Media referencing the book of Acts

Chapter 1


Worship in the Early Church

Acts 1:1-11 SSSH - Worship The early Christian church, having learned spiritual truth from Jesus, placed an emphasis on proper ...

The Promise Fulfilled

Acts 1:1-26 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost....

Second Coming or Second Chance?

Acts 1:11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor People missed the prophecies of Jesus' first coming. Will they miss Him again?...

The Coming of the King

Acts 1:11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor While we cannot predict the day of Christ’s return, we can know that it’s close—“even at the doors”—...

The Experience of Unity in the Early Church

Acts 1:12-14 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "The early church experienced rapid growth because Jesus’ disciples intentionally prepared themselve...

The Necessity of Hospitality

Acts 1:13-14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The subject of this sermon is on hospitality. The spirit of hospitality is necessary in the Christia...

From Desert to Garden

Acts 1:18 Bible Answers Live The Sahara desert is the world’s largest and hottest desert, at over 3.6 million square miles; it co...

A Time for Every Purpose

Acts 1:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Life is full of seasons. Being able to accept and embrace the cycles of life is very important....

The Great Controversy and the Early Church

Acts 1:6-8 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The disciples...

The Harvest and the Harvesters

Acts 1:6-8 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "God could have commissioned angels, unassisted by human beings, to broadcast the gospel. Instead, ...

You Will Be My Witnesses

Acts 1:6-8 SSSH - The Book of Acts "How can we learn to keep the reality, and promise, of the Second Coming always before us? How shoul...

Discipling the Nations

Acts 1:7-8 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "God's final work is incomplete until the eternal gospel expressed in the message of the three angel...

Does the 'holy laughter' movement have any support in Scripture?

Acts 1:8 Bible Question Archive Does the 'holy laughter' movement have any support in Scripture?...

God's Call to Mission

Acts 1:8 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission How would you define the word “mission” as you apply it to your own life? In what ways could you, da...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

Acts 1:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do we need the Holy Spirit? Part 2 of 2...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 2

Acts 1:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How do we receive the Holy Spirit according to the Bible?...

Philip as Missionary

Acts 1:8 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "What should our attitude be toward those who are facing religious persecution, even if we don't agr...

The Purpose of Pentecost

Acts 1:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Pentecost was a holiday that came 50 days after the Passover. It had an Old Testament meaning and a...

Witness and Service: The Fruit of Revival

Acts 1:8 SSSH - Revival and Reformation "The purpose of revival is to fill our hearts with such a love for Jesus that we long to share this ...

Return of the Cosmic King

Acts 1:9 Time is Ticking Away The masterpiece of the devil's deception is going to be counterfeiting the return of Christ. What d...

Satan's Final Performance

Acts 1:9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Satan is continually saying "foul" to the things God does. His last great deception will be to imper...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 1

Acts 1:9-10 Bible Talk A major theme in the Bible is the second coming of Christ. Should we look forward to it? When will C...

Heaven Split Open - Part 2

Acts 1:9-11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible teaches that Jesus will return to this earth. But how will Christ return? There are many d...

King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Acts 1:9-11 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord For those who accept Christ as Lord, His second coming will be a glorious event....

Chapter 2


The Purpose of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Pentecost was a holiday that came 50 days after the Passover. It had an Old Testament meaning and a...

The Purpose of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early church 50 days after Pentecost...

What is the Real and Counterfeit Gift of Tongues?

Acts 2:1-12 Biblical Answers to Relevant Questions What is the Real and Counterfeit Gift of Tongues?...

Holy Spirit, Part 2: The Filling

Acts 2:1-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second of a three part series on the Holy Spirit. This sermon teaches on the filling of the Spir...

Speaking in Tongues, Pt. 1

Acts 2:1-13 Bible Talk The subject of speaking in tongues is familiar to many people. The Bible talks about this subject, b...

Understanding Tongues

Acts 2:1-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon deals with the topic of speaking in tongues. What does the Bible say about tongues? A pr...


Acts 2:1-4 SSSH - The Book of Acts "The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost revealed a crucial truth about what happened in heav...

Fire of God - Part 2

Acts 2:1-47 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The subject of the Holy Spirit is very important. The devil has pushed this doctrine to extremes and...

If interpreted, is it still biblical to speak in tongues today?

Acts 2:1-47 Bible Question Archive If interpreted, is it still biblical to speak in tongues today? I believe that there are counterfeit...

The Promise Fulfilled

Acts 2:1-47 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost....

Understanding Tongues

Acts 2:1-47 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What does it really mean to "speak in tongues"? God is not the author of confusion....

