Hello friends! This is Doug Batchelor. How about an amazing fact?
During the days of the Persian Empire, the Grand Vizier was typically the most influential officer in the realm. He was second in authority only to the sultan himself, who often left politics so he could indulge in palace pleasures. The Grand Vizier served much like a prime minister with complete powers of attorney, and he was the leader of the Imperial Council.
During the 10th century, the Grand Vizier of Persia carried his library with him whenever he went on official business. The 177,000-volume collection was carried by 400 camels that had been trained to walk in alphabetical order—this was to simplify locating official documents. Did you know the Bible speaks of another man who carried an even bigger library in his head? Stay with us, friends, we’re going to learn more as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Welcome to Bible Answers Live brought to you by Amazing Facts Ministries. Are you looking for a clear, concise answer to your most challenging Bible questions? Maybe you are struggling to understand difficult passages of Scripture. If so, you’ve come to the right place. Join us now as we open God's Word to discover His will and find honest, practical answers to your Bible-related questions. This broadcast is pre-recorded. If you have a Bible question, call us Sundays from 7 to 8 P.M. Pacific Standard Time at 800-GOD-SAYS; that’s 800-463-7297. Now, let's join our host, author, speaker, and evangelist, Pastor Doug Batchelor.
Pastor Doug: Welcome, listening friends, to Bible Answers Live. This is a live, international, interactive Bible study, and you are invited to participate. If you’d like to call in with your Bible questions, we do have lines open right now. Pick up your phone. Call the toll-free number. It’s 800-GOD-SAYS; that’s 800-463-7297. We hope you have a writing utensil nearby. We’ll be giving out another phone number during our broadcast that will direct you to the free resource line. And we always have some free resources that we send to people who just want to study God's Word. We do this by faith wanting to disseminate the truth. And this is a program dedicated to the study of the Bible. So, once again, call in with your Bible questions now, and you have a good chance of getting your question on tonight's broadcast. 800-GOD-SAYS.
My name is Doug Batchelor.
Pastor Jëan Ross: My name is Jëan Ross. Good evening, listening friends! Pastor Doug, it’s good to be back. Before we go to the phone lines and open up the Bible, let’s start with prayer.
Dear Lord, once again, we come before You this evening asking for wisdom and guidance as we open Your Book. We pray that You’d be with us here in the studio. Be with those who are listening, Father. And may You direct questions and the answers. For this we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Doug: Amen.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You opened the program tonight with a fascinating fact about the grand vizier, a person who was in charge of keeping tabs of all of the official documents. Now, he didn’t have to probably memorize; he probably knew a lot but he didn't have to memorize all of those documents. But you did talk about someone in the Bible who knew everything.
Pastor Doug: That's right. You know, you think about a library, it's almost incomprehensible—177,000 volumes of documents he would take with him; 400 camels… you could probably fit most of that on one laptop today.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Right.
Pastor Doug: But I was really teasing a little bit, pointing people to an individual who lived on the earth that had more than that of a library within Him. A matter of fact, He is called the Word. You can find out about this Person in John—the Gospel of John—chapter 1 verse 1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That's, of course, a statement speaking about Jesus. And then, there’s four times in Revelation where Jesus refers to Himself as the Alpha and the Omega—Revelation 21:6. Those were the first and the last letters in the Greek alphabet, meaning, everything that you could make into a word is contained somewhere in Jesus. All the words of truth are contained somewhere in Jesus. He is the embodiment of the Word of God, lived out in His life. And it's the Bible that transforms our lives.
And we have a free offer for anybody who just picks up the phone and asks for it, dealing with the incredible miracle of the Bible and how it can transform us. But the truth is in Christ, and Christ is in the Word.
Pastor Jëan Ross: This is called… it's a little booklet called, “The Ultimate Resource.” Pastor Doug, you wrote this little booklet dealing with the subject of the Bible. And indeed, the Bible is the ultimate resource that we can ever have.
Pastor Doug: Yup.
Pastor Jëan Ross: And it reveals to us Christ. To receive that, call 1-800-835-6747; that’s 1-800-835-6747. That's our resource line, and you can ask for “The Ultimate Resource” and we’ll be happy to send that out to you.
Well, we have two questions this evening that's coming via the email. First one is, if Jesus said that the bread and the wine was His body and blood, how could they simply be symbols? And he’s speaking about Communion.
Pastor Doug: Right. During the Last Supper, when Jesus talked about the symbols of the body and the blood, people say, “Well, He says, ‘This is My body. This is my blood.’ Isn’t He being literal?” And some churches believe that, you know, when you have the prayer that this bread and this grape juice turns into the literal body and blood of Jesus. And I’ve said before on the broadcast that no, I believe as do most Protestants, that these were symbols.
Now, I think the greatest argument in favor of that is the first time Jesus made those statements, He was sitting right there before the disciples. His body was intact. There were no bites out of it. His blood was still in His body. And so when He hands them the bread and the grape juice and said, “This is My body. This is My blood,” I'm sure there was not a disciple in the room that thought that that was His literal body and blood. He was demonstrating that whenever we partake of the Lord's Supper or Communion, He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” It was a memorial. It's like when the children of Israel took the blood of the lamb and put it over their door, it was a symbol of the blood of Christ—a symbol of how the angel of death passed over.
So, they would reenact these things to remember them. And when we celebrate the Lord's Supper, it reminds us of how He gave His body and He gave His blood. They are symbols. Man does not have the power to turn bread into God, into the body of God, or into the blood of God. And you know, there's a lot of problems when someone takes this obvious symbol and tries to make it literal.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, I’m reminded of a verse in the Gospels where Jesus said that we are to eat His flesh and drink His blood and those…
Pastor Doug: Or we have no life!
Pastor Jëan Ross: Right. Those who were listening to Him wondered, “What does this mean?” and Jesus later explained to say, “The words that I speak, they are life.”
Pastor Doug: They are spirit and they are life.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Correct.
Pastor Doug: Exactly! Yeah. So, they’re symbols.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Clearly symbolic. The second question, does the Bible teach that the church age is ended, and that we should not be a part of an organized church today?
