Speaker 1: Welcome to Bible Answers Live where you'll get honest answers to your Bible questions. Let's face it. It's not always easy to understand everything you read in the Bible. With 66 books and more than 700,000 words, the Bible can generate a lot of questions. If you'd like answers to your Bible questions, you've come to the right place. Now, here's your host Pastor Doug Batchelor, President and Speaker of Amazing Facts.
Doug: Hello, listening friends. Would you like to hear an amazing fact? Back in January 1970, 30-year old David Kunst was inspired by the moon landing in the summer. He got the idea of walking around the world. He wanted to do something adventurous. He, with his brother John, began walking from Waseca, Minnesota with a pet mule, they called Willie MakeIt to New York City. They walked all the way, touched the Atlantic Ocean. Then they flew across the Atlantic to Lisbon, Portugal and continued walking from the Atlantic coast there, all the way across Europe into the Middle East.
That's when tragedy struck. On October 21, 1972, when they were attacked by bandits in Afghanistan, John Kunst was shot and killed, David was wounded. But he decided not to give up. Determined to complete the mission after recovering from his own wounds, David continued walking. Now, joined by a third brother, Pete. On they plodded step by step across Asia to Calcutta, India where they stuck their foot in the Indian Ocean. Then Dave, alone, got on a plane and flew across the Indian Ocean to Perth on Western Australia.
By this time, he was on his third mule called Willie Makeit. When that one died out in the Outback of Australia, a school teacher named Jenni Samuel volunteered to tow his little wagon with her car. Consequently, she and Dave fell in love and were married after the walk ended. He continued walking 2,400 miles across Australia to Sydney. He touched the Pacific Ocean, then flew across the Pacific to Los Angeles, California. Dave then walked from Newport Beach, California back to Waseca, Minnesota where it started, becoming the first person to walk around the Earth.
The walk took four years, three months, and 16 days. Dave walked 1415 miles, crossing four continents and 13 countries, wearing out 21 pairs of shoes, three donkeys, and walking more than 20 million steps. This feat earned him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the first person verified to have walked the landmass of the Earth on foot. It takes a lot of courage to be able to make that many steps. It takes a lot of courage to live the Christian life. Stay with us friends, we're going to learn more about that as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.
Speaker 1: You're listening to Bible Answers Live. Honest answers to your Bible questions. Our phone lines are now open. If you have a bible-related question, call us at 1-800-GOD-SAYS. That's 1-800-463-7297. Let's get to our first Bible question with Pastor Doug Batchelor.
Doug: Hello, listening friends. Welcome to Bible Answers Live. If you have a Bible question, that's what this program is all about. You can pick up your phone now and give us a call. It is a free phone call. Just dial 800-GOD-SAYS. 800-463-7297. I am Doug Batchelor. Our regular co-host Pastor Jean Ross is on vacation today, spending some time with his sons. I'm very pleased that we have a guest who's been here before, Dr. David DeRose who is both a practicing physician, an ordained pastor, an author, and a radio host of another program. We're really glad that you're here with us tonight, David.
David: Great to be with you, Doug.
Doug: We're going to start the program with a word of prayer and we're going to dive in to our devotional and some Bible questions. Once again, we still have a couple of lines open. That number 800-GOD-SAYS, 800-463-7297, will bring your call in to the studio. We also have another number for resources we'll give out. Have a pencil handy. Let's pray. "Father in heaven, we're just thankful for this privilege, opportunity to make new friends and to study Your word together and to seek what is truth. We pray that Your spirit will take charge of every aspect of this program and bless it for Your name's sake. Amen."
David: Amen.
Doug: I was thinking, David, that you need to have a lot of resolve and tenacity to walk day by day for years and say, "I'm going to walk around the world."
David: Huge commitment. His commitment was tested, wasn't it?
Doug: That's right. Yes. Tested both by tragedy when he lost his brother dead and his health. You read the book about The Man Who Walked Around the World. He wrote a book. Quite interesting. Then he fell in love along the way and he said, "I'm going to finish my commitment before I get married." He followed through with it. Matter of fact, I think they had him bear the Olympic torch. That was in 1996, I believe, for the people in Minnesota.
Maybe you'd like to know more, friends, what the Bible says about having that kind of courage. We have a free offer we'd like to make available to you. All you have to do is call and ask for it. It's a book we've not offered here on the broadcast before. It's called Compromise, Conformity, and Courage. How can you walk the Christian walk in a world where we're surrounded by conformity and compromise and you can still live a life of courage? Would you like to know how to do that? You can go against the flow and live for Christ. We'll send you this free book. Just call and ask for Compromise, Conformity, and Courage.
The number is 800-835-6747. That's the resource number for the free book tonight. 800-835-6747. Okay, David, are you ready? We're going to try to go to the phones and see how many calls we can get into -- Maybe break a record. Into our broadcast tonight. We'll start out talking with Mike who's calling from Miami, Florida. Mike, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Mike: Hi, Pastor Doug. Hello, Pastor David.
David: Greetings.