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur?

Acts 2:1-47 Bible Question Archive What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur? Holy Spirit works in different degree...

How could the apostles be accused of getting drunk on new wine?

Acts 2:13 Bible Question Archive How could the apostles be accused of getting drunk on new wine? You can't get drunk on grape juice. ...

Who are the people whom God will pour His Spirit upon?

Acts 2:16-18 Bible Question Archive According to Joel chapter 2 is it all believers in the end-time that will have God's Spirit poured o...

How to Live in the Last Days

Acts 2:16-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How should we live in these last days before Jesus comes again?...

Does God Inspire Astrologers and Psychics?

Acts 2:17 New Revelation What does the Bible teach about prophets at the end of time? Has the gift of prophecy stopped with t...

Proving the Prophets

Acts 2:17 Millennium of Prophecy What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? People ar...

Messenger for a Movement

Acts 2:17-18 Here We Stand Is Ellen White truly speaking for the Lord? Or is her message a dangerous one that contradicts the B...

Proving the Prophets

Acts 2:17-18 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? How do w...

Signs and Wonders

Acts 2:22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Lord proved that He loves us when He died for us. When we ask for a sign of His love we are say...

Signs and Wonders

Acts 2:22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How do Christians relate to miracles? Signs can be all around us and we don't notice them. But we ca...

Do Christians go to heaven immediately after they die?

Acts 2:29 Bible Question Archive If you're generally a good person, when you die do you go directly and immediately to heaven? What ...

Do people go to heaven immediately after they die?

Acts 2:29 Bible Question Archive In Daniel chapter 12 it speaks of people being resurrected. If they are resurrected, does that mean...

Are the Dead Really Dead?

Acts 2:29-34 New Revelation What happens when you die? Does your spirit live beyond your body in a conscious form? Is the soul i...


Acts 2:32-33 SSSH - The Book of Acts "The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost revealed a crucial truth about what happened in heav...

Baptism, Pt. 1

Acts 2:37 Bible Talk What does the Bible say about baptism? This the first in a series on baptism. Is it true that you mu...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 1

Acts 2:37 Bible Talk Is it necessary for a person to be baptized in order to be saved? What does the Bible say about this...

More Woes for the Prophet

Acts 2:37 SSSH - The Book of Jeremiah "God loves humanity and wants it saved, but He does not force our choice. If we want to do wrong, ev...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 2

Acts 2:37-38 Joe Crews Radio Sermons How do we handle ignorance about truth? If we do not know a certain Bible truth does God hold us acc...

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:37-38 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Bible contains several stories about a believer's experience when he is baptized by the Holy Spi...

Baptism, Pt. 5

Acts 2:37-47 Bible Talk This is the fifth in a series on Bible baptism. This talk discusses the question, "Once I'm baptized...

I Have Sinned - Vignettes of True and False Repentance

Acts 2:38 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon looks at vignettes in the Bible portraying true and false portraits of repentance. Genu...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 5

Acts 2:38 Bible Talk What does the Bible say about the mode of baptism? Should we baptize babies? If children are not bap...

Seas Turning to Blood

Acts 2:38 Bible Answers Live It’s the kind of thing that conjures up pictures, something like the Biblical plague that fell on An...

The Church: Rites and Rituals

Acts 2:38 SSSH - Growing In Christ "God has instituted ordinances that, properly understood, help to reinforce our faith."...

Water Baptism, Pt. 1

Acts 2:38 Bible Talk This broadcast looks at the concept of baptizing people using specific terminology. Does a person ne...

Peter and the Gentiles

Acts 2:38-39 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "How do we show respect for people whose faith we believe is wrong, without giving the impression th...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 3

Acts 2:38-41 Bible Talk When should a person be baptized? Is there any preparation one should go through before being baptiz...

Speaking in Tongues, Pt. 2

Acts 2:4-6 Bible Talk The Bible talks about the gift of tongues. But what is it? Where was it manifested in the Scriptures...

The Experience of Unity in the Early Church

Acts 2:42 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "The early church experienced rapid growth because Jesus’ disciples intentionally prepared themselve...

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 2

Acts 2:42 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 2...

Jesus Won Their Confidence

Acts 2:42-47 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "If some visitors started attending your church regularly, what would they see, and what kind of wit...

Ministry in the New Testament Church

Acts 2:42-47 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'If you were to pass away, would your contribution be mourned and missed like the ministry of Dorcas...

Philip as Missionary

Acts 2:44-47 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "What should our attitude be toward those who are facing religious persecution, even if we don't agr...

Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 2

Acts 2:46 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Just as hoaxes in the scientific community have fooled people for years, so there are false teaching...

Can a Christian be saved without going to church?

Acts 2:46-47 Bible Question Archive Is it really necessary to join with a body of like-minded believers in regular worship services? Do...

Life in the Early Church

Acts 2:46-47 SSSH - The Book of Acts Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah; God resur...

Can the Saved Be Lost?

Acts 2:47 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Is once saved, always saved Biblical?...

Can the Saved Be Lost?

Acts 2:47 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Can a saved person be lost?...

True Church

Acts 2:47 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is there a true church on the earth today? Is it visible or invisible? What tests should we apply to...

Chapter 3


The Beautiful Gate

Acts 3:1-10 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We look at the story of Peter healing a lame man after Pentecost at the gate called Beautiful. The s...

A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter

Acts 3:1-26 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries After Pentecost, Peter became a central figure in the early church, even though he still had importa...

Beggar at the Beautiful Gate

Acts 3:1-26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The story of the lame beggar who was healed at the Beautiful Gate tells us about the process of salv...

Life in the Early Church

Acts 3:1-26 SSSH - The Book of Acts Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah; God resur...

Signs, Wonders and Miracles in the Last Days

Acts 3:12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Signs, Wonders and Miracles In the Last Days...

Last Things: Jesus and the Saved

Acts 3:19-21 SSSH - Growing In Christ "The Bible's teaching on Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, His second coming, and the res...

The Wonder of His Works

Acts 3:19-21 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Jesus performed many great miracles that stunned His audience and continue to amaze us today....

A Faith That Really Works

Acts 3:26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Salvation comes by faith alone, but a true faith results in the fruit of obedience and good works. D...

The Name of the Lord

Acts 3:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is a sermon that looks at the different names of God. Is there a proper way to refer to God? Is...

Chapter 4


Life in the Early Church

Acts 4:1-18 SSSH - The Book of Acts Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah; God resur...

Five Ways - Part 3

Acts 4:12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Leprosy was used by Christ as an illustration of the effects of sin. It separates us from loved ones...

Grace or Disgrace - Part 4

Acts 4:12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus died for all, both before the cross and after the cross. We may be saved by faith in the right...

Must the Whole World Hear?

Acts 4:12 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "First, on the day of judgment, how is God going to deal with the billions who have not known Him? S...

What Must I Do? - Part 1

Acts 4:12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the most important question in all the world? A rich young ruler once asked Jesus this quest...

A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter

Acts 4:13 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries After Pentecost, Peter became a central figure in the early church, even though he still had importa...

The Great Controversy and the Early Church

Acts 4:13 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The disciples...

Winsome Witnesses: The Power of Personal Testimony

Acts 4:20 SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission 'Why is knowing Christ personally so essential to our being able to witness about Him?'...

Spirit-Empowered Witnessing

Acts 4:31 SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission 'As we witness for Jesus, it is crucial to remember that we are cooperating with the Holy Spirit. He...

Buried Treasure, Secret Sin, and Open Blessings

Acts 4:31-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are over 1600 references in the Bible that speak about money. One third of all Christ's parabl...

Unity in Faith

Acts 4:8-12 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "How is an appreciation of our forgiveness and justification in Christ a basis for our fellowship an...

Chapter 5


Honest To God

Acts 5:1-11 04 Revival Is it possible to lie to God? We'll examine the Bible story from the book of Acts of Ananias and Sa...

Selling Salvation

Acts 5:1-11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Each of us is a minister of the gospel and as such we need to make a very distinct separation betwee...

The Divinity of the Holy Spirit

Acts 5:1-4 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "The Bible does not present a systematic description of the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Instead we ...

The Goal of the Godly

Acts 5:29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Our spiritual commitment should take priority over every earthly competitor for our time and attenti...

The Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit

Acts 5:3-4 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is fully divine and as much a part of the Godhead as the Father and the Son....

Above the Crowd

Acts 5:32 Time is Ticking Away God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us live with Heaven in mind....

Second Death, Pt. 5

Acts 5:5 Bible Talk Is the God of the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? Do we have two differen...

Chapter 6


Servant Leadership

Acts 6:1-6 SSSH - Feed My Sheep 'Humility, rather than pride, should characterize the Christian’s relationship, not only with God bu...

When Conflicts Arise

Acts 6:1-6 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "One of the most difficult tasks of any Christian community is to maintain unity when differences of...

Gifted for Service: Philip

Acts 6:3 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries The disciple Philip displayed powerful gifts of the Spirit as he executed his ministry in foreign la...

