Mountain Moving Faith

Date: 03/12/2017 
We're going to have an amazing fact now that's even a little sad. At least 35 people were killed and several dozen are missing after a tragic landslide near Addis Ababa on March 11, 2017. Landslides rarely kill people in Ethiopia, but this was not your typical landslide of dirt or mud, but rather a landslide of garbage.
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Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends. We're going to have an amazing fact now that's even a little sad. At least 35 people were killed and several dozen are missing after a tragic landslide near Addis Ababa on March 11, 2017. Landslides rarely kill people in Ethiopia, but this was not your typical landslide of dirt or mud, but rather a landslide of garbage. The Koshe rubbish landfill on the outskirts of Addis Ababa has been dumping ground for the nation's capital for more than 50 years.

Each year almost 300,000 tons of waste are collected and piled on this mountain of refuse. Every day as mobs of crows circle overhead, about 500 people sift through the apocalypse of stinking rubbish looking for anything they might be able to scavenge and sell. Over time these poor scavengers had built their homes of mud and sticks directly against the ever growing precipice of trash.

It was one of these many makeshift homes and their occupants that were buried by the massive avalanche of rubbish just outside the Ethiopian capital. How do you escape a looming mountain of garbage? Stay with us, friends, we're going to learn more as Amazing Facts brings you this addition of Bible Answers Live.


Doug Batchelor: Welcome, listening friends, to Bible Answers Live. We have lines open if you've got a bible question. That's why we're here. It's a free phone call. The number, 800-GOD-SAYS. 800-463-7297. One more time, with your Bible questions 800-463-7297. We're going to make the best possible use of the technology of radio to talk about the word of God. My name is Doug Batchelor.

John Ross: My name is John Ross. Good evening, listening friends and pastor Doug. I'd like to begin the program with a word of prayer. Dear Father in heaven, thank you for the opportunity for us to spend a few moments together opening your word and studying these important Bible truths. We ask you, Holy Spirit, to come and guide our minds, Lord, as we search the scriptures to know the truth and to know him who is the truth. For we ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

Doug Batchelor: Amen.

John Ross: Pastor Doug, you opened the program by talking about a avalanche, but so more than usual. Of course, you've got avalanches of snow and avalanches of mud, and dirt. Boy, an avalanche of just garbage and then to suffer the terrible consequences of being buried by garbage is just-, it's a sad fact.

Doug Batchelor: It is. It's a tragedy and it's also ironic. It's most sad that people would have to live-- You've seen it, you've travelled a lot and I've seen it.

John Ross: Last year we were there at Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.

Doug Batchelor: Oh, that's right. I've not been there yet. I've seen the-

John Ross: Interesting place.

Doug Batchelor: -poor people that need to live by city dumps in India and other places. That is a tragedy. It's hard to imagine a pile so high that it becomes a mountain that can-- Well, last count there were 35 people confirmed dead and many more missing. This just happened, at the time of this recording, yesterday. I thought, a lot of people feel like they're being crushed by a mountain, a mountain of sin.

That reminds me one time of a little girl that heard her Sunday school teacher reciting the Lord's prayer and when explaining it to her friend, it says, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us." She told her little friend, she said, "We forgive others, their trash baskets as we forgive them for putting trash in our baskets." That sin is kind of like trash.

Matter of fact, in the Bible Jesus said that one of the ways he describes the loss, it says they would go to Gahanna. Gahanna was a valley, outside of Jerusalem that was the city dump. It was full of worms, it was ever burning. That's why Jesus said, "Where the worm does not die and the fire's not quenched." It also talks in the Bible about us all feeling like we're under this burden of sin. All the garbage, you might say.

You can read in Ezekiel 33:10. "Therefore you, oh son of man, saint of the house of Israel, thus you shall say if our transgressions that are sins lie upon us and we pine a way in them, how can we then live?" It just describes of people being crushed by the weight of guilt and their sins. Then Jesus tells us that he's in the business of moving mountains. You can read there for yourself in Mark 11:22. Jesus said, "Have faith in God for I tell you that whoever says that this mountain be removed and cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes those things that he says, it will be done."

When I first read that verse about having mountain move in faith I thought, "Oh, this is a real trick if you could just look at a big hill, I wouldn't even need Everest, any old hill, if I could look at a hill and say, "Let me see if I can move that hill." That really would've impressed my friends. I read a little further in the Bible and discovered the Lord's not talking about mountains of dirt. He's talking about having faith so that we can trust in God's grace to move the mountains of sin that crush us all.

You can read in Micah's 7:19, "He will have compassion on us, he will cast our sins into the depths of the sea." You get that connection, friends? There's a mountain of sin, Jesus said, "If you have faith you can move the mountain into the sea." Micah says that he will cast our sins into the depths of the sea. Most of you can't recite all the sins you've committed in the last week, much less through a year or your lifetime.

