Media referencing the book of Matthew

Chapter 1


Wise Men Seeking God

Matthew 1:1 Bible Answers Live Sir Isaac Newton is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time, this br...

Why is Jesus' genealogy traced through Joseph?

Matthew 1:1-17 Bible Question Archive Why is Jesus' genealogy traced through Joseph? Matthew's genealogy traces it through the literal par...

Mr. Goodall's Company

Matthew 1:18-23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Christ came the first time to our earth to be the bread of life. He was born in Bethlehem, which mea...

Victory in the Wilderness

Matthew 1:20-23 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "Faithful people had deep misconceptions about the nature of the Lord's first coming. How might fai...

God's Providence Guides

Matthew 1:21 Bible Answers Live On February 1970 first Lieutenant Gary Fowles was conducting practice maneuvers near the Malmstrom A...

Son of David

Matthew 1:21 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "If God receives us despite our faults and shortcomings, how can we learn to do the same with others...

Jesus Mingled with People

Matthew 1:22-23 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Have you ever avoided witnessing to a person who would likely not fit well in your church? What wou...

Christian Traditions, Pt. 5

Matthew 1:25 Bible Talk This is the fifth in a series on tradition and Scripture. The Bible is to be the final authority on ...

Chapter 2


Giving the Greatest Gift

Matthew 2:1-11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The greatest gift ever given was Jesus Christ laying down His life for us. This sermon focuses on th...

Good Reasons for Giving

Matthew 2:1-11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Gift giving ought to be a joyful act of worship. There are good reasons for giving. People have need...

Son of David

Matthew 2:1-14 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "If God receives us despite our faults and shortcomings, how can we learn to do the same with others...

Christ in the Crucible

Matthew 2:1-18 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Jesus Christ is our example for many things, including how to react to trials and suffering....

Seeking After God

Matthew 2:1-2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Does God want to be wanted? The first question in the Bible is God asking Adam, "Where are you?". T...

Hearing Voices, Pt. 1

Matthew 2:13 Bible Talk Some people say, 'I heard God say...' or 'This is what God said...' How do you know when you're hear...

Who Are the 144,000?

Matthew 2:6 Bible Answers Live Back in the 1980s, Herman and Donna O’steen bought a farm about a half a mile outside of Reno Nebras...

Chapter 3


The Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 3:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is a revolution simmering in this world. Many people are longing for a new regime. John the Ba...

The Ministry Begins

Matthew 3:1-12 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "Why is humility so crucial a trait for Christians? How can we learn to be and stay humble? What r...


Matthew 3:1-2 Formula 4 Faith This third program in the Formula 4 Faith series about the science of salvation is about repentance....

The King’s Ambassador

Matthew 3:1-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There should be a difference in the way that Christians conduct themselves that shows what is in the...

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 2

Matthew 3:1-6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second part of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it applies to u...

Buried Alive

Matthew 3:11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How would you like to be buried alive? Baptism is like a burial. This sermon discusses what the Bibl...

Fire of God - Part 2

Matthew 3:11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The subject of the Holy Spirit is very important. The devil has pushed this doctrine to extremes and...

Fulfilling the Law

Matthew 3:13-15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Many interpret Jesus words in Matthew 5 that the law was set aside. But this is not consistent with ...

Baptism, Pt. 2

Matthew 3:13-17 Bible Talk This is the second part in a series on what the Bible says about baptism. Jesus states that a person...

Born of a Woman - Atonement and the Incarnation

Matthew 3:13-17 SSSH - Atonement and the Cross of Christ A look at Christ's nature both as God and man simultaneously give us insight into the atonement....

God of the Mountains and Valleys

Matthew 3:13-17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus teaches us through His own example to be baptized. Christ was not baptized to wash away sin in...

Baptism, Pt. 3

Matthew 3:15 Bible Talk This is the third in series on the topic of baptism. We've learned what baptism represents and what ...

Eighteen Reasons - Part 2

Matthew 3:15 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Can we be sure that the seventh-day is the same day in our present time as it was a few thousand yea...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 2

Matthew 3:16 Bible Talk Is it necessary to be baptized in order to be saved? This talk deals with this question and looks at...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

Matthew 3:16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do we need the Holy Spirit? Part 1 of 2...

Explain the Trinity?

Matthew 3:16-17 Bible Question Archive Could you explain the trinity? There are many references in the Bible to three distinct beings, yet ...

Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Matthew 3:16-17 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit was present at Christ's conception and throughout His life and ministry....

The Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

Matthew 3:16-17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the first in a two-part series on the Holy Spirit. The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit i...

Why does God refer to Himself in the plural form in Genesis chapter 1?

Matthew 3:16-17 Bible Question Archive If God is one, why does He refer to Himself in the plural form? What does the Bible mean it says tha...

Why is the Trinity not mentioned in the Bible?

Matthew 3:16-17 Bible Question Archive Is the teaching of the Trinity Biblical? There seem to be various groups of believers that are chal...

What is a spiritual Jew?

Matthew 3:9 Bible Question Archive What is a spiritual Jew? Any Gentile who accepts Jesus automatically becomes a spiritual Jew. Pastor...

Chapter 4


God of the Mountains and Valleys

Matthew 4:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus teaches us through His own example to be baptized. Christ was not baptized to wash away sin in...

The Battle of Armageddon

Matthew 4:1-11 Byron Spears What is the battle of Armageddon? Where will it be fought? Who will be fighting in it and what wil...

The Great Temptation

Matthew 4:1-11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon speaks about the great temptation of Jesus after His baptism. Christ began His ministry ...

Lord of Our Desires

Matthew 4:1-2 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Christ as Lord means yielding our passions to Him so we may desire the things He desires for us....

The Centurion, a Faithful Soldier

Matthew 4:15-16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are simple but powerful lessons in the story of Christ healing the servant of the centurion. I...


Matthew 4:17 Formula 4 Faith This third program in the Formula 4 Faith series about the science of salvation is about repentance....

The Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 4:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is a revolution simmering in this world. Many people are longing for a new regime. John the Ba...

From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter

Matthew 4:18-20 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Peter's transformation of character is one of the most striking examples of the power of God's work ...

An Overview of Discipleship

Matthew 4:18-22 SSSH - Discipleship Jesus calls His followers to a life of discipleship. The Bible clarifies what this means....

The Legacy of Andrew

Matthew 4:18-22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The legacy of Andrew the apostle is that he frequently brought people to Jesus....

Walking With the Lord

Matthew 4:18-22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How do we walk with the Lord?...

Equipping for Evangelism and Witnessing

Matthew 4:19 SSSH - Evangelism and Witnessing "Whatever the important proper training, we must first be grounded in our relationship with Jesus be...

Seeing People Through Jesus’ Eyes

Matthew 4:19 SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission 'By watching the way Jesus worked with people, we learn how to lead others to a knowledge of salvati...

The Ministry Begins

Matthew 4:19 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "Why is humility so crucial a trait for Christians? How can we learn to be and stay humble? What r...

God's Health Plan

Matthew 4:23 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Does God really care about what we eat or drink or our health in general? Does the Bible say anythin...

God's Health Plan

Matthew 4:23 Prophecy Code Does the Bible talk about health? Is it something important for Christians to consider? There is a c...

Jesus on Community Outreach

Matthew 4:23 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "What role should you be playing in the whole process of winning souls, as opposed to the role, if a...

Miraculous Medicine, Part 1

Matthew 4:23 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We should treat ...

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 5 - Healing Prayer

Matthew 4:23-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message One of the main reasons Jesus came to Earth was to heal. Healing is not only for physical problems ...

Debt: A Daily Decision

Matthew 4:3-10 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "Managing money requires wisdom, budgeting, and discipline."...

Christian Traditions, Pt. 1

Matthew 4:4 Bible Talk A common question that non-Christians level against Christians is the great division among them. The...

Deuteronomy in the New Testament

Matthew 4:4 SSSH - Present Truth in Deuteronomy Whether using direct Old Testament quotations, or allusions, or references to stories or prophecies,...

Jesus and the Apostles’ View of the Bible

Matthew 4:4 SSSH - How to Interpret Scripture 'Jesus taught His disciples obedience to the Word of God and the law. There is never a hint of Him d...

You Are What You Eat

Matthew 4:4 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We are what we consume. Sometimes we become preoccupied with physical food, which is important, but...

The Rebellious Prince, Pt.2

Matthew 4:5-6 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor In the battle between good and evil, God can only use truth. The devil can use any combination of t...

Did Satan tempt Christ to commit suicide?

Matthew 4:6 Bible Question Archive Did Satan tempt Christ to commit suicide? Jesus' three temptations cover all temptations. Suicide is...

Temptation - Part 1

Matthew 4:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many Christians battle temptation. It is a problem in the lives of many. How do we deal with moral c...

Doing What's Right At Any Cost

Matthew 4:8 Bible Answers Live Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. He was notoriously enmeshed in the windy city in ...

Heavenly Palaces

Matthew 4:8 Bible Answers Live If you struggle with arachnophobia, you would not want to have visited the Baltimore wastewater trea...

Christ's Kingdom and the Law

Matthew 4:8-9 SSSH - Christ and His Law "This week we'll look at the question of God's eternal kingdom and the role of the law in relation t...

Unity in Worship

Matthew 4:8-9 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "What does it mean to worship God? And why do we do it? Worship happens when God’s creation responds...

Chapter 5


Bless Your Heart

Matthew 5:1-12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon is on the Beatitudes given by Jesus in the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5. Blessings d...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 1

Matthew 5:1-12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 1 of 3...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 2

Matthew 5:1-12 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 2 of 3...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 3

Matthew 5:1-12 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 3 of 3...

Preparation for Discipleship

Matthew 5:1-48 SSSH - Discipleship Discipleship can be tough work. Jesus prepared His disciples with principles we can follow today as ...

The Wisdom of His Teachings

Matthew 5:1-48 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Jesus' teachings were so revolutionary that they changed the course of humanity and continue to inst...


Matthew 5:12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Whatever happened to Enoch and Elijah? If John 3 seems to indicate that 'no man has ascended to heav...

Please Pass the Salt

Matthew 5:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon is on the concept of being the salt of the earth. Salt has a flavoring influence and a p...

Salt of the Earth

Matthew 5:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Christians should have a healing, preserving influence on others, to be the "salt of the earth"....

Saved by Salt

Matthew 5:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus said we are the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. These are two ways to explain ...

Adjusting to Darkness

Matthew 5:14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus is the light of the world. He illumines us through the Word and we are to walk in the light gi...

Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part 2

Matthew 5:16 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Light, water - both of these are images used to talk about what God can do through us to help other...

Are the Commandments still valid today?

Matthew 5:17 Bible Question Archive Has the law been done away with? Since we are under grace do we still need to obey it?...

Big Lie

Matthew 5:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons If the Ten Commandments are still valid, why is the fourth commandment disregarded by many Christian...

Eighteen Reasons - Part 2

Matthew 5:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Can we be sure that the seventh-day is the same day in our present time as it was a few thousand yea...

America and the Ten Commandments

Matthew 5:17-18 Free Book Library From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon to ignite ...

Christ's Covenant

Matthew 5:17-18 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus did not come to put an end to the law of God, but to fulfill the law. Love is the fulfilling o...

