Hello, He Lied

Lesson: 1
It's our responsibility in the end to believe or not believe God's word, because it's our choice. We can instead choose to believe the enemy, the greatest hoaxer of all; to give him our hearts and our affections, our time and our focus. He has a wondrous capacity to deceive us, but to believe him will cost us everything.

1.- How long will the devil’s rebellion last when he surrounds the new Jerusalem ?
2.- Why did God send Cain to the city of Nod ?
3.- Are we still obligated to keep the feast days ?
4.- Did Rahab sin when she saved the Israelites by lying ?
5.- Did God ever tell anyone to get a tattoo ?
6.- Why would the creator of the universe "dare not bring a reviling accusation" against Lucifer ?
7.- What is the abomination of desolation ?
8.- Why would Satan attempt to attack the beloved city of God, knowing he has already lost the battle ?
9.- Is it wrong for us to wear clothing with mixed fabrics ?
10.- Is it a sin to celebrate birthdays ?
11.- Is there a connection between the sandal reference in Ruth 4:7 and the sandal latchet in Mark 1:7 ?
12.- When will the “Restoration” mentioned in Acts 3:19-21 occur ?
13.- Can you please explain the unclean foods mentioned in Deuteronomy 14 and Mark 7:18, 19 ?
14.- Did the plagues of Egypt take place within a year, and is that the timeframe we can expect for the plagues in Revelation ?
15.- Will you please provide texts from the Bible that prove that God will one day destroy the wicked ?
16.- Why do some people “sleep” when they die, but others get the privilege of going to Heaven ?
17.- Is it wrong to keep the ashes of your loved ones in your home, instead of burying or scattering them somewhere ?
18.- Why was the serpent cursed when it was the devil who possessed it ?
19.- Did the war in Heaven take place shortly after Jesus' ascension, after His crucifixion ?

How Evolution Flunked the Science Test

How Evolution Flunked the Science Test
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Aannouncer: It is the best selling book in history. No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted, and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should always be studied carefully. It is the Bible, the Word of God. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical answers to all your Bible questions. This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International, Pastor Jëan Ross.

Jëan Ross: Hello, friends, how about an amazing fact? One of history's most notable hoaxes is the Piltdown Man, an archaeological deception that captivated the scientific community for decades. In 1912, Charles Dawson claimed to have unearthed the elusive missing link between humans and apes in Piltdown, England. The alleged discovery, consisting of a humanlike skull and an apelike jaw, were initially celebrated as groundbreaking evidence supporting a transitional species from apes to humans. And given the fervid interest to find the so called missing link, the Piltdown Man was enthusiastically received as a most remarkable discovery of human evolution. Drawings of the apelike human were published in newspapers around the world. The skull was placed on display in a museum and even a statue was made of the Piltdown Man. However in the 1950's, advances in dating techniques and a more comprehensive analysis revealed that the Piltdown Man was nothing but a hoax. The skull belonged to a human while the jaw bone was from an orangutan. Both were artificially stained to look very old. This great hoax shows the lengths that some people will go to bolster a theory that lacks credible evidence.

The Bible reminds us in Proverbs chapter 14 verse 15 that, "The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps." This verse teaches us that whether we're dealing with science, religion, morality, or any other belief, it is critical to seek guidance from the Bible. In a world full of false ideas and misleading philosophies, turning to God's Word is like a strong shield that protects us against the devil's many deceptions. You know Pastor Carlos, when you read about these hoaxes of so called discoveries that bolster some kind of theory or evolutionary idea, and then later on it's discovered that it's really not doing any of that. It kind of points to a Creator God, just like the Bible says.

Carlos Munoz: Yeah, well, and especially as the technology advances. The instruments are so precise now that they come across, and science is discovering that the theory of evolution is more and more discredited, right? And archaeologically, too, confirming what the Bible says historically and scientifically. So, we say praise God for that.

Jëan: Amen, absolutely, and of course intelligent design, the more they study the cell and the smaller little way the cell interacts, it's just evidence that somebody designed all of this. You know, we do have a free offer, it's called "When Evolution Flunked the Science Test." Maybe you're wondering about, you know, what does the Bible say about, you know, the fact that God created us, but then how do we refute these ideas about evolution? Well, it's in the book. It'll tell you more about it. If you'd like to receive the book, just call and ask. What number do they call for that?

Carlos: Yeah, they call 1-800-835-6747 and ask for offer number 169, and so also if you're in the U.S. you can dial 250, and when you dial number 250, you can say, "Bible Answers Live" and ask for that free offer.

Jëan: "When Evolution Flunked the Science Test," that's the name of the free offer.

Carlos: Yes, we have free shipping in the U.S., U.S. territories, and Canada only, and we also wanted to take a second to greet the listeners from KPLS in Denver and KTPJ in Pueblo, Colorado that are joining us.

Jëan: Alright, and greetings to those who are joining us new to "Bible Answers Live." Well, before we go to the phone lines, why don't we start with the word of prayer?

Carlos: Sure, let's pray. Father, thank You again for this beautiful day and this beautiful opportunity to spend time in Your Word. I ask that You just give us wisdom and discernment and also bless those that are listening and calling, so that we can have just a lively discussion and that your name may be glorified in all things. We ask this in Jesus's name, amen.

Jëan: Amen, alright, number one, we have Jerry from Texas calling us. Jerry, welcome, you are live.

Jerry: Hey, guys, I got a long question here. My question refers to Revelation 20, verses 7 to 9. How long will this rebellion last for the long failed D-Day invasion at the door of the New Jerusalem? One religious author indicates Satan will develop weapons of war for the onslaught of God's people. One time, Doug mentioned more than maybe 20 years. What are your thoughts today?

