Pastor Doug's Weekly Message

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message

Dive into the Word of God with Pastor Doug in these inspiring weekly messages. The perfect program for every Bible student! Listen and watch a sermon on subjects that interest you.
(Previously "Everlasting Gospel")

Duration: Varying minutes
Program Listings for Pastor Doug's Weekly Message

Saved In the Final Hour

The Bible frequently talks about following Jesus means you deny yourself, you take up your cross. T... 03/12/2025

Demons, Dungeons and Deliverance, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug explores the New Testament book of Acts. God can change tragedies into triumphs.... 02/27/2025

Five Principles for Biblical Healing

God’s original plan was that we would live forever. But because of sin, sickness and death came in.... 01/30/2025

Deliverance From Temptation and Evil

Pastor Doug explains the Lord's prayer and how prayer separates us from evil and brings us back to G... 01/28/2025

When Our Prayers Seem Unanswered

What does it mean when it seems like our prayers are unanswered? We don't get everything we ask for... 01/21/2025

Regular Reminders

The most important thing to remember is God. We all need regular reminders to maintain our relations... 01/09/2025

Buried Alive

What does it mean to be truly converted and to live a new life?... 01/06/2025

A Savior from Sin

What was Jesus' principle mission for coming to Earth?... 12/21/2024

When You Think of Giving Up

Many people start out following Jesus, but then they turn back, feeling forsaken, fatigued, fearful.... 12/19/2024

How a Nation Crumbles

The Bible is a picture of two kingdoms that are in conflict.... 12/16/2024

The Glory of Gratitude

In spite of all the blessings and conveniences that we have, we grumble. Thank or thankfulness is m... 12/03/2024

The Prince and the Pauper

The Lord trades places with us. He is our mediator. Jesus came into this world to model how we shou... 11/26/2024

The Amazing Power of Words

There is power in words. Words can bring life, and words can bring death. God wants us to speak word... 09/25/2024

You Might Be a Christian

We are not saved by works, but how we live our lives shows whether or not we are truly Christian.... 09/09/2024

The Greatest Devotion and Disgrace

There are interesting similarities between the feast at Simon's where Mary anointed Jesus, and his b... 08/20/2024

Called to Be Ambassadors for Christ

We are all called to be ambassadors for Christ.... 08/07/2024

Understanding Sacrifice

Everything you give to God, you get back. What you keep for yourself, you lose. The key to happine... 07/31/2024

Grapes, Grace and Grumbling

The parable of the workers in the vineyard is one of the most important parables. It can also be on... 07/16/2024

Rediscovering Reverence and the Fear of God

Unless you nurture it, reverence is lost and in losing reverence you lose the comprehension of what ... 07/03/2024

Standing on the High Ground

How do we stand on the high ground? Stand fast in the faith. We need to come up to God's level. Wh... 06/18/2024

Seeing the Invisible World

Many things are invisible, we can't see them, but they are real. After sin entered the world we los... 06/04/2024

The Healing Faith of the Centurion

This message is about spiritual and physical healing, how God can heal. God loves everyone equally.... 05/29/2024

The Greatest Mission

The message of the Bible is that we are to go and share the good news about Jesus, the greatest miss... 05/14/2024

Where Is Your Treasure?

How much do you need to be happy? We are storing treasure in Heaven, not just by giving money but a... 04/16/2024

Astonished Beyond Measure

Some people have perfect hearing, but they don't hear God. The Lord wants to heal our spiritual hear... 04/09/2024

The Crucifixion - A Cosmic Singularity

There was a great battle at the cross. Pastor Doug tells of seven segments of Jesus' suffering and ... 04/02/2024

Bread from Heaven

Bread is the most common food. Jesus is our Bread of Life.... 03/12/2024

Satan and the Savior in the Synagogue

Why should we go to church on Sabbath? How did Jesus observe Sabbath?... 03/05/2024

Should a Christian Vote?

Christians and politics. Do the two mix or are they diametrically opposed?... 02/26/2024

Baptizing the Devil

The Bible says before the Lord comes again there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It won't ... 02/21/2024

Repairing the Roads of Refuge

Life is a road. Jesus said you are either on the broad way to destruction or the narrow road to lif... 02/13/2024

Deadly Faith or Saving Grace?

Salvation is not a one-time thing but an ongoing, following, surrender to the King. Are we more afr... 01/29/2024

Do You Need To Be Perfect To Be Saved?

Do you need to be perfect to be saved? How do you live a perfect life in a wicked world, and how pe... 01/16/2024

Ten Powerful Prenatal Prophecies

There are over 400 prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold the coming of Jesus. This message ... 12/28/2023

Shepherds, Sheep and Lambs

To understand the Bible, we need to understand the care of sheep because the Bible is full of storie... 12/19/2023

The Mystery of the Trinity

Pastor Doug Batchelor takes you on a fascinating, faith-building exploration of the greatest and dee... 12/12/2023

Ten Keys for Answered Prayer

God wants to do more, exceedingly, abundantly more than we can think but we need to ask, and pray. H... 11/28/2023

Satan's Mark or God's Seal?

What are Satan's mark and God's seal?... 11/16/2023

Israel and the Battle of Armageddon

What is the Battle of Armageddon?... 11/01/2023

Come and See

God knows everything we need before we ask and Praise the Lord He answers many prayers we forget to ... 10/17/2023

The Mystery of Michael the Archangel

Who is Michael the Archangel, who is mentioned many times in the Bible?... 10/04/2023

You Are What You Eat

We are what we consume. Sometimes we become preoccupied with physical food, which is important, but... 09/26/2023

The Bible’s Amazing History and Awesome Message

Pastor Doug gives an overview of the Bible's history and why it is so important.... 09/07/2023

Laodicea - Lost in Church

Laodicea represents people just before Jesus comes. The message to Laodicea is one of rebuke and con... 09/05/2023

The Sin That Conquers Kings, Pt. 4

We all struggle with pride. This message not only talks about the problems with pride, but also the... 08/02/2023

The Sin That Conquers Kings, Pt. 3

As a warning to us there are many stories in the Bible about kings who fell because of pride. Part 3... 07/31/2023

The Sin That Conquers Kings, Pt. 2

As a warning to us there are many stories in the Bible about kings who fell because of pride. Part 2... 07/11/2023

Amazing Courage

The first six chapters of Daniel tell about the trials that happened to Daniel and his friends. They... 06/27/2023

Who Do You Think You Are? - 2023

Who do you think you are? We are all, to some extent, a result of what we look at and there is a tra... 06/14/2023

The Sin That Conquers Kings, Pt. 1

As a warning to us there are many stories in the Bible about kings who fell because of pride. Part 1... 06/06/2023

Walking With God in a Wicked World

How can we remain consistent Bible Christians when we are surrounded by so much worldly compromise?... 05/24/2023

A Portrait of Mary

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a great model of living with Christ in our hearts.... 05/16/2023

How To Get Your Name in the Book of Life

Can we be certain that we will go to Heaven? What do we do to know our names are in the Book of Lif... 05/03/2023

Outnumbered by False Prophets, Pt. 2

Truth is absolute. It does not change. Jesus said, "I am the Truth". Part 2 of 2... 04/16/2023

Why I Believe in the Resurrection

Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Hear factual reasons why we can have confidence in the resurrec... 04/08/2023

Outnumbered by False Prophets, Pt. 1

Truth is absolute. It does not change. Jesus said, "I am the Truth". Part 1 of 2... 04/05/2023

Jesus and the Good Samaritan

God asks us, "Do you love your brother?" The way we treat each other is how we treat God. Matthew 25... 03/18/2023

A Real Revival

Discover what are some key characteristics of a revival.... 03/04/2023

Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral

Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack of knowle... 02/25/2023

Turning Your Trials Into Triumph, Pt. 2

Why do we go through trials? How can we turn our trials into triumphs? Part 2 of 2... 02/18/2023

Turning Your Trials Into Triumph, Pt. 1

Why do we go through trials? How can we turn our trials into triumphs? Part 1 of 2... 02/11/2023

The Ten Virgins and Jesus’ Return, Pt. 2

The parable of the ten virgins describes the church just before Christ's second coming. Why does it ... 01/14/2023

The Ten Virgins and Jesus’ Return, Pt. 1

The parable of the ten virgins and Jesus' return is about people who are alive just before His secon... 01/07/2023

Face to Face

The Bible says that the purpose of the plan of salvation is to bring us into the presence of God. Th... 12/24/2022

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 3

This is the third part of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it applies to us... 12/17/2022

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 2

This is the second part of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it applies to u... 12/13/2022

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 1

This is the beginning of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it applies to us ... 12/06/2022

When Satan Goes to Church, Pt. 2

God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teach... 11/21/2022

When Satan Goes to Church, Pt. 1

God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teach... 11/14/2022

Missing the Most Expensive Wedding

A wedding is supposed to be a lasting covenant and our coming to Jesus is supposed to create a lasti... 11/08/2022

The Deadly Double-Ditch Where Christians Fall

Faith is crucial to salvation. Being a Christian involves both faith and works.... 10/22/2022

The Only Way To Be Saved

What is the only way to be saved?... 10/01/2022

What Is the Abomination of Desolation?

What Is the Abomination of Desolation?... 09/17/2022

The Parable of the Pharisee and Publican

The basic message of God is love. Our attitude shows our true heart. ... 09/10/2022

The Rewards and the Risks of Liberty

We have great privileges in the freedom that we enjoy. and should not take for granted.... 07/02/2022

Stories of Triumph: Body, Mind and Heart

Here is a look at several Bible stories that tell about trials, tragedy, and ultimately triumph.... 05/21/2022

When Glory Filled the House

The Bible defines Glory as the splendor, dignity, beauty, holiness and majesty of God.... 04/02/2022

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

Washing other's feet is a sacred act of humility.... 01/02/2022

How To Have Inner Peace

How can we have inner peace?... 12/18/2021

Love Is Greater

Our main life priorities should be to know the love of God, and to share the love of God.... 12/04/2021

Beggar at the Beautiful Gate

The story of the lame beggar who was healed at the Beautiful Gate tells us about the process of salv... 11/20/2021

How To Escape the Coming Plagues

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We are living in a momentous time. The world is enslaved but God is calling us to freedom. A time o... 10/02/2021

A Sacred Supper

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The Bible begins and ends with food. It is a very important part of life. Sharing a meal is pleasan... 09/25/2021

How Can You Know You Have Eternal Life?

