Chapter 1 |
Acts 1:1-11 |
SSSH - Worship |
The early Christian church, having learned spiritual truth from Jesus, placed an emphasis on proper ... |
Acts 1:1-26 |
SSSH - The Holy Spirit |
The promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost.... |
Acts 1:11 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
People missed the prophecies of Jesus' first coming. Will they miss Him again?... |
Acts 1:11 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
While we cannot predict the day of Christ’s return, we can know that it’s close—“even at the doors”—... |
Acts 1:12-14 |
SSSH - Oneness in Christ |
"The early church experienced rapid growth because Jesus’ disciples intentionally prepared themselve... |
Acts 1:13-14 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The subject of this sermon is on hospitality. The spirit of hospitality is necessary in the Christia... |
Acts 1:18 |
Bible Answers Live |
The Sahara desert is the world’s largest and hottest desert, at over 3.6 million square miles; it co... |
Acts 1:6 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Life is full of seasons. Being able to accept and embrace the cycles of life is very important.... |
Acts 1:6-8 |
SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption |
"The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The disciples... |
Acts 1:6-8 |
SSSH - Discipleship (2014) |
"God could have commissioned angels, unassisted by human beings, to broadcast the gospel. Instead, ... |
Acts 1:6-8 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"How can we learn to keep the reality, and promise, of the Second Coming always before us? How shoul... |
Acts 1:7-8 |
SSSH - Discipleship (2014) |
"God's final work is incomplete until the eternal gospel expressed in the message of the three angel... |
Acts 1:8 |
Bible Question Archive |
Does the 'holy laughter' movement have any support in Scripture?... |
Acts 1:8 |
SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission |
How would you define the word “mission” as you apply it to your own life? In what ways could you, da... |
Acts 1:8 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Why do we need the Holy Spirit? Part 2 of 2... |
Acts 1:8 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
How do we receive the Holy Spirit according to the Bible?... |
Acts 1:8 |
SSSH - Biblical Missionaries |
"What should our attitude be toward those who are facing religious persecution, even if we don't agr... |
Acts 1:8 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Pentecost was a holiday that came 50 days after the Passover. It had an Old Testament meaning and a... |
Acts 1:8 |
SSSH - Revival and Reformation |
"The purpose of revival is to fill our hearts with such a love for Jesus that we long to share this ... |
Acts 1:9 |
Time is Ticking Away |
The masterpiece of the devil's deception is going to be counterfeiting the return of Christ. What d... |
Acts 1:9 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Satan is continually saying "foul" to the things God does. His last great deception will be to imper... |
Acts 1:9-10 |
Bible Talk |
A major theme in the Bible is the second coming of Christ. Should we look forward to it? When will C... |
Acts 1:9-11 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to this earth. But how will Christ return? There are many d... |
Acts 1:9-11 |
SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord |
For those who accept Christ as Lord, His second coming will be a glorious event.... |
Chapter 2 |
Acts 2:1-11 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Pentecost was a holiday that came 50 days after the Passover. It had an Old Testament meaning and a... |
Acts 2:1-11 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This sermon focuses on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early church 50 days after Pentecost... |
Acts 2:1-12 |
Biblical Answers to Relevant Questions |
What is the Real and Counterfeit Gift of Tongues?... |
Acts 2:1-13 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The second of a three part series on the Holy Spirit. This sermon teaches on the filling of the Spir... |
Acts 2:1-13 |
Bible Talk |
The subject of speaking in tongues is familiar to many people. The Bible talks about this subject, b... |
Acts 2:1-13 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This sermon deals with the topic of speaking in tongues. What does the Bible say about tongues? A pr... |
Acts 2:1-4 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost revealed a crucial truth about what happened in heav... |
Acts 2:1-47 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
The subject of the Holy Spirit is very important. The devil has pushed this doctrine to extremes and... |
Acts 2:1-47 |
Bible Question Archive |
If interpreted, is it still biblical to speak in tongues today? I believe that there are counterfeit... |
Acts 2:1-47 |
SSSH - The Holy Spirit |
The promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost.... |
Acts 2:1-47 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
