God's Super-Computer

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Exodus 21:7-11, Hebrews 6:1-6
Date: 01/19/2014 
For decades, futurists have talked about the day that computers would become as powerful and versatile as the human brain. Despite rumors...
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Doug Batchelor: Hello friends, this is Doug Batchelor. How about an amazing fact? For decades, futurists have talked about the day that computers would become as powerful and versatile as the human brain. Despite rumors, we've still not reached the point where artificial intelligence can overtake human smarts. According to the Telegraph, in January 2014, a major test was conducted proving one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers is still no match for the two-and-a-half pound gray intellectual chemical glob called a human brain.

Researchers in Germany and Japan used K, the fourth most powerful supercomputer in the world, to simulate one second of brain activity. With a room full of supercomputers housing more than seven hundred thousand processor cores and 1.4 million GB of RAM, K simulated the interplay of 1.7 billion nerve cells and more than ten trillion synaptic connections between brain cells. Though that might sound like a lot of brain cells and connections, it really only represents one percent of the human brain's network. So what happened?

It still took the supercomputer forty minutes to process a single second of one percent of human brain activity. The fact is, no computer exists today that can even match the processing speed of a mouse's brain. But Intel said that it aims to create such a computer by 2018. Perhaps this is why the Bible says that man is fearfully and wonderfully made. Stay with us friends, we're going to learn more as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.


Doug Batchelor: Welcome, listening friends, to Bible Answers Live, and if you're tuning in for the first time, this is a Bible study on the air you can participate in. If you have a Bible question, just call. The number is 800-GOD-SAYS. That's 800-463-7297. We have lines open for your Bible questions tonight. And you can also be tuning in on the Amazing Facts website. You'll find a lot of information there, as well. So if you have Bible question, pick up your phone. 800-463-7297 brings you to our studio; have a pencil standing by because we also give out some websites that have other Bible study resources. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Jëan Ross: My name is Jëan Ross, good evening listening friends and Pastor Doug. As usual, let's begin the program with a word of prayer. Dear Father, once again we are grateful that we are able to spend a few moments studying Your Word together. We do ask for the Holy Spirit to come and fill our minds and hearts and lead us, Lord, into a clear and full understanding of Your Word. So bless our time together, be with those who are listening, wherever they might be. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Doug Batchelor: Amen.

Jëan Ross: Pastor Doug, you opened the program by talking about, well, a remarkable computer that has the ability to do a vast amount of calculations in a very short period of time, yet in comparison to the human brain, it's so far inferior to just one percent of our brain's capacity. So, you know, we've got a long way to go in the world of computers to try to match what the brain can do.

Doug Batchelor: That's right. And even when you don't think you're thinking something, your brain is thinking.

Jëan Ross: Something is going, yes.

Doug Batchelor: Well you're just, you know, all the time, really, while your brain is moving the muscles that move your eyes around when you're talking and you're taking in all these images and your brain is regulating your heartbeat and all these millions of nerve endings that go to every, you know, cell on the exterior of your body. I mean there is just so much going on in a human brain that when they tried to analyze this, and they've spent years, scientists and computer technicians from around the world, this is a free online program where people around the world are adding and building the software to try to figure out what a human brain does. So the best minds in the world are working in this, and they're going "Wow". We take, I mean you just think about having ten, what is it? Ten trillion gigabytes of information. It's just mind boggling. 1.4 million gigabytes of RAM and seven hundred thousand processor cores. We're happy if our computers get four, this is seven hundred thousand. And they could, in forty minutes, sixty seconds in a minute, only simulate one second of one percent of a human brain. Now just think about that. It only took fifty million years for that human brain to develop. Kidding friends, sorry. And the other amazing thing is they can't figure out why the human brain is built where we only use about ten percent of what its potential capacity is. Why would a brain evolve with so much extra potential that is never realized?

Jëan Ross: You know, another amazing thing about the human brain is the amount of energy that it takes to actually process all of those calculations in the human brain. If you were to try to duplicate that kind of activity in a computer, it would take the water of Niagara Falls to try to cool the computer that baked.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, take the power generated by Niagara Falls to probably heat it, too. Or to power it, yeah. You know, and the human brain, you know it is an electrochemical computer. They know that now, but it is so incredibly economical. If they could make a computer chip that could do a fraction of what the human brain would do at the temperatures, anyways. All of this is just a way of saying, friends, that as the Bible said, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. And we are made in the image of God. Now talk about a computer. Look at what the mind of God is able to do in sustaining the cosmos. Would you like to know more about that God that created this wonderful world and all that's in it? We have a free offer tonight that you will find amazing. Pastor Ross?

Jëan Ross: It's a book entitled Wonders of Creation and for anyone who would call and ask for that, we'll be happy to send it to you. The book talks about some of these marvels in creation that help us see how much God cares about us individually, and just the amazing things that He has made. The book is again called Wonders of Creation and our resource line is 800-835-6747. That's 800-835-6747. Call and ask for the book Wonders of Creation. We're going to go to the phone lines now; we have D-Rod listening in New Jersey. D-Rod, welcome to the program.

D-Rod: Hello, and thanks for taking my call.

Doug Batchelor: Sure.

