Lion and the Lamb

Date: 01/20/2013 
Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America lived her entire life without ever eating meat. In fact her owners, George and Margaret Westbeau, alarmed at...
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Hello friends! How about an amazing fact? Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America lived her entire life without ever eating meat. In fact her owners, George and Margaret Westbeau, alarmed at the lioness' dislike of meat, went to great lengths to try and coax their unusual pet to develop a taste for it. They even advertised a cash reward for anyone who could devise a meat-containing formula that the lioness would eat. The curator of a New York zoo advised the Westbeaus that putting in a few drops of blood in the lion’s milk would help, but the lioness refused to drink the milk, even when only a single drop of blood had been added. Meanwhile, Little Tyke continued to do extremely well on a daily diet of cooked grains, raw eggs and milk.

By four years of age, she was fully grown and weighed 352 pounds. The lioness not only survived on a vegetarian diet, she thrived. One of America's most able zoo curators apparently said that the lioness was the best of her species, yet ever viewed. As well as Little Tyke, the Westbeaus have sheep and cattle on their 100-acre ranch. Visitors to the ranch were often amazed to see a full grown African lioness wondering peacefully amongst the sheep and the cattle and even chewing on succulent tall grass in the field.

Did you know friends that the Bible predicts that one day, every lion on earth will be vegetarian? Stay tuned for more as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.


Jean: Hello friends. Pastor Doug Batchelor is out this evening, but this is a live, interactive Bible study and we would love to hear from you. If you have a Bible-related question, the number to call to the studio here is 1-800-463-7297, that's 1-800-GOD-SAYS. My name is Jean Ross; and working the phones this evening is somebody that's new to Bible Answers Live, but not new to Amazing Facts, Alan Davis. Alan, thank you for joining us and helping out. Your specialty is in church history and in particular, the Reformation Period. So maybe there's a Bible-related question having something to do with the Reformation. This is a good time for you to pick up your phone and give us a call. That number again is 1-800-463-7297, 1-800-GOD-SAYS. Alan, will you begin the program with a word of prayer?

Alan: Well I would love to Pastor Ross. Our Father in heaven, we thank you so much for the opportunity to have this radio program to minister to all those out there seeking to know a deeper understanding of your word. We ask for a blessing upon our listeners tonight and that every answer would come directly from your word. In Jesus name, amen.

Jean: Amen.

Alan: You know Pastor Ross, I was listening to that amazing fact you were talking about, this vegetarian lion. Now I'm familiar with during the creation and prior to sin entering into the world, a lot of the animals were made to be vegetarian, but I've never heard of an actual example until you mentioned one tonight. And you also mentioned that the Bible predicts that lions will again be vegetarian? Is that true?

Jean: Absolutely; and Little Tyke is very unusual when it comes to lions. This is the only one that I've known of or heard about that was a vegetarian. Little Tyke has long since passed away, but it's an incredible story how that he refused to eat meat. Even with the taste of blood in his milk, he turned away from that. Now what about the time when all of the lions were vegetarians? Well the Bible tells us in Isaiah chapter 11 verses 6 and 7, it says: "And the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox." You know, the Bible speaks of the time when even the lions will be docile and gentle, so much so that the little child can lead them; and they will be all vegetarian. Of course we're not talking about anything that's going to be happening in the near future, but we are talking about something that's going to happen when Christ recreates the earth, when He makes all things new.

Alan: Yes.

Jean: And that's in the home of the redeemed. Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the earth." That's not the earth as we know it now, but the earth recreated. If you'd like to learn more about the reward of the redeemed, the home that Jesus is preparing for those that love Him, we have a study guide that we will send it to anyone who calls and asks for it. The study guide is entitled, "A Colossal City in Space", talking about heaven and, most specifically, the new earth that will be created at the end of the 1,000-year period, sometimes referred to as the Millennium. Again, that study guide is, "A Colossal City in Space." Just give us a call at our resource line and we'll be happy to send it out to you. What was number Alan for the resource line?

Alan: That resource number is 1-800-835-6747. Again, 1-800-835-6747.

Jean: We are streaming today's program live. So if you are near your computer, you can join us at That's Don't put the "www" in front of that. It won't work. Just type in We're going to the phone lines. Who's our first caller this evening?

Alan: Looks like our first caller tonight is Darryl from Golf Breeze, Florida. Looks like his question is regarding Jude verse 9, about Satan contending with Jesus.

Jean: Alright we have Darryl. Darryl welcome to the program.

Darryl: Hi Pastor Ross and crew. Actually what I have is a two part question.

Jean: Sure.

Darryl: And the first part of the question is: Why was Michael the Archangel contending with the Satan about the body of Moses?