Should a Christian Vote?

Acts 6:3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Christians and politics. Do the two mix or are they diametrically opposed?...

Should a Christian Vote?

Acts 6:3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Should Christians vote in political elections?...

Discipling the Powerful

Acts 6:7 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "Jesus always sought to be redemptive. ... He was seeking the salvation of all people, even of thos...

The First Church Leaders

Acts 6:7 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Why must we be careful not to be so locked into some of our cherished notions that we close out new...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2017

Acts 6:9-15 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "While we need zeal and fervor for what we believe, how do we learn to temper our zeal with the real...

Chapter 7


Lessons from Moses - God's People or Passing Pleasure

Acts 7:20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are three arks in the Bible. God saved His people in the first ark. He saved Moses in the se...

Way of the Transgressor

Acts 7:20-22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the frequent complaints made by young people about religion is, "I can't have a good time. I ...

The Jews and the Future - Part 2

Acts 7:37 Joe Crews Radio Sermons God's first church were the Jews who are called God's "church in the wilderness." Committed to them ...

The Priority of the Promise - 2011

Acts 7:38 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians The law was "added" at Sinai to demonstrate the exceeding sinfulness of Israel and all mankind, but ...

The First Church Leaders

Acts 7:48 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Why must we be careful not to be so locked into some of our cherished notions that we close out new...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 3

Acts 7:51 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are we make the fatal mistake of turning away from light God sheds on our pathway? Resisting and fig...

Grieving and Resisting the Spirit

Acts 7:51 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "This week we will study biblical aspects that deal with the grieving, quenching, and resisting the ...

Among the Lampstands

Acts 7:54-60 SSSH - The Book of Revelation "The same Jesus who came to John with the words of hope and encouragement in the midst of his hardsh...

Life After Death, Pt. 3

Acts 7:59 Bible Talk What happens when you die? Where do you go? The Bible refers to death as a sleep. This talk looks at...

Should we pray to Jesus or to God?

Acts 7:59 Bible Question Archive Should we pray to Jesus or to God? Almost every reference in Scripture is to pray to the Father in C...

Chapter 8


The Damascus Road: Seeing the Light

Acts 8:1-3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message First in a two part series on the life of Paul the Apostle. A foundation for Paul's work of reaching...

Gifted for Service: Philip

Acts 8:1-40 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries The disciple Philip displayed powerful gifts of the Spirit as he executed his ministry in foreign la...

The Name of the Lord

Acts 8:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is a sermon that looks at the different names of God. Is there a proper way to refer to God? Is...

Water Baptism, Pt. 1

Acts 8:16 Bible Talk This broadcast looks at the concept of baptizing people using specific terminology. Does a person ne...

Water Baptism, Pt. 2

Acts 8:16-17 Bible Talk Is there a certain phrase that must be used to correctly baptize someone? This is the second in a tw...

Christian Traditions, Pt. 5

Acts 8:22 Bible Talk This is the fifth in a series on tradition and Scripture. The Bible is to be the final authority on ...

Spirit Led: Philip and the Ethiopian

Acts 8:26-40 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon is about being "spirit-led" and looks at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian treasurer...

Spirit Led: Philip and the Ethiopian

Acts 8:26-40 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon is about being "spirit-led" and looks at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian treasurer...

From Reading to Understanding

Acts 8:30 SSSH - Daniel 2020 'Amid struggles, trials, or even times of great happiness and prosperity, how can we learn to keep C...

Reasons of Ritual

Acts 8:35-39 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible teaching of baptism celebrates the birth, marriage, and death of a person giving their lif...

Baptizing the Devil

Acts 8:4-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible says before the Lord comes again there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It won't ...


Acts 8:5-13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Our God is all-powerful, but there are both good and powers at work in our world today. Which power...

Chapter 9


The Damascus Road: Seeing the Light

Acts 9:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message First in a two part series on the life of Paul the Apostle. A foundation for Paul's work of reaching...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2011

Acts 9:1-18 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l...

The Inspiration of the Prophets

Acts 9:1-5 SSSH - The Prophetic Gift The Bible gives details about the nature of God's communication with His prophets....

For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul

Acts 9:1-9 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Paul's background, education, conversion and love of God made him the best person to take the gospel...

The Conversion of Paul

Acts 9:15 SSSH - The Book of Acts "In what ways does Saul’s conversion illustrate the operation of God’s wonderful grace? What can you...

Paul: Background and Call

Acts 9:15-16 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "More is known about Paul than any other first-century Christian. He is especially remembered for hi...