Jëan: Alright, well, good question. Let me read the verse for those who might be traveling and they're not familiar with the passage. Revelation chapter 20 in verse 7, starting in verse 7, it says, "Now when the thousand years were expired, Satan will be released from his prison and he will go out and deceive the nations which are on the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth and they surrounded the camp of the saints of the beloved city, and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them."

So, just a little bit of the background here, we're talking about the one-thousand-year period known as the millennium we read about in Revelation chapter 20. The beginning of the millennium is the Second Coming of Christ. So, Jesus comes the second time, the dead in Christ are resurrected, the living righteous are changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and together they are caught up to meet Jesus in the air. The wicked are destroyed with the brightness of Christ's coming, but the redeemed go to heaven and they're there for a thousand years in heaven with Christ. The devil is bound to this earth, described as the bottomless pit, for this thousand years, but at the end of the thousand years, the New Jerusalem, the redeemed in Christ, and God in heaven moves down to this earth.

You read about in Revelation chapter 21 where John says, "I saw the New Jerusalem descending from God out of heaven," and it's at that point that the wicked are then resurrected for the Great White Throne Judgment that we read about here in Revelation chapter 20. At the end of the Great White Throne Judgment, according to these verses, the devil goes out and he is able to deceive the wicked, and it describes them as the sand of the sea, and they mount their attack upon the New Jerusalem, the golden city, and then fire comes down and devours them. So, the question is asked how long after the resurrection of--well, how long after the New Jerusalem comes down, the end of the thousand years, and the resurrection of the wicked, and the Great White Throne Judgment, to when Satan and the wicked are destroyed?

Now, of course the Bible does not say, but there is quite a few things that have to happen after the resurrection of the wicked. You got this final judgment, at the end of which the Bible says every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord and that God is fair and that He's done everything to save mankind. It's not a confession of guilt or a recognition of sin, rather it's just an acknowledgment of the evidence, because no sooner do they do that when they actually mount this attack upon the New Jerusalem. So, you know, the Bible doesn't say, it could be months, it could be years, we don't know. We'll have to wait and see. Matter of fact, the Bible says the devil will be loosed after his prison for a little season, that's the actual wording that we find there in Revelation, "Loosed for a little season." So, whatever that little season is, the Bible doesn't say.

Carlos: Yeah, what's important is that we're on the right side.

Jëan: That's right, we want to be inside the New Jerusalem when that time comes. Well, hopefully that helps, Jerry. Who do we have next?

Carlos: Next we have Axel from Pennsylvania, I'm thinking. Axel, welcome to "Bible Answers Live," you're on the air.

Axel: How are you doing, Pastor?

Jëan: Doing well.

Axel: Nice to meet you. My question is, so Adam and Eve was the first humans, then there was Cain and Abel, and I believe Cain was the one who killed Abel, right? Cain killed Abel, okay. I'm not sure if I mixed up the names, so that's why I asked. So, my other question is why did he say--why did God send them to a city? A city, it was a city, right?

Jëan: Well, not at first. I mean, after Adam and Eve were driven from the garden of Eden, it says that they had two sons and they also had other sons and daughters, the Bible says, but Cain killed Abel, and yeah, as the population grew, eventually, you know, hundreds of years, they lived 900 years before the flood, so the population grew, and as time went on, cities were put together or came together, so it didn't happen immediately after Adam and Eve were banished from the garden, but sometime after that.

Axel: Oh, okay, okay, because I wasn't sure, because he was worried about him. He was worried about people killing him, and I thought, I was like, people killing him? Wasn't there only four humans?

Jëan: No, there were other siblings, so he was worried about his siblings doing him in, so that's why he complained about that.

Axel: Okay, that makes sense. That makes sense, yeah.

Jëan: Alright, well, good question. Thank you for calling, Axel.

Carlos: Thank you very much, Axel. Next we have Iba from Oklahoma. You are on the air, Iba, welcome.

Iba: Yes, I am concerned about the position that we as Adventists hold on the feasts of the Jews. Is it for Jewish people only? Like, you know, the Feast of Tabernacles, the Feast of Trumpets and all these different things that I thought was because Jesus had brought the Jews out of Egypt and that they had been disobedient, and so Moses had to write some things that the Lord told him.

Jëan: So, are you wondering do we still have to keep the feast days today? Yeah, that's a good question. That's a good question. Well, what we need to understand that when we get into the Old Testament, we see different groupings of law. There are at least four types of law that we read about in the Old Testament. The most important law, of course, is the moral law, otherwise known as the Ten Commandments. Transgression of the Ten Commandments is sin. The Bible says sin is the transgression of the law. So, that's the Ten Commandments. Adam and Eve broke the Ten Commandments and that's where sin came in to the whole, you know, human race and earth, and the Ten Commandments has always been. And of course, that needs to be kept even today. Revelation 12:17 talks about those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.

But in addition to the Ten Commandment law, there were also certain health laws that God instructed the Israelites to follow, but the health laws preceded the Israelites, because you read when it came to the time of the flood, and God told Noah to take into the ark clean and unclean animals. They were aware, there was a distinction made between the clean and the unclean, and the sacrificial system which was implemented right after Adam and Eve sinned, they were driven from the garden, only clean animals could be sacrificed. So, there was a distinction between clean and unclean animals and some of the other health laws associated with that, that even predated Abraham, but then when the children of Israel were brought out of Egypt, God gave them some additional laws, and that's kind of where the feast days fall in.

It's what we call the ceremonial laws. It's connected with the sanctuary service. God told Moses to build a sanctuary, it involved the Levitical priesthood, and there were certain feast days that pointed to the coming of the Messiah, just like the lamb pointed to Jesus who would come and die. So, the feast days not only pointed to the coming of the Messiah, but it also reminded the Jews of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt. For example, the Passover, so it had a dual purpose of looking forward to the coming of the Messiah, but also for the nation, helping to remind them that God was the one that led them up out of Egypt. There are principles connected with the feast days that I think is interesting for us to study, but we cannot keep the feast days today the way the Bible commands. The Bible required that everyone was to go to Jerusalem for the feast, or go up to the sanctuary and they were to offer sacrifices on the feast. Well, of course we don't offer sacrifices today. We don't journey to Jerusalem. So, it doesn't apply to Christians today. Jesus is our Passover. He is the Lamb that was slain for our sins.