D-Rod: Praise the Lord for your job and good night to Pastor Doug and Pastor Jëan. I had a question that I've always thought about, because every night I pray for every living thing because God is the creator of life. And the question that I had is if it's ok to pray for pets while you pray for the family. Like I have two pets at home. One recently got sick, it's at the hospital, but I always had that question. Is it ok to pray for pets since it's a living thing?

Doug Batchelor: Well, you know the Bible says that God, not a sparrow falls that God doesn't know about it, and He opens His hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing. Again, the Bible tells us in Proverbs, the righteous man regards the life of his beast, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. So God cares about animals. As a matter of fact, when Balaam was beating his donkey, God opened the donkey's mouth and the donkey said "I've been your faithful donkey all these years, have I ever given you a hard time, why are you beating me"? So I don't think there's anything wrong with praying for the welfare of your animals, and that God will keep them healthy and heal them if they are sick. Which is really a different question. Sometimes we get the question "Will these pets have eternal life?" and that is different from praying that they can be well in this life.

D-Rod: Yes, I always had that question, because every living thing, the breath that we have is given by our Heavenly Father. And I always had that question. Not to take more of your time, I wanted to add that my daughter, we were talking about the brain earlier, she's going to have a procedure done at a hospital, I want to know if you can have a prayer for her, her name is [inaudible]. I will appreciate that and thanks for answering my question.

Doug Batchelor: Absolutely, we will. We will put her on our prayer list. Thank you, D-Rod.

D-Rod: Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you and goodnight.

Doug Batchelor: God bless.

Jëan Ross: We've got Sharon who is listening from Virginia. Sharon, welcome to the program.

Sharon: Thank you. Thank you for taking my call.

Doug Batchelor: Yes.

Sharon: My question is the Bible says Jesus is referred to as the first born from the dead, and I'm wondering about Moses. Because when Moses appeared on the mountain along with Elijah, he was resurrected, right?

Doug Batchelor: Yes.

Sharon: So, and he was resurrected from the dead, was he not given his glorious body then?

Doug Batchelor: He was. And you know of course there are a couple of other examples, three examples I can think of in the Old Testament of other resurrections besides Moses. There's a boy that Elijah resurrected, there's a boy that Elisha resurrected,

Jëan Ross: Yeah, they did but I mean, but it's talking about those raised from the dead in the verse that you're quoting. So it doesn't say that they went to Heaven and back. But yeah, you're right. Moses actually, he not only died, he was raised and went to heaven. I think that the key is where Jesus is talking about first born of the dead, it is through His resurrection that any other resurrection could happen.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Doug Batchelor: And so sometimes when you say "first", it doesn't mean sequence. In the Bible sometimes they use "the first" to mean "priority". For instance, when we talk about the President's wife, we typically call her the First Lady. Well, that doesn't mean she was the first lady to walk ashore in North America, sequentially. She is thought of to be the First Lady as far as priority, importance, and so forth. So when Jesus is the first begotten of the dead, He is the one and through His resurrection any other resurrection happens, and of course He is the greatest of those who are raised from the dead. And no one really …

Sharon: That makes sense.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, no one else really experienced. Because Jesus even raised Lazarus. A lot of resurrections before Jesus died. So hopefully, appreciate that if that makes sense and …

Sharon: Yes, that does make sense. So I appreciate your answer.

Doug Batchelor: Thank you very much. We do have a book that you might enjoy, Sharon, and it's called The High Cost of the Cross. It talks about the sacrifice and the resurrection of Jesus.

Sharon: Oh, yes.

Doug Batchelor: We'll send that to you.

Jëan Ross: The number to call is 800-835-6747, that is our resource line, and the book is The High Cost of the Cross. That's 800-835-6747. We're going to go back to Michael in, let's see, Michael is in, hang on a minute; we're not able to get to him right now. Let's try this one, here. We have Ralph in Florida. Ralph, welcome to the program.

Ralph: Hello, guys. This is my first time calling. I just have a question about Goliath. Is the same Goliath mentioned in I Samuel 17, II Samuel 21, and I Chronicles 20? I'm going to hang up and listen to that. Thank you.

Doug Batchelor: All right, II Samuel 21 and it's probably, you know I only know of one Goliath being mentioned in the Bible. I think all three times it's referring to the same giant. It does sometimes talk about the brothers and the descendants of Goliath that David fought with, but I don't think we're talking about different people.

Jëan Ross: Of course the history of Chronicles is also repeated in some of the other Old Testament books. The word "chronicle" carries with it the idea of giving a chronological order of different events over the history, at least the passage of history that's being referred to. So it wouldn't be surprising that Chronicles would repeat a story that you find elsewhere in Scripture.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, I'm looking at; I just did a computer search, the word "Goliath" is found six times in the Bible. It's all referring to the same person. In II Samuel 21 it's talking about the brother of Goliath, and it calls him the Gittite, that's someone from Gath. It's a similar word and some translations translate that differently. Same Goliath, not too many 9-foot-six guys going around. So I appreciate your question, thank you, Michael.

Jëan Ross: All right, we've got Michael in Kentucky. Michael, you're on the air.

Michael: Hey Pastor Doug, how are you, man?

