Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):Hello friends! This is Doug Batchelor. How about an amazing fact? Vladimir Lenin was the Russian leader of the Bolshevik revolution that brought the communist into power in 1917. He ruled the Soviet Union until his death in 1924. Today, his frozen body is on display outside the Kremlin in Moscow. Even though the Communists were atheistic, they held an almost magical faith in the power of science. Some believed that science could even, somehow, conquer death itself. This is why, when Lenin died, they first attempted to freeze his body in hopes of, eventually, restoring him to life.
The group assigned to the project was named “The Immortalization Commission”. Unfortunately, the freezing technology failed to work and his body began to slowly decay. At this point, all hope of ever reviving him has long been abandoned. Instead, just keeping what remains of his aged and decaying corpse in suitable shape for publicly displaying remains an almost full time job. Did you know the Bible teaches that these bodies we now inhabit will never be immortal?
Stay with us friends. We’re gonna learn more as Amazing Facts brings you this edition of Bible Answers Live.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Welcome listening friends to Bible Answers Live.
We are doing just that. We’re live and we’ll be answering you Bible questions. But, you gotta call them in first. We have our lines open right now. If you didn’t the number already, let me give it to you one more time. Are you ready?
To call in with your Bible questions here at the studio, it’s 800-463-7297. That’s 800-GOD-SAYS or 800-463-7297.
If you call in now with your Bible question, good chance of getting it on tonight’s broadcast. My name is Doug Batchelor.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
My name is Jean Ross. Good evening listening friends. And, Pastor Doug, let begin the program with prayer.
Dear Father, once again we thank you for this opportunity that we have to study your Word. We do ask your blessing upon this program. Be with those who are listening, wherever they might be. And, we pray for wisdom as we search the Scriptures. In Jesus name, Amen.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Pastor Doug, you opened the program by talking about all of these effort that’s been putting to trying to preserve the body of Lenin, hopefully, that at some point in time, it could be resurrected.
Now as you mentioned, probably a lot of folks have lost interest in that idea. But, there’s still a lot of people hoping that someday there’ll be some scientific breakthrough where a person can come back from the dead or preserve their life forever.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
You know, the science of cryogenic is really a pretty hopeless attempt to resurrect or save a body.
We’ve heard of, you know, famous baseball players and others that have been frozen in the hopes that, somehow, they could, at least, resurrect their brain. Maybe put in another body.
But, when a cell freezes, crystals shoot through break the wall. And, once it then froze, they’re basically mush and it’s, you know, really futile.
That’s why it’s such a miracle when after four days, Lazarus was resurrected ‘cause decomposition had already set in. Now, what Jesus did there is he resurrected Lazarus’ old body.
But, these bodies we have now are not going to have eternal life.
The Lord has told us that, you can read in 1 Corinthians 15:50, “Now, this I say unto you, the flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does corruption inherit incorruption.” And, if you jumped down to verse 52, I’m still in 1 Corinthians 15:52, speaking of the coming of the Lord, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible” that means they do not decay. They got glorified bodies. “And we will be changed for this corruptible”, these bodies that grow old and die and turn back to dust, “will put on incorruption. This mortal will put on immortality”.
So it is the new bodies that we receive that will be immortal. These bodies will never be immortal. You can freeze them, and shock them, and zap them, and fill them with all kinds of things with drugs and adrenaline and formaldehyde. You’re not gonna make these bodies last forever.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
You know, there’s a verse in Philippians 3:21 that talks about what the body will be like in the resurrection.
It says, “Who will transform” speaking of Christ, “Who will transform our lowly body to be conformed to his glorious body according to the working by which He is able to even subdue all things unto himself.”
So, in the resurrection, the transformed body, these immortal bodies that God will give us will be like the body that Jesus had when He rose from the dead.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
That’s right. Absolutely.
And, He had a very real body but it says He is risen to never die again. And, we’ll have these immortal bodies also. But, very real bodies doing real things.
But, Jesus’ new body, evidently, was able to live in four dimensions ‘cause He appeared and disappeared when talking to the disciples.
And, I’m looking forward to a new body right about now.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
You know, we have a study guide dealing with the subject of the second coming of Jesus. That’s when the promise from mortal to immortality takes place.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
We have a study guide entitled “The Ultimate Deliverance”. We’ll send it to anyone who gives us a call on our resource line.
The number is 800-835-6747. Again, it’s 800-835-6747. And, you can ask for the study guide “Ultimate Deliverance”.
And, if you’re close to your phone, this is a good time for you to call.
If you have a Bible-related question, the number here to the studio is 800-463-7297. That’s 800-463-7297, and we can get your question on the air this evening.
Well, we’re ready to go to the phone lines. Our first caller is Sandy and she is calling from Southern Illinois.
Sandy, welcome to the program.
Caller (Sandy):
HI, good evening Pastors.
I have a question. I don’t want to be deceived nor deceiving and I know the enemy has a counterfeit for every truth of God…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Sandy):
But, does he have a counterfeit for the small, still voice of God that’s mentioned in 1 Kings 19:12?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Oh, you’re talking about when God spoke to Elijah…
Caller (Sandy):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And he said he heard this small, still voice.
Caller (Sandy):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
But well, I think the devil… Yes, I think the devil does have a counterfeit for every truth of God.