Mike: I want to ask about Matthew 25. I think it's the verse 14-30. That's the Parable of the Talents. I'm pretty sure we're all familiar with that. I just wanted to ask specifically, what, I guess in a practical sense, do the talents represent? Also in verse 27 where the ruler of those servants and said that, "The others, they took my money to the exchangers. And then at my coming, I could have received mine with the usury or interest". I don’t know translations. I just want to know what are the talents and the interest represent in a practical sense?
Doug: Yes. Of course, it is a parable. It's filled with allegories. Allegories won't always translate perfectly. The talents here would represent the things that God has given us that we can grow. Your mind, making use of education to be as useful as you can be with your experience and your knowledge. Your body, using your strength and your health in the service of God. Different people quite literally have different talents. I think there might even be a connection where the English word "talent" comes from, as it's used here in this parable.
People have different abilities that can be improved. We have time. All of us have a limited amount of time. But we can invest our time in God's kingdom so that it grows in souls that are saved. For every person you reach, that person might go out with two more people. It's like it has an exponential growth. When it talks about the interest in the end, this unfaithful servant, he just buried the talent off in a drawer somewhere. He said, "Look, you could have at least given it to the bankers." The analogy there might be just live the life even if you're not going to share your faith. Live the life and some will be influenced by that. But he just took anything he got from the master and just hid it.
David: The amazing thing about the parable to me, Doug, is that everyone is given something. It's interesting the one who does the poorest is the one who's given the least. We're not excused because we'd say, "I don't have Doug Batchelor's talents so I can just sit back and put my feet up and wait for Jesus to come." We're to be actively using that which God has given us.
Doug: There's a similar parable in the Book of Luke that sounds as though – It uses a little different analogy but it sounds as though if we multiply our talents, he gives us more. Matter of fact, in the judgment of that parable, it's telling us that he did as faithful on that which is least is faithful of much. He'd take away the talent from him who did not invest it and give it to him who did. Hey, I hope that helps little, Mike. We don't have specifically a study guide on talents. We do have one on Christian finances. That would be called In God We Trust.
We'll be happy to send you a free copy if you'd like that. 800-835-6747 for the resource line. Also, you'd need prayer, we do have chaplains there. Again, it's 800-835-6747. If you have a Bible question, 800-GOD-SAYS. Appreciate that, Mike. We're going to next to talk to Catty who's calling from Glendale, California. Catty, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Catty: Hi, Pastor Doug.
Doug: Hi.
Catty: I want to know about your opinion about them being a class reunion on a Sabbath. It's in one of the classmate's home and everybody's Adventist. I don't know. I feel bad. What do you think?
Doug: Well, if it's being planned by Christians, then the thing is that hopefully during the day of the reunion, they will have spiritual activities and so I would find out what's on the agenda. If they've got activities that are appropriate for the day of worship, then getting together with other classmates in an attitude of worship, it might be a weekend, a Sabbath weekend that would be fine. If they've got activities that they're planning and that maybe people may have grown up in the church, and they've drifted, and it's not going to have a spiritual overtone, well, I don't know, then I'd be may be uncomfortable. I don't know. What do you think?
David: One of the texts that comes to mind is in Isaiah 58:13, "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath from doing your pleasure on my holy day, call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable. Shall honor him not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, and then the Lord goes on, it gives that promise,” but Doug, exactly what you're saying. If it's something that you sense God can bless, there's no prohibition there. If it starts straying into things that you would feel are not glorifying God, drawing you away from Him, then that's what becomes questionable.
Doug: I know Karen went to 12 years of Christian school and they have occasional reunions. She'd look and see that they're going to meet in the reunion, have Sabbath services. I thought, well, you can go to that and pretty so -- but then sometimes they get together other reunions, they just whoop it up. [laughs] It stops becoming something that it would be appropriate. Hope that helps a little bit Catty. We do have a book on How Do You Keep The Sabbath Holy. We can send you a free copy if you call the number 800-GOD-SAYS. How Do You Keep The Sabbath Holy, 800-GOD-SAYS, it's 800-835-6747 for the resource. 835-6747. Talking next to Ezra in Orlando, Florida. Ezra, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Ezra: Good night. Thank you for taking my call.
Doug: Absolutely.
Ezra: My question tonight has to do with polygamy. I understand it's God's ideal for one man and one woman in marriage, but I was looking for text or some kind of clarity on how come God never punished any of the patriarchs or live in a polygamous life?
Doug: Well, in a sense he did. Look at what happened with Abraham and Sarah. Abraham ultimately had to put Sarah away at God's instruction—
David: Do you mean Hagar?
Doug: No, I'm sorry, Sarah and cursed Abraham, and then Abraham had to put Hagar away. Thank you very much for catching that. Then you look at the problems Jacob had when he not only -- he didn't want four wives, he just wanted Rachel. He ended up with Rachel, Leah, and then, in turn, their handmaids, and there was so much fighting in the family, and even a little bit of incest happening between his firstborn and one of Reuben stepmother, it caused all kinds of problems.