The Pool of Bethesda

Acts 9:32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God wants to answer our prayers. He already knows what we need but wants us to identify our needs a...

The Ministry of Peter

Acts 9:32-43 SSSH - The Book of Acts "What does it mean to you to be called a “Christian”? What about your life is truly Christian? That ...

Evangelism and Witnessing as a Lifestyle

Acts 9:36 SSSH - Evangelism and Witnessing "Whether we acknowledge it or not, all believers preach a message by the example of their lives."...

Jesus Ministered to Their Needs

Acts 9:36-42 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Most of us have no problem expressing our opinions. How can we learn to be better listeners?"...

Dorcas - Full of Good Works

Acts 9:36-43 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Dorcas spent all her free time trying to devise ways to bless others. That is what the Christian li...

The Damascus Road: Making a You-Turn

Acts 9:4-19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second in a two part series on the life of Paul, particularly his conversion experience on the r...

Chapter 10


Advindication Part 4: Healing the Health Message

Acts 10:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the fourth in a series on dealing with some common misunderstandings about the Seventh-day A...

Families of Faith - 2019

Acts 10:1-28 SSSH - Family Seasons "Being a Christian is more than belonging to an organization with a history and a dogma. True faith ...

Cornelius - the First Christian Soldier

Acts 10:1-38 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Chapter 10 of the book of Acts covers a kaleidoscope of Christian teaching in the story of the conve...


Acts 10:1-48 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are many references in Scripture to centurions. Many were faithful and some were open to Jesus...

If interpreted, is it still biblical to speak in tongues today?

Acts 10:1-48 Bible Question Archive If interpreted, is it still biblical to speak in tongues today? I believe that there are counterfeit...

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur?

Acts 10:1-48 Bible Question Archive What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur? Holy Spirit works in different degree...

The Great Controversy and the Early Church

Acts 10:12-29 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The disciples...

Was the law about clean and unclean meat ended with the old covenant?

Acts 10:28 Bible Question Archive Was the law about clean and unclean meat ended with the old covenant? There are certain laws that pr...

The Jonah Saga

Acts 10:34-35 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "The Bible's authors present the valiant along with the petty in the lives of people to illustrate t...

The Ministry of Peter

Acts 10:34-35 SSSH - The Book of Acts "What does it mean to you to be called a “Christian”? What about your life is truly Christian? That ...


Acts 10:38 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Mental and physical stress can negatively affect your health and attitude toward life. The Bible off...

The Dynamic Christian

Acts 10:38 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The dynamic Christian is continually making progress in growing in Jesus. Christ was dynamic in mini...

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 5 - Healing Prayer

Acts 10:38 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message One of the main reasons Jesus came to Earth was to heal. Healing is not only for physical problems ...

Who Is Jesus?

Acts 10:38 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Who is Jesus? Did God really come to Earth in the form of a man to save us?...

In the Shadow of Calvary

Acts 10:38-39 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption John the Baptist prepared the people for Christ's ministry and Jesus warned of His own death, but th...

Water Baptism, Pt. 2

Acts 10:44 Bible Talk Is there a certain phrase that must be used to correctly baptize someone? This is the second in a tw...

The Apostles and the Law

Acts 10:9-14 SSSH - Christ and His Law "With so much evidence for the continued validity of God's law, why do so many Christians argue agai...

How to Live Longer, Pt. 3

Acts 10:9-23 Bible Talk This is a continued study on what the Bible says about what we should eat or not eat. It discusses c...

Your Body, God's Temple

Acts 10:9-23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these only for the ...

What did Peter's vision with the sheet of unclean animals mean?

Acts 10:9-28 Bible Question Archive What did Peter's vision with the sheet of unclean animals mean? This is not a passage where God is t...

Chapter 11


Peter and the Gentiles

Acts 11:1-10 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "How do we show respect for people whose faith we believe is wrong, without giving the impression th...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2011

Acts 11:18 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2017

Acts 11:18 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "While we need zeal and fervor for what we believe, how do we learn to temper our zeal with the real...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2011

Acts 11:19-26 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throughout his l...

An Overview of Discipleship

Acts 11:26 SSSH - Discipleship Jesus calls His followers to a life of discipleship. The Bible clarifies what this means....

Chapter 12


From the Prison to the Palace

Acts 12:1-19 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The devil wants to hold us as his prisoners to sin but Jesus offers us freedom and deliverance if we...

Second Death, Pt. 5

Acts 12:21 Bible Talk Is the God of the Old Testament different from the God of the New Testament? Do we have two differen...