What does it really mean to "speak in tongues"? God is not the author of confusion.... |
Acts 2:1-47 |
Bible Question Archive |
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur? Holy Spirit works in different degree... |
Acts 2:13 |
Bible Question Archive |
How could the apostles be accused of getting drunk on new wine? You can't get drunk on grape juice. ... |
Acts 2:16-18 |
Bible Question Archive |
According to Joel chapter 2 is it all believers in the end-time that will have God's Spirit poured o... |
Acts 2:16-21 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
How should we live in these last days before Jesus comes again?... |
Acts 2:17 |
New Revelation |
What does the Bible teach about prophets at the end of time? Has the gift of prophecy stopped with t... |
Acts 2:17 |
Millennium of Prophecy |
What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? People ar... |
Acts 2:17-18 |
Here We Stand |
Is Ellen White truly speaking for the Lord? Or is her message a dangerous one that contradicts the B... |
Acts 2:17-18 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? How do w... |
Acts 2:22 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
The Lord proved that He loves us when He died for us. When we ask for a sign of His love we are say... |
Acts 2:22 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
How do Christians relate to miracles? Signs can be all around us and we don't notice them. But we ca... |
Acts 2:29 |
Bible Question Archive |
If you're generally a good person, when you die do you go directly and immediately to heaven? What ... |
Acts 2:29 |
Bible Question Archive |
In Daniel chapter 12 it speaks of people being resurrected. If they are resurrected, does that mean... |
Acts 2:29-34 |
New Revelation |
What happens when you die? Does your spirit live beyond your body in a conscious form? Is the soul i... |
Acts 2:32-33 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost revealed a crucial truth about what happened in heav... |
Acts 2:37 |
Bible Talk |
What does the Bible say about baptism? This the first in a series on baptism. Is it true that you mu... |
Acts 2:37 |
Bible Talk |
Is it necessary for a person to be baptized in order to be saved? What does the Bible say about this... |
Acts 2:37 |
SSSH - The Book of Jeremiah |
"God loves humanity and wants it saved, but He does not force our choice. If we want to do wrong, ev... |
Acts 2:37-38 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
How do we handle ignorance about truth? If we do not know a certain Bible truth does God hold us acc... |
Acts 2:37-38 |
SSSH - The Holy Spirit |
The Bible contains several stories about a believer's experience when he is baptized by the Holy Spi... |
Acts 2:37-47 |
Bible Talk |
This is the fifth in a series on Bible baptism. This talk discusses the question, "Once I'm baptized... |
Acts 2:38 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This sermon looks at vignettes in the Bible portraying true and false portraits of repentance. Genu... |
Acts 2:38 |
Bible Talk |
What does the Bible say about the mode of baptism? Should we baptize babies? If children are not bap... |
Acts 2:38 |
Bible Answers Live |
It’s the kind of thing that conjures up pictures, something like the Biblical plague that fell on An... |
Acts 2:38 |
SSSH - Growing In Christ |
"God has instituted ordinances that, properly understood, help to reinforce our faith."... |
Acts 2:38 |
Bible Talk |
This broadcast looks at the concept of baptizing people using specific terminology. Does a person ne... |
Acts 2:38-39 |
SSSH - Biblical Missionaries |
"How do we show respect for people whose faith we believe is wrong, without giving the impression th... |
Acts 2:38-41 |
Bible Talk |
When should a person be baptized? Is there any preparation one should go through before being baptiz... |
Acts 2:4-6 |
Bible Talk |
The Bible talks about the gift of tongues. But what is it? Where was it manifested in the Scriptures... |
Acts 2:42 |
SSSH - Oneness in Christ |
"The early church experienced rapid growth because Jesus’ disciples intentionally prepared themselve... |
Acts 2:42 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 2... |
Acts 2:42-47 |
SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community |
"If some visitors started attending your church regularly, what would they see, and what kind of wit... |
Acts 2:42-47 |
SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need |
'If you were to pass away, would your contribution be mourned and missed like the ministry of Dorcas... |
Acts 2:44-47 |
SSSH - Biblical Missionaries |
"What should our attitude be toward those who are facing religious persecution, even if we don't agr... |
Acts 2:46 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Just as hoaxes in the scientific community have fooled people for years, so there are false teaching... |
Acts 2:46-47 |
Bible Question Archive |
Is it really necessary to join with a body of like-minded believers in regular worship services? Do... |