Jean: Okay. Now let's take that part first. Now, in Bible prophecy, you've got the book of Revelation, you've got the book of Daniel and you've got the book of Jude. These three books refer to Michael. Michael is the prophetic name given to Christ. Now where it says, "Michael the Archangel", that doesn't mean that Michael is an angel. He is the "arch" of the angels, or the ruler of the angels, the one in charge, the commander of the angels. Jesus is the commander of the angels. So here you have Jesus contending with Satan over the body of Moses. Now if you go back to the account that you read, in the Old Testament, Moses dies and he's buried by God. Then you find Moses appearing on the Mount of Transfiguration with Elijah and Jesus during the gospel time period. So Moses was resurrected, according to what we read here in Jude, and he was taken to heaven, and then he appeared with Jesus and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Darryl: Okay so the second part of my question is: If Jesus was there to resurrect his body, I just...I'm confused about that because, you know, at the rapture, after the tribulation when Jesus descends with the shadow of Michael the Archangel, and those that are dead in Christ, they arise first, and then those who are alive in Christ.

Jean: Yes.

Darryl: Meet them in the air and so forth. I'm just wondering, why did He need to go down and actually get his physical body? Why can't He just descend and not even touch the ground and just say, "Moses come on up here" or "Moses be resurrected". I mean, why is the body involved? You understand what I'm saying?

Jean: Sure yes. It's kind of interesting. It speaks of Moses being buried by God. It appears as though Christ was there burying Moses. Maybe it was at that point in time where Satan showed up and thinks maybe Christ is about to resurrect him; and Satan says, "Wait, wait, he belongs to me. You can't resurrect him because he sinned". Jude says Christ (or Michael) wouldn't even contend with what Satan was saying. Jesus didn't even get into a dispute or an argument with Satan, but He resurrected Moses and took him to heaven. Now, Jesus took Moses to heaven, but when Moses was resurrected, Moses had his glorified body.

Darryl: Okay, so you're saying that when all this was going down, that it was actually Jesus who went to bury him?

Jean: Yes.

Darryl: And then after He buried his body then He resurrected him?

Jean: Correct.

Darryl: And took him back to heaven?

Jean: Took him back to heaven.

Darryl: Okay.

Jean: We have a book that expands on this a little bit more. It's called, "The Two Witnesses." It talks about Moses and Elijah and also Michael the Archangel and this passage in Jude. We can send it to you for free Darryl, or anyone who calls and asks for it. The book is entitled, "The Two Witnesses." Just ask for it and we'll send it out. The number to call for our resource line--if you want to give that again Alan.

Alan: The number again, Darryl, is 1-800-835-6747.

Jean: Again just ask for the book, "The Two Witnesses" and we'll send that out. Who do we have next?

Alan: Next on the call is going to be Martin. He's from Brooklyn, New York, and it looks like he's a repeat caller. He wants to know a little bit more about what the Bible says on dreams coming true.

Jean: Martin, welcome to the program.

Martin: Hello.

Jean: Hi you're on the air.

Martin: Yes. Happy New Year by the way.

Jean: Thank you and same to you.

Martin: Yes, by the way my name is Martin.

Jean: Martin, all right. Well we're glad you're on the air Martin. What's your question this evening?

Martin: Yes, by the way I'm blind, but the Lord is not.

Jean: Yes.

Martin: I want to find out if the Bible tells us about dreams coming true.

Jean: About dreams coming true?

Martin: Yes. Is there a thing in the Bible that tells us that information?

Jean: Well we know that God, at times, speaks to people through dreams, especially those He has called apart to be prophets. God communicated through visions and dreams in the past and there are times, I believe, that even now God communicates to people through dreams. But we have to be careful. Not every dream comes from God. Sometimes you know, we have a dream. It might impress us deeply, but it might be the result of eating too much food the night before or some other reason. I also believe though that sometimes the devil can harass us, or at least, create circumstances where we have fearful dreams. But there are times where God can't communicate with us through a dream to specific individuals about a specific situation.

Martin: Uh-hum.

Jean: Now.

Martin: A lot of these...

Jean: Sometimes, it's something with reference to the future; other times, it might be counsel. Maybe God is wanting to impress somebody to make a change in their life. But what we need to bury in our mind is that any dream, if we think we perhaps had a dream from God, it has to be in agreement with whatever the Bible has to say. In other words, God is not going to contradict Himself. We have a good example of this in Daniel chapter 2. There was a king by the name of Nebuchadnezzar and he was a pagan king - king of Babylon. He had a dream and he was deeply impressed by his dream. In the morning when he awoke, he didn't quite remember the details of the dream, but he was impressed enough. He called for his wise men--and finally Daniel came and explained the king's dream. That was a dream that God gave him; and it actually revealed the future history of the rise and fall of kingdoms. So yes, God does communicate at times through dreams.

Martin: Amen.

Jean: Does that help Martin, the kind of answer you are thinking?

Martin: Yes they're solved.

Jean: Okay very good. Well thank you for your call, we appreciate you. Who do we have next?

Alan: Next on the line is Mike. He's listening to us on the Internet from Derwood, Maryland. Looks like he's a repeat caller as well and he's asking us to please explain Galatians 3 verses 19-25.

Jean: Hi Mike, welcome to the program.

Mike: Hi, good evening.

