Wise Men Seeking God

Scripture: 1 John 5:16-20, Mark 9:42-47, Matthew 1:1
Date: 10/26/2014 
Sir Isaac Newton is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time, this brilliant English physicist and mathematician was a key figure in the scientific revolution and his book...
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Doug Batchelor: Hello Friends this is Doug Batchelor, how about an amazing fact? Sir Isaac Newton is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time, this brilliant English physicist and mathematician was a key figure in the scientific revolution and his book Mathematic principles laid the foundation for classical mechanics. Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation, he also removed the last doubts about the validity of the heliocentric model of the cosmos, Newton also built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a theory of color based on the observation that a prism decomposes white light into the many colors of the visible spectrum.

He formulated the empirical law of cooling, studied the speed of sound and helped build the foundation for calculus and yet, this scientific genius firmly believed that the bible prophecies were true and accurate and his favorite books of study were the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, in other bibles as Newton is not the first wise man to believe these things. Stay with us friends, we're going to learn more. As amazing facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.


Pastor Doug: Hello listening friends. Welcome to Bible Answers Live and if you have a bible question, we have lines open, it's a free phone call. Are you ready? 800 God says, that's 800-463-7297. If you have a question about the Christian life, spiritual things related to the word of God, give us a call, that's what this program's all about, we don't claim to have all the answers but we've got that blessed book at our fingertips here and we'll search together, 800-463-7297, lines open good time to call right now if you want to have your question part of tonight's program, my name is Doug Batchelor.

Jëan Ross: My name is John Ross, good evening listening friends and Pastor Doug. As usual let's begin the program with the word of prayer. Dear father we want to ask your blessing as we open up the bible, you recognize the bible as your book and father we want to ask the Holy Spirit to come and guide our study this evening, build those who are listening wherever they might be and lead a soul into a deeper and a fuller understanding of the bible, for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.

Pastor Doug: Amen.

Jëan Ross: Pastor, you opened the program by talking about Newton who was a great scientist and mathematician but he was also a great theologian and the greatest portion of study I’ve indeed enjoyed was studying the word of God. Not just studying the word of God in general the bible but he really liked to study the prophecies description, of course I know you love studying prophecy, I love studying prophecy, there is something that's just captivating when you look in history and you see how accurately the bible predicted various rise and fall of kingdoms, even looking at some of the time prophecies that accurately predicted when Christ would come and these several very fascinating prophecies you find in the book of Daniel, even also in Revelation, it just helps to confirm a person’s faith in the inspiration of scripture.

Pastor Doug: The validity of prophecy is one of the strongest testimonies of the truth of the bible, the fact that we know even those who can test some of the books of the bible and when they were written, there are certain manuscripts like the Dead Sea scrolls, we know they were written before certain things happened and yet, they very clearly describe those events.

Only a supernatural being that had power over time would be able to predict those things especially with such detail, like the many prophecies, I think there's about 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that talk about the first coming of Jesus and very specific details dealing with things like the town where he would be born, the time when he would be born, that he would begin his ministry at 30, that he would be sold at 30 pieces of silver, what would be done with the silver, that he’d betrayed by a friend, that he died by crucifixion.

This is a tip of the iceberg, there is many things and we know the Dead Sea Scrolls his prophecies of Hosea and Zachariah and others were written before Jesus was born. He could never manipulate events to make those things happen and Newton was fascinated with prophecy because when he read the bible, bible has a lot of numbers in it, being a mathematician he does recognize that there was a supernatural genius behind the numbers in the bible, a matter of fact there’s so much interest in this subject, I think one of our websites we even post a special study on bible numbers and some other meanings.

Jëan Ross: Prophecy code. For anyone wanting to go and learn more about that, you go to prophecy code, you can actually look at what the various numbers in the bible represent especially in prophecy.

Pastor Doug: Yes. I’m also encouraged because no one will question the brilliance of Newton or people like Benjamin Franklin or scientists like Faraday and many others, they believed the bible was true, they believed in God. I remember having a bumper sticker on my car years ago it said, “Wise men still seek him.” Even in the bible Solomon wisest man who ever lived he said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” That's Proverbs nine verse 10. Absolutely God's wisdom is real and we can know about prophecy to have a special offer about that tonight.

Jëan Ross: We have a study guiding entitled right on time, is looking at a few amazing prophecies in the book of Daniel, dealing with time. We'll be happy to send that study guide to you for free if you'd call our resource line the number is 800-835-6747 and we'll send it to you. Again, study guide is called Right on time and the number is 800-835-6747. If you have a Bible question, we'd love to hear from you this evening. Our phone number’s here to the studio he's 800-463-7297, we have some lines that are open. A good time to pick up the phone and give us a call. Again, one more time, are you ready? 800-463-7297. We’re going to go to our first caller this evening, we have Juan, who is listening from Ohio. Juan on the phone, welcome to the program.

Juan: Hi, how are you doing guys?

Jëan Ross: Doing good.

Pastor Doug: Your question tonight?

Juan: First of all I want to say thank you and [unintelligible 00:07:42] back in this and am happy. Alright?