Doug Batchelor: Doing good. And your question tonight?

Michael: When Jesus returns, where will the Father be?

Doug Batchelor: Well, you know, the Spirit and power of the Father come with Jesus when He comes to Earth. Because it says He's coming on the right hand of power, and what other power would that be but the power of the Father? But the Bible says God is a Spirit and yet it seems like He's got a presence. He seems like He's got a body. And the Father sends the Son to receive the kingdom. So in a literal sense, the Father is still on His throne, ready to welcome everybody when they come.

Jëan Ross: And also, when you talk about the second coming, you’re reading in the New Testament talks about the second coming, the theme and the focus of the second coming is the second coming of Jesus. But when you're speaking about the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, almost always in the New Testament, it is listed in that order: the Father first, then the Son, then the Holy Spirit. And if the Father was coming with the Son, it would probably be more the coming of the Father versus the emphasis being the coming of the Son. So, just from a number of passages, it appears that Christ comes to gather His children and take them back to the Father's house, and what a reunion that will be, when Jesus enters into the presence of His Father in Heaven and following behind are the redeemed. And Jesus says, "Father, here are the ones that You have given Me". What a glorious event that will be.

Doug Batchelor: Absolutely. So we appreciate that, Michael. We do have a book, a study guide that you'll really enjoy, that talks about the second coming. And we'll be happy to send you a free copy of that.

Jëan Ross: The study guide that talks about the second coming is called Ultimate Deliverance. For anyone wanting to learn about the subject, give us a call on our resource line, that's 800-835-6747. And again the study guide is called Ultimate Deliverance. We have Raymond who is listening in Michigan. Raymond, welcome to the program.

Raymond: Hey, Pastor Doug.

Doug Batchelor: Evening. And your question?

Raymond: My question is in Revelation, when it talks about the Antichrist being struck down, whether it's a man or a woman who does it; it is prophesied in Revelation, is that something coming from God or is that something coming from Satan?

Doug Batchelor: Are you talking about where it says that the Beast is wounded by a sword?

Jëan Ross: A deadly wound in Revelation 13?

Raymond: Yes.

Doug Batchelor: I don't know if it necessarily, it doesn't necessarily use the wording "struck down", but I think that's what you're talking about. Well, Christ says "I did not come to send peace, but a sword", and so it also tells us in Ephesians chapter 6 and also in Hebrews chapter 4, that the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. And so it's pretty clear from a number of Bible examples, in Revelation 19, where Jesus appears with a sword coming out of His mouth.

Jëan Ross: It's Revelation 1.

Raymond: Yes.

Jëan Ross: A sharp, two-edged sword.

Doug Batchelor: A sharp, two edged sword. So we see Jesus has this sword, it's representing His Word, and so what really kills the Beast is the Word of God.

Jëan Ross: But also in the context of Revelation chapter 13, where it says he saw this beast with seven heads and one of its heads received the deadly wound but the deadly wound was healed, God also just as in Old Testament times, would allow various kingdoms or nations to bring judgment upon Israel. So it is through a political power that the Beast of Revelation 13 receives this deadly wound, which is eventually healed, and it says all the world wonders and marvels after the Beast. So God allows political powers to execute His will in judgment upon this power.

Doug Batchelor: And that other verse is Revelation 19:15, "Out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it He should strike the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron". So obviously a sword coming out of the mouth of this rider on the white horse is a symbol for the Word of God, because we usually don't see people going around with swords coming out of their mouths. So that's symbolic language, there.

Jëan Ross: You know, we've got a study guide dealing with the subject of the Antichrist, and Raymond, you would find this interesting. It's called Who is the Antichrist? and if you'll call our resource line, that's 800-835-6747, just ask for the study guide Who is the Antichrist?. The number again is 800-835-6747 and the number here to the studio is 800-463-7297, we have a couple of lines still open. That's 800-463-7297. We have Tim, who is listening in Tennessee. Tim, welcome to the program.

Tim: Yes, good evening, guys.

Doug Batchelor: Good evening.

Tim: Can you hear me ok?

Doug Batchelor: Loud and clear.

Tim: Ok, my question deals with Daniel 12:1, and what is the difference between, I know it says Michael is going to stand up and it's going to be a time of trouble. I also listen to your Amazing Facts television show and it said the difference between the great tribulation that has passed and that, that is coming up is the intensity of it. That it's going to be very short and it's going to be very intense, what is your take on that? And how does it tie in with Revelation 14 and 20?

Doug Batchelor: All right, well I do agree. I think that the great tribulation that's coming is not going to be as long, because the great tribulation during the Dark Ages lasted like 1,260 years. It was the Dark Ages. It was a time of great persecution. But in the last days, it seems like in very quick succession, you can read in Revelation 15 and 16, when the seven plagues fall, how long can life last on Earth when men are being scorched with great heat and noisesome sores and the waters are turned to blood. It's just in very quick succession there's going to be wrath poured out, is what it says. So yeah, we are heading for that day. But that is the ultimate great time of trouble, that it will be unlike any other time that has ever existed.