Pastor Doug: Well, this isn't the first time that this strange doctrine has bubbled to the surface, and then it usually dies away after a while. Some people think because there is corruption in some organized churches, that means that we should not be part of an organized church; that the age of the churches died. The only alternative to not being part of an organized church is to be part of a disorganized church. The Bible says, “God is not the author of confusion,” and “Let all things be done in order.”
There's nowhere in the Bible where God says that the need for His body on earth, being one, would be dissolved. I mean, in John chapter 17, Jesus prays repeatedly that His disciples might be one. When He was on earth, He organized them into 12 and then to 70. When they fed the multitudes, He had them sit down in companies. Jesus was very organized. He even folded the grave clothes when He rose from the dead. And the disciples, first thing they did, is they organized deacons, and then they went from church to church, and they assigned the bishops and elders.
And so, the idea that near the end of time, we’re supposed to become disorganized is not biblical! Now, it is true, in the Last Days, it tells us that there is an apostate church identified in Revelation 17 as Babylon, the Great Harlot, and that there would be… the church would compromise; doctrines compromise truth. But at the same time that this apostate church exists, God still has His true church. And there are times in history when it's had to go underground because it was illegal. But God's church has not gone underground when it is illegal for them to flourish publicly. Jesus said, “Let your light set on a hill so all men might see.” So the idea that the church age is over is really just a false teaching.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, we have a study guide dealing on the subject of the church—the true church—and we'd be happy to send that out to anyone who calls in…
Pastor Doug: “The Bride of Christ.”
Pastor Jëan Ross: “The Bride of Christ.” And then we also have one on Revelation 17. You spoke about this other woman by the name of Babylon.
Pastor Doug: And that's the lesson, “The Other Woman.”
Pastor Jëan Ross: “The Other Woman.” So, if you’d like to learn more about the church as it's revealed in Scripture, call 1-800-835-6747. You can ask for “The Bride of Christ,” and also ask for the study guide, “The Other Woman.” And we’ll be happy to send that out to you.
Our first caller this evening is Bruce, and he is calling from Hidden Valley Lake, California. Bruce, you’re on the air.
Bruce: God bless you and everybody that’s listening. You know, I have a question recently about Satan. Now, in Genesis 3:1, he is referred to as the serpent in the garden. And in Mark 1:12, it’s Satan that tempts Jesus in the wilderness, that’s what they used—the name Satan, not the serpent.
Pastor Doug: Right.
Bruce: And then in Job 1:6, where Satan is also mentioned again by name as he goes back to see God in heaven, is this the place where Isaiah and John possibly could have their revelations about the future in the same place where Satan and the committee went to see God? But my question is this, how can Satan be two things at once if he never changes—the serpent and Satan?
Pastor Doug: Alright, that is a good question. I think the key is in Revelation chapter 12. It tells us that that old dragon—the devil and Satan, the serpent of old—was cast out. So, it's calling him the dragon, the serpent, and Satan, the devil—he was cast out of heaven. And it identifies him… that's a very important verse there in Revelation because it's telling us that these different titles we use in the Bible are talking about the same individual.
Now, we know that demons can possess animals. You’ve got the story in Mark chapter 5, Bruce, where a bunch of demons stole the herd of pigs. And so, when the devil tempted Eve, he, you know, he didn't turn into a snake. I think that he took possession of one of the creatures in the garden and used it as a medium through which he spoke. So, you know, certainly Satan has great power.
Then you asked the second question, “And when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord,” it's a non-earth meeting. It's happening away from earth because the devil says to God, “I've come from the earth.” Is that where the prophets are taken when in vision?
Bruce: Yes! One of the places, maybe.
Pastor Doug: Well, it probably is. You know, it's a place where God is, and the prophets have often been taken into the presence of God, and, you know, they cowered from the glory. So, you know, I guess that's one thing we’ll know better when we get there, but I would think that it's logical that is one of the places, wherever that board room is where they met.
Bruce: That’s right. Can’t wait to see it…
Pastor Jëan Ross: Of course, we have Paul speaking about being caught up in vision to the third heaven.
Pastor Doug: Right.
Pastor Jëan Ross: So, one would assume that would be the throne room.
Pastor Doug: Yeah. But maybe the…
Pastor Jëan Ross: The council.
Pastor Doug: One of those places up there [laughing]. Hey, I hope that helps a little bit, Bruce. We appreciate your question.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Levant is calling from Ontario, Canada. Levant, welcome to the program!
Levant: Where did people get the idea that the mark of the beast is a microchip?
Pastor Doug: Well, that is a good question, too. And I’ve seen this before where it is true that the technology has been around for several years where they can inject a microchip under the skin. They actually have been doing this for years with pets. We adopted a pet from the animal shelter a few years ago. We, you know, thought we’d go there for our boy who was ready for a dog, and before we could do that, they inserted a microchip with the dog’s name in case it ever runs away. They just run a scan across its neck—the back of its neck—where they put this. It doesn't hurt the animal. And it picks up the signal that's got the dog’s name, who adopted it—all that information is entered there.
And they have speculated that they were going to do this with people now. And they said they can put it in your hand or in your forehead so that if you… to speed up airport security—I’ve heard all kinds of ways that are talking about using this—but that is not the mark of the beast. Some people said it's a credit card; some people said it's a barcode. I mean, whenever new technology comes up that identifies people. Others have said it's a super card, you know. Now, they’re developing a driver’s license where it’ll have a photograph. So, it's hard for people to take your credit card. It’s got your photograph, it’s got your driving record, it’s got your financial record all in one card with a magnetic strip, and they call it the “super card.” It's also your national ID card. And the beast’s power may use these technologies to control the buying and selling. But this is not the mark. You see what I am saying?
Levant: Yeah.
Pastor Doug: The mark of the beast talks about… it's an issue of worship; it's not a technology of identification. And so…
Levant: So where do people get the idea that’s a microchip though? Where did that come about? I think I…
Pastor Doug: Oh, it’s just wild speculation. People… whenever you hear on the news someone says he had been talking about putting a microchip in people's bodies, then someone says, “Ah! That's the mark of the beast.” As soon as they put magnetic strips on the back of credit cards, they said, “Ah! That's the mark of the beast.” And I remember going all the way back for years when the barcode first came out on products. People were saying, “Don't buy anything that's got the barcode on it because that's the mark of the beast.” Of course, those people starved to death years ago. So, there’s, you know, I think it's just superstition.