Whereas Isaac who had one wife, Rebekah. He lived longer than Jacob or Abraham. It says he loved her and they seemed to have a much happier home in that respect. Obviously, God made one wife for Adam. God, winked the ignorance -- someone asked Benjamin Franklin one time, "Can you show me one scripture that says a man cannot have more than one wife?" He said, "That's easy. It says no man can serve two masters." [laughs] Of course, throughout the New Testament, one of the criteria for being an elder, it says, "Husbands of one wife", some wonder, does that mean that if a person was divorced, they could never be an elder? I think it's talking about problems with polygamy that still existed in the Middle East back then. You do have those scriptures in both New and Old Testament.
Ezra: Okay. I guess in essence the family dynamics was where they pretty much got punished.
Doug: Yes, look at what happened with David with his multiple wives and Solomon's wives drew his heart away even though he had been loyal to God and polygamy -- the fighting -- you read about Elkanah has two wives, Peninnah and Hannah. The bitter animosity that was in the home -- any married man knows that their wife is going to be very resentful if they have another woman in their life.
Can you imagine having one in the house full-time? If the affections aren't shared naturally in that way and God winked at their ignorance, because it happened a lot in polygamy, but it wasn't part of his original plan. Hey, Ezra. We do have a book. We'll be happy to share with you. It's dealing with the subject of marriage, divorce, and remarriage, and it says a little bit there about polygamy, and we'll be happy to give you a free copy of that. Thank you for your call and we're going to be talking with, let me see, Gene. He's calling on line six from Pontiac, Michigan. Gene, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Gene: Hi there.
Doug: Hi.
Gene: [unintelligible 00:15:41]
Doug: How are you?
Gene: I'm all right. How about you?
Doug: Good. How can we help you tonight?
Gene: Well, I always have discussions with various Sunday keepers about the Sabbath. Of course, they always want to argue with me. One of the main argument is that all the other Ten Commandments, the other nine are repeated in the New Testament, but not the Sabbath. I said, "That's ridiculous. It's mentioned over a hundred times.” They said, “Well, they did this on the first day and they did that on the first day, so that means it's changed.” I said, "No, it doesn't." We go back and forth. Our boys felt that my answers were inadequate. I never seem to give them that adequate answer at least satisfactory to them. It's obvious to me, but it's--
Doug: You're wondering, is the Sabbath command repeated in the New Testament?
Gene: Yes, they want it spelled out for them. I don't know why, but it was something I--
Doug: I've heard that before, Gene, and I appreciate that. The first thing is the question is based on a myth. They say all of the other Commandments are repeated in the New Testament, but I would say, "Where in the New Testament do you find the commandment 'Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain'?" That's not in the New Testament. It's not repeated. The Lord's Prayer says, "Hallowed be thy name", in other words, there's inferences into that, but you don't find that commandment repeated in the New Testament.
If they're going to go by that argument, they need to say that it's okay now to take God's name in vain, which of course is absurd, but I think and you may think of another one, Dr. DeRose, but I think that Hebrews 4, it says, "The remains, therefore, a keeping of a Sabbath for the people of God".
David: Well, another great example is Jesus himself resting in the tomb. It says that's indirect, but Jesus at the end of his completed finished work on this earth, He rests in the Sabbath just like -- and you could say again, "That's an inference, but still it validates that essential truth about the Sabbath commandment".
Doug: Then, of course, it talks about the pattern of Jesus. It tells us as his custom was--
David: Hebrew 4.
Doug: Yes. He entered into the synagogue on the Sabbath and read the scriptures, so you got the example of Christ and a Christian as a follower of Christ. Whenever you're in doubt, if you're keeping the Ten Commandments, you'll probably say, "Friends, I don't do it to be saved, do it because you love the Lord. It says if we love Him keep His Commandments". The Ten Commandments would be just the foundation of that.
Gene, you'd also enjoy the new book that we just did. Matter of fact, we have a new magazine called the Day Of The Lord, that is completely dedicated to the Sabbath and it's filled with answering questions on that subject, called the Day Of The Lord. If you want a free copy, call 800-835-6747. We'll be happy to share that with you and we appreciate your call. By the way, that does free up another line. I'm looking and we've got two or three lines open, friends.
If you have a Bible question, we still have about 42 minutes to go. 800-GOD-SAYS brings your question into the studio at Bible Answers Live, 800-463-7297. Let me see here. We're going to talk next to Jamie who's calling from West Frank, Illinois. Jamie, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live. Is that West Frankfort, Illinois?
Jamie: Yes, it's me again. [laughs]
Doug: Hey. How are you doing?
Jamie: I'm good. How about you guys?
Doug: Great.
David: We're good.
Jamie: Good deal. I'm looking for a verse and then I come across a couple other things and I'm like, "Man, I would really like to ask a question about that instead." Basically, the question I originally had though, it was something that I read like I always do. I thought that I marked it and apparently, I didn't because I cannot find it. I know it was-- [crosstalk]
Doug: What's the essence of it?
Jamie: He was basically speaking to the Pharisees and they were challenging Him and it was, I believe about death. It is somewhere along the line says, "He made the remark that you are really mistaken and--"
Doug: "You do err not knowing the scriptures or the power of God, for those that are worthy to obtain the Resurrection, neither marrying nor are they given in marriage." That's what He was arguing with the Pharisees and He said they don't know the scriptures. That's why Jesus said that.