Acts 2:46-47 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah; God resur... |
Acts 2:47 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Is once saved, always saved Biblical?... |
Acts 2:47 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Can a saved person be lost?... |
Acts 2:47 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Is there a true church on the earth today? Is it visible or invisible? What tests should we apply to... |
Chapter 3 |
Acts 3:1-10 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
We look at the story of Peter healing a lame man after Pentecost at the gate called Beautiful. The s... |
Acts 3:1-26 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
After Pentecost, Peter became a central figure in the early church, even though he still had importa... |
Acts 3:1-26 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The story of the lame beggar who was healed at the Beautiful Gate tells us about the process of salv... |
Acts 3:1-26 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah; God resur... |
Acts 3:12 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Signs, Wonders and Miracles In the Last Days... |
Acts 3:19-21 |
SSSH - Growing In Christ |
"The Bible's teaching on Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, His second coming, and the res... |
Acts 3:19-21 |
SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus |
Jesus performed many great miracles that stunned His audience and continue to amaze us today.... |
Acts 3:26 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Salvation comes by faith alone, but a true faith results in the fruit of obedience and good works. D... |
Acts 3:6 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This is a sermon that looks at the different names of God. Is there a proper way to refer to God? Is... |
Chapter 4 |
Acts 4:1-18 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah; God resur... |
Acts 4:12 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Leprosy was used by Christ as an illustration of the effects of sin. It separates us from loved ones... |
Acts 4:12 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Jesus died for all, both before the cross and after the cross. We may be saved by faith in the right... |
Acts 4:12 |
SSSH - Biblical Missionaries |
"First, on the day of judgment, how is God going to deal with the billions who have not known Him? S... |
Acts 4:12 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
What is the most important question in all the world? A rich young ruler once asked Jesus this quest... |
Acts 4:13 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
After Pentecost, Peter became a central figure in the early church, even though he still had importa... |
Acts 4:13 |
SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption |
"The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The disciples... |
Acts 4:20 |
SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission |
'Why is knowing Christ personally so essential to our being able to witness about Him?'... |
Acts 4:31 |
SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission |
'As we witness for Jesus, it is crucial to remember that we are cooperating with the Holy Spirit. He... |
Acts 4:31-32 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
There are over 1600 references in the Bible that speak about money. One third of all Christ's parabl... |
Acts 4:8-12 |
SSSH - Oneness in Christ |
"How is an appreciation of our forgiveness and justification in Christ a basis for our fellowship an... |
Chapter 5 |
Acts 5:1-11 |
04 Revival |
Is it possible to lie to God? We'll examine the Bible story from the book of Acts of Ananias and Sa... |
Acts 5:1-11 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Each of us is a minister of the gospel and as such we need to make a very distinct separation betwee... |
Acts 5:1-4 |
SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality |
"The Bible does not present a systematic description of the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Instead we ... |
Acts 5:29 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Our spiritual commitment should take priority over every earthly competitor for our time and attenti... |
Acts 5:3-4 |
SSSH - The Holy Spirit |
The Holy Spirit is fully divine and as much a part of the Godhead as the Father and the Son.... |
Acts 5:32 |
Time is Ticking Away |
God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us live with Heaven in mind.... |
Acts 5:5 |
Bible Talk |
Is the God of the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? Do we have two differen... |
Chapter 6 |
Acts 6:1-6 |
SSSH - Feed My Sheep |
'Humility, rather than pride, should characterize the Christian’s relationship, not only with God bu... |
Acts 6:1-6 |
SSSH - Oneness in Christ |
"One of the most difficult tasks of any Christian community is to maintain unity when differences of... |
Acts 6:3 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
The disciple Philip displayed powerful gifts of the Spirit as he executed his ministry in foreign la... |