It starts to add up until pretty soon you have a mountain of guilt. Some people think, "How can I ever change, look at this mountain." But when you have faith in God, Jesus dying on the cross, provided the antidote that is powerful enough and the grace to move an entire mountain of sin. Maybe you'd like to be out from under that crushing weight of garbage, friends. The Lord tells us in his word, you can, through faith and his grace. We have a free offer, that talks about it, tonight.

John Ross: We've got a book entitled The Riches of his Grace and this is our free offer for this evening. Anybody listening who would like to call and ask. We'd be happy to send it to you. The number to call is 800-835-6747. That is our free offer, a book entitled Riches of Grace. For anyone wanting to learn how we can be free of those sins that seem at times a mountain of garbage in our lives, well, there's good news. Riches of his Grace.

The number to call for that free book is 800-835-6747. If you have a bible question our phone lines are open. Good time to give us a call. The number is 800-463-7297. That number, again, is 800-463-7297 with your Bible question, that will bring you right here into the studio. Well, pastor Doug I think we're ready to go to the phone lines. Our first caller is Guy, listening from Ohio. Guy, welcome to the program.

Guy: Yes. Thank you. I had a question about the little time of trouble. I'm just wondering is that an actual phrase that's in the Bible? Also, how will we know when we're approaching the little time of trouble?

Doug Batchelor: Yes, you don't find the phrase, I don't' think pastor Ross, little time of trouble in the Bible. Many Bible scholars agree that the tribulation actually comes in a couple of phases. You read in Revelation 13 that at one point those that do not capitulate to the beast power can not buy or sell. Now that will be bad, that will make life difficult. Christ talks about those who'd been in Judaea flee into the mountains or there might be a time where we've got to run and live of the land, sort to speak.

Like John the Baptist, he ate locusts and wild honey. The big time of trouble is when the beast goes to the next step and there's a death decree. Whoever would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Some scholars have separated the two by calling one the small or little time of trouble and the other is the big time of trouble. The big time of trouble also happens after probation closes and the seven plagues are falling. When he big time of trouble begins people can not be saved or lost. The saved are sealed and lost are lost. That's where you find in Revelation 22, oh I forget the verse, it's verse 11, maybe, where it says, "Let the just be just still, the filthy filthy still--

John Ross: Revelation 22.

Doug Batchelor: Yes. I don't know if that makes sense, Guy?

Guy: Yes. It does. I just wondered that. Technically, we're not in the little time of trouble. It just seems like the way the world's going there's so much turmoil that makes you think that maybe we're close. [laughs]

Doug Batchelor: Jesus said when he talks in Matthew 24, there is going to be wars and rumours of wars. There will be nations rising against nations there is going to be famines. He is said all this in the beginning of Saul's, in other words, there is going to problems all through history and we've seen that. Finally, things are going to get to the point where there is a confederacy of religious powers that are going to force the world to worship in a certain way and if they don't it's going to be-- they going to make it difficult for us by trying to encourage every body by economic sanctions if you will, can't buy your cell that's what it is.

Then when that doesn't work to sway that who are faithful to God they going to make a death decree. I suspect shortly after they make the death decree the seven last plagues will begin to fall, probation closes and it's going to be-- That why Jesus said it time of trouble such as never has been. You look at the last seven plagues in revelation, look what happened to Egypt during the exodus. Even the people of Egypt told pharaoh do you not know that Egypt is ruined imagine that happening on a global scale.

Guy: Is it true or understood that the seven last plagues will occur within like a one-year period or longer or shorter?

Doug Batchelor: I think everyone believes it going to a year or less because it says in a day the plagues will come. I'm of the opinion that means that it all happens within one year. I don't think it will take a whole year. I compare the last seven plagues to the sufferings of Job or even the plagues of fallen Egypt they seem to come in a matter of, a month or 2 months. They are kind of back to back.

Guy: The saved won't really experience the plagues other than watching it happen right?

Doug Batchelor: I think we going to be protected because the children of Israel during the seven last plagues that fell on Egypt, the were ten plagues that fell on Egypt. The Israelites suffered during the first three right along with the Egyptians but God protected the Israelites during the last seven and that's interesting in revelation there are only seven plagues. I think we are preserved through all that time.

Guy: I see. Okay, thank you very much.

Doug Batchelor: Thank you, I appreciate your call guy.

Ross: Trying to think if we have a free offer dealing with that. I don't know if you have on something specific on this.

Doug Batchelor: In the book anything but secret, we talked about the tribulations.

Ross: That's right talking about the second coming, again Guy if you would like to receive that book we will be happy to send it to you. All you have to do is call our resource phone number. the number is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the book called anything but secret we will be happy to send it to you. It's talking about the second coming of Jesus also some of the events associated with the coming of Christ and I think you will find it interesting.

Anybody listening gives us a call, our resource number is 800-835-6747 you can ask for the book anything but secret. If you have a bible question good time to give us a call, the number is 800-463-7297. Again, that's 800-463-7297, with your bible question. Our next question is, Lenora, listening from Washington. Lenora, welcome to the program.

Lenora: Thank you.

Doug Batchelor: Evening.