Jean: Good evening.

Mike: Yes. I exactly wanted to get a little explanation on those verses, specifically verses 23 - 25 where it talks about faith, the law, and the law being a tutor, and then we're no longer being under a tutor. I would just like to understand, what does that exactly mean?

Jean: Okay well let's take a look at it. I'm going to begin reading here. You mentioned verse 23 in particular. For those who might be driving in their car and don't have access to their Bible right now, I'm going to read verses 23 and 24 and then we can talk about it. It says, "But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterwards be revealed. Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith." Now the central theme in the book of Galatians that Paul is addressing is there were those who felt that they could, through obedience to the law, obtain a righteousness that would get them into the Kingdom. And Paul is quite adamant that we are not saved by anything we do but we are saved by exercising a living faith in Christ. So there are those who thought that by keeping the law, they would be able to save themselves; and he says, "No, the law's purpose is to reveal to us our need of Jesus".

When we look into the law and we see how we fall short of God's high standard, that will lead the person to say, "Woe is me! I need help, I need a savior, I need Jesus." So the law then leads us to Christ, and when we receive Christ by faith, not only does He forgive us for our past sins, but the good news about the gospel is, He begins to change the heart. The result is a new heart. God says, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you..." Ezekiel 36:26. "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes..." Ezekiel 36:27. So when we receive this new heart and we trust in Jesus, not only are we forgiven, but we are also empowered to live a new life, a life of obedience. And we keep the commandments. We keep the law of God, not to be saved, but because we are saved and we trust in Jesus.

Mike: And then 25 sort of says, "We are no longer under a tutor." Is that sort of, kind of indicating we're no longer under the law. How does that sort of fit in to that?

Jean: Right, the law's purpose is to reveal to us our sins so that we will go to Jesus. Once we receive Jesus as our personal savior, no longer does the law need to reveal to us Jesus because now we’ve received Jesus. When we receive Jesus, He not only forgives us but now He empowers us to obey. We are not trying to save ourselves through obedience to the law because we have faith in Christ. Now Christ is living out His life within us, which is manifest in obedience to the law. In other words, the Ten Commandments is still the will of God. Just because a person has received Jesus, it doesn't mean that they can steal or kill or commit adultery or break any of the other commandments, even though the person that receives Jesus now is empowered to keep the commandments. Before a person receives Jesus, they lack the power and the strength to do what God asked them to do.

Mike: Okay.

Jean: Does that make sense?

Mike: Yes so if someone was to...they back slide...

Jean: Uh-hum.

Mike: The law would sort of then serve the purpose of it.

Jean: Absolutely. Leading you back to Jesus. As a matter of fact, this experience is sort of an ongoing thing. You know, all of us experience growth. If we're trusting in Jesus, we're experiencing growth. There are times in our lives where something might be revealed to us, or we might take a look at God's law and say, "You know what, I'm not really living up to the spirit of the law. I might be keeping the letter of the law, but there's something lacking." And that should drive us to our knees and say, "Lord please help. I need Jesus. I need His forgiveness. I need His grace". So the law brings us back to Jesus, as we look into it. Paul also describes the law as a mirror that reveals to us our true spiritual condition.

Mike: Right. So I could say, after faith that comes in my life...

Jean: Uh-hum.

Mike: Then I no longer need, you know, a sort of a personal thing versus like more of a historical thing...there's no more law anymore, kind of?

Jean: Well yes. The way of obtaining righteousness drives us to Christ. A person might try to obtain righteousness through their own works. After a person receives Christ, he receives Christ's righteousness, and that righteousness begins to be lived out within that person, which is demonstrated in obedience to God's law. So we're not trying to keep the law to save ourselves. Rather, we trust in to Jesus and as a result, we are keeping the law.

Mike: It hasn't been that way. Always felt that Abraham and so forth always been by faith. The law was's sort of...that makes sense, it's always...

Jean: The law was never intended for a person to be saved through obedience. We can't do that; and of course, Abraham realized when he looked into the law that he was lacking, and he needed a Savior, and he received that Savior by faith.

Mike: Okay. So did the was a tutor for Abraham as it is for everybody?

Jean: Absolutely.

Mike: Throughout...okay.

Jean: Absolutely.

Mike: Oh thank you very much.

Jean: Well thank you. That was a good question. James 2:21 says: "Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?" Then he goes on to explain that faith without works is dead. So Abraham, received by faith the promise of the Messiah, which resulted in obedience - a change of works - and the same is true to people today. When we receive Christ, the promised Messiah, Christ changes the heart. They become a new creature. We have a study guide dealing with the subject of the law called, "Written in Stone." For anyone wanting to learn more about that, give us a call on our resource line, ask for the study guide "Written in Stone". We will send it out to you. And that number again:

Alan: 1-800-835-6747.

Jean: Ask for the study guide, "Written in Stone." Who do we have next?

Alan: Our next caller is Gary from Washington State. He's listening to us on the Internet and he is a first time caller. He's asking us to please explain Job chapter 1 verses 6 and 7.

