Media referencing the book of James

Chapter 1


Enduring Temptation

James 1:12 SSSH - The Book of James "Temptations are real, sin is real, and the battle against self is very real. But God is real, too,...

The Good News About Hell, Pt. 1

James 1:12-15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The traditional view of hell is not what is taught in the Bible. It has been distorted and exploited...

Enduring Temptation

James 1:12-21 SSSH - The Book of James "Temptations are real, sin is real, and the battle against self is very real. But God is real, too,...

How to Resist Temptation, Pt. 2

James 1:14 Bible Talk You cannot live in this world without being tempted. But is temptation sin? This broadcast looks at ...

Temptation - Part 2

James 1:14-15 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This is the second of a two part broadcast on dealing with temptation. Everyone faces temptation. Ho...

Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?

James 1:15 New Revelation What happens to the wicked when they die? Do they go directly to hell and burn for eternity? The Bib...

Lord of Our Resources

James 1:16-17 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Every good gift we receive comes from God. When we accept Christ as Lord, He calls us to be good ste...

The Glory of Giving

James 1:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on stewardship and the importance of giving. We are naturally selfish and greedy...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 6 - Nabal and Abigail

James 1:19 The Shepherd King The story of Nabal and Abigail is an example of how Jesus is our mediator and that God blesses us so...

The Perfecting of Our Faith

James 1:2 SSSH - The Book of James "We need to believe in a loving Father, rely on His wisdom, and act on the basis of His Word. We ca...

Surviving the Great Tribulation

James 1:2-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Jesus said there will be a time of great trouble before He comes again. Do not worry about getting ...

Coping Through Tough Times

James 1:2-4 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How can we triumph despite our trials? Why does God allow difficult things to happen?...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 3

James 1:22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are we make the fatal mistake of turning away from light God sheds on our pathway? Resisting and fig...

Being and Doing

James 1:22 SSSH - The Book of James "Salvation begins by seeing who we really are, not who we imagine ourselves to be."...

Living by the Word of God

James 1:22 SSSH - How to Interpret Scripture 'The best method of studying the Bible is of no use if we are not determined to live by what we lear...

Ten Commandments

James 1:22-25 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live in a lawless age with permissive psychology. What is the basic cause of the moral decline in...

Grace or Disgrace - Parts 1 and 2

James 1:23-25 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are you living under law or grace? Or perhaps you are living under disgrace. Many people profess to ...

Ministry in the New Testament Church

James 1:27 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'If you were to pass away, would your contribution be mourned and missed like the ministry of Dorcas...

James, the Lord's Brother

James 1:3 SSSH - The Book of James "Why is humility so important in the Christian life? That is, in light of the Cross and what happene...

Beginning with the Bible, Pt. 2

James 1:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible has the answers to our most important questions - Part 2....

Double Vision

James 1:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Unless we know how to be single-minded as Christians, we will be unstable in every other area of our...

To Love Mercy

James 1:5-8 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'If it is real, our faith will cause us to die to self and live more for others. Our faith helps us ...

Chapter 2


Love and the Law

James 2:1-13 SSSH - The Book of James "Though it's not easy, and often goes against our nature, true love involves a substantial amount of...

Discipling the “Ordinary”

James 2:1-9 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "Christ's death was the great equalizer: it showed that we all are sinners in need of God's grace. ....

Grace or Disgrace - Part 5

James 2:10 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Some people believe that because of the grace of God we are freed from keeping God's commandments. B...

Justice and Mercy

James 2:10 Doctrines That Divide Because there is mercy does that mean we do not have to obey the law?...

Biblical Myths - Part 4

James 2:10-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are all 10 of God's commandments still binding? Doesn't the New Testament not speak about one? What ...

Big Lie

James 2:10-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons If the Ten Commandments are still valid, why is the fourth commandment disregarded by many Christian...

Five Ways - Part 2

James 2:10-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons How do we know whether we are saved or not? We know we must be born again and this results in seekin...

Grace or Disgrace - Part 6

James 2:10-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons By what standard will man be judged? Does God have a different standard for people in the Old Testam...

Jesus Desired Their Good

James 2:14-17 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Jesus loved people more than anything else, and a church that is truly His will do the same."...

What is Salvation?, Pt. 4

James 2:14-17 Bible Talk This is the fourth in a series on salvation. We can have the assurance of being saved, but we've lea...

Jesus' Teachings and the Great Controversy

James 2:17 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "In this week's lesson, we will look at some of Jesus' teachings on very down-to-earth and practical...

When the Devil Goes to Church

James 2:19 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The devil isn't afraid of church, he just wants to be the object of your worship....

The Character of Job

James 2:22 SSSH - The Book of Job "No wonder the Lord said what He did about the life and character of Job. This is a man who clearly...

Faith that Works

James 2:26 SSSH - The Book of James "Faith and works are inseparable. Like two sides of a coin, one cannot exist without the other. Al...