Lenora: Am glad to be on.

Doug Batchelor: And your question?

Lenora: I was wondering I was talking to somebody on the bus a good friend and I asked him if he was baptized, and he said, "No, I don't have to be." I said, "What do you mean? He said, "Well, the Lord loves all people with grey hair and he automatically forgives them every sin." I've never heard that, no place.

Doug Batchelor: Yes, I don't think I worry about getting my theology from people whimsical ideas like that. I think baptism--

Lenora: That's why I told him, I said, you have to be baptized.

Doug Batchelor: Yes, absolutely. The last words of Jesus should be a priority for believers. He said, "Go therefore teach all nations baptizing them." The apostles began preaching first thing they said was repent and be baptized. Baptism is really the ceremony by which you publicly seal that you have made a decision to commit your life to Christ and believe in his sacrifice.

Lenora: The thing is I have never heard of anybody saying that. It kind of threw me for a minute.

Doug Batchelor: Yes, you will hear all kind of strange theories and some people think they got a pass but there is no pass. God doesn't create us on the curve. This is my warning he wants us to follow.

Lenora: But if he keeps going that way he is not going to be saved.

Doug Batchelor: Tell you what sherry, we have - there will be people on heaven that not baptized biblically or they did not know. Sin is not knowing to do good not doing it, he may just not understand. We have a free offer will be happy to send you a copy and it's the book is perfect and it lights up the alley. It's called Baptism: is it necessary? When we send you a free copy of this book you can may be share with your friend when you see him again and say, "Take a look at this and tell me what you think." It's all Bible based and I think everybody-- if they believe the bible they read that book they will be pretty clear.

Ross: Again, the book is called Baptism: is it really necessary? The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. For those who are listening who have access to the amazing facts website, you can actually read the book for free online just The book again is called Baptism: Is it really necessary? Our phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297 and if you have a bible question 800-463-7297. Our next call is, Hazel, listening from Queens New York. Hazel, welcome to the program.

Hazel: Pastor Doug, Pastor Ross, good night.

Doug Batchelor: Good evening.

Ross: Hello.

Hazel: I have two question I'm trying to figure out which one is the most important. I'll stick with the one that I asked your receptionist. How did the word church got into the bible? Is that an original Greek or Hebrew word?

Doug Batchelor: No good question. The word we use for church actually I think it's a Celtic word that comes from the word "Kirk." I think the word church is Ekklesia but our modern our english word church come from a word is it a Gaelic or a Celtic word but it's not Greek, so it just translates that way I english.

Ross: The word in Greek has more of an interpretation that leads to the word assembly. It is the gathering of believers. The word there in the Greek that's used for church literally means assembly or gathering. People understood that thought more than getting together for a visit. It's gathering or assembling for the purpose of worship, for the purpose of celebrating communion for the purpose of encouraging one another in spiritual things. But that's the root meaning, meaning simply assembly or gathering together also translated church

Doug Batchelor: Yes, and then I think it's very similar to the word synagogue which also means gathering. Some of our listeners who remember Rahim that you would find in your books is called come to the Kirk I the wild wood. It's actually drawn from the whole english word for church, they used to call it the Kirk. We are using the corruption of that whole word but its nothing like the Greek word for Ekklesia. Anyway, that's a good question Hazel, we just gave you a little entomology of the word church there.

Hazel: Do I have time for one more?

Doug Batchelor: Okay, sure real quick question.

HAZEL: Okay, the cross, did Jesus Christ die on the cross or did he die on a stake?

Doug Batchelor: You know he died on the cross. I know that our Jehovah Witness friends make a big issue of saying he didn't actually die on the cross that he died on a straight pole like a fence post or a stake. My scripture for that would be because the word cross is used. Secondly, when Jesus told Peter how he was going to die he said, "When you are young you girded yourself, you go where you wanted," this is John 21 I think. "When you're old, another will guard you and you will stretch forth your hands."

For person that stretches forth their hands it will put them up to the front out to the side you will not put them over head. The Jehovah Witnesses found that there are some cases in history where the Roman crucified the person and all they had was a pole that's why the did crucify some that way. Traditionally, they did it on the cross with arms spread out. Kind of like when Samson died, he stretched out his arms and lay down his life. This is what Jesus did. Moses before-- when the children of Israel were fighting the Amalekites he went on the mountain he stretched out his arms interceding. Aaron and Ham had to stay on the right and left and hold his arms out perpendicular from his body if his hands were over his head it would near his heart. So you do have that, I think the example was a cross on the bible.

Hazel: Okay, thank you much what Scripture was that?

Doug Batchelor: John 21, do you have that pastor Ross?

Ross: Yes, John 21:18.

Hazel: John 21:18. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Ross: Thank you. I appreciate your question. Pastor Doug, we have a book called The High Cost of the Cross, and I think Hazel will enjoy reading that or anybody who calls on us. The number is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the book called The High Cost of the Cross. We'll be able to send that to anybody who calls and asks. Our phone line here at the studio is 800-463-7297. 800-GOD-SAYS, 800-463-7297. That's the acronym by the way, GOD SAYS. It means 463 7297. Our next caller is, Sherry, listening from Washington. Sherry, welcome to the program.