You know, God’s given us a conscience and He speaks through our conscience with His Spirit. But, that needs to be guided by His Word, as well.
Caller (Sandy):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Sometimes, the devil will whisper, you know, insinuate things that make us feel guilty about sins we’ve repented, and forsaken, and God’s forgiven.
Caller (Sandy):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And yet, you know, the devil tries all, “Oh, by you’re really not forgiven”. So, the devil can – he can whisper things that try to discourage us.
But then, you point to the promise of God and his Word that says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us. And, you say, I’m not going with that little whispering voice ‘cause it contradicts the Word.
But, I think, all of us know that sometimes we’ll hear the Holy Spirit, it might even be angels, I don’t know, God has probably a variety of ways of doing it, to guide us, to speak to us.
And, you know, I always think about Abraham, who is so close to the Lord, that when God gave him a message that a lot of us would have questioned, about taking your son and offering him, I’ve often thought how did Abraham know that was God and not the devil saying go sacrifice your son. I think he was just so used to the voice of God that he knew it. He just knew when it was God speaking to him.
Caller (Sandy):
Right. Just real quick please. Is there anywhere in the Scripture where God says He speaks to our hearts as opposed to our mind or frontal lobe?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, the word heart in the Bible is talking about the brain ‘cause it says, “As a man think of in his heart…” I don’t remember what verse that is. That’s, I think, is Proverbs. “As a man think of in his heart, so is he.”
So, even in the Bible, when they use the word “heart”, they didn’t believe that you thought with the pump in your chest. They knew that if you got hit on the head too hard, you didn’t think very well, that the seat of reason and thinking was from the neck up.
So, it’s just a metaphor when we talk about “in our hearts”. And, we even still use that today. You know, we say that, you know, this person took my heart. Well, that means they’ve captured your mind, really. You could get a heart transplant, it probably wouldn’t change your emotions. You know what I mean?
Caller (Sandy):
Alright. Thank you.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Alright. Thank you very much. I appreciate that, Sandy.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Our next caller is Fred and he is calling from Connecticut, Stanford, Connecticut.
Fred, welcome to the program.
Caller (Fred):
Yes, thank you. What would a [talent] be worth in today’s dollars?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, a talent was a weight. It’s like saying a pound. If you say a pound in England, it’s got a set value attached to it. But, like a pound for a 16 ounces.
A talent, biblically, they got a couple of different versions of it, was anywhere between 75 and a hundred pounds.
Is that what you have, Pastor Ross?
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Yeah. About 75 pounds for a talent of gold.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yeah. So, at the present prices of roughly $1,500 an ounce, 16 ounces to a pound, and 75 pounds to a talent, that’s a lot of money in gold.
They also had talents of silver, and you know, various metals. And so, they would be diminishing value. So, it depends on the talent of what. If it was, you know, copper or bronze, or silver or gold. That would make a big difference.
Caller (Fred):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
So, you get your calculator out and I want you to call me Fred when you figure out, at $1,500 an ounce, what would a talent of gold be worth? And, you… I’d be curious to hear that answer.
Caller (Fred):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Hey, thank you so much. Appreciate that.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Our next caller is Sharon and Sharon is calling from West Virginia.
Sharon, welcome to the program.
Caller (Sharon):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Sharon):
My question is, in Genesis 2:19, it says, “And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.”
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Sharon):
And, my question is, I was always under the assumption that man was the only creature that God formed out of the dust of the ground. So, I’m wondering what your take is on this. And, you may have addressed this before.
I know in Genesis Chapter 1, it says that God had said that the earth “bring forth the living creature” and it was so.
So, that’s my question.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
That’s a good question.
You know, my understanding is that the Lord spoke and He created the other creatures on the fourth and the fifth, sixth days, or, actually the fifth and sixth days. But, that doesn’t mean He didn’t create them from the substance in the earth that was already there, He spoken.
But, with man, He actually used His hands. With the other creatures, He did it with his voice. But, He may have used the elements of earth that were there.
‘Cause the Bible says, “Ash as you are and unto ashes you return”. And, that’s true for all creatures.
As a matter of fact, in Ecclesiastes 12, it says, “As the man dies, so the beast dies”. And, it says, you know, when we die, the breath returns to God who gave it and the dust returns to the earth - both man and beast. We know that human corpse decompose and a dog and a cat will too.
Caller (Sharon):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
So, I think God spoke these things into existence and they came together from the elements of earth.
Caller (Sharon):
Okay. Alright. I appreciate your input.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Where with man, He actually used His hands and…
Caller (Sharon):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
… formed them.
Caller (Sharon):
Uh-hmmm. Right, and breathe His breath into man.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Sharon):
Okay. Thank you.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Just to add a thought on that real quick Sharon, I’m looking at translation here on the original Hebrew for Genesis 2:19.
And, where it has the word in English “formed”, the original there is “had formed”.
Now, that’s pretty similar but it carries with the idea that the substance from which the animals were made was the earth. Whereas Pastor Doug mentioned when he came to the creation of Adam, God actually, with His own hands, formed Adam out of the clay and then breathe into him the breath of life.
So, little bit of a difference there when it comes to creating animals and creating man. Man was different in that sense, in the way in which it was created in the beginning.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Our next caller is calling from Ontario, California. We have Marlena calling. Marlena, welcome to the program. Marlena from Ontario, Cal—
Caller (Marlena):
From Marcella…
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Yes. Hi. You’re on the air.