Acts 6:3 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Christians and politics. Do the two mix or are they diametrically opposed?... |
Acts 6:3 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Should Christians vote in political elections?... |
Acts 6:7 |
SSSH - Discipleship (2014) |
"Jesus always sought to be redemptive. ... He was seeking the salvation of all people, even of thos... |
Acts 6:7 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Why must we be careful not to be so locked into some of our cherished notions that we close out new... |
Acts 6:9-15 |
SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) |
"While we need zeal and fervor for what we believe, how do we learn to temper our zeal with the real... |
Chapter 7 |
Acts 7:20 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
There are three arks in the Bible. God saved His people in the first ark. He saved Moses in the se... |
Acts 7:20-22 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
One of the frequent complaints made by young people about religion is, "I can't have a good time. I ... |
Acts 7:37 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
God's first church were the Jews who are called God's "church in the wilderness." Committed to them ... |
Acts 7:38 |
SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians |
The law was "added" at Sinai to demonstrate the exceeding sinfulness of Israel and all mankind, but ... |
Acts 7:48 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Why must we be careful not to be so locked into some of our cherished notions that we close out new... |
Acts 7:51 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Are we make the fatal mistake of turning away from light God sheds on our pathway? Resisting and fig... |
Acts 7:51 |
SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality |
"This week we will study biblical aspects that deal with the grieving, quenching, and resisting the ... |
Acts 7:54-60 |
SSSH - The Book of Revelation |
"The same Jesus who came to John with the words of hope and encouragement in the midst of his hardsh... |
Acts 7:59 |
Bible Talk |
What happens when you die? Where do you go? The Bible refers to death as a sleep. This talk looks at... |
Acts 7:59 |
Bible Question Archive |
Should we pray to Jesus or to God? Almost every reference in Scripture is to pray to the Father in C... |
Chapter 8 |
Acts 8:1-3 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
First in a two part series on the life of Paul the Apostle. A foundation for Paul's work of reaching... |
Acts 8:1-40 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
The disciple Philip displayed powerful gifts of the Spirit as he executed his ministry in foreign la... |
Acts 8:16 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This is a sermon that looks at the different names of God. Is there a proper way to refer to God? Is... |
Acts 8:16 |
Bible Talk |
This broadcast looks at the concept of baptizing people using specific terminology. Does a person ne... |
Acts 8:16-17 |
Bible Talk |
Is there a certain phrase that must be used to correctly baptize someone? This is the second in a tw... |
Acts 8:22 |
Bible Talk |
This is the fifth in a series on tradition and Scripture. The Bible is to be the final authority on ... |
Acts 8:26-40 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This sermon is about being "spirit-led" and looks at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian treasurer... |
Acts 8:26-40 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This sermon is about being "spirit-led" and looks at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian treasurer... |
Acts 8:30 |
SSSH - Daniel 2020 |
'Amid struggles, trials, or even times of great happiness and prosperity, how can we learn to keep C... |
Acts 8:35-39 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
The Bible teaching of baptism celebrates the birth, marriage, and death of a person giving their lif... |
Acts 8:4-24 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The Bible says before the Lord comes again there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It won't ... |
Acts 8:5-13 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Our God is all-powerful, but there are both good and powers at work in our world today. Which power... |
Chapter 9 |
Acts 9:1 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
First in a two part series on the life of Paul the Apostle. A foundation for Paul's work of reaching... |
Acts 9:1-18 |
SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians |
Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l... |
Acts 9:1-5 |
SSSH - The Prophetic Gift |
The Bible gives details about the nature of God's communication with His prophets.... |
Acts 9:1-9 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
Paul's background, education, conversion and love of God made him the best person to take the gospel... |
Acts 9:15 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"In what ways does Saul’s conversion illustrate the operation of God’s wonderful grace? What can you... |