Doug Batchelor: Sherry, you're on the air. Are you there?

Sherry: I think so.

Ross: There you go.

Doug: You're on air.

Sherry: I'm here.

Doug: And your question.

Sherry: My question-- I wasn't anticipating asking a question. I was going for a book that's this is kind of a shooting from the head.


Doug: Yes, no problem. Remind me at the end of your question. We'll give you a different number that you can call and we'll send you the booklet.

Sherry: Oh, thank you so much. I really would appreciate that. I could use that in my life. I would like to know if you don't hear much teaching or preaching on the counterfeit gift of the Holy Spirit. What they are, what they can do, how they can deceive people, how they can almost destroy people if they are unaware of that. If they don't know the Lord, and I would like to know, first of all, I started searching for Jesus at 19 after I had a car accident.

I went to many different types of churches throughout the East Coast and up to Washington. I saw many manifestations of what appeared to be church, but I never found Jesus in all these years of searching. I only found-- I wouldn't know the difference, but they were counterfeit. I didn't really know evil but there were all kinds of manifestations of these gifts and people said some bad things happen and I got thrown around rooms, risks. My family witnessed much. I could never get away from that.

Doug: We actually-

Sherry: I didn't-

Doug: We have a book on counterfeit gifts.

Sherry: You do?

Doug: Yes, at least one of them. I think it's up the alley of what you're talking about. If you like, we can send you a free copy and we will transfer you back to the resource line. We've got a book called Understanding Tongues, and that's one of the gifts that you'll find in many of these churches that is misunderstood. We believe in all the gifts of the Spirit but there's also, as you said, there's a counterfeit for every truth of God. The devil's got a counterfeit of love. There's even some counterfeit fruits of the Spirit. We'll be happy to send you that and we also want to get you connected with whatever booklet it is you wanted to request. Okay Sherry?

Sherry: Thank you very much.

Doug: Sure. Let me give you-

Sherry: I haven't supposed in really--

Doug: Let me give you this number. I want to make sure you get it. This is our resource phone number. If you give them a call, they'll be happy to get you the books. It's free. All you've got to do is just give them a call. The number is 800-835-6747. I want to say that again. It's 800-835-6747, and you can just go ahead and ask for the book called Understanding Tongues, it's the one that we mentioned now, or any previous books that we mentioned on this program.

Our goal here at Bible Answers Live is to get into the word, study these important Biblical truths. We hopefully provide some useful resource of people in that endeavor. Again, thank you for your call Sherry, and hopefully you'll be able to get some of that material. Our next caller is, Janet, listening from Texas. Janet, welcome to the program.

Janet: Hi, how are you?

Doug: Doing great. Thank you for calling. Your question tonight?

Janet: Yes, my question is about Judas and being repentive. Looking at the fact that he brought the coins back and all the struggle he went through. I was wondering about him taking his life, how that would affect him even though it seems as if he was repentive before.

Doug: The the word repent does not always mean there's a good repentance, there's a bad repentance. There's a repentance where you're caught and you'll acknowledge but it doesn't mean it's going to be redemptive. If you read in the Old Testament, when all the plagues were falling on Egypt, when the plague was really intense, the Pharaoh would call for Moses and Aaron. They'd come in and he'd repent and say I've sinned, just take away the plague and I'm sorry.

He'd make all kinds of promises to change his ways and the soon as the plague was gone, he wouldn't change. He was not sorry for his sin. Pharaoh was sorry about the consequences. You'll notice one when Peter repented Peter went out and he wept bitterly and he was a different man it broke his heart. When Judas repented Judas just for sorry. Overwhelmed with the guilt of what he had done and the consequences. It was more like a sorrow that he had been caught and he had pretty much at that point grieved away the Holy Spirit.

There's another story in the Bible of a man named Achan. Achan stole from the Lord's treasury when they actually they plundered Jericho he stole some of what was designated for God's Treasury. He would not admit it even after terrible things were happening to the country because of his secret sin. Finally, when they cast lots and the lot fell on Achen, he admitted his sin and he said, "Oh, yes, I'm sorry."

Well, he wasn't sorry he was just sorry he got busted. That's kind of what happened to Judas as he was overwhelmed with a sense of condemnation and all of the lost are going to experience what Judas experience but they're going to experience it too late. There will be a time when they'll feel terror of their sin but they've they've spurned all the mercy while there was time.

Janet: That makes a whole lot of sense. Thank you for that, clarifying that for me.

Doug: Thank you very much. I think Paul refers to it as a repentance not to be repented of genuine repentance. It's the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. That's the kind of repentance that we want. Appreciate your call very much Janet. By the way friends that does open up another line or two I think if you want to call in with a Bible question we've got another half. Who knows maybe the best half of this program coming. That number is 800-463- 7297. We'll bring your Bible question into the studio. 800- 463-7297.