And then the final category are the civil laws that govern the nation of Israel. Now, some of those principles are still, you know, valuable for nations today, but we're not under theocracy the way the Jews were when God led them up out of the land of Egypt. So, some of those aspects don't apply now either, but probably the most important thing for us to recognize is that the Ten Commandment law, or the moral law, is always binding. It always has been binding, and it'll be kept even in the earth made new.

Carlos: Amen, I think one of the most beautiful things of the feast days is that it's a prophetic calendar and it shows how each stage of the way, a different phase of how Christ is saving us, and so we're now in the Day of Atonement, and so we're just waiting for the end of the Day of Atonement, as we read in Revelation 21, tabernacles, when we're in the presence of God.

Jëan: So, you know, you bring up a good point. The Bible talks about this Day of Atonement that occurred once a year, on the Day of Atonement for the Jewish people, but we're living in that antitypical Day of Atonement, which isn't just one day, but it's ongoing right now, as you read about in Daniel chapter 7 and some other place in the Bible. So, some interesting parallels there that we can see. Alright, well, hopefully that helps. I think we have a book called "Feast Days and Sabbaths," and we'll be happy to send that to anyone who I would like to get more information on that, so just go ahead and call and ask for that, "Feast Days and Sabbaths."

Carlos: Yeah, they can text also number 250, number 250 in the U.S. and when you call here, "Bible Answers Live," and ask for that free gift also. Let's go next with Brittany from here in California. Hello, Britney, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Jëan: Hi, Brittany, and your question today.

Brittany: My question is did Rahab sin when she saved the Israelites from their enemies, and Joshua, too, by lying?

Jëan: Okay, well, you know, the Bible says that sin is the transgression of the law, and did she lie? Yes, she did, but the Bible also tells us that at our times of ignorance, God winks at. In other words, we're judged based on what we know. She grew up in a pagan nation, she was not fully aware of all of the commandments, she did what she thought was right in that case to try and protect the spies, and God recognized her faith, and God honored that faith and she and her household was saved. But I'm sure once she, you know, got connected with the nation of Israel, and learned more about the religion of the Jews, and had a clear understanding of God's requirements, his law, I'm sure that she didn't continue lying after that. So, at the time, you know, even though it was sin, God judged her, or God judges each person based on what they know, and she was sort of living up to everything she knew at that time.

Carlos: She was a prostitute, too.

Jëan: And so we know she had a difficult life before that too, yeah. Her life was changed. And you know, the amazing thing about Rahab is you read later on where it talks about in the chapter the heroes of faith, Rahab is mentioned, but then also she's in the lineage of, well, eventually David and Jesus, so just a remarkable story.

Carlos: Amen, amen, thank you very much, Brittney. Next, we have Debbie calling us from Canada. You're on the air, Sister Debbie, welcome.

Debbie: Hi, how are you?

Jëan: We're doing good.

Debbie: Okay, I have a question about tattoos. I know what it says about tattooing your skin in the Bible, but did God ever tell somebody to get a tattoo?

Jëan: Did God ever tell somebody to get a tattoo? Well, there is one reference, it's kind of interesting. It was back in the Jewish economy, if somebody was a slave or they had given themselves into slavery for a period of time, and the time came for their release, they could choose, if they wanted to remain a slave, if they loved their master and they were sort of adopted as part of the family, there was a practice that occurred where the ear was driven through, as the piercing of the ear as a sign that, you know, the slave was indebted forever to be with his master. And I think there was a possibility of a marking at that point as well, but that's the only instance that we read about. That was a very unique situation, that's not tattoos in general, for sure. The Bible tells us not to get a tattoo. Now, having said that, that's not the unpardonable sin, there's probably many people that have got tattoos and they realize, yeah, you know, they come to a knowledge of the truth and that doesn't mean by any means that that God can't forgive, but if you know the will of God, well, you don't want to go out and get another tattoo, right? You want to ask for forgiveness and move on with your life. So, that's the only instance I can think of, Debbie, does that help a little?

Debbie: Yes, it does, thank you so much.

Jëan: Alright, thanks for your call. Who do we have next?

Carlos: Next, we have Gary calling from Illinois. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," Gary.

Gary: Thank you, I have a hard time understanding Christ Jesus as Michael the archangel. So, in Jude chapter 1, verse 9 it says, "Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him reviling accusation, but said to him, "The Lord rebuke you.'" So, why would the Creator of the universe dare not to bring reviling accusation against Lucifer?

Jëan: Okay, good question. Well, first of all, let me give a little bit of a background then we can specifically talk about that verse. So, in the Bible we read about this being called Michael, and he's referred to in Jude as the archangel. But you also read about it in Revelation chapter 12 where it says there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels, and the dragon lost and he was cast out of heaven.

We also read in the book of Daniel, it refers to Michael, the great prince who stands on behalf of thy people in Daniel chapter 12, and then when it's talking about the Second Coming of Christ, Jesus said the time is coming that those who are in their grave will hear His voice, that is the voice of the Son of Man, and they shall come forth. And then Thessalonians says that when the Lord comes, He comes with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ rise first.