Jëan Ross: Praise the Lord.

Juan: My question is in the book of Revelation chapter 12, verse seven. It says that Michael [unintelligible 00:08:02] like angels and he was cast outbut where I’m confused is, I know there is a war that’s going to happen in the end of the world. Is this war going to happen already or is it going to happen?

Jëan Ross: That's a good question Juan. This is a place in the Bible in Revelation 12:7. It's describing the original war between Christ and Satan that began before the devil came to earth because it says that after this war Satan is cast down. You read down a little further and it says at verse 12, world inhabitants of the earth but the devil has come down to you having great wrath because isn't time is short. Satan’s angels are cast to the Earth, this is something that happened a long time ago, they're bound on this planet right now.

When in the Book of Job; the devil comes in appears before the Lord, God’s were you came from, he says, I came from the earth, from walking up and down and to and fro in the earth. Satan and his angels they are bound down here right now. This is when he was originally cast out of heaven. Is that Isaiah 14 where it says, "I cast you out." The devil was cast out because of his rebellion in heaven.

Pastor Doug: Just specifically in chapter 12. In verse nine, I'm looking at Revelation chapter 12 verse 9. There is a casting out of heaven and there was this wall quite possibly before Earth was even created. That's verse nine Revelation chapter 12. Then there is a casting down that you read about over here in verse 12 and the casting down seems to happen when Christ died on the cross.

In other words, when Jesus died on the cross, Satan's doom was set. When you read in verse 12, it says, "Oh, rejoice oh heavens you that dwell in them. Well into the inhabits of the earth and the sea for the devil is come down to you having a great wrath for he knows that he has but a short time." The devil is cast out of heaven when there was this war and when Christ dies on the cross, he's cast down, he can't roam around the universe, he's confined to this earth, he knows his doom is set. The end is sealed and it's just a matter of time.

Juan: Is it safe to say that there's Michael's angels [inaudible 00:10:25] the war and cast them out and then there is no second one where Jesus comes?

Pastor Doug: Yes, well, two things. First of all, we have a study on Michael; it's a short study. We'll be happy to send you. It says, "Who is Michael the Archangel?". We'll be glad to send that to you for free, Juan. There is another battle in the future between Christ and Satan and that's when Jesus comes and says in Revelation that there's as white rider on a horse is got a sword coming out of his mouth and his thigh says Lord, you're talking about--

Jëan Ross: King of kings, the lord of wars.

Pastor Doug: That's the final war.

Jëan Ross: Sometimes referred to as the Battle of Armageddon.

Pastor Doug: Yes. Anyway, we'll send you that book on, Who is Michael the Ark Angel, Juan. I think that will also help you with these other questions, sure appreciate your call.

Jëan Ross: The number to call is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the book; Who Is Michael the Ark Angel. We’ll be happy to send that to you Juan or anyone who calls and asks. By the way, you can also read it online at the amazing facts website. It's amazingfacts.org. We have Jennifer and Shawn who is listening in Illinois. Jennifer, Shawn, welcome to the program.

Jennifer: Good evening Pastor Doug and Pastor John.

Jëan Ross: Hello.

Jennifer: Thank you for taking our call. Our question is related to organ donation. We want to know on the Bible, if there is one, if its right, if it's wrong. Is there anything we can reference--

Pastor Doug: You're not talking about a church organ are you? You're talking about body organs.

Jenifer: [laughs] No.

Pastor Doug: The way I look at it, I've got a little note on my driver's license that when I signed up for my license they said, in the event of an accident, "Are you open to donating, will you approve to donating surviving parts?". I said, absolutely. Because the Bible says that God is giving us a new body. It says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. These bodies we have now we know what happens to them. When you bury them, they just turn to dust. If I've got some spare parts that can help somebody after my head is gone, I don't think they're going to transplant that, then I'd say, “Yes, by all

Jëan Ross: Absolutely. I agree. If there's something that can help somebody else to extend somebody else's life to help save a life, it seems that, in my death, if I can benefit another, praise the Lord. Yes.

Pastor Doug: We know we're getting new bodies, we're getting these glorified bodies and so, I can't imagine anyone in heaven wanting to keep any of their old parts in a jar somewhere as a relic. [laughs] That used to be my eyes when I was on Earth.[laughs]

Jenifer: We were just wondering about revering the body after its deceased.

Pastor Doug: That is way of respecting the body. I think that we should respect the body. I think we should show respect when we go to the graveyard with our kids, we tell them, don't walk on the graves, walk around them. Man is made in the image of God and even dead-- just we should respect that was someone made in the image of God but you're not showing disrespect by using parts of the body to keep people alive. Suppose someone doesn't know the Lord and you can donate your heart or lung or whatever and they live a little longer they find the Lord. You basically, by giving a body part, giving them eternal life.

Jenifer: Okay. We were confused, we didn't know. You’ve clarified that. Thank you.

Pastor Doug: Alright. Well, thanks. Appreciate your question. A good, important question.

Jëan Ross: We have Larry who is listening from North Carolina. Larry, you're on the air.