Don't go very far because we're coming back with Bible questions. Those of you standing by. Be patient and your patience will be rewarded. While I'm thinking about it friends, Amazing Facts offers wonderful materials all week long at our Web site and the address there is You can listen to archives of this program we've got books a lot of the resources that we offer and much much more We're coming right back.


Doug Batchelor: We are back listening friends and about to go to the phone will remind you we do have a line or two open. Our number once more 463-7297 this is Amazing Facts' Bible Answers Live. A live interactive Bible study, you can participate by listening and call in with your bible related question. A question about living the Christian life, we’ll do our best to search the word together. I’m Doug Batchelor.

John Ross: My name is John Ross and the pastor we're ready to go back to the phone lines. Our next caller is, Jim, and he's listening in Huntsville Alabama. Jim, welcome to the program.

Jim: Hey. How are you doing?

Doug: Good, hey you got a good voice for radio Jim.

Jim: Thank you brother. My question is I was always raised thinking that if you die, you're going to go to the judgment and when you're judged, you’re going to go to heaven or you’re going to go to hell. I was always raised watching TV and everything else, if you go to hell, you're going to eternal torment. A while back I'm homeless and I go to the local humane society and a lady there gave me a booklet and it told me that God is a loving God, which I know God is a loving God.

It’s said that when you die, you're going to go through judgment and if you go to hell, it's the second death. I know I read that in the Bible but I've not been able to find it. My question is, do you go to eternal torment or do you go to obliteration?

Doug: All right, first of all, the verse you're looking for is in Revelation is it 21, 22?

Ross: 22.

Doug: 22, the second death and there's two extremes when it comes to the subject of Hell. Some people try and say there is no hell it's just a metaphor and other people talk about hell in this medieval concept of it's just-- it's really horrific we think about people blistering in sulfur and brimstone for zillions of years, doesn't matter how far you go. You're constantly feeling pain and agony and it never ends and that's hard to comprehend somewhere between those two are the truth and you found the verse?

Ross: Yes, actually there's four references to it and all of them are in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 2:11, Revelation 20:6, Revelation 20:14 and Revelation 21:18.

Doug: Now, everybody dies the first death, some will be alive when Jesus comes. I heard a pastor say one time if you're only born once you die twice but if you're born twice physical birth and spiritual birth you only die once. The first death, you don't have to worry about the second death. But there is a lake of fire this is the between those two extremes, you have to be clear there is a place called hell, there is a lake of fire and Bible says every man is rewarded according to what he deserves.

Saying his angels were cast into the lake of fire but what does it say happens there?

Jim: That was the obliteration when you're cast into the lake of fire.

Doug: Exactly. Each person suffers according to what they deserve but it's not eternal. It means the results of it are eternal. There's no repentance, no second chance. You read in Malachi 4, the day is coming that will burn us in heaven and all the proud and all that do wickedly will be stubble, it will burn them up. The Bible says that you have eternal life or you perish, John 3:16. That you'll be devoured, the wicked are consumed, they'll burn up. Now, don't spend too much time thinking about hell Jim because we want you to think about heaven.

Jim: Yes.

Doug: Some people have more questions about hell than they do about heaven. I think where do you want to go?

Jim: I'm going to heaven and I know that.

Doug: The bible is pretty clear, there is a punishment there is a lake of fire but eventually the wicked burn up. It says there’s not cold to war Matt, it says there is no more pain in Revelation 21, no more tears, no more sorrow. All things are made new, the Bible is very clear that God does not have a never ending torture chamber in the cosmos where people are shrieking and Holly billions of people suffering.

Jim: That's my main question. Can I give you a real quick testimony?

Doug: Yes.

Jim: A couple of years ago I became homeless and already no idea but I went to bank at National Forest lived there with my dog for three months. One day I woke up rolled over and put my endo's up something it felt weird and got bit by a cottonmouth. I was six miles back in the woods and I had a fifty pound pack. First day, I kept passing out, my dog kept waking me up. It took me two days to get out of there when I did I was trying to find a ride back to Huntsville and some people I talked to there couldn't get me a ride.

Hooked me up with a guy that was a medic from the military and he checked me out and he told me, he said, “You could have been bitten by a cottonmouth, you should be dead.” and I said no, I'm all right. I pretty much lost my face at that time and he said you must be a very strong person. I told him no, I just I just got D's and a shotgun with me that's what it is and when I got back Thomasville, I walked into one of my-- a friend of mine was there and I was taken-- borrowed a car to take my gear to a friend of mine’s house, I walked in there and started assured when I got bit I prayed and I just said Jesus you know, I can do all things if you just give me the strength.

When I walked in there, I saw the shirt sitting at a drwaer right in thecorner. Philippians 4:13 that I can do all things through Christ.

Doug: The Lord spoke to you through that, didn’t he?

Jim: When I saw that, I'll never doubt my faith again.