So, the voice that raises the dead, according to Thessalonians, is the voice of the archangel, and Jesus says it's my voice that raises the dead, and Michael is referred to the great prince who stands on behalf of his people. Well, Jesus stands on behalf of his people. The war that occurred in Revelation chapter 12 between Michael and his angels was a war between Christ and his angels and the devil and those angels that sided with him. So, what's confusing people is the name archangel. Does that mean that Jesus is an angel, a created being like all the other angels? The answer is no. The word there, "archangel," simply means the one above, or the ruler, or the commander of the angels, just like an arch is above something. So, the commander of the angels, the one in charge of the angels, is Michael. Michael is the prophetic name of Jesus that we find there in Daniel and Jude, as well as in Revelation.

Now, an angel in Bible prophecy in its strict sense, if you look up the Greek, it means messenger. It's "angelos," it simply means messenger. And not only do we have angelic beings referred to as angels, but even people are referred to angels, as you read in Revelation chapter 2 and 3, and Revelation chapter 14 talks about the three angels' messages that really is a description of God's people taking this end time message to the world. So, an angel is a messenger, and there were times in the Old Testament where Jesus came bringing a message. He's referred to as the angel of the Lord, the messenger of the Lord.

Now, when Jesus was talking to the devil, in the case of resurrecting Moses, when Christ was tempted in the wilderness by the devil, Jesus didn't get into an argument with the devil, he just simply quoted scripture. Likewise when he came to resurrect Moses, and the devil was protesting, saying, well, you can't resurrect him. Jesus didn't get into a dispute or an argument, he just said, "The Lord rebukes you," so there's no need to get in an argument with the devil. It's pretty evident to all the angels in the universe, you know, who's right and who's wrong. And so, God rebuked the devil, and Moses was resurrected, and we know that he was resurrected because he appeared later on with Elijah and Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. You know, we do have a book, it's called "Who is Michael the Archangel?" After that long explanation, there's a whole lot more in the book with all the Bible verses, and we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks. Just call and ask, "Who is Michael the Archangel?"

Carlos: 1-800-835-6747, thank you very much, Gary. Next, we have Glenn from Ohio. Welcome, Glenn, you're on the air.

Glenn: Thank you, good, let me first of all say that your ministry is quite--or your program is quite a ministry and I appreciate that.

Jëan: Amen, well, thank you.

Glenn: Thank you for taking my call.

Jëan: Glad to do it.

Glenn: My call concerns the abomination of desolation that's spoken of by the prophet Daniel. I understand it's a big end time event, can you help me understand what is the abomination of desolation? Who performs it, when, and where?

Jëan: Alright, good question. There are actually two parts to the abomination of desolation. If you look in Matthew, Jesus, talking about the destruction of Jerusalem, says, "When you see the 'Abomination of Desolation,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, then let him that be in Judea flee into the mountains." So, in the immediate sense the abomination of desolation was the Roman armies that came and surrounded Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and brought about its downfall. Now, history tells us that the Christians heeded that warning given by Christ, and they were able to escape from the city of Jerusalem and no Christians were killed in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The same passage is translated in Luke, and he says, "When you see armies surrounding Jerusalem, then know that its desolation is nigh. Then let him that be in Judea flee into the mountains." You might even have that verse there, Pastor Carlos. So, we understand the abomination of desolation first, in its first application, represents pagan Rome, but there's also a second phase, we call that papal role, and there is a resurgence of papal power in the last days. And we can actually see that happening in the world around us today. The popularity of the papacy, its influence both in not only religious things but also political things, a time will come where certain laws will be promoted and passed that restrict religious worship or religious freedom, actually contradicting one of God's commandments. That will be to God's people a clear sign that another abomination of desolation is being set up. So, that is the dual or secondary application of what the abomination of desolation is. Do you have anything else you want to add to that?

Carlos: Matthew 24, verse 15 forward, that's about the abomination desolation.

Jëan: Okay, very good, well, thank you for your call. Who do we have next?

Carlos: Next, we have Duane calling us from Georgia. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," Duane, you're on the air.

Duane: Hey, thank you, Carlos, I appreciate your time and your ministry, gentlemen, and taking my call. My question has to do with actually a lot with what you guys hit at right throughout the very first question, the first caller, with Revelation chapter 20, verses 8 and 9. I've always been curious, is that why would Satan attempt to attack the beloved city of God here at the end, knowing he's already lost the battle? Why would he want to do this? Is it possible that he wants to get inside hopefully a last ditch effort, maybe to get to the tree of life, or I mean, why is he doing this?

Jëan: Yeah, you know, that's a good question. I mean, you'd think that he's read the Bible, he should know the way the story ends. But remember, this being once worshiped more than anything else, he wanted to receive the worship that only belongs to God. He wanted to be as the Most High in heaven before he was cast out of heaven. Perhaps, and the Bible doesn't say, but perhaps the devil, seeing the vast numbers on his side standing outside the city, somehow is able to think that with overwhelming power or numbers, he might be able to conquer the city. Really, he wants to take God from his throne. He wants to rule, and perhaps he realizes sort of a suicide mission and he's going to take everybody down with him at the time. But he's able to convince them to actually mount this attack upon the New Jerusalem, and you can't attack God. I mean, God created all things, and you wonder why would he even think that?

But you know, sin does that to a person, it causes people to do some very foolish things. I mean, look at our world. Look at what sin has caused people to do. So, I think Satan has been so connected to sin and self that perhaps he even deceives himself. At least he's able to deceive the people to thinking that he's going to be victorious. Maybe he's able to convince himself that he thinks he's going to be victorious. But the Bible makes it clear that there's no hope, God will cleanse the earth from sin and sinners. The fire that destroys the devil and his angels is the fire that purifies the earth, and then God creates a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness. Well, friends, we're coming up on our mid-program break, so don't go very far away, we're going to be right back with more of your Bible questions.

Announcer: Stay tuned, "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.

