Instant Translator

Date: 10/19/2003 
Scientists in Bulgaria claim they've invented an instant translator, that will allow people talking on phones in different languages to understand each other. The research team from Ruse, Bulgaria, which also worked out a computer program that translate text, now claims that they have patented the technology, that converts words spoken in one language into digital code, which could then be immediately interpreted into another language. The scientists claim the translator chip can be inserted int
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Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends. This is Doug Batchelor. How about an amazing fact? Scientists in Bulgaria claim they've invented an instant translator, that will allow people talking on phones in different languages to understand each other. The research team from Ruse, Bulgaria, which also worked out a computer program that translate text, now claims that they have patented the technology, that converts words spoken in one language into digital code, which could then be immediately interpreted into another language. The scientists claim the translator chip can be inserted into any phone.

The project leader told national Bulgarian TV, a person can talk freely on the phone in their mother tongue, and at the other end of the world people can hear the translation of what they say in their language. The research team said, that if investors show any interest in the technology, practical application can begin within a year. But did you know the Bible teaches that God has had a patent on this technology for thousands of years? Stay with us, friends, and we're going to learn more, as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.

Automated Recording: Welcome to Bible Answers Live, with author and Pastor Doug Batchelor. Do you find it challenging to understand the Bible? Stay tuned to get clear, practical answers to your most pressing questions, straight from the Bible. If there are passages of Scripture that confuse you, or if it's difficult to connect what you read in the Bible with what you've been taught, then you found the right program to get clear, reasonable, and down-to-earth answers to your Bible questions.

Bible Answers Live is produced by Amazing Facts, dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Lines are open, so call now, 1-800-GOD-SAYS, that's 800-463-7297. Now, here's your host, Pastor Doug Batchelor.

Doug: We are back, and we are live. This is Bible Answers Live. If it is your first time tuning into the program, this is a live interactive Bible study, that is being broadcast around the world, via the internet and across North America. If you have any Bible-related question, we'd encourage you to give us a call. It's a free phone number, free phone call. It's 800-GOD-SAYS, and that the acronym translates into 463-7297. We have phone lines that are open right now. If you have a Bible question, give us a call. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Dick Devitt: My name is Dick Devitt. As Pastor Doug says, we do have about five lines open right now. If you have a Bible-related question, now would be the best time to call. Pastor Doug, we’ll start with a word of prayer? Let's do that, shall we?

Heavenly father, we thank you and praise you again. As we come together to open the Word of God, we look forward Lord to hearing from you tonight. There's really nothing that we can say or do, without you leading out, without you being with us. Lord we humbly ask you to speak clearly. Calm our minds and our hearts, that we may hear your still small voice. Then as our callers express their questions, may we be able to relate the Word of God in a saving way. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Doug: Amen.

Dick: Well, Pastor Doug, this is a fascinating bit of exploration that you've been talking about here; this way to understand or translate languages. In fact, I have a piece of software on my computer where I can sit and speak, and my computer will type it out for me.

Doug: That is fascinating enough to me. I’ve had that software too, because, you know, I type with two fingers. I have several books out, but, it's embarrassing when I'm on the airplane and people see me with my laptop, and there I am, just pecking away with two fingers. I have tried the software before speaking, and it's amazing. But this invention, is where you can speak in your language, and somehow it recognizes that, converts it and translates it into the selected language at the same time.

Dick: That's amazing.

Doug: Absolutely. But, of course, this technology goes all the way back to Genesis Chapter 11. The Bible says, “The whole earth was of one language.” At time, when God confounded the languages, He used that technology to reverse communication, for the purpose of spreading people around the Earth. But then the next Chapter 2, the Lord then converts that gift again, into the ability to speak in languages that they have never formally known or studied.

Jesus said in Mark, Chapter 16, one of the gifts of the Spirit would be that they would speak in new tongues; new languages, and it is a gift of the Spirit. But one of the most misunderstood gifts of all the gifts that [unintelligible 00:05:05]. People may have questions about the gift of tongues; we welcome those [sic] tonight. We have a free offer that answers a lot of these questions about the gift of tongues, the way that is often misunderstood, what it is for, and what it is not for.

Dick: Let me ask you a question, and then I want to tell our listeners about our offering tonight. Pastor Doug, is it possible -- I'm thinking theoretically now, is it possible that man is trying to take God's place with a lot of these inventions? I mean, God confused the languages, right? He took it away for a purpose.

Doug: Well, I think that there are many cases, where man is trying to put himself in the position of God. That’s probably more in the area of some of the cloning, and experimentation with the mystery of genetics and life, but this to me, seems like a pretty practical thing. I might appreciate being able to call and talk to friends in other parts of the world where I’m frustrated I can’t communicate.

I've often been in Russia, India, and you've been in Africa, and you want to be able to hear and understand what they're saying, and you feel left out, so this would be fascinating.

Dick: All right. If our listeners have any questions about this sort of thing, it's a good Bible-related question. Give us a call tonight. 1-800-GOD-SAYS, 1-800-463-7397. Our offer tonight, is a book that you wrote, Pastor Doug, called Captured by Tongues. It will answer questions such as, what should we expect from an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Does that mean that is it always associated with a manifestation of the gift of tongues? This is an excellent book, that you will want in your library, Captured by Tongues.

Doug: What the gift of tongues is for, and what is it not for, and sometimes the way it is abused in churches. Sometimes, we'll hear people just stand up and start babbling in tongues in the middle of a sermon, and they say, “This is a message from God.” People who might have any questions about this, this is a perfect book for them.

Dick: 1-800-835-6747 is the number, if you would like a copy of this book. That's our research operators; they're standing by, 1-800-835-6747. You can call that number if we mention any other resources on the program as well, and we'll be glad to send them to you this evening.

