Can the Saved Be Lost?

Scripture: Luke 9:9-10, John 3:17, Acts 2:47
Date: 06/30/2018 
Is once saved, always saved Biblical?
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I loved this sermon. We often get caught up in the day to day life activities and can forget ourselves and commit sin. No matter it a small sin or a large sin and we find ourselves 10 ft down river from where our lord wants us to be. It's so easy. Life's current carries us further away unless we stay vigilant and watch we keep swimming to be near him. Thank God we have good people like our church leaders to stand at the bank and keep calling out to us to keep swimming and be saved.
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Ron Peterson
Hello there everybody amazing facts this is Ron Peterson your long lost friend up here in the great Northern state of Minnesota where our good buddy Doug came and gave us a seminar like 20 some years ago right now I’m having a little bit of problem it is like 4 AM and I just had to do nebs and I’m having trouble with the dad to go to the hospital last week to do a clean out somethings all backed up in my small intestine and I feel like I’ve been hit by a big truck and I and I lost a couple legs on and the one that hurts the worst is what’s really drives you almost to insanity without the help of the Lord our God we would probably a lot more of us would probably gonna push ourselves off of that Niagara Falls but we still hang on because we are strong in the faith and we want to continue to be gods humble servants because as we grow and learn we’re finding out that over the years he has been perfecting us in our studies and our learning capabilities to help others find a way to him and to his love and his kindness and why he sent his only begotten son Jesus to help us from this disaster that happened so I am hanging in there very very much I am so strong in the face because I have very little you know the doctors give you up The doctor give you these percentages of what chance do you have a living through this or that or surgery or whatever they’re talking about and I just shake their hands thank them for their honesty and I go on my way and I trust in my Lord that if I wake up and I’m still breathing when you walk in my room I’m in our group home that it is God who has kept me alive through the night and through this another day I am like I am just turned 64 and I never knew that I was gonna make it this far I tell you thatSo my testimony is that yes there is a heavenly father that really loves us very much and he is so much wanting to come and put his arms around us and bring us to have an NNN this thing that started many years ago with Adam and Eve because God didn

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