Caller (Marlena):
Oh yes. I wanna ask this question…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Get real close to your phone. We can barely hear you.
Caller (Marlena):
In Colossian 2:16…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Galatians 2:16.
Caller (Marlena):
Yes. “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of the holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath day.” What does that mean?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Are you talking about Colossians 2:16?
Caller (Marlena):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Okay. Well, the New Testament Christians were being harassed a little bit by the Jewish Christians that had converted around the Roman Empire. And, the Jewish Christians were telling them, they could not eat things that had been sacrificed in the Roman temples, to the gods. You know, if someone butchered a cow back then, they’d sacrifice it to a god.
And Paul said, look if you didn’t do it, don’t worry about it.
And, they said that they had to keep all of the Jewish ceremonials Sabbath, such as the Day of Atonement and the Passover, and so forth.
And Paul said, don’t let a person judge you regarding these ceremonial laws. They were nailed to the cross.
He’s not saying that it doesn’t matter what you eat once you’re Christian ‘cause the Bible’s pretty clear it does. And, he’s not saying that he was doing away with the fourth commandment that deals with the seventh day Sabbath.
The seventh day Sabbath is a weekly commandment of God that is different from the annual Sabbaths of the Jewish law. It’s part of the Ten Commandments written in stone.
The Sabbath goes back to – the seventh day Sabbath goes back to the garden of Eden.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
You know, the very next verse, verse 17, kind of explains a little bit more of verse 16.
Let me read verse 16, “Let no one judge you in food or on drink, regarding festivals or new moons or Sabbath”. Verse 17 says, “…which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is Christ.”
So, here, Paul highlights what type of festivals or Sabbath he’s referring to. It’s those that pointed to Christ, the coming of Christ. For the Passover
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
For the shadows.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Right. Whereas the fourth commandment, the seventh day Sabbath was not a shadow of something to come, but it was pointing us back to God’s creative work in the beginning.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
So, hope that helps a little bit, Mariel… Marlena.
And, we have a website that has a lot more information. It’s very popular. It’s called
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
You can also call our resource line, and we have a study guide entitled the “Last Day of History”, talks about the Sabbath.
I believe, this very verse is actually explained in the study guide as well.
The number for our resource line is 800-835-6747, and as for the study guide, “Last Day of History”. That’s 800-835-6747.
And, if you have… like to get your Bible question on the air this evening, the number here to the studio is 800-463-7297. Again, that’s 800-463-7297.
We have Richard who is listening from Buffalo, New York.
Richard, welcome to the program.
Caller (Richard):
Thank you.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
You’re welcome. And, your question.
Caller (Richard):
Yes… yes. If Jesus was God when Jesus went to the cross, would it not, like, God gone on the cross?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, it tells us in Colossians… or, maybe, it was Philippians, I’m sorry, where it says that He made himself of no reputation.
And, Jesus, basically, is God incarnate.
In other words, God laid aside his divinity when He became a man. And, while He still had God within him, he lived as a man among men. And so, when he went to the cross, you’ve got God incarnate and a man.
It’s a mystery, the Bible tells us, where Jesus is a hundred percent man and still a hundred percent God.
But, it says, He laid down his life, He suffered and He died. He took out penalty. Our penalty is death. In order for Him to take our penalty, He would have to die.
And, that’s why it’s just such an amazing thing.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
The verse you were referring to is Philippians 2:7, where it says speaking of Christ, “But He made himself of no reputation taking on the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men”. And then, it goes further and says that He was obedient, even to the point of death, and that death, be in the death of the cross.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Uh-hmmm. So, are you there, Richard?
Caller (Richard):
Yes, sir.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Does that help a little bit or that make sense for you?
Caller (Richard):
Yes. Would there be any correlation to the trinity, at this point?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, obviously, God the Father and God the Spirit did not die ‘cause if God were to cease to exist for a fraction of a second, who knows what would happen to the universe, but, I think, things would probably implode.
So, you now, someone was still left in charge. I’m just thinking there’s really no other way to say it.
But, yeah. When Jesus said, “My father works and I work.”, and so, the Lord is always working to sustain the life throughout the universe.
But, God the Son did, indeed, and, in order for Him to rise from the dead, He had to die.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And, so it’s pretty clear about that.
Caller (Richard):
Thank you so much.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yes. You know, we have a book that talks about the high cost of the cross and it shares a little bit about what happened to God the Son during that time.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
The number to call is 800-835-6747. That is our resource line. You can ask the book, “The High Cost of the Cross”.
The number again is 800-835-6747.
And, the number here to the studio for your Bible-related question to get it on the air is 800-463-7297.
This is a good time to give us a call. We have lines that are now open. The number again is 800-463-7297.
I believe, our next caller is calling from New Mexico. We have Rizon on the line.
Rizon, welcome to the program, from New Mexico….
I think we just lost him. Maybe, he’ll call back in just a moment.
But, Pastor, just before we come up on our break here a little bit, we were talking just before the show about a website that Amazing Facts has that we don’t talk about too often, but it’s an intriguing subject.