How can we know if we will have eternal life?... 09/18/2021

Knowing the Lord

Knowing the Lord is the life and death issue for the Christian.... 09/04/2021

The Mystery of Mary, Mother of Jesus

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There are many myths about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Was she divine? Is it proper to call her the... 08/01/2021

Jesus' Triumphal Entry

The story of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem tells us about the plan of salvation and about Je... 07/24/2021

The Woman at the Well, Pt. 2

There is no life where there is no water. All life requires water. The living water that Jesus spo... 07/17/2021

The Woman at the Well, Pt. 1

There is no life where there is no water. All life requires water. The living water that Jesus spo... 07/03/2021

Living by Spiritual Priorities

The key to success in life is aligning your priorities appropriately. Our destiny depends on unders... 06/12/2021

Winning the War With the Flesh

It is possible for us to trade eternal life for the pleasures of sin here on earth. How can we win ... 06/05/2021

A Free Sacrifice? - 2021

Sacrifice is basic to the plan of salvation yet many people do not understand what a real sacrifice ... 05/29/2021

How To Build a House for God

How to build a house for God. The story of the Granite Bay Hilltop church.... 05/15/2021

High Time To Wake Up

Our salvation is near, but we might be sleeping spiritually. We need rest but when the Bible says ... 05/06/2021

If Jesus Is Coming Soon ... What's Taking So Long?

If Jesus Is Coming Soon ... What's Taking So Long?... 05/01/2021

How To Prevent Blessings From Becoming a Curse

There are many distractions in life that can have eternal consequences. When we are blessed with ma... 04/24/2021

The Words of Christ From the Cross

Everything in the last seven things Jesus said on the cross was calculated to tell us something abou... 03/27/2021

Judas Iscariot - Apostle of Infamy

This message talks about Judas Iscariot and his call, character, camouflage, covetousness, choice, c... 03/20/2021

Fishing for Men

How is evangelism like fishing?... 03/06/2021

Christian Enemy #1

Who is Christian Enemy #1?... 02/27/2021

Blind From Birth, Pt. 2

The emphasis of Jesus' miracles is that we might believe. Part 2 of 2... 02/13/2021

Blind From Birth, Pt. 1

The emphasis of Jesus' miracles that that we might believe. Part 1 of 2... 02/06/2021

The Secrets of Mountain-Moving Faith

You need to be living a life of prayer if you want to move mountains. Pastor Doug presents seven Bib... 01/16/2021

Signs, Wonders and Miracles in the Last Days

Signs, Wonders and Miracles In the Last Days... 12/05/2020

God Hears His People Cry

Jesus said in this life we will have tribulation. "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". We... 11/28/2020

The Faith of Disciples... or Devils

To be saved you must believe, but what kind of belief? What is real, saving faith?... 09/05/2020

Sanitizing the Sanctuary

Church isn't a building, God wants us to know Him and to share Him. He doesn't want us to have ritua... 05/23/2020

Storms That Save

Life storms come to everyone. We are saved through storms by God's grace. He has promised that He h... 05/02/2020

The Only Safe Shelter in the Last Days

God is our safe shelter in the last days. We don't have to be afraid. God loves us and He will welco... 03/28/2020

Plagues, Pestilence and Prophecy - Signs of the Times

As Christians we need to have both a practical and a biblical perspective on what is going on in the... 03/14/2020

An Epic Quest for Wisdom - The Queen of Sheba

How much are you willing to endure to see your King? How far are you willing to go?... 03/07/2020

Power in the Name of the Lord

We all have a name but the Bible tells us there is a name above every name. When you become a Chris... 02/22/2020

What Do You Miss When You Miss Church?

What do you miss when you miss church? Can we be saved if we don't attend church?... 02/01/2020

Should You Break a Promise to the Devil?

We are told to keep promises and vows, but what if you've made a big mistake when making that vow? G... 01/18/2020

Weapons in the Church

What weapons can we have in church? We trust the Lord but we must also be practical and protect eac... 01/04/2020

The Marvel of the Incarnation

God became a man to save humanity. There are some things we cannot understand, like the mystery of ... 12/21/2019

The Mysterious World of Angels

Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. They are God's 'ministering spirits' to guard, pr... 12/14/2019

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 2

What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 2... 11/23/2019

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 1

What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 1... 11/16/2019

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 3

Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 3 of 3... 11/02/2019

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 2

Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 2 of 3... 10/26/2019

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 1

Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 1 of 3... 10/20/2019

The Devil’s Deadliest Deception

There will be many people in Heaven with different views on how to live but what we cannot get wrong... 10/05/2019

The Cause and Cure for Discouragement

It's a fact of life that people grapple with discouragement, despair, and depression. There are man... 09/14/2019

Spiritual Warfare, Pt. 2

There is a very real war going on around us at all times. A war that cannot be fought with guns and ... 08/17/2019

Spiritual Warfare, Pt. 1

Do you know how to engage in spiritual warfare? What weapons do you use on an enemy that you can't ... 08/10/2019

Witness, Worship and Wardrobe

What should a Christian wear? Pastor Doug shares principles from the Bible on how to choose what is... 07/27/2019

Hearing the Voice of God

How do we know when God is speaking to us?... 07/13/2019

Saved from the Pit

There are many stories in the Bible about how God saved people from the pit. The Pit is also a symb... 06/29/2019

Is Sunday Really Sacred?

There are many differences in Christian church doctrines. Some are more important than others. If th... 06/08/2019

Seven Steps to Stronger Faith

Faith is essential in being saved. Do you have enough faith? Do you want more faith? ... 06/01/2019

Balaam, Prophet for Sale

Balaam's name appears over 60 times in the Bible. He is an interesting character with a somewhat tr... 05/18/2019

The Handwriting on the Wall

As the handwriting on the wall showed Daniel and Belshazzar what events were about to happen, the Bi... 05/11/2019

Fig Trees and Pharisees

We are judged by our "fruit" - by our actions.... 05/04/2019

The Most Neglected Rite

It is by humbling ourselves that we find peace.... 04/13/2019

The Famous Feast in Bethany

The final week of Jesus' life was launched with a feast in Bethany, and ended with a feast in the up... 04/06/2019

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 5 - Healing Prayer

One of the main reasons Jesus came to Earth was to heal. Healing is not only for physical problems ... 03/16/2019

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 4 - When and Why to Fast and Pray

When should we fast and pray, and why?... 03/09/2019

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 3 - Praying for Others

How should we pray for others?... 03/02/2019

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 2 - The Keys to Answered Prayer

What should be the priority of our prayers? Is there a key to getting the answers we want?... 02/23/2019

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 1 - Consistent Praying

What is prayer? How important is prayer? How do we pray?... 02/16/2019

Open Our Eyes

If we keep our eyes on Christ, He will keep us through temptation.... 02/10/2019

When Christians Believe the Devil, Pt. 2

Some people want to be Christians but they believe the wrong source. Part 2 of 2... 01/19/2019

When Christians Believe the Devil, Pt. 1

Some people want to be Christians but they believe the wrong source. Part 1 of 2... 01/12/2019

Building for Eternity

There are many stories in the Bible about building - not only homes and temples, but also building o... 12/29/2018

How to Live in the Last Days

How should we live in these last days before Jesus comes again?... 12/08/2018

How to Find Deliverance from Debt

How can we find deliverance from debt, and avoid debt to begin with? What do we owe to God?... 12/01/2018

Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree

Why does God make us love our families so much even though every family has an element of "baggage" ... 11/24/2018

Only Two Options

There are only two options about salvation. What will you do with your life? Every day we make cho... 11/03/2018

Saved by Salt

Jesus said we are the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. These are two ways to explain ... 10/20/2018

Thinking Ahead: Bad Servant - Good Example

How important is it for a believer to plan ahead and think about the future?... 09/29/2018

How to Be Lost in Seven Simple Steps

In the Bible are some sad stories that are there as warnings to help us avoid making those mistakes.... 09/22/2018

Coping Through Tough Times

If God loves us so much, why does He allow trials to come upon us?... 09/08/2018

Being Kingdom-Conscious

It is important to understand the nature of the kingdom of God. What does it mean to have membershi... 09/01/2018

Titanic - The Unsinkable Ship

God gives us warnings throughout life but we often are so bent on going our own way that we send Him... 08/18/2018

Surviving the Great Tribulation

How can you get through difficult times?... 08/11/2018

Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 2

Do we know that our Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the "actions" and forget abo... 07/14/2018

Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 1

Do we know that our Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the "actions" and forget abo... 07/07/2018

Can the Saved Be Lost?

Is once saved, always saved Biblical?... 06/30/2018

Can You Prove That God Exists?

Can we prove that God does exist?... 06/02/2018

The Good Samaritan

The story of the Good Samaritan not only tells us that we need to help others, it also shows us how... 04/03/2018

Changing Your Mind

The Gospel is about God putting a new mind in us.... 02/04/2018

The Prodigal Son

If a person strays away from God, can they come back?... 08/12/2017

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

How do we receive the Holy Spirit according to the Bible?... 07/09/2017

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

Some say that there is no Holy Spirit but the Bible says that there is. Who is He and why do we need... 07/02/2017

Changed by Beholding

We become like what we look at. When we focus on the Lord we become like Him.... 06/04/2017

The Word Became Flesh

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The One who created all things through words became human and came to Earth to live with us.... 12/11/2016

The Beauty of Sacrifice

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When we give to God, what matters most - the amount of money, or the percentage of our heart?... 11/27/2016

Thanks Means Giving

Sometimes God tells us to step out in faith before He sends our blessings and healing.... 11/19/2016

Stolen Treasure or Open Blessings

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Everything we have belongs to God. He has promised if we are faithful in paying tithe He will bles... 11/12/2016

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 3 - Critical Mass

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The third and final part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and... 10/29/2016

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 2 - From Mecca to Rome

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The second part of a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy... 10/22/2016

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry

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The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy ... 10/15/2016

Consider the Ants

There are many lessons we can learn from ants and how they work and live.... 09/25/2016

Many Members, One Body

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We are more powerful for Christ as we work together.... 09/18/2016

Should Christians Keep the Feast Days?

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Should Christians keep the Jewish feast days?... 09/04/2016

Deeper with God

How can we develop a deeper relationship with God?... 08/07/2016

Snubbing the Great Invitation

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How much did God give to make salvation available to us, and yet we turn away from Him. We have two... 07/03/2016

Shepherds That Follow a Lamb

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Who are the 144,000 mentioned in the Bible?... 06/26/2016

Lessons from the Book of Job, Pt. 2

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We may not know why we go through struggles and difficult times but we can know that God is with us ... 05/21/2016

Lessons from the Book of Job, Pt. 1

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The book of Job is very much a book for every people in every age. It talks about Heaven and Hell. I... 05/14/2016

The Great Judgment Day

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One day we will all stand before God and give an account of everything we have done in our lives. I... 04/10/2016

Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?

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Is it easier to be saved, or to be lost? God is on your side and wants you to be saved. If you com... 03/13/2016

Where Is the Temple of the Lord? Pt. 2

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Where is the temple of the Lord? Once we understand the themes of the temple, more of the Bible make... 03/05/2016

Where Is the Temple of the Lord? Pt. 1

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Where is the temple of the Lord? Once we understand the themes of the temple, more of the Bible make... 03/04/2016

Keys to the Kingdom - Forgiveness

In order for God's forgiveness to blossom in our life we must learn to forgive each other. Pastor D... 02/20/2016

If I Were Young Again

Pastor Doug Batchelor shares wisdom he has gained during his adventurous life.... 02/14/2016

How Perfect Should a Christian Be?

