
Date: 08/13/2006 
About 25 years ago, Hollywood produced a movie about an entire submarine-like vessel and crew that were shrunk to microscopic proportions and injected into a human body.
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Hello friends! This is Doug Batchelor. We have an amazing fact for you. About 25 years ago, Hollywood produced a movie about an entire submarine-like vessel and crew that were shrunk to microscopic proportions and injected into a human body. Careening through the bloodstream, the ship had to face numerous obstacles before reaching the brain and wiping out a tumor.

Well however far-fetched that was, scientists are now working to create tiny robots that can move through a human body to perform a variety of medical procedures. For example, Italian researchers have designed a new radio-controlled camera in a pill about the size of a pinhead. The camera pill is designed to be swallowed and flow through your digestive system while flashing a tiny strobe and snapping pictures.

But this camera pill is a mince compared to what's on the drawing board. You've probably heard of mini-robots and micro-robots, but have you heard of nanorobots? To give you an idea of how small a nanorobot is, a meter is about 39 inches. But a nanometer is only one billionth of a meter.

Nanotechnology is a new field in which we are seeking to make machines millions of times smaller than what we now use. Nanotechnologists are talking about creating nanorobots, commonly called "nanobots" that could be injected into the body and be programmed to seek out cancer cells and destroy them with a precision that a scalpel could never perform.

Imagine a small machine no bigger than a germ traveling through the bloodstream powered by the system's natural glucose killing cancer cells one at a time? How much better that would be than chemotherapy that burns and kills good cells with the bad ones. Nanobots could break up kidney stones, clean out plaque-filled arteries, as well as kill viruses and unwanted bacteria.

The potential is endless. Though scientists are still a long way from creating them, just remember 20 years ago, it required a building full of computers to accomplish what a little pocket PC can do today.

Bible prophecy foretells that in the last days knowledge would greatly increase. But knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom. Stay with us friends. We're going to learn more as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.


Pastor Doug: Welcome listening friends. We are so thankful that you have found this frequency. We hope it's by design but if it's by accident, we trust that God brought you here. You've found your way to Bible Answers Live. It's a live, interactive, international Bible study where people call in and surprise us with all kinds of different Bible questions.

We do our best to search the word of God. We have a safari in the Scriptures to find out what the truth is. If you have a Bible question, now is a good time to pick up your telephone and call in your question. We've got several lines open. That number once again is 1-800-GOD-SAYS, 1-800-463-7297. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Pastor Jëan Ross: And my name is Jëan Ross. Good evening Pastor Doug. Good evening listening friends.

Pastor Doug: Good evening Pastor Jëan. You just got back from Missouri.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That's right. We just flew in this afternoon. We were there for the weekend and did some meetings. It's great to be back though in time for the radio program.

Pastor Doug: We're glad you made it. Thanks for your dedication.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Let's start with a word of prayer. Dear Father, once more as we open up the Bible we ask for Your leading. We ask for the Holy Spirit. Be with those who are listening to this program today. Father, we ask that what we say will touch their hearts. Help them to seek truth from Your word. Thank You for being with us. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

Pastor Doug: Amen!

Pastor Jëan Ross: The program was started by talking about these incredible plans for developing tiny little instruments that can actually move through the bloodstream and actually perform a number of things that today require surgery. We wonder how far away that is. It seems like knowledge just continues to increase all the time.

Pastor Doug: It is fascinating how, I mean, just even semi-conductors power our computers. I remember being so excited when they got up to 286 gigabytes of power and now they're in thousands. You wonder how much smaller can they make it. And they're getting smaller and smaller and more powerful; and I suppose some of that technology is top secret.

But I went online today and saw some micro-robots, a robot that just about fits on the head of a pin that drives around.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um m

Pastor Doug: And I mean, they're that far now. So some of these things are just absolutely incredible. So when I read these things about nanobots, I mean, a few years ago I might have scoffed but if the Lord would tarry, you wonder how far will man go with technology?

But unfortunately, even though man continues to develop new and incredible technology, he has not learned to love his fellow man.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um m

Pastor Doug: I should maybe take people to the prophecy in Daniel 12 we referred to. In Daniel 12, verse 4 the angel says, "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end: many will run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."

Well, there are a lot of things about the signs of the second coming that have been true through history. There have always been wars and rumors of wars, but this one prophecy is unique, in that this is the only generation in the history of man that has seen the exponential growth of technology.

I mean, we have people living in the world today who remember when there was no such thing as television, radio, space ships, space stations, digital watches, computers, all the things we take for granted. They lived when there were horses and kerosene lamps.

We had a birthday party today, one of our members at our church, 100 years old.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Wow

Pastor Doug: And you just think about what they saw. The changes that they have seen.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Through their lifespan, yeah.

Pastor Doug: So this is the generation that has seen knowledge increase and people running to and fro. Well, you know, you were in Missouri today. And here you are in Sacramento tonight.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Got on the plane and here I am in the afternoon.

Pastor Doug: I mean that's inconceivable a hundred years ago. It would have taken months. Even by train it would have taken days.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: They just putted along at 25 miles an hour back then. So that prophecy has fulfilled. I think we are in the last days. But while knowledge has increased, wisdom is completely different. The Bible says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom." And here we have this incredible technology where we can build missiles that are laser guided to blow up our fellow man.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: So we have knowledge but we don't have love and we don't have wisdom. And it is one of the signs of the times. Maybe our friends out there would like to know more about the last kingdom and what the future holds. We have a lesson, I don't think we've offered in years, and it's on Daniel chapter 2, it's the prophecy in Daniel 2.

It does talk a little about the accelerated wisdom in the last days; and it's called, The Millennium Man. We'll send that for free to anyone that wants to call in now and ask for that free offer.

Pastor Jëan Ross: To get the free offer, just call the resource number. It's 1-800-835-6747. The free offer for tonight, The Millennium Man. It deals with Daniel chapter 2, the amazing prophecy that King Nebuchadnezzar had. Well friends, we're going to open the phone lines now and go to our first caller, Joseph, who's listening from New York listening on WMCA. Joseph, welcome to the program. Joseph, you there?

Joseph: I'm here.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Hi, what's your question?

Joseph: My question is this, Moses, I believe, lived around 1400 B.C. and I was just reading an article saying that the Garden of Eden took place approximately 11,000 B.C. Of course, in between we had the flood and the only survivor was uh, Noah, uh, yeah Noah--

Pastor Doug: Noah and his family.