Acts 9:15-16 |
SSSH - Biblical Missionaries |
"More is known about Paul than any other first-century Christian. He is especially remembered for hi... |
Acts 9:32 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
God wants to answer our prayers. He already knows what we need but wants us to identify our needs a... |
Acts 9:32-43 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"What does it mean to you to be called a “Christian”? What about your life is truly Christian? That ... |
Acts 9:36 |
SSSH - Evangelism and Witnessing |
"Whether we acknowledge it or not, all believers preach a message by the example of their lives."... |
Acts 9:36-42 |
SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community |
"Most of us have no problem expressing our opinions. How can we learn to be better listeners?"... |
Acts 9:36-43 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Dorcas spent all her free time trying to devise ways to bless others. That is what the Christian li... |
Acts 9:4-19 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The second in a two part series on the life of Paul, particularly his conversion experience on the r... |
Chapter 10 |
Acts 10:1 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This is the fourth in a series on dealing with some common misunderstandings about the Seventh-day A... |
Acts 10:1-28 |
SSSH - Family Seasons |
"Being a Christian is more than belonging to an organization with a history and a dogma. True faith ... |
Acts 10:1-38 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Chapter 10 of the book of Acts covers a kaleidoscope of Christian teaching in the story of the conve... |
Acts 10:1-48 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
There are many references in Scripture to centurions. Many were faithful and some were open to Jesus... |
Acts 10:1-48 |
Bible Question Archive |
If interpreted, is it still biblical to speak in tongues today? I believe that there are counterfeit... |
Acts 10:1-48 |
Bible Question Archive |
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur? Holy Spirit works in different degree... |
Acts 10:12-29 |
SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption |
"The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The disciples... |
Acts 10:28 |
Bible Question Archive |
Was the law about clean and unclean meat ended with the old covenant? There are certain laws that pr... |
Acts 10:34-35 |
SSSH - Biblical Missionaries |
"The Bible's authors present the valiant along with the petty in the lives of people to illustrate t... |
Acts 10:34-35 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"What does it mean to you to be called a “Christian”? What about your life is truly Christian? That ... |
Acts 10:38 |
SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions |
Mental and physical stress can negatively affect your health and attitude toward life. The Bible off... |
Acts 10:38 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The dynamic Christian is continually making progress in growing in Jesus. Christ was dynamic in mini... |
Acts 10:38 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
One of the main reasons Jesus came to Earth was to heal. Healing is not only for physical problems ... |
Acts 10:38 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Who is Jesus? Did God really come to Earth in the form of a man to save us?... |
Acts 10:38-39 |
SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption |
John the Baptist prepared the people for Christ's ministry and Jesus warned of His own death, but th... |
Acts 10:44 |
Bible Talk |
Is there a certain phrase that must be used to correctly baptize someone? This is the second in a tw... |
Acts 10:9-14 |
SSSH - Christ and His Law |
"With so much evidence for the continued validity of God's law, why do so many Christians argue agai... |
Acts 10:9-23 |
Bible Talk |
This is a continued study on what the Bible says about what we should eat or not eat. It discusses c... |
Acts 10:9-23 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these only for the ... |
Acts 10:9-28 |
Bible Question Archive |
What did Peter's vision with the sheet of unclean animals mean? This is not a passage where God is t... |
Chapter 11 |
Acts 11:1-10 |
SSSH - Biblical Missionaries |
"How do we show respect for people whose faith we believe is wrong, without giving the impression th... |
Acts 11:18 |
SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians |
Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l... |
Acts 11:18 |
SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) |
"While we need zeal and fervor for what we believe, how do we learn to temper our zeal with the real... |
Acts 11:19-26 |
SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians |
Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l... |
Acts 11:26 |
SSSH - Discipleship |
Jesus calls His followers to a life of discipleship. The Bible clarifies what this means.... |
Chapter 12 |