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How perfect must a Christian be? How much will God forgive? We need sincere repentance and truly c... 01/17/2016

Investing Our Talents

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What do we do while we wait for Jesus to return?... 01/03/2016

Opening Our Homes to Christ

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Are we inviting Christ into our homes and into our churches and developing a relationship with Him?... 12/13/2015

A Cold Confession

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When there are things in your life that are out of balance, whether it's substance abuse or an unhea... 12/06/2015

Holiness and Purity

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The ultimate purpose for our existence is to glorify God with our holiness. The real adventure of C... 11/29/2015

Seventh-Day Adventists - Facts and Fables

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What is a Seventh-day Adventist? What are the facts and what is fiction about Seventh-day Adventist... 11/22/2015

Help Wanted: Workers in the Vineyard

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Is God fair? Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. This program is about the fairness of God.... 10/25/2015

The Challenge of Self-Denial

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We are naturally selfish and must learn self-discipline to change the direction and focus of your li... 10/18/2015

Even at the Door - the USA and Rome in Prophecy

Prophecy is being fulfilled now. However, recognizing the fulfillment of prophecy will not save you... 09/27/2015

Together for Life, Pt. 2

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Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ... 09/20/2015

Together for Life, Pt. 1

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Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ... 09/13/2015

The Truth About Angels

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Every day we interact with angels - both good and bad angels. What are angels?... 08/16/2015

Courage, in the Face of Discouragement

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How to have courage in the face of discouragement. God promised He will never leave us.... 08/09/2015

A Mountain-Moving Faith

The devil uses the word "if" - it shows a lack of faith. With faith in God you can overcome the moun... 07/19/2015

Days of Noah and Lot

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We are now living in the days that Jesus compared to the days of Noah and Lot. When morality is ove... 06/28/2015

Evolution, Creation and Logic - 2015

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What evidence exists to prove the Biblical story of creation?... 06/21/2015

The Adventist Ordination Crisis, Pt. 2

Should women be ordained as pastors? This is a sensitive, important subject that can be divisive. W... 06/07/2015

The Adventist Ordination Crisis, Pt. 1

Should women be ordained as pastors? This is a sensitive, important subject that can be divisive. W... 05/31/2015

Pleading Our Poverty

Sometimes we have to reach the bottom before we realize how much we need God.... 05/10/2015

A River of Influence

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A Christian life, from birth to the end, should be a river of positive influence.... 05/02/2015

The World - A Love/ Hate Relationship

It is a challenge to be a Christian when the culture of the world is moving downward. Sharing God's... 02/08/2015

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer is as important to a Christian as breathing is for your body.... 01/18/2015

Beginning with the Bible, Pt. 2

The Bible has the answers to our most important questions - Part 2.... 01/11/2015

Beginning with the Bible, Pt. 1

The Bible has the answers to our most important questions. - Part 1... 01/04/2015

The Greatest Prophet

The courage and boldness that John the Baptist had is the same that God wants in our lives.... 12/07/2014

It's All About Time

Time is the stuff that life is made of - a theme that is found throughout the Bible.... 10/26/2014

Adjusting to the Darkness

Cultural pressure in our society is changing what Christians used to believe. We need to ask oursel... 10/19/2014

The Glory of God

The word "Glory" is found over 400 times in the Bible. Understanding glory is essential to understan... 10/05/2014

Learning From Eagles

There are around 34 references to eagles in the Bible. Pastor Doug covers 12 things we can learn fr... 09/21/2014

Cornelius - the First Christian Soldier

Chapter 10 of the book of Acts covers a kaleidoscope of Christian teaching in the story of the conve... 08/31/2014

The Rich Young Ruler

The story of the rich young ruler is found in each of the Gospels. It is the basic story of the Gos... 08/24/2014

Pharisee or Publican?

A central teaching in the Bible is that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who hum... 08/17/2014

Ruth - Reaping, Redemption and Rest

The book of Ruth is the story of redemption. It begins with wandering and poverty and ends with res... 08/03/2014

Storms at Sea

Many stories in the Bible are about people who were converted during storms at sea.... 07/20/2014

Suicide Missions

This message is about the attitude of soldiers who are willing to lay down their lives for a cause t... 07/13/2014

The Power of Words

Words are powerful for good or for bad. They have the power to build up and encourage or to tear do... 06/29/2014

Winning the Great Race

The Christian life is not a sprint - it is a marathon. We have been given a message of victory and t... 06/22/2014

Humble, and Proud of It!

Pride is often what causes the problems in relationships, at work, and even in church. Pride is the... 05/18/2014

Dealing with Delay

Does Jesus know the hour and the day of His second coming? Can we know when it is near?... 04/27/2014

Saved from the Horrible Pit

God can save us just like He saved Jonah, David, Joseph and Jeremiah by His blood and grace.... 04/06/2014

Thirsting for the Spirit

God wants to be wanted. He wants you to thirst for Him.... 03/23/2014

What Do You Think?

No earthly body is going to Heaven. The only thing that will go to Heaven is "who we are" - our min... 03/16/2014


What does the Bible teach about forgiveness? Does God really expect us to forgive those who have hu... 03/09/2014

A River of Life

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Jesus gives us living water. The Bible is like a river of life, and everything lives whenever His Wo... 01/19/2014

Abraham, Going by Faith

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Sometimes God calls us to go out and take a step of faith. The Bible tells us that God called Abrah... 12/29/2013

A Divine Dictionary in a Diaper

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The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us. The Son of God became a baby and lived among men. Why?... 12/22/2013

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 4

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Part four of Pastor Doug's series on Elijah who is an important character in the Bible. Elijah’s li... 12/15/2013

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 3

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Part three of Pastor Doug's series on Elijah who is an important character in the Bible. Elijah’s li... 11/24/2013

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 2

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Part two of Pastor Doug's series on Elijah who is an important character in the Bible. He went to H... 10/20/2013

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 1

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Elijah is an important character in the Bible. He went to Heaven in a fiery chariot, he appeared to... 10/06/2013

Going Deeper

Do you want to have a stronger, deeper relationship with God and have peace in your life?... 09/15/2013

It Is Finished

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God likes to finish what he starts. When Jesus said "It is Finished", before dying on the cross, He... 08/25/2013

Asking with Patience and Persistence

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God is more willing to answer your prayers than you are to pray them. Persist in asking, keep on see... 07/21/2013

Speaking the Truth in Love

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The ninth commandment is about telling the truth.... 06/16/2013

Honor Within the Family

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The fifth commandment is the foundation to the health and success of any culture because the family ... 05/12/2013

His Holy Name, Our Reverent Life

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What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? Is it bad to say things like 'OMG'?... 04/21/2013

New Pope - Old Prophecy

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These are fascinating times in the world. On a planet teeming with 7 billion people, a change in th... 03/17/2013

Worship Him Alone

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God did everything He could to emphasize that His law was for everyone. He didn't give the Ten Comma... 03/10/2013

Some Things Are Sacred

There is a risk in our day and age that we can lose appreciation for those things that God calls sac... 02/17/2013

Salt of the Earth

Christians should have a healing, preserving influence on others, to be the "salt of the earth".... 02/03/2013

God Chooses Ordinary People

God chooses ordinary people. Some of us may think the Lord can't use us. We may not know what our g... 01/13/2013

The Book of Life

We need to know how to get our names written in the Book of Life.... 01/06/2013

Where Was God?

When tragedy strikes people ask, "Where is God? Is He happy that this happened? Does He care?" Ho... 12/23/2012

The Family Tree

When Jesus was born into this world it showed that there is real hope for us to be part of God's fam... 12/16/2012

The Necessity of Saving Faith

We need to understand the importance of faith and the necessity of "Saving Faith".... 12/02/2012

Griping or Gratitude

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What is the purpose of life? "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." We live for the glory o... 11/25/2012

Sister Gaby's Spell

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Sister Gaby seemed like the ideal person to have around at first. But time revealed the detrimental... 11/04/2012

A Time for Every Purpose

Life is full of seasons. Being able to accept and embrace the cycles of life is very important.... 09/16/2012

How to Live a Long Life

Pastor Doug talks about how to live a long and healthy life. He goes thru a list of things that wil... 09/09/2012

Sabbath Disputes

The Sabbath is a subject that causes some dispute. There are a number of Christians and churches th... 08/26/2012

An Age of Honor

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One of the keys to living to an old age is to respect old age. God tells us that if we want our day... 08/05/2012

Signs of Real Revival

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God tells us in His Word that He can give us revival. The Lord wants us to give our lives to Him. H... 07/22/2012

2012 Doomsday Myths, Pagan Prophecies and the Bible

People struggle with "end of the world" fears. What does the Bible say about the end of the world?... 07/15/2012

Parable of the Talents

What is the lesson that Jesus is trying to convey in the parable of the talents? Is it relevant for... 07/01/2012

A Sabbath for the Senses

God made us with senses, and if we get too much sensory overload, we can crash spiritually. And so G... 06/17/2012

Dorcas - Full of Good Works

Dorcas spent all her free time trying to devise ways to bless others. That is what the Christian li... 06/09/2012

Jehu - Driven to Clean the Kingdom

There was a time in Israel's history where sin had infested the whole nation. God said He would sen... 05/27/2012

What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

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What is the unpardonable sin? Is there a point of no return in our lives? Can we silence the voice o... 04/29/2012

Roll away the Stone

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There are many different rocks in the Bible. Perhaps one of the most interesting stones was the one ... 04/08/2012

I Have Sinned - Vignettes of True and False Repentance

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This sermon looks at vignettes in the Bible portraying true and false portraits of repentance. Genu... 03/11/2012

The Centurion, a Faithful Soldier

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There are simple but powerful lessons in the story of Christ healing the servant of the centurion. I... 03/04/2012


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Pastor Batchelor looks at the concept of opportunity in the Bible. God sets before us open doors. We... 02/26/2012

Elisha: Open Our Eyes

This message deals with the fourth dimension of the spiritual realm. Angels are very real and all ar... 02/26/2012

Love Supreme

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What are your dreams? What is in your bucket list? What would you like to do before you die? The mos... 02/12/2012

Give Us Patience... and Hurry!