Larry: Thank you. I've heard the any beast described as nondescript beast but I can’t find that word anywhere. I kind of liked that word myself [unintelligible 00:14:33] with somebody else, we're trying to find out where it came

Pastor Doug: Well, a lot of preachers use the word. The word nondescript means that it isn't clear. It's not as descriptive. When you look in Daniel seven, I think they may be going from Daniel seven. It says, “One beast is like a lion and one beast is like a bear and one beast is like a leopard" and then it mentions his fourth beast they call the nondescript beast. Because it's not particularly like one peculiar animal but when you go to Revelation 13. I think it's Revelation 13:1. Pastor Ross knows Revelation better than I do but it describes its beast-- let me read it to you, “I stood on the sand of the sea--" Verse two it is. "I stood on the sand of the sea, I saw this beast rising up out of the sea ." It says, "The beast I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth were like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power throne in great authority” The beast in Revelation is a composite of the three other beasts that you see, are four really, in the Book of Daniel seven.

Larry: That's a good word. I like it myself.

Pastor Doug: Yes, you can use the word nondescript. It's not in the Bible per se.

Jëan Ross: The word nondescript is that there is no animal in nature that you can point to and say, it's like this animal. For example; this beast described in Daniel seven, it says, “It has seven heads.” There is no animal in nature that looks like that. The first species like a lion with eagle's wings. Okay. Well, we know what a lion looks like but a dragon-like beast with seven heads and 10 horns? Well, we use our imagination for that. That's where the word nondescript comes from. There's nothing in nature that looks like that.

Pastor Doug: Yes, you can use it. It’s just that, keep in mind Larry, the word Bible, is not in the Bible.

Larry: I understand. I like the word myself.

Pastor Doug: It's nowhere in the Bible that I know of. Might be a translation somewhere, a unique translation but I've never read it. Hey, thanks for your call. I appreciate that Larry. That opens another line. If you've got a Bible question friends, that's 800 God says. 800-463-7297 is a number for your bible question.

Jëan Ross: By the way Pastor, somebody might be wondering; well, what about those nondescript beasts? We do a study guide talking about it. It just so happens that the nondescript beast of Revelation Chapter 13 is also the end of Christ power that the Bible speaks of. We'll send you a study guide dealing with this and you can study it out for yourself. It's called Who is the anti-Christ. If you call our resource line, it's 800-835-6747. Ask for the study guide talking about the Anti-Christ, we'll send it to you. 800-835-6747 and if you have a Bible question, the number here in the studio is 800-463-7297. Again, 800-463-7297. We have Lisa who is listening from Toronto Canada. Lisa, welcome to the program.

Lisa: Are you there?

Pastor Doug: Loud and clear. How you are doing?

Lisa: Thank you. I'm doing fine. Thank you for your program. My question is regarding, your hand or your foot causing you to sin in Mark 9:42 to 47, where Jesus was talking about if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off and I’m confused because in verse John four to three, it talks about; the battles is not of the flesh but principality.

Pastor Doug: Yes. Well, Jesus often preached and taught using parables and metaphors. When you say, "I am the bread of life." Well, everyone knew that Jesus was not made out of flower. When he said, "Come unto me and I'll give you living waters." That's a metaphor too and Jesus here is speaking in more of an allegorical form or he's using a symbol. He's saying that if you have something in your life that is as close as your hand-- now most of the time you think of something as being at hand, it means you can reach it with your hand but when you're talking about something that is your hand, it doesn't get closer than that.

He's saying, if you have something is much as important to you as your hand, not just any hand, your right hand and it's causing you to sin, cut it off. If it's your foot and in another version he says, if it's your eye pluck it out. Matter of fact, that's verse 47. He's just saying-- let me give you an example. I know a young lady that love the Lord, raised in the church, met a young man but he didn't believe the Bible and he wasn't planning on believing the Bible and she read this verse and she knew that God was telling her, "As much as I care about this fella. He's dragging me away from God. It's going to be painful but I'm going to cut off the relationship."

Sometimes we have sins that we love they're very close to us but he said if anything is going to keep you from heaven, you're better going to heaven without a hand a foot or an eye, then going into hell with your whole body saying, what is worth more than heaven and eternal life? He's speaking in allegorical terms. Let's suppose your problem is stealing and a thief reads this verse. He says, "Oh, steal was my right hand so I better cut it off," so he cuts off his right hand. Well, he can steal with the left hand. I mean, stealing doesn't come from the hand. It comes from the heart. Jesus isn't talking about literally plucking out your eye or cutting off your foot because that's not solving the problem. He's talking about getting rid of something that is very close to you if it's keeping you from God.

Lisa: Okay.

Jëan Ross: It shouldn't surprise us that sometimes when Jesus says something we might look at it and go, "What exactly does this mean?" Even the disciples had a hard time always understanding what Jesus said. On one occasion, Jesus said, "Eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have my life in me." A lot of people turned and left because they couldn't understand what Jesus was saying. Even the disciples said, "What? This is a hard saint," and Jesus turned to them and said, "Are you also going to leave?" They said, "Well, lord. We don't have anywhere to go but this is hard." [laughs] Jesus said to them, "The words that I'm speaking to you, they are spirit and they are life. The flesh, prophets, nothing." In other words, "I'm not talking about my flesh and my blood. I'm talking about my word. You need to feast upon my word." They they were, "Oh, okay, now we understand."