Jamie: It's something that I was thinking about, it was something along the lines of death that they thought they knew what happened after death and--
David: Well, but He is the God of the living. He's the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is that the -- with the scribes, and the Pharisees, and the Sadducees were arguing. The Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection. Is that the context?
Jamie: Yes.
Doug: What's the question about it?
Jamie: Where did you find that then because I--
David: That's actually fairly late in Matthew. I'm trying to put my finger on it real quick for you.
Doug: Yes. It's in the 20s, when he has the debate with the scribes and the Pharisees.
David: 22, I think.
Doug: Matthew 22.
Jamie: That's what I was looking for.
Doug: Well, does that answer your question then?
Jamie: Yes. Also, about the--[crosstalk]
Doug: You have another second question you want to ask quickly?
Jamie: Yes, the 12 tribes. I believe it was in Luke. He was saying that when Peter told them when they get to heaven, they will be judging on the throne and they will be judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Is that basically meaning, because to me, I take that as judging strictly Jews or does that basically cover all humanity that believes in Him?
Doug: Well there, first of all, the 12 apostles are not going to be passing judgment as in condemning people. The ancient judges of Israel were leaders that were respected, and so Jesus is telling the apostles, "You'll be sitting on thrones like the ancient judges of Israel leading God's people." When he says 12 tribes of Israel, that's a metaphor for God's people spiritual Israel as well as Jews. It's an all-encompassing statement.
David: In 1 Corinthians 6, it speaks about the saints judging the world, so again, this is speaking of -- like you mentioned, they're not passing sentence so to speak, but they're validating God's righteous judgment during what we would say as the Millennium.
Doug: Yes. Well, we do have a lesson that we can send you that talks, Jamie, about the judgment and it's called Facing the Judge, it goes into more detail about that and we'll send you a free copy. If you call 800-835-6747. I hope you'll enjoy that. All right, that takes us next to Ms. Jacquelyn calling on line 9 from Bismarck, North Dakota. Jacquelyn, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Jacelyn: This is Jacelyn.
Doug: Oh, I'm sorry. I've got-
Jacelyn: That is okay.
Doug: -a spelling impediment [laughs] but anyway, so your question.
Jacelyn: Yes. The first question is about anointment with oil for the sick. I'm thinking my elders want to have a [unintelligible 00:23:31] to anoint me with oil. I know it's biblical, but I wanted to have a clear understanding of it.
Doug: Well, you find that -- I think it's James 5, where it tells us "That if there's any sick, let them call for the elders to come and to pray over them", and says, "If their sins will be forgiven". When you enter into it -- now, are they praying for your physical healing?
Jacelyn: Physical healing, yes.
Doug: You prepare your heart before they come and say, "Our Lord, I want to just be available, so if you want to perform a miracle of healing for me--" and I've seen it many times. I've quite literally seen people that were diagnosed with incurable cancer. We had anointing services and they were healed. We've got one lady in our church right now that they said she had liver cancer. We had an anointing service and she is fine. Whatever they saw before is gone and she feels fine.
I do believe in it, but you want to humble yourself before God, confess any known sin, and say, "Lord, I'm willing to do your will", and prepare your heart.
David: There's a great little book called Ministry Of Healing and it has a whole chapter on prayer for the sick. That's really, really excellent done— [crosstalk]
Doug: Yes, probably you could read that online for free now, it's public domain, Ministry of Healing and read the chapter called Prayer For The Sick. It's biblical. They don't baptize you in oil. The oil is a symbol for the Holy Spirit. They usually take a little olive oil and just kind of touch your forehead and it's a symbol of being anointed and for healing. Hey, thank you very much for your call, Jacelyn. I'm going to talk next with William, and he's calling from New York, New York. William, we've got about three minutes till the break. You got a quick question?
William: Yes, I have a question. I was reading throughout the Old Testament and I noticed Jeremiah 29:2, "The side about males and two kings, the side of a female". My question real quick is should hermaphrodites or intersex married, people who were born this way, not transgender, should they marry and who should they marry? Also, concerning surgery at birth, is that moral to you? I know if one is going blind or deaf surgery to correct that, it's a good thing to do, but should it be done?
Doug: All right. That's a good question. Well, tell you what, you called on the right night, because we've got a medical doctor in the studio. Dr. DeRose, first of all, when a person is born that has some of the characteristics of male and or female, is it my understanding -- am I correct that every person born has the genetic makeup of either boy or girl or is a chromosome makeup of either boy or girl?
David: Well, strictly speaking, there's either XY or XX, but there are some people that have unusual genetics and there's others that have the genetics -- there's an unusual condition called testicular feminization where someone can actually have the genetics of a man, it could develop as a female, so there are--
Doug: How common is that?
David: It's very unusual. The issue is though, Doug, we're speaking about hermaphrodites, these are people that would have actually characteristics of male and female. This is very, very unusual. Biologically were programmed to develop as females unless there's the male hormones, so if someone is genetically a man and doesn't -- those hormones, the testosterone doesn't fully have its effect, it can be confusing.