Pastor Doug, we do a couple of internet questions, or other questions, before we go to the phones. First one, this evening, comes from Gina in North Highlands, California. She would like to know; is it all right for a person to go to a college of another faith, as long as you're solid in your own beliefs, in your own faith? She said she wants to study for a Christian Ministry, and she's wondering if it would be okay to.

Doug: Well, obviously, different colleges that are founded on various denominations are going to be bias to the teachings and doctrines of their denomination. That could be in opposition to the faith of one of the students. If you want to stay, first of all, you should stay true to the word, but you can know that if you go to a college that has a different denomination, it’s foundation, you may be challenged, and you want to be thoroughly routed in your beliefs.

What concerns me even more that this, is there are Christians that sometimes in order to complete certain degrees, they end up having to go, sometimes it’s for finances, sometimes it’s for availability, to a secular college. Some of those classes there, the -- [laughs] I mean, there's some good teachers, but some of them are diabolical, and they feel like it's their mission to challenge the faith of Christians, and they’ll be exposed to a lot of humanism and evolutionism. That is even more dangerous.

A person needs to be pretty selective if they're going to complete a degree at a Christian college, that is not of their faith, make sure they are grounded.

Dick: Well grounded, and probably able to explain why they are so well grounded.

Doug: That's right.

Dick: Sure, there will be opportunities to do that.

Doug: Right, to be challenged. Yes.

Dick: Okay, very good. Second question. This comes from Saint Lucia down in the Caribbean. It says, "I have trouble, and I'm looking for someone to help clear my mind. From growing up I was instructed that any game of chance, is gambling. But it seems most recently, that this is beginning to change in my country. Here in Saint Lucia, there is an emerging trend that our members and directors in our mission have fallen into a trap, where most furniture stores seem to entice customers by offering a number of opportunities to win cash, cars, trips, et cetera. For every $100 you spend, you have a coupon, where you fill your name in and and they have a drawing every month, and that sort of thing. They want to know if these are legitimate for a Christian to participate.

Doug: Well, there's some thin lines that go through there. Gambling, of course, I don't believe a Christian should participate in, whether it's purchasing a lottery ticket, or purchasing a raffle. Unfortunately, there are even some churches that support raffles. If you want to make donation to a course, there's ways of doing it, without connecting it with a chance and gambling. I might go to a restaurant, you’ve probably seen this, where they'll say, “We're giving away a free meal. If you take one of these tags here, you might win a free meal.”

No expense involved, so I’m not squandering God's money hoping to get something for nothing. There, it’s a promotion where they're trying to give something away for free, and I don't see anything wrong with that. But it's when we start risking, taking risk and gambling God's money, hoping to get something for nothing; I don't believe Christians should participate in that. Unfortunately, now, the governments and states are sponsoring the addiction of gambling. We can move on.

Dick: Let's go to the phones. We'll take our first caller for this evening. We'll go to Scappoose, Oregon. We want to talk with Bradley, who is a first-time caller. Welcome, Bradley.

Bradley: Hello, Pastor Doug.

Doug: How are you doing?

Bradley: I was wondering if you'd give me some discernment of Scripture Revelation 4:6-8. Well, it talks about these four beasts next to God, closer than the 24 elders. They're quite descriptive in the description of the beast. Are these literal descriptions, or what is your thought on these passages here?

Doug: All right, well, when we look -- good question. When we look at Revelation 4:6-8, actually it goes beyond that; you can go through verse nine. It tells about these beasts around the throne of God. It says one is like a lion. The second is like a calf. The third has the face of a man. The fourth beast was like a flying eagle. Then when you jump to Ezekiel, it tells you about some beasts that are very similar to these beasts. I can't avoid noticing some of the similarities.

Ezekiel 1:10, as to the likeness of their faces, they had four faces; the face of a man, the face of a lion, they had the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle. Same thing you see there in Revelation. The calf and the ox, they're both cattle; same thing. Many scholars, and you probably heard this Pastor Dick, have believed that these represent the four primary temperaments of man, and the four faces of the gospel. You have the Gospel of Mark is like the eagle. Matthew is like the lion. Luke is the man, who is the physician. John is the sacrifice; the calf.

It's giving the different dimensions of Christ nature, and also the different temperaments that you might find. We've all heard people talk about; some are choleric, and some are sanguine, and some are melancholy, and some are phlegmatic. It's interesting when you study these dimensions; there are four sides to the New Jerusalem, three gates on each side. God had three sets of four stones put on the high priest chest, representing the variety of people that will make up his kingdom.

I think they are real creatures that are around the throne, because there's two visions, both Ezekiel 1 and in Revelation 4, that talk about them. But in some places in the Bible, you see God sitting among two angels. For instance, in Isaiah Chapter 6, and in some of the other visions. But keep in mind, in Revelation, this is a vision; Ezekiel had an apocalyptic vision. It's very likely that these creatures are symbolic, but I wouldn't rule out that there's something there. Hopefully, that helps a little bit. I appreciate your question, Bradley.

Dick: Thanks for the call, Bradley. We'll go to Lancaster, California. Ron is a first-time caller, listening to us on the internet. Hello, Ron.

Ron: Hi. Thank you for taking my call, first-time caller and listener.

Dick: All right.

Ron: My question really quick. Reference, Revelation 12:17, and cross-reference Revelation 14:12. My question is, three faces; the firm denomination that I was with, we were taught this was -- my question is, the second part of verse 17, “Makes war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Who is that? Who is the remnant church they're talking about here?

Doug: Well, first, let's identify the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus. If we look in Revelation 19:10, always let the Bible interpret the Bible, it says, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Back in Revelation 12, it says, they keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy. The commandments and the testimony, the commandments and the spirit of prophecy. Now, go with me -- do you have a Bible handy?

Ron: Yes, I do.

