray, surrender and repent. Repentance is a tricky thin... 08/21/2022

I See You

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It is He that has made us, and not we ourselves. He knows us, knows our needs, knows our defects. ... 08/14/2022


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The Lord's love is written everywhere in nature and revelation, testifying to His tender character. ... 07/31/2022

Choice and Bed Be Made

"With faith in your heart, courage in your soul, and determination in your mind, you must push the d... 07/24/2022

How Long Is Your Forever ?

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The Lord is great and greatly to be praised ! He does not out us; He covers us, equips us and enabl... 06/26/2022

The Sign of the Prophet

It's difficult to let go of ourselves and cling to Him. Our worries assail us and we question if our... 06/12/2022

We Have To Make It

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Heaven begins here, do you believe it ? If we walk with Him in this life, His love fills and His pre... 06/05/2022

Thirsting for Life

Join us in this brand new edition of Bible Answers Live ! You'll learn about why God could consider... 05/29/2022

Remember Me

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"Give unto the Lord glory and strength." In trying to overcome old habits and carve out new ones, re... 05/22/2022

On My Face With God

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Perfection in character means a full surrender to Christ, which means peace, which means happiness. ... 05/08/2022

A Time of Testing

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How much more can you take ? How much do you have left in you ? So many of us are struggling in ou... 04/03/2022

It's Not How It Seems

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The Bible appears intimidating, mysterious, confusing - God the Father shrouds His face, the image t... 03/27/2022

Dead Man Walking

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In the word there is divine energy that can transform your mind and make you a new creation (E.J. Wa... 02/27/2022

Out of Time

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The brevity of time is catching up. Look around and you will see that the prevailing sins and the i... 02/20/2022

According to the Light

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"He that has My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves Me." It is enjoined upon us to wa... 02/06/2022

Be Kind to My Mistakes

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"In Christ you have the victory; when you are in Him the temptations assail Him, and not you by your... 01/30/2022

Front Burner

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He hasn't forgotten you. Nothing can befall us of which God takes no immediate interest (SC, 117). H... 01/23/2022

Our Crooked Paths

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God would have us take the short and straight way, we would take the rich and easy way, but neither ... 01/16/2022

I Am My Enemy

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This enemy under the surface, this lack of faith, these attacks, these lies... have you ever felt th... 01/09/2022

Don't Die Before Your Death

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By our wrong habits we lessen our hold on life (CD, 45). If we keep willfully sinning, what are we t... 01/02/2022

In Him Was Life

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...And the life was the light of men. "Even when He laid down His life, He still had as much life l... 12/19/2021

Trust Him

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He is our Rock and our salvation, our foundation... why then do we find it so difficult to trust Him... 12/05/2021

Here Am I

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"When a man breathes an intensely earnest prayer to God, there is in that intensity and earnestness ... 11/28/2021

Hope Is Everything

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Don't reject the measure of His blessings. Don't forget all that He's done; the only thing that limi... 11/21/2021

The Bright and Morning Star

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Every true believer will catch the beams from Christ and transmit light to those in darkness, and as... 11/14/2021

Little Big Things

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It starts with a thought... the small things that "don't matter" that you keep pushing to the limit ... 10/10/2021

Something Good Is Going To Happen

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Religious persecution is throughout the world, transgender and homosexual cultures permeate everywhe... 10/03/2021

Love Is a Verb

"Herein is love... that He loved us and sent His Son" for us. Our Father's love is immeasurable ! H... 09/26/2021

Far From the Shallow

Isn't it something that we can devote ourselves to - to make it to Heaven ? To dive deep into Scrip... 09/19/2021

Lost and Found

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"Wherever I am, I am what is missing," (M. Strand)... and it's true. Missing from our Father's side... 09/12/2021

Keep Your Head Up

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No matter what happens, Keep Your Head Up... no matter what happens, keep the faith. YOU are the obj... 08/15/2021

Some Strange Thing

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The Christian life is an expected and constant fight with the enemy, with self. But each fight is a ... 08/08/2021

One of God's Greatest

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Blameless and perfect, righteous and beautiful, one of God's greatest... until iniquity was found. ... 08/01/2021

He Loved First

"In the light of the cross many who had never before known of the true God, began to comprehend the ... 07/11/2021

Before the Ninth Wave

Before the end, before the worst, we still have time. "The tempest is coming and we must get ready ... 06/13/2021

Just a Little Longer

“Ye must die that ye may live. Get ready, get ready, get ready... Sacrifice all to God. It will take... 06/06/2021

One Step at a Time

Sometimes we go week by week, struggling. Sometimes it's day by day and sometimes we're hanging on ... 05/02/2021

And Then the End Shall Come

We must keep going and get back on the path. We must keep going with the Lord, never giving up. "And... 04/25/2021

A New Song, A New Beginning

The end of prophecy means the beginning of new life. We bear the life here in this world, and we mu... 03/21/2021

Witness the Beauty

"The more closely believers have walked with God, the more powerfully have they testified of their R... 03/07/2021

From Nothing to Everything

From desert to lush, from nothing to everything and all that's in between during this life, just kee... 02/14/2021

Leap of Faith

No shame, just love. No captivity, just succor. Just trust. Let Christ calm the fears and hold yo... 01/17/2021

No Distance, No Space

"The separation is wide and fearful, but Christ has made provision again to connect us with Himself,... 01/10/2021

Far Beyond the Visible

It may seem that God doesn't answer prayers... why does He tarry or ignore ? Remember the greater p... 01/03/2021

But the Lord Looks on the Heart (2019)

How do we defeat this sinful nature that plagues us ? Every day is constant war between the spirit ... 12/27/2020

Born to Die, for Life (2019)

Betrayal, abuse, death... life has an active way of hurting us sometimes. We're faced with life-ch... 12/20/2020

Bringing down the High Tree (2019)

Our Father's mercy has no boundaries ; from the Old Testament through to the New Testament we can se... 12/13/2020

Sun of Righteousness (2019)

As a thirst and a famine for God's Word extends throughout, we in the family of faith always have a ... 11/22/2020

Trusting God (2019)

Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers Live, dis... 11/15/2020

Matters of the Christian Life (2019)

From gambling to polygamy to smoking, from learning how to pray and how to fast and how to be truly ... 11/08/2020

Racing Toward the End (2019)

Studying the Bible often brings many questions or confusions. In this installment of Bible Answers L... 11/01/2020

Trading Eternity (2019)

As we live our day-to-day, we must keep in mind what we are living for... are we honoring the faithf... 10/25/2020

Because of Us (2019)

When the Holy Spirit leads you, do you listen ? Or do you instead wonder how far you can get away w... 10/18/2020

Stay, Because Greater Is He That Is in You

So many of us doubt and fear ourselves and our temptations. We face troubles and plead to God, and ... 10/11/2020

Rise to the Skies (2019)

Our God understands the challenges we face daily ; the struggle is real, but so is He. When we fall... 10/04/2020

Welcome to the Club

Another week brings another batch of questions from listeners all over the country ! Join us in thi... 09/27/2020

He Is Faithful

We wonder if the nation of Israel making headlines is prophetic; we should also notice God's constan... 09/20/2020

War, Death, Hell and the End of the World

... and Hope. Whether hope is your first option or whether hope is resignation, never let go of y... 09/13/2020

The Mountains Will Quake (2019)

Our God is a God of second chances, of third and fourth and fifth chances. Do you feel you've lost ... 09/06/2020

Let the Invisible In

Under the Holy Spirit's working even the weakest will learn to improve & to become sanctified (AA). ... 08/30/2020

The Golden City (2019)

The new Jerusalem, the white throne judgment and the exclusivity of the 144,000... the lake of fire,... 08/23/2020

Faith Value

We are to fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in faithfulness, but what does that fear mean... 08/16/2020

In the Company of a Wolf

"The sheep's clothing seems so genuine, that the wolf can be discerned only as we go to God's great ... 08/09/2020

Some Say the End Is Near

Prophecy is unrolling and extending right before us, but are we really living in the last days ? Are... 08/02/2020

In Holiness Is Happiness (2019)

Is God love ? We see throughout the Old Testament His orders to annihilate entire societies, women ... 07/26/2020

Today Is Enough for Today (2019)

As the Lord continually extends His hand toward us, we must accept and have a reason for our faith. ... 07/19/2020

The Lion and the Cobra (2019)

From current events to age-old concerns, from finances to metaphors and symbols, learn what the Bibl... 07/05/2020

More To Be Desired

We tire of the banality, the insufficiency, the mediocrity, the falsity. We long for just that somet... 06/28/2020

Thinking Makes it So (2019)

Discouragement and disheartenment are always just around the corner, but have you considered what th... 06/21/2020

Narrow Is the Way

We are called to be self-sacrificing, meek and lowly of heart, to walk in the narrow path traveled b... 06/14/2020

Falling Short

By the Spirit the heart is made pure (HLv). How do we really, and can we even, attain true perfecti... 06/07/2020

Fire with Fire

The social unrest we are witnessing is dominating our thoughts and the media. What is the role of t... 05/31/2020

Praises and Blessings (2019)

Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the nation and the world. In this... 05/24/2020

The Secret Place of Thunder

Let us confidently approach God's throne of grace, let us go to Him while He yet may be found, while... 05/17/2020

Another Day That Looks Like Yesterday

Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers Live, dis... 05/10/2020

Sweet Repentance

We can do nothing by ourselves except make daily the decision to depend on Christ ; by His virtue we... 04/26/2020

Thought for the Lilies

All who choose God's path are to rest in His care (HLv). As the world continues to slow and our pers... 04/19/2020

By the Death of One (2019)

A new week is another start, another chance, another chapter... won't you begin it by opening your B... 04/12/2020

As the Days of Noah

As anxiety and solitude continue, callers worldwide are tuning in to Bible Answers Live to look for ... 04/05/2020

A Liar and the Father of Lies

The image of the beast, the deadly wound healing, the small time of trouble... As we face these surp... 03/29/2020

Invitation, Not Isolation

Every day is a new opportunity. As we continue in this crisis where our daily routines and work are ... 03/22/2020

Where Is Your Faith ?