Doug: All right. We appreciate that, but it might be what? Like one in a million, so I take your doctor's advice on [chuckles] that situation. Bible doesn't really address that, so I hope that helps a little bit, William. Hey, friends. We're going to get ready to take a break here in just a minute. We do have some lines open. If you have a Bible question, we're getting all kinds of interesting questions tonight. You can add to that, just call in 800-GOD-SAYS, 800-463-7297 with your Bible questions and we're going to be back after these announcements with more questions.
Speaker 1: Stay tuned. Bible Answers Live will return in a moment.
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Every Bible question you have answered, moves you one step closer to the fullness of God's will for your life, so what are you waiting for? Get the answers you need for a fuller, richer, more confident life. You're listening to Bible Answers Live. We still have a few phone lines open. If you have a Bible related question, call us at 1-800-GOD-SAYS. That's 1-800-463-7297. Now, let's join Pastor Doug Batchelor for more Bible Answers Live.
Doug: We are back. Welcome, listening friends. If you've joined along the way, this is Bible Answers Live and you can call in with your Bible questions. I still see two phone lines open and that number is 800-GOD-SAYS, 800-463-7297. I am Doug Batchelor and my co-host tonight is Dr. David DeRose, he's been here before with us in the program, both a medical physician, an ordained pastor, an evangelist and an author. I'm holding a new book, David, that you wrote. I guess I'm holding it the final proof copy just coming off the press pretty soon, huh?
David: Yes, it's actually available on Amazon, 30 Days-
Doug: Already?
David: -To Natural Blood Pressure Control.
Doug: I tell you, I suspect that the 30 Days To Natural Blood Pressure Control -- a lot of people out there are struggling with that. Some of the keys in here were probably also helped with a number of health ailments.
David: Oh, no question. We've got a strong biblical section in it too at the end of the book. Actually, the most extensive chapter is on Spiritual Principles That Help Blood Pressure.
Doug: Wow. That would be tremendous. Well, I'll tell you what, friends. You got to get a hold of this, because I've been working with Dr. DeRose for years. He's much sought after and has great information, and it's very inspiring as well as medically documented. You may want to look that up on Amazon. We're going to be taking Bible questions tonight and we do still have a line open if you want to call, 800-GOD-SAYS. With that, we're going to go to our next Bible question. Talk to E. Frank who's calling from Astoria, New York. Welcome E. Frank, you're on the air.
Frank: Yes, Pastor Doug. My question is for you and the Doctor. This is a question I've been wanting to ask for a very long time. I usually read the Bible at night and I read related to books that relate to scripture, reading books that contain many prayers that relate to many of the important scriptures in the New Testament. My question for you, Pastor Doug, is this, is it healthy, moral, or ethical nature to believe in other things besides Holy Scripture? Because I was offered at one time -- I used to belong to an organization that contains certain principles that stated that if you follow them, you will be closer to God, and you will understand Christianity, and other God's spiritual principles much more deeper, you'll be closer to God, and closer to your fellow brethren if you follow the hierarchical understandings of the organization. I love the organization. I no longer belong to the organization, but they did offer me an option that's not--
Doug: All right. I don't want you to go forever with a question here. You're wondering is it okay -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- you're wondering, is it okay to read supplemental material or other material that does support the Bible?
Frank: Yes, and it helps you reach to a better knowledge of Christ through that other type of material.
Doug: Okay. In principle, the Bible is the foundation for what is truth and everything must be measured by the Bible, but there's nothing in the Bible that says you're not allowed to read anything other than the Bible if it's in harmony with truth. Now, a person might have to read a book to pass the driver's test, so there's all kinds of reading people do, but I know we're talking about spiritual reading here. There is obviously stuff that it tells us in the Bible that you try the spirits and hold fast to that which is good, but you try them by Scripture.
David: I'm looking at 1 Thessalonians 5, a couple of very short verses. They're verses 19 and 20, "Quench not the spirit, despise not prophesying, prove all things, hold fast that which is good". Doug, my biggest concern is a lot of these things and even in the disciples day, they said that some -- Peter was speaking of Paul's writings that some actually twisted them to their own destruction. A lot of people today are twisting the scriptures, but at the same time the Holy Spirit shines new light on the word sometimes through a good pastor, through a ministry, like amazing facts God has blessed me through this ministry and I know many others. We got to test those spirits and the test is the Word of God.
Doug: Yes, that's right. You need to measure things. To add to what Dr. DeRose was just saying, there are some great reformed writers, everyone from Martin Luther to John Wesley that wrote some tremendous inspirational material. There are some great Christian writers. They may not have known everything. They never claimed to know everything and so you need to recognize when you're reading their writings. They were men. They knew they weren't the Word of God and their writings were not to be compared to the Word of God. You sometimes have to eat all the melon and spit out the seeds, and so that would be true with other writings. Hey, thank you, E. Frank. We appreciate hearing back from you. As always, we're going to talk now to Robert, calling from Long Island, New York. Robert, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Robert: Hi, Pastor Doug, hi, Pastor David.