Pastor Doug: Exactly. Once, they were going to cross the sea and Jesus said while they were in the boat, "Beware of the leavening of the pharisees." They all started digging around the boat, thinking, "Oh, he said that because we didn't bring our lunch. Do you have any bread here?" and Jesus, "I'm not talking about talking about bread." He was talking about the bad influence of the pharisees were having on them. There were several times the disciples thought that his parables were kind of tough so don't be discouraged. Jesus, he taught some great deep truths. I appreciate your question, Lisa.

Lisa: Thank you.

Pastor Doug: Alright. Thank you so much. God bless.

Jëan Ross: Our next caller is Mike. Mike is listening from New York. Mike, welcome to the program.

Mike: It's always thought [unintelligible 00:21:52] to me when I've read the first epistle to John in chapter five. They discussed something called "A sin unto death." I've always wondered what did that meant. That your life can be cut short here on Earth for habitual sin or are you risking losing your salvation in the ultimate? Being condemned to hell after you die? I wondered which one it meant or both.

Pastor Doug: This is a difficult verse, just the way that John words it. Sometimes that happens because you go from Greek to English and it can change the emphasis a little bit. Clearly, Jesus said, "All manner of sin and blasphemy can be forgiven unto mean except for one, that's the sin against the Holy Spirit." The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Any sin that can be forgiven we should pray for. When a person is hard-heartedly turning from God and turning others from God, John is basically saying, there's a point where a person renounces God, and you shouldn't necessarily be interceding for someone that's gone beyond the point of return."

I haven't met too many people think they know when that point is. We're always reluctant to not pray for somebody. I do remember one time when the apostle Paul, he lashed out at somebody that was turning people away God and instead of saying, "I'm just going to pray for you." He called them a child of the devil and he was struck blind. It was a sorcerer. I forgot his name. Anyway, you think, "Wow, that fellow must have gone pretty far to bring that down on him." The Holy Spirit I think sometimes impresses us that some people are just turned away from God and we hate to ever judge that. John is an apostle, he could do that.

Mike: The term death is more of a figure of speech than of a literal death.

Pastor Doug: Yes. I think he's talking, well, all sin leads to death, ultimately. Penalty for sin is death. That's why he says it's a difficult verse the way it's worded.

Jëan Ross: I think the key though, if you tie this in what Jesus said, the sin that leads to death with reference to eternal death would be blasphemy as the Holy Spirit or the unpardonable sin. There is a point of no return where the Holy Spirit can't bring a person to the point of repentance because they grieved away the Holy Spirit. John is recognizing that, so he says there is a sin that a person can commit when they've gone too far. Meaning, they've closed their heart off to the Holy Spirit. They've cut them self off and they have no desire to come to a point of repentance. But other than that, know there's hope. We'll pray for that person and try to do our best in trying to bring them back.

Pastor Doug: Amen.

Mike: Amen.

Pastor Doug: By the way, we do have a book, Mike. It's called Beyond Mercy. It's a book that deals with the subject of the unpardonable sin. We'd be happy to send you a free copy. I think I addressed this verse in that book. Just call the resource number.

Jëan Ross: The number to call is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the book Beyond Mercy. We'll be happy to send that to you, Mike. Anyone who calls and asks. We have Ray who is listening in Alabama. Ray, welcome to the program.

Ray: Hi, good evening.

Pastor Doug: Evening.

Ray: Sounds like I'm piggybacking on that question. I didn't mean to, particularly. I was wondering what does it actually mean to grieve the Holy Spirit?

Pastor Doug: Your question is actually perfectly timed because the former question was sort of setting the stage. Now that we've talked about what is that sin, what is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that Jesus talks about. Pastor Ross will look up, there's two verses that talk about that, one being in Matthew. When a person gets to the point where they cease to be able to hear the Holy Spirit because they've turned down the volume.

Every time God speaks to us and we turn away, we can develop a callous on our heart. If we over the course of our lives continue to turn from God, his voice gets quieter and quieter. You've probably known somebody, Ray, that lives by an airport or a railroad track and they don't even notice the planes or the trains anymore because they've been there so long. You've probably known a teenager that can sleep through an alarm clock ringing.

You get to where you just don't hear it anymore and some people say no to the Holy Spirit when God's spirit is pleading with them for so long, it doesn't happen right away, usually takes years, that they can grieve away the Holy Spirit. That's blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Telling the Holy Spirit "I'm not going to listen to you, even though you're God."

Jëan Ross: The verse we're looking at is Matthew chapter 12, verse 30. Jesus says, "Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven, men." That is repeated in different words in the very next verse.

Pastor Doug: Does that help a little bit?

Ray: Yes, they sure have. Thank you very much.