Jëan Ross: You know, there's a parallel passage in Revelation 22:11, parallels with Daniel 12:1. When Michael stands up, Jesus in Revelation chapter 11 says that he that is unjust, let him be unjust still. He that is filthy, let him be filthy still. He that is righteous, let him be righteous still. He that is holy, let him be holy still. And then verse 12 says, Christ speaking "And behold, I come quickly and My reward is with Me". So the standing up of Michael is the close of probation. There is the outpouring of the seven last plagues, and then you have the second coming of Jesus. And it's during that time period that you read about in Daniel 12:1 where there is a time of trouble that is worse than the world has ever seen before. But it's fairly short, because you have the seven last plagues, and then Christ comes.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, and Jesus refers to this, that's why it says "He that endures to the end will be saved". There is something to endure just before the end. And that's what this is. You know, Tim, we have a book that's called Anything But Secret. It talks not only about the difference between the second coming and the secret rapture, but it has a section, a good section that talks about the tribulation. And if you'd like a copy of that, we'll send you one for free.

Jëan Ross: The number to call 800-835-6747, and the book is Anything But Secret. Again, 800-835-6747, the book dealing with the second coming of Christ, Anything But Secret. We have Louis listening in Michigan. Louis, you're on the air.

Louis: Yes, I have a question about the millennium. If Jesus--

Doug Batchelor: Get real close to your phone, Louis.

Louis: If Jesus is ruling on Earth during the thousand year millennium, how can there be sinners?

Doug Batchelor: That's a good question. And the reason is a good question is because you've discovered something that many people are wrong about. It doesn't teach in the Bible that the millennium is here on Earth. Now just follow me. A lot of people think that Jesus comes down at the end of a seven year tribulation and that He reigns with the righteous reigning over the wicked, and who wants that? And the righteous have eternal life but the wicked are still dying. It becomes very messy and hard to understand. But what Jesus really said is "I go to prepare a place for you", John 14, "and if I go, I will come again and receive you unto myself", it's the verse Pastor Ross was talking about, where He said "In my Father's house are many mansions, that where I am, you might be also".

So when Christ comes and we are caught up to meet Him in the air, He takes us away from the Earth. That's at the resurrection. You can read in I Thessalonians chapter 4, the dead in Christ rise when the Lord descends from Heaven. And then you read in Revelation that it's at the resurrection the millennium begins, in Revelation chapter 20. So the millennium begins with the second coming of Jesus and the resurrection. We are not on the Earth; we are living and reigning with Him in glory. And the world is desolate during that time. Yeah, it's ruins.

Jëan Ross: You know, sometimes the question is asked "well, if the righteous are going to reign during the thousand years with Christ, who are they going to be reigning over if all the wicked are dead"? What we need to understand that the idea of reigning doesn't necessarily mean telling people what to do. An important part of reigning is judging. During the one thousand year period, Paul says that the righteous will be involved in judging, even judging angels, fallen angels. So the reigning idea is in part a type of judging. A reviewing of the lives of people, and then somehow being involved in helping to decide the degree of punishment that the wicked receive at the end of their one thousand year period. So yeah, all the wicked are dead during the thousand years and the righteous are in Heaven with Christ during that thousand-year Sabbath of rest.

Doug Batchelor: Absolutely. And we do have a lesson that deals specifically with the subject of the millennium, Louis. We'll be happy to send you a free copy, what is that, A Thousand Years of Peace?

Jëan Ross: It's called A Thousand Years of Peace, the number to call is 800-835-6747. And again, the study guide is A Thousand Years of Peace. That's 800-835-6747. Do we have time for one more caller before our break?

Doug Batchelor: See if we can find a quick one, here.

Jëan Ross: All right, we're going to go to Ephraim, who is listening in New York. Ephraim, welcome to the program.

Ephraim: Yes, thank you Pastor Batchelor. Yeah, I have a question tonight for you gentlemen. It's something that I've been pondering for many, many, many years now. I've been reading Scripture for almost 30 years now, and I have been told by my denominational clergy that what I'm doing is incorrect. When I read, for example, what Moses did in his 40 years in the desert, I usually read certain verses of Scripture 40 times. I also pray six times a day to Jesus, and they told me that's more of a neurotic thing rather than a Biblical thing. I just want to ask you, Pastor Bachelor, is it incorrect or is it not Biblical or ethically correct to pray in a sequential fashion according to the time amounts, like 40 years, six years, twelve years, is that incorrect or is it a form of neurotic behavior? Because …

Doug Batchelor: All right, let me see, we're going to run out of time, Ephraim. Let me see if we can give you a quick answer to that. That's a reasonable question. When we pray, first of all, prayer should be the cry of your heart to God. And then Jesus tells us in Matthew chapter 7, "don't pray in vain repetition, as the heathen do, for they think they'll be heard for their much speaking". So it's not a sin, for instance, to say the same prayer several times. My family prays for our children and certain people every day, or virtually every day. We pray for our kids every day. So when Jesus said "pray in vain repetition", He meant praying over and over. We have a book on prayer; we'll send you a free copy. It's called Teach Us to Pray and as you read that, I think it will be a real blessing to you. You're listening to Bible Answers Live.