Doug: Yes.
David: Greetings.
Robert: Now, that we're in the presidential election season. I felt that one candidate has insulted my denomination while another candidate has, in fact, praised my denomination for their philanthropic work and also their support of religious freedom in the workplace. Now, my general question is, am I wrong as a Christian to choose a candidate based on that candidate religious belief?
Doug: I'm glad you asked that question. That is actually a very good question. Do we look at a candidate's religious beliefs when we're considering who to vote for? Well, of course, a person's religion and their theology does affect their worldview. If a person says, "Well, I don't bring my religion into my work", well, your religion's probably not very good if it doesn't impact who you are and your values and morals. That said, if you've got a couple of candidates that are running, if they don't happen to be part of your particular church or don't claim any church, when it comes to President, you're not looking for pastor of the United States, you're not expecting that person to impose their religion on the United States, but you're hoping that they've got values and morals. I think that you really need to look at what they demonstrate as a pattern and usually, I think it's Solomon who says, "What has been is what will be." You can usually look back and say, "What does person's pattern been? Have they been a good leader? Have they been an ethical leader?"
People claim all kinds of religious things. In prison, there's a lot of people who are genuinely converted and then there are some people in prison who will claim conversion to try to impress a parole board, and so politicians do the same thing. You just have to use judgment. I wouldn't elect somebody based on their profession of religion. I'd look at the pattern and then keep in mind, you're not electing someone to be pastor of the United States when it's the Presidential race.
David: It's a deeply spiritual decision, the whole voting process. James promises us in James 1, "That if we lack wisdom, we can ask God", and he'll basically, to paraphrase make it clear. As you're praying about the candidates, ask God for guidance and I believe he'll give you the clear insight into it.
Doug: Thank you, Robert, for asking a timely question. With that, now we're going to be talking with Sherry who's calling from Cincinnati, Ohio. Thank you, Sherry, for your call. You're on the air.
Sherry: Hi. How are you tonight?
Doug: Better than we deserve.
Sherry: Well, my question is, recently my husband and I had have heard some things about the Ten Commandment, the original ones before they were broken being written on sapphire taken from God's throne. I just wanted to get maybe some clarity or your thoughts on that.
Doug: I've heard that before. It does talk about a pavement of sapphire under God's throne. I was just getting ready to look up the verse and didn't get it done yet.
Sherry: I think it's Exodus 24:10.
Doug: Some have speculated that the Ten Commandments were written on a blue sapphire stone. Is that what you're talking about?
Sherry: Yes.
Doug: There's no scripture that I know of that says that. It may be. I'm tempted to think that the second set of stones -- you realize there's two different sets?
Sherry: Yes.
Doug: The first set of stones that God cut out of the mountain and gave to Moses who knows what God did to it by touching it. He could have made it anything but when Moses broke it, God said, "Cut or hew another set of stones and bring them to me and I'll write on them the words of the first." I don't know the Moses comments or the scripture says what kind of stone it was.
David: I've heard the same inference, Doug, and Sherry, but again as far as the Scriptures, it seems to me that they're silent on the topic at least from anything I've seen.
Doug: I just looked up the word sapphire and there's not that many references to it.
David: Exodus 20:10 like she actually mentioned though, had that.
Doug: I've heard some say when you get to the stone foundations in the New Jerusalem, you've got Greek names but one of those stones and the foundation would have been the same as the sapphire pavement or under the throne of God, because the Greek and the Hebrew names for stones are very ancient names. There's still some question about what those stones were.
David: The other interesting aspect to it, I know we want to infuse things with great meaning in precious stones, but in God's work, he often takes very simple things. He takes things that are common and gives them especially great significance. When you think about the New Jerusalem, it's got the names of the 12 children of Jacob, 12 tribes of Israel, and also the 12 Apostles, and they were anything but exemplary through much of their lives.
Doug: A matter of fact, one of the great lessons of the whole sanctuary is here, you've got this beautiful golden sanctuary in the middle of it. You've got an inner sanctum, the Holy of Holies, and in that, you got a golden box as the only thing therein the box, they got these stones, the simplest of things, but they have the Word of God. That's the important thing, the Word of God is on those stones. It could have been sapphire. We actually had a member of our church that has a business, he cuts stone with a diamond and lasers, and he made a set of Ten Commandments for us. I think he put them on like a blue quartz, because he had heard the same thing. Interesting questions. Hey, thank you very much, Sherry. I appreciate that.
We do have a lesson we'll send you for free called Written in Stone about the Ten Commandments. I don't know if it says anything about sapphire in there, but we'll send it to you. Hey, thank you. We're going to talk next with Sandra who's calling from Calgary, Alberta. Sandra, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Sandra: Wonderful. Good evening.
Doug: Good evening.
Sandra: The question I had was in regards to Galatians 4:10. I'm wondering if it has to do with the feast days.
Doug: Well, let me read this here for--
Sandra: As you observed--
Doug: Yes, go ahead.
Sandra: You observe days, and months, and seasons, and years.