None of us is born with patience. We come into this world thinking about ourselves and have to learn... 02/05/2012

Mephibosheth : Hope for the Handicapped

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This sermon looks at a story of the grace of God in Scripture and how our entire status can be chang... 01/22/2012

Home From a Far Country

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Some people grow up in the church but haven't yet had a personal relationship with God.... 01/16/2012

Deadly Distractions

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What does the Bible mean when it speaks of the cares of this life?... 01/15/2012

Forgiving Friendly Fire

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Does God require complete forgiveness of people who have deeply hurt you? Is there ever a time when ... 01/14/2012

Praying for Discernment

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Solomon prayed that God would give him discernment. Discernment helps us to use knowledge wisely an... 01/08/2012

Star of Wonder

Who were the wisemen who traveled to see Jesus? How did they know that the star would lead them to ... 12/25/2011

Message to Laodicea - Rebuke and Remedy, Pt. 2

This is the second of a two-part series on the message to the church of Laodicea as spoken in Revela... 12/11/2011

Message to Laodicea - Rebuke and Remedy, Pt. 1

This is the first in a two part message on the church of Laodicea as spoken of in Revelation 3.... 12/04/2011

Jesus Saves... Leftovers

We are called to bring Jesus our best and not our leftovers.... 11/26/2011

Consider the Lilies

Jesus encouraged us to "consider the lilies." God not only designed and loves beautiful things of n... 11/13/2011

Ghosts and Spooky Spirits

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Should we be fearful of things that go 'bump in the night'? Are ghosts real? Does the Bible have a... 10/09/2011


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Our God is all-powerful, but there are both good and powers at work in our world today. Which power... 10/02/2011

Mary Magdalene - Perfume, Tears and Kisses

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The story of Mary Magdalene. They who are forgiven much, love much. There are two stories in the B... 09/25/2011

The Devil's Propaganda

This program explores the devil's propaganda and the great controversy between good and evil and the... 08/27/2011

Abraham, Going with God

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All of us are being invited to take risks when we go for God, but we don't have to be afraid because... 08/14/2011

Miracle of Nain

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The Lord knows how we feel and has compassion on us. He can give us a better life now, and joy and ... 07/31/2011

Sons and Daughters of God

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Who are the sons and daughters of God in Genesis 6? Join Pastor Doug Batchelor as he uncovers the re... 07/17/2011

Keeping Rank

Is it important for the church to "keep rank" and hold together? The devil tries to divide God's pe... 07/09/2011

Liberty to Serve

How much do you value your liberty, how precious is it to you? Throughout the Bible one of God's pri... 07/03/2011

God's Ultimate Doomsday Shelter

God promises to shelter us if we obey Him.... 06/12/2011

A Storm Shelter

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People are looking for a safe place to hide as we see natural disasters increasing. The Bible teache... 06/12/2011

The Pool of Bethesda

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God wants to answer our prayers. He already knows what we need but wants us to identify our needs a... 06/04/2011

The Providence of God - What are the Chances?

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God's providence gives us evidence for His love and care of people. Have you noticed God's divine gu... 05/29/2011

A Lost Sheep

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The sermon focuses on the parable of the lost sheep. Like sheep who wander, people wander from God. ... 04/10/2011

Weathering a Storm, Pt. 2

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The second of a two part series on weathering storms. This is the last part of the story of Paul's t... 04/03/2011

Weathering a Storm, Pt. 1

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The first of a two part series on weathering storms. Everyone will experience storms. What's importa... 03/27/2011

Life in Death Valley

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This prophecy of Ezekiel is on the valley of dry bones. There are several messages in this prophecy ... 03/13/2011

Soldiers and Suicide Missions

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The Bible shares many stories of battles in Scripture where God's cause looked hopeless, but the Lor... 02/20/2011

Pride Before a Fall

This sermon speaks of pride and how it is the opposite of the character of God which is based in hum... 02/05/2011

Setting Dates for Christ's Return

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People over the years have predicted the exact date of Christ's second coming and have obviously fai... 01/09/2011

God with Us

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A message about Christ's first coming and how God came into our world as a baby. Sin separates us. J... 12/26/2010

The Essential Ingredients for Revival

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In this sermon on the essential ingredients of revival we learn youth are often involved. Key to rev... 12/05/2010

Who Are the Seventh-Day Adventists?

This sermon speaks about who are the Seventh-day Adventists. First of all, they believe the Bible. T... 10/30/2010

Am I a Pharisee or Publican?

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The parable of the Pharisee and Publican teaches us that God looks up to those who bow down in humil... 10/24/2010

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 7

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The seventh in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation.... 10/03/2010

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 6

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The sixth in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. This sermon focuses on Revelation 17... 09/26/2010

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 5

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The fifth in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. The focus of this sermon is on Revel... 09/19/2010

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 4

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The fourth in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. This sermon focuses on Revelation 1... 09/05/2010

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 3

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The third in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. God's people are sealed before the f... 08/22/2010

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 2

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The second in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. The focus is on chapters 4-6 which ... 08/08/2010

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 1

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The first in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation with a focus in this sermon on an int... 08/01/2010

The Wheat and the Weeds

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This sermon focuses on the Parable of the Wheat and Tares. The children of Israel believed the Messi... 07/11/2010


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In order to have a good foundation you need to go deep. That's true of your life and true of the chu... 07/04/2010

The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel

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There is a danger of the gospel being diluted. We can assume we are getting real medicine when in fa... 06/20/2010

The Positive Side of Suffering

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What does the Bible say about suffering? Sometimes God allows suffering to help us recognize our dep... 06/13/2010

The Invisible World

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The story of Elisha and his servant whose eyes were opened to see God's army all around their little... 05/23/2010

The Purpose of Pentecost

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This sermon focuses on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early church 50 days after Pentecost... 04/25/2010

A Dedicated Soldier

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Jesus wants to make us victorious soldiers for His cause. This story of David's sin teaches us about... 04/18/2010

Signs and Wonders

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How do Christians relate to miracles? Signs can be all around us and we don't notice them. But we ca... 04/11/2010


Perseverance can have incredible results.... 04/03/2010


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The Scripture share that there are many stories in the Bible that speak about mountains. The most fa... 03/21/2010

Other Sheep

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Pastor Batchelor shares reflections on his experience of attending the Religious Broadcasters Conven... 03/07/2010

Discipleship, Drifting, and Desertion

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What made so many, in John 6, decide to not follow Jesus? When we decide to no longer to follow Jesu... 02/21/2010

Amazing Health Secrets: Eight Bible Principles for a Longer Life, Pt. 2

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God has provided us natural means to stay in optimal health. In this second of two sermons, Pastor D... 01/31/2010

Amazing Health Secrets: Eight Bible Principles for a Longer Life, Pt. 1

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The Bible provides answers to the healthcare crisis in America by providing simple lifestyle remedie... 01/24/2010

New Mercies and Power

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This sermon focuses on God's mercy toward us. We want God's mercy, but also power to live a new life... 01/03/2010

The Glory of Giving

This sermon focuses on stewardship and the importance of giving. We are naturally selfish and greedy... 12/20/2009

Hunger and Thirst

God wants us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. We are promised that the Lord will fill us when... 12/13/2009

More Praise in Your Days

This sermon speaks of praise in the Scriptures. Praise is spoken throughout the Bible. Praise encour... 11/29/2009

Adjusting to Darkness

Jesus is the light of the world. He illumines us through the Word and we are to walk in the light gi... 11/22/2009

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 6

The sixth and last in a series on types of Christ found throughout all the Bible. This sermon focuse... 10/18/2009

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 5

The fifth in a series on types of Christ found throughout Scripture. This sermon draws parallels bet... 09/27/2009

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 4

The fourth in a series on types of Christ throughout the Bible. This message shows parallels between... 09/13/2009

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 3

The third in a series on types of Jesus found throughout the Bible in different characters. Christ w... 08/23/2009

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 2

The second in a series on the types of Christ found throughout Scripture in Bible characters. This s... 08/16/2009

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 1

First in a series on the types of Christ symbolized throughout the Bible. Beginning with Adam and go... 08/02/2009

When All the World Wonders

'And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he ... 07/26/2009

Proven Secrets For a Healthy Marriage

What are the secrets of a happy marriage? Divorce is rampant. Reasons for divorce are financial, cul... 07/05/2009

The Prodigal Son, Pt. 2

The second of a two part series on the prodigal son. This sermon focuses on the lost boy who doesn't... 06/28/2009

The Prodigal Son, Pt.1

The first of a two part series on the parable of the prodigal son. It teaches that salvation is avai... 06/14/2009

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

The focus of this sermon is the story of the Rich Young Ruler found in three gospels. He was a good ... 06/07/2009

The 7,000 Year Pattern

The topic of this presentation is "The 7,000 Year Pattern." Seven represents a complete cycle in the... 04/19/2009

The Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives was a significant place. It was a place where Jesus enjoyed to spend time. He re... 04/12/2009

Blessed is the Man

The scripture sermon focuses on Psalm 1. It simply lays out the path of life and death, the way of t... 03/29/2009

Is There Life on Other Worlds?

This sermon asks, "Is there life on other planets?" Pastor Doug speaks about the vastness of space a... 03/15/2009

Defeating Demons, Devils, and Evil Spirits

What is the best way to say 'Satan Get Lost!'? What does the Bible say about evil spirits? Are ther... 03/01/2009

Adjusting Your Trusting

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Trust in God with all your heart. When we trust the things of this world we will be let down. Our fa... 02/22/2009

The Battle of Armageddon

The topic of this sermon is the battle of Armageddon spoken of in Revelation 16. It happens in the c... 02/21/2009

Secure in the Midst of a Storm

God promises that we can be secure, even in the midst of the storms in our lives. Paul experience of... 02/08/2009

God Said It, I Believe it!

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God's promises never fail. This sermon encourages us to trust in God's word. Everything the Lord pro... 01/25/2009

Solomon Part 5: The Worlds Wisest Fool

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The last in a five part series on the life of Solomon. We learn that even if we are blessed with eve... 01/18/2009

Solomon Part 4: The Queen of Sheba

The fourth in a five part series on the life of Solomon. This sermon focuses on the visit of the Que... 12/28/2008

Solomon Part 3: The Zenith of the Kingdom

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This is the third in a five part series on the life of Solomon. This sermon focuses on the highest p... 12/07/2008

Solomon Part 2: The Wisdom of Solomon

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The second in a five part series on the life of Solomon. This sermon focuses on the wisdom of Solomo... 11/23/2008

Solomon Part 1: The Son of David

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The first of a five part series on the life of Solomon. He was born into a scandalous situation. But... 11/09/2008

The Anointed

This sermon speaks about anointing in the Scriptures with a special focus on Jesus Christ, the anoin... 10/26/2008

Jesus and the Sea

This sermon focuses on Jesus' two experiences on the sea in a boat. When we follow God, we will cros... 10/05/2008

Understanding Tongues

This sermon deals with the topic of speaking in tongues. What does the Bible say about tongues? A pr... 09/07/2008

Freedom and Liberty

What is liberty and freedom. Real liberty means obedience. Our freedoms in our constitution are bein... 07/06/2008

Surviving an Economic Crisis

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How do you survive an economic crisis? Remember the poor. Plan carefully and work hard. Keep divine ... 06/15/2008

The Handwriting on the Wall in Babylon

This sermon covers the story of Belshazzar's feast and the handwriting on the wall spoken of in Dani... 06/08/2008