Jëan Ross: The book again is titled Teach Us to Pray and if you'd like to receive a free copy of that book, Ephraim or anyone listening, the number to call is 800-835-6747. Just ask for the book Teach Us to Pray. You know, Pastor Doug, I'd just like to mention just before the break here, one of our many websites that Amazing Facts has dealing with Bible truth, one of the most popular websites that we have is on a subject that has fascinated people, there are a lot of opinions as to what exactly happens when a person dies. Do they go to Heaven immediately? Do they go to Hell? Do they go to Purgatory? What does the Bible say?

Doug Batchelor: Abraham's bosom.We have a brand new video that's at the website, the website is called Truth about Death, or if you even just type in "death truth" you'll get there, and it talks about "and man became a living soul". What is the truth about death? You'll find that very interesting. It creates a scenario; a lot of people wonder what happens? About 100% of people die, you might want to find out what the Bible teaches. Don't go away, more Bible questions coming.


Doug Batchelor: We're back, friends. You're listening to Bible Answers Live, and if you have a Bible question, then we have some lines open. Just pick up the phone right now and call 800-GOD-SAYS, that's 800-463-7297. One more time, that's 463-7297. Just start with the numbers 800. And this is a live, international, interactive Bible study, and you are invited to participate. My name is Doug Batchelor.

Jëan Ross: My name is Jëan Ross, and Pastor Doug, we do have a few lines open. Again that number is 800-463-7297. Our first caller for the second half of the program is Hugh, and Hugh is listening in Wisconsin. Hugh, welcome to the program.

Hugh: Thanks. My given name is Dan, but my nickname is Hugh. So my question for you tonight is Exodus 21, the covenants with God. And I'm looking at Exodus 21:7 here and it talks about slavery and also talks about rape. It says, and this is supposed to be God's Word, it says that when a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall go out as the male slaves do. And then it says if she does not please her master, it talks about rape back then, who designated her for himself, and he shall let her go and be redeemed. My question is why God would support slavery and why God would support rape of another, especially in the Old Testament.

Doug Batchelor: Well now, God doesn't support rape. And he doesn't support slavery, either. What God does, is God recognized that the nations were doing these things. God is giving Moses laws to protect the slaves. For instance, in the Ten Commandments …

Hugh: But why didn't God just say "don't have slaves" instead of saying it's ok to have a slave and this is what you do? So God who is all powerful and almighty, you'd think that you know, He'd actually have the ability to say "don't own slaves" and make that the law of the land.

Doug Batchelor: Well, let me tell you what Jesus said about that. Jesus said from the beginning, it was not God's will that anybody get divorced, but because of the hardness of your hearts, He made a law about divorce. And the disciples asked Jesus the same question you're asking, they said if divorce is wrong, why did God make a law about it? And Jesus said because of the hardness of your hearts.

What He means by that is because men mistreat men, God made laws and said Look, if they're going to do this, here are some laws to protect the people. It wasn't that it was God's will. God never intended for men to have multiple wives. But the Lord made laws and said if a person is taking multiple wives, and keep in mind in Bible times men would go to war and after a war there might be ten women for every man, and they had nobody to marry. And so it became very common for one man to take multiple wives.

Then God made laws. He said Look, if you've got more than one wife; you need to treat them all this way. And He prescribes that they need to be treated fairly. In the Sabbath commandment, God says not only do you rest every week, but your manservants and your maidservant should rest. In other words, you can't work people like that. So all through the Bible, when He talks about these issues, He is making laws to protect those people.

Jëan Ross: You know, God takes people where they are, and then He leads them into a fuller and clearer understanding of His will for their lives. And I think a classic example of that is Jesus and the example you could use not only of divorce but even some of the Old Testament laws. Jesus said that "You have heard in the past thou shalt not kill, but I say unto you, you shall not hate your brother without a cause", so Christ takes it one step further. So there is the law to protect people because of where they're at, but it's God's intention that they grow in the understanding of truth.

Doug Batchelor: So yeah, I hope that makes some sense. You can just look through the Bible and see how people progressively, that as they can handle it, God was giving them increased light. Because there was a lot of darkness back then in those days and God had to meet them where they were at. Appreciate your question, Hugh.

Jëan Ross: We've got Kenny listening in Paradise, California. Kenny, welcome to the program.

Kenny: Thanks for taking my call. I have a question. I've been doing a study on love, what love is, and some place in my mind, I read something about love keeps no record of wrongs. Is that in the Bible?

Doug Batchelor: Well, you might be thinking of I Corinthians, chapter 13. Let me go there right now.

Kenny: I looked at that, and I looked it up in the Jehovah's Witness thing and it kind of says that almost, but I can't get the exact words.

Doug Batchelor: Well, it says "Love does not behave rudely, it's not puffed up, it does not seek its own, it's not provoked, it thinks no evil, it doesn't rejoice in inequity but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love never fails". You know? Go ahead, Pastor Ross.

Jëan Ross: I'm looking at another verse dealing with that same idea. 1 Peter 4: 8, it says “and above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins.

Kenny: That verse

Doug Batchelor: Is that the one?

Kenny: That one Pastor Ross just mentioned.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, that's 1 Peter 4:8.

Kenny: 1 Peter 4:8. Did I say that right?