Doug: Go with me to Isaiah Chapter 8. In Isaiah Chapter 8, we can start with verse 16. It says, “Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.” Now, we know that those that have the seal of God are saved, right?

Ron: Right.

Doug: Then you go to eight verse 20, Isaiah 8:20, “To the law and the testimony:” here's the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus, just like we see in Revelation Chapter 12. Two characteristics. Incidentally, the terms here, the law and the testimony, that is synonymous with the law and the prophets. On the mount of transfiguration, in Mark Chapter 9, two individuals appear to Jesus; Moses and Elijah. One was the giver of the law, the other was the greatest of the prophets; the law and the prophets. You still have your Bible handy?

Ron: Yes, I do. But bear with me, I’m with a three-year-old.


Doug: Okay. Yes, I can relate. In last verse in the Old Testament, it says in Malachi Chapter 4, “Behold I send you Elijah the prophet.” Remember the Law of Moses; the prophets, and the law. This is the Word of God. These are the two blades of the two sides of that double-edged sword; the Word of God. It's telling us that the dragon is especially infuriated with those who live by the Word of God. That's who they are.

Ron: Who are they? Is there a specific domination in these days, or is it to be seen later?

Doug: I believe, it's my belief, and I would hope everybody has this belief, that there is a denomination that is closer to the word than others. Now, that should stand the reason. If you were to just take all the different denominations, and put them on some graph and then ask an angel to tell us which is closer to the Bible than the others, someone score higher than others, correct?

Ron: Okay.

Doug: A denomination, a church, that stays the closest to the Bible, they are the people of God. Now, let me make something very clear. In the Old Testament, Ron, God had a special people to whom he committed the oracles of truth. I'm quoting Paul right now. What were those people, who were they called?

Ron: The Jews.

Doug: Exactly. Does that mean that they always did everything right?

Ron: Not even.

Doug: No, they made lots of mistakes.

Ron: They were definite people.

Doug: Exactly. But they were a people to whom he had committed the truth. Matter of fact, Jesus said to the Samaritans, salvation is of the Jews. In other words, they had the Scriptures. I believe that there are people, and there are denominations. There is a denomination, that I think has the best grasp of the Scriptures -- and it's my denomination [laughs]. But, I imagine a lot of people out there, feel the same way.

Ron: That’s right. Of course.

Doug: You don't hear me bragging about my church very often on the program, because I like to really stick to the specifics of the Bible questions. But I think most people out there, would like to believe their church, is the church. If they don't believe that, then they're going to the wrong church, right?

Ron: Right.

Doug: They are to change.

Ron: What about the Messianic movement of Messianic Jews? Who are Jews who accept Yeshua, Jesus, as their Messiah, who keep the laws and the testimony of Jesus, could that be them? What I'm trying to say, is this major denomination to say exactly the same thing, if they keep this?

Doug: If I ever sat down with you and we went through a list of denominations, I could give you my personal opinion about which ones are the closest to the Scriptures. I think people might start with some of these groups like Rev. Sun Myung Moon; he claims to be Christian among other things. Well, most folks who know his teachings say it's crazy.

You could start there, you could scratch off a lot of them that have just a few elements of Christianity, and then you go on up the list, and you're going to find some that in their teachings -- I'm not talking about the people, or their buildings, or how they sing, or their choir, or how dynamic their TV programs are, I'm talking about in their foundational teachings, they are adhering to the word. That's what you go by.

Ron: In closing, from what I get from the synopsis of what you're saying is, today in 2003, there is one denomination that is the remnant, that is the one true church.

Doug: I believe that there is a denomination that has had the truth committed to them. Yes, that has come out of the false teachings of the dark ages, and has gone back to the Bible.


Ron: How do you find that in the Bible?

Doug: Let me ask you one more question here, while we're talking about this. That is not to say -- it's not a question it's a statement -- that there are not people on the way to heaven in many denominations. You hear that? I want to make sure everyone hears that Dick.

But, I believe there is a church, if I think -- I don't believe in this mystic, eastern thinking, that all rivers lead to the ocean, and all churches get you to heaven; it doesn't matter what church you belong to, I think it does matter. But we have a lesson we offer for anyone that wants to know what I believe about that. It's called, it's a lesson called the True Church. I think it's called actually, What's Wrong with my Church?

Dick: What's Wrong with my Church? Yes.

Doug: We'll send you that for free. Hopefully, that will help you a little bit, Ron.

Dick: Ron, call our resource operators, 1-800-835-6747. 835-6747, and ask for, What's Wrong with my Church. We'll send it out to you. After you've had a chance to go through it, call us back, and tell us what you think. Let's go next to Orlando, Florida. Pastor Doug, Franklin, is a repeat caller, listening to us on the Internet. Hello, Franklin.

Franklin: Hello.

Dick: Your question, please?

Franklin: Is the strong drink mentioned in Proverbs 3:1-6, referring to unfermented wine? Why is it called strong drink, if it is not unfermented wine? In Proverbs 31:6, it says, “Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts.”

Doug: Well, I think that it is fermented. Obviously, there where it says, “Give it to him who is ready to perish,” there must be some numbing influence. Matter of fact, when Jesus hung on the cross, they offered him sour or fermented wine, because it was a narcotic to help deaden the pain. When he tasted it and recognized what it was, it says, he refused to drink it. That's why he later said, “I thirst.” Actually said, “I thirst” just before that, that’s why they brought it to him. But, here in Proverbs 31, it is strong drink.

If you look in Proverbs 23, it tells you, “Look not upon the wine when it's red, when it gives its color in the cup, when it moves itself all right, at last it bites like a serpent.” It's telling us that -- obviously, alcohol is a drug. When used as a drug, that's one thing. I believe that there are certain drugs out there, that God may have made available, for emergency medical treatment. But when people take drugs on a regular basis so they can inoculate or medicate themselves, that’s called a drug addiction or drug abuse, and alcohol should not be drinken [sic] -- [laughs] alcohol should not be drunk for its narcotic effect.