In the Lion's Den

If someone threatened to throw you into a den of hungry lions if you didn't do what they said, would... 05/25/2008

Determining the Will of God

How do we determine the will of God in our lives? Some things are clear, such as our salvation. Thou... 05/11/2008

Secret Things

The Bible has much to say about secrets. There are things that should remain secret. There are no se... 05/04/2008

The Last Little Big Horn

A recent papal visit to the United States adds more validity to the prophetic words of Daniel and R... 04/20/2008

Divided or United

The devil’s strategy in attacking God’s people over the course of history has been to use division. ... 04/06/2008

Something from Nothing

Where did we come from? How did we get something from nothing? All the evidence we see indicates the... 03/23/2008

The Necessity of Hospitality

The subject of this sermon is on hospitality. The spirit of hospitality is necessary in the Christia... 03/16/2008

A Faith That Really Works

Salvation comes by faith alone, but a true faith results in the fruit of obedience and good works. D... 02/24/2008

The Essence of the Gospel

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This message teaches people the essence of the gospel and how to do a gospel presentation. He answer... 02/10/2008

Nicodemus, Part 3: Whosoever Believeth

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What is the significance of Jesus' interview with Nicodemus and what does it mean for us as Christia... 01/20/2008

Nicodemus, Part 2: Looking for Life

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Nicodemus was told by Jesus he needed to be born again. God invites us to be made new. That begins w... 01/13/2008

Nicodemus, Part 1: Born Again

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This is the story of Nicodemus, a very wealthy man and a great teacher in Israel. Jesus exploded his... 01/06/2008

Good Reasons for Giving

Gift giving ought to be a joyful act of worship. There are good reasons for giving. People have need... 12/23/2007

There's Something about Babies

There is something about babies, even in the Bible. What does the Bible say about babies? We can lea... 12/16/2007

A Portrait of Mary: Mother of Jesus

What does the Bible say about Jesus' mother? What is the Immaculate Conception? Do we need to pray t... 12/09/2007

The Two Great Motives

The two great motives in Scripture are found in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The ... 11/25/2007

The Why, How and When of Thanks

This is a Thanksgiving sermon on being thankful. There is a connection between holiness and thankful... 11/18/2007

Where is Micaiah?

This sermon deals with the story of Jehoshaphat making an alliance with Ahab and calling in Micaiah ... 10/21/2007

The Prince and The Paupers

The essence of salvation is Jesus trading places with us. Using Mark Twain's story as a launching po... 09/22/2007

The Discipline of Discipleship, Pt. 2

The second of a two-part series on discipline and discipleship. Jesus calls us to have order and sel... 09/02/2007

The Discipline of Discipleship, Pt. 1

Jesus calls us to go into all the world to make disciples. What does it mean to be a disciple? It ha... 08/26/2007

The Many Faces of Idolatry

This sermon focuses on the second commandment on worshiping idols. Idolatry covers anything that mea... 08/12/2007

Victorious Overcomers

God wants us to be overcomers. The Lord does not want us to be overcome, but to have victory. We hav... 07/29/2007

Pride and Humility

Do you struggle with pride? Do you wish at times that you were more humble? What does the Bible say ... 07/08/2007

Two Roads, One Choice

We have two roads we can take, bondage or freedom. We have only one choice. The focus of this sermon... 07/01/2007

More Than Gold

Gold, the most precious metal on earth, is spoken of often in the Scriptures. Gold represents our sa... 06/24/2007

Confusion in the Cemetery

There is confusion in the world about what happens when people die. What does the Bible say about th... 05/27/2007

Consider the Ant

The Bible encourages us to consider ants and learn from them. Ants are diligent workers. They are ve... 05/20/2007

Hannah: A Mother's Sacrifice

The program @row.entityTitle is closed captioned
This sermon focuses on Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. We see spiritual lessons in this st... 05/13/2007

The Abiding Vine

This sermon focuses on Jesus' reference to Himself, "I am the true vine" in John 15. The word "abide... 04/22/2007

The Kingdom of Heaven

There is a revolution simmering in this world. Many people are longing for a new regime. John the Ba... 04/15/2007

A Free Sacrifice - 2007

True giving to God is sacrificial. It is shown in our tithe and offerings, but springs from a heart ... 04/08/2007

Joshua Part 6: Claiming the Promised Land

This is the last in a series of six sermons on the life of Joshua. The miracle of the sun standing s... 03/25/2007

Joshua Part 5: The Gibeonites

The fifth in a six part series on the life of Joshua. This sermon focuses on the renewal of the cove... 03/18/2007

Joshua Part 4: Troublemakers

This is the fourth in a series of six sermons on the life of Joshua. This sermon focuses on the diso... 03/04/2007

Joshua Part 3: Covenant and Conquest

The third in a six part series on the life of Joshua. The experience of Israel in crossing Jordan an... 02/25/2007

Joshua Part 2: From Jordan to Jericho

The second in a six part series on Joshua. Here we move into the transition from Moses' leadership t... 02/11/2007

Joshua Part 1: A Courageous Heart

The first in a six part series on the life of Joshua. He is a great character for us to study for he... 02/04/2007

The Character of Christ

The theme of this message is the character of God. Moses had a yearning to know God more fully. God'... 01/14/2007

The Care and Feeding of Your Conscience

The message covers your conscience, what it is, why God gave us a conscience, and how to care for it... 01/07/2007

The Gospel of Esther

The theme of this study is the gospel of Esther. When you read this book, you can see the gospel and... 10/28/2006

Things New and Old

The message is on things old and new. Jesus said of Scribes that they may bring out of the Word of G... 10/14/2006

Joab: A Fallen Hero

This is on the life of Joab, a fallen hero. Joab was one of the greatest generals in Israel's histor... 10/07/2006

Inspired By the Glory of God

What is the glory of God? This sermon looks at Revelation 14 and the first angel's message which say... 10/01/2006

Many Crowns

What is the significance of crowns in Scripture?... 09/10/2006

The Days of Noah and Lot

This sermon considers the days of Noah and Lot, as referenced by Jesus. Perilous times will come, bu... 09/02/2006

The Woman of Shunem

This sermon tells the story of the Shunammite woman and how Elisha raised her son from the dead. We ... 08/26/2006

Assurance or Deadly Presumption

This sermon focuses on the issue of whether you can have assurance that you are saved. Can you ever ... 08/12/2006


We need to be watchful prophetically during these last days. There are many Bible references for us ... 07/29/2006

The Mystery of Israel

What is the role of Israel today? It is constantly in the headlines and still considered to be a hol... 07/15/2006

Mephibosheth: Broken People

This sermon speaks of broken people with a focus on the Bible character Mephibosheth. We are all lik... 07/01/2006

Days of Destiny, Part 6: Parting Words

This is the last of a six part series on the high points of Jesus' last days on earth. This sermon c... 06/17/2006

Days of Destiny, Part 5: Resurrection

The fifth in a six part series on the high points of Jesus' life. This sermon focuses on the burial ... 05/27/2006

Days of Destiny, Part 4: Calvary

The fourth of a six part series on the high points in the life of Christ. This sermon focuses on the... 05/13/2006

Respecting Life

This sermon focuses on the 6th commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." This command, like all of them, c... 05/06/2006

Days of Destiny, Part 3: Accused and Abused

The third in a six part series on the final scenes of Christ's life on earth. This begins with the b... 04/29/2006

Days of Destiny, Part 2: Gethsemane

This is the second of a six part series on the high points of Jesus' life. This sermon focuses on Ge... 04/22/2006

Days of Destiny, Part 1: The Last Supper

The first in a six part series that focus on the greatest days of Jesus' life. This message focuses ... 04/15/2006

How Did Jesus Pray?

How did Jesus pray? Christ felt the need of prayer. When Jesus prayed He glowed. It drew the discipl... 04/14/2006

The Purpose of Prophecy

What is the purpose for prophecy? There is confusion on why there is prophecy. Is it possible to kno... 02/11/2006

Compromise and Conformity

The devil is constantly working to make Christians make compromises on truth and principles.... 02/04/2006

The Bible Part Two: Rediscovering the Word

The second in a two part series on the Bible. Rediscovering the Word is about appreciating the Bible... 01/08/2006

The Bible Part One: The Ultimate Resource

The first in a two part series on the Bible, the ultimate resource where Christians get their power ... 01/01/2006

The Christian and Christmas

The topic of this sermon is the Christian and Christmas. It's been a political flashpoint. There ten... 12/18/2005

When to Leave the Cities

This sermon deals with the topic of when it would be wise for Christians to leave the cities. Countr... 12/03/2005

What a Blessing!

We have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes we miss out on blessings right in front of us, unclaim... 11/27/2005

The New Covenant: A Better Promise

This sermon focuses on the biblical term "covenant". There are many covenants throughout Scriptures.... 11/20/2005

John the Baptist Part 2: A Voice in the Wilderness

The second in a two part series on the life of John the Baptist. Many parallels between the life of ... 10/30/2005

John the Baptist Part 1: Spirit and Power of Elijah

The first of a two part series on John the Baptist, known by Jesus as the greatest prophet in all th... 10/23/2005

When You Fast

Pastor Batchelor deals with the Bible subject of fasting. Jesus had much to say about fasting and ex... 10/09/2005

Music and the Christian, Pt. 2

The second of a two part series on music and the Christian. Our music can be a witness to others. Th... 09/18/2005

Music and the Christian, Pt. 1

Music and the Christian is a sermon a controversial topic. There is power in music that kind drive a... 09/11/2005

Predestination, Free Will and Security

This sermon deals with the topic of salvation, predestination, and freewill. Does salvation truly sa... 09/04/2005

Cleansing the Temple

Jesus cleansed the earthly sanctuary twice in His ministry. He eventually left their house desolate.... 08/28/2005

Why Follow Jesus

Why follow Jesus? Everyone follows someone. If you are not following Christ, you are walking away fr... 08/14/2005

The Ten Virgins

This sermon unpacks the parable of the ten virgins and a wedding. The bride represents the church. T... 08/06/2005

The Unpardonable Sin: Part 2

The second of a two part series on the unpardonable sin. Some lose hope because they feel they canno... 07/24/2005

The Unpardonable Sin: Part 1

The topic of the unpardonable sin has good news and bad news. Since the Holy Spirit is the agency by... 07/17/2005

Squeaky Clean

The Bible teaches that God wants to cleanse us from sin. There are several ways this is described su... 06/26/2005

Nehemiah Part 2: Trouble and Rubble

Nehemiah is a type of Christ in the Bible. He was sent from a king in the interest of his people, ju... 06/12/2005

Nehemiah Part 1: Leaving the Palace

The story of Nehemiah teaches us about God’s protection and plans for His people. Nehemiah came back... 06/05/2005

Evolution, Creation, and Logic - 2005

Creation is a logical conclusion for our existence. Evolution is a religion that does not give satis... 05/29/2005

The Great Final Judgment Day

The focus of this sermon is on the great judgment day. It is coming. We all will face the judgment s... 05/15/2005

Lazarus Come Forth

Here is the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It is not only the story of God's power but... 05/01/2005

Balaam: Part 2

The story of Balaam following a covetous heart teaches us how God protects His people against evil. ... 04/17/2005

Balaam: Part 1

Balaam was paid by the king of Moab to curse the Israelites. His life of covetousness is a warning t... 04/10/2005

The Power of Praise

The Bible story of Israel repelling an attack with a choir singing to God teaches us the power of pr... 02/27/2005

No Turning Back

There are times in our Christian life in which we should never turn back. There are bridges to burn,... 02/20/2005

Are You Converted?