Announcer: Doug Bachelor was the teenage son of a millionaire father and show business mother, yet he was living in a cave. He had everything money could buy, everything but happiness. But all of the fun and excitement he enjoyed left his life out of control. His search eventually led him to a cave above Palm Springs that became his home. While Doug scavenged for food in garbage bins, his father owned a yacht, a Learjet, and an airline, but in his cave home, he discovered a dust-covered Bible. As he began to read, he soon learned of his true purpose in life. "The Richest Caveman" is the extraordinary true story of Doug Bachelor, that tells how a rebellious teenager who once lived in a cave became a tremendous soul winner for Jesus Christ. It's a thrilling testimony of the transforming power of God's Word. To order your copy of "The Richest Caveman," call 800-538-7275, or visit AFBookstore.com.

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Doug Batchelor: Every year, 40,000 souls in North America end their own lives. Suicide is a terrible tragedy, and while it's difficult to talk about, we need to face it together as Christians. That's why in my new book, "Choosing Life," I share the biblical perspective about suicide, answering some difficult questions about faith and salvation along the way, and offering practical tips that should help and encourage others. Jesus wants us to choose an abundant life in him.

Announcer: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Through radio, television, print, evangelistic events, and the internet, Amazing Facts International is heeding the call of Jesus to go into all the world. Millions of individuals in over 150 countries have been blessed by the Word of God. Amazing Facts has spawned new spheres of influence in the India, Africa, China, and Indonesia. With each new country come hundreds of translated booklets, study guides, and video presentations produced in each region for the people of that region. Armed with these precious truths, gospel workers are empowered to spread bright rays of light on every path they travel. Please visit reachtheworld.amazingfacts.org to learn more about Amazing Facts International and how you can participate in this exciting soul winning ministry. That website again is reachtheworld.amazingfacts.org. Thank you for your support.

Announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live," where every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and his plan to save you. So, what are you waiting for? Get practical answers about the Good Book for a better life today. This broadcast is a previously recorded episode. If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the air, please call us next Sunday between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Pacific time. To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747. Once again, that's 800-835-6747. Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."

Jëan: Hello, friends, you're listening to "Bible Answers Live," a live interactive international Bible study. I'd like to welcome all of those who might have joined us halfway through the program, and as mentioned, if you have a Bible question, we'd love to hear from you tonight. Just give us a call, the number is 800-463-7297. That'll bring you in here to our studio. If we don't answer your call right away, just stand by and we will get to your question or your telephone call as soon as possible. My name is Jëan Ross.

Carlos: Carlos Munoz.

Jëan: That's right, and we're ready to go to the phone lines. Who do we have next?

Carlos: Next, we have Lynn from the state of Oregon. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," Lynn.

Lynn: Hello, yes, my question is about Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11. And Leviticus 19:19 says, "You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with another kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed, nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you." And Deuteronomy 22:11 says, "You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together." Now, when I took history class and they said that the colonists, well, a lot of the garments that they wore were of a fabric they called linsey-woolsey, which is just that, linen and wool mixed together, and many of our garments today are of all kinds of combinations of different materials.

Jëan: Okay, so you're wondering why did God make this law for the Jews, or are you wondering is it wrong for us to wear clothing that is mixed fabrics?

Lynn: Is it wrong for us to wear clothing with mixed fabrics?

Jëan: Alright, good question. Well, first of all, no, it's not wrong for us to wear fabrics of mixed clothing, because if we read on in that same passage, verse 12 in Deuteronomy 22, it says, "You shall make tassels on the four corners of your clothing." So here, not only is it telling the Israelites not to wear clothing of mixed fabrics, but it says you also need to make these tassels that you wear at the borders of your garments. This is part of the ceremonial law that God gave to the nation of Israel. You see, God wanted them to be distinct and separate from the nations that surrounded them. The tassels on the hem of their garment was to remind them that they were a holy people and remind them of obedience to God's law. And so, there were practical aspects of not mixing linen and wool in different fabrics, just like there's practical aspects of not using mixed seed when you sow your fields.

So, there was some practical aspects, but I think it extended even more than that. Garments in the Bible represent the righteousness or character, and of course the Bible speaks about the redeemed clothed in a white robe, representing Christ's righteousness that they would receive. The garments of the priests were to be pure, they weren't to be of mixed fabrics. It was a type, a shadow. Israel is a holy people, a holy nation, we're to be set apart. Now, there are practical aspects of that for our day today. I think a Christian is to dress a little differently from the world. We are to dress modestly. We are to dress neatly, cleanly, there should be a distinction in dress between the Christian and the non-Christian, but it's not referring to us not being able to wear clothing of mixed fabrics. That had to do more specifically with the nation of Israel. Does that help, Lynn?

Lynn: Yes, that does.

Jëan: Okay, great, well, thank you for your call.

Carlos: Next, we have Christopher here from California. You are live on the air, Christopher, hello.

Christopher: Hello, thank you for taking my call. My question is, is it a sin to celebrate birthdays?

Jëan: Is it a sin to celebrate birthdays? No, it's not a sin. Now, there might be some celebrations that people do that might be sinful, but you know, just celebrating a birthday is not a sin in and of itself. But if somebody has a big party, and there's alcohol and music and dancing, well, yeah, that could be a sinful thing, but just recognizing somebody's birthday, there's nothing wrong with that.

Christopher: Okay, so, like, receiving gifts from family members is okay?

Jëan: Yeah, absolutely, you know, if it doesn't contradict the law of God, it's okay. And you know, in our culture today, we have many different customs that don't contradict the Word of God. For example, Thanksgiving, there's nothing wrong in celebrating Thanksgiving or spending time with family. So, yeah, a birthday, it falls into that same category. It's not a contradiction of a commandment.

Christopher: Okay, that's it then, thank you.

Jëan: Alright, thanks, Christopher. Who do we have next?

Carlos: Next, we have Sean from Michigan. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," Sean, you're on the air.