I will tell you something that hopefully will help a little bit, Levant. The key to understanding the mark of the beast is actually found in Deuteronomy chapter 6. In verse four, Moses says, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one.” So in chapter 5 of Deuteronomy, Moses gives the Ten Commandments again. In chapter 6, he says, “These words I command you this day shall be in your heart. You shall bind them for sign on your hand, and they shall be frontlets in your forehead.” So, if we do not have the law of God in our hand and in our forehead, we will ultimately have the mark of the beast. It's the antithesis of the law of God.
Hope that helps! By the way, we do have a study guide called, “The Mark of the Beast,” Levant, if you'd like that, or anyone out there. If you're wondering if it's a microchip or what is that mark, send for the free study guide.
Pastor Jëan Ross: The number again, 1-800-835-6747. And the study guide is called, “The Mark of the Beast.” Steve is calling from Champaign, Illinois. Steve, welcome to the program.
Steve: Oh, thank you! Good evening, Pastors.
Pastor Doug: Evening!
Steve: I am struggling here in 1 Kings Chapter 22 where Micaiah is prophesying. He talks about, basically, the Lord is kind of taking counsel here of who will entice Ahab to go attack Ramoth-Gilead?
Pastor Doug: Right.
Steve: And it talks about him putting a “lying spirit on the mouths of all these prophets of yours?”
Pastor Doug: Right.
Steve: And he has, like, you referred to before, you know… God is the author… not the author of confusion. I just wanted… I am just a little confused about these five verses here.
Pastor Doug: Yes. And of course, does the Lord lie? And furthermore, the Bible says God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempts He any man…
Steve: Right.
Pastor Doug: …in the Book of James. And so, here people read this and they go, “Wow! God is sending a lying spirit?” In the Old Testament, you'll often find that God uses the language that He's taking responsibility. For instance, where it says, you know, “I will harden Pharaoh's heart.” What the Lord means by that is that He is sovereign and as God withdraws His restraining Spirit, evil spirits automatically go in.
Steve: Okay. I actually… and that’s what something about what it meant. Yeah.
Pastor Doug: So another verse, it tells us about when it says, “The Lord sent a spirit to Saul that troubled him,” and makes it sound like God sent an evil spirit. No, when Saul grieved away the Spirit of God, the evil spirits came in.
Steve: Okay.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, we have a text in the New Testament, 2 Thessalonians 2:9, that says something similar…
Pastor Doug: Oh, yeah.
Pastor Jëan Ross: …where it’s talking about “those who don't receive a love of the truth, then for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they should all believe a lie.” So, if we don't receive a love of the truth, we are opening or setting ourselves up to believe the lies, the delusions…
Pastor Doug: Right.
Pastor Jëan Ross: …which God will permit to come upon us.
Pastor Doug: Good, good Scripture. Not only that. When we reject truth, what is the only thing left? It’s deception. It's like if you say, “I don't want light,” what do you have? If we reject light and we are shrouded in darkness—I mean, we can say, “Well, God sent the darkness”— wow! You rejected the light that’s all that’s left! And so, yeah, that’s a good verse. And once more, 2 Thessalonians chapter…
Pastor Jëan Ross: Chapter 2 verse 9. Jack is calling from San Diego, California. Jack, welcome to the program.
Jack: Hey! Thank you for taking my call. Blessings to you, guys. My question concerns a young lady that is a born-again believer, and she is married to a man that is not. At our church, she has decided that she would like to become a member. And there's been an uproar between some of the elders because some of them are saying there are Scriptures that say that a woman—a born-again believing woman wanting to—should submit herself unto her husband even though he may not be a believer. And that if she became a member of our church, it would be going against his authority over her, and we would be wrong in allowing that. What do you think?
Pastor Doug: Oh well, I can understand how this issue would come up. But the verses in the Bible that talk about a Christian wife showing respect for her husband and submitting to her husband, God never expects a husband, wife, child, any believer to submit to anything untrue. In other words, our first allegiance is to God and His commandments. Suppose that a father tells his son—and the son is a believer and the father's not—“You know, I want you to lie.”
After I became a Christian, my dear mother was not a Christian, and she asked me to… well, she asked me to fudge on some official document. And I said, “You know, Mom, I can't do that.” “Oh, come on! Everybody does it.” And I didn't want to be disrespectful but, I said, “Well, my first allegiance is to God. I want to honor you as my mother.” And I think she actually brought that up, “You need to honor your mother.” And I said, “I can’t do that. It's dishonoring God.”
So, God never expects us to put man ahead of him. That's why Peter says, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” And then you have, in 1 Peter chapter 3, “Likewise, you, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the Word, they may also without the Word be won by the conversation of the wives, while they behold your chaste behavior coupled with fear.” Now, that means that as the husbands behold the wives’ submission to God, it has a sanctifying influence. In any area where the husband is wanting to, you now, enjoy his position as a husband that does not conflict with the commandments of God, well, by all means they should submit. But when you're… when you're talking about submitting to a man or anybody that requires a violation of the commandment of God, you always put God first.
Steve: Okay.
Pastor Doug: That's why Peter says, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” So, yeah, if this woman is wanting to join the church, she should join in.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, we have in Matthew 10:37, it doesn't specifically talk about husbands and wives, but it does talk about the family relations. Jesus said, “If anyone loves his father or his mother more than Me, he’s not worthy of me.”
Pastor Doug: Good point.
Pastor Jëan Ross: So, that's not only true of father or mother but also of husband and wife.
Pastor Doug: Exactly.
Steve: Very good point. Yeah! Right. Okay! Thank you very much, gentlemen.
Pastor Doug: Alright. Hey, thank you and God bless!
Steve: Bye-bye.
Pastor Doug: You know, on that point, before we run along here, Pastor. I know one dear saint that came to church—a lady—and her husband would say, “Look, you’re a Christian. You’re supposed to submit to me. I don't want you going to church today. I want you to go shopping with me. I want you go to the movies with me.” And she was really torn about what to do. And she started to compromise and go on these, you know, escapades with her husband. And a terrible accident happened. And she said God was telling her that she was putting man against… ahead of God. And we’ve got to be careful that that… those teachings aren't abused.