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, 1 Peter 4:8.

Doug Batchelor: And actually, Peter is quoting Proverbs 10:12. Hatred...

Kenny: Proverbs?

Doug Batchelor: Proverbs 10:12. “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. So that might be the one that you're thinking of. And we used to have a lesson that said, it's still there, talking about the love of God, but we renamed that lesson.

Jëan Ross: A Love That Transforms, is that the one?

Doug Batchelor: Yeah.

Jëan Ross: We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks, the number is 800-835-6747. That is our resource line, and the study guide dealing with the study of love is A Love That Transforms. It's about God's love for us.

Doug Batchelor: Let's give that one away on Valentine's Day.

Jëan Ross: That's a good one for Valentines' Day.

Doug Batchelor: We haven't talked about that one, that's a great lesson.

Jëan Ross: Our next caller is Sondra and she is listening in Canada. Sondra, welcome to the program.

Sondra: Yes, hello. How are you tonight?

Doug Batchelor: Doing good, and your question?

Sondra: Good. I was just wondering about II Peter 2:4. "For God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment". I was just wondering what you mean by they were cast down to Hell.

Doug Batchelor: Well, it's first of all, the word Hell there; it's not a place of fire. The word is a unique word, as a matter of fact I think, if I'm not mistaken, this is the only place in the Bible this word appears. It's in Greek, it's Tartarus. And it means a place of darkness. When Jesus, whenever He cast out a devil, the devils would say "have you come to torment us before the time?". If you look, for instance, in Mark chapter 5, and I believe it's Luke chapter 7, when He cast the devils out of this demoniac, the devils begged Him and said "please do not cast us out into the abyssos", the deep, this nothingness. This world, the devils are sort of restricted. They are imprisoned on this planet. It talks about Satan being bound for one thousand years during the millennium, because there's nobody to tempt or manipulate during that time. And so, this planet is where they've been cast into darkness.

Jëan Ross: You know, if you look at, you're right Pastor Doug, the word is interesting here. It comes from Greek mythology and it carried with it the idea of the headquarters of evil. Everything bad, everything evil, death, anything dark was referred to this place, at least in the Greek mindset. And Paul speaking to Greeks and non-Jews, speaks of the demon of the angels being held in a place of darkness. It's not referring to a place of torment or fire, but it's just sort of the domain or the power of darkness or evil.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah … I think you'll also find this mentioned in Jude, too.

Sondra: The darkness?

Doug Batchelor: I'm sorry; I think we're talking on top of each other. What did you say?

Sondra: Yeah, sorry, I guess I'm just trying to understand when it says that they were delivered into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment. So they're chained up in a place of darkness?

Doug Batchelor: Well, the word chains are used very broadly in the Bible. It talks about the chains of sin. And so the fact that they're chained means that they cannot leave. Satan was cast out of Heaven, Revelation chapter 12. By the way, the other reference I was talking about is Jude verse 6, "And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but who left their own abode, he's reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day". And so, there is a day of judgment when it says Satan and his angels are cast into a lake of fire, and that's in Revelation 20.

Jëan Ross: Yeah, with reference to that chain, you read in Revelation chapter 20, it talks about the dragon or Satan being bound by a chain. This isn't a literal chain, it's not real chains holding these angels, but it's a chain of circumstances. They are confined to this Earth and they are here on the planet, they can't go out to all the areas in God's universe, they are sort of confined and imprisoned on planet Earth until this judgment.

Doug Batchelor: You've probably driven before, Sondra, where you see a dog kind of chained in a yard. He might have a 20-foot chain. But compared to where that dog wants to go, he feels chained. Satan used to be Lucifer, he used to be free to travel through the infinite universe of God, and now he's chained to a stake on this little world, and for him, boy, he's imprisoned. So we're just looking at it from the perspective of where he came from and where he is restricted now, he sees himself as imprisoned. I appreciate your question, Sondra. Thank you.

Jëan Ross: We do have a study guide talking about the devil, called Did God Create a Devil? and it talks about the evil angels, and we'll send that to you, Sondra, for free or anyone who calls and asks for it. The number is 800-835-6747 and the study guide is called Did God Create a Devil?

Doug Batchelor: And as well, we have that lesson that we mentioned earlier, talking about the millennium where the devil is chained.

Jëan Ross: That's right; it's called A Thousand Years of Peace.

Doug Batchelor: Yes. By the way, those lessons, I think both of them, you can read them for free by just going right now to the Amazing Facts website. We're just trying to get the truth out. Just look, go to amazingfacts.org and under our Free Library tab, you'll see all these study guides, or most of them, right there.

Jëan Ross: We have Michael listening in Michigan. Michael, welcome to the program.

Michael: Thank you. My question is on getting re-baptized out of Hebrews chapter 6, starting at the beginning of the chapter to all the way through verse 6.

Doug Batchelor: You want me to read that for you, or do you just have a question about a specific spot?

Michael: Well, through the whole thing, from the beginning through the whole verse of 6, can you get re-baptized? And I read it as no.