Sean: Thank you for taking my call. I'm calling in the third time that I've called you guys. So, this is from Ruth 4, verse 7, comparing with Mark 1, verse 7, so I'll read it here from the King James version. Ruth 4:7, "Now this is the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things. A man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor, and this is a testimony in Israel." So, I'll pause there. The context of this is about the kinsman that ends up not redeeming the inherit--like, basically the land that would be associated with Ruth the Moabite, because her husband had died and Naomi's husband died. Ends up going to Boaz, and I wasn't sure if, because he chooses to do that, in Mark 1, verse 7 it says, "And preached, saying, there cometh my dear than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I'm not worthy to stoop down and unloose." My question is whether this whole thing about taking off the shoe, the thing about the shoe in Ruth 4:7 and Mark 1:7, is there any connection? Is John the Baptist alluding to that about, like, not being honorable enough to do something for Jesus?

Jëan: That's a good connection. Yeah, yeah, that's an interesting connection. Well, first of all, when it talks about take your shoes off, take your sandals off, that is a reference first and foremost of recognizing that you're in the presence of someone important. When Moses was approaching the burning bush, God called out from the burning bush and said, "Moses, take the sandals off your feet. The place where you're standing is holy ground." And when John is referring to Jesus and he says I'm unworthy to bow down and even, you know, loose his sandals, it's a reference to the fact that Christ is holy. The Bible speaks of Him as being that holy thing with reference to the announcement of His birth. So, that's the first sense that John is referring to when he talks about the sandal. Also in the Middle East culture, it was interesting, even today I traveled to India, as a sign of reverence or respect when you go into a church, you remove your shoes, you go in barefoot, and that was also a custom even back then in the time of Israel. And I think that because of that custom associated with giving a sandal had to do something along with the covenant.

Now, there were different types of rituals connected with covenants in the Bible. You read the story where another covenant was where you placed your hand under the thigh. When Abraham was getting a son for Jacob, he had his servant place his hand under his thigh and make an oath. So, that's also another form. That had changed, it seems, at least by the time of Ruth, and the custom at that time was just exchanging a sandal as part of an official contract that was being made. So, the connection with John, it's interesting, I've never seen that before specifically as it relates here, but I think John is referring to the fact that Jesus is holy, and that's why he was not worthy to loose his sandal.

Carlos: Yes, thank you, Sean. Next, we have Robert from Washington. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live."

Robert: Good to be here. Thank you, Pastor Ross and Pastor Munoz.

Carlos: What's your question, brother? Robert: Acts 3:19-21, it talks about a restoration there, or a restoring, and I always thought that it was supposed to be restoring when Jesus comes, but maybe I'm wrong.

Jëan: Okay, well, let me read the verses for those who might be listening. Acts chapter 3, beginning in verse 19, it says, "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins might be blotted out, so that the time of refresh may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he will send, or may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all of his holy prophets since the world began." So, is your question about the phrase where it says, "Until the restoration of all things?"

Robert: Correct, yeah, like I said, I always thought that had to do with when Jesus comes, but maybe I'm wrong.

Jëan: Well, no, it's definitely referring to the Second Coming of Christ, because it says in verse 20, "That he may send Jesus Christ who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive," which that's where Jesus is now. "Whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things." So, here it's talking about a time of restoration. Now, when it's talking about a restoration, it's talking about a restoration of the truths, all of the truths of scripture, and if you look historically after the legalization of Christianity in 313, there were a number of strange pagan ideas and concepts that came into the Christian church. Some of those were contradicted during the time of the reformation, but even into the 1800's there were still some misunderstandings about what the Bible teaches, a number of important teachings and doctrines.

But here, the promise is given before Jesus comes there will be a full restoration of truth. God will have a people who love him, keep his commandments, they have the faith of Jesus, and the truth that was preached through the prophets, all of the truth will be made manifest in the last days. And we also see this illustrated in Revelation chapter 18, verse 1, where it says John saw an angel coming down from heaven, and the earth was illuminated with his glory, and he cried mightily with a strong voice. And you see the three angels' messages proclaiming God's three aspects of His last warning message to the world. So, that's referring to this proclamation, this restoration of the truths of God's Word. And then Jesus comes, which falls right into that prophetic timeframe.

Carlos: Yeah, in Matthew chapter 17, verse 11 it says, "Elijah is coming to restore all things."

Jëan: That's right, a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as in the days of Elijah. So, does that help Robert?

Robert: Yeah, so the doctrines, the truth of God's Word are restored first, and then Jesus comes.

Jëan: That's right, there is a group of people that are sealed, according to Revelation chapter 7, before Jesus comes, so part of that sealing is a restoration of all the truths of God's Word.

Robert: Alright, thank you.

Jëan: Alright, great question, thanks for calling.

Carlos: Thank you, Robert. Next, we have Lee from North Carolina. Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," Lee, you're on the air.

Lee: Thank you so much for taking my call, Pastors. My question is regarding Deuteronomy chapter 14. God talks about the unclean foods, do not eat this, do not eat that, and then Mark chapter 7, verses 18 and 19, when Jesus is explaining it I think in a parable, and then the disciples afterwards say, "You know, Lord, what did you mean exactly?" And he says, "Well, I can't believe you didn't understand, but whatever enters a man from the outside doesn't defile him because it's eliminated by the stomach," and then he says, "Thus purifying the food," and so I'm confused. I know that, you know, this is God both times, it's God's Word and I'm just--could you shine some light on that?

Jëan: Yeah, great question. Alright, first of all, if you read the context, well, Deuteronomy, there's a clear distinction made between clean and unclean animals. Not only is that with reference to eating, meaning that God told his people, and I believe it's true today, if you're going to eat meat, you only want to eat the clean animals. It was also important for the sacrificial system that a distinction be made between clean and unclean animals.