Jean: Hi Gary, you're in the air.

Gary: Fine. How are you? Thanks for taking my call.

Jean: You're welcome, thank you for calling.

Gary: It says in verse 6, "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD." What was the purpose of them to present themselves before the Lord? And in verse 7 it says, "And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou?' " Why did He ask Satan that question if He already know that?

Jean: All right, good question. What's interesting about Job is it kind of gives us a little bit of a clearer insight into what we sometimes refer to as "the great controversy." There is this controversy taking place between the forces of good and the forces of evil between Christ and Satan. When God created man, He put Adam in charge of the earth. Adam was the representative of the earth. But when Adam succumbed to Satan's temptation, Adam lost that position, and Satan now claims to be the representative of the earth. Now according to Job, there was this gathering of the sons of God. Who are the sons of God? The sons of God are the representatives of the worlds that God created, based upon Hebrews chapter 1. We believe that there are other worlds out there. There are other created beings out there.

Gary: So are these...then these aren't the same ones that are spoken of over in Genesis?

Jean: No.

Gary: Oh.

Jean: Now these would be a different group, and I'll tell you why it's a different group in just a minute.

Gary: Okay.

Jean: So these sons of God, or these representative sons of unfallen worlds, gathered in heaven. And Satan shows up as the representative of the earth. That's why God asked him the question, "Where did you come from?" Satan responded in verse 7, "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." In other words, Satan was claiming the earth as his and he said, "Well I've come from my planet, you know, the place that I'm in charge of." Then God says, "Have you considered my servant Job?" In other words, God said to Satan, "You think you've got the earth, but there is somebody on the earth who is really a citizen of my Kingdom." And that's where the whole controversy begins to unfold with reference to Job because Satan is claiming the earth and everyone on the earth as his. God said, "No, there's somebody that's actually for me on the earth". Now of course when Jesus came and died on the cross, He gained the right to be the representative of earth. In other words, Satan lost that claim that he held. Now Jesus is our representative before the Father in heaven.

Gary: Right, thank you.

Jean: Well thank you for calling Gary.

Gary: Well thank you and that cleared things up very much so thank you.

Jean: Good question. And friends, if you have a Bible-related question, the number to call here to the studio is 1-800-463-7297. That's 1-800-GOD-SAYS.

Alan: Next stop is Ed from Chicago, Illinois. He's listening to us on the Internet and his question is, "When will we stop sinning?"

Jean: Ed, you're in the air.

Ed: How are you?

Jean: Yes doing well Ed.

Ed: Oh that's right. So I have a good question. I am wondering when are we "elect" going to stop sinning? I know that as long as we are living here in this earth, we're going to sin. So there are two verses that I keep wondering about.

Jean: Sure.

Ed: One is in First Corinthians 15:52. It says that, "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." So I'm wondering if that is the moment when we are going to stop sinning; or like Revelation 22:11 says, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still:"

Jean: Okay.

Ed: "and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still:" So I'm wondering, what moment are we going to stop sinning?

Jean: All right, well let's begin with the last part of the verse you quoted there in Revelation chapter 22. That's what we refer to as the "close of probation," when Jesus stands up and He says, "He that's holy, let him be holy still. He that's filthy, let him be filthy still." Probation closes for the human race. In the very next verse there in Revelation 22 Jesus says, "I come quickly; and my reward is with me." So Jesus pronounces those words prior to the second coming, before He comes. Now while we're reading First Corinthians 15:52, that happens in the second coming of Christ, talking about the resurrection of the wicked and the righteous being changed in the moment when Jesus comes.

Ed: Right.

Jean: So the good news is that before Jesus comes, by His grace if we're trusting in Him, He's going to work within us so that when He says, "...him that is holy, let him be holy still," He will keep us from falling. The good news is that we can live a victorious Christian life even now. Of course, we don't have to wait until that time in order to live victorious Christian life. We can claim the promises of God even now and He's able to help us and give us strength. But, yes a time will come before Jesus comes when those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus will be kept from sinning.

Ed: So then probation...when probation's door closes...

Jean: Yes.

Ed: At that moment...from that moment on, we're not going to sin anymore?

Jean: Correct.

Ed: Oh okay perfect. Thank you.

Jean: We'll be filled with the Holy Spirit and with power. Now [currently], I don't think anyone's going ever to reach that point. Just a word of caution if anyone is working around saying, "I don't sin anymore. I'm sanctified fully." Well that's evidence that the person is still sinning because they've got pride in their heart. I don't think we'll ever reach the point where we think to ourselves that now we are doing okay, we don't really need Christ, we're good enough on our own - no. As a matter of fact, the closer we get to Jesus, the more we'll see a need of Him. Even when that time comes when probation closes and Jesus keeps us from sinning--those who put that confidence in Him--they won't feel as though they are perfect. They will still sense the need of Christ and will continue to be trusting in Him. Oh well thank you Ed. That was a good question. I'm looking at our engineer here. I don't think we have time for one call before we take our break. We're going to be coming up on a break. But friends, if you're just joining us, we still have a whole half an hour of Bible questions. If you have a text or Scripture that has puzzled you and you want to know exactly what it means, give us a call. We try our very best to keep a number of great resources here in front of us on the computer. The number to call is 1-800-463-7297. That's the phone line here to the studio and just ask your Bible question. We'll do our very best to answer. You're listening to Bible Answers Live.