As Christians we should examine ourselves and see whether we are genuinely converted. Conversion is ... 02/06/2005


The story of Namaan teaches us that sin, like leprosy, separates us from God. The Jordan River is a ... 01/30/2005

Extravagant Giving

Extravagant giving to God was demonstrated in the Bible when Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus with expe... 01/16/2005

How Much Time Do We Have?

This sermon focuses on time and how we relate to it as a Christian. It speaks of the time of the end... 01/02/2005

The Power of the Cross

What is the position, purpose and the power of the cross? Can it be applied to our lives today?... 10/17/2004

God in Government

How are Christians to relate to politics, elections, and the government? The perfect government is t... 10/10/2004

Candid Camera

God sees all. Nothing is hidden from the Lord. We become too concerned about what people see and not... 10/03/2004

The Power of Little Things

The topic for this sermon is the power of little things. The Bible speaks of the power of little thi... 08/22/2004

Not Very Far

God is not far from each one of us. We don't realize how close God's kingdom is. Jesus told a scribe... 08/15/2004

The Upper Room

This sermon gives you a tour of "upper rooms" in the Bible. There is a pattern in the Scriptures of ... 07/18/2004

The Great Shaking

This sermon begins with a parable of traveling down rapids in rafts which illustrates that prior to ... 07/04/2004

The Beautiful Gate

We look at the story of Peter healing a lame man after Pentecost at the gate called Beautiful. The s... 06/27/2004

Abraham, Pt. 12: Finding the Right Bride

The last in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on the search for a bride f... 05/30/2004

Abraham, Pt. 11: Mourning a Loss

The eleventh in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. In this sermon we look at the death of Sara... 05/23/2004

Abraham, Pt. 10: The Ultimate Test

This is the tenth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on the ultimate te... 05/09/2004

Abraham, Pt. 9: Right Relationships

The ninth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. Here we look at Abraham's relationship with Ab... 04/18/2004

Abraham, Pt. 8: Entertain and Intercede

This is part 8 of a sermon series on Abraham and deals with Genesis 18 and 19. The topic is on hospi... 04/04/2004

Abraham, Pt. 7: A New Name

The seventh in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. When God cleanses us from sin, we are by fai... 03/28/2004

Abraham, Pt. 6: The Surrogate Son

This is the sixth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Hagar and Ishma... 03/14/2004

Abraham, Pt. 5: Righteous by Faith

This is the fifth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon reminds us that just as Ab... 03/07/2004

Abraham, Pt. 4: Rescue and Reward

The fourth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. His experiences are a miniature story of what... 02/29/2004

Abraham, Pt. 3: Riches and Strife

The third in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Abraham's wealth and th... 02/22/2004

Abraham, Pt. 2: My Sister, My Spouse

This is the second of a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Abraham's expe... 02/08/2004

Abraham, Pt. 1: Going by Faith

This is the first in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. He is a prime example of giving up all... 02/01/2004

Who Do You Think You Are? - 2004

"Who do you think you are?" is the topic of this sermon. Many people do not know the answer to this ... 01/18/2004

Renewing Our Vows

Just as it is good to occasionally renew our marriage vows, so those who have committed their lives ... 01/04/2004

The Primary Players

This story is about the primary players in the great cosmic conflict between good and evil. There ar... 12/21/2003

Life is Not Fair, but God is Good

This sermon deals with the issue of life not being fair. Yet, we find that no matter what we see, we... 12/14/2003

Appreciating God

Leprosy is likened to sin the Bible. The story of Jesus cleansing ten lepers teaches us to act in fa... 11/30/2003

John the Baptist: The Greatest Prophet

This study is on John the Baptist, who Jesus called the greatest prophet. He was a prophet of destin... 11/23/2003

How to Keep the Sabbath, Pt 2: Holiday or Holy Day

The second of a two part series on how to keep the Sabbath. The purpose of the Sabbath is for worshi... 11/02/2003

How to Keep the Sabbath, Pt 1: Laboring to Rest

The first of a two part series on how to keep the Sabbath. The devil seeks to erode our convictions ... 10/26/2003

The Promises of God

This sermon focuses on the incredible value we have in the promises God has given us in His word. We... 10/05/2003

What is the Gospel?

This sermon answers the question, "What is the gospel?" The purpose of the church is to know and sha... 09/21/2003

Temper Tirades

This sermon is about anger. For a Christian it is very costly to lose your temper. Anger is not all ... 09/14/2003

Gideon, Part 2: A Few Good Men

The second in a two part series on the life of Gideon, a simple man called by God to lead a small ar... 08/24/2003

Gideon, Part 1: Calling the Courageous

This sermon on Gideon is called "The Calling of the Courageous." Israel did not stay faithful to the... 08/17/2003

Judas Iscariot: Misguided Motives

Judas was a disciple loved by Christ who had misguided motives. He had a yearning for Jesus but also... 08/03/2003

Bless Your Heart

This sermon is on the Beatitudes given by Jesus in the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5. Blessings d... 07/13/2003

Precious Memories

We can sometimes have a hard time remembering things. God wants us never to forget Him. Not remember... 07/06/2003

Seventh-day Adventist: Christian or Cult?

Are Seventh-day Adventists Christians or are they a cult? It's important to look at the foundational... 06/07/2003

Comprehending God and Other Divine Issues Pt. 2

The second of a two-part series on comprehending God. The term "son of God" emphasizes a deep relati... 05/24/2003

Comprehending God, Understanding the Trinity Pt. 1

The subject deals with seeking to understand God, His nature, and the trinity. It is a vast subject ... 05/17/2003

Jesus and the Children

What does Jesus think of children? He rebuked His disciples for stopping children from coming to Him... 05/10/2003

Iraq and Babylon in Prophecy

Many Bible prophecies about the Middle East, including Babylon, sound like they are literally being ... 04/12/2003

Does God Believe in War?

Does God believe in war? What does the Bible say about war? The Bible predicts there will be wars an... 04/05/2003

Bound in the Abyss

This sermon focuses on the Bible's teaching on the Millennium with a special focus on Revelation 20.... 03/15/2003

Saved from Sin

Jesus wants to save us from sin. Salvation is a theme throughout all the Bible. There is a battle be... 03/08/2003

Giant Faith - A Bible Story

This sermon speaks of Israel's story of being on the edge of the land of Canaan and turning back. Jo... 02/15/2003

The Joy of the Lord

This sermon focuses on a passage in Nehemiah 8 that teaches us there is a connection between holines... 02/01/2003

Jonah: Incredible Influence

This is on the Bible story of the life and calling of Jonah whose life had an influence on those aro... 01/25/2003

A Portrait of Andrew

Every Christian can lead someone to Christ. Andrew the disciple of Jesus was willing to follow Jesus... 01/11/2003

Lessons from the First Coming

This sermon is on lessons we can learn from the first coming of Jesus. The genealogy of Christ shows... 12/21/2002

Rags, Mold and Patches

This sermon discusses the treaty Joshua made with the Gibeonites who deceived them. They were not to... 12/07/2002

The Great Wedding Feast

Jesus illustrates the essence of the gospel in parables of weddings. The stories teaches us the gosp... 10/19/2002

A Homebase and Hiding Place

Many stories in the Scriptures speak of the desire of people wanting to go back home. This earth is ... 10/12/2002

Be Like Jesus

We come to Christ just as we are, but by following Jesus we become like Him. His qualities will beco... 10/05/2002

A Stone Rejected

This sermon discusses the usage of the illustration of a rock to represent Jesus Christ and the Word... 09/07/2002

Never Alone

The story of the man who was healed by the pool of Bethesda teaches us that when it seems we are alo... 08/31/2002

Holy Spirit, Part 3: The Gift

The third in a three part series on the Holy Spirit. This sermon speaks about how we are to use the ... 07/20/2002

Holy Spirit, Part 2: The Filling

The second of a three part series on the Holy Spirit. This sermon teaches on the filling of the Spir... 06/22/2002

Holy Spirit, Part 1: The Necessity

The Bible teaches about a triune God of which the Holy Spirit, a person of the Godhead. The Bible be... 06/15/2002

The Bread of Life

The story of Jesus feeding a multitude teaches us that Christ is the true bread of life who alone ca... 06/01/2002

The Dynamic Christian

The dynamic Christian is continually making progress in growing in Jesus. Christ was dynamic in mini... 05/25/2002

The Great Temptation

This sermon speaks about the great temptation of Jesus after His baptism. Christ began His ministry ... 05/11/2002


This sermon covers the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19. This much hated man who was rich at the people'... 04/27/2002

The Glorious Mount

This sermon speaks of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Moses (who represents the law) and Elij... 04/06/2002

Jesus in the Feast Days

The subject is Jesus in the Jewish Feasts. The feasts in Leviticus 23 represent the life and work of... 03/16/2002

At Home in the Presence of the Lord

This sermon discusses the Bible's teaching on the presence of the Lord.... 02/23/2002

Reviving a Remnant

The Bible has a lot to say about God saving a remnant. This represents a small, surviving group of p... 02/09/2002

Spirit Led: Philip and the Ethiopian

This sermon is about being "spirit-led" and looks at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian treasurer... 01/26/2002

Selling Salvation

Each of us is a minister of the gospel and as such we need to make a very distinct separation betwee... 01/12/2002

The Power of Plodding

The Christian life is not so much a sprint as a marathon. It is not always a mountaintop experience,... 01/06/2002

Giving the Greatest Gift

The greatest gift ever given was Jesus Christ laying down His life for us. This sermon focuses on th... 12/22/2001

The Good Shepherd

It was no accident that God revealed the birth of Christ to shepherds. Just as these shepherds who h... 12/08/2001

Please Pass the Salt

This sermon is on the concept of being the salt of the earth. Salt has a flavoring influence and a p... 12/06/2001

What is Truth?