Chapter 13


Wild Oats

Acts 13:1 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The most glorious days of history are before us. Jesus Christ will soon return. There is a great wor...

When God Said Remember - Part 2

Acts 13:14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible teaches that Jesus kept the Sabbath day on Saturday. But what about Christ's disciples? Wh...

All Things to All Men: Paul Preaches to the World

Acts 13:16-42 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Paul tailored his missionary approach to be the most effective for whatever group of people he was t...

Holy Spirit, Part 1: The Necessity

Acts 13:2 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible teaches about a triune God of which the Holy Spirit, a person of the Godhead. The Bible be...

Christ's Death and the Law

Acts 13:38-39 SSSH - Christ and His Law This lesson looks at the death of Jesus and what it means in relation to the law....

Paul’s First Missionary Journey

Acts 13:38-39 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Based on Paul and Barnabas’s example, what can we individually and as a church do to nourish or str...

Chapter 14


Coping Through Tough Times

Acts 14:22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message If God loves us so much, why does He allow trials to come upon us?...

Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?

Acts 14:22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is it easier to be saved, or lost? ...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 4

Acts 14:22 Bible Talk The Bible talks about Jesus' coming as the blessed hope. Will everyone know when Christ comes? What...

Storms That Save

Acts 14:22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Life storms come to everyone. We are saved through storms by God's grace. He has promised that He h...

The Priority of Prayer: Pt. 4 - When and Why to Fast and Pray

Acts 14:23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message When should we fast and pray, and why?...

All Things to All Men: Paul Preaches to the World

Acts 14:8-18 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Paul tailored his missionary approach to be the most effective for whatever group of people he was t...

Lord of Our Worship

Acts 14:8-18 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord God is actively seeking true worshipers....

Chapter 15


Jew and Gentile

Acts 15:1-29 SSSH - Redemption in Romans The introduction of Gentiles into the Christian church caused dissension among some Jews who wanted ...

The Controversy

Acts 15:1-29 SSSH - Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans "What are some of your favorite Bible promises? How often do you claim them? What choices are you ma...

Is circumcision still required today?

Acts 15:1-41 Bible Question Archive Is circumcision still required today? In Acts 15 the Jerusalem Council gave summary advice to the Ge...

The Jerusalem Council

Acts 15:11 SSSH - The Book of Acts "When disputes arise, how can we learn to sit together, to listen to each other, and in a spirit of ...

The Chosen People, Pt. 4

Acts 15:12 Bible Talk Does the temple of God need to be rebuilt in Jerusalem in order to fulfill prophecy? What does the B...

Seven Pillars of the Christian Church

Acts 15:18 Byron Spears How do the seven pillars of the Christian Church illustrate the plan of salvation?...

Your Body, God's Temple

Acts 15:19-20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these only for the ...

Explain dietary guidelines on clean and unclean meats.

Acts 15:20 Bible Question Archive Explain dietary guidelines on clean and unclean meats. The Bible does talk about clean and unclean a...

Faith Healing

Acts 15:20 Bible Talk Some people who face ill health believe that they can be healed by faith and faith only. While it is...

Why doesn't the apostle Paul command Sabbath observance?

Acts 15:20 Bible Question Archive The fact that the New Testament is silent on the subject of the Sabbath is the loudest argument that...

Does the reference to fat and blood in Leviticus 8 apply to us today?

Acts 15:29 Bible Question Archive Was the prohibition against eating fat and blood a part the Old Covenant and only applicable to the ...

Introducing Jesus, The Son of God

Acts 15:36-40 SSSH - Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark Each gospel emphasizes a different aspect of Christ's ministry. Here we look at Mark's....

Leaders in Israel

Acts 15:7-11 SSSH - Ezra and Nehemiah 'It could be said that both Ezra and Nehemiah had a purpose in life. They had a vision of where they...

Chapter 16


Demons, Dungeons and Deliverance, Pt. 1

Acts 16:1-40 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Pastor Doug explores the New Testament book of Acts. God can change tragedies into triumphs....

Unfailing Government

Acts 16:10 Bible Answers Live From time to time when people lose faith in government, it can trigger a rapid devaluation of their ...

Women of Mission

Acts 16:14-16 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries The New Testament reveals that women played an important role in the advancement of the early Christ...

Bridges of Life

Acts 16:16-34 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Like the Philippian jailer, we all need to ask what we must do to be saved? The answer is in Jesus. ...

Music and the Christian, Pt. 2

Acts 16:25 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second of a two part series on music and the Christian. Our music can be a witness to others. Th...