Doug: Well, he's got a special plan for you and we think that he planned for you to even call in tonight. Jim, you know what, we have a free offer that deals with your question that will give you all the verses.

Ross: There's actually two study guides I want to recommend for you tonight Jim. The one is dealing with the subject of how you asked and it's called-- the study guides called Is the devil in charge of hell? You’ll find it an interesting read but there's another study guide closely connected with that same subject and is dealing with what happens to a person when he dies. It's called Are the dead really dead? It talks about the resurrection, about the second coming of Jesus. I think you’ll find it very encouraging.

We'll be happy to send this to anybody who calls and asks and Jim if you would just ask for the two study guides, the one Are the dead really dead? and the other one is the devil in charge of hell? We'll be happy to send that to you for free. The number to call is 800-835-6747. Again, that's 800-835-6747. And ask for the two study guides the one dealing with death meaning, Are the dead really dead? and the other Is the devil in charge of hell?

Doug: Jim, thank you for that testimony, it made me think of a verse in the Bible where the apostle Paul was bit by a deadly serpent but through the power of God he was healed, he lived through it. Great testimony.

Ross: Our next caller is Minnie listening from Texas Parker Heights. Minnie welcome to the program.

Minnie: Hey pastor how are you?

Doug: Doing good thank you for calling, and your question.

Minnie: My question is I go to a large church and when the pastor comes on the floor, he tells everybody that they should speak in their heavenly language. But little I know about speaking in tongues, I find that it’s not appropriate. The Bible says that if a person is speaking in tongues, let him speak to the lord or himself. Everybody is speaking in tongues, for a person visiting, you want to know what’s going on in here?

Doug: Yes, it's exactly what Paul says not to do in 1 Corinthians 14. Whenever we wonder about what we're doing, you have to say where is an example of that in Scripture? Nowhere in scripture do you see the apostles and everybody speaking incoherently. You do have examples in the Bible where in Acts when the disciples were speaking in tongues those listening knew what they were saying. It’s as we hear them tell about the wonderful works of God.

There's three examples of speaking in tongues in the Bible Acts 2, Acts 10, Acts 19, in all three cases those listening understood what they were saying and there were several language groups present. We’ve got a free gift that deals with the subject of tongues that talks about we believe in the gifts of the spirit, we believe in the gift of tongues but with every gift of God, there's sometimes misapplications. We would encourage you to read this book and look at what the Bible says about the gift of tongues and how to use it and how not to use it. I think you know in your spirit may be that there's something wrong and we'll send you a free copy of that.

Ross: Yes, the book is called Understanding tongues, talking about the gift of the spirit with reference to tongues and we will be able to send that to anybody who calls and asks. The number is 800-835-6747 again 800-835-6747 you can ask for the book called Understanding Tongues. You can also go to the amazing facts website just, type in the little search bar, Understanding Tongues and that will take you to a pdf version of the book and you can read that right there online. Our next caller is Gary listening from Florida. Now, Gary welcome to the program.

Gary: Yes, hello.

Doug: Hey, Gary, you're on.

Gary: Thank you, I was calling, I was wondering what that the-- pastor that your opinion was of movies that are made in Hollywood about the Bible. In reference to this recent one, The Shack, wanted to get your opinion on that. You sort of kind of answered a little bit from the previous caller, the gentleman who just-- the gentleman previous about the existence of hell. I was listening to the program earlier on the radio and saying that this particular book and movie was complete biblical heresy.

Then I was in my Bible study group this morning before church and the bible leader and couple of other people actually thought it was a fantastic movie and endorsed it. I guess, I'm a little confused as to which way to head on this and thought maybe you could provide some insight.

Doug: All right, well, first I need to divulge that I have not read the book or seen the movie. As a rule, I don't go to movies just because, well, for one thing, most of what is produced in Hollywood is not good but I do see them occasionally when I'm flying or there's something that's reproduced on television. Most movies that try to portray the Bible are a disappointment because it's really hard to do a video of the second coming.

They usually create all kinds of love stories and intrigues that are not really in the story, from what I've read about it, I did read some reviews from people I trust about this book called The Shack. I guess the subsequent movie and from what I have read it is heresy. It just completely departs from the scripture, that doesn't mean there aren't going to be people out there that will like it. Just from what I've read, again I have to admit I've not read it, I've not seen the movie, I'm very suspicious that it's leading people the wrong way.

Ross: You know pastor you mentioned movies and Hollywood and the Bible, for those who might not know, your mother played in the movie, The 10 commandments--

Doug: My mother was an actress and she was in a Bible movie [chuckle].

Ross: Yes, that's right.

Doug: Not a very big part but mum was-- she actually did I think two or three movies with Charlton Heston. They did two or three movies together. They did another movie called The Buccaneer, my mum was in a number of those movies done back then. Hollywood, they usually-- even like The 10 Commandments, they've got Moses having a love affair with Pharoah's wife and none of that is in the Bible. Anyway, I don't recommend from what I've read by people I trust about the book The Shark, I don't think that I would recommend it and I think it gets into spiritualism and eastern mysticism and that movie would more of the same.