Joseph: Right, and his family, yes. Now my question is this sir, how did Moses, who wrote Genesis and the Garden of Eden, where did he get this information from, as to how it happened? He wasn't even born.

Pastor Doug: That's right. That's a good question Joseph. I would have to respectfully disagree with the dates. I don't think that it was 11,000 B.C. when Adam was created. But, in any event, it was thousands of years before Moses.

Joseph: Correct

Pastor Doug: Knowledge was passed on orally. Now keep in mind, Adam lived 930 years, roughly,--

Joseph: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: --Methuselah, 969 years. Those people back then had incredible memories, probably what we would call a photographic memory. And knowledge was passed on verbally through these oracles; and they basically remembered their history. By the time of Moses, because man's ability to recall so well had diminished, God codified it; and that's why Moses wrote it down and God wrote the Ten Commandments then.

Man knew what the Ten Commandments were before that. They were passed on verbally. So the history of creation had been passed down from father to son for the generations from Adam to Moses. And I don't remember how many generations there were but it may have been only 14 or 28 generations. Luke talks about this, from Adam to Moses. So it's not inconceivable--[cross talk]

Joseph: Weren't all the people destroyed when the flood came?

Pastor Doug: Yeah, but that knowledge had been passed on to Noah, and Noah and his sons passed it on to Shem, on to Terah, and Terah on to Abraham, and Abraham so forth.

Joseph: Was that similar to folklore?

Pastor Doug: Well folklore is usually mixed with fables. Historical oracles, the sacred history, that was guarded very carefully and they were very precise in repeating it just as they had received it.

Joseph: It wasn't divinely revealed to him though as the Ten Commandments were?

Pastor Doug: I do believe that, well the Ten Commandments were not just revealed, they were written.

Joseph: Okay

Pastor Doug: But I do believe that God divinely inspired Moses with the authenticity of what had been passed down. Now, some of it may have come from his father-in-law in Midian who was a priest. The Bible says Jethro was a priest; and God spoke to Moses through Jethro on another occasion. Hope that helps a little bit Joseph, and it was a good question.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Thanks for calling Joseph. Our next caller is Floretta and she is calling from Savannah, Texas, listening on W--

Pastor Doug: Tennessee I think.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Sorry, Tennessee, listening on WDNX. Welcome to the program.

Floretta: Yes, good morning, I mean, good evening. Sorry.

Pastor Doug: It's alright. It's morning somewhere. Get real close to your phone Floretta.

Floretta: You know, thank you for taking my call. My question, I know we sing sometimes, what is it? "We Three Kings of Orient"- -

Pastor Doug: Yes

Floretta: - - but in actuality it doesn't say how many kings there were.

Pastor Doug: That's true.

Floretta: Where in the Bible, and someone told me that it doesn't say this, that the angels sang- -

Pastor Doug: Well it does say that the angels sang in, right now I-I--is it Luke where they talk to the shepherds?

Pastor Jëan Ross: To the shepherds, yes.

Pastor Doug: Yeah. The angels--it says they sang, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." But we don't know that there were three wise men. Many have

surmised there were three wise men because there are three gifts that are mentioned, the gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Floretta: Yeah, I understand. That wasn't my question so much. I understand about the wise men. It was more about the singing.

Pastor Doug: Right. Well, yeah, the angels did sing.

Floretta: Okay, so it does say that in Luke.

Pastor Doug: Yes

Floretta: Also--

Pastor Jëan Ross: Luke chapter 2, verse 8 through to about 12 is where you'll read that.

Pastor Doug: Luke 2, verse 8, start at.

Floretta: Okay, thank you. Also, I just have one more quick question. Was it David who numbered the people?

Pastor Doug: Yes

Floretta: And he had been told not to number them?

Pastor Doug: Yes

Floretta: Why is it in the Bible that the choices that he had to make in terms of a punishment included the others, when actually they had told him that he was not to number the people?

Pastor Doug: Are you asking why were the people punished for David's sin?

Floretta: Correct

Pastor Doug: Well David even asks that question. When the judgment begins to fall, David says, "Lord, let this sin be upon me," or, "let this punishment be upon me but not these sheep. What have they done?" And the numbering of Israel was something--the nation had become very proud and they were gloating because they had had victory after victory over their enemies.

They now were saying, "We are so big, we are so strong," and so the Lord withdrew His blessing and a plague went through and it just really humbled the nation. So they realized their dependence on God again. It wasn't just David, but David's attitude was indicative of the people.

Floretta: Oh okay. Now when David ate the showbread out of the- -

Pastor Doug: Ah this is question three now.

Floretta: Oh okay. Is my three minutes up?


Pastor Doug: Yeah, well we've got several people waiting Floretta. Do you mind calling that one in next week?

Floretta: Oh okay. Okay, thank you so much.

Pastor Doug: Alright, thanks a lot.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright, thank you. Marie is listening on the cell phone, listening on WMCA in Baldwin, New York. Welcome to the program Marie.

Marie: Yes, hi. Good evening. My question is about death. I'm wondering if the Lord has a say in everyone who dies, or, you know, you always hear, "Oh it's just one's time" and "The baby, the poor baby who died it was--oh they were called back to the Lord." Like how, exactly, what say does the Lord have in a person's death?

Pastor Doug: Well, of course, God is sovereign. God is omnipotent. But that doesn't mean that people in circumstances on earth do not have a choice. The Bible tells us God is not willing that any should perish--and that word "perish" there is especially talking about eternally.

If a Christian dies, the Lord doesn't fret because He knows He's going to raise him up with a new body. So He doesn't worry about that any more than a parent worries when they tuck in their baby at night. But what the Lord really grieves over is when someone eternally is lost.

Marie: Okay

Pastor Doug: Whether or not somebody dies, God is sovereign, but that doesn't mean that He makes everything happen. What I mean is, sometimes innocent people die at the hands of the wicked. And God is going to hold the wicked accountable for that. The Lord may allow it because He is sovereign. He is God. But it doesn't mean that He wills it.

There is a lot of good people that suffer at the hands of the wicked; and when innocent people die in war, we're not to assume everybody was bad and so God put His finger on them. You know what I'm saying? Even King David--we were just talking with our previous caller, King David said, "The sword devours one as well as the other."