Pastor Doug: Thank you and I always like to just remind folks when we get that question that most people who are asking that question don't have to worry that they've committed the unpardonable sin. People who worry about how I've grieved away God's spirit, that's usually the Holy Spirit making them worry. [laughs] Or the devil making them feel guilty. Devil wants you to think you've gone too far but the very fact you're asking a question usually means that God's spirit is working on your heart so don't get discouraged. By the way, Ray, we'll offer you the same book that we offered the prior caller.

If you call and you ask for the book Beyond Mercy,you just tell them you're listening to Bible Answers Live. You can call that resource number 800-835-6747 and ask for the book Beyond Mercy. Friends, you're listening to Bible Answers Live.

Jëan Ross: Pastor and I are going to be take a break in just a few moments but before we do, we have something very exciting that is going to be starting in less than a week. A Friday evening, October 31. It's going to be in Albuquerque, New Mexico called Landmarks of Prophecy.

Pastor Doug: Yes, we're very excited. A lot of work, a matter of fact. A semi-truck left our offices this week heading for Albuquerque with our recording equipment and just a lot of prophecy studying material and things for the stage and so any body that's in the Albuquerque area, we hope that you will come. We're on TV in Albuquerque, as well as radio. It's at the Marriott Pyramid Hotel. It's the main Marriott Hotel there right off Interstate 25. Hope you'll come and join us. Everybody listening can tune in to the Landmarks of Prophecy program. It will be on you YouTube, it'll e on 3AVN. It will be on AF TV. You can watch on your phone, just go to landmarksofprophecy.com and register there. Don't go away, we're coming back. In just a second or two or a minute for more questions.


Pastor Doug: We're back listening friends. This is Bible Answers Live. If you have tuned in somewhere along the journey, you can join us. Call in your Bible questions. We do have some lines still open. That number is 800-GODSAYS. That's an acronym for 800-463-7297. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Jëan Ross: My name is John Ross. Good evening friends. We're going to go straight to the phone lines. We do have Tanya, listening from Michigan. Tanya, welcome to the program.

Tanya: Hi, Doug. How are you doing?

Pastor Doug: Doing well, Tanya. Thanks for calling, and your question tonight?

Tanya: First of all, I want to let you know that I am totally blind and I am on a low income. My pastor says that 10% of [unintelligible 00:31:31] doesn't have to be just money. It could be your time or something like that. I was just wondering, will God understand if I don't have money all the time? That you read the Word a lot.

Pastor Doug: Tanya, you said your seeing is impaired, correct?

Tanya: Yes, I'm blind. I've been blind all my life.

Pastor Doug: Can you read Braille?

Tanya: Yes, I do read the Word a lot.

Pastor Doug: I just wanted you to know Amazing Facts has our study guides in Braille.

Tanya: I'll do that. I did not know that.

Pastor Doug: Yes, it's the Blind Institute in Mid-America. I'm trying to remember the exact--

Jëan Ross: Christian Records.

Pastor Doug: Yes, Christian Record Braille Institute, very good. Years ago, got the permission to reproduce our Bible Study lessons, not everything we print but at least our Bible Study lessons. I think 27 of them are in Braille. Now, the reason I mentioned that is one of them is called In God We Trust. It deals with-

Tanya: I've heard of that.

Pastor Doug: -the subject of tithe and offerings. I want to make sure you contact them and I'll help you get one for free. But let me give you a quick answer. The Bible teaches that tithe is to be attentive your increase. I know that if you're on a fixed income, it could be very difficult. That would require faith. But God can compensate. I know it may sound like a slogan but it is true that nine-tenths somehow goes farther than ten-tenths. God says, He'll open the windows of heaven and bless you when you're faithful with your tithe. If you return tithe to the work of God, God will bless the 90% that remains. It seems like it goes farther. He says, He'll rebuke to devour, and the thing is that gobble up your resources.

Yes, you can make offerings to God with time and things other than money. Some parts of the world where I've been, they have no money. When they pass the plate, they might put coconut in the plate because that's all they've got. I've never actually seen a coconut but people did put rice. In some countries all the people do is farm rice, they had no money, they put rice in the offering because that's what they had.

There's a number of ways you can make offerings to God but tithe is sort of a different subject. Take a look at our study guide. We also have these sayings. If you have someone that can help you, we have the sermons where if you go to our website, they will play the audio of our sermon on In God We Trust for you there at the Amazing Facts website. I appreciate your call, Tanya. Good question. I hope that you're blessed by those resources.

Jëan Ross: We have John listening from New York. John, welcome to the program.

Jëan Ross: Hello. In Matthew Chapter one, Verse one. The Book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. That word, "the book", I'm not a Greek scholar but I think it's the word biblos, B-I-B-L-O-S in English letters. Do you think maybe that's where the word Bible came from?

Pastor Doug: You know, it might be. I may have spoken too soon when I said the word Bible is not the Bible. I mean, it's not in English but the word in-- maybe it is. I'm going to look that up real quick. I've got a Latin-Greek here. The word Bible means books, it means an assembly. It actually comes from an island called Biblos that had these trees where they used to make paper out of the bark of these trees. It became the word that is often used for Bible. But yes, Bible is simply a book. It to was a Latin word but it could have influenced the Greek. Pastor Ross, you're going to say something?