Pastor Jëan Ross: That's right. Absolutely. Ron is calling from Seattle, Washington. Ron, welcome to the program.
Ron: Thank you very much! How are you doing?
Pastor Doug: Good! How can we help you tonight?
Ron: Yeah, guys I called you so I might… hey, actually answers here you have are concrete. And I just wanted to say it’s a blessing to hear you, guys. My question is… for you is… it’s a very controversial one. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times. It’s about proof that Christ died on Friday and many say He rose on Sunday. I’ve been studying the Bible and in Mark, I have found, well, an applicate lives and family in time they get to the Passover. But there is a Passover Lamb, but I have a… well, people disagree with me, and maybe at this point, what most are doing a lot to me. But in Mark, it says, “And when the Sabbath was passed, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, Salome, brought sweet spices and may come and anoint Him.” And they said, “It never said Saturday passed.” Now, there’s in Luke, it’s [inaudible 00:23:35] after the Sabbath was passed. Luke said they prepared the spices before the Sabbath arrived. So, I’m really confused here. I’m thinking there must have been two Sabbaths.
Pastor Doug: So, is that your question—were there two Sabbaths? No, it’s very clear that Jesus was… the time period from His betrayal, which was Thursday night, to the Resurrection was three days and three nights. And when He would be in the heart of the earth. Heart of the earth doesn’t really mean the tomb; it means in the clutch of the world’s suffering for the sins of the world. Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, rose Sunday morning. The language there in Mark, when it says, “When the Sabbath was passed,” it means that after the hours of the Sabbath as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, all the gospels are really saying the same thing. The time of the Sabbath was over.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Yeah, you mentioned… Ron mentioned about spices. It’s quite possible that the ladies prepared spices on Friday afternoon, but the Sabbath was coming, so they were unable to finish the anointing, and that took place early Sunday morning. They were hoping to do it early Sunday morning, but Jesus had already resurrected…
Ron: Right.
Pastor Doug: And there were two parts of that, Ron. They would acquire the spices. A matter of fact, it tells us that Nicodemus had gotten what was a hundred pounds of aloe.
Ron: Yes.
Pastor Doug: He had gotten some of them, but, you know, getting them and then preparing them and mixing them with the balm, it may not have been done yet. And they deliberately stopped to keep the Sabbath, and then came back after it was over.
Ron: Okay, but last part of the question. And I agree with your statement but he said that, you know, “Men will ask for a sign and no sign will be given but the sign of Jonah.” And clearly, the Jewish people knew, they’re trying to… the days where it was. So when He said that, “As Jonah was in the belly of the whale or the great fish for three days and three nights, so would man be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights.” So, the thing that I’m saying is if He would have died on Friday, He would have been in the ground for three days and three nights. He would have been there dead. I mean, are we saying that… we agree that He died Wednesday late evening? And…
Pastor Doug: No, let me take a crack at that. I tried to answer that in my first response. There’s only one place, Matthew 12:38-40 where Jesus said the sign of Jonah, “As Jonah was in the whale three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be…” and the words He used is “heart of the earth,” where “heart” there is “cardia.” And it’s talking not about the tomb. This is where everyone makes a mistake; there is nowhere in the Bible where the tomb is called the heart of the earth. It’s saying that in the same way that Jonah was a captive to that whale for three days and three nights, Jesus would be in the hands of this lost world. He began suffering for our sins Thursday night. Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night. When the mob came to arrest, He said four times, “Now is the hour. Now is the hour.” There’s some point; some starting time began Thursday evening. After the Lord’s Supper, after Christ said, “Not My will, Thy will be done,” the third time, He began to suffer for the sins of the world. Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night; He rose Sunday morning. The heart of the earth does not mean tomb.
Now, we’ve got a book on this that I’d like to send you, Ron, if you can remember this. Just call the resource number, and it’s called, “The Sign of Jonah.” It goes into detail explaining this common misunderstanding that the heart of the earth is talking about the time He was in the tomb.
Pastor Jëan Ross: The number is 1-800-835-6747, and you can ask for the booklet written by Pastor Doug, “The Sign of Jonah.” We’ll be happy to send that out to you.
You know, Pastor Doug, sometimes, people suggest that in order to try and bring this verse into position where we can grasp, but they suggest that maybe there was some type of a Feast Day, like on Wednesday or something, or Thursday…
Pastor Doug: And a different Sabbath just when He rose…
Pastor Jëan Ross: …but there’s just no real Bible evidence for that.
Pastor Doug: Yeah. It’s just this one verse. A matter of fact, in the Book of Luke, when he talks about, “No sign will be given but the sign of Jonah,” it doesn’t even mention the three days and three nights. It says, “As Jonah was assigned to the Ninevites, so the Son of Man will be to this generation.” The sign to the Ninevites was for three and a half days—Jonah made this journey—for three and a half days, he got to Nineveh. It said in forty days, it will be destroyed, but they repented. Jesus preached three and a half years that in generation… or forty years, Jerusalem would be destroyed if they did not repent, but they didn’t repent. So, you’ve got a parallel there. And of course, Jesus was asleep in a boat during a storm and they woke Him up and said, “Don’t You care that we’re perishing?” Jonah was asleep in a boat during a storm and they woke him up and said, “Carest not thou that we perish?” or you know, “Arise and call upon your God that we perish not.” There’s so many parallels. Jesus is saying, “If you want to know I’m the Messiah, look at the Book of Jonah. A lot of signs there.”
Hope that helps a little bit, Ron and appreciate your question. We’re getting ready to take a break, but before we do, get a pencil, friends. We’ve got a new website that we think you’re going to enjoy. You can watch Amazing Facts all week long, 24 hours a day! It’s simply called amazingfacts.tv! A matter of fact, there’s something there right now. Plus, you can pause what’s naturally playing. And go to our library and archive of all kinds of TV programs that we’ve been producing for years now. And it’s going to be a growing resource. We’ll be back and tell you more in a minute.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Welcome back to Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor. This broadcast is pre-recorded. If you have a Bible-related question, you can call us from 7 to 8 P.M. Pacific Standard Time on Sundays and receive clear, honest answers directly from Scripture. Call 800-GOD-SAYS; that’s 800-463-7297. Now, please join us as we look to God’s Word for more Bible answers live with author and evangelist, Pastor Doug Batchelor.