The Law of God

Matthew 5:17-19 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "One would be hard pressed to find in the life and teachings of Jesus anything implying that the Ten...

You Are Responsible!

Matthew 5:17-19 New Revelation This lesson focuses on the law of God. What is it? Are the ten commandments still binding? Weren't t...

Christ and the Law in the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5:17-20 SSSH - Christ and His Law This lesson covers the third section of the Sermon on the Mount to see what it teaches about the law...

Fulfilling the Law

Matthew 5:17-20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Many interpret Jesus words in Matthew 5 that the law was set aside. But this is not consistent with ...

Laws of Love and Liberty

Matthew 5:17-20 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Our lives are regulated every day by law. The laws are there to protect your liberty and that's als...

When Conflicts Arise

Matthew 5:17-20 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "One of the most difficult tasks of any Christian community is to maintain unity when differences of...

Worship Him Alone

Matthew 5:17-20 Ten Commandments Is it possible to be worshipping other gods and not know it?...

Are there warnings against following false teachers?

Matthew 5:19 Bible Question Archive Does the Bible warn us about false teachers who say we do not need to keep the commandments? 2 Peter...

Fig Leaves and Pharisees

Matthew 5:20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message When Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to cover up their sin by sewing fig leaves and covering themsel...

Fire Escape Religion

Matthew 5:20-39 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the truth about God's law? Was it done away with? Do we need to seek to be obedient to the T...

Matter of Life and Death

Matthew 5:21 Ten Commandments The sixth commandment is "Do not murder". Do not take another person's life in a pre-meditated, mal...

A Matter of Life and Death

Matthew 5:21-30 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs "How can we be serious about the gravity of sin without falling into the trap of fanaticism?"...

Can we sin in our thoughts?

Matthew 5:21-30 Bible Question Archive Can we sin in our thoughts if we don't put them into action? Jesus says in Matthew 5 that in our hea...

Accuracy of God's Word

Matthew 5:22 Bible Answers Live On April 3, 2014, the National Institute of Standards and Technology launched the world’s newest ins...

The Angry Christian

Matthew 5:22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor When is anger appropriate?...

Faith that Works

Matthew 5:27-28 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What does the Bible say about faith and works? How do our emotions and obedience relate to each othe...

Blood On the Screen

Matthew 5:27-29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The door to what the average family watches on TV keeps opening wider and wider. Christian moral sta...

Temptation - Part 2

Matthew 5:29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This is the second of a two part broadcast on dealing with temptation. Everyone faces temptation. Ho...

The Humility of the Wise

Matthew 5:3 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs "Think about just how dependent you are on God. How can keeping that stark fact ever in your mind h...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 2

Matthew 5:3-12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 2 of 3...

Hidden Deeds Revealed

Matthew 5:31 Bible Answers Live On August 23, 1799, the American ship called Nancy was captured in the Caribbean by the English navy...

Clarify the Bible's guidance for remarriage.

Matthew 5:31-32 Bible Question Archive Do I have grounds for remarriage? What does the Bible say? Matthew 5 lays out grounds for divorce. T...

Explain why adultery is the only exception for divorce.

Matthew 5:32 Bible Question Archive Should divorce be allowed in the case when abuse is present be it physical, mental, or emotional? W...

Forgiving Your Enemies

Matthew 5:32 Bible Answers Live Before Louis VII became King of France, he suffered terribly through treatment and indignities at th...

Hosea and Gomer: Forgiving the Unfaithful

Matthew 5:32 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Hosea reconciles with his adulteress wife, just as God forgives His wayward people when they stray....

Loving Vengeance

Matthew 5:38-48 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon deals with the topic of vengeance. Have you been tempted to give retribution for a wrong...

How do you balance forgiveness and righteous anger?

Matthew 5:39 Bible Question Archive How do you balance forgiveness and righteous anger? Turning the other cheek deals with interpersonal...

Faith that Works

Matthew 5:40-41 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What does the Bible say about faith and works? How do our emotions and obedience relate to each othe...

Should you give money to people asking for handouts?

Matthew 5:42 Bible Question Archive Should you give money to people asking for handouts? The Bible clearly encourages us to give to peop...

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 3 - Praying for Others

Matthew 5:43-47 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How should we pray for others?...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

Matthew 5:43-48 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Sometimes there are people in the church who are sick and they do mean things. Don’t take it out on...

Meekness in the Crucible

Matthew 5:43-48 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Meekness and humility are not discussed much in our culture, but God promises that learning these sk...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Love

Matthew 5:43-48 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit The word "love" is used rather loosely in our modern day, but divine love is altogether different. G...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

Matthew 5:44 Reclaim Your Faith The devil makes sure that people will hurt us and let us down. How do we deal with that when it is s...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

Matthew 5:44 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Does God require complete forgiveness of people who have deeply hurt you? Is there ever a time when ...

How far should a Christian go to forgive?

Matthew 5:44 Bible Question Archive How far should a Christian go to forgive? We should forgive no matter how someone responds. Christ f...

The Shepherd's Crucible

Matthew 5:44 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Psalm 23 helps us to understand the journey on which God leads us throughout our lives....

Can Christians be perfect like Jesus?

Matthew 5:48 Bible Question Archive Do we have the option to be 'perfect' like Christ? Is it even something to be considered to fully ov...

Do You Need To Be Perfect To Be Saved?

Matthew 5:48 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Do you need to be perfect to be saved? How do you live a perfect life in a wicked world, and how pe...

How Perfect Should a Christian Be?

Matthew 5:48 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How perfect must a Christian be? How much will God forgive? We need sincere repentance and truly c...

Lesson 7 is not available. Please enjoy this sermon in its place.

Matthew 5:48 SSSH - 1 and 2 Thessalonians Please accept our appologies, lesson #7 is not available. In its place we present "How Perfect Shou...

End of the Rat Race

Matthew 5:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons How would you like to live in the perfect environment, a place without crime, perfect weather, and c...

God's Wonderful Creation

Matthew 5:5 Bible Answers Live DNA is a miraculous thing, more precisely known as the deoxyribonucleic acid. The DNA molecule is th...

Meekness in the Crucible

Matthew 5:5 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Meekness and humility are not discussed much in our culture, but God promises that learning these sk...

Pride Before a Fall

Matthew 5:5 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Christ teaches that in order for us to have Him living within us we must recognize our needs and hum...

Sabbath School Special: Meekness in the Crucible

Matthew 5:5 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Meekness if often overlooked and undervalued in today's society, but Jesus promises heaven to the me...

The Glorious Kingdom

Matthew 5:5 Millennium of Prophecy The Glorious Kingdom begins with a study of Solomon and the zenith of Israel's history. God has prep...

Hunger and Thirst

Matthew 5:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God wants us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. We are promised that the Lord will fill us when...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Righteousness

Matthew 5:6 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Righteousness has two inseparable components: that which Christ has done for us at the cross, and th...

Power in Purity

Matthew 5:8 Here We Stand If we are genuine followers of Christ, we will seek to be pure and holy like Jesus....

Purity In Power

Matthew 5:8 04 Revival What is the difference between Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification? We'll examine an in...

Waging a War on Sin

Matthew 5:8 Bible Answers Live At one time, the government of Australia actually launched a war against birds. Yes, back in 1932 th...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 3

Matthew 5:9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 3 of 3...

Chapter 6


Advindication Part 1: Is Obedience Legalism?

Matthew 6:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the beginning of a sermon series titled "Advindication" which is a play on words between "Ad...

Humble, and Proud of It!

Matthew 6:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Pride is often what causes the problems in relationships, at work, and even in church. Pride is the...

The Parable of the Pharisee and Publican

Matthew 6:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The basic message of God is love. Our attitude shows our true heart. ...

The Parable of the Pharisee and Publican

Matthew 6:1 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The basic message of God is love. Our attitude shows our true heart....

The Wisdom of His Teachings

Matthew 6:1-34 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Jesus' teachings were so revolutionary that they changed the course of humanity and continue to inst...

Receiving and Sharing Forgiveness

Matthew 6:12-15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How do we receive forgiveness? How do we forgive others?...

The Tree of Death

Matthew 6:15 Bible Answers Live Hidden among the tropical beaches in the Gulf of Mexico in the Caribbean, you can find a harmless lo...

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 4 - When and Why to Fast and Pray

Matthew 6:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message When should we fast and pray, and why?...

A Sabbath for the Senses

Matthew 6:16-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God made us with senses, and if we get too much sensory overload, we can crash spiritually. And so G...

When You Fast

Matthew 6:16-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Pastor Batchelor deals with the Bible subject of fasting. Jesus had much to say about fasting and ex...

Lord of Our Resources

Matthew 6:19-21 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Every good gift we receive comes from God. When we accept Christ as Lord, He calls us to be good ste...

Offerings of Gratitude

Matthew 6:19-21 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "Giving generously, whether from means, time, or talent, is a powerful means of living our faith and...

Weep and Howl!

Matthew 6:21 SSSH - The Book of James "How do we work, as Christians, to help alleviate the problem of extreme poverty? What things shoul...

Double Vision

Matthew 6:22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Unless we know how to be single-minded as Christians, we will be unstable in every other area of our...

The Marks of a Steward

Matthew 6:24 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "We don’t obey to be saved; we obey because we already are saved. Obedience is the practical stateme...

Worrying About Stuff, Pt. 1

Matthew 6:24-34 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Do you trust that God will take care of you? He commands us to not worry. Part 1 of 2...

Is it a sin to worry?

Matthew 6:25-27 Bible Question Archive Is it a sin to worry? It can be. The Bible tells us to not be anxious for anything. Jesus said not t...

Divine Provision for Anxiety

Matthew 6:25-33 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions One of the most destructive legacies of sin is the fear of an unknown future, or anxiety. The Bible ...

To Love Mercy

Matthew 6:25-33 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'If it is real, our faith will cause us to die to self and live more for others. Our faith helps us ...

Revelation of Hope

Matthew 6:25-34 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today The Bible reveals to us a loving God who offers us hope amidst life's trials....

Consider the Lilies

Matthew 6:28-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus encouraged us to "consider the lilies." God not only designed and loves beautiful things of n...

Mountain-Moving Faith

Matthew 6:30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Bible says faith can move mountains. What does that mean? How do we have that kind of faith?...

The Many Facets of Faith

Matthew 6:30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is a great profound value of faith in the Bible. It is broad and comprehensive with many faith...

God's Abundant Provision

Matthew 6:33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Christians ought to trust that God will provide for them. In believing in God's provision for their ...

Lord of Our Priorities

Matthew 6:33 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord When we receive Christ as Lord of our lives, He imparts His priorities to us....

The Fruit of the Spirit: The Essence of Christian Character

Matthew 6:33 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit All the fruits of the Spirit come as a result of following Christ's command to "seek first the kingd...

God and Human Suffering

Matthew 6:34 SSSH - The Book of Job 'Though the Bible teaches the reality of an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving God, it also teach...

Worrying About Stuff, Pt. 2

Matthew 6:34 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There are problems and anxieties in life but God gives us enough grace to deal with the problems of ...

How to Talk to God, Pt. 2

Matthew 6:5-15 Bible Talk One of the most crucial components of our Christian life is prayer. The disciples of Jesus heard Him...