Now Alan just a few moments ago, we had somebody ask about the Ten Commandments. So what is the purpose of the Ten Commandments and what do we as Christians need to do with reference to the Ten Commandments and our relationship with Jesus? Does grace somehow blot out the law? Well we have a website dedicated to the subject of the Ten Commandments, and I can't remember when we've offered this website before. Well folks, take a look at our Bible Answers Live. It’s new to me but it's a great website. It's a fantastic website. It'll really strengthen your understanding of how law and grace fit together--where law is actually kind of the root and the branch, and then the gospel and grace are pretty much the blossoms. You can go to That's

On that website, you'll be able to look at our famous study guide entitled. "Written in Stone." It's all about the Ten Commandments and also a number of books dedicated to that subject. Again, the website is We'll be right back.


Jean: Hello friends, you're back with Bible Answers Live. If you have a Bible-related question, we'd love to hear from you. The number to call is 1-800-463-7297. That's 1-800-GOD-SAYS. Alan, we are going to go straight to the phone lines. Who's our next caller?

Alan: Our next caller is Mark from Michigan. He's on a cell phone listening to us on Serious FM.

Jean: Hi Mark, welcome to the program. Mark, you're on the air.

Mark: Okay hi. Do you hear me?

Jean: I can hear you, yes.

Mark: Okay hi. I'm a truck driver in Michigan. I just passed Jackson, Michigan right now. My question comes from...when I listened to you earlier where you were talking to the young man about the Archangel, Michael being Jesus. I have a friend that I've been talking to about Jesus being with God from the beginning.

Jean: Yes.

Mark: And she is in this group that says He wasn't. So my question is this: Where in the Bible do I find in the Scripture about Jesus being Michael the Archangel?

Jean: All right, I would be happy to show you several verses; sort of a little detective work but it's not very hard to figure it out. We're starting in Revelation chapter 12. In Revelation chapter 12--maybe Alan can get the exact verse there. It talks about Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon.

Mark: Yes.

Alan: If we look at Daniel--oh excuse me, Revelation 12. I went into Daniel 12, I apologize for that.

Jean: We'll get to Daniel 12 in just a minute because that's another good verse with reference to this, but just on Revelation 12 where it talks about Michael.

Alan: When we look in Revelation 12:7-8, it says, "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.”

Jean: Okay so there we have a reference to Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon and his angels. But it doesn't tell for sure who Michael is.

Mark: Correct.

Jean: Now we go over to Jude, the book just before the book of Revelation; and this is the question posed earlier where Michael is referred to as the archangel. So we know that Michael has something to do with the archangel. Now as we mentioned earlier, we're not saying Michael is an angel. In Greek, the word "archangel" means the ruler of the angels, or the commander of the angels, just like an arch on a door is above something. So we're saying Michael is the ruler of the angels. He's not a created being. Christ has always been with the Father. Here's an interesting verse, 1 Thessalonians 4:16. It says, "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven"--that's Jesus--"with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:" So here it says that Jesus has the voice of the archangel and Jude says that Michael is the archangel. Therefore we conclude that Michael is Jesus. There is another reference that we have in Daniel 12:1. Read that one for us Alan.

Alan: In Daniel 12:1 it says, "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book."

Jean: What's interesting about Daniel chapter 12, it says, Michael the great prince who stands for your people. Jesus is the one who stands for us in the presence of the Father. So there's a number of verses you can look at that helps us understand that Michael is the prophetic name of Christ. And again you'll only find Michael used in those prophetic books like Daniel, Jude, Revelation, and then in 1 Thessalonians, talking about the second coming.

Alan: You know Pastor Ross, talking about the 1 Thessalonians 4:16 passage that you quoted about the Lord descending from heaven with a shout, Jesus said to Martha in John 11 that He is the Resurrection and the Life. And in Daniel 12:2, after talking about Michael standing up for His people it says, "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake," talking about the resurrection, the resurrection of life, and then the resurrection of condemnation.

Jean: Right. You know Mark, we have a book dealing with the subject of Michael the archangel and if you would call our resource line--I know you're driving now--but maybe you can remember this, it's 1-800-835-6747. That's 1-800-835-6747. Ask for the book on Michael the Archangel, and we'll send it to you or anyone who calls and asks for it.. Who's our next caller?

Alan: Our next caller is Scott calling from Irvine, California. He's listening to us on the Internet and...

Jean: Scott, you're on the air.

Scott: Hey how are you?

Jean: Doing well.

Scott: I have a question on Ephesians 4:5.

Jean: Okay.