Pastor Doug: Welcome back, friends! And if you’ve tuned in along the way, we’re glad that you got on the train. You’re listening to Bible Answers Live. And we’re taking a journey to better understand what is truth. God’s Word is truth. If you’ve got a question, we invite you to call in. It’s 800-GOD-SAYS. We’ll go to the Source Book of the Bible. 800-463-7297. My name is Doug Batchelor.
Pastor Jëan Ross: My name is Jëan Ross. Well, Pastor Doug, Bible Answers Live has been on the air for what must be about 12 years by now.
Pastor Doug: 14 years!
Pastor Jëan Ross: 14 years. And for at least 11 of those years, Pastor Dick Devitt was a very important part of the program. But there’s some sad news you need to share with us.
Pastor Doug: You know, Pastor Ross, that’s true. And just last week, we had one of our callers that said, “You know what happened to Pastor Dick Devitt?” who was with us for so long. And we didn’t want to say too much, but Pastor Devitt had been struggling with some health problems, which is the reason he retired from the program. And we’re very sorry to announce that he passed away this last week. He’d been struggling with some respiratory illnesses. And we just wanted to honor him and ask our friends to pray for the Devitt Family. For 11 years, no pay, all volunteer time along with pastoring the church, he came just about every Sunday night, as you’re doing now, also, Pastor, and volunteer this time to just help and co-host the program. And so, we want to let our friends know. A matter of fact, I think there’s a little tribute to Pastor Dick at the Amazing Facts website. And once again, just wanted to praise the Lord for his service and ask our friends to keep their family in our prayers.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Okay. We’re going back to the phone lines then. We have Jess… Jeff… excuse me, calling from Washington. Jeff, welcome to the program.
Jeff: Thank you for taking my call. I have a question about 1 Corinthians 5:7 and 8 where it says, “For indeed, Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.” And then he begins in verse 8 where it says, “Therefore, let us keep the faith, not with old leaven or with leaven of malice or wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” And my question is, is Paul saying here that we should continue to keep the Feast or is there something I’m missing here?
Pastor Doug: No! I think that we do keep the Feast. A matter of fact, every time that a Christian celebrate the Lord’s Supper, they are commemorating that Feast of the Passover except we don’t sacrifice lambs anymore. We don’t apply blood—the literal blood—of a lamb. We, symbolically, partake of the body and the blood of Jesus through the bread, the unleavened bread, the unfermented grape juice. And so, we are commemorating that Passover experience. It’s gone through a major change, now, because Jesus is our Passover.
Jeff: Okay. Well, that’s what I figured, that’s what. We had a Bible study on this and that’s what I’ve said, but… [Laughing]
Pastor Doug: No, yeah. You’re on the right track. All of the feasts still have symbolic value. They were shadows that were pointing to the reality of Christ. For us to go back and keep the Jewish feasts in the old model, I mean, for me to start sacrificing lambs again would really be a denial of the sacrifice of Christ. So, for us to keep the old feasts in their old contexts, it doesn’t make sense. The new context would be in the light of Jesus. We don’t need the shadows anymore when we have the actual substance, the reality.
Jeff: Right. Yeah because he had… on the Bible study, he had told me that if God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then if He ordained the Feast, then we should still continue to keep the Feast, because He never changes and...
Pastor Doug: Well, you know, the Jewish feasts were part of the ceremonial law that was nailed to the cross, and that’s why it says in Colossians chapter 2, speaking of Sabbath days that were nailed to the cross. The Sabbath of the fourth commandment is that pre-date sin; it goes back to the very beginning, part of God’s original plans and the Ten Commandments. But all the Jewish annual ceremonial Sabbaths were connected with the Exodus, and specifically with the literal Israel. Now, spiritual Israel were following, they were going back to the original plan.
Jeff: Okay.
Pastor Doug: Okay?
Jeff: Alright, I appreciate it.
Pastor Doug: Alright, thanks a lot.
Jeff: Thank you.
Pastor Doug: Hey, we’ve got a book that if you’d like a copy, Jeff, it’s called, “Spiritual Israel,” and it talks about some of the contrast between Old Testament Israel and now the church and spiritual Israel, and even literal Israel today—where do they fit in? I think you’d enjoy that.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You can get that by calling 1-800-835-6747.
Pastor Doug: Oh, you know what, I really should be mentioning. Pardon me for jumping in. We’ve got a book, Jeff, called, “Feast Days and Sabbaths.”
Pastor Jëan Ross: Oh, that will be a good one.
Pastor Doug: Yeah, that really would… that would hit the target of your question a little more in the middle. “Feast Days and Sabbaths.”
Pastor Jëan Ross: Again, that’s 1-800-835-6747. That’s the resource number. Call the number and ask for “Feast Days and Sabbaths,” and we’d be happy to send that to you. Candace is calling from Michigan. Candace, you’re on the air with Pastor Doug!
Candace: Hi, Pastor Jëan. I have a question because in my devotions and Bible reading today, I was reading Acts 19:1-6. And my question is, how… it says you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, but I’m not sure that I was. So, how do you know?
Pastor Doug: Well, the individuals who were mentioned in Acts 19, these are 12 Ephesian believers, and when Paul began to preach to them, they had not heard… all they heard about was John the Baptist and the baptism of repentance and preparing for the coming King. So, they were baptized by John. They left Judea—these are Jewish Ephesian believers. And John then preaches to them about Jesus. They had not heard about Jesus. So, when they heard the truth about Jesus, they were re-baptized, and the Holy Spirit came into their lives.
I’m assuming, Candace, that you’ve heard the truth about Jesus. You’re not at the disadvantage that they had of only having heard about the baptism of repentance by John the Baptist. So, you may feel some, you know, lack of the Spirit in your life, and you’ll be yearning for the fullness of the Spirit. I think many Christians are yearning for more than God. King David talks about, “As the deer thirsts for the water brooks, my soul thirsts for Thee, O God.” And so, Jesus said as, if we hunger and thirst for righteousness… So, if you feel this thirst for the Holy Spirit, that’s very good. And, I think a Christian ought to have that yearning for more of God. A matter of fact…
Candace: When I do my… before I do my readings and devotions and my Bible study, I always ask God to fill me with His Holy Spirit.