Famine for God's Word

Acts 16:29-34 Bible Answers Live The Rocky Mountain locusts were an abundant species of grasshopper that ranged through the Western h...

The Faith of Disciples... or Devils

Acts 16:30-31 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message To be saved you must believe, but what kind of belief? What is real, saving faith?...

The Supreme Sacrifice

Acts 16:31 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God promised Abraham that through his son all the nations of this world would be blessed. When God ...

Chapter 17


Christian Traditions, Pt. 2

Acts 17:10-11 Bible Talk This is the second in a series on traditions in the Christian church. Like the game "Follow the Lead...

How to Study the Bible, Pt. 1

Acts 17:11 Bible Talk This broadcast looks at the importance of studying the Bible. It begins with opening up and reading ...

Is the Bible the only trusted source of truth and inspiration?

Acts 17:11 Bible Question Archive Is the Bible the only trusted source of truth and inspiration? The Bible is the foundation for all t...

The Holy Spirit and the Church

Acts 17:11 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "It is the Holy Spirit who creates a spiritual community and fellowship that has the Written Word of...

Worship in the Early Church

Acts 17:15-34 SSSH - Worship The early Christian church, having learned spiritual truth from Jesus, placed an emphasis on proper ...

When God Said Remember - Part 2

Acts 17:2 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible teaches that Jesus kept the Sabbath day on Saturday. But what about Christ's disciples? Wh...

The Image of God

Acts 17:22-31 Ten Commandments The second commandment forbids worshiping an image of God. Attempting to represent God by material ...

Mission to the Unreached: Part 1

Acts 17:24 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission What bridges and points of contact can you think of that would open opportunities for deeper convers...

Not Very Far

Acts 17:26-27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God is not far from each one of us. We don't realize how close God's kingdom is. Jesus told a scribe...

God Created...

Acts 17:28 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'This world and all life on it, our own life and all we do with it, the lives of everyone around us ...

Was it o.k. for Rahab to lie?

Acts 17:30 Bible Question Archive Was it o.k. for Rahab to lie? Did God excuse her sin? She apparently repented of her sin and was sav...

Judgment Scene

Acts 17:31 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the most solemn scenes spoken of in all the Bible is the final judgment. Everyone in every la...

Chapter 18


Fire of God - Part 1

Acts 18:1-28 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Apollos was a great speaker and theologian well-trained and from Alexandria. But something was missi...

Urban Ministry in the End-Time

Acts 18:1-28 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "If our actions do not demonstrate the compassion, grace, and hope of which we speak, then what we s...

The Church at Ephesus

Acts 18:24-28 SSSH - Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships An overview of the church in Ephesus....

The Third Missionary Journey

Acts 18:24-28 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in faith. How ...

Prophecies of Christ

Acts 18:28 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible prophesied that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would come to our earth. Many prophesies for...

The Second Missionary Journey

Acts 18:9-10 SSSH - The Book of Acts "How can we as a church show the same understanding Paul had of cultural differences and the same wi...

Chapter 19


The Church at Ephesus

Acts 19:1-28 SSSH - Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships An overview of the church in Ephesus....

Fire of God - Part 1

Acts 19:1-41 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Apollos was a great speaker and theologian well-trained and from Alexandria. But something was missi...

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur?

Acts 19:1-41 Bible Question Archive What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and when does it occur? Holy Spirit works in different degree...

No Turning Back

Acts 19:19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are times in our Christian life in which we should never turn back. There are bridges to burn,...

Baptism, Pt. 4

Acts 19:2 Bible Talk This is the fourth in a series on biblical baptism. We've learned that baptism is done by immersion ...

What was the purpose of laying on of hands and does it apply today?

Acts 19:6 Bible Question Archive What was the purpose of laying on of hands and does it apply today? There are many references in the...

Chapter 20


The Church at Ephesus

Acts 20:17-38 SSSH - Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships An overview of the church in Ephesus....

The Third Missionary Journey

Acts 20:24 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in faith. How ...

When Satan Goes to Church, Pt. 2

Acts 20:27-30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God wants us to feed and to grow and to blossom as Christians but the devil keeps planting his teach...

Why Go to Church?, Pt. 3

Acts 20:28-29 Bible Talk Why are there so many Christian denominations out there? There are thousands of churches. There was ...

Divided or United

Acts 20:29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The devil’s strategy in attacking God’s people over the course of history has been to use division. ...

Divided or United

Acts 20:29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The devil is intent on dividing people and churches. Sin ultimately separates us from God and Satan ...

The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel

Acts 20:29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is a danger of the gospel being diluted. We can assume we are getting real medicine when in fa...