"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world..." Though ... 03/15/2020

Viruses and Plagues and Theories and Faith

"... There shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places," and so it is... but... 03/08/2020

Practicality and Everydayness (2018)

Everyday life has its challenges, even in the small things. Join Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross in thi... 03/01/2020

With His Strength

"In our own strength it is impossible... God reaches for the hand of faith in us to direct it to lay... 02/23/2020

After the Garden (2018)

Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the world. In this edition of Bibl... 02/16/2020

Imprisoned and Addicted (2018)

Temptations are different for each of us ; we each fight our own battles, but, not on our own. Whet... 02/09/2020

The Light at the End

Sometimes God isn't going to deliver you. Sometimes the darkness and the trials will continue. Why... 02/02/2020

Truth and Choice or Poison Devils

Murdering a weed ?... Killing in war, slaying your brother or God's demands for death penalties - in... 01/26/2020

Watching You Without Me

"I will give them a heart to know Me... they will return to Me with their whole heart." Our guilt be... 01/19/2020

Just a Prayer Away

"God will do things for us when we pray that He will not do if we do not pray," (GC, 525). The new w... 01/12/2020

Light of Revelations (2018)

Prophecy is unrolling and extending right before us, but are we really living in the last days ? Wh... 01/05/2020

Diminishing Love

Tune in to this edition of Bible Answers Live and hear Pastor Doug help listeners with questions var... 12/29/2019

The Forgotten Blessing (2018)

Lines are being blurred between genders and gender roles ; society and religion create confusion, fo... 12/22/2019

As if There Were No One Else (2018)

Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers Live, di... 12/15/2019

Their Stumbling Stone, Your Precious Rock (2018)

"For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." If you're struggling to do what's right,... 12/08/2019

Symbols and Swords

Did you know that turkeys are actually highly intelligent and affectionate animals? They even like t... 11/24/2019

The Bridge Between

In this episode of Bible Answers Live, listen to the pastors search God's Word to guide callers thro... 11/17/2019

A Perfect Life

"A Christian must be perfect"... that's what the world criticizes. That's what God demands. But ho... 11/03/2019

Think Again

The subject of life after death is always an intriguing matter. Tune in to this edition of Bible An... 10/27/2019

The Continuous Life

Did God die ? Why would Jesus answer the prayers of demons ? Can I find total fulfillment in C... 10/20/2019

Robes White with Blood (2018)

Group prayer versus private prayer... does God pay attention to one more than the other ?... maybe H... 10/06/2019

Love Engraved (2018)

"... Repent, and do the first works." The life that we are living here is a journey. Sometimes we ... 09/29/2019

Sundown of the Sixth Millennium (2018)

When you learn of the good news, don't you just want to share it ? But how do you share it when peo... 09/22/2019

I Will Carry You, I Will Deliver You

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go... 09/22/2019

The Wisdom of the Spirit

Loneliness, frustration, adultery and divorce ; judgment, prophecy, Heaven and the Trinity : all are... 09/15/2019

Prayer Is the Key to Heaven (2018)

From bishops to birthdays and from wine to worms, listen as Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross sift the Scr... 09/15/2019

Break off Thy Sins (2018)

The more we study God's word, the more questions we have. Starting from the Holy Spirit's role duri... 09/08/2019

My Will or Yours, Lord ? (2018)

'If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.' It's a daily battle, but when you remember ... 09/01/2019

The Misfortunes of a Virtuous Christian (2018)

Can my own faith save my unbelieving spouse ? Am I still saved after all these years ? How do I de... 08/25/2019

Which Is God ? (2018)

Studying the Bible often brings many questions or confusions. In this installment of Bible Answers ... 08/18/2019

Hear, That Your Soul May Live

Bible Answers Live is a live call-in radio program where listeners can have their questions answered... 08/11/2019

How Great a Matter a Little Fire Kindles (2018)

Russia, Iran, Syria and Islam have all taken turns in the news spotlight... could it be possible tha... 08/04/2019

In the Name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit

Listeners from around the country tune in every week to discover more of the Bible and God's perfect... 07/28/2019

A Spiritual Heart Transplant (2018)

Sometimes the Bible can seem to contradict itself, sometimes it's just hard to understand ! But tha... 06/23/2019

His Ways Above Ours (2018)

Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the nation. In this edition of Bi... 06/16/2019

A Symbol for Purity and Power (2018)

Do you want to know what the Bible has to say about marrying a non-believer ? Have you heard people... 06/02/2019

The Quest for Eternal Freedom (2018)

Have you ever wondered why Jesus asked, 'Why do you call me good?', or what kind of transportation w... 05/05/2019

Satan's Time-Out (2018)

Our loving Father understands our needs and our temptations and He is willing and able to save us fr... 04/28/2019

At the End it Shall Speak (2018)

With there being hundreds of Bible translations, it's easy to wonder if the Book in your hands is ac... 04/14/2019

Losing to Win (2018)

Does God want us to fall ? Is He constantly testing us ? The Lord is faithful beyond our knowledge o... 03/31/2019

The Devil's Counterfeits (2018)

God desires to help us in every way, in every problem, in every detail, every day. As you tune in t... 03/17/2019

Holy Spirit's Gift of Tongues (2018)

Tattoos and pepperoni pizza, what do they have in common ? Listen to this edition of Bible Answers ... 02/03/2019

Wonders of God's Creation (2018)

When you open your Bible, you're going to almost immediately have a heap of questions and curiositie... 01/27/2019

You Will Be Filled (Feasting on the Word) (2018)

Have you ever found yourself questioning your faith ? or perhaps you've noticed that your faith is ... 01/13/2019

Prayers to Heaven

Without question, the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft are among the most successful scientific expedition... 12/30/2018

Alcohol and the Bible

Scientists from Italy have now enabled spiders to spin webs that can hold the weight of a human. Acc... 12/23/2018

Second Coming of Christ

Throughout history, Jews from around the world had sought to have their remains laid to rest in Jeru... 11/18/2018

God's Amazing Creation

Back in 1999, a small black and white kitten appeared in the backyard of Ann and Wally Collito. The ... 10/28/2018

Hope of Eternal Life

Back in October 2012, Gilberto, a poor car washer from the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil, had not see... 10/21/2018

Feasting on God's Word

Born on June 15, 1959, Michel Lotito was a Frenchman with a very unusual diet. At the age of nine, h... 09/30/2018

End-Time Disasters

The volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia April 10, 1815, became the largest explosion in ... 09/23/2018

Heavenly Heart Transplant

Werner Forssmann, a 25-year-old doctor in Germany had a radical idea. He proposed a new way to exami... 09/09/2018

The Final Battle

For about 500 years, the Roman Empire was the undisputed military powerhouse that conquered most of ... 09/02/2018

Liar, Lunatic or Lord

What are you supposed to do when your mother and your spouse don't get along ? Ever wonder how or i... 08/19/2018

Finding the Right Church

Have you ever wished your pastor's sermons were a little shorter? How long should a sermon be? 20 mi... 08/12/2018

The Power of Words

In 2006, Petaluma California animal control workers were called to investigate a home where a neighb... 08/05/2018

Washing away Sins

Back in the 1950s, Bette Nesmith had a good secretarial job at a Dallas bank. This is when she notic... 07/22/2018

Saved from Death

Back in 1956, Harry de Leyer, a horse riding instructor from Long Island went to a horse auction. Be... 07/01/2018

Transforming Love

A 42-year old South African surfer, Chris Bertish, has just accomplished what many thought was impos... 06/24/2018

Israel : a Nation on the Move

Hermit crabs are comical looking crustaceans found around the world. However, unlike crabs, lobsters... 06/17/2018

Satan's Deadly Deceptions

Would you like to hear an amazing fact about mushrooms? They’re not fruits or vegetables, but we can... 06/10/2018

The Tree of Death

Hidden among the tropical beaches in the Gulf of Mexico in the Caribbean, you can find a harmless lo... 05/27/2018

Image Struck by a Stone

On November 30, 1954, Anne Hodges was taking a nap on her couch in the little town of Oak Grove Alab... 05/20/2018

Surviving a Fall

Don't let their saggy skin fool you. Iguanas are remarkable reptiles found mostly in the Caribbean i... 04/29/2018

Victory over Sin

Bible Answers Live is a live radio call-in program where listeners can have their questions answered... 04/08/2018

Satan Bound in Bottomless Pit

The record for hiding away from family and friends was made by young Chinese college student by the ... 03/18/2018

Living a Fruitful Life

You might be surprised to learn the world's biggest grapevine is not in France or Spain or Italy or ... 03/11/2018

Receiving Spiritual Sight

Doctors are mystified as to why a 55-year-old New York man who was blind for 20 years should suddenl... 10/15/2017

Earth's Treasure, Heaven's Pavement

It's used in everything from soda cans, to aircraft, to smartphones. It's light, strong, corrosion r... 10/01/2017


In 2009, doctors in Russia hoped that 28-year-old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and he... 09/10/2017

Remembering What's Forgotten

On thanksgiving day in 1936, two Minnesota boys named Harold and Charlie Peterson decided to go hunt... 07/09/2017

Determining God's Will

Researchers intrigued by this habit decided to investigate. They discovered that this little fellow ... 06/11/2017

Foundation of God's Word

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a world famous 183-foot bell tower in Pisa, Italy. Shortly after constr... 05/14/2017

Cleansed from Sin

Dermatologists tell us that bathing too often may not be good for your skin but obviously not bathin... 05/07/2017

Searching for Lost Sheep

One summer day in 2014, Booboo the cat went missing from her home, in Watsonville California. Three ... 04/30/2017

Eternal Life in Christ

The world's oldest person and last known to have been born in the 1800s, died April 15th, 2017. Asso... 04/16/2017

Dolphins - Man's Best Friend?