The Mystery of Mary, Mother of Jesus

Matthew 6:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are many myths about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Was she divine? Is it proper to call her the...

Luther and the Reformation - Why It Still Matters

Matthew 6:7 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Do we still need spiritual reformation? The whole basis of the Protestant Reformation is evaporatin...

New Pope - Old Prophecy

Matthew 6:7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message These are fascinating times in the world. On a planet teeming with 7 billion people, a change in th...

Where is the line between persisting in prayer and vain repetition?

Matthew 6:7 Bible Question Archive Where is the line between persisting in prayer and vain repetition? Jesus warns us in Matthew 5 not ...

Teach Us To Pray, Part 2

Matthew 6:7-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second part in a two-part series on the Lord's prayer, which is more accurately a prayer...

Sincere Confession

Matthew 6:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What is the purpose of confession? How do we sincerely confess?...

Growing in Christ - 2014

Matthew 6:9-13 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The new life in Christ is not a patched-up life with a few external reformations. It is not a modi...

Life Line to Heaven

Matthew 6:9-13 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Prayer is a lifeline to heaven. It is not intended just for crises, but a daily need. The disciples ...

Chapter 7


Preparation for Discipleship

Matthew 7:1-29 SSSH - Discipleship Discipleship can be tough work. Jesus prepared His disciples with principles we can follow today as ...

What did Jesus mean when He said, 'Do not judge.'?

Matthew 7:1-5 Bible Question Archive What did Jesus mean when He said, 'Do not judge.'? This verse is often misapplied. Christ said, 'If ...

Prayer: The Heartbeat of Revival

Matthew 7:11 SSSH - Revival and Reformation Why is prayer so vital? The answer lies in understanding God's respect for our freedom of choice. G...


Matthew 7:12 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Relationships can make us joyful or miserable. The Bible offers guidelines to improve your relations...

Alone in the Crowd

Matthew 7:12-14 Free Audio Book Library How can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? This little book provides enc...

Alone in the Crowd

Matthew 7:12-14 Free Book Library How can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? This little book provides enc...

If Jesus were Pastor

Matthew 7:13 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What if Jesus were our pastor today? Would we have followed Him and done anything He asked us to do?...

Only Two Options

Matthew 7:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are only two options about salvation. What will you do with your life? Every day we make cho...

Dead End Roads

Matthew 7:13-14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons God created us to live forever in happiness and joy. But because of sin we got side tracked onto a d...

Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?

Matthew 7:13-14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Is it easier to be saved, or to be lost? God is on your side and wants you to be saved. If you com...

Two Roads, One Choice

Matthew 7:13-14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We have two roads we can take, bondage or freedom. We have only one choice. The focus of this sermon...

Messenger for a Movement

Matthew 7:15 Here We Stand Is Ellen White truly speaking for the Lord? Or is her message a dangerous one that contradicts the B...

Proving the Prophets

Matthew 7:15 Millennium of Prophecy What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? People ar...

The Devil’s Deadliest Deception

Matthew 7:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There will be many people in Heaven with different views on how to live but what we cannot get wrong...

What is Salvation?, Pt. 4

Matthew 7:16 Bible Talk This is the fourth in a series on salvation. We can have the assurance of being saved, but we've lea...

By Their Fruit

Matthew 7:20 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Jesus promises that all His true followers will receive the Holy Spirit and bear fruit in their live...

Above the Crowd

Matthew 7:21 Millennium of Prophecy What does it mean to live above the crowd? Is it safe to just go with the flow? How do we find stre...

Above the Crowd

Matthew 7:21 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor If you are going to follow Jesus don't follow afar off. You want to be as close as you can possibly...

Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 1

Matthew 7:21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What is the will of God? How do you discover God's will and carry it out in your life? This sermon l...

Fulfilling the Law

Matthew 7:21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Many interpret Jesus words in Matthew 5 that the law was set aside. But this is not consistent with ...

How Can You Know You Have Eternal Life?

Matthew 7:21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How can we know if we will have eternal life?...

Is My Christianity Real? Pt. 1

Matthew 7:21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Do we know that our Christianity is authentic? We get preoccupied with the "actions" and forget abo...

The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel

Matthew 7:21 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor We are living in a time where there is great risk of receiving a diluted Gospel. We need to read th...

The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel

Matthew 7:21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is a danger of the gospel being diluted. We can assume we are getting real medicine when in fa...

Battle for the Mind - Part 2

Matthew 7:21-22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Does it make any difference what you believe? There is such contradictory teachings about the Bible....

When Christians Believe the Devil, Pt. 1

Matthew 7:21-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Some people want to be Christians but they believe the wrong source. Part 1 of 2...

Lord, Lord

Matthew 7:21-23 04 Revival Are you a Christian or have you just been going through the motions of religion without having a rea...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 1

Matthew 7:21-24 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The atom bomb and weapons of mass destruction are surely a sign of the end of time. There is great f...

Five Ways - Part 1

Matthew 7:22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are you saved? How do you know? The Bible says we must be born again, but how do you know you are co...

Storms That Save

Matthew 7:24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Life storms come to everyone. We are saved through storms by God's grace. He has promised that He h...

God's Special Day

Matthew 7:24-27 Byron Spears God set the Sabbath aside as holy at the end of Creation Week. But what day is the Lord’s Day, and d...

Conquering Inner Space the Last Frontier

Matthew 7:28-29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message You are what you think. You will never be a successful Christian until you conquer the last frontier...

The Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 7:28-29 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "How different would your life be, right now, were you to love your enemies?" (Chantal and Gerald Kl...

Little Times of Trouble

Matthew 7:5 SSSH - Family Seasons 'We all have things that anger us, even to the point of pain. And, in some cases, we probably are ju...

When should we give up on saving a soul?

Matthew 7:6 Bible Question Archive When should we give up on saving a soul? There is a balance. The Bible says some fields are more rip...

What is Salvation?, Pt. 5

Matthew 7:7-11 Bible Talk This is the last of five talks on the assurance of salvation. This broadcast looks at the victory ov...

Our Loving Heavenly Father

Matthew 7:9-11 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "This week we will explore what Jesus taught about our Father and about His infinite love for us. W...

Chapter 8


Discipling the Sick

Matthew 8:17 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "During His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching. His miracles t...

Bury My Heart at Home

Matthew 8:18 Streams of Light This special revival series is called Streams of Light. This sermon is called "Bury My Heart at Home...

Judas Iscariot: Misguided Motives

Matthew 8:19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Judas was a disciple loved by Christ who had misguided motives. He had a yearning for Jesus but also...

Lessons From Would-be-Disciples

Matthew 8:19-22 SSSH - Discipleship Many people in Christ's day wanted to follow Jesus, but refused to do so with their whole hearts and...

Principles for Healthy Living

Matthew 8:23 Bible Answers Live Westminster Abbey in London is one of Great Britain's most famous churches. English monarchs since W...

Comrades in Arms

Matthew 8:23-27 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "How many times are modern disciples more eager to race off and work for Jesus rather than spend tim...

Second Coming Not Secret

Matthew 8:27 Bible Answers Live Did you know that the ocean is a very noisy place? I'm not talking about the sound of waves crashing...

The Centurion, a Faithful Soldier

Matthew 8:5-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are simple but powerful lessons in the story of Christ healing the servant of the centurion. I...

The Healing Faith of the Centurion

Matthew 8:5-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This message is about spiritual and physical healing, how God can heal. God loves everyone equally....

Chapter 9


Through the Roof

Matthew 9:1-8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Jesus came to save us from our sin. The miracles He did were not only to relieve suffering but also...

Lessons from Jeremiah

Matthew 9:12 SSSH - The Book of Jeremiah "At the center of the great controversy exists a crucial issue: What is the character of God? What i...

Things New and Old

Matthew 9:16-17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The message is on things old and new. Jesus said of Scribes that they may bring out of the Word of G...

Faith That Works

Matthew 9:22-29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible encourages us to examine our faith. What kind of faith do you have? Does your faith work? ...

Amazing Health Secrets: Eight Bible Principles for a Longer Life, Pt. 1

Matthew 9:35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible provides answers to the healthcare crisis in America by providing simple lifestyle remedie...

Jesus Ministered to Their Needs

Matthew 9:35 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Most of us have no problem expressing our opinions. How can we learn to be better listeners?"...

Who Are the Seventh-Day Adventists?

Matthew 9:35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon speaks about who are the Seventh-day Adventists. First of all, they believe the Bible. T...

The Tenderness of His Love

Matthew 9:35-36 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Christ's love was so all-encompassing that He taught us to love even our enemies....

The Wonder of His Works

Matthew 9:35-36 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Jesus performed many great miracles that stunned His audience and continue to amaze us today....

Living Like Christ

Matthew 9:36 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The supreme proof of genuine Christianity is loving our enemies."...

The Compassionate Savior

Matthew 9:36 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries A look at the compassionate character of Jesus gives us an example to follow in our own lives....

A Portrait of Andrew

Matthew 9:37 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Every Christian can lead someone to Christ. Andrew the disciple of Jesus was willing to follow Jesus...

An Exciting Way to Get Involved

Matthew 9:37-38 SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission "Small group ministry is ordained by God to enable each church member to grow spiritually, experienc...

"Get up and Walk!" Faith and Healing

Matthew 9:5 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "Whatever our physical struggles, even in the worst-case scenario they will always and only be tempo...

Walking With the Lord

Matthew 9:9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How do we walk with the Lord?...

Chapter 10


Faith Healing

Matthew 10:1 Bible Talk Some people who face ill health believe that they can be healed by faith and faith only. While it is...

Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples

Matthew 10:1-42 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Christ trained His disciples to carry on His work, which included physical and spiritual healing....

Does God judge governments?

Matthew 10:15 Bible Question Archive Does God judge governments, and if so on what basis? The Bible says God does judge governments....

Grace or Disgrace - Part 3

Matthew 10:16-21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This talk continues a discussion on law and grace in the Bible. The most important question we can a...

Unusual Biblical Cures

Matthew 10:23 Bible Answers Live Estimates suggest that there are approximately 20,000 cases of snakebite in Nepal every year causing...

Does Hell Burn Forever?

Matthew 10:28 Biblical Answers to Relevant Questions Does Hell Burn Forever?...

Hell, Pt. 1

Matthew 10:28 Bible Talk Is it true that hell will burn forever? Will God burn sinners through the ceaseless ages of eternit...

Living Courageously

Matthew 10:28 Bible Answers Live Back in January 1970, 30-year old David Kunst was inspired by the moon landing in the summer. He got...

Something from Nothing

Matthew 10:28 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Where did we come from? How did we get something from nothing? All the evidence we see indicates the...

What does it mean to fear the one who destroys body and soul mean?

Matthew 10:28 Bible Question Archive What does it mean to fear the one who destroys body and soul mean? This talks about persecution. The...

How can Jesus leave us peace, but also say he came not to bring peace?

Matthew 10:34 Bible Question Archive How can Jesus leave us peace, but also say he came not to bring peace? Christ did not come to bring ...

Surviving Internal Battles

Matthew 10:34-35 Bible Answers Live 46-year-old Wilmer McLean was hoping that he was too old to serve in the Confederate Army when the C...