Pastor Doug: Well, that’s good and that’s appropriate. You should always do that.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, in Matthew chapter 7, Jesus is talking and He says, “What manner is that among you? If your son asks for bread, will you give him a stone? Or if he asks for fish, will you give him a snake or serpent?” And then He says, “If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?” And then in Luke 11:13, Jesus puts it this way and says, “How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?” So, it’s not as though God is holding back; we need to ask and then receive in faith and believe that He will give us His Spirit. We don’t rely upon our feelings, but we trust in the Word.
Pastor Doug: Yeah, we have a book, Candace that we’ll be willing to send you if you just ask. It’s called, “Life in the Spirit,” written by Joe Crews. “Life in the Spirit.” We’ll be happy to send it to you!
Pastor Jëan Ross: The number you need to call, Candace, is 1-800-835-6747. Ask for the book, “Life in the Spirit,” dealing with the Holy Spirit and how we receive it and how that the Holy Spirit works within us. Our next caller is Marlene, and she is calling from Harvest, Alabama. Marlene, you’re on the air!
Marlene: Good evening!
Pastor Doug: Evening!
Marlene: My question is from John 1:1-3. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made. Without Him, nothing was made that has been made.” So, it’s a little bit big looks.
Pastor Doug: In what way?
Marlene: You know, in the way… in the beginning was the Word! Fine. And the Word was with God. So, it’s two things, right? “Was the Word, and the Word was with God. And then the Word was God.”
Pastor Doug: Right.
Marlene: He was with God in the beginning. You know, I really need little clarification about that because it seem it is two different person that, well, it seem is one person!
Pastor Doug: Well, you know, this really is a… this is continuing the teaching that you find all the way back in Genesis where it says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and God said…” So you’ve got God in the very beginning speaking, and things come into being. John is beginning the New Testament, or at least, his gospel with the same principle. And it’s saying that it is through Christ that God made all things. You also find that in Hebrews chapter… is that chapter 1 verse 2? “All things were made through Christ and through Christ, God made the worlds.” And so, another name for Jesus, Marlene, is “the Word.” He was with God, in other words, He’s always been where God was, and yet He is God, and all things were made through Him. Christ was the Word of God, incarnate.
Now, I realize this is one of the most majestic. It is a very big and it is a very deep and even abstract teaching, but it is also profound when you think about it.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, there’s another verse dealing with this in Colossians chapter 1 and beginning around 14. It talks about all things being created by Jesus that are in heaven and that are in the earth, whether they be visible or invisible. All things were created by Christ. So Jesus was one with the Father at the very beginning and was involved in Creation.
Pastor Doug: You know, and I think Marlene might also be talking about the part where it says, “In the beginning,” what is this beginning? In Revelation, we started tonight talking about “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.” Well, there’s four times here in Revelation where Jesus says, “Alpha and Omega.” And in one instance, He’s talking about “He Who was and is and is to come.” Well, that’s talking about as far in the past as you can go, He fills the present, and as far in the future as you could go, He’s always the one.
Pastor Jëan Ross: So, Jesus is always one with the Father.
Pastor Doug: Yeah.
Pastor Jëan Ross: And it’s something for us in our limited sphere of time. We have a beginning and an end day to try and grasp the idea that God was always there.
Pastor Doug: Yup.
Pastor Jëan Ross: We just keep going back and He’s there, and you go forward, He’s there. He’s everywhere.
Pastor Doug: That’s right. And by the way, that was Revelation 1:8. Well, I appreciate your question, Marlene. You’ve touched on one of the most profound Scriptures in the Bible.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Frank is calling from Sacramento. Frank, welcome to the program.
Frank: Hello! Hey, I’ve wondered about Joshua 10:12, about the sun that’s standing still. Could you kindly explain that a little bit?
Pastor Doug: Yeah, that’s one of the great stories in the Bible in Joshua chapter 10 where they’re having this battle with Ai. The battle is not done yet. Joshua knows they need more daylight to get a total victory so that the enemy doesn’t retreat and come back and fight them another day. And so, he prays that the sun will stand still, and something miraculous happened. Astronomically, it is something of a mystery where the sun appeared to stand still in the heavens for the space of about a day. And of course, skeptics say, “Well, how could that be? That’s impossible.” Where I’m only a man, and I could think of several ways that might happen. For one thing, God Himself is light. The glory of God Himself could have been up there in the heavens recreating the moon and the sun, the light of the sun and the moon. Jesus is referred to as the Sun of Righteousness Who will rise with healing in His wings. God could have suddenly made the earth change in its orbit, so the sun stayed stationary for 24 hours as the earth continued to rotate. You know, all things are possible with the Lord.
Pastor Jëan Ross: He could have stopped the rotation of the earth!
Pastor Doug: Yeah, I mean, if we believe that God can do any miracle, then He can do all miracles. A miracle is a miracle. And so, how He did it? I don’t know. But it says it happened. And it says it acknowledges it was a miracle. There was no day like it before or after.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Well, not only do we have the miracle of the sun standing still. We actually have the miracle recorded in Scripture of the sun moving backwards.
Pastor Doug: Yeah, Hezekiah.
Frank: Yeah, okay. Thanks a million! Appreciate that.
Pastor Doug: Alright. Thank you, Frank. God bless.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Derrick is calling from Mississippi. Derrick, welcome to the program.
Derrick: Good evening.
Pastor Doug: Evening!
Derrick: Alright. We’re praying for Pastor Devitt’s family.
Pastor Doug: Well, I appreciate that.
Derrick: Yeah, I know you all miss him a great deal. But my question was concerning… let’s see… 2 Corinthians, third chapter, the 17th verse. “And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” I heard one time that the actual translation read, “Where the Spirit is Lord, there is liberty.” How can you… and I know I heard you talk before about that verse about “Today, you will be with Me in paradise,” and you said in Greek that the comma is not there. And I’ve heard that before. What kind of resource is there that will give you that original Greek translation without the comma and concerning this first verse that I mentioned to you.