We've all heard the expression before that, "Dog is man's best friend," but in the ocean a man's bes... 04/09/2017

Spiritual Heart Transplant

On June 21, 1963, marine pilot Cliff Judkins, was refueling in air on his way from California to Haw... 04/02/2017

Mountain Moving Faith

We're going to have an amazing fact now that's even a little sad. At least 35 people were killed and... 03/12/2017

Preparing for Christ's Coming

Back in 1942 a British forest guard in Roopkund India, while patrolling 16,000 feet up in the Himala... 12/11/2016

Trials & God's Providence

Jason and Jenny Laurence from Midlands, England, decided to spend their holiday in New York City. Un... 11/27/2016

The Silk Of A Spider

Spiders are known for making some of the strongest fibers in the world. Spider silk in general is wi... 11/20/2016

Angelic Messengers

It turns out the fastest bird in the world just got passed up by a flying mammal. That's right, the ... 11/13/2016

Be Still - Hearing God's Voice

It might be hard to imagine, but there's a town within three hours west of Washington DC, where cel... 11/06/2016

Renewing Spiritual Strength

The world's longest commercial airline flight is from Dubai to Auckland, New Zealand, and it covers ... 10/30/2016

The Sign of Jonah

Back in 1982, the Almeida family lost a beloved pet. The red-footed tortoise named Manuela, mysterio... 10/23/2016

Resisting Temptation

On July 30, 2016, American, Luke Aikins became the first person to jump from over four and a miles u... 10/16/2016

Hidden Deeds Revealed

On August 23, 1799, the American ship called Nancy was captured in the Caribbean by the English navy... 10/09/2016

Living Courageously

Back in January 1970, 30-year old David Kunst was inspired by the moon landing in the summer. He got... 10/02/2016

Scattering Gospel Seeds

When it comes to human rights and religious freedom, North Korea is one of the most oppressive natio... 09/25/2016

Heaven's Pearly Gates

August 2016, it was announced that a fisherman in the Philippines discovered what is probably the w... 09/18/2016

Origin of Evil

The image of flying snakes might seem like the stuff of nightmares, but in the jungle of South East... 09/11/2016

Heavenly Sanctuary

The largest building in the world by volume is the Boeing factory in Everett, Washington. This is wh... 08/28/2016

Courageous Christians

Most people picture retirement as a time to relax, visit the grand kids, and maybe take a long cruis... 08/07/2016

Sight for the Spiritually Blind

The human eye might be more awesome than we ever imagined. A new 2016 experiment conducted by the Ro... 07/24/2016

Moving Mountains

June 1, 2016, the world's longest and deepest tunnel called the Gotthard Base Tunnel opened in Swit... 07/17/2016

Reflecting the Light of Jesus

The beautiful village of Rjukan, Norway is situated in a deep valley where mountains block the sun's... 06/26/2016

Christ's Coming No Secret

On February 15th, 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor surprised everybody when it shot across the sky over ... 06/05/2016

Church Attendance Improves Health

Religious services are not just good for your soul. They can evidently lengthen your life. A study r... 05/29/2016

Bearing Fruit for Christ

Among the first wave of English settlers that set foot on Plymouth Rock in 1629 was a Puritan named ... 05/22/2016

Healing the Spiritually Blind

In 1995, Mary Ann Franco was in a serious car accident that injured her spine, and consequently caus... 05/08/2016

Tips for Resisting Temptation

When you were growing up, did you ever hear your parents ask, "Well if your friends told you to jump... 04/24/2016

Healthcare Crisis

The person who holds the record as the heaviest human being on the planet is a Saudi Arabian man, Kh... 04/17/2016

Standing for Christ

We’ve all heard fascinating stories of people who are marooned alone on lonely islands but few peopl... 04/10/2016

Satan, the Shrewd Counterfeiter

Victor Lustig was probably one of the smoothest con men in history. Born into a middle class family ... 04/03/2016

Birds Save Elijah's Life

We've all heard of homing pigeons, but have you ever heard of a homing penguin? That's right. Back i... 03/13/2016

Hogs and Other Hazards

Contrary to their dirty reputation, pigs sometimes called hogs and swine are actually very clean ani... 03/06/2016

God Chooses the Ordinary

In the summer of 1945, engineer, Percy Spencer, was conducting tests on a magnetron. That's a powerf... 02/14/2016

The Temple of God

The Angkor Temple Complex in Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world. Covering more ... 02/07/2016

Guidance of the Holy Spirit

The honeyguide is a bird about the size of a robin that lives in East Africa. It eats all kinds of i... 01/17/2016

The USA in Bible Prophecy

Today, the 33 square miles of Manhattan Island, in New York City, contains some of the world's most ... 01/03/2016

Feeding on God's Word

The Artic Woolly Bear Caterpillars found in the far north around Greenland and Canada have a marvelo... 12/20/2015

God's Wonderful Creation

DNA is a miraculous thing, more precisely known as the deoxyribonucleic acid. The DNA molecule is th... 12/13/2015

Moses Rejects Valuable Treasure

On December 4th 2015, the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, announced that their country ha... 12/06/2015

Surviving Internal Battles

46-year-old Wilmer McLean was hoping that he was too old to serve in the Confederate Army when the C... 11/22/2015

Traveling at the Speed of Thought

The world record for the fastest that a human being has ever run is held by a Usain Bolt, who was cl... 11/15/2015

Vegetarian Animals in Heaven

Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America, lived her entire life without ever ea... 11/08/2015

Second Coming Not Secret

Did you know that the ocean is a very noisy place? I'm not talking about the sound of waves crashing... 11/01/2015

Sponges in the Bible

For thousands of years, people have been using sponges in a multitude of ways. Early Europeans used ... 10/25/2015

Being Still Before God

ave you ever longed for a quiet place away from the roar of traffic, blaring music and loud lawnmowe... 10/18/2015

Spinning Out of Control

On February 1970, First Lieutenant Gary Foust was conducting practice maneuvers near the Malmstrom A... 10/04/2015

Fruit of the Christian Faith

In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that 28-year old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and ... 09/27/2015

Persistent Prayer

Larry Swilling's wife, Jimmie Sue, was born with only one kidney. They weren't entirely surprised wh... 09/20/2015

Loving Your Enemies

We've all heard the expression 'fighting like cats and dogs' because normally, dogs and cats don't g... 09/13/2015

God's Health Plan

Hulda Crooks was born in a log cabin in Saskatchewan Canada in 1896. One of 18 children Hulda gorged... 08/30/2015

Evolution Flunked the Science Test

On July 15th 1942, a squadron of six P38 and two B17 bombers left from their secret air base in Gree... 08/23/2015

Satan: the Great Deceiver

Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr., better known as Fred Demara, must have been one of the most prolific and... 08/16/2015

God's Grace Protects

On Christmas Eve, 1971, 17 year old Julianne Koepcke boarded LANSA flight 508 with her mother in Lim... 08/09/2015

Sabbath: An Oasis in Time

On January 10, 1954, a British-built de Havilland Comet, one of the first commercial jet airliners t... 08/02/2015

Leper Healed by Jesus' Touch

A recent spike in cases of one of one of history's most feared diseases has been blamed on a less th... 07/26/2015

From Strays to Spiritual Leaders

Dogs have gone to war for a thousand of years but, during the First World War, one clever K9 rose ab... 07/19/2015

Unfailing Government

From time to time when people lose faith in government, it can trigger a rapid devaluation of their ... 06/21/2015

Valuable Treasure Discarded

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, E-waste is the fastest growing category of waste ... 06/07/2015

Fishers of Men

In 2011 Guinness World Record holder Jeff Kolodzinski set a new fishing record, using nothing more t... 05/31/2015

Forgotten by God

In 2008 police broke into an apartment in Croatia to establish who owned the vacant property. Instea... 05/24/2015

A Great Wedding Feast

According to the <i>New York Daily News</i>, the most beautiful restaurant in the world is the Ithaa... 05/17/2015

Resurrection of Jesus

Back in February 1961, a young Russian physician, Leonid Rosa Gulf, started to feel tired, weak and ... 05/10/2015

Jesus Multiplies Loaves and Fishes

Kiyoshi Kimura, a businessman who owns a chain of sushi restaurants in Japan has once again set the ... 05/03/2015

Majesties of God's Creation

People were in awe back in 2013 when Harvard University scientists created a miniature flying robot ... 04/26/2015

Jonah and the Big Fish

The Bowhead whale is a large stocky dark colored leviathan that haunts the fertile arctic oceans. Th... 04/19/2015

Satan - The Great Dragon

77 year old James Currens had a chronic problem with sleepwalking. Then on November 26, 1998 the ret... 04/12/2015

God Sends Weather to Bring Victory

In August 1814 America nearly lost their Independence from Great Britain. The British army had succe... 04/05/2015

Heavenly Palaces

If you struggle with arachnophobia, you would not want to have visited the Baltimore wastewater trea... 03/29/2015

Who Are the 144,000?

Back in the 1980s, Herman and Donna O’steen bought a farm about a half a mile outside of Reno Nebras... 03/22/2015

God's Memorial of Love

In 1629, the emperor of India, Shah Jahan, went on a military campaign to crush a rebellion in his k... 03/08/2015

The Age of Concrete

Did you know that China produces and consumes about 60% of the world's cement? The Three Gorges Dam ... 03/01/2015

City With No Dogs

Each morning like clockwork, they board at the subway off to the hustle and the bustle of the big ci... 02/15/2015

Divine Intervention

His picture is on every $20 bill which is odd when you consider, he hated paper money much preferrin... 02/08/2015

Double-Minded Christians

At first glance, the grasshopper mouse found in the deserts of the Southwest looks like a cute littl... 01/18/2015

Powerful Words of God

The call of a howler monkeys voice can travel three miles but an elephant's voice is deeper. The son... 01/11/2015

Heavenly Organ Transplant

Each winter in Alaska, the common wood frog freezes solid. It quits breathing, and its heart complet... 01/04/2015

Miracle Births in the Bible

The world's oldest bird with the wildlife band is prepping to be a mom again at age 63. US Fish and ... 12/21/2014

Running the Christian Race

In 1983, a 61 year old sheep and potato farmer named Cliff Young decided to participate in the world... 12/14/2014

Sevens in Revelation

According to the Guinness world records, Roy C. Sullivan holds a record for being struck by lightnin... 12/07/2014

Big Things, Small Beginnings

When I was a kid here's a popular corny joke we like to share. What is the smallest room in the worl... 11/30/2014

Principles for Healthy Living

Westminster Abbey in London is one of Great Britain's most famous churches. English monarchs since W... 11/09/2014

Wise Men Seeking God

Sir Isaac Newton is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time, this br... 10/26/2014

Renewing Our Mind

The most powerful computer on earth is your brain. That’s right. The human brain processes about 100... 10/19/2014


At 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, a bolt of lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun and one of t... 10/12/2014

Plague of Gossip

The city of Tehran has a super-sized pest problem. It is reported that the capital of Iran has more ... 10/05/2014

Miraculous Rescue

On a beautiful Sunday morning June 10th, 1990 a British Airways jet was packed with passengers flyin... 09/21/2014