It’s called 666 Truth.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yes. You know, a lot of people have questions about this mysterious number. And, I’m sure that all of us have… every now then you’ll drive up behind someone they got 666 on their license plate. I’ve got a friend that has that. And, where they’ve got… you go to the supermarket and then all of a sudden you have the change there at the cash register is $6.66, and I’ve heard people go [in a spooky voice] “oooohhhhh, what does that mean?”, you know?”
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Almost everyone will comment on that, or at least have a strange look on their face, whether they’re religious or not.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
There’s something about the number.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Some people in prison are cultist, might even tattooed the number 666 on their forehead. It’s supposed to mean they’re in league with the devil.
Most people don’t understand what that number means. But, it is a very unique number mathematically, and it has a Bible meaning.
It’s a number that is being used Biblically to identify who is this antichrist power.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Now, there’s a website where we go into great detail to explain what does 666 means and what does it not mean.
And, we got a video there that 250,000 people have gone to look at. And, we just invite you to take a peek.
If you’re curious, it’s simply
And, we don’t want you to mystified by that number anymore. You can go in there and you learn about it.
I think, we go back to the phones now.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Alright. We have Wilfred who is listening from Brooklyn, New York.
Wilfred, welcome to the program.
Caller (Wilfred):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Wilfred):
Yes, sir.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And, your question.
Caller (Wilfred):
In Daniel, Chapter 3, it says that [audio breaking up at 22:35] of the truth, three died into the fiery furnace - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Wilfred):
And, when he looked up, he saw four persons walking in the furnace. Who was the fourth person?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, Nebuchadnezzar says, “I see four and the likeness of the fourth is like the Son of God”.
Caller (Wilfred):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
So, who do you think that was?
Caller (Wilfred):
I don’t know. It could have been an angel.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, I think Jesus, actually, came to them.
And, one reason for that is ‘cause there’s a promise in Isaiah, I think it’s in 42, where it says “When you pass through the fire, I will be with you.”
And so, here, they pour their faith, they went through the fire, and Jesus, himself, came to them and preserve them. I think, it was God the Son.
Now, Jesus appear periodically in the Old Testament. That’s why He told the Jews in John, Chapter 6, “Before Abraham was, I am.”
And so, Christ appeared to Joshua. He appeared as the captain of the Lord’s army. He wrestled with Jacob. And, He is the angel of the covenant, so to speak, that Moses spoke about.
So, this was one of the times when Christ, it’s called Christophany, when He appears in the Old Testament.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
The verse you’re referring to is Isaiah 43:2, where it says, “When you pass through the waters, I’ll be with you. The rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned.”
Now, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego probably knew this promise ‘cause Isaiah lived early than they did.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
And, they had read the book of Isaiah, and they understood the significance of this.
Boy, if ever this is a promise that needed to be claimed for them, it was at that time when they face the fiery furnace.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And, it’s not the first time in the book of Daniel that Christ is referred to.
In Daniel, Chapter 7, he pictures this great judgment and it says, “One like the son of man came unto the ancient of days”.
And so, if the ancient of the days is God the Father who’s seated this judgment, then who is the one that is coming before him to intercede, or plead, to be our advocate?
That would be Christ.
He’s the great prince that stands for the children of his people that you read about in Daniel, Chapter 12.
So, yeah. Daniel, I think, knew who the anointed was, the Messiah that was coming.
Hope that helps a little bit Wilfred. And, thank you for your question.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
We have Rizon again and he is calling from New Mexico.
Rizon, welcome to the program.
Caller (Rizon):
Yeah, good evening again, Pastor Ross and Pastor Doug.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Rizon):
I’m really… troubling right now because of the death of a pastor in my denomination.
He’s been an evangelist and preaching about, you know, the Word of God, and he had been converted about 22,000 people in Christ.
But, it’s just so sad to say that he committed suicide. And, I just really don’t know if he’s gonna be saved.
I know there’s a Bible character which was Samson and it seems like he committed suicide also. But, I believe that he is gonna be in heaven.
So, I just need you to have me out of there, beyond this thing because it’s really troubling.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, that’s one of the things that we have to be careful not to do, is to judge.
You know, some people when they become so discouraged that they take their own lives, heaven only knows what’s going on in their minds at the time. Now, there are some cases where, I just heard on the news tonight, about a criminal that was running from the police and his last resort, he shot himself rather than be arrested. Other hold out a lot of hope for people under those circumstances, but others folks are grappled with there could be chemical imbalances and serious mental health issues.
You know, God knows what’s going on in their heart.
And, all it takes is a few minutes of listening to the enemy and being discouraged. The thread of life is very thin and they could make a decision that will end their lives.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And, it’s very tragic.
I once did a funeral for a young lady that became very discouraged, took some medication, and then realized what she’d done. She called for help and said I just did this and I didn’t want to do. I don’t want to live. I want to die. And, they rushed over and got her to the hospital but she still died.
And, you wonder well, you know, who knows what the last thoughts were going through her mind. You certainly would hope that she repented of that action and that she wanted to be saved.
So, you know, you got to be careful just to leave these things in the hands of the Lord.
And, you know, God sometimes uses people. And, even though they may get discouraged, it doesn’t mean He didn’t use them. You can think of too many cases through history and in the Bible where the Lord work through people to save others, and then they became discouraged.