Ross: I think, part of the reason is if people are going to make a movie, they want to make money off the movie and they don't necessarily want to depict exactly what's in scripture because well, people can read the Bible for themselves so they've got to kind of add their own twist to try and get people's attention--

Doug: You were saying something else Gary I'm sorry.

Gary: Yes, I wanted to add that it refers that how can a good and wonderful Almighty God have something like hell where people will suffer for eternity. I guess it depicted the fact that it would make Jesus worse than Hitler and Nero because of the fact that at least they tortured, killed the people, they were done while as saying that the existence of hell people are--

Doug: There's no end to the suffering. Well, see there might be some points in the movie that are valid but I think they go to the other extreme. We talked when we were answering that question on hell, that there's two extremes where people err. One extreme is that God has a torture chamber through eternity where he's got billions of people. The other extreme is that there is no punishment, there is no lake of fire, there is no hell. The Bible is really clear that there is a punishment, there's a day of judgement where people are going to be rewarded good or evil.

That's inescapable and God is still a God of love and justice and there's punishment. Even in America, there-- I don't know if they still do it now, but a lot of people when they were sentenced they could get sentenced to jail, and they could get sentenced to hard labor so that there was not just time but there was hard labor and so they were suffering. Jesus didn't just die for our sins. Jesus suffered and died for our sins. Those who reject the sacrifice of Christ, they're going to suffer and die for their own sins, that is pretty clear, does that make sense Gary?

Gary: Yes, it does and then one final point, the fact that, I guess being someone nerve a little bit now I've done my research on the movie and the book. Here you have my Bible study leader who I respect a lot and a couple of other guys who are very much more biblically scholarly than I am and endorsing it and saying it's great. I'm wondering do I get in there and become an objectionist and Ravo-rouser or what would be a way to address this if you were in my position?

Doug: Well, you might let them know that you respectfully disagree but as with most movies it's a wave that will pass. Do you want to die on that mountain in your relationship? You could let them and the study group know that you view things differently in a kind of respectful way. If you have your reasons and then just move on and you can be redempt off that way. Hey, we appreciate your comments Gary and your question. I'm going to have to look more into that because like I said, I had even heard about what the movie is doing, thank you very much.

Ross: Alright, my next caller is, Jamie, listening from Arkansaw, Jamie welcome to the program.

Jamie Well, hello, thank you. My question is baptism in the old testament, how was that accomplished and from the time of Adam and Eve to John the Baptist?

Doug: Well, there was no baptism as a prerequisite to accepting Christ and his kingdom because Jesus had not come yet. There were types of baptism in the old testament, you can read where Naaman was told to wash in the Jordan river seven times and he was cleansed from his leprosy, a symbol of sin. That later of course became a type of baptism. Paul in I Corinthians says the nation of Israel went through the red sea before they were saved from the slavery of Egypt and this was a type of baptism.

Paul said they were baptized in the sea when they went through the red sea. There are symbols of baptism in the old testament connected with salvation but that wasn't really activated until the Messiah came and so it's no longer physical lambs. After John said Jesus is the lamb of God, now you've got the real baptism, does that make sense?

Jamie: Okay, I see, yes, that makes sense.

Doug: All right, and we have a lesson that we'll offer you also that we mentioned earlier.

Ross: It's called, Baptism: is it really necessary, and we'll be happy to send that to anybody who calls and asks. The number to call is 800-835-6747 you can ask for the book called Baptism: is it really necessary. All right, well thank you for your call Jamie and we have another caller, Phil, who is listening from New York. Phil, welcome to the program.

Phil: Could you get me okay?

Ross: Yes, we can hear you.

Phil: Yes, you have a great show, I like your style. You're obviously a very knowledgeable guy but you speak plainly, I think you're getting it right.

Doug: Well, bless your heart, thank you for listening, tell your friends and enemies.

Phil: My question Sir is this, I know that the English word Jehovah, comes from the Hebrew word, something like, Yahweh, that leaves the question, where does the word Yahweh come from?

Doug: Well, if everyone is going, to be honest, I mean the scholars that talk about this, no one is exactly sure how to pronounce the Holy Name of God that some have translated Jehovah others, Yahweh, or Yahweh. Because the Jews believed it was a sacred name of God, they only had the consonance and most of the time if you're reading that name and the old testament, the King James Version you'll notice there's-- you'll see the word Lord, L-o-r-d and then every now and then you'll see words says, L-O-R-D. Usually, where ever you saw the word Lord in all caps, that was the word Yahweh and they would put a symbol and they thought it was such a holy name, they would never pronounce it. They would substitute the name Lord or Elohim or something else. It's a mystery how to actually say it because it was considered the sacred name of God. I've heard probably two or three or four different derivatives of how people think it should be pronounced.

Phil: Okay. You know I understand what you're saying, I don't want to take up to much of your time. I know, I speak a little Hebrew I know that in Hebrew vowels are not letters it's just little marks under the letters. The question of pronunciation is not the same as the question of origin. Have you any idea where the consonants in the name originate?