When the Devil Goes to Church

Acts 20:29-30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The devil isn't afraid of church, he just wants to be the object of your worship....

Christian Traditions, Pt. 2

Acts 20:30 Bible Talk This is the second in a series on traditions in the Christian church. Like the game "Follow the Lead...

Giving Reasons For Giving

Acts 20:35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Giving is essential to our happiness and success as Christians. We can resist having a giving heart....

More Life Under the Sun

Acts 20:35 SSSH - The Book of Ecclesiastes Solomon wonders if life is really worth living, but recognizes the benefits of having a support comm...

Forgery - Part 2

Acts 20:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Millions of people believe Sunday is the sacred day of worship and that the Bible supports a change ...

The Sabbath, Pt. 3

Acts 20:7 Bible Talk This is the third in a series on the Sabbath day in Scripture. We've looked at some Bible verses tha...

Vegetarian Animals in Heaven

Acts 20:7 Bible Answers Live Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America, lived her entire life without ever ea...

The Third Missionary Journey

Acts 20:7-12 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in faith. How ...

Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 2

Acts 20:7-8 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Just as hoaxes in the scientific community have fooled people for years, so there are false teaching...

Chapter 21


Arrest in Jerusalem

Acts 21:1-40 SSSH - The Book of Acts "How often have you humbly acknowledged God’s providence in your own life despite the trials and suf...

Traveling at the Speed of Thought

Acts 21:4 Bible Answers Live The world record for the fastest that a human being has ever run is held by a Usain Bolt, who was cl...

Chapter 22


Drowning the Old Man

Acts 22:16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Baptism is said to be the public expression of the internal change in our life. Christ himself was b...

Every Nation and Tongue

Acts 22:16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The last thing Jesus says before He ascends to heaven is to go to teach and baptize. The last words ...

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation, Pt. 1

Acts 22:16 Bible Talk Is it necessary for a person to be baptized in order to be saved? What does the Bible say about this...

Second Baptism - Part 2

Acts 22:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Baptism signifies a death and burial of the old life of sin. True baptism is both an outward action ...

Chapter 23


Arrest in Jerusalem

Acts 23:11 SSSH - The Book of Acts "How often have you humbly acknowledged God’s providence in your own life despite the trials and suf...

Chapter 24


Confinement in Caesarea

Acts 24:1-27 SSSH - The Book of Acts "How much are we willing to sacrifice in order to see the gospel spread?"...

Final Choice

Acts 24:1-27 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Here is the story of Paul's defense before Felix, a ruler who was curious about what this apostle ha...

Surrender of Self

Acts 24:14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many people want to live a Christian life but struggle to completely surrender themselves to Jesus. ...

Business as Usual

Acts 24:25 Joe Crews Radio Sermons People hesitate to their peril to follow God's warning of a destruction to come upon this earth just...

Chapter 26


Why Is There Evil?

Acts 26:18 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor If God is good, and if God is love, then why is there evil? Did God make a devil? Why would a good...

Confinement in Caesarea

Acts 26:29 SSSH - The Book of Acts "How much are we willing to sacrifice in order to see the gospel spread?"...

The Conversion of Paul

Acts 26:9-11 SSSH - The Book of Acts "In what ways does Saul’s conversion illustrate the operation of God’s wonderful grace? What can you...

Chapter 27


Weathering a Storm, Pt. 1

Acts 27:1-26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The first of a two part series on weathering storms. Everyone will experience storms. What's importa...

Secure in the Midst of a Storm

Acts 27:13-44 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God promises that we can be secure, even in the midst of the storms in our lives. Paul experience of...

Journey to Rome

Acts 27:24 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Despite everything he had gone through, Paul never gave up his faith or his mission. What can we do...

Who Needs the Church?

Acts 27:30-31 Reclaim Your Faith Do you have to go to church to be a Christian?...

Weathering a Storm, Pt. 2

Acts 27:33-44 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second of a two part series on weathering storms. This is the last part of the story of Paul's t...

Chapter 28


Weathering a Storm, Pt. 2

Acts 28:1-10 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second of a two part series on weathering storms. This is the last part of the story of Paul's t...

Journey to Rome

Acts 28:1-31 SSSH - The Book of Acts "Despite everything he had gone through, Paul never gave up his faith or his mission. What can we do...

The Apostle Paul in Rome

Acts 28:17-31 SSSH - Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans "What kinds of issues are agitating your church at present? What role are you playing in these debat...

Ten Powerful Prenatal Prophecies

Acts 28:23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are over 400 prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold the coming of Jesus. This message ...