But then in the context here, if you read in Mark chapter 7, there was a dispute that arose because the disciples did not wash their hands before they ate, and it was the religious leaders that had created all kinds of traditions associated with everything. And one of the traditions they had is that there was a certain type of ceremonial washing of the hands, and the washing of bowls, and cups, and plates, and all kinds of things associated with eating. And the disciples, they were on the road, they were traveling, and they were hungry, and they ate. They didn't do that ceremonial washing with their hands, and this caused a bit of controversy. And of course, the religious leaders brought that up to the disciples and to Jesus, and then Jesus said it's not that which goes into a man that defiles him, but it's that which comes out of the man.

When Jesus says it's not that which goes into the man, he's not making a statement on you can eat anything you want, because that wouldn't make sense. Obviously, we can eat things that damage the body. Jesus wouldn't say you can eat things that damage the body, because the Bible says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. He will destroy those that destroy the body. So, he's not saying that you can just eat whatever you want or whatever, you know, crawls across your plate. Some of the things are harmful, you don't want to eat it. But he's specifically addressing the tradition of washing of the hands. Jesus says don't worry about that, that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is what comes out of the man, meaning out of the heart. Now, they connected the washing of the hands with spiritual defilement. If you didn't wash your hands, you were being spiritually defiled. Jesus says, no, that's got nothing to do with spiritual defilement, spiritual defilement is that which comes from the heart, it comes from the inside, it comes out. So, that's the context. And again, you need to always read this in its context. You mentioned the phrase, "Thus purifying all foods." It's also interesting there, the word "thus" is actually added, it's not part of the original manuscripts. It was added by the translators for clarity, so that's not the original text. It's just simply Jesus is saying it's not what goes into the man that brings spiritual defilement, but it's that which comes out of a man which brings spiritual defilement. That's the point that he's making.

Carlos: And Matthew 15 is a little bit more clearer than Mark when it says in Matthew 15:20, "These things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands defiles not a man." So, there's a clarification in Matthews 15, so we have to look at the parallel verses.

Jëan: That's a great point, very good point. Alright, hopefully that helps, Lee. Who do we have next?

Carlos: Next, we have Liza from Florida. Welcome, Liza, first time. How are you doing?

Liza: I'm doing well, thank you, guys, Pastor Ross and Pastor Munoz. My question has to do with the Israelites, the plague with the Egyptian, was that within a span of a year? And if so, is that what we have to expect for the plagues seen in Revelation?

Jëan: Okay, good question. Well, the first distinction that we have between the plagues that fell upon Egypt and the ones that fell upon, or described as falling in Revelation, is that there were ten plagues that came up on Egypt, and Revelation speaks about seven plagues, the seven last plagues that come on the earth after probation closes, before Jesus comes. The distinction between that is the first three plagues affected not only the Egyptians, but it also to some degree affected the Israelites. But the seven last plagues after that only affected the Egyptians, it did not affect the Israelites. They were protected, meaning that when the seven last plagues are poured out upon the earth, God will protect His people. These are judgments that come upon the wicked. Now, how long did it take for those plagues, those ten plagues to fall upon Egypt? It was less than a year, because there was some rapid events taking place. There was also a terrible devastation that occurred, and it would have probably caused a lot of harm if people tried to continue for an extended period of time under those conditions. So, it probably occurred within a matter of months.

Now, will the seven last plagues fall within a year? I think there's good evidence in the Bible to suggest that, because Revelation speaks about the plagues coming upon a power called Babylon and says her plague shall come in one day. One prophetic day in the Bible is equal to one literal year. Now, of course the plagues that came upon Egypt were just for one country. The seven last plagues are for the whole world. So, it takes about a year, or roughly within a period of a year, for the seven last plates to be poured out.

Carlos: In Revelation it talks about, 16 it says, "The day of the wrath," so again, that prophetic principle.

Jëan: Does that help Liza?

Liza: Yes, thank you, guys, have a great day.

Carlos: Thank you, next we have Bobbie from Washington. Welcome, Bobbie, you're on the air.

Bobbie: Hi, my sister and I have a difference of opinion about when Christ will come back. My thought was that the righteous will go up into the air and meet those that are risen that have passed on and are resurrected, and that the dead--evil dead people will stay in their grave, and those that are evil and living will die. My sister says, or she believes, that God is the God of love and would not kill His people or His creation. I tell her that it's a punishment or a judgment of how they've either rejected or accepted Christ, and at the end of the millennium when Christ returns and the evil people that were dead are resurrected, at that time those people will die in a lake of fire that was created for the devil, and she doesn't believe. She thinks that we would, when God withdraws His Spirit, that you can't live without His presence, and that's why they die. They just kind of fall over and they're gone, but I believe that they would share in the punishment with Satan and his angels.

Jëan: Yeah, let me give you a few thoughts that might add to that. You know, it's true that God takes no delight in the death of the wicked, the Bible says that. There's no pleasure, God takes no delight. He says, "Therefore repent and turn. Why will you die?" The Bible says God is not slack concerning His promise, speaking of the second coming, but He's longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So God doesn't want anyone to be destroyed, but at the end of time, there's a couple of scenarios that we look at. First of all, just before Jesus comes, there is a universal death decree that is pronounced against the people of God. Jesus comes to the deliverance of His people, and as He delivers these people, the wicked are destroyed with the brightness of His coming. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 8 says, "The wicked are destroyed at the brightness of His coming."

And then at the end of the thousand years, as we just read in Revelation chapter 20, the scenario is that the wicked are outside the city with the devil and his angels, and they actually mount an attack upon the New Jerusalem, and the Bible says fire comes down and devours them. So, both cases it is God coming to the deliverance and the defense of His people, and as a result, judgment falls upon the wicked and they are destroyed. The Bible says God is a consuming fire, and for those who have rebelled against Him and are determined to destroy His faithful people, there is nothing else God can do but put a stop to them, and that is through death, the means that He's chosen is fire to destroy the devil and his angels and the wicked who have sided with him, and then He makes a new heavens and a new earth.