Pastor Doug: Well, if I'm not mistaken this is the name that God gives to Moses when he says, "Who shall I say sent me?" God says, "I am that I am." Then he communicates the name Jehovah to Moses. Pastor Ross, I could be wrong but I think that's the first reference to that holy name. In Genesis when it says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," the word Elohim is used. Which is a different word. I think it's a next sentence when you run into Jehovah or what we call Jehovah.

Phil: Okay. Thank you so very much and the second part of your answer really does address and answer my question. I thank you for your consideration sir. Good evening.

Pastor Doug: Thank you Phil. Call anytime.

Pastor Ross: Our next caller is another Phil listening from New York. Merritt, New York. Phil from New York, welcome to the program.

Phil: Hi. How are you Pastor Doug, Pastor Ross.

Pastor Doug: Better than we deserve. Appreciate your calling.

Phil: My question is around-- I have a lot of folks that are asking me about why I don't carry weapons a lot. Why I wouldn't purchase a weapon or a firearm. It's the way that I've been raised and I was taught about Jesus being pacifist and all that. My question is around, I think it's in Matthew or on John that it says that something about selling something and then purchase a sword. Then a few verses later, it says, I think it's Peter who says, "Lord, I have two swords", and Jesus respond to the thing it is enough. They're using that to justify, listen, "You need to have weapons to protect your family, to protect so and so". I'd like to know your opinion of it

Pastor Doug: All right. First of all, I don't believe it's wrong. We're probably not talking about buying swords because most people aren't out there buying swords. By the way if you get your radio on the background, you might need to turn your volume down or we're going to-- you'll get some feedback Phil.

Phil: Yes. Sorry.

Pastor Doug: Where Jesus says in Matthew 26:52, "Put your sword in its place." Peter pulled out a sword to defend Jesus and Christ said, "Put away your sword for all who take the sword will perish by the sword." Now, but when you get to Luke, He ends up saying, "Look Lord, we have two swords" and Jesus said, "It is enough." Well, Christ was basically saying there, if you don't have anything sell your sword and buy one. He was talking in a metaphor. The sword is a symbol for the word of God. When the disciples said, "Look Lord, we've got two swords" and He said, "It is enough." He was basically saying enough of this.

See if you look in that's in Luke chapter 22, if you go to verse 36, "But now he who has a money bag let him take it and like was a knapsack and he who has no sword let him sell his garment and buy one. He wasn't really telling go sell your clothes and buy a sword. He's saying make sure that you're armed with a word of God. When they said, "Look we got two swords," now where they really going to fight off the Roman army with two swords. Jesus would say, "That's enough, we only need two swords." When He told Peter to put away his sword, Jesus was rolling His eyes and saying, "It is enough."

It's like when Christ was crossing the sea and He said, "Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees." Jesus was using the symbol, the teaching of the Pharisees and that Peter said, "Oh Lord, sorry we forgot to bring bread," and He said, "Don't you get it? I'm not talking about bread. I'm talking about the teachings of the Pharisees." They often misunderstood when Christ was using parabolic language. Yes. As far a person owning a weapon I think that's something of a personal decision. I would recommend that if a person had a weapon as a deterrent, where I live up in the hills, we actually have wild animals.

Everybody up there has a weapon just to scare off the bear. We quite literally a bears. I think you're talking about the two-legged bears. Do we have weapons for them?

Phil: Yes. [laughs]

Pastor Doug: Anyway, I think the bible gives some pretty clear principles on that. I appreciate your question and hopefully we covered the sword part.

Phil: Yes, you did. Thank you.

Pastor Doug: Thank you very much.

Ross: All right I think we have about two minutes. We'll try and get another calling. We have Harvey Listing from Washington. Harvey you there?

Harvey: Yes.

Ross: You'll have to make your question quick.

Harvey: My question is, I'm older and I can't remember all the sins I've ever committed. I mean, individually. I mean, do I need to individualize each and every sin? Is there something in the bible that tells me where?

Pastor Doug: I must be getting older too because I can't remember all of mine. I find comfort in knowing that I don't have to remember and recite them all one by one. I see nowhere in the bible where people do that. It is important to confess your sin to God and I think that it would be a good idea to just maybe kneel sometime with a copy of the Ten Commandments. You look at them and you say, "Lord I know I'm a sinner and I am guilty." Sin is a transgression of God's law. If we have had other gods in our lives, if we have taken His name in vain.

Christ said even false promises can be that. If we've had angry thoughts about others, that can constitute as murder. If we think impure thoughts, Jesus said, "You can commit adultery in your heart." All of us have broken all of God's laws. Just confess those to God and say, "Search me Lord if there's something I'm forgetting. Reveal it to me." The promises if we confess and repent of our sins, He will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. You don't have to remember them all. Just tell, "Lord, I'm willing to repent in all I know." That will cover it.

God bless you friends, we are out of time and want to remind you go to and help keep us on air.

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