Acts 12:1-19 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
The devil wants to hold us as his prisoners to sin but Jesus offers us freedom and deliverance if we... |
Acts 12:21 |
Bible Talk |
Is the God of the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? Do we have two differen... |
Chapter 13 |
Acts 13:1 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
The most glorious days of history are before us. Jesus Christ will soon return. There is a great wor... |
Acts 13:14 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
The Bible teaches that Jesus kept the Sabbath day on Saturday. But what about Christ's disciples? Wh... |
Acts 13:16-42 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
Paul tailored his missionary approach to be the most effective for whatever group of people he was t... |
Acts 13:2 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The Bible teaches about a triune God of which the Holy Spirit, a person of the Godhead. The Bible be... |
Acts 13:38-39 |
SSSH - Christ and His Law |
This lesson looks at the death of Jesus and what it means in relation to the law.... |
Acts 13:38-39 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Based on Paul and Barnabas’s example, what can we individually and as a church do to nourish or str... |
Chapter 14 |
Acts 14:22 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
If God loves us so much, why does He allow trials to come upon us?... |
Acts 14:22 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Is it easier to be saved, or lost?
... |
Acts 14:22 |
Bible Talk |
The Bible talks about Jesus' coming as the blessed hope. Will everyone know when Christ comes? What... |
Acts 14:22 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Life storms come to everyone. We are saved through storms by God's grace. He has promised that He h... |
Acts 14:23 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
When should we fast and pray, and why?... |
Acts 14:8-18 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
Paul tailored his missionary approach to be the most effective for whatever group of people he was t... |
Acts 14:8-18 |
SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord |
God is actively seeking true worshipers.... |
Chapter 15 |
Acts 15:1-29 |
SSSH - Redemption in Romans |
The introduction of Gentiles into the Christian church caused dissension among some Jews who wanted ... |
Acts 15:1-29 |
SSSH - Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans |
"What are some of your favorite Bible promises? How often do you claim them? What choices are you ma... |
Acts 15:1-41 |
Bible Question Archive |
Is circumcision still required today? In Acts 15 the Jerusalem Council gave summary advice to the Ge... |
Acts 15:11 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"When disputes arise, how can we learn to sit together, to listen to each other, and in a spirit of ... |
Acts 15:12 |
Bible Talk |
Does the temple of God need to be rebuilt in Jerusalem in order to fulfill prophecy? What does the B... |
Acts 15:18 |
Byron Spears |
How do the seven pillars of the Christian Church illustrate the plan of salvation?... |
Acts 15:19-20 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these only for the ... |
Acts 15:20 |
Bible Question Archive |
Explain dietary guidelines on clean and unclean meats. The Bible does talk about clean and unclean a... |
Acts 15:20 |
Bible Talk |
Some people who face ill health believe that they can be healed by faith and faith only. While it is... |
Acts 15:20 |
Bible Question Archive |
The fact that the New Testament is silent on the subject of the Sabbath is the loudest argument that... |
Acts 15:29 |
Bible Question Archive |
Was the prohibition against eating fat and blood a part the Old Covenant and only applicable to the ... |
Acts 15:36-40 |
SSSH - Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark |
Each gospel emphasizes a different aspect of Christ's ministry. Here we look at Mark's.... |
Acts 15:7-11 |
SSSH - Ezra and Nehemiah |
'It could be said that both Ezra and Nehemiah had a purpose in life. They had a vision of where they... |
Chapter 16 |
Acts 16:1-40 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Pastor Doug explores the New Testament book of Acts. God can change tragedies into triumphs.... |
Acts 16:10 |
Bible Answers Live |
From time to time when people lose faith in government, it can trigger a rapid devaluation of their ... |
Acts 16:14-16 |
SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries |
The New Testament reveals that women played an important role in the advancement of the early Christ... |
Acts 16:16-34 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Like the Philippian jailer, we all need to ask what we must do to be saved? The answer is in Jesus. ... |
Acts 16:25 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The second of a two part series on music and the Christian. Our music can be a witness to others. Th... |
Acts 16:29-34 |
Bible Answers Live |
The Rocky Mountain locusts were an abundant species of grasshopper that ranged through the Western h... |