You can gargle with it, it’ll kill germs in your mouth, but you got to make sure you spit it out. Yes, I believe here in -- you still with us Franklin?

Franklin: Yes, I’m here.

Doug: I believe in Proverbs 31 that it was fermented.

Franklin: Okay.

Doug: Okay?

Franklin: All right.

Doug: All right. Now I've written a book on that, that we’ll send you a free copy. It's a bargain, you can't refuse; free phone call, free copy. It's called Wine and the Christian. It's a study; I put a lot of heart and soul in Wine and the Christian.

Franklin: Thank you.

Dick: Okay. All right. Thanks for the call, Franklin. Again, call our resource operators 1-800-835-6747. 835-6747. Pastor Doug, let's go to Edison, New Jersey. Michael is listening at WMC. Michael, what's your question tonight?

Michael: Hi.

Dick: Hi.

Michael: My question refers to Roman 14:5. I was wondering if that refers to the Sabbath?

Doug: All right, let me read this for our friends. One man esteems one day above another: another man esteems every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. I'm also going to read verse six, if that's okay.

Michael: Okay.

Doug: “He that regards the day, regards it unto the Lord; he that regards not the day, to the Lord he does not regard it. He that eats to the Lord, he eats and he gives God thanks; he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.” Paul is speaking here, I believe, first of all, he is addressing Romans, who are converting to Christianity. What of the Jewish laws are still intact? The Jews had a number of ceremonial holy days, that came on a yearly basis.

It was not required for converts to Christianity, the new converts, to be circumcised, or practice the ceremonial aspects of the Jewish law, because they were shadows that pointed to Jesus. but that's completely separate from the 10 Commandments, and the Sabbath was a weekly commitment. Paul, I think, is very clearly addressing the ceremonial laws and holidays, and he's not talking about -- modern comparison for this would be, Pastor Dick, there are Christians who want to remember the birth of Christ during Christmas.

There are some who say, “I don't believe that that's when he was born, and so, I'm not going to have anything to do with it. There are some Pagan trappings.” I think everyone needs to be persuaded in their own mind, but had nothing to do with -- I mean you can't imagine, Michael, God telling Moses that someone should be stoned for breaking the Sabbath, in one part of the Bible, then go to the other part of the Bible, say, “Well, if you want to keep it, go ahead. If you don't, it's up to you.” That would be pretty inconsistent. He's not talking about the Sabbath command, here, he's talking about the Jewish holy days. Okay?

Michael: Okay.

Doug: I hope that helps.

Dick: All right. Thanks for the call, Mike. Let's go to Mt. Vernon, New York. Albert is listening on WMCA. Welcome, Albert.

Doug: Pardon me, one more thought came to me. Albert, stay with us.

Albert: Yes. Hi.

Doug: One more thought. When I hear about Romans 14:5; can you ever imagine a pastor, would you ever say to your flock or any pastor, “If you want to come to church, Sunday, that's okay. If you don't, that's okay. Whatever day you want to come.” They don't say that. [chuckles] All right. I’m sorry, Albert. Go ahead.

Albert: Okay. Hi. I’ll try to make this brief. I'm trying to explain to somebody that Jesus is God. That Jesus is God. I’ve read them to John 1:14. John 1 through 14. Other than that text, any other passages I can refer them to? Also, when I read it to them, they asked me, well how can I explain when Christ was on the cross and he said well by the light--

Doug: “My God. My God. Why have you forsaken me?”

Albert: Right.

Doug: All right. Let me answer you quickly. Is there in some other Scriptures? Yes, John 8:58; Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” He claimed divinity, and that's why they were going to stone him. The Jews knew that he claimed divinity there. In Galatians 4:4, “But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law.” He was born under the law, so he looked like a human, but he was divine. He lived before he was sent forth.

I've written a book called The Trinity, that has a whole section that talks about the divinity of Christ. We’ll send you for free. Would you like that?

Albert: Okay.

Doug: It's not a lot of scriptures in it. Just ask for Pastor Doug's new book on The Trinity, and it'll give you a lot more. Then you said, one more -- the second part of your question?

Albert: When I read him to John, I was stuck when they asked me, well, how do I explain God being separated from Jesus when he was at the cross?

Doug: Oh, “My God. My God. Why have you forsaken me?”

Albert: Yes.

Doug: Well, Jesus was quoting from Psalm 22, there. Before the high priest offered the Passover lamb, he would quote from the Psalms. Jesus was serving as both the Passover lamb and the high priest, and that's why he quoted that. He was trying to get everybody around the cross to recognize that he was the Messiah. Psalms 22, Pastor Dick, is, of course, one of the most powerful Messianic Psalms in the Bible. He was hoping they'd look at that, and say, “This was Him. This was the one.”

Dick: Fulfillment.

Doug: Yes. It wasn't a cry of despair because he had his closing words were, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” Anyway, hope that helps you, Albert. We're going to take a break for just a moment, friends. Don't go far away, because, we have some important announcements we're going to be sharing with you. Also, we'd encourage you to check out the Amazing Facts website. With all the resources that you're going to find there, at

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Automated Recording: There's more Bible Answers Live coming right up. Don't forget the resource line, open daily from 8:00AM till midnight, Eastern Standard Time, for offers made during the program. Call 800-835-6747. Watch for Pastor Doug on our television program, called Amazing Facts, Millennium of Prophecy. Each week on cable and satellite networks, as well as many local stations. Check your local listings, or visit, for times and stations in your area.