Doug: Yes, I think that's what he's talking about. You'll notice that Paul, there in Galatians, and in Romans 14, and other places, Paul was often dealing with Jewish Christians that were insisting that the Gentile converts to Christianity needed also to keep the Jewish feast days and Sabbath's. We're not talking about the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments. We're talking about the annual Holy Days, and the New Moons, and some of these ceremonial holidays. Paul was arguing. He said that Christ really was the fulfillment of that.
David: No question, yes. It's wonderful, we don't have to be under a burdensome list of rules and regulations. Jesus has freed us from the curse of the law, which is the penalty of the law, but we don't have to follow the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament. Jesus is the fulfillment.
Sandra: I'm trying to convince my husband of that.
Doug: Well, there--
Sandra: Because he--
Doug: He's struggling with that?
Sandra: No -- well, I came out of the church that celebrates the feasts and whatnot and my husband is still there. [laughs] It's a little bit of a controversy, but I came across the scripture and I asked him about it and he had a totally different -- I don't know if he just chose not to see it but he had a different thought on what it meant. I just wanted to get your idea on it. [chuckles]
Doug: There's that verse in the 1 Corinthians 5:7, it says, "Purge out, therefore, the old leaven that you might be a new lump as you are unleavened for Christ is our Passover sacrifice for us". Obviously, with that Passover Jesus kept with the disciples, He completely changed what the meaning of it was and He showed that He was a fulfillment of it. I think that it's a mistake for Christians to feel they need to keep the ceremonial Sabbath's that obviously came after sin, whereas the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments was part of God's perfect plan before sin.
David: That's right.
Doug: All right. We do have a book. We'll send you a free copy, Sandra. It's called Feast Days and Sabbath's, Feast Days and Sabbath's written by Joe Cruz. If you call 800-83567, we will send you a free copy of that. I appreciate your call. All right. We're going to be talking next with Arci who's driving his truck listening on satellite radio, my guess Arci, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Arci: That is correct. This is a satellite. I had a discussion this past weekend about James and I'm under the belief that James is the half-brother of Jesus. Your thoughts on that, and is there anything to back that up?
David: There is a reference in Matthew 13. We know that Jesus did have a brother named James. I'm reading there from Matthew 13, beginning with verse 55, "Speaking of Jesus, is this not the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?" There was a brother of Jesus and most think it was a half-brother, because of course, Mary was a virgin, so there's some suggestion that Joseph had been married previously. This James appears to be the one who was the author of the book of James since the Apostle James was beheaded very early on the book of James being written after that.
Doug: I believe the author of the book of James, we just did a lengthy study on the book of James and I believe the author was the half-brother of or stepbrother of Jesus.
Arci: I appreciate that so much.
Doug: It's interesting that he was converted. The brothers of Jesus at first were a little bit apprehensive about Christ's claims to being the Son of God, but even though they grew up with him, they came to be believers. That's quite a testimony, because you live at home with somebody for 30 years and if they've got bad behavior, you're going to know. James ended up referring to his younger brother as the Lord.
Arci: I'm going to lose you. I'm going to lose you. I'm driving into the mountains.
Doug: All right. Hey--
Arci: Thank you very much.
Doug: Thanks for waiting, Arci, I appreciate your call. All right, that does free up another line. We still have a few minutes left. 800-GOD-SAYS, that's 463-7297, 800-463-7297 brings your call to the studio, talking to Charles calling from Monroe, Michigan. Charles, you're on the air.
Charles: Hey, how are you guys doing tonight?
Doug: Doing well.
David: We're well.
Doug: Thank you.
Charles: I had two quick questions I needed an answer on real fast. The first one was on Hebrews 10:26 I believe it is on willful sin. I was wondering if that was referring to us or was He speaking to the Jews who have come into Christianity and they reverted back to it, because the old law didn't have forgiveness for willful sin.
Doug: Well, actually the Lord is sending this message to everybody. He says, "For if we willfully sin after we've received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sin." That would not be exclusive to Jew or Gentile but to believers. Now, that when it says sin willfully, people get scared by that. They think, "Wow. Who out there listening right now has not sinned willfully where you knew what you're going do was wrong, and you premeditated, and you sinned? If we're condemned, because we committed a willful sin, we are all doomed. The phrase there, "if we sin" is talking, it's a verb that means ongoing, "If we continue to sin willfully after we know the truth". If a person persists in high-handed rebellion after they know what God's will is, what more can God do? All they have to look forward to is fearful judgment. It doesn't mean that you break down, and you sin once willfully, and then you repent of that, because you sinned willfully, it's hopeless.
David: I love Matthew 12:31 where Jesus said, "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto man", and then he goes on to say, "But the sin against the Holy Spirit won't", and that's this rebellious heart where we refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit's promptings. The good news, all manner of sin and blasphemy are forgiven when we come to Jesus.
Doug: That's right.
Charles: Okay. Then my second one real quick is on Melchizedek and who he is particularly, because I've seen some people argue that it's God in human form because Abraham gave 10% to him, of every -- Of all the ties and everything that he had. Then, I see it some people just say that it's just an average of another man.