Friends, you are listening to Bible Answers Live.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
You know, Pastor Doug, we’re coming up on a break in just a few moments, but we don’t have enough time to take another caller.
We like to mention… We mentioned one of our websites, 666Truth. But, Prophecy… what is the one we used?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Bible Prophecy.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Bible Prophecy. That’s the one I was looking for.
Just a great resource for anyone wanting to study more about what the Bible has to say, especially in the area of prophecy.
Just go to
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yeah, and just everything is there. People, once they start delving in to the different layers of this website, they’re gonna be very encouraged because it talks about 666, like the other website, the antichrist, heaven, talks about hell…
[theme music starts]
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
… death, Armageddon, the seven last plagues, the tribulation is real, angels, the new world order. Just a sampling in some of the list of different study guides, videos, audio, programs, lessons that you’ll find in Bible Prophecy Truth.
We’re coming back with questions in just a moment.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Hello listening friends. You’re back to listening to Bible Answers live. And, I wanna welcome those who joined us along the way.
This is a program where we take your free phone calls and we do our best to answer any Bible-related questions you might have.
We have a number of Bible Study resources and computer programs in our fingertips here so we can search the word quickly. And, we invite you to call in. Still have a couple of lines open.
I think, Pastor Ross, people are out just heating up their credit card shopping tonight. And, normally we’ve got twice this number of calls.
If you’ve got a Bible question, good night to call. 800-463-7297.
800-GOD-SAYS or 463-7297.
My name is Doug Batchelor.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
My name is Jean Ross.
We’re gonna go to the phone lines. We have Jim listening in Lexington, Kentucky.
Jim, welcome to the program.
Caller (Jim):
Thank you very much. I’m glad to talk to you tonight.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Jim):
I got a question. It’s a little bit different in the Bible question, I guess. But, have you ever heard of “witch and wells”?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Jim):
Water well?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Jim):
Is that biblical or is that something…?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, I wouldn’t even put it in the category of whether it’s biblical or not.
Some have wondered if… Well, obviously, people who are using incantations to try to figure out where you’re supposed to build your house or where you’re supposed to drill a well, you know, that’s … Christians should have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness.
There are legitimate sciences. I know of people that are hydrologists. That they specifically study how to locate veins of water underground and they map them.
Now, the people who go out with a little copper rods or steel rods in their hands, or a willow twig and they say that they can sense where there’s water from that. You know, the jury is out for me about judging that too quickly ‘cause it is true that the gravitational pull of water, water actually attracts water, there might be some kind of magnetic science to that that I don’t understand. But, I’ve just heard of a lot of stories of people that say that when you pass over water, certain things act differently.
You know, they know more now that they used to know about ionization and magnetism. There may be things there that we don’t understand. I suppose if we brought the apostle Peter back from the grave and showed him our cellphones, he’d probably think they’re possessed by the devil. But, we know now it’s radio waves.
So, there may be something there that we don’t understand. So, I think we got to stop short of saying that a person that’s using the, what they call “water witch”. And it means, really, they call it dowsing for water, looking for wells.
I think, we ought to be careful not to dismiss all of those. There is a science to some of that.
Caller (Jim):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
If they’re looking for the spirit to guide them, I’d be kinda worried about that. But, there may be actually be some validation in the techniques that are used.
Caller (Jim):
Well, see, I’ve been doing it since my grandpa showed me how to do it when I was, like, seven or eight years old. I’ve done it since that and I’ve always been able to find water. I’ve never missed a well yet.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, I hear stories like these all the time and that’s why, I think, we gotta be careful about saying that that’s something from the dark side. I don’t know why we don’t understand it but, you know.
What do you use? You use a steel rod or a willow twig or…?
Caller (Jim):
Well, I use a wide branch of apple tree or some kind of fruit tree.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yeah. Is it a green one or dry?
Caller (Jim):
Well, I’ve used green ones, I’ve used… my grandpa’s old one. It’s probably 50-60 years old so I’d say it’s pretty dry.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, I wanna understand that, how that works, I tell ya. I just don’t understand it.
But, you know, I don’t know why the devil would be entertained by helping people find water [laughs]
To me, there might be something to it. And, I just say, if it works, great, drill the well.
But, hope that helps a little bit.
I’m just curious about it ‘cause I like digging. I’ve got a back home in the hills and I dig holes every now and then so I’ve got a personal interest in that.
Everything comes from water. You buy a piece of land and you can fix the soil up. You can’t do much about it if you don’t have water. You’ll be hauling water all your life.
Hey, thank you Jim. I can’t give you a Scripture on that. Well, I don’t think.
Well, you know, there’s a lot of verses about digging the wells of Abraham. Isaac got a pretty good record for digging well and finding water. I just know that.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
We have Lisa who is calling from Carmel, California listening on KFIA.
Lisa, welcome to the program.
Caller (Lisa):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Evening. And, your question?
Caller (Lisa):
Hi. Yes…. Yes, I love your station and I listen to it all the time. And, you guys give out some great information. And, I was just calling about… I was reading Leviticus…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Lisa):
… and it’s kinda scary to me.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Lisa):
And, after I found out that we wouldn’t even be here for all of this stuff, it kind of comforted me.
And, I’m like, I was asking to myself, why would God need us and to, I guess, do away with saving there or change this world. And, for the once that are already sleeping, they would get up to…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Are you wondering if the saints are gonna be in the world during the tribulation?
