BAL 2024, Ep27 - Did Jesus Keep the Sabbath After the Resurrection ?

Lesson: 1
In this episode of Bible Answers Live, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross discuss with callers the timing of our salvation and our judgment, God the Father's name and Jesus' observance of the Sabbath. Join us ! Every week callers from around the world have their questions answered straight from the Bible ! Come and study with us !

1.- Is the current condition of United states politics an indicator of the perilous times that Jesus is talking about in Matthew 24 verse 12 ?
2.- Is salvation a futuristic thing, or is there a Scripture in the Bible that says you are saved at the time of conversion ?
3.- Is Deuteronomy 12 verse 15 saying that all meats are clean ?
4.- Are the following Scriptures relevant for today ? Daniel 2:21, Romans 13:11 and Hosea 8:2-4.
5.- If Jesus’ name is Jehovah, what is God the Father’s name ?
6.- Do demons need a human body to be around people ?
7.- When is the Book of Life opened, and people judged from it ?
8.- Does Scripture provide support for elective medical procedures ?
9.- Should a woman cover her head during prayer ?
10.- Did Jesus keep the Sabbath after His resurrection ?
11.- What does 1 Corinthians 6 verse 9 mean when describing idolaters ?
12.- Did Jesus go to the Holy Place, or the Most Holy Place according to Hebrews 9 verse 12 ?
13.- Does the Bible provide guidance for avoiding “bad company” ?
14.- What does 2 Samuel 22 verse 30 mean ?
15.- Can you explain the 70 weeks of prophecy in Daniel ?
16.- Ephesians 1 verse 13 says we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Is this the same seal mentioned in the book of Revelation ?
17.- How do I preach without making people feel judged ?
18.- Did Lazarus die a second time or did he ascend to Heaven ?

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Anything But Secret
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