For a copy of this broadcast, call 800-835-6747, to order your CD for just $7 shipping and handling including. Amazing Facts is a faith-based ministry, dependent upon God to work through people like you. Write us at Post Office Box, 909 Roseville, California, 95678, or at We receive no denominational, or corporate support, so your financial gift, helps keep us on the air. Send a note of encouragement. Thank you, and God bless you for your support.

Automated Recording: Welcome to Bible Answers Live, with Pastor Doug Batchelor. You can call right now with your bible-related questions, and receive clear, practical, down-to-earth answers to your most perplexing Bible questions, straight from the Bible. Call now, 800-GOD-SAYS, 800-463-7297. Now, join us as we open our Bibles for more Bible Answers Live, with author and evangelist, Pastor Doug Batchelor.

Doug: We're back listening, friends, after the break. This is Bible Answers Live. As you can tell from the title of the program, we are giving Bible answers live on the air. You can call and ask your bible-related question. You can also get a lot of them answered, just by listening. The number is, 800-GOD-SAYS, 800-463-7297. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Dick: My name is Dick Devitt. If you don't get through, just keep trying, and we'll do our best to get you on the air. Pastor Doug, Amazing Facts has put together a little book of some of the best amazing facts that we've used for the last nine years. We want to make that book available to anyone who will send us a donation of any size. We’ll send it to them.

Doug: That's right.

Dick: We're also looking for amazing facts, that we could use on this program. If our listeners would like to write an amazing fact of 500 words or less, and send it to us, we'll take a look at it and--

Doug: Hopefully incorporate it in one of our programs. We are always on the search for new amazing facts.

Dick: Let us hear from you, folks. Let's go back to the phones, Pastor Doug, take our first call for this part of the program. We want to go to Jensen Beach, Florida. Cynthia is listening in WCNO. Hi, Cynthia.

Cynthia: Hi. How are you?

Dick: Very good.

Cynthia: I want to let you know what a blessing your program is.

Doug: Well, thank you. Get real close to your phone. We can barely hear you.

Cynthia: Okay. My question, you were speaking about speaking in tongues in the beginning of the program. I've heard people talking that in some churches that somebody tries to teach them how to speak in tongues. Can you address that?

Doug: Well, that sometimes is called priming the pump. It varies from church to church. There are hundreds of churches that believe and practice this; thousands. But I've heard of cases where someone finds it's unnatural to babble in tongues, and they'll be encouraged. I've had one friend in particular, who went to a charismatic service, and they said, “Would you like the gift of to be baptized in the spirit?” and they equated that with speak in tongues, or this glossolalia of babbling. He said, “Well, yes. If it's a gift of the spirit, I want it.” They said, “Well, say, ‘Hallelujah’ and repeat it.” “Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.”

“Say it a little faster.” “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.” “Faster” “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.” Now, pretty soon he was babbling, and they said, “You’ve got it.” Well, I can't find any precedent for that in the Bible. That's not the gift of tongues, and that's certainly not how to get it. The gift of tongues is something that God gives in his timing. There's nowhere in the Bible, where anybody primes the pump.

The real gift of tongue is for the purpose God gives His people supernaturally; the ability to speak in other languages for the purpose of spreading the gospel, not for their own entertainment, or to be some kind of a side show for anybody.

Dick: I have counseled people also, Pastor Doug, who've come to me and said they were attending charismatic churches. They were told that if they didn't have the gift of tongues, that they weren't saved. That's very dangerous.

Doug: Or that they didn't have the Holy Spirit.

Dick: Or that they didn't have the Holy Spirit.

Doug: Nowhere in the Bible, does it say that the evidence for the Holy Spirit is the gifts of the Spirit. Jesus said you’ll know them by the fruits of the Spirit that are completely different. Different gifts are given to different people. Tongues is one of the gifts. I hope that helps a little, Cynthia. Thank you.

Cynthia: Thank you.

Doug: Make sure send for that free book on tongues that we're offering tonight.

Cynthia: Okay, [unintelligible 00:34:04]. Thank you.

Dick: All right. Thanks for the call, Cynthia. 1-800-835-6747, is the number. To Brooklyn, New York. Teresa is listening on WMCA. Hi, Teresa.

Teresa: Hi.

Doug: Welcome, and your question?

Teresa: My question to you is, what does the Bible have to say about once saved always saved?

Doug: Well, the idea is that once you're saved you are not allowed to choose another master, goes against everything that God teaches in his Word. The Bible tells us that we can always choose who we want to serve. Now, can a person have an assurance of salvation? Yes, I believe they can. Once a person is saved, is it impossible for them to be lost? The Bible teaches something very contrary to that.

Matter of fact, Peter talks about those who were in the way, that has turned from the holy commandment delivered unto them; and they are like the dog who returns to his vomit, or the pig that was washed to wallowing in the mire.

You've got Judas who was chosen as an apostle, Jesus sent him out preaching. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit attended his preaching, and there were miracles that were done, but yet he resisted the Holy Spirit and he turned from Christ. Balaam, the prophet, was a prophet of God that then became covetous, and he died lost; he turned away. Yes, once a person is in a relationship with the Lord, they are free to choose to turn away.

Teresa: They are free to turn away.

Doug: See, people confuse statements of Jesus. Jesus says, “I will never let you go. I will never forsake you.” He doesn't. But that doesn't mean that we cannot run off. So often in the Bible, the Lord says that he's married to us, but the church basically goes whoring is the word the Bible uses, that church prostitutes itself to the world. Can we leave Him? Yes. Will He leave us? No. There's a difference.

Dick: I think the most prominent example, is King Saul, right?

Doug: Yes. Chosen by God, filled with the Spirit. Through little by little, degrees of rebellion and resistance, he grieves away the spirit, and he dies lost at his own hand.