Hidden Sins Revealed

On August 23, 1799 the American Ship Nancy was captured in the Caribbean by the English Navy and tak... 09/07/2014

God's Original Diet

Jeanette and Alan, a couple from Melbourne, Australia love to run so much that they decided to run t... 08/31/2014

Hermits in the Bible

For nearly thirty years a ghostly recluse haunted the woods of central Maine. Whether phantom or big... 08/24/2014

1000 Years of Darkness

I wonder would you like to hear a few amazing facts about the ocean? Well for starters did you know ... 08/17/2014

God's Word: A Valuable Treasure

After Stan Cathy and his wife Linda married, as part of the combining of households she urged him to... 08/03/2014

Life-Giving Tree

Found in Africa, Australia, and Madagascar the alien looking Baobab tree is sometimes known as the t... 07/27/2014

Hairs on our Head Numbered

Weighing in at between 40 and 100 pounds the sea otter is the world’s smallest species of marine mam... 07/20/2014

Words that Resonate Eternally

Back between the years 1939 and 1941 some massive oil storage tanks were excavated out of the solid ... 07/13/2014

Doing What's Right At Any Cost

Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. He was notoriously enmeshed in the windy city in ... 07/06/2014

Accuracy of God's Word

On April 3, 2014, the National Institute of Standards and Technology launched the world’s newest ins... 06/29/2014

Man Designed to be a Gardener

There's a man from Gujarat, India called by many, "The man who made a forest." Back in 1979, 17-year... 05/18/2014

Spiritual Endurance

On August 24th, 1875 Matthew Webb leapt into the water at Dover, England and 21 hours and 23 minutes... 05/11/2014

Forgiving Your Enemies

Before Louis VII became King of France, he suffered terribly through treatment and indignities at th... 04/27/2014

Satan Bound for 1000 Years

The record for hiding out was made out by a young Chinese college student, by the name of Cheng Lou.... 04/20/2014

Waging a War on Sin

At one time, the government of Australia actually launched a war against birds. Yes, back in 1932 th... 04/06/2014

A Christian's Coat of Armor

Knights were also generally the wealthiest of the three types of soldiers. And this was for good rea... 03/30/2014

Words Are Powerful

There’s an island in the north Arctic sea called Kaldai which contains perhaps the most curious lake... 03/23/2014

A Counterfeit King

In 1913 the little country of Albania in Eastern Europe achieved its independence. There are many Mu... 03/16/2014

Sabbath: God's Gift of Rest

Sooty Terns are large, common seabirds with white under parts and dark black upper parts; found thro... 03/09/2014

Buried Treasure

In February 2013, a Northern California couple, while walking their dog on their country property ea... 03/02/2014

Rescue from Above

Well, the story is still coming in. On January 30th, a man walked up onto a coral reef on Atoll in t... 02/09/2014

Spiritual Revival

In 1986, two and a half year old Michelle Frank was playing with her brother near their home outside... 02/02/2014

God's Super-Computer

For decades, futurists have talked about the day that computers would become as powerful and versati... 01/19/2014

Searching for Truth

We have all heard of people that become sentimentally attached to their cars, the 1967 Austin Healy ... 01/12/2014

Miraculous Survival

Harrison Okene begged God for a miracle in turbulent seas 20 miles from the coast of Lagos. The Nige... 12/22/2013

Tree of Eternal Life

In 1964, a grad student, Donald Currey was working with forestry personnel in the white mountains of... 12/01/2013

From Desert to Garden

The Sahara desert is the world’s largest and hottest desert, at over 3.6 million square miles; it co... 11/17/2013

Bible: A Light for Our Path

Late one afternoon in 1901, a young cowboy named Jim White was looking for stray cattle in the New M... 11/10/2013

God's Providence Guides

On February 1970 first Lieutenant Gary Fowles was conducting practice maneuvers near the Malmstrom A... 11/03/2013

911 Calls to God

3 year old AJ Hayes from Kaiser Oregon has set the world record, being the youngest person to make a... 10/20/2013

Sins Made Whiter than Snow

In 1959 the US army launched an ambitious project only 800 miles from the North Pole. They began bui... 10/13/2013

Supergluing Your Marriage

Did you know that super glue was discovered completely by accident during World War II? Dr. Harry Co... 10/06/2013

The Christian's Coat of Armor

The medieval knight was one of three types of fighting men during the medieval ages: knights, foot s... 09/29/2013

Faith that Moves Mountains

In 1960, a poor Indian farmer from Gehlaur Village lost his young wife due to a lack of basic medica... 09/15/2013

The Joy of Giving

In 1997, a mystery was solved. For years, someone had been secretly giving away millions of dollars ... 09/08/2013

Loud Voices and Ocean Sounds

Humans and birds are not the only creatures that sing; whales sing, too. In fact, the song of the hu... 08/25/2013

Biblical Illiteracy

Between the spring of 1959 and the end of 1961, China experienced one of the deadliest famines in ea... 08/18/2013

Liberating Spiritual Prisoners of War

During World War II the Nazis decided to allow the allied POW's to have some board games to pass the... 08/04/2013

World's Smallest Church

According to Roadside America the world’s smallest church can be found in Oneida, New York. Built in... 07/28/2013

Deadly Frogs in Revelation

Scattered through the rain forests of Central and South America can be found some of the brightest a... 07/14/2013

Famine for God's Word

The Rocky Mountain locusts were an abundant species of grasshopper that ranged through the Western h... 07/07/2013

Falling Spiritually

Experts say the survival rate for a personal falling from a three story building is only about 50%. ... 06/30/2013

Cornerstone Rejected

A Chinese company called Broad Sustainable Building has been granted permission to begin constructio... 06/09/2013

Wearing Your Treasure

A man in India, Datta Phuge, has taken extravagance to a new level. He recently ordered the creation... 05/26/2013

Does God Inspire Astrologers and Psychics

Astrology, fortune telling, palm reading are a global multi-million dollar business. In America, ove... 05/19/2013

Lifetime Sentence

In 1994 Aaron B. Anderson of Oklahoma, was found guilty of crimes ranging from sexual assault and la... 05/12/2013

Bible's Prescription for Stress

Due largely to laptop computers, smartphones and email, the concept of leaving work at the office ha... 05/05/2013

Counterfeits of Satan

Did you know that the part of a dog's brain that’s devoted to analyzing smell is, proportionally spe... 04/28/2013

Horses in Revelation

Horses come in many colors shapes and sizes, black and white, hairy and smooth, big and small accord... 04/21/2013

Resisting Satan's Attacks

It’s hard to imagine an average size man killing a full-grown bear with a stick, but it happened. On... 04/14/2013

144,000 Sing Song of Deliverance

With his steady bass, baritone voice, gospel singer and hymn composer, George Beverly Shea, has been... 04/07/2013

Filled With the Spirit

In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that the 28-year-old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker ... 03/31/2013

Hoarding Treasure

Even though he lived in his quiet neighborhood for years, no on seemed to know Walter Samaszko. In f... 03/17/2013

Building Designed by God

Frank Lloyd Wright was probably the most famous and productive American architect. He produced well ... 03/10/2013

Most Expensive Dye in the Bible

Tyrian purple also known as royal purple or imperial dye was a very rare ancient natural dye. This c... 02/24/2013

The Long Way Home

PanAm captain, Robert Fort was flying passengers from San Francisco to New Zealand on December 4, 19... 02/17/2013

Bible Predicts Natural Disasters

According to a 2012 study by the British Charity OxFam, natural disasters have quadrupled in the 20 ... 02/10/2013

Cows Led by the Spirit

Of the roughly 40 million cattle that make the ultimate sacrifice in the US each year, about 35 thou... 02/03/2013

Discovering God's Perfect Will

There is a small remote island in the south pacific called “The Yap” that’s known as, “The Island of... 01/27/2013

Lion and the Lamb

Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America lived her entire life without ever eat... 01/20/2013

Sacrificing for Eternal Life

After 21-year old Trevor Wikre badly shattered his little right finger at football practice, the doc... 01/06/2013

The God Particle

The Large Hadron Collider is the world’s largest high energy particle accelerator and the most expen... 12/16/2012

Cheating Death?

Vladimir Lenin was the Russian leader of the Bolshevik revolution that brought the communist into po... 12/09/2012

Seas Turning to Blood

It’s the kind of thing that conjures up pictures, something like the Biblical plague that fell on An... 12/02/2012

Modern Day Miracle

Malala Yousafzia, a 15-year old Pakistani girl, gained international recognition when she boldly wro... 11/25/2012

Untamed Tongue

You might be surprised to learn the most deadly animal in Africa is not the lion or the crocodile, i... 11/18/2012

The Armor of God

On April 7, 1862 at the famous civil war battle of Shiloh, Sam Houston, Jr., son of the famous Texan... 11/11/2012

Maintaining Purity of Heart

Men who live in Jerusalem’s ultra orthodox religious community openly object to women wearing tight ... 11/04/2012

Unusual Biblical Cures

Estimates suggest that there are approximately 20,000 cases of snakebite in Nepal every year causing... 10/28/2012

Are the Dead Really Dead

After her husband died in 2010, Adrianna Villarreal Buenos Aires made it a point to frequently visit... 10/07/2012

Secret Fountain of Youth

Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor to unify greater China. During his rule about 250 B.C., he start... 09/30/2012

Heavenly Mansions

If they can ever complete it, their house will be one of the largest private mansions in the United ... 09/23/2012

Rest in Peace

In 1876, a handful of former counterfeiters botched a morbid plan to kidnap the body of Abraham Linc... 09/16/2012

Satan's Deceptions and Diversions

During World War II, the allies created an entire army of inflatable tanks, trucks, jeeps, phony art... 09/09/2012

Spiritually Illiterate

As a child in Santa Fe New Mexico, John Corcoran's reading ability stalled after second grade. Being... 08/26/2012

Christ's Death Pardons

On August 19th 2009, a burglar brandishing a knife had the shock of his life when he broke into an o... 08/05/2012

Keys to a Happy Marriage

Even before Herbert Fisher passed away at a 104 back in February 2011, he and his wife Zelmyra - 103... 07/29/2012

Reviving the Spiritually Dead

In 1986, two and a half year old Michelle Funk was playing with her brother near their home outside ... 07/22/2012

Elements Melt at Second Coming

Icebergs generally range from about three to 250 feet above sea level. The largest icebergs come fro... 07/15/2012

Running to Win the Prize

In 1983, a 61 year old sheep and potato farmer named Cliff Young decided to participate in the world... 07/01/2012

Gift of Tongues

Polyglottism is the ability to speak several languages with a high degree of proficiency. Perhaps th... 06/10/2012

Satan Bound on Earth

Early one morning, four years after Cheng’s disappearance, a pair of private detectives called by th... 06/03/2012

God: Source of All Wisdom

How does the fish know just how far to leap and in what direction? Scientists have discovered that w... 05/27/2012

Deceived by the Senses

On March 18, 1937, a spark ignited a thick cloud of natural gas that had silently accumulated in the... 05/20/2012

Abolish Mother's Day?