Jëan Ross: Yes, the Greek word biblos is yes, in Matthew Chapter one, Verse one. In the Greek literally means a written book or a scroll.

Pastor Doug: Yes, I'm looking at it. That what it says. It's from the bark of the papyrus plant, the inner bark. Anyway, hey, I appreciate that. You find the word Bible at the very beginning of Matthew. [laughs] Who's next lined up.

Jëan Ross: We got Johnny, listening from also in New York. Johnny, welcome to the program. Queens, New York.

Johnny: Yes. Is there a possibility that God created Jesus?

Pastor Doug: You know, I don't think so and I'll tell you why. Because if we believe the Bible, it says in the Gospel of John, "All things that were made, were made by Him, and without Him was not anything that was made." So if everything that was made, it's very clear, it says, "Nothing was made that was not made by Him." Everything that is made or created was made by Jesus. If Christ, the Son of God, created all things, and if the Bible says that from everlasting to everlasting, He is God. That means there is no beginning. Eternity past, eternity future. I don't believe there was ever a point when God created Jesus because Jesus would then become a creation instead of the Creator.

Jëan Ross: You know something else, let me just phrase that same idea a little differently. In John 1:1, it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." We know that Christ is the Word, we know that our words are our thoughts expressed. Jesus is the thoughts of God revealed. That's why Jesus said, "If you see me, you've seen the Father." If you want to know what the Father is thinking, look at Christ. You want to know what the Father is like, look at Jesus.

Was there ever a time when the Father was unable to express what He was thinking, was unable to share His thoughts? Of course not. The Word was always there. Christ was always one with the Father.

Pastor Doug: Good answer.

Jëan Ross: The Father was always able to express Himself through the Son. They're always together.

Pastor Doug: Absolutely. Hey John, you know, we have a Bible Study guide that deals specifically with the Bible. It's called Is There Anything Left You Can Trust? It's beautifully illustrated, it got pictures all through it, and there's a lot of scripture. Simple arguments that explain the inspiration of the Word. We'll be happy to send you a free copy of that if you just call the resource number.

Jëan Ross: The number to call is 800-835-6747. You can just ask for the study guide called Is There Anything Left you Can Trust? It's all about the Bible. Again 800-835-6747, ask for the study guide Anything Left You Can Trust. We have Montgomery listening on, let's see, South Carolina. Listening from South Carolina. Montgomery, welcome to the program.

Montgomery: Hello.

Pastor Doug: Montgomery, you're on the air.

Montgomery: How you doing?

Pastor Doug: Doing good, and your question tonight?

Montgomery: I have a question. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, from The Tree of Life, is it possible we lost our Godly image in man [inaudible 00:38:56] after they ate from the tree and they were ashamed?

Pastor Doug: Yes. When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, it was not the Tree of Life. I know what you meant, you meant the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That was the bad tree, Tree of Life was the good tree. They ate from the wrong tree, then after they ate from that tree, it was not too log after that they became aware of their nakedness. The reason that most scholars believe that they became aware of their nakedness is Adam and Eve had an aura or robes of light when they were in communion with God and they were holy.

The Bible speaks about angels and the creatures of God having this garments of light. When Moses talked to Jesus on the mountain, he had to veil his face because he was glowing so much and when Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, it says, "Christ's clothes were glistening brighter than any light on earth."

Adam and Eve, when they sinned, very simply the light went out. Then they became aware of their nakedness at that point and shame came in. With sin comes blame and shame, they began to blame each other for the sin and then they began to blame the snake, they were afraid, fear came and they ran from God so sin brings in fear, blame and shame and all of that comes from disobeying the word of God. A good question Montgomery, I appreciate that and you would also enjoy that bible study guide that we just talked about that is dealing with, is there anything left we can trust that's the amazing facts, one of the most famous bible study lessons.

Jëan Ross: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the study guide called, is there anything left you can trust. Again, 800-835-6747 and if you have a bible question, the number here to the studio is 800-463-7297. Again, it's 800-463-7297. Scott listening from Irvine California. Scott, you're on the air.

Scott: Hey pastor Ross, how are you?

Jëan Ross: Doing good.

Scott: I had a Pastor, Bob Streib tell me about, he's a pastor at this Seventh Day Adventist Church tell me about that, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, for some reason he prays for it every morning and I don't know if there's any biblical evidence for that, do you know if there is?

Pastor Doug: Well, I think it's appropriate to pray for God's Spirit every day.

Scott: Indwelling?

Pastor Doug: Well, where else would you want the spirit to dwell? I mean, we want Jesus in us.

Scott: Amen. Specially in our hearts.

Pastor Doug: There's nothing wrong with praying that for the indwelling is just a way of saying that we want God's Spirit in our hearts, we want God's spirit in us, we know God's spirit works in other people and works in events but we want to be spirit led. It's appropriate to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, the apostles at Pentecost were filled with the spirit and any thoughts pastor Ross on that?