Scott: One Lord, one faith and one baptism.

Jean: Yes.

Scott: That means that there is a remnant church?

Jean: I believe it does: one Lord, one faith, one baptism. In other words, we're saved through Jesus. He is Lord.

Scott: Uh-huh.

Jean: There is one faith. Now when he says faith, it's not just referring to faith in Jesus but it's referring to what we hold to be true. In other words, the Bible teaches one doctrine, or a set of doctrines. It's not open for individual interpretation. The Bible teaches truth and it's complete. It doesn't contradict itself, so there's one Lord, one faith or doctrine, and there's one baptism. Today there are different methods of baptism. The Bible tells us there is one method of baptism. That is truly what the bible teaches. But through baptism, one becomes part of God's people, part of God's church, and so one Lord, one faith and one baptism.

Scott: Yes I have a question because in 321A.D., Constantine baptized pagans. I'm just wondering at the end of time, will God baptize Christians without them knowing?

Jean: Well it's kind of interesting that you bring that up. Jesus makes it very clear that when He comes, there will be those who actually think that they are serving him, when in reality they’re not. Jesus said that there will be those who say, "Lord, Lord did we not prophesy in Your name and cast out devils in Your name and do many wonders?" And Jesus responds and says, "I never knew you, depart from me, ye who work iniquity." What is that verse Alan? Maybe you can look that one up.

Alan: That is in Matthew 7.

Jean: All right, maybe you can get that for us in just a minute; but you know, there will be those, even in the name of religion, who will persecute God's people thinking that they somehow are doing God a service. The key issue in the end of time is worship. Are we going to worship God according to what He asks in His word, according to His commandments, or are we going to worship God according to man-made traditions and man-made theories? How we are going to worship God becomes key? What was that verse?

Alan: That's in Matthew 7:21 and 22.

Jean: Does that add a little bit there Scott?

Scott: Yes, but I have another question.

Jean: Sure.

Scott: On Galatians 20 and actually 22. (Unintelligible) being only needed in the end of time. And also I'm wondering about how you get the fruits of the spirit.

Jean: Okay, how does a person obtain the fruit of the spirit? Well, the Bible tells us we need to ask for it. We need to ask God for His spirit and we also need to humble our hearts and say Lord, whatever it is that you want me to do, that I'm willing to do. If you're already serious about obtaining the spirit and the fruit of the spirit, we need to be serious about doing whatever it is God asks us to do. I think that is one of the biggest hindrances to why people don't obtain the spirit and don't manifest the fruit of the spirit, because there's a lack of willingness on their part to say Lord whatever it takes, I'm willing to do.

Alan: You know Scott if you also look in Galatians 5 and back up just a few verses and begin in verse 16, talking about walking in the spirit, you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Paul then gives you a pretty short conclusive but not exhaustive list of what that entails--of not walking in the flesh. And then he contrasts that with the fruit of the spirit; he says that it's love composed of joy, peace, long suffering and so forth. Compare this with 1Corinthians 13 and that might answer your question.

Scott: Okay.

Jean: 1 Corinthians 13 of course is a description of what love is and God is love; and having the Holy Spirit will manifest those characteristics of love.

Scott: Well let me throw in another question. I heard a previous caller talking about dreams and visions in Acts 2 basically in the last days you know, it goes through everything. I could read it.

Jean: Sure.

Scott: From 17 to 18. Basically it says, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy..."

Jean: So there we have a promise that was partially fulfilled at the time of the apostles that will be fulfilled again when Jesus comes when there's a special outpour. (Unintelligible) to come here with His special outpouring of His spirit. And again, God will communicate as He did with the prophets in dreams and visions.

Scott: So how do you know if a vision is true?

Jean: Well first of all, you need to make sure that it's in harmony with God's word. God will never contradict Himself and the Holy Spirit will never contradict Himself. So if what's been asked contradicts with what you know the Bible teaches then you know that's the devil trying to mislead you. Sometimes it's good to consider counsel from godly people and say you know, "I had a dream and this is kind of what I'm thinking." In a multitude of counsel, there is wisdom the Bible tells us. So talk about it with others whom you can trust and then pray about it and say, "Lord if this is what you want me to do, please make it clear, open the way.". He'll open doors and He will close doors. If there's a willingness to do whatever it is God asks, then He will lead you step by step. You know we do have a book, Scott, for you or anyone wanting to learn more about this. It's called, "Determining the Will of God." How do you determine God's will? If you just call our resource line, we'll be happy to send it to you. What's that number again?

Alan: Scott you can call that resource line at 1-800-835-6747.

Jean: The book again is entitled, "Determining the Will of God". Who's our next caller?

Alan: Our next caller is Rosemary. She's calling from El Paso, Texas and she is on line 6.

Jean: Hi Rosemary, you're on the air.

Rosemary: Hi.

Jean: Hi and your question this evening?

Rosemary: Okay my question is this. I'm going through a divorce. I've been praying and just reading and trying to, like many people are coming, to be filled and listening.