Doug Batchelor: Well, let me give you another verse that I think will help. If you look, for instance, in Acts chapter 19, and it says here "It happened while Apollos was at Corinth that Paul", this is verse 1, Acts 19, "that Paul, having passed through the upper regions came to Ephesus. And finding some disciples, he said to them 'Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed'? They said we have not so much as heard whether there is any Holy Spirit. He said to them 'Into what, then, were you baptized?'"

Now here they were, baptized. They said "into John's baptism", meaning John the Baptist. Paul said "John indeed baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying to the people they should believe in Him who would come after him". That is in Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. So here you've got these gentlemen who were baptized a second time. So you've got to be careful not to rule out that a person can be baptized twice, because they were. See what I'm saying, Michael?

Michael: Well, I know when Christ came back from the grave; He brought the Holy Spirit upon His disciples. And that was also another, well I won't say it was actually a baptism at that point, but then again maybe it was.

Doug Batchelor: Well, it is a baptism, when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, but I think your question is about the water baptism, more precisely.

Michael: Yeah, the water baptism, yes.

Doug Batchelor: You know, we find two principles in Scripture for re-baptism. The one being if a person comes to a fuller or clearer understanding of God's will. So maybe they were baptized and it was sincere and they gave their life to Christ, but as they studied further they might have discovered truth that they weren't aware of when they first made their commitment to Christ. It's appropriate then, for them to say "I want to re-dedicate myself to Christ and to the truths of Scripture that I've discovered". So re-baptism is appropriate in that case. Also somebody who was a Christian but walked away from God and lived out in the world and then they're coming back and they're saying they want to re-commit their live to Christ.

Michael: That's what I'm saying.

Jëan Ross: Yes, absolutely. The re-dedication, re-baptism is appropriate. It doesn't mean we have to be re-baptized every time we sin, and go through that, it seems like people would have to get re-baptized every day. But no, it's only in the case of somebody who completely walks away from God and has nothing to do with God, but then comes back to Him and wants to re-dedicate his or her life. Yes, re-baptism is appropriate.

Doug Batchelor: We have a lesson that talks about baptism and re-baptism, Michael, we'll send you for free; or you can read it at our website. It's your choice. It's called Power and Purity and if you just call the resource number, we'll send you a free copy of that.

Jëan Ross: The number to call 800-835-6747, the study guide is Power and Purity, talking about baptism. We have a book, also, that we can send you for free called Baptism: Is it Really Necessary? talking about baptism and re-baptism. Our next caller is Angela and she is listening in Washington. Angela, welcome to the program.

Angela: Yes, Centralia, it's about 20 miles south of Olympia and Turnwater.

Doug Batchelor: Yes. And your question?

Angela: I was wondering about the verse in Luke 23:31, "for if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?" What in the world does that mean?

Jëan Ross: You know, I like this verse. Pastor Doug, I'm sure you're going to add a little bit more to it, but just to get the context here, you have Jesus, who is bearing His cross. And it's the Roman soldiers that are sort of leading Him along, and they're beating Him, and there is a group of women who are weeping because of what the Romans had done to Jesus. And Jesus says "don't weep for Me, but weep for yourselves. For if they", that could be the Romans, "do these things in the green tree", or the green wood, "what would be done in the dry"? Now we know a tree, in Scripture, especially in the parables of Christ, often represents Israel as a nation. When these events happened, being the crucifixion of Jesus, probationary time was still open for the Jewish nation.

We know the probationary time for the nation as a whole ended three and a half years after the crucifixion of Christ. And if the Romans were doing this even during that probationary time, what would be done after probation closes? Well, we know what was done. The Romans came and destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, and it was a tremendous slaughter. The Israelites had rejected God's protection and the green tree had become the dry tree. So Christ says don't weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children, because you're going to be rejecting My protection and the Romans are going to come upon you and destroy your city.

Doug Batchelor: Good answer.

Angela: Yeah, and Hadrian made a law that said that any Jew found in Israel would be put to death immediately.

Jëan Ross: It was a terrible time around 70 AD, during the Roman siege of Jerusalem.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, I think Josephus says that there were so many crosses around Jerusalem where the victims were crucified, it looked like a forest. Well, I appreciate your question, Angela. Good one.

Jëan Ross: We have Anne, who is listening in New York. Anne, welcome to the program.

Anne: Thank you, sir. My question is if you receive a settlement, and yes I'm a tither, are you to give ten percent of that to the church or are you able to just give an offering of what you received?

Doug Batchelor: Well, the principal for tithe is that you are to tithe on your increase. If you know, you're selling t-shirts and it costs you five dollars to buy the t-shirts and you sell them for ten dollars, your profit or your increase is only five dollars on each t-shirt. You would pay tithe on your increase. The rest is just the operating. If you get a windfall, like you're talking about a settlement, financial I'm assuming on some insurance problem, if the settlement is to pay for medical treatment and you've paid out this medical treatment, then you don't really have an increase. If the insurance settlement is also compensating you for mental suffering or whatever else might be involved and you say "All right, look, Lord. A lot of this goes beyond the medical expenses were and I'd like to pay a tithe on that", you're going to have to be the judge of that. I don't know, Pastor Ross? That's a good question.

Jëan Ross: You know, Pastor Doug, I'm always reminded you can't out give God. And if ever you're in doubt, if the Lord has blessed you, you always give an offering of gratitude and thanks for what God has done.