Anna Jarvis deeply loved her mother. Following her mother’s death in 1905, Anna campaigned for years... 05/13/2012

The Good Shepherd

According to Guinness World Records, in 1978 in Scotland following weeks of record breaking snow sto... 05/06/2012


Have you ever heard of “The Flat Earth Society”? Evidently, even after the launch of thousands of sa... 04/29/2012

From Death to Life

A young mother in Argentina was devastated when she woke up following child birth, to learn the baby... 04/22/2012

Surviving the Last Days

We’re celebrating the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. I suppose celebrating is the ... 04/15/2012

Unsinkable Ships

This week will mark the 100<sup>th </sup>anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, one of the worst... 04/08/2012

Developing Spiritual Endurance

On August 24, 1875, Matthew Webb slipped into the water at Dover England and 21 hours and 45 minutes... 03/25/2012

Communication Breakdown

On September 1st, 1859, the Carrington Super Flare, the largest solar flare in modern history, struc... 03/11/2012

The Blood That Saves

During World War II, a young marine laid badly wounded in a military hospital on a South Pacific isl... 03/04/2012

The Library of Congress

According to the Guinness World Records, the largest library in the world is none other than the U.S... 02/26/2012

Hunger for God

On May 14th, 2007, at age 95, Nola Ochs became the world’s oldest college graduate when she received... 02/12/2012

City in Space

Did you know that if you took all of the stones from the three great Egyptian pyramids at Giza, you ... 02/05/2012

Price of Human Life

On October 13, 2011, the nation of Israel traded over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for th... 01/29/2012

God's Children, His Precious Gems

An emerald was found in Brazil that weighs more than 25 pounds, and that's after it was cut and poli... 01/22/2012

False Prophecies

How could an army with less than 600 people overpower a kingdom of over two million? Just a small cl... 01/08/2012

Stars in Prophecy

Did you know that if you hold out a grain of rice at arm's length on a clear night, the little spot ... 12/18/2011

Born Again in Christ

Did you know it takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circulate the whole body? And while a... 12/11/2011

Victory Over the Carnal Nature

A family in Virginia was devastated when their beloved dog, a three year-old terrier named Petunia, ... 12/04/2011

Three Angel's Messages

Superman could supposedly travel faster than a speeding bullet, but now there's a missile that can c... 11/27/2011

Devil Seeks to Devour

What do you think the chances for survival would be for an unarmed, 16 year-old who was attacked by ... 11/20/2011

Left Behind

Can you imagine your dismay, if you are out scuba diving with friends in the open sea? As you’re enj... 11/13/2011

Thomas Parr - The 152 Year Old Man

Let me tell you a little bit about Thomas Parr. He’s a farmer that was buried in Westminster Abbey, ... 11/06/2011

Haunted by Ghosts?

In February 1941, a German U-Boat torpedoed and sank the 400-foot long SS Gairsoppa. Only one out of... 10/30/2011

Delayed Delivery

In 1914, British World War I soldier Private Thomas Hughes tossed a green bottle in the English Cana... 10/23/2011

Buried in Baptism

It would be very disturbing to wake up and find out that you’re dead. But what would be even more di... 10/09/2011

Avoiding the Wrong Path

How could an experienced pilot take off from Brooklyn, New York, heading for California, and acciden... 10/02/2011

Spiritually Illiterate Christians

John Cochran graduated from high school and from college. He even taught high school for 17 years – ... 09/25/2011

Blind will see at Christ's Coming

Daniel Kitsch was born with an aggressive form of cancer which attacked the retina of his eyes. By t... 09/18/2011

Doing Right at Any Cost

Despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddy loved his little boy. In fact, his love for his s... 09/11/2011

Celebrating Heroes

Life magazine’s May 5, 1997 collector’s edition was titled, “Celebrating our Heroes”. Inside it prai... 08/28/2011

Twins in the Bible

I think we have all heard stories about twins. And how they might have been separated at birth and h... 08/21/2011

Evidence of God's Creation

The African crested rat was thought to be poisonous for many years. Locals call it the furry-furry a... 08/14/2011

Sins Made White as Snow

Well you know people have often wondered for centuries if the hair of a person who has been terribly... 08/07/2011

Desolation of the Earth

Located on the Kansas State line, Picher was Oklahoma’s most northeastern city. Newspapers reported ... 07/31/2011

Preparing for the Race

Back in 1904 a mailman back in Havana, Cuba read in a newspaper that the Olympic Games would be held... 07/17/2011

Refusing Christ's Eternal Pardon

Way back in 1898 a young Rhode Island man named, Martin Dalton, was convicted of murder and sentence... 07/10/2011

Playing to the Dead

One stormy night in 1910, a group of traveling musicians arrived at the city of Riga on the Baltic S... 06/26/2011

Ed Stafford - Walking the Amazon

Someone said it couldn’t be done so, Ed Stafford decided to do it. After leaving the military to be ... 06/12/2011

The S.S. Sultana

The war was over and The S.S. Sultana was loaded with soldiers heading home. The ponderous ship was ... 06/05/2011


Did you know a member of the grass family is considered to be the fastest-growing plant in the world... 05/22/2011

Sheltered Under Eagles Wings

In the spring of 1977 in Northern Wisconsin, several ornithologists were making an aerial survey of ... 05/15/2011

Melting An Iceberg

The largest iceberg ever recorded broke off the frost ice shelf in Antarctica in March of 2000. It ... 05/08/2011

John Orr - Serial Arsonist

He may have been the worst serial arsonist in US history. Between 1984 and 1991, Federal agents beli... 05/01/2011

Ocean Sounds

The largest creature in the world of course, is the blue whale. Some have been measured at 100 feet ... 04/24/2011

The Tree Weta

Living on New Zealand’s North Island is a very large cricket-like insect with thorny legs, called th... 04/10/2011

Roz Savage

Roz Savage is an intrepid ocean rower and environmental advocate, but the 1st half of Ross’s life is... 03/27/2011


In September 490 BC, Darius, the Persian king sent an army of 25,000 to crush an army of 10,000 Athe... 03/20/2011

Resisting a Dare

Have you ever heard your parents say, “If your friends told you to jump off a bridge, would you do i... 03/13/2011

The Queen Mary

When it was first built in the early 1930s, the Queen Mary was the largest ship in the world, even s... 02/20/2011


There are no creatures on earth quite like cats. Today, there are about a hundred different distinct... 02/13/2011

Down The Drain

Lake Peigneur was a modest, shallow lake of fresh water near New Iberia, Louisiana. Early in the mor... 02/06/2011

Jack LaLanne

As a child and a teenager, Jack experienced very poor health. Addicted to sugar and junk foods, his ... 01/30/2011

The Cuckoo Bird Deception

Hello friends, this is Doug Batchelor. How about an amazing fact? The European common cuckoo bird is... 01/23/2011

The Big Dig

Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project, better known as the Big Dig, constitutes the largest construct... 01/16/2011

Neutron Stars

Neutron stars are one of the mysterious wonders of the universe. They’re created when an aging star ... 01/09/2011

Bullet Trains

Back in 2007, a French train set the locomotive speed record by reaching 360 miles an hour. While th... 01/02/2011


Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is a troubling condition where individuals— mostly childre... 12/19/2010

Cries For Help

On November 19, 2010, a 69-year old woman in Paris was found who had been trapped in her own bathroo... 12/12/2010

Lost At Sea

How about an amazing fact? On October 5, 2010, three teenage boys from Atafu, a remote South Pacific... 12/05/2010

Fascinating Facts About Turkeys

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 45 million turkeys were baked, boiled, fr... 11/21/2010

The Alaskan Oil Pipeline

Running 800 miles north to south, the Alaskan Oil Pipeline is one of the man-made wonders of the mod... 11/07/2010

The Origin of Halloween

How did Halloween originate? Where did it come from and is it safe for Christians to celebrate and ... 10/31/2010

Arthur Furguson - Con Artist

President Bill Clinton was once accused of renting out the White House rooms in exchange for campaig... 10/03/2010

Leona Helmsley

Billionaire in New York City, real estate investor Leona Helmsley was a flamboyant personality with ... 09/26/2010

Dox - Italy's Star Police Dog

There are some really incredible stories about the detecting abilities of dogs. Their ability to sni... 09/19/2010

Global Warming

In August 2010, a large chunk of ice broke free in the waters of Greenland. Now this is not just any... 09/12/2010

Patty Hearst

On February 4, 1974, nineteen-year old Patricia Hearst was kidnapped from her Berkeley, California a... 08/22/2010

Butch O’Hare

Despite his involvement in organized crime, Easy Eddie tried to teach his young son right from wrong... 08/15/2010

The Problem With Elephants

Park Rangers were bewildered how to stop the carnage in a baffling five-year rampage of uncharacteri... 08/08/2010

The Basilisk

In the jungles and rainforest of Central and South America can be found an unusual member of the Igu... 08/01/2010

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Rachel Krishevsky truly believed the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. When the ninety-nine-y... 07/11/2010

Starfish Prime

In July 1962, the United States performed a secret test. 250 miles above the earth, in this unique e... 06/20/2010

A Great Race

February 12, 1908, over 250,000 cheering spectators gathered in Times Square to witness the start of... 06/06/2010

Violet Jessop

Violet Jessop experienced and survived an almost unbelievable array of events. Violet was born in 18... 05/23/2010

A Tree in a Lung?

