Holiness and Purity

Scripture: Leviticus 11:44, 1 Peter 1:15-16
Date: 11/28/2015 
The ultimate purpose for our existence is to glorify God with our holiness. The real adventure of Christianity is living like Christ.
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Is this the same sermon as the one on a DVD I received from AFafter making a donation, with the same title "Holiness and Purity?" If so, I would like Pastor Batchelor know that I have been so blessed by the AF Ministry and his straight-truth messages and have financially supported the ministry for about 30 years. However, I was astounded when I heard Pastor Batchelor refer to a quote by C. S. Lewis during this sermon and was also embarrassed because I have taught my children, who listened to the recording with me, that C. S. Lewis is a spiritualist and his writings are not to be revered. I know that no one, including me, is infallible and will always respect Pastor Batchelor and the AF Ministry because of the impact they have had on our family's life and the lives of countless others. My prayers are continually for Pastor Batchelor and AF especially as they prepare for the upcoming evangelism series.

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