In the book of Job it explains that even the good suffer calamity, not just the bad. So Jesus said God sends the sunshine on the just and the unjust; and the rain, meaning trials and the darkness, can come on the good and the bad.

Marie: Right

Pastor Doug: So, God is sovereign and all things work together for the good of those that love God; but then Ecclesiastes also says time and chance happens to all.

Marie: Yes

Pastor Jëan Ross: Something else interesting is, even though everyone eventually, if Jesus doesn't come before then, will die. The death of someone who loves Jesus is important or noticed by God. Psalm 116, verse 15 says, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints."

So when someone grieves the loss of a loved one, God is aware of that and understands what they're going through.

Marie: Okay

Pastor Jëan Ross: Even though with God, of course, there's hope because we know with God the best is yet to come. But still, God is sensitive and aware when someone passes away.

Marie: Alright. So then there is a--it's not a thing of, "Oh it's that person's...everyone who dies it was their time and the Lord called them home, and...."

Pastor Jëan Ross: No. I think it's natural, like Pastor Doug was saying. There are natural consequences. I think God allows things to move forward. People get sick or whatever. Sometimes He does intervene through divine means, through miracles, but often He will let things take its course.

Marie: Right

Pastor Jëan Ross: And people suffer the consequences of sometimes their actions; sometimes the actions of somebody else.

Marie: Right, okay.

Pastor Doug: Good question Marie, appreciate that.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Thanks for calling. Our next caller is Sharon listening in Brooklyn, New York. Welcome to the program.

Sharon: Hi, good evening.

Pastor Doug: Hi, get real close to your phone so we can hear you.

Sharon: Okay, can you hear me now?

Pastor Doug: That's good.

Sharon: Okay. I have a question about the Sabbath.

Pastor Doug: Okay

Sharon: Okay. It's in the Ten Commandments. It says that you're to, "Six days ye shall labor, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD your God." In your opinion, is Saturday or Sunday the Sabbath?

Pastor Doug: Well, hopefully we're not going to make decisions based on my opinion. If a person really wants to know which day is the seventh day and which day is the first day, there is no question about that.

First of all, you can go to a dictionary. It will tell you the first day of the week is Sunday. That's why people celebrate the Resurrection on the first day of the week because it says He rose the first day. The seventh day of the week is Saturday. There's a whole nation of Jews in Israel and around the world that every seventh day, they keep the Sabbath. And it's the same day that goes back to Adam and Eve. It's what we call Saturday.

You can look in the encyclopedia and find that. You look at the normal calendar and the calendar will begin with Sunday, the first day of the week, and it ends with Saturday. So there's no question about that. I don't know if that helps answer your question about which day is which.

Sharon: I just was wondering why some people celebrate it on seventh day- -

[Cross talk, unintelligible]

Pastor Doug: Now that's the big question. If you want to know what day it is that's an easy question. Well, of course, there are a lot of lovely people who are Christians. They're very sincere and they are keeping the first day of the week. Some of them call it the Sabbath. Some of them realize it is not the Sabbath.

They call it the "Lord's Day," but of course, there's no Scripture in the Bible that calls the first day of the week the "Lord's Day."

Sharon: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: Typically, the Sabbath is called the Lord's day; Isaiah 58, Jesus said, "I am Lord also of the Sabbath." But it started with a tradition and it happened gradually over a couple of hundred years between about 300 A.D. and 500 A.D. The Christians in Rome were being persecuted during the early ages and they wanted to disassociate themselves with the Jews because the Jewish religion was forbidden; and they were especially hated when the Jews rebelled in Rome.

And so they began to keep two days for awhile. During the time of Constantine, which is about 321 A.D., he published the Edict of Milan and he established Sunday as the day of worship, having nothing to do with Christianity. Well when Constantine claimed to become a Christian, the Christians, wanting to help win more pagans, said, "Let's accommodate, we'll keep both days."

For awhile they kept both days; and to this very day in America you know, we have a two-day weekend.

Sharon: Right

Pastor Doug: And that dates all the way back to Rome. Gradually, the Christians abandoned the seventh day because the Jews had become very unpopular and they wanted to separate their religion from Judaism- -

Sharon: Oh

Pastor Doug: - -and they went over to the first day of the week. That was finally authorized by the Catholic church, and they freely admit that. They say, "We changed it from the seventh to the first day by our authority." So it happened gradually, but that's the quick history. Hey you know, we have a study we'll send you- -

Sharon: Sure

Pastor Doug: - -and it's called, "Is Sunday Holy?" and it explains the history. "Is Sunday Holy?" If you'd like a free copy of that, call the resource number.

Sharon: Okay

Pastor Jëan Ross: Let me give you the number. It's 1-800-835-6747 and the free offer, "Is Sunday Holy?" It's a great little study guide, a great book to take a look at. It'll give you a lot of important information. So to answer that question, be sure to call that resource number as well, 1-800-835-6747.

Sharon, thank you for calling. We appreciate your call. Our next caller is Katherine listening on KADV in Modesto, California. Katherine, welcome to the program.

Katherine: Pardon me?

Pastor Jëan Ross: Welcome to the program. You're on the air.

Katherine: Thank you. I have a strange question. When Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, did he have to die again, or did he, maybe, go to heaven when Jesus did?

Pastor Doug: Well that is a good question. It's not that strange. The Bible tells us that some of the saints who had been buried around Jerusalem, this is Matthew 28, their graves were open when Christ died. They came out of their graves after His resurrection. They appeared to many; and they ascended to heaven.

Katherine: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: There is no record that Lazarus was in that group. So we- -

Katherine: We have no proof.

Pastor Doug: No. Jesus raised several people from the dead. He raised a little girl.

Katherine: Uh-huh

Pastor Doug: He raised a young man on his way to his funeral.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: And all those people who were raised,- -

Katherine: You know how it says- -

Pastor Doug: - -they finally lived out their lives we expect, and died of natural causes or something, and they died again.

Katherine: It says we're appointed once to die and then the judgment [cross talk]- -

Pastor Doug: Yeah, well, of course, there are exceptions.

Katherine: And (unintelligible) my understanding is- -

Pastor Doug: There have to be exceptions to that because Elijah went to heaven without dying, as did Enoch.