Pastor Doug: Well, there’s a few things here. You’re looking for an interlinear Bible and what that will have is it will have the English in one line, and directly underneath the English, you’ll have the original Hebrew if it’s the Old Testament…
Derrick: Right.
Pastor Doug: …and Greek if it’s the New Testament. I’ll give you a little tip. You can get that for free on the Internet. It’s a website called e-sword; I believe it’s e-sword.net. And you can download a bunch of Bibles, and they’ll, you know, appreciate it if you want to make a donation…
Derrick: Yeah, don’t tell me that, man. I just paid $70 for an interlinear Bible… [Laughing]
Pastor Doug: Oh well… [Laughing] Well, it’s always nice to have the hardcopy, so don’t feel bad, Derrick. But if you’ve got an interlinear, that’s one way you can do it…
Derrick: Yeah, but it shows the comma.
Pastor Doug: Oh, in the interlinear that you’ve got?
Derrick: Yeah.
Pastor Doug: Well, I’m not sure there’s a few different versions you might find on the e-sword version that the comma’s not there. And one more thought on that specific verse. A key to understanding that verse, if you go to James 1:25, “Whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues therein, not being forgetful here but a doer of the Word, this man is blessed in his deed.” So, the law of God is called the law of liberty. In Psalms 119:45, I believe it is, it says, “So, I’ll keep Your commandments forever and ever, and I will walk in liberty, for I seek Your precepts.”
Derrick: You know, Pastor Doug, my concern was, you know, the way it reads it, “And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” And I truly believe that. But when it was… I’ve heard that and like I said I have researched as I was asking about the resource, but I’ve heard that it read, “Where the Spirit is Lord, there is liberty.” As to say, you know, if the Spirit is not Lord, then of course, you’re not going to be free. You know, where the Spirit does not rule…
Pastor Doug: Right. Yeah, well, and that does change the emphasis…
Derrick: Right.
Pastor Doug: But you know what, I believe both would be true.
Derrick: Yeah, I believe that, too. I was just wanting to get the, you know…
Pastor Doug: The accurate translation.
Derrick: Right. Right.
Pastor Doug: Yeah, well, you might try that other interlinear that I mentioned…
Pastor Jëan Ross: Yeah, just a point on that interlinear, you’ll notice there will be punctuation in the English, but there won’t be any punctuation in the Greek. If you have the English…
Pastor Doug: Yeah, that’s right.
Pastor Jëan Ross: …above the English line, and underneath that, you have the Greek, you’ll notice there’ll be punctuation in the English, whether they use the King James Version to whichever version, sure, there’ll be commas and so on, but there’s no punctuation with the Greek or the Hebrew.
Pastor Doug: Yeah. Thanks, Derrick! I hope that helps a little bit. I’m glad you’re studying.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Dorothy is calling from Quincy, Massachusetts. Dorothy, welcome to the program.
Dorothy: Thank you for your beautiful program. God bless you all.
Pastor Doug: Thank you.
Dorothy: When we get to heaven, my question is… we’re allowed one question, because I have more than one, but alright. When we get to heaven, will we know our loved ones and friends or will we be so happy gloriously to see the Lord Jesus and not even think of it? I mean, I’m wondering…
Pastor Doug: Well, when we get to heaven…
Dorothy: I’m close to that age, you know. [Laughing]
Pastor Doug: That’s fine. Don’t worry, Dorothy. Let me get you to think about something. When you get to heaven, will your ability to discern be stronger or weaker?
Dorothy: I should…
Pastor Doug: Your gifts…
Dorothy: I should think stronger!
Pastor Doug: Absolutely. So, there is a verse I’d like to give you. It’s 1 Corinthians chapter 13 in verse 12; 1 Corinthians 13:12.
Dorothy: Of course, I love 1 Corinthians 13. Yes.
Pastor Doug: It says, “For now, we see through a glass darkly…”
Dorothy: Oh, yes.
Pastor Doug: You know, the glass in Bible times was not as clear and pure as it is now. They didn’t have the technology. The glass was all a little obscure. It was colored with the sand-coloring, and so it looked something like the old beer bottles. You couldn’t see very clear.
Dorothy: [Laughing] I have nothing to do with beer. [Laughing]
Pastor Doug: Well, I know, but I’m just, you know what I mean, these old brown bottles. It says, “Now we see through…”
Dorothy: Yeah, I’ve seen years ago. Yeah.
Pastor Doug: “Now, we see through a glass darkly, but then face-to-face, now I know in part, but then,” meaning up in heaven, “I will know even as I am known.” So, in heaven, we are going to know our loved ones even as we know them now. Yeah, that’s a good question, Dorothy. We want to recognize our loved ones, and they’re going to recognize us! We’ll all be that perfect age when we get there. I appreciate your question.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Our next caller is Ernest, and he is calling from Georgia. Ernest, welcome to the program.
Ernest: Hello there.
Pastor Doug: Hi! How can we help you?
Ernest: Okay, yeah, Pastor Doug. I was wondering… I’ve been watching a lot of different scholars and teachers alike, and they’ve been bringing up the question of the rapture. I have a problem with that because it seems like that would make Jesus have a third coming.
Pastor Doug: Well, yeah…
Ernest: He’s going to sneak in and take us away and then come back. That’s not biblical to me. I’m having a hard time with that.
Pastor Doug: Well, don’t feel bad. You know, most of the church for the first 1900 years or 2000—well, first 1900 years—they believe the traditional view that when Jesus comes, everybody’s going to see Him. It’s not a secret rapture. I mean, the word “rapture” means we’re caught up to meet Him. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s the concept of this… the “Left Behind Secret Rapture.” People believe that folks are left behind, and then the Tribulation comes where the church has believed for over 1,000 years that there’s a tribulation, and then Jesus comes, and the wicked are destroyed by the brightness of His coming. Christ said that every eye will see Him, it will be like lightning shining from the east, even to the west. When He descends, 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, the dead in Christ will rise.