Jëan Ross: There are a few references for it talks about the spirit of God dwells in you. For example; Romans chapter eight, verse nine. Talks about if indeed the spirit of God dwells in you, [unintelligible 00:42:31] to the church but if the spirit of him raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, that’s Romans eight, verse 11. There are several references where Paul speaks of this, also first Corinthians chapter three verse 16, Ephesians chapter two verse 22, James chapter four verse five. Definitely, there is the biblical precedence to refer to The spirit of God dwelling in you or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, just another way of phrasing it.

Pastor Doug: Matter fact, the study guide, we’ll be happy to send you on the Holy Spirit, Scott. It's called the Holy Spirit, the need and it's a free book, we’ll send you, it talks about the important need for the spirit and a lot of these references pastor Ross just gave are in there with many more. Appreciate your call.

Jëan Ross: The number to call is 8008356747 and that is the resource line, just go ahead and call that number and ask for the study guide, talking about the Holy Spirit, we’ll be happy to send that to you or anyone who calls and asks. Next caller is that Dan and he is calling from Oregon. Dan, welcome to the program.

Dan: Hello.

Pastor Doug: Evening. I appreciate your call.

Dan: Doug, I watch you often and every time I think of you, I see you doing a reverse hand spring on a platform--

Pastor Doug: I think those are reruns because those days are over.

Dan: [laughs] Anyway, my wife and I homeschooled our people in seven years. We bought a restaurant, it was a failed retaurant, we tried to revive it, we thought we were going to be able to continue to homeschool the children and the demands were so high, we weren’t able want to do that. We got them in a public school here and literally, I'm not kidding, within six months, everything that we had taught them at home in our Christian home was undone.

They were exposed to things they were totally unprepared for and they were drawn to the wrong elements. I didn't react well, so I feel somewhat responsible for not dealing with that situation, [unintelligible 00:44:50] work through because my devotional wife was affected in a bad way because of trying to operate the restaurant and putting a hundread and 20 hours a weekend. I feel guilty and I don't know what the word says about ordination and what I can do to be used to the Lord to bring them back, they don't even really want to talk to us.

Pastor Doug: Well, let me tell you a couple thoughts on that Dan. First of all, everyone is a parent that's a listening right now can relate that we've made mistakes that we wish we could take the clock backwards and relive things. We have several children and there's many times I look back and think, "Oh, what was I doing or why didn't I do that differently? I should have done more of this."

The best thing you can do is just say ask the Lord as far as possible to overrule your mistakes, if you've made mistakes it doesn't hurt one bit to tell the children you apologize, I wish I was a better mom or dad and I hope you'll forgive me, I did the best I could and right any wrongs that you can and then pray for your children. There's three things you can do to reach people you love, whether they're your children or whether it's someone you work with, it's the same three things.

One is you pray for them and prayer is very powerful, two is if they're open, share information with them and the third thing is be a good example. If you're doing those things Dan-- there's one more thing I like to add, then be patient, you may not get immediate results, God works with us and sometimes it takes years so be patient, pray for them, share information if they're listening, some people say don't send me any tapes or DVDs, I don't want to listen to it or books but then you just try and be a good example. That's all you can do really and be patient.

Hey I know that your hearts go out to you Dan. A lot of people likewise and don't give up, keep praying for your kids, the Lord can turn them around. A lot of bible promises talk about that too, I appreciate your call.

Jëan Ross: The next caller is Linda. Linda is listening from Detroit, Michigan. Linda, welcome to the program.

Linda: Hi how are you guys?

Pastor Doug: Doing good. How can we help you tonight?

Linda: I just have a real quick question, in second Chronicles chapter 7:14. It talked about, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face." I want to stop there and ask you, what does it mean by speak my face? Obviously, prayer and seek my face is different.

Pastor Doug: Seeking a person's face was a personal relationship. It's one thing if you send a messenger or if you send a letter to somebody but in the bible it talks about the Apostle sometimes wrote and they said, "Now, I'm sorry I'm only able to write to you now but I hope to see you in the face to face soon." The Bible tells us that the greatest reward of the righteous says, “Then we will see his face.” Seeking a personal relationship with God.The Lord, sometimes people act like he's far off. Seeking his face is just talking about living before him, knowing that he's watching all that we do, everything we do is before his face. I don't know if you have anything to add to that pastor Ross. It’s reviving a personal relationship with the Lord where they've neglected him.

Jëan Ross: It also included in that is; fulfilling those known duties, doing those things that you know God would want you to do and making amends, where amends need to be made and walk in the way that you know would be pleasing in his sight.

Pastor Doug: A lot of times we treat God like he's someone far off and he wants us to live before him, seek his face. I appreciate your question Linda. Something all of us need to do it, “If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, I'll forgive their sin and heal their land.” It's wonderful promise. Who's next Pastor Ross?

Jëan Ross: We have Serio listening from Ontario Canada. Serio, welcome to the program.

Serio: Thank you very much for having me gentlemen.

Pastor Doug: Glad you called.

Serio: Do you hear me?