Katherine: Right, right.--

[Cross talk]

Pastor Doug: So that verse is speaking- -

Katherine: --That's because they were so righteous.

Pastor Doug: Right, but that verse that says, "It's appointed unto man once to die," it's speaking in general terms of 99.999%.

Katherine: Right

Pastor Doug: There are a few exceptions like Enoch and Lazarus.

Katherine: No, it doesn't sound like it would be fair though that somebody would have to die again, you know? (Unintelligible)

Pastor Doug: I know, but a Christian doesn't really die do they? They go to sleep.

Katherine: Right

Pastor Doug: It's just like a dreamless sleep. They wake up with their glorified bodies. And so Christians don't really die. When Stephen was stoned to death it says he went to sleep.

Katherine: Right, right.

Pastor Doug: But you're right, it doesn't sound fair that he would have to die again. Let's hope it happened quickly.

Katherine: I hope that he didn't have to.

Pastor Doug: Ah well, tell you what, when we get to heaven, let's ask him.

Katherine: I love your ministry.

Pastor Doug: Alright, thanks a lot. God bless Katherine.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Thank you Katherine. Our next caller is Shaldea listening on WMCA in Corona, New York. Welcome to the program.

Shaldea: Hello

Pastor Jëan Ross: Hello Shaldea, you're on the air.

Shaldea: Yeah, hi. You pronounced my name so perfectly. How are you?

Pastor Jëan Ross: Did we? Good.

Pastor Doug: That's unlike him.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Yes


Shaldea: Oh well, excuse my ignorance. I'm kind of new with my walk with God, and I have a question. When Jesus was on the cross, He commented, "My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Who was He referring to? The people who crucified Him or was He calling out to God? Because again, somewhere in the text, it says that God will never forsake you so it's a little confusing. That's a little gray area for me.

Pastor Doug: Alright, well very good question. And you focused in on one of the most important passages in the Bible. When Jesus hung on the cross, He actually was quoting from Psalm 22. The first verse in Psalm 22 is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Now that Psalm many of the Jews knew is what they call a Messianic Psalm.

That Psalm is a prophecy that talks about the Messiah. So when Jesus is hanging on the cross with all these religious leaders and people around, He calls out from the first verse of this Psalm that is a prophecy about Himself; and so that is one reason He quoted that verse.

Another reason He quoted that verse is it was a custom for the high priest to quote from the Psalms at the Passover. So Jesus, as the High Priest, is also quoting from the Psalms. Now it's in this Psalm it says, "They pierced and my feet." Now you would think that they'd look at that Psalm. Many Jews had that Psalm memorized.

Shaldea: Yes

Pastor Doug: And they always wondered, "What did it mean because David, who wrote it, his hands and feet weren't pierced. What was this taking about?" And so they should have heard Jesus say that to get the people to look at Christ.

Then the other reason is Christ often asked rhetorical questions. You know what I mean by rhetorical question?

Shaldea: Yes

Pastor Doug: You ask a question, you know the answer. You're asking it really just for teaching purposes.

Shaldea: Yes

Pastor Doug: Sometimes Jesus asked the disciples, "What were you talking about?" Well He knew. When God said to Adam, "Where are you?" God knew. When Jesus said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus knew. That's why He went to the cross. He was forsaken. The Father separated from Christ because He was bearing the sins of the world and sin is offensive to God.

The Father was separated from Christ for us. The answer to His question is, "Why did the Father forsake Him for us?" - because He was playing the part of the sinner. Does that make sense?

Shaldea: Um, yes. It makes sense. I'm going to have to meditate on that [cross talk]

Pastor Doug: Yeah. It's a beautiful subject. You know, we've got a booklet that we can send you that might help a little bit. And actually, I take it back; it's an article I wrote that's at our website, not a book. It's called, Last Words of a Dying Man. So if you go to the Amazing Facts' website, and under the Inside Report Articles, it's free. You can read that online and I address that in there.

Shaldea: Thank you so much.

Pastor Doug: Alright, thank you.

Shaldea: You are very helpful.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Just one other verse that you might want to look up dealing with that subject, Galatians chapter 3, verse 13, talking about Christ's death on the cross. It says that, "He was cursed for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteous of God. Cursed is everyone that hangs upon a tree."

So that whole subject of why God the Father forsook His Son has to do with Jesus taking our place and bearing our sins.

Pastor Doug: Yeah, well don't let her go yet. What about Isaiah 53? It says that, "He bore our griefs and our sorrows." So He was forsaken by the Father for our benefit.

Pastor Jëan Ross: By His stripes we're healed.

Pastor Doug: Yup. Now there's a verse in particular--I was thinking about that--the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all. "It pleased the LORD to bruise him; and to put him to grief: when you make his soul an offering for sin...." That whole prophecy talks about the Messiah being forsaken of the Father for our sake. Okay?

Shaldea: So it was allowed to happen all for our sake- -

Pastor Doug: Exactly

Shaldea: - -to cleanse us and free us- -

Pastor Doug: Christ had not become discouraged on the cross. That would have been a sin. He was saying that for our benefit.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: Because if you think about it, the last words of Jesus on the cross are, "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." His last words were words of faith.

Shaldea: Yes, and also asks to forgive them for they know not what they do.

Pastor Doug: Right

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: So, He made that statement quoting from the Psalm to help the people to know who He was. Hope that helps a little bit. I don't know if we've got time for another question before our break. Yeah, we've got one minute. We don't want to do that to anybody. Hang on friends if you've called in.

We actually have a couple lines open if you want to call 1-800-GOD-SAYS and we'll try and get to your question in the second half of our program. In the meantime, we encourage you, sometimes there are so many questions that you could find that you might be thinking that no one else is thinking; and you will find someone else has asked that question.

Go to the Amazing Facts website, click on the button that says "Media." And in Media, we have, of course, our radio programs and our television programs. Go to Bible Answers Live. You'll see the archives of oh, I don't know, hundreds of questions that others have asked and the answers, just like you're hearing me now, and Pastor Ross. They're recorded there and you can say, "That's my question. I wonder what the answer is."

So just go to and you'll find that information there. And also, you can check out while you're online, There is a free, advanced Bible study course dealing with Bible prophecy. If you just go to or even, you'll find that website. We'd encourage you to enroll in those prophecies and you would magnify your understanding. We'll be right back.