This sermon focuses on the story of Pilate asking Jesus at His trial, "What is truth?" Is it based o... 12/01/2001

Count Your Blessings

We must learn to be thankful for what we have and not focus on what we do not have. In whatever situ... 11/24/2001

The Keys of the Kingdom (A Mighty Rock)

This sermon delves into the deep teaching of Jesus to His disciples explaining who He is and what Hi... 11/03/2001

Elisha: Vessels in the House

This sermon is on Elisha and the widow's oil. Elisha, in this story, is a symbol of Jesus. The widow... 10/20/2001

Learning from the Eagles

This sermon focuses on lessons we can learn from eagles in the Bible. God has characteristics simila... 09/29/2001

Innocent Blood

Why would God allow so many people innocent suffer? The Bible has much to say about innocence and in... 09/22/2001

When Tribulation Comes

In light of the terrorist attack on the U.S. in September of 2001 our country is experiencing tribul... 09/15/2001


There are many references in Scripture to centurions. Many were faithful and some were open to Jesus... 09/01/2001

The God of Peace

This sermon is on the God of peace and looks at Jesus' miracle of calming a storm on the sea. The Bi... 08/18/2001

Genesis History (Noah): Through the Storm

This sermon speaks of Noah's ark and experience of the flood depicts the story of salvation. Histori... 07/29/2001

Genesis History (Noah): An Ark of Salvation

This study focuses on Noah and the ark of salvation in Genesis 6 and 7. We can know Noah and the flo... 07/15/2001

Genesis History (Cain): Walking Separately

This sermon on Cain in Genesis 4 speaks of him "going out" and building a city. He turned his back o... 07/08/2001

Genesis History (Cain and Abel): The First Family Feud

In this series on Genesis we look at the issue of the first family feud. Many people quit going to c... 06/24/2001

Genesis History (Adam and Eve): The Entrance of Shame and Blame

This sermon is on a pivotal chapter in Genesis (chapter 3) on sin and suffering. Here is the beginni... 06/17/2001

Mercy at the Bottom

We often get the best glimpse of God when we are at the bottom, in difficult situations. The stories... 05/26/2001

A Dying Man's Last Words

The seven last statements made by Jesus when dying on the cross and their practical application to o... 04/14/2001

Early in the Morning

This sermon focuses on the resurrection of Christ with a particular focus on the time of day Jesus--... 04/07/2001

Genesis History (Adam and Eve): A Honeymoon in Paradise

This study on Genesis focuses on the time between the creation of the Sabbath and the entrance of si... 03/18/2001

Genesis History: The Sabbath - Question, Objections, Arguments and Answers

This study of Genesis focuses on the creation of Sabbath and its purpose.... 03/11/2001

Genesis History: A Good Beginning

As we study Creation, we need to remember it is God's purpose to create us new. We have been damaged... 01/28/2001

Genesis History: Creation or Coincidence?

How did God create the heavens and the earth? Is evolution a viable view of how our world was made? ... 01/21/2001

In the Fullness of Time

The timing of the first coming of Christ teaches us lessons about preparation for His second coming.... 12/23/2000

What Shall I Wear?

The topic of this sermon is, "What shall I wear?" The Bible has much to say about what we should wea... 12/16/2000

Wasting Nothing Good

God doesn't like waste. We should be careful not to squander the precious resources that He has give... 12/09/2000

The Many Facets of Faith

There is a great profound value of faith in the Bible. It is broad and comprehensive with many faith... 12/02/2000

Heroes of Gratitude

A seasonal sermon on Thanksgiving and gratitude that focuses on the story of the ten lepers. When we... 11/25/2000

The Unsinkable Ship

The theme of this sermon is the unsinkable ship and begins with a focus on the Titanic and amazing f... 11/11/2000

The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene

The gospel according to Mary Magdalene demonstrates one of the most devoted disciples of all Scriptu... 11/04/2000

Noah Found Grace

Noah’s experience and time are an example for our time. Just as Noah was saved by God’s grace, so ar... 10/28/2000

Shepherds that Follow a Lamb: The 144,000

Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14? This sermon looks at the message of this numb... 10/21/2000

Bring Them to Jesus

There are many stories and examples of people bringing others to Jesus. We ought to bring our childr... 10/07/2000

The Hands of the Lord

This sermon focuses on the hands of the Lord, primarily the hands of Jesus. Twelve different aspects... 09/23/2000

Thinking Ahead: The Parable of the Shrewd Steward

The parable of the unjust steward told by Jesus teaches us to think ahead. We need to, like this ste... 09/16/2000

Loving Discipline

Christians should love disciplines and any discipline given should be done in love. Every Christian ... 08/19/2000

A Real Sacrifice!

What does the Bible say about sacrifices? Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. A real sacrifice costs s... 07/29/2000

Embracing Humility

The supreme motive of hell is selfishness and the highest motive of heaven is love. Humility lays th... 07/22/2000

Jephthah: Keeping Your Vows and Vowels

The second in a two part series of an ancient judge in Israel named Jephthah. In this sermon we lear... 06/24/2000

Jephthah: God Calls the Outcasts

The first of a two part series on one of the early judges of Israel named Jephthah. He was an outcas... 06/17/2000

The Damascus Road: Seeing the Light

First in a two part series on the life of Paul the Apostle. A foundation for Paul's work of reaching... 06/03/2000

The Damascus Road: Making a You-Turn

The second in a two part series on the life of Paul, particularly his conversion experience on the r... 05/27/2000

Spiritual Gifts

This sermon focuses on the parable of the talents. The motivation of each servant in this story is n... 05/20/2000

The Hand that Rocked the Cradle

This sermon honors Christian mothers. It is the most important role in the world and holds great hon... 05/13/2000

Recognizing Jesus

Jesus often appeared to people in Scripture and they did not recognize Him. If we have a relationshi... 04/08/2000

Reviving Dry Bones

This sermon focuses on a vision of Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones. Dry bones indicate no hope fo... 03/18/2000

Hope for the Sincere Hypocrite

We have all been hypocrites, pretending to be what we are not. God wants us to be genuine Christians... 03/11/2000

The Tree of Life

This sermon focuses on trees in the Bible, especially the tree of life. Trees are a source of life. ... 03/04/2000

Uncommon Sensitivity

We need to pray that God will help us to guard against our spiritual senses numbed. We should pray t... 02/26/2000

Open Your Windows

The story of Daniel in the lion's den parallels the life of Christ. Jesus was sought to be accused a... 02/05/2000

The Glory of Seeking

The first question in the Bible is, "Where are you?" The first question in the New Testament is, "Wh... 01/29/2000

Saved to Serve

This sermon explores the book of Philemon and speaks of service and slavery. Paul teaches that peopl... 01/22/2000

The Power of Hope

The subject of this message is the power of hope. People live longer when they know there is hope. I... 01/08/2000

Who Will be Left Standing?

What lasts? Who will be left standing at the end? The Bible tells us not everyone will be left stand... 01/01/2000

The Incarnation

The Incarnation of Christ is when God became man. There is a mystery about this we cannot understand... 12/25/1999

Is Jesus the One?

Who is Jesus? Even John the Baptist from prison wondered about Christ. The devil has been seeking to... 12/04/1999

A Positive Perspective

We may take a positive perspective to events in life. Christians always have things for which to be ... 11/27/1999

Holy and Wholly His

What does the Bible tell us about the word "holy"? God is holy, the angels are holy, and special thi... 10/09/1999

Giving Reasons For Giving

Giving is essential to our happiness and success as Christians. We can resist having a giving heart.... 10/02/1999

Loving Vengeance

This sermon deals with the topic of vengeance. Have you been tempted to give retribution for a wrong... 09/25/1999

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 4 (Nebuchadnezzar): Pride and Passion

This is the last of a series on learning lessons from the kings of Israel. Power corrupts and the ki... 09/18/1999

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 3 (Hezekiah): Pride and Possession

God wants to bless us. Having material possessions is not bad, but it can be when our hearts are tur... 09/11/1999

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 2 (Uzziah): Pride and Position

This is the second part in a continued study called "Learning from the Kings." Pride is the number o... 09/04/1999

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 1 (Saul): Backsliding

This sermon deals with lessons learned from the monarchs of Israel and is called "Learning from the ... 08/28/1999

Teach Us To Pray, Part 2

This is the second part in a two-part series on the Lord's prayer, which is more accurately a prayer... 08/21/1999

Teach Us to Pray, Part 1

"Lord, teach us to pray." There is only one place in Scripture where this phrase is used. Christ, th... 08/14/1999

Advindication Part 6: Dealing With Death

This is the last in a series discussing unique doctrines of Seventh-day Adventists. This sermon talk... 07/24/1999

Enduring Patience

This sermon focuses on the issue of enduring patiently. It is introduced through the story of Saul w... 06/26/1999

Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 2

This is the second of a two-part series on discovering and doing the will of God. Here are 12 ways t... 05/22/1999

Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 1

What is the will of God? How do you discover God's will and carry it out in your life? This sermon l... 05/15/1999

Faith That Works

The Bible encourages us to examine our faith. What kind of faith do you have? Does your faith work? ... 04/17/1999


This sermon looks at John 15 and Jesus' words about vines and branches. Some important lessons come ... 03/20/1999

Nehemiah: The Watchman on the Wall

The Bible encourages us to watch and be alert. The springboard for this sermon is the story of Nehem... 03/06/1999

Variation in Value

The Bible has a lot to say about attaching appropriate value to things. God values intelligence and ... 02/27/1999

Conquering Inner Space the Last Frontier

You are what you think. You will never be a successful Christian until you conquer the last frontier... 02/20/1999

Advindication Part 5: Justifying the Judgment

This is the fifth in a series on dealing with objections people have toward certain teachings of the... 01/09/1999

Advindication Part 4: Healing the Health Message

This is the fourth in a series on dealing with some common misunderstandings about the Seventh-day A... 01/02/1999

Walking the Walk

The conditions of our world are worsening and Jesus is coming soon. Knowing how soon should increase... 12/26/1998

A Woman, A Baby, and a Dragon

This sermon begins with a brief discussion of Christmas and its roots and how Christians might celeb... 12/19/1998

Advindication Part 3: Understanding Ellen White's Role

This is part 3 in a series on vindicating the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It deals with common mis... 12/12/1998

Advindication Part 2: Was the Sabbath Altered or Abolished?

This is the second in a series on common misunderstandings regarding the teachings of the Seventh-da... 12/05/1998

Returning Thanks

This sermon focuses on thanksgiving and giving thanks to the Lord. The story of 10 lepers healed by ... 11/28/1998


This sermon focuses on home, coming home, and the parable of the lost son. The prodigal son story te... 11/21/1998

Advindication Part 1: Is Obedience Legalism?

This is the beginning of a sermon series titled "Advindication" which is a play on words between "Ad... 11/14/1998

Who Gets the Credit

The battle between good and evil was instigated when Lucifer wanted the credit, he wanted recognitio... 10/31/1998

The Overcomers

Jesus did not only come to save us from the record of our sins, but also from the power of sin in ou... 10/24/1998

Lessons from Elijah, Part 8: Double Portion

This is the last in a series on the Old Testament prophet Elijah. After briefly discussing 2 Kings 1... 10/17/1998

Lessons from Elijah, Part 7: Naboth's Vineyard

Ahab wanted Naboth to sell his vineyard to him. But Naboth refused because the law of God prohibited... 10/10/1998

Lessons from Elijah, Part 6: What Doest Thou Here?