Jean: Uh-hum.

Rosemary: And my joy is gone. My spirit, I feel it numb and I'm trying to work it up again.

Jean: Sure.

Rosemary: Or bring it back.

Jean: Sure, you know it's a very difficult experience, and those who are listening can sympathize with you who have gone through this type of experience. It's a grieving process, a healing process that has to take place. It is painful and there are times when the discouragement is overwhelming and you wonder, "Lord, where are You? Why are You not there?" But what we need to recognize is that God is there and God understands. He knows what you are going through. And sometimes when we can't see His hand in directing in our circumstances, that's when we need to trust His heart of love. He understands and He knows. Hold on to Him. Just never ever give up. We have many examples in Scripture where people whose lives went through some very difficult trials. Their faith was tried and tested but they held on and God brought them through victorious at the end. So don't give up, read the word. Look for those promises in the Scriptures that bring hope and courage, then claim those promises: "Lord, I'm going to hold on to You. I'm going to trust in You." Sometimes you might feel the presence of Jesus when you pray and say, "Well thank you Lord." Other times, you're just going to have to grab it by faith. You might not feel anything, but that's where you need to hold on. Just hold on to Him by faith and allow God to fulfill His purpose in His time.

Alan: There are a couple verses we'd probably like to share with you too, Rosemary.

Rosemary: Okay.

Alan: One of them is in Jeremiah 33:3. It's pretty much God's hot-line. He says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not". And another one that I have taken comfort in myself in the past comes from Isaiah 43:1 and 2; actually in part of verse 3, and it says, "But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour."

Jean: Amen. What a wonderful promise. You know Rosemary; can we have a word of prayer with you?

Rosemary: Yes, one more question?

Jean: Sure.

Rosemary: Is it ever possible that one can mourn the Holy Spirit?

Jean: You know, it is possible for a person to grieve the Holy Spirit, where they are continually saying "No" to the promptings of the Holy Spirit--to the point where the heart is so hard that the person can't hear the Holy Spirit any longer. But let me add, if somebody is even wondering if they have grieved the Holy Spirit, or if they are concerned about grieving the Holy Spirit, that usually is pretty good evidence that they have not grieved the Holy Spirit because typically, people who have grieved the Holy Spirit really don't care. They don't care about God. They don't care about doing what God is asking. They don't even care about grieving God. So, if there is a concern, that's pretty much good evidence that no, the person has not grieved the Holy Spirit.

Rosemary: It's just I was worried because I feel anger. I'm trying to forgive. I'm trying not to be vengeful. And I'm just asking God to help me let go and you know, bring me peace.

Jean: Well, that's exactly the thing to do. It will take time but you just hold on. Keep asking, keep trusting, and He will see you through. (Unintelligible.) Just keep holding on to Him. Let me have a word of prayer for you Rosemary. Dear Father in heaven, we just want to lift Rosemary in a special way. You understand her situation. You know her pain and sorrow that she's going through. And Lord, we want to ask that You would comfort her, strengthen her. She has cried out to You. Be there for her Lord. Reveal Yourself in a very special way that she might be able to hold onto You and trust in You even more and claim the promise that You'll see her through. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayer. For we ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Rosemary: Amen.

Alan: Amen. Well, God bless you, Rosemary. We'll keep you lifted up in prayer.

Jean: Who is our next caller?

Alan: Our next caller is Greg calling from Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. He is listening to us on the Internet.

Jean: Hi Greg, welcome to the program.

Greg: Hi. Thanks very much for taking my call.

Jean: You are welcome, and your question this evening?

Greg: Yeah. My question is in regards to the very beginning of Genesis 1.

Jean: Okay.

Greg: Now, it's my belief that God completed creation week in six days. But in Genesis 1, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Was this part of day one or was this some time prior to the first day of creation?

Jean: Well, I'll tell you what I think, and I'll give you the reason why I think it. I think God created the earth in the condition where it describes being without form and void, in darkness upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the world. I believe that was all created on day one and here's why. It's not until day four that the sun is created. So if God created the earth at some distant point in time, millions of years ago, which is sitting there spinning by itself without the sun, would there be water or would there be ice on the earth? It would be solid ice. And then in Genesis 1:2 it says, "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," and then God separates the waters from the waters. Then the sun is not created until the fourth day. So that to me is pretty good evidence that on day 1, in the beginning, that first 24-hour period, God created the earth. And it was covered with water. Then God said, "Let there be light," and turn the earth on its axis. And you have your first 24-hour day.

Greg: So when it says God created the heavens and the earth, is that of the three heavens or would it just be the first permanent?

Jean: In the Bible we've got, like you say, three heavens. We've got the first heaven, which would be our atmosphere. That's not created until day two. Then you have the second heaven where the stars are. And then you have third heaven, which is the dwelling place of God.

Greg: Right.

Jean: Now, I believe there were things created before planet earth. There were probably other worlds and galaxies and other things out there that God had made at some point in time; but very possibly our solar system, maybe even the galaxy, God created right there 6,000 years ago.