Pastor Doug: That would be me. We're glad you are still with us friends. If you have just tuned in, this is Bible Answer Live. It is, as you can tell from the title, a live, international, interactive Bible study. People are calling in from across North America. We have people listening overseas.

Many are listening to the program on a delayed basis and so they're not able to call in. But there are thousands of opportunities around the world for people to hear this broadcast and just ask direct Bible questions. We try to budget our questions in to, oh just two or three minutes, sometimes four if I get excited about the answer, to disseminate truth. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Pastor Jëan Ross: My name is Jëan Ross. Pastor Doug, there are several things we need to talk about here at the break. First thing is we want to welcome a new radio station that is broadcasting Bible Answers Live, WBBY 100.3 FM, in Berwick, Pennsylvania. They're listening to the program and broadcasting there tonight.

Pastor Doug: Welcome!

Pastor Jëan Ross: So we welcome everyone who's listening there. And then also, we want to make mention of something exciting that is happening in September, September 15, Most Amazing Prophecies.

Pastor Doug: Yes. All of our friends who are listening, we hope that you'll get a pencil and make a note of this. If you want information, you just need to remember, Most Amazing Prophecies. If you type in or .org, it'll take you to the website. This is a seminar that will be broadcast by satellite around the world, and I mean that.

There are probably seven different satellites around the globe that will carry this broadcast. It will be in India, and Africa, and Australia, and across North America. If you'd like to find a location near you where you can view this, go to that website, Maybe you'd like to have your church participate. They could bring their friends to view the program.

Go to Map Seminar. The dates for this program are September 15th through the 23rd. It's nine days, 10 presentations. We'll be doing a half an hour program on the PAX channel on September 11th. September 11th is in the news a lot now since this recent terrorist attempt again.

On September 11th, we're going to have a special program called The Final Events of Prophecy. Dr. Dwight Nelson and myself are going to be talking about that and encouraging people to tune into the Most Amazing Prophecies seminar. So check out that program. We hope that you will tune in. It'll be on some TV stations around the country, as well as satellite locations.

We hope that you'll take advantage of that. We're talking about the most amazing prophecies in the Bible. We'll be dealing with things like heaven, and the second coming, and the rapture, and the beast, and some of the most exciting prophecies.

Pastor Jëan Ross: And if ever there was a time for us to be studying these things, it's now--

Pastor Doug: Yes, absolutely.

Pastor Jëan Ross: --to see what's happening around us. Well you know, we usually start the program by dealing with some of our Internet questions. We got so excited when we saw the calls we went straight to the five calls. But we want to take at least two of these Internet questions tonight.

Pastor Doug: Okay

Pastor Jëan Ross: The first one is, "Is the husband saved through his wife? My husband is not saved. He has vowed to uphold Christian faith in our household, but he himself has not accepted Jesus. Is he saved through me?" It's the wife writing.

Pastor Doug: Well in 1st Peter chapter 3 it says that the wife can have a sanctifying influence on the husband, meaning that by her modeling Christ before the husband, he's more likely to be converted. The Bible tells us in Ezekiel 20 that, "the righteousness of the righteous is upon them, and the wickedness of the wicked is upon them."

And where is that passage, Pastor Ross, where it says, "Noah, Daniel and Job were in the land. They will deliver neither son nor daughter but they'll be delivered only by their own righteousness."

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: In other words, one person's righteousness does not save another person, unless that person is Jesus. We are saved by virtue of accepting His righteousness. Now, it

does say in 1st Corinthians 7:14, "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by," it's understood, "the [believing] husband."

That doesn't mean they're saved. The word "sanctified" there means that there is a godly influence that alters their behavior by the influence. And so you want to stay with your unbelieving spouse, even though they may not share your faith, because you're godly example, as it says in 1st Peter 3, can influence them. It has a sanctifying influence.

But every person ultimately must accept Jesus for themselves. Children can be saved based on the faith of the parents before they reach the age of accountability. But once we reach that age of accountability, then it's between them and Jesus.

Pastor Jëan Ross: The text you're referring to just a little earlier, the one about Noah, David and Job, is Ezekiel chapter 14, verse 20.

Pastor Doug: Thank you.

Pastor Jëan Ross: It talks about each person is saved by their own righteousness, not that of the husband or the wife.

Pastor Doug: And, of course, that's the righteousness they accept from God.

Pastor Jëan Ross: That's right.

Pastor Doug: No one is saved by their own works.

Pastor Jëan Ross: The next question is, "What does Jesus mean when He said in Luke 21, verse 32, 'Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled?' How does that relate to end-time prophecy?"

Pastor Doug: Well, that prophecy in Luke 21 is a parallel with Matthew 24. In Matthew 24 Jesus is answering two major questions, "When will the destruction of Jerusalem be?" and, "What will be the signs of Your coming and the end of the world?" So the events that Jesus foretells as criteria all happened; and this prophecy was made in about A.D. 30.

A generation in the Bible is 40 years. Before A.D. 70, all those things happened. So within one generation, Jerusalem was destroyed and all those prophecies that are in there, about their being hated of all nations, and being persecuted and having to flee, and Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, all those things happened.

Those things will be repeated again just before the end of time. And many of those things are happening right now, the final prophecies that Christ made. "Wars and rumors of wars" - we've got that in the headlines every day.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: So tune in to the Most Amazing Prophecies seminar. We'll talk about it.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Absolutely. Alright. Well thank you for your Internet questions. If you'd like to send us one, just go to the Amazing Facts' website, click on the link that says Bible Answers Live, and you can type in your question over there. We're going to go to the phone lines. Our caller is Robert calling from Alaska, and I believe he's listening on the Internet. Welcome to the program.

Robert: Good evening

Pastor Jëan Ross: Good evening

Pastor Doug: Thank you for your patience.

Robert: No problem. My question has to do with the tenth plague in Egypt, the death of the first-born.

Pastor Doug: Okay

Robert: Exodus chapter 12 and verse 23, it says, "For the LORD will pass through to strike the Egyptians;" it says the Lord is going to strike the Egyptians, it says, "and when he sees the blood on the lintel, and on the two door posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you." So who strikes the Egyptians, the destroyer or the Lord? And who's the destroyer?

Pastor Doug: Well the Lord is ultimately saying, because God is everywhere--where can you flee from the presence of the Lord? That is, I think, Psalm 135, I could be wrong on that. But where can we flee from His presence? God is everywhere. He's omnipresent. The Lord operates through His angels. So this angel of the Lord brings the destruction.