Heart of the Home - Part 1

Matthew 10:37-38 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There are so many unhappy homes in our world today. God intended our homes to be a little heaven on ...

The Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 10:7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is a revolution simmering in this world. Many people are longing for a new regime. John the Ba...

Patterns of Discipleship

Matthew 10:8 SSSH - Discipleship A recap of the main points of the quarter's lessons on discipleship, focusing on patterns that we ca...

Chapter 11


John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus

Matthew 11:11 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries The mission of John the Baptist was to prepare the people to receive Christ. God's end-time people h...

The Prophetic Gift

Matthew 11:11 SSSH - The Prophetic Gift The books of Moses reveal much about the nature of the gift of prophecy. This gift was still active ...

Voice in the Wilderness

Matthew 11:11 Millennium of Prophecy This message on how to live a holy life is for those who have accepted Christ and are seeking to gro...

Voice in the Wilderness, Pt.1

Matthew 11:11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest prophet....

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 1

Matthew 11:11-15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the beginning of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it applies to us ...

The Seen and the Unseen War

Matthew 11:12 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "What things, even in secular life, remain mysteries to us? Do we stop believing, for instance, in t...

Turning Hearts in the End-Time - 2019

Matthew 11:14-15 SSSH - Family Seasons "All the eloquent sermons, all the logic and biblical presentations, aren’t enough: The world needs ...

The Puzzle of His Conduct

Matthew 11:18-19 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus The ways in which Jesus behaved puzzled the people during His time, who were expecting a different t...

There's Something about Babies

Matthew 11:25 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is something about babies, even in the Bible. What does the Bible say about babies? We can lea...

Come to Me

Matthew 11:28 SSSH - Rest In Christ Why is living a life of obedience to God’s law one of more restfulness than one in which we disobey ...

Genesis History: The Sabbath - Question, Objections, Arguments and Answers

Matthew 11:28 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This study of Genesis focuses on the creation of Sabbath and its purpose....

Jesus' Teachings and the Great Controversy

Matthew 11:28 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "In this week's lesson, we will look at some of Jesus' teachings on very down-to-earth and practical...

Resting in Christ

Matthew 11:28 SSSH - The Book of Matthew 'This week, as we continue our study of Matthew, we will look at a few of the Sabbath controversies ...


Matthew 11:28 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Mental and physical stress can negatively affect your health and attitude toward life. The Bible off...

The Rest of Our Work, Pt. 2

Matthew 11:28 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Real love requires time. That is why after God made the world in six days, He made one more day for...

The Rest of the Story

Matthew 11:28 Here We Stand What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? Why do most Christians worship on Sunday? Is this based o...

The Rest of the Story, Pt. 1

Matthew 11:28 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why won't Bible Christians take a stand? So many Christian movements have come out of the dark ages ...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace

Matthew 11:28-29 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Christ won an everlasting peace for His followers, but the Bible says this peace must be striven for...

Deadly Distractions

Matthew 11:28-30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Many people come to Jesus and get involved in church, but over time the relationship begins to evapo...

Rest and Restoration

Matthew 11:28-30 SSSH - Health & Healing Rest is such an important part of human health that God designed the daily and weekly cycles to incl...

The Close of Probation

Matthew 11:28-30 Byron Spears What is probation and what does it mean for it to close?...

The Gospel and the Church - 2011

Matthew 11:28-30 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians The actions we sow result in a harvest, either for good or evil. This happens both in our individual...

Sabbath School Special: Meekness in the Crucible

Matthew 11:29 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Meekness if often overlooked and undervalued in today's society, but Jesus promises heaven to the me...

Chapter 12


The Sabbath

Matthew 12:1-5 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The same God who created humanity with the need to rest also provided the means to rest: a weekly d...

Variation in Value

Matthew 12:12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible has a lot to say about attaching appropriate value to things. God values intelligence and ...

Jesus and Those in Need

Matthew 12:15-21 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'Among other reasons for His incarnation, Jesus came to show us what God is like. He did this by His...

Cross-Cultural Missions

Matthew 12:18 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries “While pioneering Christian work can be accomplished by foreign missionaries who have cultural sensi...

Can Satan Cast Out Satan?

Matthew 12:22-27 Bible Question Archive In Matthew 12 Jesus speaks of Satan casting out Satan. What does this mean? And what does it mean wh...

Sabbath Disputes

Matthew 12:3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Sabbath is a subject that causes some dispute. There are a number of Christians and churches th...

Disciples and Scripture

Matthew 12:3-8 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "How can we make sure that our study and reading of the Bible help us to come to a better knowledge ...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 3

Matthew 12:31 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are we make the fatal mistake of turning away from light God sheds on our pathway? Resisting and fig...

How Do I Know if I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

Matthew 12:31 Biblical Answers to Relevant Questions How Do I Know if I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?...

No Turning Back

Matthew 12:31 New Revelation Is there a sin which God cannot pardon? What is the unforgivable sin? Is there such a thing? This se...

The Unpardonable Sin: Part 1

Matthew 12:31 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The topic of the unpardonable sin has good news and bad news. Since the Holy Spirit is the agency by...

Our Crucial Need for the Holy Spirit

Matthew 12:31-32 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do we need the Holy Spirit? ...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

Matthew 12:31-32 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do we need the Holy Spirit? Part 2 of 2...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

Matthew 12:31-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How do we receive the Holy Spirit according to the Bible?...

Point of No Return - Part 1

Matthew 12:31-32 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Like bombers in World War II who sometimes went beyond the point of no return, can people in their r...

The Care and Feeding of Your Conscience

Matthew 12:31-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The message covers your conscience, what it is, why God gave us a conscience, and how to care for it...

The Holy Spirit

Matthew 12:31-32 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "Of the Three Persons of the God head, the Holy Spirit is the least understood. It is ironic that t...

The Unpardonable Sin

Matthew 12:31-32 Byron Spears Is there a sin that can't be forgiven?...

What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

Matthew 12:31-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What is the unpardonable sin? Is there a point of no return in our lives? Can we silence the voice o...

The Power of Words

Matthew 12:31-33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Words are powerful for good or for bad. They have the power to build up and encourage or to tear do...

What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?

Matthew 12:32 Bible Question Archive What does it mean to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? This does not have to do with making verbal ...

The Amazing Power of Words

Matthew 12:33-37 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is power in words. Words can bring life, and words can bring death. God wants us to speak word...

God's Word on Family Living

Matthew 12:34-35 SSSH - Families in the Family of God The Bible describes God's ideal for families in a variety of ways....

Taming the Tongue

Matthew 12:37 SSSH - The Book of James "If you recorded all your spoken words in a single day and then played them back to yourself, what w...

Jonah - Part 1

Matthew 12:39 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale and living has been pointed to by skeptics of the Bibl...

Explain how Jesus was in the tomb 3 days & 3 nights.

Matthew 12:40 Bible Question Archive If Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday, how could He have been in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nigh...

Renewing Our Mind

Matthew 12:41 Bible Answers Live The most powerful computer on earth is your brain. That’s right. The human brain processes about 100...

Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 1

Matthew 12:50 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What is the will of God? How do you discover God's will and carry it out in your life? This sermon l...

Sabbath: A Gift From Eden

Matthew 12:8 SSSH - Origins "God is calling people to worhip Him as the Creator, and nowhere in the Bible do we find anything th...

The Sabbath, Pt. 3

Matthew 12:8 Bible Talk This is the third in a series on the Sabbath day in Scripture. We've looked at some Bible verses tha...

Chapter 13



Matthew 13:1-23 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus used many parables built around the activities of farmers. One story is about a sower casting ...

Why Is There Evil?

Matthew 13:1-30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor If God is good, and if God is love, then why is there evil? Did God make a devil? Why would a good...

Questions and Answers - Part 3

Matthew 13:10-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This broadcast continues on a series on Bible questions sent in by listeners. The first question is,...

Hearing the Voice of God

Matthew 13:14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How do we know when God is speaking to us?...

Hearing the Voice of God

Matthew 13:14-16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What could be more important and more precious than hearing from God? How do we know when God is co...

Uncommon Sensitivity

Matthew 13:15-16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We need to pray that God will help us to guard against our spiritual senses numbed. We should pray t...

I See, I Want, I Take

Matthew 13:22 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "It’s hard to imagine anything in the human character that is less reflective of the character of Ch...

When Satan Goes to Church, Pt. 2

Matthew 13:24-25 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teach...

The Wheat and the Weeds

Matthew 13:24-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on the Parable of the Wheat and Tares. The children of Israel believed the Messi...

The Mark of the Beast, Pt. 3

Matthew 13:24-43 Bible Talk This is the third in a series on the mark of the beast. Looking carefully at Revelation 13, it is cl...

Weeds or Wheat?

Matthew 13:24-43 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor If God is good, how can there be so much evil in a world made by a good God? If God is all powerful ...

Why is Jesus taking so long to return?

Matthew 13:28-30 Bible Question Archive Why is Jesus taking so long to return? We need to ask another question, Is the plan of salvation jus...

The Power of Little Things

Matthew 13:31-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The topic for this sermon is the power of little things. The Bible speaks of the power of little thi...

Discipling Through Metaphor

Matthew 13:34-35 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "Jesus framed eternal truths in ways that went beyond mere intellect alone. Jesus spoke through con...

The Wheat and the Weeds

Matthew 13:36-43 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on the Parable of the Wheat and Tares. The children of Israel believed the Messi...

Is Hellfire Real?

Matthew 13:40 Video Shorts Where is hell? What is hell? Does it burn forever? Is the devil really in charge of it? Wait ... is ...

No Place to Hide - Part 1

Matthew 13:40 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the most sobering questions asked in the Bible is, 'What shall the end be of them that obey n...

Star of Wonder

Matthew 13:43 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Who were the wisemen who traveled to see Jesus? How did they know that the star would lead them to ...

From Ears to Feet

Matthew 13:44 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs "Training in wisdom consists in hearing proper instruction and in following and obeying what we have...

Pearl of Great Price

Matthew 13:45-46 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This broadcast speaks of Jesus' parable about the pearl of great price. Like the man who sought this...

Things New and Old

Matthew 13:52 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The message is on things old and new. Jesus said of Scribes that they may bring out of the Word of G...

Limiting God

Matthew 13:55-56 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Can we limit the great God of the universe? This broadcast looks at Psalm 78:41 and the background t...

Chapter 14


The End

Matthew 14:10 SSSH - The Book of Job "This week, as we begin the book of Job, we will start at its end, because it brings up questions ab...

Storms at Sea

Matthew 14:22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Many stories in the Bible are about people who were converted during storms at sea....

Discipleship and Prayer

Matthew 14:22-23 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "What powerful changes might occur if constant, fervent prayer was central to our methodology in see...

More Lessons in Discipleship

Matthew 14:22-27 SSSH - Discipleship A review of additional lessons about discipleship that Jesus offers us....

Fix Our Eyes on Jesus

Matthew 14:22-33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus, to truly focus on Christ. This sermon illustrates ...

Jesus and the Sea

Matthew 14:22-33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on Jesus' two experiences on the sea in a boat. When we follow God, we will cros...

The Person of Peter

Matthew 14:30-31 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Whatever his faults, and they were many, Peter was a spiritual man who was ready to follow the Lord...