Caller (Lisa):
Right… Right.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, let me see what I can dig to find that answer out for you.
The children of Israel, during the ten last plagues, were in Egypt when the plagues fell.
For the first three plagues, they kinda struggled along with the Egyptians when the water turned the blood and so forth. But, for the last seven plagues, the Bible says that they had lightened their dwellings, that God protected them, God blessed them, He provided – watched over them and provided for them during those last seven plagues.
In Revelation, the tribulation is the time of the seven last plagues. And then you have a number similar to the plagues the fell over Egypt. That is the great tribulation.
In the same way that God’s people were in Egypt during the plagues and He preserved them. God says that he will preserve us. It says, “Neither will any plague will come nigh thy dwelling” in Psalm 91. And so, I don’t worry about the plagues.
Some churches teach that God loves us too much so let us be in the world when these plagues are happening. Well, I think he loves us enough to protect us.
But, the Lord typically saves His people through tribulation. He doesn’t save us from tribulation.
And so, yeah, we’ll be here but I wouldn’t worry about it if you’re faithful, you know.
Isaiah promises your bread and water will be sure. And, again, it promises in Psalm 91, “we don’t have to fear 10,000 may fall at your side, a thousand at your right hand. Only with your eyes will you see and behold the destruction of the wicked”.
So, there might be destruction and chaos all around you but if we make the Lord the most high, our habitation, no plague will come nigh our dwelling.
The key is, the children of Israel survived the Passover plague because they took the blood of a lamb and applied to their hearts.
In the same way, if we take the blood that they applied to their houses, if we take the blood of the lamb, Jesus, and apply it to our lives, we don’t need to be afraid of the final plagues, We’re under the blood, so to speak.
So, don’t worry about that Lisa. We do have a book though, that talks about the tribulation. I hope it will bring you some comfort and clarity. And, it’s called, “Anything But Secret”, and we’ll be happy to send that to you.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
The number to call is 800-835-6747, and the book is entitled “Anything But Secret”.
We’ll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and ask for it. Dealing with the second coming of Christ and what the Bible has to say with reference to events connected with that glorious second coming.
Our next caller is Craig and he’s listening from Iowa.
Craig, welcome to the program.
Caller (Craig):
Yes, hello. Called you many times.
My question tonight is about archeological finds.
Has a bit that any that you know of on musical instruments? Because, I just can’t picture in my mind when I read Psalms, you know, a dulcimer or psaltery, and flutes, and these kinds of things from three thousand years ago. I just can’t picture what they would even look like. Like, they’d be really crude, I imagine.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Craig):
I wonder if there are any drawings they found or archeological things, or…?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yes. Now, I’m kinda shooting from the hip here, but based on my memory, which is dubious, I have seen on Greek pottery that predates the time of Christ. It would be from the time of David or even before, where they showed people playing, what they call lyres, which are simple harps. Kinda U-shaped harps. And, they also show them playing these little piccolo flutes…
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
… and the wooden flutes.
I’ve made flutes before. They are simple. But, you can take a number of plants. I lived in the hills once and we had this water-hemlock plants that were hollow. And, you cut them, dry them, and then plug one in, poke holes in them and make a flute.
So, I’m sure that their flutes look like a simple flute.
I’ve been in different parts of the world where they took clay and they made a whistle with notes out of these little like-clay jars.
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
So, they probably had some beautiful instruments.
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And, some of them are sophisticated instruments are, like, when you get into your trombones where they got all the keys and the delicate metal work, and your violins. Those things evolved a little later. But, the basic harps…
You know, I always have fun, the way you say harp in Greek, you know what it is?
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And, you know how you say guitar in Spanish?
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
It’s guitarra.
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And so, guitars really are a modern form of a harp. It’s a string instrument with a sounding board.
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
So they probably… David made some beautiful music because Saul would get depressed and it would just brighten his day when David would play.
Caller (Craig):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
I look forward to seeing some of those instruments.
But, you read in a – where is it? Daniel, Chapter 2, Pastor Ross where it talks about all the different instruments and Nebuchadnezzar had them play at the inauguration of the golden image?
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Daniel 3. Yeah.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Daniel 3, that’s it.
Caller (Craig):
Oh yeah.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Lists a whole litany of different instruments. So, yeah.
We do have some ancient pictures, and I think they’ve even excavated some primitive flutes and harps and things.
Hey, I appreciate that.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
We have Dan who is listening from Detroit, Michigan on WMUZ.
Dan, welcome to the program.
Caller (Dan):
Hi. Thanks. First time listener, first time caller. Enjoying it.
Question related to, Revelation 1:1, where it talks about things that must soon take place.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Dan):
I guess, my understanding of that book was it’s a foretelling of the end times.
And, coming across that verse and hearing what some other people had to say, things like that could be interpreted as events that took place soon after that text was written. And, of course, that would mean, it wouldn’t refer to the end of times.
So, just wondering what you have to say, your thoughts. Maybe, you can help me on this one.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, good question. I’m really glad you asked.
It’s a common misunderstanding that Revelation is just all focused on what happens in the last 10 or 20 years of the world’s history, and nothing could be further from the truth.
Revelation does begin to transpire, the prophecies in Revelation, from the time that John gave it, right then.