A parallel passage for that, Robert, would be in Isaiah 37 where it says, "The angel of the LORD went out and killed in the camp of the Assyrians 185,000 people." And it's an interesting passage. It says when they woke in the morning they were all dead. It sounds like they woke up dead. But it's telling that the angel of the LORD did this. So God sent the judgment. The Lord did it, but He operates through His angels.

When Jesus comes to save us, it says, "God will send forth his angels to the four corners of the earth to gather together his elect." Well the Lord comes with them, but it's the angels that are doing the bidding of the Lord. They are the ministering spirits.

Robert: Okay. I always thought the destroyer was Satan.

Pastor Doug: Well it is true that Satan is the evil angel, but sometimes, for the purpose of executing judgment--you know what really is a slam dunk for this Robert? When you get to Revelation, it tells us there's an angel that throws Satan into the lake of fire. Well what angel is that? It is a destroying angel, but he's destroying the devil. See what I'm saying?

Robert: Yes. Thank you.

Pastor Doug: Alright, thank you.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright, thank you for calling Robert. Our next caller is David and he's calling from Sacramento, California, listening on KFIA. Welcome to the program David.

David: Yes hello, how are you doing?

Pastor Doug and Pastor Jëan Ross: Good

David: I had a question that I've been struggling with for quite a number of years, and that is, as a Christian, how I understand the Bible, it's a sin to drink alcohol. However, my struggle is with non-alcoholic beverages 0.5%.

Pastor Doug: Now, I know what you're talking about.

David: Okay

Pastor Doug: I used to drink it.

David: Okay

Pastor Doug: So you're asking is there anything wrong with that?

David: Yes

Pastor Doug: Well, let me tell you. It's interesting you would ask that question because I struggled through that myself. I was a beer drinker before I was baptized. Then for awhile there, on special occasions, I'd go to the beach or go fishing with some friends and, of course, I don't drink, but I'd bring along my Near Beer. I guess I wanted to fit in or I was reminiscing.

But I remembered a couple of times I went to the store, I was in a restaurant, and this is years ago, and I ordered it, and I saw some people walk through that knew I was a Christian. And I felt like I had to jump up and run over to them and say, "See? That looks exactly like beer, but it's not."

David: [Chuckles]

Pastor Doug: And so the Bible says, "Avoid the appearance of evil." I used to buy this non-alcoholic wine. I liked it. It was great. No alcohol, but it was in the wine section of the store. So here I am, clandestine, pulling my baseball cap over my eyes and got my sunglasses on. I'm going up and down the isle in the alcohol section of the supermarket trying to get this non-alcoholic wine and get through the line without any church members seeing me.

Pastor Jëan Ross: [Laughs]

Pastor Doug: And I said, "Well you know Doug, something's wrong with this." So I finally just said, "I better just forget about it and avoid the appearance of evil."

Pastor Jëan Ross: Go to the grape juice section.

Pastor Doug: Yeah, so I get Welch's now.

David: Okay. The reason why I drink is not so much, I mean, I don't do it in front of my friends because, you know--I don't care for public appearance, whatever. I do it in the privacy of my own home- -

Pastor Doug: Yeah, but who buys it?

David: I do.

Pastor Doug: Ah ha! Do you have to wear your sunglasses?

David: No, I mean, I- -

Pastor Doug: If you run into a friend who knows you're a Christian and they see you slap a six pack of O' Douls on the check out counter, do you have to explain to them, "Now of course, that's not alcoholic?"

David: No I don't because I figure I'm not doing any harm. The reason why I'm asking the question is because it says 0.5%- -

Pastor Doug: Right. Technically, it is, oh you're wondering about the 0.5%?

David: Yes sir

Pastor Doug: Well you know, I don't think that's a big issue because actually, you can get some alcohol in potatoes. So that quantity is probably not the big issue. That's not even 1%. What is that, one-half of one percent, 0.5?

Pastor Jëan Ross: Yeah

Pastor Doug: Yeah, you probably get that when you gargle--

David: Okay

Pastor Doug: --with Scope


Pastor Doug: But the issue for me is the Bible says, "Anything that is not of faith is sin;" and I felt convicted and so I just said, "You know, it's not of faith. I better let it go."

David: Okay. But my question is- -

Pastor Doug: Hey if your conscience bothers you about that half of percent....

David: Because in the Bible it says not to drink alcohol, correct?

Pastor Doug: Yeah

David: Okay

Pastor Doug: And I've written a book on that.

David: So therefore, when the Lord says don't drink alcohol, He didn't say at what percent. He just said don't drink it, period.

Pastor Doug: Yeah

David: So would it be--the bottom line then it's wrong?

Pastor Doug: Well, yeah, if you want to take it that way. If you know that there's 0.5% in there, even though it's technically non-alcoholic beer, then don't drink it.

David: Okay, okay.

Pastor Doug: Okay?

David: Appreciate it. Thank you Pastor Doug.

Pastor Doug: Anything that's not of faith is sin. Alright, thanks.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Thanks for calling David. Next caller is Joann calling from Hanford, California, listening on KARM. Welcome to the program.

Joann: Thank you for taking my call. I have a little confusion on a couple of verses. I'm hoping you can explain it to me. It's Colossians 3:3 and 4. I don't know if you want me to read it or....

Pastor Doug: Well yeah, you can take a stab at it while I go there.

Joann: Okay. It says, "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." What my question is is being dead in Christ, is that spiritual rather than physical? And then I'm confused about the next verse where it says, "...then ye shall also appear with him in glory." And if it's a physical death in verse 3, then if we're sleeping in our graves, how are we going to appear with Him when He comes?

Pastor Doug: Well it's talking about when Christ comes back to this earth. That is a parallel for 1st Corinthians 4, verse 16 where it says that when the Lord comes, the dead in Christ will rise; It talks about His bringing those who are dead with Him. And it's just saying that when He gets here, they're caught up to meet the Lord in the air at that time. You will appear with Him in glory.

It's not talking about a sequence here so much as it's saying that we're going to have our glorified bodies and our eternal life is going to be there with Him.

Joann: So it's actually when we're meeting Him, not that we're coming down with Him.

Pastor Doug: Yeah exactly. It's talking about when we meet Him.