In 2009 Doctor Zimbrasha thought that 28 year old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and he... 05/02/2010

The Star-nosed Mole

The star-nosed mole is a weird and wonderful little creature that inhabits the low wetlands of East ... 04/25/2010

Todd Lincoln

Todd Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, seem to have a life at the close calls. For starters, Todd was... 04/18/2010

Life-saving Blood

An Australian man who’s been donating his extremely rare blood for 56 years has saved the lives of c... 04/04/2010

Mountain Climbing

Mountain climbing can be a dangerous business. In one 1996 Everest expedition, 8 climbers were kille... 03/21/2010

The Lemba Tribe

For as long as anyone can remember, the Lemba Tribe in Zimbabwe, South Africa has claimed to descend... 03/14/2010

The Strongest Man In The World

On Monday, January 10th, 2010, a minivan struck and killed a man crossing a Brooklyn street. This wa... 03/07/2010

The Myterious Sailing Stones of Death Valley

First recorded about a hundred years ago, the mysterious sliding stones of Death Valley have been a ... 02/21/2010

Walking Catfish

Walking Catfish are a unique species of fresh water catfish found primarily in South East Asia. As r... 02/14/2010

Bird Brain?

We usually don't think of birds as being smart creatures. After all, that's where we get the express... 02/07/2010

Lake Peigneur

They knew something was wrong when their drill suddenly seized up at about 1200 ft. and the large de... 01/31/2010


Ancient Norse History speaks in the old sagas about a fearsome class of warriors called berserkers. ... 01/24/2010

Working Together In The Home

I’m sure, if they were human, the child labour laws would never allow this practice. Wyvern ants in ... 01/17/2010

Surviving Hiroshima

A 29-year old engineer from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Tsutomo Yamaguchi, was on a business trip ... 01/10/2010

The Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are a fruity miracle. They’re colorful and nutritious, not to mention the amusing shape is e... 01/03/2010

Out Of Gas

On July 23, 1983, Air Canada flight 143, ran out of fuel at 41,000 feet. The New Bowing 767 jet was ... 12/20/2009

Zsolt and Geza Peladi

Talk about a reversal of fortune, on December 1st, 2009, two homeless brothers--so poor they lived i... 12/13/2009

Military Powerhouses

For about 500 years, the Roman empire was the undisputed, military powerhouse that conquered most of... 11/29/2009

Honeycomb Worms

Honeycomb worms live along the shallow seas off the California coast stretching from Baja California... 11/22/2009

Cheng Lim

The record for hiding out was made by a young, college, Chinese student by the name of Cheng Lim. He... 11/15/2009


On August 23, 1799, the American ship, Nancy, was captured in the Caribbean by the English Navy and ... 10/25/2009

A Life-size Noah's Ark

Dutch creationist, Johan Huibers, had a dream that someday Holland would be flooded. That lead to hi... 10/18/2009

Earth's Largest Landfill

Not all garbage ends up in the dump. In fact, earth's largest landfill isn't on land at all. Every y... 10/11/2009

Rachel Krishevsky

Rachel Krishevsky truly believed the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. When the 99-year old, ... 09/27/2009

The Hoxne Hoard

In November, 1992, a farmer living near the village of Hoxne in Suffolk, England, lost a hammer in o... 09/13/2009

The Goliath Bird-eating Spider

The Goliath Bird-eating spider found in the jungles of Suriname in French Guiana is the largest spid... 08/30/2009

The Oldest Known Working Light Bulb In The World

Hanging from a single electric wire in an old Livermore, California firehouse there is a light bulb.... 08/23/2009

A Piece of History

Michael Sparks was visiting the Music City Thrift Store in Nashville where he bought a candle holder... 08/16/2009

Rachel Veitch's 1964 Mercury Comet Caliente

Most people would consider themselves fortunate should they get 150,000 miles out of a car engine. F... 08/02/2009

Glowing People

Did you know that as you're listening to this broadcast right now, you're glowing? That's right. It'... 07/26/2009

The Lungfish

The lungfish of South Africa is an extraordinary creature with some remarkable abilities. While the ... 07/05/2009


While exploring remote coal mines in Northeastern Columbia early in 2009, researchers led by Jonatha... 06/29/2009


How about an amazing fact? In 1963, a man in Cappadocia, near Anatolia, Turkey was digging at a ston... 06/14/2009

Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels can’t really fly but they're master gliders, easily covering 60 feet in one jump. W... 05/31/2009

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Hidden on a remote island near the Arctic Ocean, there's a bunker considered to be the ultimate safe... 05/24/2009

Real Life Methuselahs

Can you imagine living 4 centuries? A team of scientists from Bangor University in the United Kingdo... 05/17/2009

Rabbits in Australia

When Dutch explorers first discovered Australia in 1606, there were no rabbits to be found throughou... 05/10/2009


Chameleons are among the strangest creatures on earth. There are more than a 160 different species o... 05/03/2009

Rogue Waves

Ancient sailor folklore is filled with frightening stories of monster rogue waves. These towering, s... 04/26/2009

The Methuselah Tree

In 1963 archaeologists exploring the ancient fortress of Masada, found some date seeds that had rema... 04/12/2009

Wim Hof - The Iceman

Normally a person's core body temperature is around 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit. When exposed to cold fo... 03/29/2009

A Thousand Shall Fall

On July 9th, 1755, during the French and Indian war, a force of fifteen hundred British soldiers wer... 03/22/2009


Hidden nestled among the jungle, mountains of Puerto Rico, is a giant sentinel, an aluminum ear one ... 03/15/2009


Stingrays, sometimes called “pancake sharks” are unique fish that looks like a flat flying wing, and... 02/22/2009

Flying Blind

On November 8, 2008, Jim O’Neill, 65, suffered a stroke that left him blind while flying alone at th... 02/08/2009

Tally Sticks

We hear a lot today about banking corruption, but the problem isn’t new. In 11th century England peo... 02/01/2009

The Ominous Number - 666

666 ... for many people just saying the number conjure up ominous images of secret occult ceremonies... 01/25/2009

Gordon Stewart - Compulsive Hoarder

Compulsive hoarding is where a person continually gathers or gets growing piles of useless possessio... 01/18/2009


Cicadas have one of the longest life cycles of any insect. After hatching, the nymph will dig deep i... 01/11/2009

Flying Snakes

The image of airborne snakes may be seemed like the stuff of nightmares, but in the jungles of South... 01/04/2009

The Story of Jesus

He was born in an obscure village, a child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another despised villag... 12/21/2008

The US Interstate Highway System

After World War I the leaders in Washington became concerned about the state of the Nation’s roads. ... 12/14/2008

Dennis Tito - Space Traveler

Who would spend 20 million dollars for a two week vacation? 60 year old Dennis Tito did with no regr... 12/07/2008

The Black Ghost Knifefish

The Black Ghost Knifefish found in the Amazon Rivers is a very strange looking creature. It has no f... 11/16/2008

Bible Answers Live 11-09-2008


The Medieval Knight

The medieval knight was one of 3 types of fighting men during the middle ages, knights, foot soldier... 11/02/2008

The Blood That Saves the Soul

During World War II, a young marine laid badly wounded in a military hospital on a South Pacific isl... 10/26/2008

A Life-saving Message

One of the most outstanding flights ever made by any war time pigeon took place on October the 18th,... 10/19/2008

Sand Tiger Sharks

Sand Tiger Sharks, also known as ragged tooth sharks, have a deceivingly ferocious look. They are la... 10/05/2008


All around the world, stories and legends abound regarding flying dragons. Generally, legends are ro... 09/28/2008

Born Twice

When Chad and Carrie McCartney say their infant daughter, Macy Hope, had been born again, they aren’... 09/07/2008

A New Name

Many years ago in the little town of Woodley England, Annie Grey grew up knowing she would one day m... 08/24/2008

Providence Spring

Camp Sumter commonly called Andersonville was the largest confederate prison during the Civil War. T... 08/17/2008

Swimming the English Channel

The first woman to swim the English Channel was 19 year old American Gertrude Ederle. On August 6, 1... 07/27/2008

Antilia - The World's Most Expensive Home

According to Forbes magazine, the 27-story sky scraper now being built in Mumbai India, could soon b... 07/20/2008

Riding On Clouds

On July 7, 2008, Kent Couch settled down on his lawnchair with some snacks, a BB gun and a parachute... 07/13/2008

Man's Best Friend

Dogs often called man’s best friend are among the most diverse creatures on Earth. There are about s... 07/06/2008

Freedom By Mail

Henry Brown was born as a slave in Virginia in 1815. He worked for years in a tobacco factory in Ric... 06/29/2008

Bulletproof Bible

On April 7, 1862 at the famous Civil War Battle of Shiloh, Sam Houston Jr., son of the famous Texan,... 06/22/2008

Pelorus Jack

Throughout history sailors have told many remarkable stories of dolphins helping humans. One outstan... 06/15/2008

Oceans of Love

One of the greatest triumphs of endurance is held by Benoit Lecomte who swam across the Atlantic Oce... 06/08/2008


75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak th... 06/01/2008

Bible Answers Live 05-11-2008


The Amazon

The Amazon is undoubtedly the greatest river in the world by many measures. For starters, the volume... 05/04/2008


Corn is the most abundant crop growing in the US, more than twice that of any other. It’s also one o... 04/27/2008

The Vatican

We all know the most populated country in the world today is China. In fact, China’s 1.3 billion peo... 04/20/2008

The Grand Vizier's Traveling Library

During the days of the Persian Empire, the Grand Vizier was typically the most influential officer i... 04/06/2008

James Bartley - A Modern Jonah

In February 1891, the whaling ship, Star of the East, was off the Falkland Islands when the lookout ... 03/30/2008

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Few people have had more high adventure with balloons than Joseph Kittinger. In 1950, Kittinger join... 03/23/2008

Annie Oakley

Phoebe Anne Oakley was born on August 13th, 1860 in a log cabin on the Ohio Frontier. Because of pov... 03/16/2008


Hidden 2,000 feet beneath Cheyenne Mountain Colorado is the world’s most sophisticated military head... 03/02/2008

Wilma Rudolph

Wilma Rudolph faced adversity from the very beginning. When she was born prematurely, the 20th of 22... 02/24/2008


Icebergs are virtually indestructible by man. In theory, it would take about 1,900 tons of TNT to de... 02/17/2008


Diamonds are the hardest natural material known to mankind. Their hardness is legendary since antiqu... 02/10/2008

The Smallest Copy of the Bible

On December 20th 2007, Israeli scientists in Jerusalem announced that they had successfully inscribe... 02/03/2008

The Carmania

On August 4, 1914, the magnificent British Luxury Liner Carmania was three days out of New York City... 01/27/2008


All creatures require sleep. Some take brief cat naps. Others like the great anteater sleep as much ... 01/20/2008

Otto Witte - King for Five Days?