Dick: Right. Then there are other examples of exactly the opposite. Peter, for instance, was so impetuous and was chided by Jesus, and yet I'm looking forward to seeing Peter.

Doug: That's right.

Dick: Great, great character. Just can't wait to see Peter.

Doug: One more verse I'd like to give you; in Ezekiel 18:24, Teresa?

Teresa: Yes.

Doug: “But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations of the wicked, shall he live? All his righteousness that he's done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he's trespassed, and in his sin that he’s sinned he will die in them.” That's pretty plain. Then he says, if the wicked man turns, he'll live. It depends on who you're following. You can't just go through some ritual, and then live with the devil and say I'm saved. Okay?

Teresa: Oh, I see.

Doug: We've got an article on that, that we can refer you to, and it's called Heavenly Hostage.

Teresa: Heavenly Hostage?

Doug: Heavenly Hostage. If you call our resource number, they'll send you a copy of that.

Teresa: Okay. Thank you.

Doug: It's also online.

Teresa: Thank you very much. It will help me a lot.

Doug: God bless you.

Dick: Thank you for the call, Teresa. Heavenly Hostage, you can get a copy of it by calling this number we've been giving, 1-800-835-6747, or by going to the amazing facts website; amazing Pastor Doug, to Rogers Arkansas. Lester is a first-time caller, listening to us on the Internet. Welcome, Lester.

Lester: Thank you. My question has to do with Leviticus 19:28. We have some young men in our church, that are getting tattoos and piercing different parts of their bodies, in the name of being relevant to nonbelievers. Is that legitimate, or does Romans 12:1 and 2, also apply?

Doug: Well, Romans 12, it says, we're not to be conformed to the world. I do believe it applies. Of course, in Leviticus, it says you're not to put any markings on your body. Matter of fact, some translations say very plainly, tattoos. I think it's a pretty feeble argument that we want to be relevant. If you want to impact someone, you do it by your example, not by compromising and becoming like the world.

Lester: I would agree. I would think the more the underlying reason is sort of a subtle rebellion to the church and the establishment. But then we also have to balance that though, with James 5:9, do we not?

Doug: Well, let me read that really quick. I'm trying remember what James 5:09 says.

Lester: “Do not complain, brethren, against one another, that you yourselves may not be judged; behold the Judges standing out the door.”

Doug: I don't think that that verse there is -- let's talk about grudging one against another, I don’t think that verse there is saying that we're not supposed to hold each other up to godly standards, especially if these are young people. The scriptures that are often quoted about not judging or abused; now, that's one reason that the church has been spiraling closer and closer to the world, is because everyone says, “Don't judge. Don't judge. Don't judge” and nobody ever says, “I am my brother's keeper.”

We all say, “Well, Am I my brother's keeper? I don't have to care about what he does,” but that's the wrong attitude, especially with these young people. They're mutilating their bodies, and these tattoos are a fad, and they're going to be scarred for life.

Lester: Yes. The other verse they’re using is right before Leviticus 19:28, they’re using verse number 27. They say, “Oh, well, we're not supposed to be trimming or cutting your beards,” but what's the answer to that?

Doug: Well, first of all, it's telling us that you're not to do that for the dead. Let me see here. In Leviticus 21, it also says, don't make any cuttings in their flesh, they're not to put baldness on their heads. They used to do this for the dead. They'd shave off their beards, they would cut their flesh; and it was a sign of how the pagans mourned. God said to his people, "You're not to do that. You're holy to the Lord."

But, so, to take that about not cutting the beard for the dead, they're still not to do that. It's not much from shaving, so they're misapplying the Scripture.

Lester: Very good. Okay. Thank you so much.

Doug: If you want an example, the Bible says that Joseph, and Mephibosheth, and other people shaved in the Bible, so there's no prohibition against shaving in the Bible; it was not cutting your beard for the dead.

Lester: Excellent. Very good. Thank you.

Doug: You are welcome.

Pastor Dick: Thanks for the call, Lester. To Fresno, California, Charlie is listening on KARM. Charlie, welcome to the program.

Charlie: Hello. How are you doing?

Doug and Dick: Good.

Charlie: Well, I enjoy your program all the time. I listen to it. But I'm a first caller, first time calling.

Doug: Well, glad you called.

Charlie: I have a question. That is, I was approached -- I was talking to a Christian, and he was saying that Jesus drank wine. I remember hearing, you were talking about that earlier, but, I'm trying to find the Scripture verses for telling that he did not drink fermented wine. Because I know he didn't drink fermented wine, because he didn't like it. I know that. They were talking about in Proverbs that wine is a mockery.

Doug: Well, there's a number of verses that we could go to. First of all, the idea that Jesus drank fermented wine, I believe, is a terrible abuse of those verses that talk about wine. The word wine in the Bible is clearly used two ways. You do not find the word grape juice anywhere in the Bible. It's either called, new wine, strong drink, and then sometimes just wine, and you had to read the context.

Their wine skins were not labeled in Bible times the way bottles are today, where it told what the alcoholic proof content was, what the percentage was. The longer it sat in the wine skin, they knew it became old wine, it would gradually ferment. Those that wanted to be faithful to God, avoided the old wine, because they didn't want to drink and numb their senses. That's why when they offered Jesus fermented drink on the cross, he turned away.

At the Lord's Supper, Jesus said to the apostles, "I will not drink this again till I drink it with you, new in the Father's kingdom." New means new wine, unfermented. John the Baptist, who was a cousin of Jesus, it said that he didn't wine, or strong drink, because he had a holy mission. It's safe to assume Jesus did the same thing. Now, because he turned water into grape juice at a wedding, and they said that, "You save the best for last" doesn't mean that he had saved the strongest drink for last. It's the opposite.

You could get strong drink all year long in Palestine, in Israel; you couldn't get the new wine except during the harvest. It's just a terribly abused -- this is in my book, I'll send you for free, Charlie.