Joann: Okay. That's where I was confused.

Pastor Doug: "See, when Christ appears to this world..." it's worded like that;--

Joann: Okay

Pastor Doug: --then you'll be there with Him.

Joann: Okay. And what about verse 3 where it says, "For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ"? Does that mean physical death or does that mean spiritual death?

Pastor Doug: Well there it's talking about the old man being dead.

Joann: Okay

Pastor Doug: Paul is jumping from one to the other here, quite honestly.

Joann: Okay

Pastor Jëan Ross: I think the person who is dead spiritually and their life is hid with Christ, they're the ones that will appear with Christ in glory.

Pastor Doug: Yeah, so he's also reminding them, "You're not going to stay dead forever because you're going to end up with a glorified body where you'll never be tempted by the old sinful nature." If you jump to verse 5, "Therefore put to death your members which are on earth;"- -

Joann: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: - -speaking of our physical bodies, the carnal body. That should be put to death.

Joann: I see

Pastor Doug: "...fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."

Joann: I see. Okay, well thank you very much.

Pastor Doug: Thank you. Yeah, that's a good verse and hope that helps a little.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Our next caller is Leroy calling from Tennessee listening on WSGM. Welcome to the program.

Leroy: Yes, good evening

Pastor Jëan Ross: Good evening

Leroy: My question is in Daniel 9,- -

Pastor Doug: Okay

Leroy: - -verse 25 where it speaks of, "at the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah should be sixty-nine weeks:"

Pastor Doug: Yes

Leroy: And I'm confused of what that stands for, that part of it, because in verse 26 it says, "After sixty-two weeks the Messiah would be cut off."

Pastor Doug: Well- -

Leroy: What is this sixty-nine weeks?

Pastor Doug: Alright, first, if you go to Daniel 9:24, the whole prophecy is dealing with a 70-week period. That's the whole prophecy. "Seventy weeks are determined," the word "determined" means cut off, "for your people." And it tells several things that will happen in that 490-year period.

Now these weeks are prophetic weeks- -

Leroy: Right

Pastor Doug: - -and I'm trusting that you know that in prophecy, these prophecies, a day equals a year.

Leroy: Right

Pastor Doug: So he says that after 62 weeks--now keep in mind--you have to read verse 25: "From the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem until the Messiah the Prince there are seven weeks," this is the first seven, "and sixty-two weeks." So out of seven weeks and sixty-two weeks, that's a total of sixty-nine weeks. That means that there's one week left over to reach the seventy weeks, sixty-nine weeks.

Leroy: Right

Pastor Doug: He's saying after the 62 weeks, so you've got your seven plus your sixty-two. After the 62-week period that follows the seven week period, the Messiah is cut off.

[Cross talk]

Pastor Jëan Ross: (Unintelligible) should be sixty-nine weeks.

Pastor Doug: Yeah

Leroy: It's not just- -

[Cross talk]

Pastor Doug: If you look at it on a piece of paper, excuse me?

Leroy: It's not saying after sixty-nine weeks the Messiah will be [cross talk, unintelligible]

Pastor Doug: Well essentially, it is, because it's telling us first there's going to be a seven week period in which the street and the wall of Jerusalem will be rebuilt during troublous times. Then following that seven week period, there's an additional sixty-two weeks. And after that additional sixty-two weeks, the Messiah appears and He is cut off.

Christ was baptized exactly 69 weeks after the command to restore and build Jerusalem. He began His ministry three and a half years later. He died; He was cut off.

Leroy: You say He began His ministry 69 weeks?

Pastor Doug: Yes. A.D. 27 in A.D. 31, three and a half years later, He, in the midst of that last week, He died on the cross and caused the sacrifice to cease.

Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, something that can be confusing about this, when you look in verse 25, and then you look at verse 26. It says, "And after sixty-two weeks," don't start counting the sixty-two weeks from the beginning of the time prophecy, but rather count it from the seven weeks onward. Does that make sense?

Leroy: Ah okay.

[Cross talk]

Leroy: That says it better that way.

Pastor Doug: Yeah, he said it better.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright. Don't go all the way to the beginning but start off at the end of the seven weeks and everything fits in well.

Leroy: I couldn't see how He could be crucified before He started His ministry. That's what it sounds like by going with the 62 weeks instead of 69- -

Pastor Doug: Yeah. These angels- -

Leroy: - -but the seven is separate.

Pastor Doug: And these prophecies are being given in sort of a visual where they do it like blocks. They say, "First this is seven weeks. Now stack on top of that the 62 weeks." After that 62-week block, it's really 69 weeks because it's stacked on seven.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: See what I'm saying? You know, we've got a- -

Leroy: But the importance of the seven weeks being separate, what happens after that seven weeks?

Pastor Jëan Ross: The wall is built and the streets of Jerusalem, which was rather a significant event.

Pastor Doug: Yeah. You read about that in Ezra and Nehemiah. You know, we've got a study guide that we will send you on this subject, is it Le-Roy or Leroy?

Pastor Jëan Ross: I think it's Le-Roy.

Leroy: I was studying this this week in our lesson there. That's why- -

[Cross talk]

Pastor Doug: Oh I see, okay. You're studying it in the Sabbath School lesson.

Leroy: The Quarterly, yes.

Pastor Doug: Yeah, okay. Well we also have an Amazing Facts study guide that talks about it that has the charts.

Leroy: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: And so if you would like our study guide on the 69 weeks, we'll be happy to send that to you. Just call the resource number.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Just go ahead and call 1-800-835-6747, and the study guide- -

Pastor Doug: "Right On Time."

Pastor Jëan Ross: "Right On Time." For anyone who is curious about this important time prophecy in the book of Daniel, go ahead and call the resource number, 1-800-835-6747, and ask for the study guide "Right On Time. Our next caller is Ovie calling from Grandview, Washington, listening on KSOH. Welcome to the program.

Ovie: Hello, thank you for taking my call.

Pastor Doug: You're welcome.

Ovie: My question, it's in regards to last day events.

Pastor Doug: Okay

Ovie: Isaiah chapter 13, verse 13.

Pastor Doug: About Babylon?

Ovie: No. Isaiah chapter 13:13 says, "Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth will move out of her place,"--

Pastor Doug: Okay

Ovie: --"in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger."

Pastor Doug: Alright. You're wondering when that is?