Chapter 15


Your Body, God's Temple

Matthew 15:1-20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these only for the ...

What is Truth?, Pt. 4

Matthew 15:1-9 Bible Talk This broadcast looks at truth and tradition. While there are good traditions, there are some traditi...

Conquering Inner Space the Last Frontier

Matthew 15:17-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message You are what you think. You will never be a successful Christian until you conquer the last frontier...

Lord of Jews and Gentiles

Matthew 15:24 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "In what ways might your expectations of what you expect from God be too narrow?"...

Mission to the Unreached: Part 2

Matthew 15:28 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission What is the difference between faith and belief? Why might people who have the correct belief be fou...

Are the Commandments still valid today?

Matthew 15:3 Bible Question Archive Has the law been done away with? Since we are under grace do we still need to obey it?...

Big Lie

Matthew 15:3-9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons If the Ten Commandments are still valid, why is the fourth commandment disregarded by many Christian...

Last Chance - Part 1

Matthew 15:3-9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Signs of the times are all around us that we are living at the end of world's history. Signs in natu...

Discipling the Sick

Matthew 15:30-31 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "During His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching. His miracles t...

Changing Your Mind

Matthew 15:7-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Gospel is about God putting a new mind in us....

Hope for the Sincere Hypocrite

Matthew 15:7-9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We have all been hypocrites, pretending to be what we are not. God wants us to be genuine Christians...

Christ and Religious Tradition

Matthew 15:8-9 SSSH - Christ and His Law "This week's lesson investigates the religious traditions upon which the scribes and Pharisees based...

If Jesus were Pastor

Matthew 15:8-9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What if Jesus were our pastor today? Would we have followed Him and done anything He asked us to do?...

Chapter 16


More Lessons in Discipleship

Matthew 16:1-12 SSSH - Discipleship A review of additional lessons about discipleship that Jesus offers us....

Who Was Jesus?

Matthew 16:13-14 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Though the name Jesus is known throughout most of the world today, the fundamental question "Who was...

Believing in the Son of God

Matthew 16:13-17 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles John explores what it means to believe in the Christ of the Bible....

Recognizing Jesus

Matthew 16:13-17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus often appeared to people in Scripture and they did not recognize Him. If we have a relationshi...

The Person of Peter

Matthew 16:13-17 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Whatever his faults, and they were many, Peter was a spiritual man who was ready to follow the Lord...

The Keys of the Kingdom (A Mighty Rock)

Matthew 16:13-23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon delves into the deep teaching of Jesus to His disciples explaining who He is and what Hi...


Matthew 16:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message In order to have a good foundation you need to go deep. That's true of your life and true of the chu...

Peter and the Rock

Matthew 16:15 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "Peter and the disciples were gradually learning what true faith is. True faith isn't supposed to b...

Did Jesus give Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven?

Matthew 16:17-19 Bible Question Archive In Matthew chapter 16 Jesus seems to give the keys to the kingdom of heaven to Peter and He speaks o...

True Church Today - Part 1

Matthew 16:18 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There are so many voices and denominations claiming to be the true church. God does not want us to b...

True Church Today - Part 1

Matthew 16:18 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There are so many voices and denominations claiming to be the true church. God does not want us to b...

Being Kingdom-Conscious

Matthew 16:19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It is important to understand the nature of the kingdom of God. What does it mean to have membershi...

Mixed Up Values

Matthew 16:24-26 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live in a time of mixed up values. People place greater priority on things that do not last. Are ...

The Call to Discipleship

Matthew 16:24-28 SSSH - The Book of Luke "Being a disciple energizes the spirit, challenges the mind, and demands our utmost in our relations...

Divine Wisdom

Matthew 16:26 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs "Wisdom is truth - the Truth as it exists in God, the source and foundation of all truth."...

Mission to the Powerful

Matthew 16:26 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission Why must we be careful of the trap of thinking that because “we have the truth”, then the knowledge ...

What is Time Worth?

Matthew 16:26 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Time has value. We can calculate with figures the value of our time. We can spend our time for thing...

The Rich Man and Lazarus, Pt. 2

Matthew 16:27 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There are varying degrees of reward and punishment....

The Second Coming of Jesus

Matthew 16:27 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "When Jesus comes, the destiny of each human being will already have been decided... The fact that ...

What does it mean that some wouldn't die till they saw the kingdom?

Matthew 16:27-28 Bible Question Archive What does Matthew chapter 16 mean when speaking of some not dying till they see the kingdom? Since t...

Plague of Gossip

Matthew 16:28 Bible Answers Live The city of Tehran has a super-sized pest problem. It is reported that the capital of Iran has more ...

Chapter 17


Experiencing Discipleship

Matthew 17:1-13 SSSH - Discipleship The gospels describe different groups of people and their experiences with discipleship to demonstra...

Prophecy and Scripture

Matthew 17:1-6 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How many people have drifted off into fanaticism and error because they refused to heed the counsel...

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 5

Matthew 17:11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The fifth in a series on types of Christ found throughout Scripture. This sermon draws parallels bet...

Elijah's Return

Matthew 17:11-13 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Bible says the same way that John the Baptist prepared the world for Jesus' first coming, there ...

Elijah's Return

Matthew 17:11-13 Most Amazing Prophecies What does the last Old Testament prophecy of Elijah returning mean? The Bible teaches that John the ...

The Power of Little Things

Matthew 17:20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The topic for this sermon is the power of little things. The Bible speaks of the power of little thi...

Spiritual Revival

Matthew 17:26 Bible Answers Live In 1986, two and a half year old Michelle Frank was playing with her brother near their home outside...

The Reading of the Word

Matthew 17:5 SSSH - Ezra and Nehemiah 'How do you relate to the Word of God? That is, even though you claim to believe it, how is that cla...

Chapter 18


Idols of the Soul (and Other Lessons from Jesus)

Matthew 18:1 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "The gospel needs to penetrate the heart, to go right to the idols of the soul, and whatever we are ...

Jesus and the Children

Matthew 18:1-7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What does Jesus think of children? He rebuked His disciples for stopping children from coming to Him...

A Lost Sheep

Matthew 18:10-14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The sermon focuses on the parable of the lost sheep. Like sheep who wander, people wander from God. ...

Does the Bible say we should judge sin in other Christians?

Matthew 18:15 Bible Question Archive What does it mean to judge? 'Thou shalt not judge' is a verse that is probably quoted more than ot...

The Gospel and the Church - 2011

Matthew 18:15-17 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians The actions we sow result in a harvest, either for good or evil. This happens both in our individual...

Homes of Peace and Healing

Matthew 18:15-18 SSSH - Families in the Family of God Christian families are not exempt from problems, but the Bible gives advice to resolve the inevitabl...

Living with Lambs

Matthew 18:2-5 SSSH - Families in the Family of God Becoming a parent means taking on a special stewardship role, since God claims children as His own....

What Do You Miss When You Miss Church?

Matthew 18:20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What do you miss when you miss church? Can we be saved if we don't attend church?...

Did Jesus make reference to the 70 weeks of Daniel 9?

Matthew 18:21-22 Bible Question Archive In Matthew chapter 18 Jesus mentions that we should forgive 70 x 7 times. Is this a reference to th...

Receiving and Sharing Forgiveness

Matthew 18:21-22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How do we receive forgiveness? How do we forgive others?...

The Challenge of His Sayings

Matthew 18:21-22 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Many of Christ's teachings challenged the established social order of His day and give Christians to...


Matthew 18:21-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What does the Bible teach about forgiveness? Does God really expect us to forgive those who have hu...

Keys to the Kingdom - Forgiveness

Matthew 18:21-35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message In order for God's forgiveness to blossom in our life we must learn to forgive each other. Pastor D...

Seventy Times Seven

Matthew 18:21-35 04 Revival How can we forgive someone who has deeply hurt or harmed us? We'll examine the Bible parable of the...

The Essential Ingredients for Revival

Matthew 18:3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message In this sermon on the essential ingredients of revival we learn youth are often involved. Key to rev...

There's Something about Babies

Matthew 18:3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is something about babies, even in the Bible. What does the Bible say about babies? We can lea...

Chapter 19


God's Word: A Valuable Treasure

Matthew 19:12 Bible Answers Live After Stan Cathy and his wife Linda married, as part of the combining of households she urged him to...

Where Was God?

Matthew 19:13 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor When tragedy strikes people ask, "Where is God? Is He happy that this happened? Does He care?" Ho...

Where Was God?

Matthew 19:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message When tragedy strikes people ask, "Where is God? Is He happy that this happened? Does He care?" Ho...

Battle for the Mind - Part 1

Matthew 19:16-20 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Since the Garden of Eden it has been Satan's attempts to capture our minds and twist our thinking so...

What Must I Do? - Part 1

Matthew 19:16-21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the most important question in all the world? A rich young ruler once asked Jesus this quest...

Being and Doing

Matthew 19:16-22 SSSH - The Book of James "Salvation begins by seeing who we really are, not who we imagine ourselves to be."...

Christ's Covenant

Matthew 19:16-22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus did not come to put an end to the law of God, but to fulfill the law. Love is the fulfilling o...

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Matthew 19:16-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The focus of this sermon is the story of the Rich Young Ruler found in three gospels. He was a good ...

The Law of God and the Law of Christ

Matthew 19:16-22 SSSH - Christ and His Law "Jesus and His Father are united in purpose as they urge the people of God's creation to love as the...

The Rich Young Ruler

Matthew 19:16-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The story of the rich young ruler is found in each of the Gospels. It is the basic story of the Gos...

The Blessings of the Righteous

Matthew 19:19 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs The book of Proverbs tells us that wisdom is righteousness, and "righteousness" means to walk accord...

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 3 (Hezekiah): Pride and Possession

Matthew 19:23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God wants to bless us. Having material possessions is not bad, but it can be when our hearts are tur...

A Portrait of Andrew

Matthew 19:27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Every Christian can lead someone to Christ. Andrew the disciple of Jesus was willing to follow Jesus...

Idols of the Soul (and Other Lessons from Jesus)

Matthew 19:27 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "The gospel needs to penetrate the heart, to go right to the idols of the soul, and whatever we are ...

Help Wanted: Workers in the Vineyard

Matthew 19:27-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Is God fair? Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. This program is about the fairness of God....

The Challenge of Self-Denial

Matthew 19:27-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We are naturally selfish and must learn self-discipline to change the direction and focus of your li...

The Challenge of His Sayings

Matthew 19:3-12 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Many of Christ's teachings challenged the established social order of His day and give Christians to...

Marriage Failures

Matthew 19:3-6 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live at a time when millions of marriages are falling apart. Perhaps the saddest aspect of this i...


Matthew 19:3-9 SSSH - Families in the Family of God God's perfect plan for marriages and families was distorted by the curse of sin, but Christ offers a...

Together for Life, Pt. 1

Matthew 19:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ...

Together for Life, Pt. 2

Matthew 19:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ...

Together for Life, Pt. 2

Matthew 19:5 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Does the Bible offer any guidance on how to have a happy an...

Wise Words for Families - 2019

Matthew 19:5 SSSH - Family Seasons "How have your actions, either for good or bad, impacted others, especially children? In what ways m...

Adultery, Loyalty and Love

Matthew 19:9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God's church should show the world what holiness looks like, and that includes our homes, and in our...