Anne: Amen.

Jëan Ross: The Biblical principal is that we pay ten percent on our increase. And sometimes people ask does that mean before taxes or after taxes, typically what I do and I think there's a lot of Christians who do the same thing; we pay a ten percent on our gross. You get your monthly check and just write ten percent off the top and give that to the Lord. You can't out give God. He will open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing.

Doug Batchelor: Absolutely. We do have a lesson...

Anne: Thank you!

Doug Batchelor: I'm sorry, go ahead, Anne.

Anne: No, I just said thank you, you made it clear to me, because I was really concerned about that. Because God has blessed me and I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. I have no problem giving back to God because He has given me more than I can imagine.

Doug Batchelor: We'll send you a lesson if you like, and it's called In God We Trust, it takes the Bible principals on giving and offerings and it breaks it all down. It's also very entertaining to read.

Jëan Ross: The study guide is called In God We Trust, the number is 800-835-6747. Just call and ask for the study guide on tithing, In God We Trust, we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks. We have Tremaine, who is listening from Arizona. Tremaine, welcome to the program. Tremaine?

Doug Batchelor: Montgomery, Arizona?

Tremaine: Montgomery, Alabama.

Doug Batchelor: Our screeners are typing fast. Anyway, your question?

Tremaine: Yeah, just a quick question about the church. I know Christ promised to build a church in Matthew 16:18 and He established the church in Acts chapter 2. And as you notice around, there are so many different denominations and different churches, when He comes back for His church, to deliver His kingdom to God, what church is He expecting to come to get? What church is it?

Doug Batchelor: That's a good question. Keep in mind, when Jesus comes back, there is going to be in the world a one true and one false. Now right now I know God has His people scattered through a number of denominations and I don't question that. That doesn't mean that all of the denominations are the church or teaching the truth. But God looks on the heart and there are some very sincere people in some denominations that maybe their foundational truths are missing something. But when He comes back, there's going to be a great shaking in the world, and I know you're aware that everybody will either have the mark of the beast or the seal of God.

Revelation says everybody sort of gets aligned in one of two groups. Something is going to happen in the world where people are going to be polarized in one of two groups. You're either going to be Babylon or you're going to be part of the bride of Christ. You'll be that woman in Revelation 17 or that woman in Revelation 12. There's the straight and narrow gate to Heaven and there's the broad way to destruction. So folks are all going to be forced. But through history, we know, especially since the Protestant Reformation, there have been many fragments of Christians in many different groups and it doesn't mean only Lutherans or only Calvinists or only Methodists are going to be saved. I think God is going to be separating the wheat from the chaff when He comes.

Jëan Ross: You know, we have a study guide dealing with this very important subject called "The Bride of Christ". Jesus is described as the bridegroom and the church described as the bride, and in the lesson we have some important Bible principles that need to be present in the church to be the bride of Christ, and we'll send that to you for free, Tremaine, or anyone who calls and asks for it. The number is 800-835-6747, just ask for the study guide "The Bride of Christ" and we'll be happy to send that out. We have Debbie, who is listening in Michigan. Debbie, welcome to the program.

Debbie: Yeah, hi! How are you?

Doug Batchelor: Hi Debbie. We've got about two minutes. And your question?

Debbie: Ok, well my question is about there's two creatures and they stand with Jesus, they accompany Him I think somewhere in Ezekiel, and they also stand with Him at the throne; and they have like four faces on them. They have like the face of a bear, one of an eagle; do you know what they are?

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, you find it both in Ezekiel, I think Chapter 1 and in Revelation 4. And I think one is the face of a cow, eagle

Jëan Ross: It starts with a lion, a man, a calf, and an eagle, in that order. You know, just real quick, an explanation for that is, as some have seen in that, for example the first has the face of a lion and the lion represents royalty and kingship. Some have seen that as a description of Christ prior to the incarnation. Then you have a calf, which is a beast of burden, a sacrificial animal, and they see that as representing the incarnation, Jesus came to bear our sins and die in our place.

And then the face of a man, that represents Christ's high priestly ministry for us, He represents us before the Father. An eagle in the Old Testament is also associated with judgment. And so after Christ's high priestly ministry is finished, He comes back as King of kings and Lord of lords, He comes to execute judgment upon the Earth. So the four living creatures have been seen as symbolizing four phases of Christ's ministry in our redemption.

Debbie: Ok.

Doug Batchelor: Yeah, some have wondered...

Debbie: All right, thank you.

Doug Batchelor: Absolutely. Even in the four gospels, you can kind of see in the gospel of Mark, Jesus appears like an eagle. And in Matthew, it's the royalty, like you said. And Luke is the man and John is the calf and gives a picture of Jesus. Friends, you can hear the music. That means we are out of time for your questions, but in the moments that remain, if you don't mind my reminding you, that you're hearing this program because people like you say we enjoy this program, we learn something, and we want it to stay on the air. We receive no support from a denomination or organization or foundation, it's our listeners that keep us going. We'd love to hear from you. Go to the website amazingfacts.org and just click and you can donate. God bless, we'll talk together and study together next week.

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