Ovie: Yes. Well I was watching your end-time video of last day events;--

Pastor Doug: Yes

Ovie: --and at the end of the third chapter of that video, you showed the picture of the earth, and then the opening of Orion.

Pastor Doug: Right

Ovie: And I was wondering if you were referring to Early Writings?

Pastor Doug: No. When it says, "shake the heavens" here, if you read, Ovie, in Joel 3:16, "The LORD will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and the earth will shake."

Ovie: Uh-huh

Pastor Doug: In these passages where it says "the heavens and the earth," it's like when Peter says God will make a new heavens and a new earth. The word "heavens" there means atmosphere. It's not talking about the constellations where the stars are. Have you seen our Final Events DVD?

Ovie: Yes

Pastor Doug: Okay. It talks a little bit in there about how the heavens are going to shake, so to speak.

Ovie: Yeah

Pastor Doug: "The heavens will depart as a scroll" it says in Revelation when Jesus comes.

Ovie: Yeah, that's correct. But I was also reading Early Writings- -

Pastor Doug: Uh-huh

Ovie: - -and it says, if you don't mind me reading the paragraph here. It says, "The power of the sun, moon and stars that rule in the heavens and the powers to the earth are those that rule in the earth. The powers of the heavens will be shaken at the voice of God then the sun and the moon and stars will move out of their places.

[Cross talk]

Pastor Doug: Yeah. When it's talking about, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.

Ovie: Uh-huh?

Pastor Doug: Go ahead--you finished?

Ovie: Well...and then the next paragraph it says, "Then we could look up on the open space in Orion whence came the voice of God."

Pastor Doug: Right. Well Orion is not shaking when Jesus comes. When it talks about the heavens departing as a scroll, I think, probably the stars in our universe will appear to fall, or there may even be a meteor shower that accompanies the second coming some theologians have even speculated.

It talks about Satan and his angels falling like stars. And so it could mean that the judgment of the angels has come at the same time when God comes. So, what those stars are, I don't think that the universe that is sinless is going to suffer when Jesus comes to this earth. This galaxy might be involved, I'm not sure.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: But hope that helps a little bit, Ovie, with your question.

Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, there's a passage in Revelation, the last few verses of chapter 6 that deal with the second coming of Jesus, talks about things happening in the sky and- -

Pastor Doug: Sun, the moon in the sky, yes.

Pastor Jëan Ross: - -that's right; the earthquake and so on. It's just a--everything is going to be going out of norm when Jesus comes, all of the natural things.

Pastor Doug: That's right.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright. Thank you for your call. We'll go to Tony who is listening from Walla Walla, Washington, on KSOH. Tony, welcome to the program.

Tony: Good evening Pastors.

Pastor Doug: Good evening

Tony: My question is on Acts 18:21. According to this it says that Paul was keeping the feast days, yet--and this was after the crucifixion of Jesus. Why did he do that if it was nailed to the cross?

Pastor Doug: Well you don't think the feast days were nailed to the cross?

Tony: Well, I don't know. Why would Paul be keeping that feast day if it was nailed to the cross?

Pastor Doug: Well- -

Tony: That is my- -

Pastor Doug: Okay. Paul went down to Jerusalem and he kept that feast because he says, Paul says, "I have become all things to all men that I might win some to Christ." And he says, "I became a Jew to the Jews that I might win the Jews." Jëan, maybe, will help me find that verse I just quoted.

Pastor Jëan Ross: Sure

Pastor Doug: I know it by heart but I'm dyslexic with the numbers sometimes. But um--

Tony: Acts 18--oh that one that you mentioned?

Pastor Doug: [Cross talk] Oh well, no no, the one I just quoted I was trying to remember the reference for. The older I get the worse it is. So Paul, in order to reach the Jews, he shaved his head and he mingled right among them to try to reach them. But it wasn't because he felt that the Gentiles should be keeping the feast; because Paul taught the exact opposite.

He said, "Christ is now our Passover." He said in Romans chapter 14, "One man regards one day above another. Another man regards every day alike," and he's talking about the Jewish feasts as he was in Colossians chapter 2. Did you find that Jëan?

Pastor Jëan Ross: Yes I did, 1st Corinthians 9:22.

Pastor Doug: Thank you very much. So hopefully that helps. You know, we've got a new book, Tony, at Amazing Facts. It's about the feast days; but we've got a free book we'll send you called, Feast Days & Sabbaths. It talks about the Jewish feast days and Sabbaths, written by Joe Crews. We'll send you a free copy of that and it answers this question. I hope that you'll take advantage of that.

Pastor Jëan Ross: The number for that is 1-800-835-6747 and the free offer is, Feast Days & Sabbaths.

Pastor Doug: ... & Sabbaths by Joe Crews.

Pastor Jëan Ross: You can just ask for that and they'll be happy to send that out to you. Our next caller is David and he is calling from Carla Vista in California, listening on KPRZ. Welcome to the program.

David: Hello Pastors, how are you doing?

Pastor Doug: Good

David: Yes. I had a question on Matthew 22:1-13, but I was mainly concerned about 13. Why in that passage did the king eject the person that wasn't in the wedding garment?

Pastor Doug: Well, it's a good question. Back in Bible times when people were invited to a royal wedding or the wedding of some wealthy person, they wanted to make sure everyone looked good for the wedding, and the king would provide a garment.

Well this person accepts the invitation but he does not accept the king's garment. So the king is indignant and offended that this man, here he's paid for a garment, but he wouldn't wear it. It would be like a bride paying for her friends to have a bridesmaid's dress and she comes in her jeans and says, "Well, I didn't really feel like wearing it."

Pastor Jëan Ross: Um-hmm

Pastor Doug: She's paid for this dress. Well the king paid for this robe. It's the robe of Christ's righteousness. If we come to the wedding of the Lamb, Jesus, and we refuse to accept the robe of righteousness that He's offering and He paid so much for, we're without excuse. That's why we're cast into outer darkness if we don't have that robe.

So, you can hear the music that is chasing us off the air friends. Sorry we didn't get to your question if you called. Give us another chance next week friends; and we'll, God willing, be back again. Keep in mind, this is a totally faith-based ministry and Pastor Ross and I, we donate our time.

We've got other full-time jobs and we hope you'll keep us in your prayers. To support this ministry, just go to Use our website and God bless until next week.


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