Charlie: Okay.

Doug: The Christian and Alcohol.

Charlie: Okay.

Doug: You just call the resource number and say, “I'd like to get a copy of Pastor Doug's new book.” Tell them you’re listening to Bible Answers Live. Pastor Dick will give you the number. The Christian and Alcohol.

Charlie: What's the name of it again?

Doug: The Christian and Alcohol.

Charlie: Christian-

Doug: -and Alcohol.

Charlie: -and Alcohol. Okay. What's that number, resource number?

Pastor Dick: 1-800-835-6747. 835-6747.

Doug: Thanks for your call, Charlie.

Pastor Dick: Thank you, Charlie, for the call. Let's go next, Pastor Doug, to Brooklyn, New York. Ricardo is a first-time caller on WMCA. Welcome, Ricardo.

Ricardo: Yes, good evening.

Pastor Dick: Good evening.

Ricardo: I have a question about Romans 1:28.

Doug: Okay.

Ricardo: Yes, Romans 1:28.

Doug: Let me find that really quick. I’m about there. Here we go. Verse 28, "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"

Ricardo: Yes, my specific, what does it mean to have a reprobate mind? I mean, what does that mean?

Doug: Reprobate means, continually rebellious. Here, he's describing the attitude of -- the word reprobate, I'm looking at some other translations here. It means debased, and I'll even tell you what it means in the original language. It's adokimos; and it means, to have a rejected, rebellious, worthless attitude. It means to be debased.

Ricardo: When you reach that point, are you telling me like there's no hope for you once you reach that stage?

Doug: Well, if you pull over in that state of mind and park there, and turn off the engine, then you're in trouble. But, I believe that if a person's convicted in their heart that they are being rebellious and reprobate, and they repent, God can change your heart. That's why Isaiah Chapter 1 says, "If you repent and turn from your wicked ways, you can be as white as snow." But then it goes on and to say, "But if you refuse and rebel," it's a Hebrew equivalent of reprobate, "you'd be devoured by the sword."

You've got the trace of repenting and saying, Lord, change my heart, change my mind," and He will. Or choosing to say, "Oh, well, I guess I'm just rebellious” and living in rebellion. He can change your heart. Are you afraid that you have that problem, Ricardo?

Ricardo: Yes. I don't want to mention what that area, of that problem, but it's very--

Doug: You're struggling with something.

Ricardo: Yes, struggling.

Doug: Would you like us to pray for you?

Ricardo: Yes. That will be good.

Doug: Why don't we do that right now? Ricardo, we're going to talk to the Lord right now, and invite others to join.

Father, we sense in talking to Ricardo, that he is struggling. The very fact he’s called us indicates he recognizes that there's some area in his life where’s he's living in rebellion to what he knows is right. Soften his heart. I pray you'll do for him what he knows he is powerless to do for himself. Please, Lord, deliver him from whatever the chains are that are binding him. I pray that you'll give him that change of heart that he longs for, and that purity of soul that will be accompanied by the peace of the spirit. Be with him, please, Lord, and help him to have that new life. In Christ name, we pray. Amen.

Pastor Dick: Amen.

Ricardo: Thanks a lot.

Doug: Okay. You are welcome. I hope to hear from you that you're doing better.

Pastor Dick: To Greensboro, North Carolina, Brandon is listening in WPPL. Hello, Brandon.

Brandon: Hello, Pastors.

Pastor Dick: How are you doing?

Brandon: Good.

Pastor Dick: Question.

Brandon: My question is, in Daniel Chapter 11 and 12; I was wondering how do the Kings of the North and South sit in prophecy? Because I know they had something to do with prophecy.

Doug: Yes. Let me tell you what happens several times in the Bible. If you read in Isaiah Chapter 12, Ezekiel Chapter 28; there are two prophecies, where they start out talking about earthly kings. Then they transitioned to the power behind of those kings, which is the devil. In Daniel 11, it starts out talking about the kings of Greece, and the divisions of the Greek, and Persian empires. Then it transitions behind the scenes by the end of the chapter, to the real battle between the dragon and Michael.

The King of the North is anonymous with a great evil power. If you look in Isaiah, it tells us that the devil wants to sit enthroned in the sides of the North. It's a term that's used for the devil. Let me find that for you. A matter of fact, we have a lesson we can offer you, that talks specifically about the devil and some of these verses, and it's called Things Aren't Always What They Appear. No, that's not the one. It's What You Don't Know Will Hurt You.

Pastor Dick: What You Don't Know Will Hurt You.

Doug: [laughs] We got so many lessons. I get them mixed up.

Brandon: Yes. I took that already.

Doug: And the one about the devil? Well, have you read in the verse in Isaiah Chapter 12, where it talks about the devil? Did I say Isaiah 12? I think what I meant is 14, verse 12. Let me go here really quick. Yes. "How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.”

Brandon: Yes.

Doug: For you said, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the North.” Satan wants to sit on top of the world. Just picture the North Pole for a second. The King in the North in the end of Daniel, ends up really talking about the devil. He operates through earthly governments. Don’t misunderstand. But, then it talks about Michael standing up, and the conflict comes to a head so to speak.

You are asked in a big question because what you are asking for me here to explain it adequately, I need to march through two chapters in Daniel, which is a big answer. In our advanced Bible study series, we offer some lessons that deal with Daniel. If you request the advance -- or can you get into the internet, Brandon? Are you there?

Brandon: Yes.

Doug: Are you able to access the internet?

Brandon: Not right now.

Doug: All right. Well, then call the resource number and ask if you can sign up for the advanced Amazing Facts study courses, no charge. It’ll take you through some of these deeper prophesies, okay?

Brandon: What number is that?