Lawfully Joined

Matthew 19:9-10 Creeping Compromise According to the Scriptures, marriage is a lifetime commitment. how can we explain the contradictio...

Chapter 20


Grapes, Grace and Grumbling

Matthew 20:1-16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The parable of the workers in the vineyard is one of the most important parables. It can also be on...

Help Wanted: Workers in the Vineyard

Matthew 20:1-16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Is God fair? Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. This program is about the fairness of God....

Life is Not Fair, but God is Good

Matthew 20:1-16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon deals with the issue of life not being fair. Yet, we find that no matter what we see, we...


Matthew 20:20-23 SSSH - The Christian Life A disciple is a lifelong learner of the teachings of someone else. Christians are called to a life o...

Saved to Serve

Matthew 20:25-28 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon explores the book of Philemon and speaks of service and slavery. Paul teaches that peopl...

Church Organization and Unity

Matthew 20:26-27 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "Our acknowledgment of Christ as the Head of the church helps us remember to whom our ultimate alleg...


Matthew 20:28 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The Bible is clear. We have only two choices regarding our sins: either we pay for our sins in the...

Chapter 21


The Passion Week

Matthew 21:1-16 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption A look at Christ's last week of ministry before His death....

The Wedding Garment

Matthew 21:1-46 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Christ's parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22 demonstrates that God will one day judge whose...

Who Is Christ?

Matthew 21:10 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This broadcast discusses the most incredible Man who ever lived. Jesus Christ was not born into weal...

Sanitizing the Sanctuary

Matthew 21:12-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Church isn't a building, God wants us to know Him and to share Him. He doesn't want us to have ritua...

Jesus in Jerusalem - 2015

Matthew 21:12-17 SSSH - The Book of Luke "The last week of Jesus' earthly life unfolded in Jerusalem. What tumultuous events marked that week...

Discipling Children

Matthew 21:16 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "We can preach and sermonize all we want; in the end, as with adults, the best way to disciple child...

Is there any Scripture that supports children witnessing to their parents?

Matthew 21:16 Bible Question Archive Is there any Scripture that supports children witnessing to their parents? Yes there are examples of...

Fig Trees and Pharisees

Matthew 21:18-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We are judged by our "fruit" - by our actions....

Fig Trees and Pharisees

Matthew 21:18-22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Thou shalt not judge. What does that mean? Does it mean that if we see someone doing wrong, we shoul...

Life Line to Heaven

Matthew 21:21-22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Prayer is a lifeline to heaven. It is not intended just for crises, but a daily need. The disciples ...

A Mountain-Moving Faith

Matthew 21:21-33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The devil uses the word "if" - it shows a lack of faith. With faith in God you can overcome the moun...

Rich Man, Poor Man

Matthew 21:28-31 SSSH - The Book of Ecclesiastes Solomon realizes that human passions, whatever they are, can never be satisfied unless they are surr...

The Son of God Among Us

Matthew 21:28-32 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Christ came to show that God doesn't favor riches or human position, but rather humility of heart....

The Chosen People, Pt. 2

Matthew 21:33-46 Bible Talk Who is Israel today? Do modern Jews need to travel back to Israel or does the New Testament teach th...

The Chosen People, Pt. 5

Matthew 21:33-46 Bible Talk Is there spiritual and biblical significance to the year 1948 when the Jewish state was reorganized....

A Stone Rejected

Matthew 21:42 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon discusses the usage of the illustration of a rock to represent Jesus Christ and the Word...

Jesus in Jerusalem - 2016

Matthew 21:42 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "How can we make sure that we are not letting our desire to gain our maintain anything here, even so...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 5

Matthew 21:43 Bible Talk This ongoing discussion on the second coming of Christ deals with the concept of the seven year trib...

Chapter 22


Judgment Must Begin

Matthew 22:1-13 SSSH - The Gospel - 1844 - and Judgment Several New Testament authors write of God's judgment of our works prior to the return of Jesus Chri...

Missing the Most Expensive Wedding

Matthew 22:1-14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message A wedding is supposed to be a lasting covenant and our coming to Jesus is supposed to create a lasti...

Snubbing the Great Invitation

Matthew 22:1-14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How much did God give to make salvation available to us, and yet we turn away from Him. We have two...

The Great Wedding Feast

Matthew 22:1-14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus illustrates the essence of the gospel in parables of weddings. The stories teaches us the gosp...

The Wedding Garment

Matthew 22:1-14 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Christ's parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22 demonstrates that God will one day judge whose...


Matthew 22:2-14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons When Jesus was crucified, the soldiers gambled for Christ's robe. Today people gamble away Jesus' ro...

How to Understand the Bible

Matthew 22:29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Unless we know the Bible for ourselves, we will be led into false doctrine and teaching. We are livi...

Who Are the Sons of God?

Matthew 22:30 Free Book Library Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Are they aliens, angels, or even ... our ancestors?! Uncover a...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 2

Matthew 22:34-40 Bible Talk What is the purpose of God's law? Should we obey God's law? Isn't this legalism? Are we under the la...

The Choices We Make

Matthew 22:35-37 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week, we will look in a very broad way at the question of the choices we make, how we should m...

Lord of Our Relationships

Matthew 22:36-39 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Mankind was created to have relationships with God and each other. Christ shows us heaven's standard...

The Two Witnesses

Matthew 22:37 Prophecy Code Who are the two witnesses in Revelation? There are lots of interpretations. Which is right? This ser...

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!

Matthew 22:37-38 SSSH - Health & Healing Divine healing, physical and mental, begins with an attitude of praise and thankfulness to God for t...

Blueprint for a Better World

Matthew 22:37-40 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'How important is it to you that God is a God who sees the suffering of people in the world and hear...

Who Is Christ?

Matthew 22:41-46 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This broadcast discusses the most incredible Man who ever lived. Jesus Christ was not born into weal...

Israel in Prophecy, Pt. 2

Matthew 22:42 Bible Talk Many today look at Israel in the Middle East. Don't all of the promises in the Old Testament need to...

Comprehending God and Other Divine Issues Pt. 2

Matthew 22:42-46 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second of a two-part series on comprehending God. The term "son of God" emphasizes a deep relati...

Chapter 23


The Son of God Among Us

Matthew 23:1-39 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Christ came to show that God doesn't favor riches or human position, but rather humility of heart....

The Sincere Hypocrite

Matthew 23:1-5 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Some of the strongest statements that Jesus made were about hypocrisy. When we grasp the goodness o...

Last-Day Events

Matthew 23:12 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "At a time of so much turmoil and uncertainty in our world about the future, how can we learn to dra...

Do we have to pay tithe according to the New Testament?

Matthew 23:23 Bible Question Archive Do we have to pay tithe according to the New Testament? It's important to ask if these Old Testament...

Does the Bible say that tithing is required of Christians today?

Matthew 23:23 Bible Question Archive Does the Bible say that tithing is required of Christians today? Everything belongs to God. We ackno...

Spiritual Priorities

Matthew 23:23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It's human nature to focus on trivial things and miss the big picture. That can happen for Christian...

Windows of Heaven

Matthew 23:23 Millennium of Prophecy This sermon speaks about the stewardship of everything we have, recognizing God owns all. It speaks ...

Squeaky Clean

Matthew 23:26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible teaches that God wants to cleanse us from sin. There are several ways this is described su...

Boasting in the Cross - 2011

Matthew 23:27 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Nowhere do our 'glorious' human wisdom, our riches, and our might appear more clearly in all their f...

Final Choice

Matthew 23:37 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Here is the story of Paul's defense before Felix, a ruler who was curious about what this apostle ha...

Jesus Desired Their Good

Matthew 23:37 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Jesus loved people more than anything else, and a church that is truly His will do the same."...

Israel in Prophecy, Pt. 4

Matthew 23:37-38 Bible Talk Many people look at a book or a TV program or a preacher to determine what they believe about Israel...

Jews and the Future - Part 3

Matthew 23:38 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Jews were chosen by God to carry His great message to the nations. But the promises of prosperit...

Hope for the Sincere Hypocrite

Matthew 23:4 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We have all been hypocrites, pretending to be what we are not. God wants us to be genuine Christians...

Pride Before a Fall

Matthew 23:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon speaks of pride and how it is the opposite of the character of God which is based in hum...

New Pope - Old Prophecy

Matthew 23:9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message These are fascinating times in the world. On a planet teeming with 7 billion people, a change in th...

Chapter 24


Matthew 24 and 25

Matthew 24:1-25 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time 'What is it about obedience to what God tells us to do that strengthens our faith? That is, why is f...

Almost Midnight - Part 1

Matthew 24:1-51 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Christ's coming is soon. Matthew 24 gives clear indicators of both signs of Jesus' soon coming and t...

Building Designed by God

Matthew 24:1-51 Bible Answers Live Frank Lloyd Wright was probably the most famous and productive American architect. He produced well ...

His Return as King and Friend

Matthew 24:1-51 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus The "blessed hope" for Christians is the return of Christ in glory, to become our king and friend, a...

Predictions of the End

Matthew 24:1-51 SSSH - Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark Jesus foretells of the fall of Jerusalem and of His return to bring an end to sin....

Revelation's Rapture

Matthew 24:1-51 Prophecy Code What does the Bible say about Christ's second coming? When and how will it happen? Will it be a secr...

Signs - Part 1

Matthew 24:1-51 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Just as a sign was given to Belshazzar, king of Babylon, that the end of his empire was soon to take...

The Coming King

Matthew 24:1-51 Millennium of Prophecy The Coming King speaks about the Bible's teaching about the soon coming of Christ. Though we cannot ...

The Coming King, Pt.1

Matthew 24:1-51 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Jesus is coming soon. The signs are clear and abundant now. Are you ready?...

The Coming King, Pt.2

Matthew 24:1-51 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How near are we to the return of Jesus?...

2012 Doomsday Myths

Matthew 24:11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is the Mayan calendar a reliable prophetic source? Rampant hype about the last days of earth’s histo...

Proving the Prophets

Matthew 24:11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? How do w...

When the Devil Goes to Church

Matthew 24:11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The devil isn't afraid of church, he just wants to be the object of your worship....

Falling from Grace - Part 1

Matthew 24:11-13 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Once you have given your life to Christ, can you choose to turn away from the Lord? Can a converted ...

2012 Doomsday Myths, Pagan Prophecies and the Bible

Matthew 24:11-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message People struggle with "end of the world" fears. What does the Bible say about the end of the world?...

2012 Doomsday Myths

Matthew 24:14 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is the Mayan calendar a reliable prophetic source? Rampant hype about the last days of earth’s histo...

God’s Everlasting Gospel

Matthew 24:14 SSSH - The Book of Revelation "How is our view of Creation and Salvation related? Why is resting on the Sabbath as God did so impo...

Last Chance - Part 2

Matthew 24:14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is the book of Revelation a closed book? Is it sealed and full of mysterious symbols that we can nev...

Our Mission

Matthew 24:14 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "Our task is to invite people to follow Jesus, which means to believe in Him, to obey His teachings,...

Prophecy's Final Countdown

Matthew 24:14 Prophecy Code This introductory program to the "Prophecy Code" seminar lays out the importance of prophecy and pri...