Acts 16:30-31 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
To be saved you must believe, but what kind of belief? What is real, saving faith?... |
Acts 16:31 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
God promised Abraham that through his son all the nations of this world would be blessed. When God ... |
Chapter 17 |
Acts 17:10-11 |
Bible Talk |
This is the second in a series on traditions in the Christian church. Like the game "Follow the Lead... |
Acts 17:11 |
Bible Talk |
This broadcast looks at the importance of studying the Bible. It begins with opening up and reading ... |
Acts 17:11 |
Bible Question Archive |
Is the Bible the only trusted source of truth and inspiration? The Bible is the foundation for all t... |
Acts 17:11 |
SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality |
"It is the Holy Spirit who creates a spiritual community and fellowship that has the Written Word of... |
Acts 17:15-34 |
SSSH - Worship |
The early Christian church, having learned spiritual truth from Jesus, placed an emphasis on proper ... |
Acts 17:2 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
The Bible teaches that Jesus kept the Sabbath day on Saturday. But what about Christ's disciples? Wh... |
Acts 17:22-31 |
Ten Commandments |
The second commandment forbids worshiping an image of God. Attempting to represent God by material ... |
Acts 17:24 |
SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission |
What bridges and points of contact can you think of that would open opportunities for deeper convers... |
Acts 17:26-27 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
God is not far from each one of us. We don't realize how close God's kingdom is. Jesus told a scribe... |
Acts 17:28 |
SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need |
'This world and all life on it, our own life and all we do with it, the lives of everyone around us ... |
Acts 17:30 |
Bible Question Archive |
Was it o.k. for Rahab to lie? Did God excuse her sin? She apparently repented of her sin and was sav... |
Acts 17:31 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
One of the most solemn scenes spoken of in all the Bible is the final judgment. Everyone in every la... |
Chapter 18 |
Acts 18:1-28 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Apollos was a great speaker and theologian well-trained and from Alexandria. But something was missi... |
Acts 18:1-28 |
SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community |
"If our actions do not demonstrate the compassion, grace, and hope of which we speak, then what we s... |
Acts 18:24-28 |
SSSH - Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships |
An overview of the church in Ephesus.... |
Acts 18:24-28 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in faith. How ... |
Acts 18:28 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
The Bible prophesied that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would come to our earth. Many prophesies for... |
Acts 18:9-10 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"How can we as a church show the same understanding Paul had of cultural differences and the same wi... |
Chapter 19 |
Acts 19:1-28 |
SSSH - Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships |
An overview of the church in Ephesus.... |
Acts 19:1-41 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Apollos was a great speaker and theologian well-trained and from Alexandria. But something was missi... |
Acts 19:1-41 |
Bible Question Archive |
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur? Holy Spirit works in different degree... |
Acts 19:19 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
There are times in our Christian life in which we should never turn back. There are bridges to burn,... |
Acts 19:2 |
Bible Talk |
This is the fourth in a series on biblical baptism. We've learned that baptism is done by immersion ... |
Acts 19:6 |
Bible Question Archive |
What was the purpose of laying on of hands and does it apply today? There are many references in the... |
Chapter 20 |
Acts 20:17-38 |
SSSH - Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships |
An overview of the church in Ephesus.... |
Acts 20:24 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in faith. How ... |
Acts 20:27-30 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teach... |
Acts 20:28-29 |
Bible Talk |
Why are there so many Christian denominations out there? There are thousands of churches. There was ... |
Acts 20:29 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The devil’s strategy in attacking God’s people over the course of history has been to use division. ... |
Acts 20:29 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
The devil is intent on dividing people and churches. Sin ultimately separates us from God and Satan ... |
Acts 20:29 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
There is a danger of the gospel being diluted. We can assume we are getting real medicine when in fa... |
Acts 20:29-30 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