This is another sermon in a continued series on the Old Testament prophet Elijah. This sixth part lo... 10/03/1998

Lessons from Elijah, Part 5: Praying for Rain

This is a continued series on the Old Testament prophet Elijah, one of the greatest of the prophets.... 09/26/1998

He Was in the House

There are many different concepts on growing churches. One of the foundational truths about church g... 09/19/1998

Lessons from Elijah, Part 4: Riding the Fence

This is a continued study on the experience of Elijah the prophet. The history of Elijah, according ... 09/12/1998

Lessons from Elijah, Part 3: Showdown on Mt. Carmel

God says to Elijah, "Go show yourself to Ahab". Elijah listened to God and did what He told him to ... 09/05/1998

The Tarrying Time

Jesus is coming very soon. Is there a time of "ripening" before His coming? We can observe in the na... 08/15/1998

A True Friend

God made us to be social creatures. People need people. Loneliness is a large epidemic.... 07/18/1998

Obeying God or Man

God gave us the 10 commandments as a covenant between Him and His people. He wrote these commandment... 07/11/1998

The Price of Liberty

This Independence Day sermon looks at what the Bible says about liberty. Freedom is a fragile thing.... 07/04/1998

David, Part 14: Setting the House in Order

This is the last message in a series on the life of David and deals with final events in his life. A... 06/06/1998

David, Part 13: Pride, Punishment, Provision

In this continued series on the life of David we will look at the story of him taking a census of Is... 05/23/1998

David, Part 12: For The Good of Many

This is a continuing series on the life of David, the shepherd boy who became one of the greatest ki... 05/16/1998

David, Part 11: Absalom, My Son

This is a series on the life of David. It focuses on the failures of David as a father and stories a... 04/18/1998

David, Part 10: Great Repentance, Forgiveness, and Consequences

In this continued series on the life of David, we look at his great repentance and confession. The p... 04/11/1998

David, Part 9: The Great Transgression

This is the 9th in a series on the life of David. This sermon focuses on 2 Samuel 11 and David's gre... 04/04/1998

David, Part 8: Personal Priorities

This is part 8 in a series on the life of King David, the greatest king of Israel. This sermon cover... 03/07/1998

David, Part 7: From Ziklag to Jerusalem

The seventh in a series on the life of King David. This sermon focuses on 1 Samuel 22 and one of the... 02/28/1998

David, Part 4: The Great Escape

In this continued series on the life of David, this sermon looks at Saul's anger and desire to kill ... 02/14/1998

David, Part 3: Behaving Wisely

In this continued series on the life of David, this sermon looks at 1 Samuel 18 and Saul's resentmen... 02/07/1998

David, Part 1: From the Pasture to the Palace

This is the first in a series on the life of David. It begins by looking at Saul who turned from God... 01/24/1998

Buried Treasure, Secret Sin, and Open Blessings

There are over 1600 references in the Bible that speak about money. One third of all Christ's parabl... 01/10/1998

If Each One Would Reach One

Every Christian should be equipped to be a minister, to go out and share Jesus and the gospel with o... 01/03/1998

Mr. Goodall's Company

Christ came the first time to our earth to be the bread of life. He was born in Bethlehem, which mea... 12/20/1997

Spiritual Priorities

It's human nature to focus on trivial things and miss the big picture. That can happen for Christian... 12/13/1997

Temper, Temper

It is good for us as Christians to review the foundations of our faith. This sermon looks at Jesus C... 12/06/1997

Thanks and Giving

This sermon looks at the topic of thankfulness. Is it possible to go to heaven if we don't know how ... 11/29/1997

The Voice of Experience

In spite of the fact that there are more older people than ever before, there seems to be a contrast... 11/22/1997

Contrasting Kingdoms Part 1

A kingdom is a territorial unit ruled by a sovereign. Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world."... 09/20/1997

Choosing Life

This program discusses the power of choice and the gift of God in having a free will. One of the iss... 09/13/1997

Lessons from Job, Part 2: Trusting through Trials

There is a battle going on behind the scenes for our hearts, the devil wants us to turn our hearts a... 09/06/1997

Lessons from Job, Part 1: There was a Man

This is the first in a series on the book of Job. It is a poetic book that talks about a great contr... 08/23/1997

John Three Sixteen

It's probably one of the most well known, oft quoted verses of Scripture, but what does it mean real... 08/16/1997

Who Needs the Church, Part 2: Out of Body Experience

The church is a family. We need each other and our lives can be appropriately connected to one anoth... 08/02/1997

Isaac: Birthright and Bad Bargains

This sermon looks at the story of Isaac who intended to bless his eldest son Esau, but is tricked an... 07/05/1997

The Name of the Lord

This is a sermon that looks at the different names of God. Is there a proper way to refer to God? Is... 06/14/1997

Fig Leaves and Pharisees

When Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to cover up their sin by sewing fig leaves and covering themsel... 05/25/1997

God of the Mountains and Valleys

Jesus teaches us through His own example to be baptized. Christ was not baptized to wash away sin in... 05/17/1997

A Mother's Sacrifice

Perhaps the highest office in the world is that of being a mother. This sermon looks at the story of... 05/10/1997

The Truth about Angels Part 2

This is the second in a two-part series on angels. The Bible teaches that there are good angels and ... 04/19/1997

The Truth about Angels Part 1

This sermon looks at the story of a Syrian king attempting to capture Elisha the prophet by surround... 04/12/1997

Lessons from Moses - Into the Promised Land

This is the conclusion of the Moses series. It covers the high points, and the low points of the Is... 03/08/1997

Lessons from Moses - Through the Wilderness

Lessons from Moses - Through the Wilderness... 03/01/1997

Thou Art The Man

Should we ever judge others? Does the Bible teach that we should never pass judgment on another pers... 02/22/1997

Come and See - 2017

John was a very visual writer and used words like "light" and "sight" -- many times in the just the ... 02/08/1997

Lessons from Moses - Out of Egypt

This message focuses on the deliverance of the Israelites through the plagues and out of Egypt.... 02/01/1997

Lessons from Moses - The Burning Bush

Do you sometimes feel like God doesn't hear you? God knows what we can bear and will not allow thing... 01/25/1997

Lessons from Moses - God's People or Passing Pleasure

There are three arks in the Bible. God saved His people in the first ark. He saved Moses in the se... 01/18/1997

Lessons from Moses - Baby in Basket

Moses was one of the greatest heros in the Bible and is still alive in Heaven today. Every person o... 01/11/1997

Walking With God

This New Year's sermon calls us to resolve to deepen our walk with God. Is your life entirely consec... 01/04/1997

The Shunammite Woman

Pastor Batchelor looks at the story of the Shunammite woman and her son who died but was miraculousl... 12/28/1996

The Perfect Prayer

Grace is unmerited favor. It is a power, not just a word. Paul says so much about grace. He was figh... 11/23/1996

A City of Refuge

This sermon looks at what the Bible says about "cities of refuge." God instructed Moses to have the ... 11/16/1996

The Party's Over

John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah to prepare a people for the first coming of ... 09/21/1996

Living Lamps

This sermon focuses on the ministry of John the Baptist who went before the Lord to prepare people f... 09/07/1996

God's Abundant Provision

Christians ought to trust that God will provide for them. In believing in God's provision for their ... 08/31/1996

Satan's Final Performance

Satan is continually saying "foul" to the things God does. His last great deception will be to imper... 08/24/1996

The Paralysis of Depression

One of the most crippling tools in the devil's workshop is depression. This sermon looks at depressi... 08/17/1996

Buried Alive

How would you like to be buried alive? Baptism is like a burial. This sermon discusses what the Bibl... 08/10/1996

Did God Create a Devil?

Lucifer was the highest angel in heaven. Because of his pride, he inspired a rebellion against God. ... 08/03/1996

No Compromise

This sermon looks at the story of the three Hebrew friends of Daniel who were thrown into a fiery fu... 07/13/1996

Out of Babylon Part 2

The greatest challenge to the church today does not come from without but within. There will be a pu... 07/06/1996

Out of Babylon Part 1

Babylon is not only a real kingdom that existed in ancient times, but it is symbolic of a power that... 06/29/1996

Who is the Greatest?

Who is the greatest? Sin is in our world because of this question. The seeds of sin began in the hea... 05/25/1996

The Days of Lot and Noah

The Bible tells us that just before the coming of the Lord it will be like the days of Lot and Noah.... 05/18/1996

Fulfilling the Law

Many interpret Jesus words in Matthew 5 that the law was set aside. But this is not consistent with ... 05/04/1996

Your Body, God's Temple

This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these only for the ... 02/24/1996

The Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

This is the second in a two part series on the Holy Spirit. We really need the Holy Spirit for many ... 09/23/1995

The Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

This is the first in a two-part series on the Holy Spirit. The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit i... 09/16/1995

Double Vision

Unless we know how to be single-minded as Christians, we will be unstable in every other area of our... 08/26/1995

In The Image of the Master

This sermon looks at the story of Jesus healing a demon-possessed man in Gadarenes. This man is a sy... 08/12/1995

Mind Control

Everybody's mind is controlled by something or someone. What controls your mind? Some religions emph... 08/05/1995

The Rock That Will Not Roll

Rocks are spoken of throughout all the Bible. Jesus is symbolized as a rock that will not move. A ro... 07/22/1995

The Spirit and The Flesh

The sermon focuses on Romans 7 and the battle between the spirit and the flesh. There are two laws a... 07/15/1995

A Wonderful Work

Though we are not saved by works, God created work to be a blessing to mankind. Since the garden of ... 06/24/1995

A New Heart

The story of Nicodemus approaching Jesus at night teaches us that the most important questions in li... 06/10/1995

Keys for Answered Prayer Part 1

This is the first in a two-part series on the secrets of answered prayer. The first secret to answer... 05/20/1995

A Jar of Oil

A woman who was the wife of one of the sons of the prophets was a widow and her sons were going to b... 05/13/1995

The Glory of Service

A small percentage of people in most churches do a majority of the work. Real greatness with God is ... 04/29/1995

Fix Our Eyes on Jesus

The Bible encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus, to truly focus on Christ. This sermon illustrates ... 04/22/1995

Everlasting Life

We know, that if the Lord tarries, we will all die. Many live as if this life is all there is to liv... 04/15/1995

The Truth about Lying

This is the first in a two-part series on honesty. Sin first entered our world through a lie. One of... 04/01/1995

Dealing with Discouragement Part 2

Discouragement comes to all. Sometime it comes from things happening in us, sometimes it comes from ... 03/18/1995

Dealing with Discouragement Part 1

Discouragement comes into the lives everyone, especially those seeking to do God's will. The life of... 03/11/1995

The Church and The State

This sermon looks at Revelation 17 and religious persecution that will take place at the end of time... 02/11/1995