Greg: Okay. Because my question is from the gentleman's question about the sons of God.

Jean: Correct.

Greg: Where if the cosmos was created on the first day of creation as well.

Jean: No, I think there were other created things out there, including these other worlds that were created and they were already in existence. It's quite possible that after Satan fell from heaven, as we read about in Revelation 12, he went and visited maybe some of these other worlds trying to convince them to join his rebellion. He was unsuccessful. Then God created planet earth and Satan said, "Well, let me try here" and he was successful in tempting Adam and Eve.

Greg: Great. I have a quick question.

Jean: Sure.

Greg: I have a quick question in regards to that. Satan was or was not on the earth on the first day of creation?

Jean: I think he was watching things, but we don't have him showing up actually until he appears there in the Garden of Eden. So I’m sure he was aware of what was happening. He was watching.

Greg: I agree. I agree he wasn't here because as we know each day, God said that it was good.

Jean: That's a great point. That's right. It was good.

Greg: I couldn't see Satan being on the earth.

Jean: It wouldn't be good with him.

Greg: That's right.

Jean: That's a good point.

Greg: Well, that does explain it better. Thank you very much.

Jean: Thanks for your call, Greg. I appreciate it. Who do we have next?

Alan: Our next caller is Alicia. She is calling from Huntsville, Alabama, listening to us on WJOU.

Jean: Hi, Alicia. Welcome to the program.

Alicia: Hi.

Jean: And your question this evening?

Alicia: Thank you for your ministry.

Jean: You are welcome.

Alicia: I am reading through Isaiah and I am trying to understand where he is going. I'm totally confused. I'm using about three or four translations of the bible.

Jean: Okay.

Alicia: One of them is a synopsis of what each chapter is, but I just cannot figure out where he is going, or if he is going the same place where Ezekiel and Daniel are going. I haven't gotten that far yet but I was just wondering.

Jean: Sure. Well, you'll find in the Old Testament there's two divisions of the prophetic books. (Unintelligible.) You've got the Minor Prophets and you've got the Major Prophets. The Minor Prophets are smaller books. The Major Prophets are larger books. Not that the smaller books are less important, they are just as important; but that's just sort of the division that was given. You'll find in a number of the books, probably the three big ones; Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel, there are several themes that are presented; the gospel, especially in Isaiah, is presented sometimes with great imagery. Now, we've got Isaiah 53, which is one of the most beautiful passages of scripture that talks about the suffering of Christ and how that, through His death, we are saved. A beautiful passage. But the gospel is presented through various themes. Also admonitions and counsels are given to Israel as well as promises. Now, those promises that are given to the nation of Israel are, to some degree, conditional. In other words, if Israel were to do this, then God would respond and do something else. They have today a spiritual obligation for what we call “Spiritual Israel.” But when you read Isaiah, you want to try and look at this as emphasizing the Messiah, or is this counsel given, or is this promise given. And it can be a little challenging, especially if you are going at it for the first time.

Alicia: I am being challenged. I can assure you.

Jean: You know, don't get discouraged. Keep reading. There will be things that will start jumping out at you and you go, "Oh, wow. That makes sense."

Alicia: Okay.

Jean: You know, I read the Bible and I've read the Bible through several times. There are still things that jump out at me every time I read it and I think, "Oh, now I understand. Now I see this a little clearer." Then I come back and read it again and I see it in a different light. So, it's an on-going, growing experience; but keep reading. It gets easy as you go.

Alicia: Okay. Thank you.

Jean: Thank you for calling. I think we time for one more quick call. Who do we have?

Alan: We have Sarah. She is calling from Canada and listening to us on JOY 12.5

Jean: Hi Sarah. Welcome to the program. We have about a minute and a half.

Sarah: I'll just give you the verse and you explain?

Jean: Okay.

Sarah: Romans 14:14.

Jean: Romans 14:14.

Sarah: "I am persuaded by the Lord that there is nothing unclean of itself."

Jean: Okay.

Sarah: Then Isaiah 66:16 and 17. How would you explain that?

Jean: Well, let me give you the quick context of Romans 14. There was a controversy that was taking place in the Christian church with reference to eating things bought in the market place. The pagans would offer their foods or meats to various gods. And there was some who said, "You can't eat that food because it has been offered to a pagan god." There were others who said, "Well, who cares. We don't believe that there is any power in that god anyway. We can eat the food." So Paul, in Romans, is referring to that specific situation that faced the believers in Rome. And he says, "I'm convinced that there is nothing unclean," meaning that, if some food had been offered to a god, it didn't make it unclean. Now, Paul is not wiping out what we read in Scripture with reference to food that's good to eat and food that's not good to eat. I mean, that's a totally different story. He is referring here specifically to that which was offered to idols; and we can also see some other references to that in the New Testament. Well, friends, you can hear the music playing there in the background. This is probably one of the fastest hours of the week for us. We are sorry if we didn't get to your call. Try next week. Until then, God bless.


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