In 1913, the little country of Albania in Eastern Europe achieved its independence. There were many ... 01/13/2008

The Luxor Light

The beam of light shooting straight out from the top of the Luxor Hotel of Las Vegas is the brightes... 01/06/2008

Colonies of Ants

The largest known cooperative organism living on earth is a single super colony of ants that stretch... 12/16/2007

God's Word - Sweeter than Honey

To produce one pound of honey, bees must make 25,000 trips between their hive and the flowers from w... 12/09/2007

Wolverines - Living to Eat

Wolverines are found from Alaska to Siberia primarily in isolated forests and mountains of the North... 12/02/2007

Where Your Treasure Is ...

Luxury took on a new dimension this month as Saudi billionaire, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, signed a... 11/25/2007

Phineas P. Gage

In September 1848, a 25 year old railroad foreman in Vermont name Phineas P. Gage was packing explos... 11/11/2007

Old Jim

After his sister died in 1951, James Nelson Gernhart was outraged because relatives wanted to bury h... 11/04/2007

The Largest Home in America

In 1888, George Washington Vanderbilt, 26 years old at the time, visited the smoky mountains of Nort... 10/28/2007

The Honey Mushroom

Living beneath the Strawberry Mountain wilderness in Eastern Oregon researchers have discovered what... 10/21/2007

Prairie Dogs

Prairie dogs are highly social, curious and playful creatures that live in large colonies or towns. ... 10/14/2007

A Modern Day Ark

When the ark opened its doors in 2007, visitors were stunned by its size and think that Netherlands ... 10/07/2007

John Porter Bowman

John Porter Bowman was a wealthy tanner who made a fortune by selling leather goods to the North dur... 09/30/2007

Maha Mongkut

In 1851, Maha Mongkut, also known as Rama IV, ascended the throne as the king of Siam (now better kn... 09/23/2007

Discouraging Words

The Battle of Stalingrad during World War II was arguably the bloodiest battle in human history, wit... 09/02/2007

The World's Tallest Building

The race is heating up among the world's major cities for bragging rights to the tallest building. O... 08/26/2007

Simon Stylite

Have you ever heard of Simon Stylite? Well, Simon Stylite was born in about 390 A.D. in Northern Syr... 08/12/2007


There is more noise in the ocean than merely the lapping of waves or bubbling fish. Humans may not h... 07/29/2007

Having Ears But Hearing Not

It is well known that bats fly by sonar. They emit high frequency sounds which the human ear cannot ... 07/22/2007

Coughing Up Bullets

On Thanksgiving Day 1936 two Minnesota boys named Harold and Charlie Peterson decided to go hunting ... 07/15/2007

Pure Gold

Pure gold is about the most malleable and conductible of all metals. Because of this a skilled golds... 07/01/2007

Lions In Heaven

Little Tyke a female African lion born and raised in America lived her entire life without ever eati... 06/24/2007


Gobies are small fish that during low tide like to swim in rock pools at the edge of the ocean. One ... 06/17/2007

The Death of One, Saved Many

One stormy night in 1910 a group of traveling musicians arrived at the city of Riga on the Baltic Se... 06/10/2007

Water From A Rock

In the spring of 1921 a small group of British soldiers patrolling the Sinai Peninsula became comple... 06/03/2007

David Livingstone's Final Journey

When the famous missionary and explorer David Livingstone died in 1873 his loyal friends Chuma and S... 05/27/2007

Secret's Buried At Sea?

On August 23, 1799 the American ship Nancy was captured in the Caribbean Sea by the English Navy and... 05/20/2007

Etched With The Father's Name

During the 2nd World War two American G.I.s stationed in Australia were driving their jeep along an ... 05/13/2007

Lewis Galdy

In 1692, the city of Port Royal in the island of Jamaica, literally slid into the sea when it was st... 05/06/2007

Surprise Delivery

In May 1996, Karen Watson age 20, gave birth to a 5 lb. 12 oz. baby boy in Albany, Oregon. This woul... 04/22/2007

Surviving a Deadly Fall

In Detroit, sometime in the spring of 1935, a young and evidently careless mother must have been ete... 04/15/2007

Margaret of Austria

Early in the 16th Century, Holland was ruled by Margaret of Austria, the clever daughter of the Germ... 04/08/2007

Prayer That Works

During World War II a bomber carrying a chaplain ran out of gas over the Pacific and was forced to l... 04/01/2007

Loving Your Neighbor

In February 2007, police in Hampton Bay, New York received a call to investigate a report of a home ... 03/25/2007

John Colter

In 1803, John Colter was hired by Lewis and Clark to join them on their epic expedition as a hunter.... 03/18/2007

Ewa Wiśnierska

On February 15th, 2007 while practicing for the world paraglider championships, German paraglider, E... 03/04/2007

James Macie

Distinguished scientist and chemist, James Macie, was born in France in 1765 the illegitimate son of... 02/25/2007

The Ocean - Earth's Last Frontier

In many ways, the ocean represents the last frontier on earth. Seventy-five percent of the world’s s... 02/11/2007

How to Survive a Fall

On January 21, 2007, a Wisconsin man, Joshua S. Hanson and two friends were in Minneapolis for a dar... 02/04/2007

Great Birds of Prey

Great birds of prey have always filled man with admiration, even fear. There are many legends regard... 01/28/2007

The SR-71 Blackbird Aircraft

One of the most magnificent aircraft ever built was the supersonic reconnaissance plane, better know... 01/21/2007

Moved By The Hand Of God

In 1874, Methodists in Swan Quarter, North Carolina decided it was time to construct a permanent chu... 01/14/2007

The Banyan Tree

The tropical banyan tree is sometimes known as the “Strangler fig” because of its unusual growth hab... 01/07/2007

The World's Tallest Tower?

Final plans have been approved and construction has begun for the new Freedom Tower to be built at t... 12/17/2006

Small Beginnings

Before a bridge was built across the Niagara Gorge, several lives were lost as people attempted to f... 12/10/2006

Hanging On For Dear Life!

Back in 1987, on a commuter flight from Portland, Maine to Boston, the pilot, Henry Dempsey, heard a... 11/26/2006

Hiding Out

The record for hiding out was made by a young Chinese college student by the name Cheng Guan Lim. He... 11/19/2006

G.I. Joe - War Pigeon

One of the most outstanding flights ever made by any war pigeon took place on October the 18th, 1943... 11/05/2006

Tutankhamen - King Tut

The most famous Egyptian Pharaoh today is, without a doubt, Tutankhamen, better known as King Tut. I... 10/29/2006

Little Things Do Matter!

About 600 years before Christ, a Greek natural philosopher named Demarcates said that everything in ... 10/22/2006

Howard Hughes

Howard Hughes was born in humble Texas on Christmas Eve 1905. Following the premature deaths of his ... 10/15/2006

Seeing, Yet Blind

Did you know that you don’t technically see with your eyes or hear with your ears? Your eyes and ear... 10/08/2006

The Little Big Man

Jeffrey Hudson was born of common parents North of London in 1619. On his 7th birthday, Jeffrey was ... 10/01/2006

Whale Sounds

There is more noise in the ocean than merely the lap of waves. You can dive down into the sea and no... 09/24/2006

The Honeyguide

The Honeyguide, a bird the size of a Robin that lives in East Africa, eats all kinds of insects, but... 09/17/2006

The World Trade Center

The World Trade Center in New York City, stood as the tallest building in Manhattan and the second t... 09/10/2006

Ancient Technology

Back in 1981 in the blazing desert near Barstow, California, the U.S. Department of Energy built wha... 08/27/2006

A Prayer on a Pin

Just about everybody in the western world has heard of the Lord's Prayer. Even if they don't remembe... 08/20/2006


About 25 years ago, Hollywood produced a movie about an entire submarine-like vessel and crew that w... 08/13/2006

Eugenio Maderal Roman - Freedom Surfer

Back in February 1994, a 21-year old Cuban windsurfer waded ashore in the Florida Keys and asked for... 08/06/2006

A Modern Day Rip Van Winkle

Most Americans are acquainted with Washington Irving's story about Rip Van Winkle, an early American... 07/30/2006

Bat Ears

Consider the ear muscles of the bat. It is well known that bats fly by sonar. They emit high-frequen... 07/23/2006

Passenger pigeons

Passenger pigeons were once the most numerous birds in North America, and probably on the entire pla... 07/16/2006

Little Tyke - The Vegetarian Lioness

Little Tyke, a female African lion, born and raised in America, lived her entire life without ever e... 07/09/2006

Devoted Fathers

Did you know that the word "dad" may actually date back before the 16th century and it originated fr... 06/18/2006

From Mess Sergeant to President

In September 1862, Confederate General, Robert E. Lee, made his greatest effort to carry the Civil W... 06/11/2006

Jack Worm - From Rags to Riches

Have you ever dreamed about inheriting a fortune from a long-lost relative? To be in the will would ... 05/28/2006

A Mother's Love - The Elgin Staples Story

On a hot August night in 1942 the U.S. and Japanese were preparing to engage in the deadly naval bat... 05/14/2006

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar was South America’s greatest General. He is known as the great liberator because his v... 05/07/2006

Poon Lim - 133 Days Alone At Sea

In November 1942 in the middle of World War 11 a 25 year old Chinese seaman named Poon Lim was worki... 04/30/2006

The 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Most people believe that the deadliest plague in history was the bubonic plague that killed 2 millio... 04/23/2006

The Origin of Life

Evidence continues to mount that the mystery of life can only be explained by intelligent, miraculou... 04/16/2006

The Liger

Cross breeding between animals of the same species is rare in the wild, but it becomes more common i... 04/09/2006

John D. Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller Senior was strong and husky when small and was raised as a devout Christian, but... 03/19/2006

Kincaid - The Youngest Combat Flyer

During World War II a twenty-one year old man entered an enlistment center and eagerly asked to join... 03/12/2006

Eating Like a Bird

You have probably heard the expression before that he or she only eats like a bird. Well you might t... 03/05/2006

Drifting Off the Map

When Alexander the Great was leading his victorious armies down through Asia Minor the great leader ... 02/26/2006

Baron Fabian Von Schlabrendorff

Baron Fabian Von Schlabrendorff was born in Germany in 1907. Trained as a lawyer, he eventually join... 02/12/2006