Signs of the Coming King, Pt. 1

Matthew 24:14 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Lord says He is coming and that He's coming quickly. What can we know about Jesus return? Part...

Signs of the Coming King, Pt. 2

Matthew 24:14 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Lord says He is coming and that He's coming quickly. What can we know about Jesus' return? Par...

Voices From Heaven

Matthew 24:14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons When will the end of the world come? The Bible tells us that the gospel will be preached to all the ...

Worship the Creator - 2018

Matthew 24:14 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time "Take time to dwell on the incredible marvels of the created world. What can and do they teach us ab...

Exiles as Missionaries

Matthew 24:14-15 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "Think how easy it would have been for Daniel to have compromised, especially given his circumstance...

When to Leave the Cities

Matthew 24:14-15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon deals with the topic of when it would be wise for Christians to leave the cities. Countr...

Being Still Before God

Matthew 24:15 Bible Answers Live ave you ever longed for a quiet place away from the roar of traffic, blaring music and loud lawnmowe...

Rome and Antiochus

Matthew 24:15 SSSH - The Gospel - 1844 - and Judgment The Bible gives ample evidence to help us correctly identify prophetic symbols in history, but other...

Biblical Myths - Part 4

Matthew 24:15-20 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are all 10 of God's commandments still binding? Doesn't the New Testament not speak about one? What ...

At the end times, what happens to those not part of the 144,000?

Matthew 24:15-28 Bible Question Archive At the end of time what will happen to those who are not part of the 144,000? Will they be destroyed...

When during the 7 year tribulation period will the rapture occur?

Matthew 24:15-28 Bible Question Archive Can we exactly pinpoint when the rapture will occur? When does the 7-year tribulation period start?...

What does the Bible teach about contraception?

Matthew 24:19 Bible Question Archive What does the Bible teach about contraception? I think a man should be responsible and be able to su...

Armageddon Countdown

Matthew 24:2 Most Amazing Prophecies What is the battle of Armageddon? The Bible speaks about this great battle in Revelation 16. Is it a...

Surviving the Great Tribulation

Matthew 24:2-31 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How can you get through difficult times?...

The Sabbath, Pt. 4

Matthew 24:20 Bible Talk Does the Bible teach that the sacredness of Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday? Should we k...

When God Said Remember - Part 3

Matthew 24:20 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This is a continued broadcast on the topic of the Sabbath day and reasons given in Scripture for kee...

The Antichrist, Pt. 4

Matthew 24:21 Bible Talk This is a continued discussion on the antichrist and looks at who it is and what it represents. This...

2012 Doomsday Myths

Matthew 24:23 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is the Mayan calendar a reliable prophetic source? Rampant hype about the last days of earth’s histo...

Anything But Secret

Matthew 24:23-24 Free Book Library The rapture has become the prevailing interpretation of Christ’s second coming. It suggests that mil...

Explain the secret rapture and the Bible references for it.

Matthew 24:23-31 Bible Question Archive Explain the secret rapture and the Bible references for it. It is true that we will be carried away ...

All These Things - Part 5

Matthew 24:24 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There is an interest in our society in the occult and witchcraft. The Bible teaches that in the last...

Speaking in Tongues, Pt. 5

Matthew 24:24 Bible Talk Some of the gifts listed in the New Testament are miraculous. Can Satan create a counterfeit of thes...

The King Returns, Pt. 2

Matthew 24:24 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The great climax of the world's history is going to be when Christ comes and He sets everything righ...

Anything But Secret

Matthew 24:26-27 Free Book Library The rapture has become the prevailing interpretation of Christ’s second coming. It suggests that mil...

How can we tell the false from the true Christ's appearing?

Matthew 24:26-28 Bible Question Archive How can we tell the false from the true Christ's appearing? The Bible gives us several indicators to...

Return of the Cosmic King

Matthew 24:27 Time is Ticking Away The masterpiece of the devil's deception is going to be counterfeiting the return of Christ. What d...

The Return of Our Lord Jesus

Matthew 24:27 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time "Only one of two endings awaits every human being who has ever lived on this planet. Either we will ...

All These Things - Part 1

Matthew 24:27-30 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Predictions have been made about the exact date of the coming of Christ. But all these predictions h...

Wearing Your Treasure

Matthew 24:28 Bible Answers Live A man in India, Datta Phuge, has taken extravagance to a new level. He recently ordered the creation...

Are the prophecies of Matthew chapter 24 literal or figurative?

Matthew 24:29 Bible Question Archive In Matthew chapter 24 it speaks of the sun being darkened and the stars falling from heaven. Will th...

Are the prophecies of Matthew chapter 24 literal or figurative?

Matthew 24:29 Bible Question Archive In Matthew chapter 24 it speaks of the sun being darkened and the stars falling from heaven. Will th...

It's Headed Straight Towards You

Matthew 24:3 New Revelation What does the Bible teach about the 2nd coming of Jesus? Christ promised to return to receive His pe...

Satan's Final Performance

Matthew 24:3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Satan is continually saying "foul" to the things God does. His last great deception will be to imper...

Surviving the Great Tribulation

Matthew 24:3-9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Jesus said there will be a time of great trouble before He comes again. Do not worry about getting ...

Heaven Split Open - Part 2

Matthew 24:30 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to this earth. But how will Christ return? There are many d...

The Son

Matthew 24:30 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus Sooner or later, everyone has to answer the question of 'Who is Jesus?'. ...the answer must be genu...

When Christ Returns

Matthew 24:30 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The greatest event of the ages is about to transpire. So many are distracted they are unable to real...

Return of the King

Matthew 24:30-31 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How is Jesus going to come again? The Bible says the devil will attempt to impersonate Christ's retu...

Dealing with Delay

Matthew 24:33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Does Jesus know the hour and the day of His second coming? Can we know when it is near?...

Who Are the Seventh-Day Adventists?

Matthew 24:35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon speaks about who are the Seventh-day Adventists. First of all, they believe the Bible. T...

Coronation of the King, Pt. 2

Matthew 24:36 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How soon is Jesus coming again, and how will He come?...

Dealing with Delay

Matthew 24:36 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Does Jesus know the hour and the day of His second coming? Can we know when it is near?...

Minutes to Midnight

Matthew 24:36 Joe Crews Radio Sermons People may be alarmed by mankind being destroyed by weapons of mass destruction, but not many recogn...

The Days of Lot and Noah

Matthew 24:36-44 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible tells us that just before the coming of the Lord it will be like the days of Lot and Noah....

The Flood

Matthew 24:37 SSSH - Genesis (2022) What lesson can we learn from the Noah story regarding our role in warning the world about coming ju...

Noah Found Grace

Matthew 24:37-39 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Noah’s experience and time are an example for our time. Just as Noah was saved by God’s grace, so ar...

Suicide of a Planet

Matthew 24:37-39 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many say that our materialistic society is failing fast. Major issues in our culture are shaking peo...

The Secret Code in Prophecy

Matthew 24:4-44 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There are stories in the Bible - codes of prophecy - that tell us Jesus is coming again, and coming ...

Speaking in Tongues, Pt. 5

Matthew 24:4-5 Bible Talk Some of the gifts listed in the New Testament are miraculous. Can Satan create a counterfeit of thes...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 3

Matthew 24:40 Bible Talk What does the Bible mean when it says that the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night? Th...

Elaborate on Bible texts which show there is not a secret rapture

Matthew 24:40-41 Bible Question Archive Elaborate on Bible texts which show there is not a secret rapture. A careful reading of Matthew 24 p...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 2

Matthew 24:42-43 Bible Talk The Bible talks about the second coming of Christ. There are different ideas about when and how this...


Matthew 24:42-46 SSSH - The Christian Life When we realize that all good things come from God, we learn the importance of caring for the things...


Matthew 24:44 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the close of probation? God calls us to seek Him while there is hope. Will there ever come a...

Does the Bible say that Satan will impersonate Jesus?

Matthew 24:5 Bible Question Archive Does the Bible say that Satan will impersonate Christ at the end? The Bible says false Christ's will...

The King Returns, Pt. 2

Matthew 24:5 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The great climax of the world's history is going to be when Christ comes and He sets everything righ...

The Battle of Armageddon, Pt. 1

Matthew 24:6 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Armageddon. This scary word from the book of Revelation is an enigma for most Bible scholars. What i...

The Silk Of A Spider

Matthew 24:9-13 Bible Answers Live Spiders are known for making some of the strongest fibers in the world. Spider silk in general is wi...

Chapter 25


The Tarrying Time

Matthew 25:1-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus is coming very soon. Is there a time of "ripening" before His coming? We can observe in the na...

The Ten Virgins

Matthew 25:1-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon unpacks the parable of the ten virgins and a wedding. The bride represents the church. T...

The Ten Virgins and Jesus’ Return

Matthew 25:1-13 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The parable of the ten virgins and Jesus' return is about people who are alive just before His secon...

The Ten Virgins and Jesus’ Return, Pt. 1

Matthew 25:1-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The parable of the ten virgins and Jesus' return is about people who are alive just before His secon...

The Ten Virgins and Jesus’ Return, Pt. 2

Matthew 25:1-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The parable of the ten virgins describes the church just before Christ's second coming. Why does it ...

Unity in Faith

Matthew 25:1-13 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "How is an appreciation of our forgiveness and justification in Christ a basis for our fellowship an...

Matthew 24 and 25

Matthew 25:1-30 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time 'What is it about obedience to what God tells us to do that strengthens our faith? That is, why is f...

City With No Dogs

Matthew 25:1-46 Bible Answers Live Each morning like clockwork, they board at the subway off to the hustle and the bustle of the big ci...


Matthew 25:14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Pastor Batchelor looks at the concept of opportunity in the Bible. God sets before us open doors. We...

Holy Spirit, Part 3: The Gift

Matthew 25:14-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The third in a three part series on the Holy Spirit. This sermon speaks about how we are to use the ...

Investing Our Talents

Matthew 25:14-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What do we do while we wait for Jesus to return?...

Parable of the Talents

Matthew 25:14-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What is the lesson that Jesus is trying to convey in the parable of the talents? Is it relevant for...

Spiritual Gifts

Matthew 25:14-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on the parable of the talents. The motivation of each servant in this story is n...


Matthew 25:14-30 SSSH - The Christian Life When we realize that all good things come from God, we learn the importance of caring for the things...

Rewards of Faithfulness

Matthew 25:21 SSSH - Managing for the Master - Till He Comes From the biblical perspective, prosperity is having what you need when you need it. It is not the ac...

If a good person dies without accepting Jesus, will they be in heaven?

Matthew 25:31 Bible Question Archive If a good person dies without accepting Jesus, will they be in heaven? There are people in the world...

Hope of the Ages

Matthew 25:31-34 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In an age of pessimism, we as Christians can look forward to the blessed hope and not live in fear. ...

Facing God - Part 1

Matthew 25:31-41 Joe Crews Radio Sermons When the world comes to an end, when there is a judgment that we will all face, will we be ready? Th...

Jesus and the Good Samaritan

Matthew 25:31-46 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God asks us, "Do you love your brother?" The way we treat each other is how we treat God. Matthew 25...

Mission and Commission

Matthew 25:31-46 SSSH - Discipleship Jesus calls His disciples to train others to be disciples as well....