Two things we can offer you, Ernest. One is I’ve got a book that I wrote, we’ll send you a free copy, and it’s called, “Anything But Secret.” It talks about the Second Coming and how it’s the grandest, loudest climax of the earth’s history—“Anything But Secret.” And also, if you go to the Amazing Facts website, we’ve got DVDs that you can watch online there; there are video programs. And we have one specifically talking about the Second Coming where we go through the Bible, we show the verses, and it’s a whole study on the issue of the confusion about the secret rapture people believe.
Ernest: Okay. Okay, we sure do. Thank you though, Pastor Doug.
Pastor Doug: Absolutely! We’ll be happy to send that to you. Just call the resource number that Pastor Ross is going to give you.
Pastor Jëan Ross: The number is 1-800-835-6747. That’s 1-800-835-6747. And just again, the website is www.amazingfacts.org filled with all types of great resources for studying the Bible. David is calling from Alberta, Canada. David, welcome to the program.
David: Hi. My question was, the Bible seemed somewhat dull to me. Like, it’s boring, sort of. So, I was wondering, do you have any way, like you could help me with somehow, you know, like, if you could make it… show me some way to make it more interesting?
Pastor Doug: Well, I’ll tell you a couple of things that come to mind. And I’ve got, you’re what, 14 years old, David?
David: Yup.
Pastor Doug: Yeah, I got a 14-year-old still at home, and I know that, of course, you know, you’re wanting it to be interesting, and one issue… and I’ll just be very honest. You want me to be honest with you, don’t you?
David: Mm-hmm.
Pastor Doug: Okay. There is so much media out there today that especially is tailored for young people like yourself that is extremely… it’s calculated to be fast-moving and exciting and bright, and it gets you all stirred up. And if young people watch a lot of the popular programs that are out there, whether they are videos or TV programs, and then they go open up the Bible, that by comparison, it’s like you’ve been eating spicy hot salsa all day, and then you go eat the white of an egg, and you say, “There’s not a lot of flavor in this. They’re mashed potatoes!” And so, you know, I don’t want to downgrade the importance of the Word. What I find especially interesting, David, is when I’m reading the stories in the Bible. If you start reading the Book of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, it’s just adventures of kings and battles and exploits and a lot of spiritual lessons in there. A lot of miracles of trusting God, and I’ve always found that very exciting. That’s one place to go.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, Pastor Doug, it just reminded of an event coming up later this year where you will be doing a series called, “Amazing Adventures,” and it’s going to be talking about the Word of God, specifically geared for young people, for kids!
Pastor Doug: That’s right, Pastor Ross. And I’ll be in Texas up Lincoln on satellite all over the world, David, a special program dealing with, you know, young people and making the Bible interesting. But I don’t want you to make you wait until September 12th when we start. So, one thing is to be reading the stories in the Bible, and also, you know, try not to be partaking too much of the over-stimulating things you might find on TV or videos that would, you know, make the Bible seem dull by comparison.
Pastor Jëan Ross: You know, another thing you might want to do, David, is find a good set of Bible guides or Bible lessons that you can go through with your Bible that helps to guide and give some background as you study God’s Word. It makes it more interesting.
Pastor Doug: I know a web address that has some. It’s called amazingfacts.org. [Laughing]
Pastor Jëan Ross: [Laughing]
Pastor Doug: We’ve got a set of Bible study guides there, David, that are… there are full color… every page has got illustrations and color on it and amazing facts. And you might enjoy going through your Bible with the study guides. That’ll change your life.
David: Yeah. I…
Pastor Jëan Ross: There’s an online course where you can actually type in the answers from the Bible.
Pastor Doug: That’s true.
Pastor Jëan Ross: They’re historicals.
Pastor Doug: Well, that’s Bible Universe website.
Pastor Jëan Ross: It’s also got that.
Pastor Doug: Yeah, you can do them online at Bible Universe. You’ll find the historical lessons there. “bibleuniverse.com.”
David: Yeah, I already have all the lessons, and I was baptized in 2006, so…
Pastor Doug: Have you watched the DVDs that go with them?
David: No, I didn’t get the DVDs…
Pastor Doug: Well, it sounds like you might be a visual person, and so you might enjoy that if you watch the DVD presentations, especially the Prophecy Code. You can watch them online or order them. They are free online. You can order your own set. But there’s actually video of the Second Coming and things you could watch there. It’s very interesting. We’ve got a DVD called, “Final Events of Bible Prophecy” that…
David: Yeah, I’ve seen the “Final Events…”
Pastor Doug: You’ve seen that. Okay, wasn’t that interesting?
David: Yeah, it was.
Pastor Doug: Oh okay, well, you’ll enjoy the Prophecy Code.
Pastor Jëan Ross: And you know, David, don’t give up. Just keep reading. Even if one day you get up and you read the Bible and it seems a little boring, don’t quit! Just keep reading.
Pastor Doug: That’s right.
Pastor Jëan Ross: The more we read, the more our appetite grows for the Word.
Pastor Doug: Exactly. That’s right.
Pastor Jëan Ross: Alright, well, Pastor Doug, I don’t know. Do we have time for one more?
Pastor Doug: Oh, our engineer says we’ve got one minute left. I don’t know if we want to do that to anybody.
Pastor Jëan Ross: We might cut somebody off.
Pastor Doug: Yeah. Friends, if we didn’t get your question tonight… oh, there’s the music.
Pastor Jëan Ross: There’s the music.
Pastor Doug: Good thing we didn’t do that. We don’t want to just take part of your question; we’d like to budget about three minutes per question and cover as many as we can and yet keep the program moving. Sometimes, it’s hard to do. That’s one reason we give out so many resources with the program; it’s because we know we’re giving abbreviated answers, but we don’t want your personal study to be abbreviated. So we recommend books and study guides and things to give you deeper answers that you’re looking for. And there’s so much more than we’ve been able to share.
If you go to the Amazing Facts website, simply amazingfacts.org, and while you’re there, you’ll see a button that says Contact Us. Good place to send your Internet questions. You might be bashful about calling in a question, well, write us with your questions. We do take your questions, and we start most of our programs by taking a few of those. Also, when you contact us, we want to hear your comments. We’d love to hear from you. And please remember, we’re a faith-based ministry. You can partner with us and be part of this ministry that’s reaching the world.
Remember, it’s not about the details as much as Jesus, the Truth that will set you free.