Doug: Yes. You'll find Melchizedek in the book of Genesis where Abraham's coming back from this battle with these kings in the North. He gives his tithe of all his bounty from the war to Melchizedek. Now, if that was God, what's God going to do with all those sheep and skins of [unintelligible 00:50:34] and gold. Melchizedek was a real king of a real place that tells us where it was Salem, later known as Jerusalem. It says, he brought forth bread and wine. He has a type of Christ in that. The name Melchizedek means 'king of righteousness'. The fact that he was a king of Salem means 'King of Peace'. Christ is our king of righteousness, our king of peace. In the new covenant, he brought forth bread and wine and he is our high priest.
You have an analogy. A person who is a type of Christ but they were a real person. Now, I can't prove this but one theory I've read about is, Noah had a son named Shem, that actually lived into this time period. Some have wondered if after Abraham settled in the Promised Land, if Shem and his clan did not also move and settle in the area of Salem, and Abraham paid tithe to him because he was greater than Abraham. The man would've been -- I don't think he lived nearly 600 years. He would've been. I admire this. One of the few people who had lived before the time of the flood was still alive when this happened with Abraham.
Don't know if that's the case but it's an interesting theory. But Melchizedek, I believe was a real person. Thank you for your question on that, Charles. We're going to see if we can sneak in another call before we have another break. We're going to talk with Marjorie, calling from College Place, Washington. Marjorie, you're on the air with Bible Answers Live.
Marjorie: Thank you. Please explain Matthew 10:28, about the body and the soul.
Doug: All right. Let me read this from my friends out there. Matthew 10:28, and Jesus said, "Fear not them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Well, first of all, this is an important verse because it makes it pretty clear that some people think, well, the body's destroyed in hell but soul lives on and on. Well, Jesus doesn't say that. Jesus says, "Soul and body in hell." Now, you can have a body without a soul. When God made Eve -- Adam, before he breathe his breath of life in him, he was just a body. After God breathe the breath of life in him, it says he became a living soul. That's the combined body, soul, spirit, consciousness.
When a person is destroyed in the fires of hell, it's just that they perish soul and body is destroyed. Jesus said, "Don't be afraid of somebody who might persecute you, physically." But they can't take your soul. It's good to know that. Heaven forbid, if we should ever be tortured for our faith. The devil and his minions, and evil people can torture your body, but by God's grace, they can't touch your soul. But the one you should fear is the one who has control over soul or body. On the last days, I'm always reminded that everybody, they have somebody mad at them. You're either going to have God disappointed with you and the world's going to love you, or the world's going to love you and God's going to be disappointed. But you can't serve two masters. "Ye, that's a friend of the world, is an enemy of God", the bible says. You just got to make up your mind. Do I want to be friends with the one who can give me everlasting life? Or do I want to be friends with the world for temporary acceptance but eternal loss? Any thoughts on them?
David: Well, I mean, the Bible's very clear. The only one that has immortality is God himself and it's not something that we possess. You're right, it's a gift from him. He's the one we want to align ourselves with.
Doug: Absolutely. Hey, listening friends, I'll tell you what. We do have a book that talks about the subject of death. Marjorie, we will send you a free copy of that. It's called Are the dead really dead? If you call that toll-free number 800-835-6747, we'll send you a copy of the book, Are the dead really dead? For free. Anyone out there, if you're struggling, better understand what happens when you die, there's a lot of confusion in the Christian world on that subject. We all know that there's a resurrection of the just. You'll enjoy that study, Are the dead really dead? Hey, friends. Don't go away. We got some announcements coming on another Amazing Facts.
Speaker 1: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. We hope you understand your bible even better than before. Bible Answers Live is produced by Amazing Facts. A faith-based ministry located in Sacramento, California.
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What is the brightest light in the world? Well, naturally, you'll say, "The sun." But we're talking about the brightest man-made light in the world. It's a light that shines out of the roof of that pyramid-shaped hotel in Las Vegas called The Luxor. There, in the cap of that hotel, there's a room that contains 39 washing machines-sized xenon bulbs. Each of those bulbs requires about 7,000 watts. Altogether, they produce about 40 billion candle power of light. Imagine getting that electric bill of The Luxor Hotel every month? That light is so bright that planes can see it 250 miles away. Their tune-in light 10 miles up into space. Meaning, if you happen to be floating by, you could read a newspaper up there. As you might have guessed, that bright light has become the world's best bug-attractor. Bringing in moths, bats and owls, creating its own ecosystem there at night above the hotel. But the sad thing about the brightest light in the world is, especially when the night air is clear without any particles, the light doesn't hit anything and it's invisible. It shoots up into empty space. The brightest light in the world illuminates nothing.
The Bible tells us that there's another great ways to light, and that's the light of God's word. It says in Psalm 119:105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path; and yet so many people are walking in darkness." Furthermore, Jesus said, "If you do have that light, make sure you don't put it under a bushel but you let it shine and illuminate the lives of others." Jesus said in Matthew 5, "Set your light up on a hill like a city so that all might see it; light only benefits others when it reflects off of something." God wants our lights to illuminate the lives of others. Are you glowing for God? Remember, Jesus said, "Let there be light."
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