The devil isn't afraid of church, he just wants to be the object of your worship.... |
Acts 20:30 |
Bible Talk |
This is the second in a series on traditions in the Christian church. Like the game "Follow the Lead... |
Acts 20:35 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Giving is essential to our happiness and success as Christians. We can resist having a giving heart.... |
Acts 20:35 |
SSSH - The Book of Ecclesiastes |
Solomon wonders if life is really worth living, but recognizes the benefits of having a support comm... |
Acts 20:7 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Millions of people believe Sunday is the sacred day of worship and that the Bible supports a change ... |
Acts 20:7 |
Bible Talk |
This is the third in a series on the Sabbath day in Scripture. We've looked at some Bible verses tha... |
Acts 20:7 |
Bible Answers Live |
Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America, lived her entire life without ever ea... |
Acts 20:7-12 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in faith. How ... |
Acts 20:7-8 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Just as hoaxes in the scientific community have fooled people for years, so there are false teaching... |
Chapter 21 |
Acts 21:1-40 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"How often have you humbly acknowledged God’s providence in your own life despite the trials and suf... |
Acts 21:4 |
Bible Answers Live |
The world record for the fastest that a human being has ever run is held by a Usain Bolt, who was cl... |
Chapter 22 |
Acts 22:16 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Baptism is said to be the public expression of the internal change in our life. Christ himself was b... |
Acts 22:16 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
The last thing Jesus says before He ascends to heaven is to go to teach and baptize. The last words ... |
Acts 22:16 |
Bible Talk |
Is it necessary for a person to be baptized in order to be saved? What does the Bible say about this... |
Acts 22:16 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Baptism signifies a death and burial of the old life of sin. True baptism is both an outward action ... |
Chapter 23 |
Acts 23:11 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"How often have you humbly acknowledged God’s providence in your own life despite the trials and suf... |
Chapter 24 |
Acts 24:1-27 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"How much are we willing to sacrifice in order to see the gospel spread?"... |
Acts 24:1-27 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Here is the story of Paul's defense before Felix, a ruler who was curious about what this apostle ha... |
Acts 24:14 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Many people want to live a Christian life but struggle to completely surrender themselves to Jesus. ... |
Acts 24:25 |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
People hesitate to their peril to follow God's warning of a destruction to come upon this earth just... |
Chapter 26 |
Acts 26:18 |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
If God is good, and if God is love, then why is there evil? Did God make a devil? Why would a good... |
Acts 26:29 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"How much are we willing to sacrifice in order to see the gospel spread?"... |
Acts 26:9-11 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"In what ways does Saul’s conversion illustrate the operation of God’s wonderful grace? What can you... |
Chapter 27 |
Acts 27:1-26 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The first of a two part series on weathering storms. Everyone will experience storms. What's importa... |
Acts 27:13-44 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
God promises that we can be secure, even in the midst of the storms in our lives. Paul experience of... |
Acts 27:24 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Despite everything he had gone through, Paul never gave up his faith or his mission. What can we do... |
Acts 27:30-31 |
Reclaim Your Faith |
Do you have to go to church to be a Christian?... |
Acts 27:33-44 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The second of a two part series on weathering storms. This is the last part of the story of Paul's t... |
Chapter 28 |
Acts 28:1-10 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
The second of a two part series on weathering storms. This is the last part of the story of Paul's t... |
Acts 28:1-31 |
SSSH - The Book of Acts |
"Despite everything he had gone through, Paul never gave up his faith or his mission. What can we do... |
Acts 28:17-31 |
SSSH - Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans |
"What kinds of issues are agitating your church at present? What role are you playing in these debat... |
Acts 28:23 |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
There are over 400 prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold the coming of Jesus. This message ... |