Dick: 800-835-6747. 800-835-6747. It’s a free call. The lessons are free. If you’ll call them tonight, and ask to sign up for the advanced course, they will sign you up, and start sending the lessons to you right away. Brandon, thanks for the call. Let us know what you have found out after you’ve gotten signed up, and gone through the lessons. Pastor Doug, let’s go to Long Island, New York. Andre is a first-time caller on WMCA. Hello, Andre.

Andre: Hi. My question is, can you go into detail about the God Head, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, how they are three people; one?

Doug: Well, I can’t do an exhaustive study, but I’ll give you a few basics if that’ll be okay. First of all, the concept of one, is the most misunderstood concept that people struggle with. Moses says, “Hear, O, Israel: The Lord our God is one.” But it’s also Moses who wrote, “Man leaves his father and mother cleaves to his wife, they become one.” That’s oneness in the Bible, doesn’t always mean -- I think we lost Andre.

Oneness in the Bible doesn’t always mean that is one numerically. You can remember, Andre, in John 17, Jesus prays the apostles might be one, even as he and the father are one. One means unity, so that’s one point. Then, of course, you read in Genesis, it says, “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image’” and you find that phrase many times in the first chapters, first book of the Bible. God refers to himself as us. Of course, the Bible tells us God said we’re to baptize, in Mathew 28, in the name of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

You look at the characteristics of God, Andre, that God is all-knowing. Well, the Bible tells us that the spirit is all-knowing; the spirit knew what was in people, Jesus is all-knowing; he knew what they were thinking. God is all-knowing; all powerful. The characteristics of God, Jesus, and the spirit, and the father have.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. We read where it says, “In the beginning, all things were made by Jesus,” in John Chapter 1. Jesus must also be part of God. See what I’m saying? It’s a big subject. I’ll send you my book for free, Andre, would you like that?

Andre: Okay.

Doug: It’s a simple book, but it gives a lot more scriptures than I can share in a brief answer like just on the phone.

Doug: Just call the resource operators, Andre, at that number, I’ve been giving. Ask for The Trinity, and they’ll send it to you. Its 800-835-6747. 800-835-6747. Pastor Doug, lets go next to West Palm Beach, Florida. We want to talk with Ron, who’s listening from WCNO. Hello, Ron.

Ron: Yes. Hello. How you doing, sir?

Doug: Good. Thanks for your patience. Your question?

Ron: My question was that, today a young man got on a radio, and he was talking about Paul that was speaking in tongues. I wanted to know, is that true or not? If it’s true, what about the part where Paul spoke in tongues. But, Paul, I thought you say he did speak in tongues. I’m confused on that issue.

Doug: Yes, Paul does say he speaks in tongues. I’m doing a search here with my Bible program really quick. I think if we look in 1st Corinthians 14, Paul says -- there you go. 1st Corinthians14:18, “I thank my God that I speak with tongues more than you all.” 1st Corinthians: 14:18. The word tongues there, means languages. Paul was the most educated of the apostles, even though he was not one of the first 12, he later calls who himself an apostle. He spoke in more languages.

We know that he spoke Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and probably a few of the Asian dialects, don’t you think that’s safe to say Pastor Dick?

Dick: Yes.

Doug: He travelled widely, and he was a very powerful linguist.

Dick: Right. Well educated.

Doug: Paul did speak in tongues. Okay, Ron?

Ron: Okay.

Doug: I hope that helps you. Order that book that I’m offering. I think that will be good for you. Who do we have next, Pastor Dick?

Dick: Well, let’s see if we can get one more before we wind up the program this evening. We’ll go to Sacramento, California. Karla, it’s the first time Karla on KFIA. Hi, Karla.

Karla: How you doing?

Doug: Very good. Thanks for your call.

Karla: I got a question. My sister wanted to know if denominations or churches still celebrate the Feast of [inaudible 00:54:45].

Pastor Doug: Well some do. There are some Messianic congregations, and the other congregations that believe in the feast days in the Bible, and they do practice the various feats. Tabernacles is one of those feasts. My personal belief is, is as I read the new testament, that the purpose for the ceremonial, annual feast, was fulfilled when Jesus came. That’s why you read in Colossians Chapter 2, that the holy days and things that were shadows were nailed to the cross. Jesus was the fulfillment of all that. Now, the spiritual application of this, we keep for instance, you know how churches celebrate communion where they have the bread and the wine?

Karla: Yes.

Doug: That is an example of the Passover, because the first communion service Jesus had, was the Passover service. That’s why he said, I want to eat Passover with you, and that was the last supper. The last supper was the Passover. But it changed; the old Passover, they kill a lamb. We don’t need to kill a lamb anymore because Jesus is our lamb. All of the Jewish feasts, went through radical change; we apply them spiritually now.

Karla: I see. Okay. That answers my question. I just wonder if she was thinking that people should, or denominations should participate or have these--

Doug: We’ve got a book on that. I’ll send you for free. It’s by Joe Crews, it’s called Feast Days and Sabbaths. Feast Days and Sabbaths. I hope that will help you. Pastor Dick, we’ll give the number one more time.

Dick: 1-800-835-6747. Feast Days and Sabbaths, Karla, is the name of the book. Call that number, and we’ll send it to you, tonight. Pastor Doug, the fastest hour on radio.

Pastor Doug: It is. Boy, tonight went really fast. I think we got a few more questions. For our listening friends, we never want to be rude and rush through someone. We try to balance our desire to be timely with the questions, to also get as many callers as possible, as your people always waiting. If you’ve been blessed by the program, we would love to hear from you. It means so much if you take a moment and drop us a line. As we’ve said, you could even do that at our website; just email us at the website, and you can email me at

Most of all, we do this program because we don’t just want you to know the details, but Jesus; the truth that sets you free.

[AUDIO ENDS 00:57:21]

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