Revelation… quick lesson. There are three views about prophecy among modern Christians. I’m talking about Protestants, Catholics, it doesn’t matter. Three principles used.
One is called the preterist view. And, the key is it just means “pre”. They believed everything in Revelation was fulfilled by the first hundred years after John.
Caller (Dan):
Yeah, I’m familiar.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Then, you have what they call the futurist view. They take most of Revelation from Chapter 4 on . They say it’s all in the future ‘cause John hears this voice that says, “Come up hither.”, and that means that’s the rapture in Chapter 4.
Well, I don’t believe when John is called up, that it represents the rapture. It means God has taken him up into vision, showing him things.
And then, you got the historist view, and Pastor Ross and I are in that camp. Most of your Protestant theologians used to be in the historist camp.
And, the historic view is that Revelation begins with the time of John, but it covers a panorama of history until the second coming. So, things that are in the book did begin to happen right away, but they’ve not all happened yet.
For instance, in the seven messages to the seven churches that you find in Revelation, Chapter 2 and 3, those seven churches represent seven phases or stages the church has gone through from the time of Christ to the church of Laodicea, which is the end of times. And, a lot of ministers believe that.
So, here you got a history of the church is covered. The seven trumpets covered. A military history of the church. The seven seals cover a political history of the church, or in the seven churches are really a religious history.
And so, Revelation is giving a panorama of the history of what was gonna happen to God’s people from the first coming, these things must shortly come to pass, until the second coming.
Many of these things did begin to transpire immediately after John pen the words.
Caller (Dan):
Uh-hmmm. So, have you written anything or any type of material I could dive into for great understanding?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, I have a video series I’ve just done. I know Pastor Ross just did a series. But, I don’t know if he taped it.
But, we’ve got a video series that we’ve just completed called “A Fly Over” of a walking through Revelations… it’s not a fly over… “Walking through Revelation”. I used that phrase during the series, “fly over”, but it really is not the title.
And, what are some good books we can… Oh, you know what, our study guides.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
We got some study guides that go through Revelation and just would be really you’d find interesting. And, they’re free!
Caller (Dan):
Yeah. Better for my grace.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yeah, if you got…, you’ll see two or three different study courses you can take, and a number of the lessons are on Revelation.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
You can also call, Dan, or anyone, well, I’ll give you a number in just a moment, that’s our resource line.
And, you can just ask the person who answers the phone that you like to enroll in the free Amazing Facts Bible Study Course, and they’ll give you the information that’s necessary for that.
The number is 800-835-6747. That is the resource line.
Again, just ask for the Amazing Facts Bible Study Course.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yeah, there’s lessons in there on the millennium, on the second coming, on the beast, and it covers a number of Revelation subjects.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
You know, Pastor Doug, we had a series that you did on Revelation. Is that available at the Amazing Facts website?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yes. Yeah, if they just type in Revelation in the search bar. We have so many resources. I can’t to tell you what page it’s on. But, if you type in, “Doug Batchelor Revelation”, at the search bar, you’ll see a lot there.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Our next caller is Scott and Scott is calling from Ervine, California. Scott, welcome to the program.
Caller (Scott):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Hi, Scott. You’re on.
Caller (Dan):
Hey, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross. I have a question for you.
I’ve kinda been under attack since I had a brain bleed for the past two years. And, I actually met you, Pastor Doug, at Central, and I asked you to pray for my wife.
We, basically, she’s into Twilight, the movie and, I’ve been, you know, I’ve been to rock concerts. And, to be honest with you, I’ve had a vision and many things. Dreams. And, you know, I just really need some prayer. And—
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
So, you don’t really have a Bible question per se?
Caller (Dan):
Well, I have a Bible question on the hedge…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Dan):
… that was taken away from Job.
He, basically, and Job, the hedge was taken away from him. And, I’m just wondering when I’ll get the hedge back?
I believe I have a perforated eardrum. I fell when I was surfing and I scuba dive. And, I’m just really needing prayer.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Alright. Well, let me answer first your question. I wanna make sure I got to your question before we had prayer.
As far as a hedge. The Bible tells us that satan accused God. He said the only reason Job serves you is because you blessed him, and if you allow him to go through trials, he’ll curse you to your face. And, the Lord removed the hedge, and, Job was tested.
You, maybe, going through a test right now. It would be presumptuous for me to say how long your test is gonna last. I would say that the key is, cling to your faith like Job did.
Now, Job actually came to a place where he said, Lord, even if you slay me, I’m gonna trust you. No matter what happens, no matter what the devil does to me, I’m not gonna stop trusting you.
Whether you go through financial loss, which Job did, or you go through physical suffering, which Job did, he retained his faith. And, that’s the real challenge. So, I’d encourage you to just hold on.
Do everything you can do, Scott, to make sure your life is in harmony. You know, you say that you’ve done things in the past that you, you know, wish you hadn’t done. God can forgive you for that and just ask Him to heal you mind and help you to get a new beginning.
Sometimes these things, they take a little time. But, Pastor Ross and I’d like to pray for you right now that God would bring you healing. And, if that’s okay, I’ll just do that now.
