Changing Your Mind

Scripture: Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 15:7-8, 1 Samuel 16:7
Date: 02/03/2018 
The Gospel is about God putting a new mind in us.
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I miss the opening and closing prayers! Please reinstate the prayers so many of us need to hear and identify with. Pastor Doug says it so well in his prayers. I also miss the hymn singing.

Pastor Doug, I was convicted by your sermon! It was just what I needed to hear and act upon in my life. Every word was an arrow to my heart. Thank you so much.
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Adela Caldwell Lohmann
Store the word of God in my mind. Lord may i move out of my own mind and let You in all Your ways, through All Your means find favor in me. all of me. Help me take all of my mind for only Your thinking. Saviour teach me: im not my own. Help me to replace my thoughts and doings. Help me replace my regrets with trusting You. Help me replace my embarrassments with Your songs of joy and realistic evangelism which pleases you all the day long, day by day. Help my replacements of my thoufhts become a revelation into Your kindom. As the most excellent thoughtfulness of those who You place before me learns to make progress, Let my days be filled pleasing only You. If i can't, if im unable as i am only human; and because You love me; heal my thoughts and help my thinking so that I will NOT venting or filled with vanity. Let Your peace come over me by Your Holy Spirit; allow my steps to trace the steps of Christ Jesus. I can be transformed i know that i can be. Let Your Will be done In me. Philippians 4:8 help me to become like the scriptures that I hear and read. This is my prayer. ( My smile has returned and I thank you for it. ) Peace be with You my Lord and savior. GLORY BE. Psalm 139.
Glory be unto thee.
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Rose 🌹
Wow did I need this !!! Negative thoughts have been running rampant in my mind stealing my joy of salvation. I’ll have to listen to this many more times and I know God sent this in answer to my prayers for a renewed mind and heart. Thank you Jesus! Help me to think about what I’m thinking about 🤔🌹
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Doug Batchelor says that the Bible says that God is the only discerner of the heart or knows what a man thinks. He says that he is quoting from II kings 8, but it is I Kings 8 in which Solomon is dedicating the temple and makes this claim in verse 39 may you hear in heaven, your dwelling place,
and may you forgive, act, and give to everyone
according to all their ways, since you know each heart,
for you alone know every human heart,
Just thought it should be clarified where in the Bible.

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