Pastor Doug: Yes, loud and clear. Can you hear us?

Serio: Hello.

Jëan Ross: We’re there yes. Can you hear us?

Serio: Can you hear me?

Jëan Ross: You're on

Pastor Doug: You might have your mute button on.

Serio: How about now?

Pastor Doug: We hear you all the time. Can you hear us?

Jëan Ross: Your question.

Pastor Doug: We're going to have to go-- Serio’s got--

Serio: Can you hear me gentlemen?

Jëan Ross: We can hear you.

Pastor Doug: We hear Serio but I think he's got a mute button on or something.

Jëan Ross: Let's try Brian in Texas. Brian, you're on the air.

Brian: Yes sir. Thank you. My question is, how do people get saved and go to heaven, before Christ died and rose again so that we can accept Him as savior?

Pastor Doug: That's a good question. Some churches teach that prior to the death of Jesus, that anyone outside of Israel, they were all doomed, but the Bible doesn't teach that. There are going to be people in heaven obviously before Jesus died on the cross. It talks about Enoch who wasn't a Jew, he was a gentile. I mean, they didn't have those distinctions back then. Enoch was one of the patriarchs that lived before the flood. He walked with God and God took him and he's in heaven now. We know that there are people in the Bible that Jesus heard their prayers and God heard their prayers before Christ is born like Naaman and the leper. When Elijah stayed with this Syrian woman up by attire or Phoenician woman I should say and worked the miracle for her.

The Lord has people that have listened to the voice of His spirit as much as they had. Some times of ignorance God winked at and I think that's Acts 17:30 or something like that. There are people who just didn't know. Some people around the world that God spoke to through angels and they walked up, lived up to a life that they had and walked in the light on their path I think the Lord is going to work in their lives and He spoke to him through the spirit and we'll be surprised there'll be some people there.

No one is there without Jesus in other words they're not there by their good works. Everyone that gets there was going to get there because of the sacrifice for Christ. People that lived prior to the time of Jesus are saved by faith looking forward to the sacrifice of Christ. Everybody from that time lives by faith looking back to the sacrifice of Christ but everyone is saved by Jesus. Does that make sense, Brian?

Brian: Yes, it does. Thank you.

Pastor Doug: Alright. Hey, good question. I appreciate that. You'd also appreciate our study guide series that we mentioned tonight. If you'd like to enroll on the Amazing Facts Study Guide Series, we actually address that question in there.

Jëan Ross: The number to call is 800-835-6747 and you can ask for the Amazing Facts Study Series. We'll send you the whole thing for free. Just call and ask for it and we'll be happy to send it out to you, Brian or anyone who calls and ask for it. It's a great resource. By the way, if you go through that whole series you'll have a real good grasp of some of the most important foundational Bible teachings. I think you'll thoroughly enjoy it. We have Yamesh calling from Huntsville, Alabama. Yamesh, welcome to the program.

Yamesh: Hi, thank you Pastors. I enjoy your service and thank you for taking my call.

Pastor Doug: Thank you and your question tonight?

Yamesh: Yes, I have a question about the Bible tells us about the fear in the Lord and how is the beginning of wisdom but at the same, well in another context it talks about how perfect love drives out fear. I think I understand what it means by fearing the Lord as a reverent point but I was just want to make sure because that it always calls me to have a question about it.

Pastor Doug: Well, God does not want us to fear life. He does not want to us to live in trepidation because faith and fear do not go together. Jesus came to give us peace, but that peace comes from fearing God. I know that sounds backwards but I think John Wesley put it this way, "If we fear God, we don't fear anything else. If we don't fear God, we fear everything else." When we have an awesome respect for God, we will fear him. We will want to obey Him. It says actually in Revelations I think it's chapter 20 were it says the fearful are in the lake of fire, maybe it's 21, I forget. The fearful are cast into a lake of fire.

Yes, God doesn't want us to live in fear. I think it's verse John; "Perfect love casts out fear. Fear has torment." Jesus, how many times did He say to the apostles, fear not, fear not, fear not. Someone told me I've never counted myself but someone told me that-- I think it was Dwight Moody did a study and found there were 365 fear nots in the Bible. That's one fear not for every day of the year.

God doesn't want us to live in fear, but I also don't want to leave people the idea that God is not fearsome. God is so awesome that even when the prophets saw Him, they fell down in fear. Daniel was shaking, John was trembling, Ezekiel was trembling. The disciples coward when they saw Jesus glorified the awesome majesty of God would make anybody tremble when they're exposed to the glory of God. But when you fear God, you don't fear anything else. I don't know if that make sense. What was that revelation?

Yamesh: It does.

Jëan Ross: Yes, the verse I think you're referring to it's perfect love casts out fear was verse John 2:18.

Pastor Doug: Yes, there you go. Hey, thank you so much we appreciate your call tonight. Friends, if we didn't get your call give us another chance next week. We look forward to talking with you. Remember Landmarks of Prophecy starts this next Friday night. You just go to landmarksofprophecy.com. Watch online, tell your friends and your enemies. God bless till we study together again.


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