Father, in Heaven, I just pray you’ll be with Scott and his wife, and bless her with freedom and deliverance from some of these obsessions with some of the darker side of things with the entertainment industry. Also, we pray you bless Scott with healing, both in his mind and his ear relief… the pain, and restore him to health, physically and spiritually, Lord. We pray and thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Thank you for calling Scott, and I pray and trust you will feel improvement.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
We have David who is listening in Southland, Michigan.
David, welcome to the program.
Caller (David):
Hi Pastors. It’s good to be in the air with you both. I greatly appreciate that you broadcast. I give thanks to the Lord for this evening.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Thank you.
Caller (David):
My Bible question is concerning in book of Isaiah 49:16, that verse says, “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hand thy walls are continually before me”.
And to better understand it, read the two prior verses. And, those two prior verses, verses 14 and 15, of Isaiah 49, they said, “But Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.”
My question is, where in the book of Moses can I find this… what Isaiah is talking about in the 16th verse?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
If you look in Exodus 13:9, speaking about the law of God, and he was talking that day about the Passover.
He said, “It shall be a sign for you upon your hand and a memorial between thine eyes of the Lord’s law may be in your mouth.”
And, not only does it talk about that there in Exodus 13:9. You can also find, I think, it’s Exodus 11:18. It says, “Therefore you shall lay up these words in your heart and your soul. Bind them for a sign upon your hand.”
So, when it says, “I’ve engraven thee on my hand”, some thinks that this is like a sign of, you know, the nail prints in Christ’s hands. Well, in the sense, God did engrave his love for us in his hands. He showed his hands to his disciples to prove it was Him.
So, I don’t know if that’s answering your question. There are a number of all… I think there’s three Old Testament references to that passage.
Caller (David):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Oh, and then, of course, the other one is Deuteronomy 6…
Caller (David):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
… where he said, you should…. Deuteronomy 6:8, “Bind them for a sign upon your hands and there’ll be frontlets between your eyes.”
Caller (David):
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
And then, of course, you have Psalms 22:16, speaking of the crucifixion of Christ, and this is a prophecy, and it says, “They pierce my hands and my feet.”
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
There you go.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Something else interesting. The right hand is often a symbol in the Old Testament of deliverance and power. It speaks of God delivering Israel with his righteous right arm or righteous right hand.
And, here it says God, “I’ve engraving in the palms of my hand…”, not only is it referring to the crucifixion but it’s also a promise of deliverance that those who put their trust in Him will be delivered.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (David):
Yeah, that helps very much and I thank the Lord for what you said. And, I’ll continue to follow those things that you said.
And, you mentioned to Richard that earlier in the broadcast, the book you have called “The High Cost of the Cross”?
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yes. Would you like a copy of that?... Are you there, David?
Caller (David):
Yeah, I’m right…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yeah, you’re cutting out a little bit. If you like, we’ll be happy to send you a copy of that. All you’ve gotta do is call the number.
Caller (David):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Oh, were you asking another question? I’m sorry.
Caller (David):
No, I wasn’t gonna ask a question. I just, I really appreciate…
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Absolutely. God bless you and we apologize. Your phone signals getting a little choppy.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
The number to call is 800-835-6747, and, the book, “The High Cost of the Cross”, we’ll be happy to send that out to anyone who calls and ask for it.
Pastor Doug, I think we have time for one more caller. We have Ed who is listening from Manhattan, New York.
Ed, welcome to the program.
Caller (Ed):
Good evening gentlemen. I have a question for you regarding John 3:16 in which it says that only one person has ascended to heaven, that was Jesus. And then, I say, what about Elijah? And, amazingly, I said, maybe there’s a conflict in the Bible.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
You’re talking about John 3:13?
Caller (Dan):
Yeah, right, 3:13.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Caller (Dan):
So, amazingly, well, maybe this is one of those instances where there is a conflict. And, sure enough, I went and checked on the Elijah reading and, indeed, he did go to a heaven, but not the heaven that Jesus is in.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Well, when Christ is saying, “No man has ascended to heaven but he that came down from heaven”, I don’t think Jesus is saying that Moses or Elijah or Enoch did not go up to heaven ‘cause, you know, they appear to Jesus later in the gospel of both Mark, Chapter 9, and other places.
I think, he’s just saying that Jesus is the only one who really represents the Father. Who’s come from the presence of the Father to the earth.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Jesus is the only one that came down to give light on the standing.
And, of course, the discourse taking place there between Christ and Nicodemus, Jesus is explaining to him about, well, conversion and the change of heart.
So, Jesus is saying nobody really understands this except the one who’s come down from heaven.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
And, he’s referring to himself.
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Yeah, the emphasis here is not just that going up. It’s the going up and coming down with the truth.
Host (Pastor Jean Ross):
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
Jesus came from the Father to bring truth.
Elijah and Enoch, they ascended up but they didn’t come back with any special messages from the presence of God.
Jesus came to show us the Father. He was the revelation of the Father.
And friends, that’s why we do this program. Is we’re wanting to reveal the world.
The Bible tells us the Christ is the Word incarnate.
[theme music starts]
Host (Pastor Doug Batchelor):
And, especially this time of year, people think about that miracle where God came down to the earth in the form of a person. And, his name was Jesus.
To show us how to live, how to love each other, and to take our sins.
We hope that you know him and if you do, help other people get to know him.
We’d love to hear from you. Go to, and we’ll stay in touch that way.
‘till next week.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~