BAL 2025, Ep04 - Who Was Jacob Wrestling With ?
Tune in and study with us as the pastors answer questions about what happens to a guardian angel when a person passes, and about which angel Jacob wrestled with during that life-changing night. They'll also discuss the patriarchy of the Bible, and why the men seem to always take all the credit... this and so much more in this edition of “Bible Answers Live.”
1.- Are the trumpets from Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 4 and Revelation the same trumpets ?
2.- What does Malachi 4 verse 6 mean ?
3.- What is the “wealth of the wicked” mentioned in Proverbs 13 verse 22 ?
4.- Does the Bible mention unfallen worlds? if so, did Satan tempt them ?
5.- Why do men get all the glory for all the important things they do in the Bible, but why not women ?
6.- Why is the measurement mentioned in Revelation 14 verse 20 specifically 1,600 furlongs ?
7.- In the NKJV, Matthew 2 verse 16 says Herod put the male children to death, but the KJV it says “all” the children. Which is correct ?
8.- What does 1 Samuel 16 verse 14 mean ?
9.- Is Isaiah 19 verses 18 through 25 prophetic ? Why does God bless Egypt when they were an example of sin in other passages ?
10.- Who was Jacob wrestling with ?
11.- Who are the souls in prison that Jesus preached to in 1 Peter 3 verses 19 and 20 ?
12.- What Scriptures should we claim when dealing with depression, doubt and lack of motivation ?
13.- Was the wine Jesus made at the wedding feast dehydrated ?
14.- What does Galatians 4 verse 6 mean when it says “spirit of His son into your hearts” ?
15.- Does a person’s guardian angel go to someone else when the person dies ?
16.- What is the biblical significance of the numbers 7 and 10, and the multiples of 7 as in the 70-week
prophecy ?
17.- Who are the 24 elders in Revelation 4 verse 10 ?
18.- Malachi says the wicked will be stubble at the Lord’s coming. Revelation says the wicked will be thrown in the lake of fire. Why the difference ?
19.- Did Jesus have an official name in the Old Testament ?
20.- Why do some churches practice communion without the foot washing ?
21.- What does Ezra 2 verse 63 mean ?
22.- Can you give me a biblical example where a kingdom has other kingdoms as its head ?