Giant Blue Fin Tuna

Giant blue fin tuna are the largest living species of tuna, some reaching up to 10 feet in length a... 02/06/2006

Laser Technology

In 1960, an American physicist with Fused Aircraft Company constructed the first working laser from ... 01/29/2006

Climbing Higher

From the time baby boys first pull themselves us to walk, men seem to have a yearning to climb trees... 01/22/2006

Amazing Facts About Lightning

For starters, every day, 44 thousand thunderstorms occur throughout the world with lightning strikin... 01/15/2006

The Witch of Wall Street

When young Ned Green broke his leg during the late 1800s, his mother Hedy did her best to treat it f... 01/08/2006

Better Than Rubies

Rubies, next to diamonds, are the hardest material known on earth and are among the rarest and most ... 01/01/2006

Identity Theft

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. It happens when someone wrongfully o... 12/18/2005

How Welch's Grape Juice Was Born

Most people have heard of Welch’s Grape Juice. But not everyone knows the genesis of this grape juic... 12/04/2005

The Importance of Clothing

Man is different from every other creature in regard to clothing. All of God’s other creatures were ... 11/27/2005

Farming Ants

Perhaps you've heard about the famous parasol, or leaf-cutter ants, ants that make gardens and raise... 11/20/2005

Sergeant Patrick Gass

Few people have lived as long and gallant a life filled with so many amazing memories as Sergeant Pa... 11/13/2005

The Elephant Bird

For as long as people have been exploring unknown lands, they've been returning with stories of mons... 10/30/2005


Ladybugs are one of the most valuable, natural forms of pest control on earth. Farmers of the middle... 10/23/2005


The word "volcano" comes from the little island of Vulcano in the Mediterranean off Sicily. Centurie... 10/09/2005

Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy

Please listen to some amazing facts regarding the uncanny similarities between Presidents Abraham Li... 10/02/2005

Wood rats

Wood rats are nocturnal rodents that are native throughout North America. These social creatures eat... 09/25/2005

The Hottest and Coldest Places on Planet Earth

Our earth is filled with environmental extremes. High mountains, deep valleys, dripping wet jungles,... 09/18/2005

Black Skimmers

Black Skimmers are graceful, black and white go like birds. They get the name "Skimmer" because the ... 09/11/2005

The Deadliest Natural Disaster in American History

All Americans have been stirred by the heartbreaking images of Hurricane Katrina; and we know it wil... 09/04/2005

Clever Hans - The World's Smartest Horse?

In Germany around 1904 Wilhelm Van Austin owned an extremely bright horse he named Clever Hans. He e... 08/28/2005

The Texas Blind Salamander

In 1895 in San Marcos, Texas a team of well drillers were attempting to construct an artesian well f... 08/07/2005

The Bombs That Fizzled

Every American knows about the infamous day December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was attacked. But, few peo... 07/24/2005

The Australian Koala Bear

The Australian Koala bear sure looks like a round teddy bear, but the koala bear is actually a pouch... 07/17/2005


Roots are of course the underground branches spreading out beneath plants and trees to anchor the as... 06/26/2005

Typhoid Mary

Mary Mallon also known as Typhoid Mary was an Irish immigrant who the first who was known to be a he... 06/12/2005

Guarding the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier

If you have ever been to Arlington National Cemetery you have probably seen a sharp looking sentinel... 05/29/2005

Kim Peak

When Kim Peak was born in 1951 his parents knew he was different. He had an enlarged head and tests ... 05/15/2005

The Great Kublai Kahn

When Marco Polo related his experiences living in China he said that the great Kublai Kahn demanded ... 05/01/2005

Origin of The Piggy Bank

Squirrels gather nuts; dogs bury bones. Camels store food and water so they can travel across vast d... 04/10/2005

Proctor and Gamble Light Soap

For many years, the Proctor and Gamble company had been working on developing a recipe for a high-qu... 04/03/2005

Pioneer 10

Question: What was made by humans and is eight billion miles away? Answer: Pioneer 10, and this week... 02/27/2005

Remarkable Birds

Because there are so many pigeons in the world, we sometimes fail to appreciate these remarkable bir... 02/20/2005

Cans, Canned Food, and Can Openers

Did you know that it was 48 years after tin cans were first introduced before the can opener was inv... 02/06/2005


It's hard to make heads or tails of the oyster. For starters, it has no head or tail. Yet, in spite ... 01/30/2005


Few animals God made are more unusual than the seahorse. This bizarre creature is put together like ... 01/16/2005

Can You Count the Stars?

For the better part of recorded history, the earth was thought to be the stationary center of the un... 01/09/2005


Tsunamis are among the most destructive of natural disasters. This is due, in part, to the fact that... 01/02/2005

The Coelacanth

A few days before Christmas in 1938, a strange fish was caught in a net near the mouth of the Chalum... 12/19/2004

What Hath God Wrought?

On May 24th, 1844, Samuel Morse sent the first, electric telegraphed message from Washington D.C. to... 12/12/2004

Red Dye

Among the ancient Aztecs red dye was considered more valuable than gold. That is because to acquire ... 11/28/2004

The Bombardier Beetle

There are over 300 hundred thousand species of beetles in the world. But, the bombardier beetle is o... 10/24/2004

Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs are curious creatures found along the coasts of Europe and the Americas. Most marine, b... 10/17/2004

Jelly Fish

Few marine animals are as mysterious and intimidating as jelly fish. These incredible animals can be... 10/10/2004

The Thynnid Wasp

Most plants and flowers must pollinate to survive. So the Lord has devised many ingenious ways to he... 08/29/2004

The Three Gorges Dam

It is a virtual definition of a monumental project. A dam more than one and one half miles wide and ... 08/22/2004

The Real Johnny Appleseed

Most Americans have heard of the legend of Johnny Appleseed. Who went about the frontier with a kett... 08/08/2004

Speaking in Tongues

Scientists in Bulgaria claim they have invented an instant translator that will allow people talking... 07/25/2004

Pronghorn - American Goat Antelope

No doubt, you've heard the American folk song, "Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam, and the d... 07/18/2004

Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Long before the initials XP were chosen as the name of a Microsoft operating system, XP was short fo... 07/11/2004

The Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell, sometimes called the Bell of the Revolution or Independence, has been a symbol of ... 07/04/2004


Vultures have long been perceived as abominable creatures because of their repulsive feeding habits.... 06/20/2004


Crocodiles are among the largest, longest-living reptiles on earth. Just like a tree, they have grow... 06/13/2004

Deep sea Anglerfish

One of the strangest creatures that God made is the grotesque-looking, deep sea Anglerfish. They mak... 06/06/2004

Thirsting For the Water of Life

After the first day of fierce fighting in the Civil War battle of Fredericksburg, hundreds of northe... 05/30/2004

Sacrificial Love

After a forest fire in Yellowstone Park, a National Geographic Photographer joined some forest range... 05/09/2004

The Advent of the Traffic Light

Until the end of the nineteenth century, traffic in large cities was largely uncontrolled chaos. Car... 05/02/2004

Leonardo da Vinci

It is nearly impossible to discuss the Renaissance without mentioning Leonardo da Vinci. Few of any ... 04/25/2004

Old Seeds, New Life

It is amazing how seeds can remain viable and remain intact for millennium. The oldest known viable ... 04/11/2004

The Northern Lights

No words are adequate to describe the magnificent splendor of the natural display known as the Auror... 04/04/2004

Cairo's City of the Dead

Years ago when visiting the northern part of Cairo, Egypt I saw the strangest cemetery on earth. It ... 03/28/2004

The Long-beaked Echidna

One of the strangest animals in the world is the long-beaked echidna or spiny ant eater. Weighing ab... 03/14/2004

An Oasis In The Desert

A team of Russian scientists searching for oil and gas in the Sahara desert recently discovered an u... 03/07/2004

Bluefin Tuna

Giant bluefin tuna are the largest living species of tuna, some reaching up to 10 feet in length and... 02/29/2004

The Comstock Lode

In 1859, as the California Gold Rush began to fade. A few prospectors wandered into Western Nevada f... 02/22/2004

Go To The Ant, You Sluggard!

Ants are the most numerous creatures on earth. It has been estimated that the combined weight of all... 02/08/2004


Salamanders are timid, yet fascinating little animals. They look like lizards, but they are actually... 02/01/2004


Bioluminescence is an amazing phenomenon in which a chemical reaction in living organisms produces l... 01/25/2004

Henry Ford's mansion - Fair Lane

Henry Ford's mansion, named Fair Lane, still stands in Dearborn, Michigan filled with elaborately-ca... 01/18/2004

Battle Between The Flesh And The Spirit

You might be surprised to learn that the word "carnival" comes from the Latin word "carneae," which ... 01/11/2004

Heavenly Real Estate

In 1967, the United Nations signed the International Outer Space Treaty, which forbids any governmen... 01/04/2004


It has been discovered that there are several factories based in North America that are producing an... 12/21/2003


Geckos are small insect-eating lizards that have an almost miraculous ability to scurry up walls and... 12/14/2003


Earthquakes conjure up terrifying images of the ground rocking and rolling, as if moved from some di... 11/30/2003


Penguins have an almost perfectly streamlined body profile that's ideal for chasing fish. In fact, t... 11/23/2003

Instant Translator

Scientists in Bulgaria claim they've invented an instant translator, that will allow people talking ... 10/19/2003

Robert Wadlow

When Robert was born in Alton, Illinois in 1918, he weighed a normal eight pounds, six ounces. He dr... 10/12/2003

The Wreck of the Titan

On April 14, 1912, the huge ship - Titanic - was steaming across the Atlantic gorge, New York. This ... 10/05/2003

Storing God’s Word

Hummingbirds are among the most fascinating of God’s incredible creatures. They are the only birds a... 09/28/2003

Guarding Barren Ground

Years ago in the Old Russian Empire, the ruling Czar, Nicholas the second, was strolling through his... 09/21/2003

Be More Like A Goose

We see them come in the fall and leave in early spring, flying along in a V formation. The awesome m... 09/14/2003

Three Deadly Frogs

You might be surprised to learn that the most deadly poison on earth does not come from an animal th... 09/07/2003

Physician, Heal Thyself

Dr. Evan O’Neill Kane was the chief surgeon at Kane Summit Hospital, in New York City. By the time h... 08/31/2003