The Good Samaritan

Matthew 25:31-46 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The story of the Good Samaritan not only tells us that we need to help others, it also shows us how...

The Least of These

Matthew 25:31-46 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'Jesus’ teaching is practical, focused on what it means to live as a follower of God. As such, we ca...

Unto the Least of These

Matthew 25:34 SSSH - Managing for the Master - Till He Comes Because we are managers of God’s business, helping the poor is not just an option. It is following t...

Words of Wisdom

Matthew 25:35-40 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs "A person's character is measured less by wisdom or even religious commitments than by readiness to ...

Ministry in the New Testament Church

Matthew 25:38-40 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'If you were to pass away, would your contribution be mourned and missed like the ministry of Dorcas...

Mission to the Needy

Matthew 25:40 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission Whatever the situation, we are called to be God’s helpers for all people in need, regardless of thei...

The Least of These

Matthew 25:40 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'Jesus’ teaching is practical, focused on what it means to live as a follower of God. As such, we ca...

No Place to Hide - Part 3

Matthew 25:41 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The topic of hell is not an easy or pleasant doctrine in Scripture, but a necessary one to look at. ...

The Good News About Hell, Pt. 2

Matthew 25:41 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The real good news about Hell is God tells you about it because He wants you to avoid it. You don't ...

Second Coming Not Secret

Matthew 25:46 Bible Answers Live Did you know that the ocean is a very noisy place? I'm not talking about the sound of waves crashing...

The Good News About Hell, Pt. 2

Matthew 25:46 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The real good news about Hell is God tells you about it because He wants you to avoid it. You don't ...


Matthew 25:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We need to be watchful prophetically during these last days. There are many Bible references for us ...

Chapter 26


Is the bread and wine literally the body and blood of Christ?

Matthew 26:26 Bible Question Archive Is the bread and wine literally the body and blood of Christ? When Christ instituted this ceremony, ...

Jesus' Last Days

Matthew 26:31 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "How should Jesus' willingness to do what He did for us impact every aspect of our lives, especially...

The Goal of the Godly

Matthew 26:31-75 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Our spiritual commitment should take priority over every earthly competitor for our time and attenti...

Mixed Up Values

Matthew 26:37-62 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live in a time of mixed up values. People place greater priority on things that do not last. Are ...

Nehemiah: The Watchman on the Wall

Matthew 26:41 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible encourages us to watch and be alert. The springboard for this sermon is the story of Nehem...


Matthew 26:42 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Having confidence in God is crucial to establishing a love-relationship with him....

God or Man?

Matthew 26:50 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible gives 300 prophecies about a coming Messiah to Israel. Jesus fulfilled these prophecies. H...

Jesus' Last Days

Matthew 26:51-75 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "How should Jesus' willingness to do what He did for us impact every aspect of our lives, especially...

Passage to Calvary

Matthew 26:57-68 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Jesus is arrested, falsely accused and sentenced to die without cause....

Mary Magdalene - Perfume, Tears and Kisses

Matthew 26:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The story of Mary Magdalene. They who are forgiven much, love much. There are two stories in the B...

Extravagant Giving

Matthew 26:6-13 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is God's gift of salvation extravagant?...

Extravagant Giving

Matthew 26:6-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Extravagant giving to God was demonstrated in the Bible when Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus with expe...

The Famous Feast in Bethany

Matthew 26:6-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The final week of Jesus' life was launched with a feast in Bethany, and ended with a feast in the up...

The Greatest Devotion and Disgrace

Matthew 26:6-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are interesting similarities between the feast at Simon's where Mary anointed Jesus, and his b...

Return of the Cosmic King

Matthew 26:64 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God's people were not ready the first time He came. Could it happen again?...

Revelation's Rapture

Matthew 26:64 Prophecy Code What does the Bible say about Christ's second coming? When and how will it happen? Will it be a secr...

When Jesus returns, will God the Father be with Him?

Matthew 26:64 Bible Question Archive When Jesus returns, will God the Father be with Him? According to Jesus before the High Priest, they...

What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

Matthew 26:74-75 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What is the unpardonable sin? Is there a point of no return in our lives? Can we silence the voice o...

Chapter 27


How to Be Lost in Seven Simple Steps

Matthew 27:1-60 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message In the Bible are some sad stories that are there as warnings to help us avoid making those mistakes....

Crucified and Risen - 2016

Matthew 27:11-26 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "This week, the final chapters of Matthew, we study the inexhaustible truths regarding our Lord's de...

The Crucifixion - A Cosmic Singularity

Matthew 27:24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There was a great battle at the cross. Pastor Doug tells of seven segments of Jesus' suffering and ...

More Clothing Imagery

Matthew 27:27-29 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Various imagery of Jesus' clothing throughout the gospels reveals much to us about his character, mi...

Darkness at Noon

Matthew 27:42-46 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Watching Jesus hang and die on the cross reveals to us so much about the nature of God....

God's Original Diet

Matthew 27:45 Bible Answers Live Jeanette and Alan, a couple from Melbourne, Australia love to run so much that they decided to run t...

The Meaning of His Death

Matthew 27:45-46 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus The Bible is clear that Christ was born to die. His death solved the problem of sin and ensures the ...

Christ in the Crucible

Matthew 27:46 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Jesus Christ is our example for many things, including how to react to trials and suffering....

Did Jesus Lose His Faith On The Cross?

Matthew 27:46 Biblical Answers to Relevant Questions Did Jesus Lose His Faith On The Cross?...

The Age of Concrete

Matthew 27:46 Bible Answers Live Did you know that China produces and consumes about 60% of the world's cement? The Three Gorges Dam ...

Should Christians Keep the Feast Days?

Matthew 27:50-51 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Should Christians keep the Jewish feast days?...

New Birth

Matthew 27:50-53 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible tells us that we must be born again if we would see the kingdom of God. Some believe this ...

God's Original Diet

Matthew 27:51-52 Bible Answers Live Jeanette and Alan, a couple from Melbourne, Australia love to run so much that they decided to run t...

Days of Destiny, Pt. 5: Resurrection

Matthew 27:51-54 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor A study focusing on the resurrection of Jesus....

Explain about the resurrection that occurred at the death of Jesus

Matthew 27:52-53 Bible Question Archive Does the Bible say who was included in this resurrection and did they ascend afterwards into heaven?...

He Is Risen

Matthew 27:52-53 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Christ gave many evidences before and after His death and resurrection that He was the promised Mess...

Persistent Prayer

Matthew 27:52-53 Bible Answers Live Larry Swilling's wife, Jimmie Sue, was born with only one kidney. They weren't entirely surprised wh...

Can the Living Communicate With the Dead?

Matthew 27:53-54 Byron Spears Where are the dead? Do they know more now than they did when they were alive? Are they in heaven? ...

Days of Destiny, Pt. 5: Resurrection

Matthew 27:62-66 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor A study focusing on the resurrection of Jesus....

The Power of His Resurrection

Matthew 27:62-66 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Christ's resurrection demonstrates that sin is defeated, gave power and authority to the early churc...

Chapter 28


Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 1

Matthew 28:1-2 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Sabbath (Saturday) as a day of rest and worship was changed to Sunday by the act of man, not God...

Forgery - Part 1

Matthew 28:1-2 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many see Sunday as a sacred day of worship and believe the Bible provides authority for this change....

Go Tell

Matthew 28:1-7 The Glory of the Cross Summit We can't "go and tell" if we don't have a message, plus the inspiration of the Holy Spirit....

Buried—But Risen!

Matthew 28:11-15 SSSH - Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark Christ is buried but rises again! He appears to many after His resurrection to announce God's triump...

Days of Destiny, Pt. 5: Resurrection

Matthew 28:11-15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor A study focusing on the resurrection of Jesus....

Crucified and Risen - 2016

Matthew 28:18 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "This week, the final chapters of Matthew, we study the inexhaustible truths regarding our Lord's de...

Every Nation and Tongue

Matthew 28:18-20 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The last thing Jesus says before He ascends to heaven is to go to teach and baptize. The last words ...

Following the Master: Discipleship in Action

Matthew 28:18-20 SSSH - Discipleship Watching Jesus perform His ministry reveals an example for His disciples. Watching those He healed r...

Here Am I! Send Me: The Prophet Isaiah

Matthew 28:18-20 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries The mission God gave to Isaiah prophesies and mirrors the gospel commission to the whole world in th...

Is private baptism without a pastor biblically valid?

Matthew 28:18-20 Bible Question Archive Is private baptism without a pastor biblically valid? The Bible establishes that there is an authori...

Understanding Tongues

Matthew 28:18-20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon deals with the topic of speaking in tongues. What does the Bible say about tongues? A pr...

Baptism, Pt. 3

Matthew 28:19 Bible Talk This is the third in series on the topic of baptism. We've learned what baptism represents and what ...

Drowning the Old Man

Matthew 28:19 Prophecy Code Don't save the drowning man! Wait, what? It's true. There is a Bible verse—in fact, many—about this ...

Explain the Trinity?

Matthew 28:19 Bible Question Archive Could you explain the trinity? There are many references in the Bible to three distinct beings, yet ...

God's Mission to Us: Part 2

Matthew 28:19 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission God has chosen to manifest Himself to us in such a way that we can understand His nature and purpose...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 1

Matthew 28:19 Bible Talk Is it necessary for a person to be baptized in order to be saved? What does the Bible say about this...

The Armor of God

Matthew 28:19 Bible Answers Live On April 7, 1862 at the famous civil war battle of Shiloh, Sam Houston, Jr., son of the famous Texan...

The Mystery of the Trinity

Matthew 28:19 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Trinity is one of the deepest and most profound subjects that we can explore. This message will...

The Name of the Lord

Matthew 28:19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is a sermon that looks at the different names of God. Is there a proper way to refer to God? Is...

The Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit

Matthew 28:19 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is fully divine and as much a part of the Godhead as the Father and the Son....

Water Baptism, Pt. 1

Matthew 28:19 Bible Talk This broadcast looks at the concept of baptizing people using specific terminology. Does a person ne...

Water Baptism, Pt. 2

Matthew 28:19 Bible Talk Is there a certain phrase that must be used to correctly baptize someone? This is the second in a tw...

Deadly Distractions

Matthew 28:19-20 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Many people come to Jesus and get involved in church, but over time the relationship begins to evapo...

Defining Evangelism and Witnessing

Matthew 28:19-20 SSSH - Evangelism and Witnessing "If we are to be involved in fulfilling the great gospel commission, we must understand what we mean...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 3

Matthew 28:19-20 Bible Talk When should a person be baptized? Is there any preparation one should go through before being baptiz...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 5

Matthew 28:19-20 Bible Talk What does the Bible say about the mode of baptism? Should we baptize babies? If children are not bap...


Matthew 28:19-20 SSSH - The Christian Life The mission to preach the gospel to the whole world is at the heart of Christianity....

The Storm of Jonah

Matthew 28:19-20 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Have you ever considered that your decision to serve God or run from God not only affects you, but i...

Children of the Promise - 2021

Matthew 28:20 SSSH - The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant What is the greatest of all the covenant promises? What effect should God’s promise of a new earth h...

The Joy of the Lord

Matthew 28:9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on a passage in Nehemiah 8 that teaches us there is a connection between holines...