So, God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but there is a destruction that comes upon the wicked. The Bible is pretty clear on that if you read Revelation, and also the Old Testament talks about a fire consuming the devil and his angels, and they'll be turned to ashes upon the earth. So, yeah, the Bible is pretty clear on that.

Carlos: Yeah, and it's interesting, too, with the flood he destroyed the surface of the earth with water, next time it's not going to be with water, but it's going to be with fire.

Jëan: You know, it's interesting, the two symbols of water and fire. Water is a symbol of baptism and fire a symbol of the Holy Spirit, so the righteous are cleansed by water and fire, but the wicked, the earth, is cleansed by water and fire. Literal water in the time of the flood, and fire that devours the wicked at the end of the thousand years. Okay, who do we have next?

Carlos: Alright, next we have Tiwanna from Virginia. Welcome, Tiwanna, you're on the air.

Tiwanna: Thank you both for taking my call. I hope you're having a good evening. My question is, and I've been listening to your sermons and Pastor Doug Batchelor, and my question is why are some, when we die, we sleep until Jesus Christ resurrects us, and there's some people in heaven, and my cousin and I have been talking, and then she asked me, because I was sharing with her what I was learning, and her question is, well, if that's the case that when we die we sleep in the grave and we know nothing, then in Ephesians 3:14-15, mainly 15, it says, "From whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named," and then about the transfiguration with Jesus Christ and who appeared with Him was Elijah and Moses, and we know Elijah was in the chariot.

Jëan: Yeah, let me jump in before we run out of time. I'm looking at the clock, good question. Elijah was taken to heaven, Enoch was taken to heaven without dying, and Moses was resurrected and taken to heaven. You read about that in the book of Jude. So, we know Enoch, Elijah, Moses are in heaven. There was also a group that was resurrected at the time of Christ's resurrection, and the Bible doesn't give us their names, but they ascended with Jesus to heaven and they are firstfruits.

But the general resurrection doesn't happen until Jesus comes the second time, that's when people receive their rewards. So, there's just a small exception. You got any before the flood, you got Enoch, Elijah, and Moses, and then this group that was resurrected at the time of Christ's resurrection, but everyone else will be resurrected when Jesus comes. So, hopefully that helps. You know, we do have a study guide that talks about that, it's called "Are the Dead Really Dead?" And it gets all of the Bible verses, I think it even references Moses and Elijah, and anyone wanting to learn more about that, just call and ask. The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. You can ask for the Amazing Facts Study Guide, it's called "Are the Dead Really Dead?" Or you can text, what's the number they text if they want to get it?

Carlos: Pound 250 on your mobile device, and just say, "Bible Answers Live."

Jëan: And then ask for that, "Are the Dead Really Dead?" and we'll send it out. Well, friends, we don't have time, I'm looking at the clock, we don't have time to take any more calls live, but stand by, we are going to be taking your email questions that you've sent in. To those listening on satellite radio, until next week, may God bless, and call in with your Bible questions. Same time, same place next week, and we look forward to seeing you then.

Announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. We hope you understand your Bible even better than before. "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International, a faith based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.

Carlos: Alright, we want to welcome everybody for the special section for our online viewers. Email questions that you can send to BALquestions@amazingfacts.org, and so the first question, Pastor Ross, is from Alita, and it is, "Is it wrong to keep the ashes of your loved ones in your home instead of burying or scattering them somewhere?"

Jëan: No, it's not wrong. If you want to keep them in a vase at home, you are more than welcome to do that as well. Remember, when it comes to the resurrection, God's not going to be using any leftovers from the earth. I mean, you think about it. You have people that were burned at the stake during the time of the reformation and even the early days when pagans persecuted the Christians. So, when Jesus comes and He resurrects the righteous, we get brand new immortal bodies, so it doesn't matter if someone's cremated, or buried, or if the ashes are scattered, or placed in the ground. God makes new things.

Carlos: Yes, next question from Joseph. "Why was the serpent cursed when it was the devil who possessed it?"

Jëan: Well, you know, the devil was the one that chose to possess the serpent, and it's possible that the serpent was one of the most beautiful creatures in the garden of Eden before sin came. Because the Bible says the curse that came upon the serpent, he's going to go about on his belly, maybe he even had wings before that. But the serpent becomes a symbol or a type of the devil in his rebellion. It's unfortunate, but yeah, that's what happened to the serpent. But the lamb becomes a symbol of Christ, and those two symbols we see throughout scripture.

Carlos: Last question is from David, "Did the war in heaven take place shortly after Jesus's ascension to heaven after his crucifixion?" That's what it seems like in the book of Job. And Satan still had access to heaven before the crucifixion and doesn't get thrown out until the book of Revelation.

Jëan: Well, there are two parts to the war in heaven. The first is the devil and his angels being cast out of heaven, that occurred before the creation of the earth, but up until the point of the crucifixion, it appears as though the devil had some degree of access where he claimed to be the representative of the earth, and you have reference there to Job. But when Jesus died on the cross, it says he's cast to the earth, meaning that he's bound to the earth. No longer can the devil claim to be the representative of the earth, because Christ is now the second Adam. Jesus is our representative in heaven. So, there's the casting out of heaven that occurs before the creation of the earth, and then there is the casting down of the devil that occurs at the cross. And so, the devil knows he has a short time and he's going around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, but God will protect and provide for his people. So, yes, the devil is sort of bound to this earth.

Well, friends, again, we want to thank you for calling in, being a part of our "Bible Answers Live" program. And as always, we want to remind you that this is a program, a ministry, dedicated to sharing the gospel. Until next week, God bless.

Announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.

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