Mystery Solved

James 2:26 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What happens when a person dies? This broadcast looks at what the Bible says about the subject of de...

What Happens After You Die? Pt. 1

James 2:26 Bible Talk What happens to a person at death? Do you immediately go to heaven or some other place? We learn ab...

James, the Lord's Brother

James 2:5 SSSH - The Book of James "Why is humility so important in the Christian life? That is, in light of the Cross and what happene...

Chapter 3


Taming the Tongue

James 3:1-12 SSSH - The Book of James "If you recorded all your spoken words in a single day and then played them back to yourself, what w...

The Roots of Restlessness

James 3:16 SSSH - Rest In Christ The Roots of Restlessness...


James 3:16-17 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Jealousy was Lucifer's original sin, and it continues to plague humanity today. The Bible contains m...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 3

James 3:17 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 3 of 3...

Whispers (Gossip)

James 3:2-8 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the cruelest word in all the Bible? This broadcast looks at what the Bible says about the wh...

Tiny Troublemaker

James 3:6-8 Free Book Library Is gossip poisoning your family relationships—is it crippling the gospel message of your church?...

Chapter 4


The Spirit and The Flesh

James 4:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The sermon focuses on Romans 7 and the battle between the spirit and the flesh. There are two laws a...

Winning the War With the Flesh

James 4:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It is possible for us to trade eternal life for the pleasures of sin here on earth. How can we win ...

The Humility of Heavenly Wisdom

James 4:10 SSSH - The Book of James "Only a person humble, meek, and aware of his or her utter need and dependency is open to grace, to ...

One Lawgiver and Judge

James 4:12 SSSH - The Book of James "God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what ...

The Fatal Word

James 4:14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Sometimes the fate of empires and the destiny of individuals rests on a simple word. Profound decisi...

Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 2

James 4:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second of a two-part series on discovering and doing the will of God. Here are 12 ways t...

God is Particular - Part 3

James 4:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons It is important to obey God and do exactly what He asks of us. We can't interpret His commandments a...

Questions and Answers - Part 5

James 4:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This is a continued series on questions sent in by listeners....


James 4:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is suicide the end of all your problems or just the beginning?...

The Man God Tried to Kill

James 4:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There is a Bible reference about a man God sought to kill. This broadcast looks at this strange Bibl...

Come and See

James 4:2 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God knows everything we need before we ask and Praise the Lord He answers many prayers we forget to ...

How to Talk to God, Pt. 2

James 4:3 Bible Talk One of the most crucial components of our Christian life is prayer. The disciples of Jesus heard Him...

When Our Prayers Seem Unanswered

James 4:3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What does it mean when it seems like our prayers are unanswered? We don't get everything we ask for...


James 4:4 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible tells us in the last days that people will love themselves more than God. Christians who o...

The "Restoration of All Things"

James 4:4 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Who are people in need of your help right now, help that you are especially equipped to give?"...

The Church: God's Workmanship

James 4:4 SSSH - Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships The universal consequence of sin is death to the human family, but God's solution is life through fa...

Voice in the Wilderness, Pt.2

James 4:4 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Our lives are an advertisement for Christ....

Reformation: The Willingness to Grow and Change

James 4:6-7 SSSH - Revival and Reformation "Reformation is the choice to respond to the Holy Spirit's leading for change and growth. It is the...

Exhortations From the Sanctuary

James 4:7-8 SSSH - The Sanctuary "Throughout the book of Hebrews, passages about Christian faith alternate with passages about Christ...

If God Exists Why Is There Suffering?

James 4:7-8 Time is Ticking Away If God is love, why is there so much suffering?...

Rahab's Red Rope

James 4:8 05 Revive We'll be examining the Old Testament story of Rahab in relation to faith and salvation....

Chapter 5


Signs - Part 2

James 5:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The accumulation of wealth seems to be happening more and more these days. What does this indicate? ...

Weep and Howl!

James 5:1-6 SSSH - The Book of James "How do we work, as Christians, to help alleviate the problem of extreme poverty? What things shoul...

Some Lessons from Job

James 5:11 SSSH - The Book of Job How can we learn more compassion for those who are suffering, even suffering from their own wrong co...

Does the anointing of oil on the sick for healing still apply today?

James 5:13-18 Bible Question Archive Does anointing people with oil mentioned in James 5 who are sick still apply today? Sure it applies....

How to Resist Temptation, Pt. 2

James 5:16 Bible Talk You cannot live in this world without being tempted. But is temptation sin? This broadcast looks at ...


James 5:16 Bible Answers Live At 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, a bolt of lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun and one of t...

Prayer Power: Interceding for Others

James 5:16 SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission 'When we pray for others, we become a channel of God’s blessing to them. He pours out the river of t...

Prayer, Healing and Restoration

James 5:16 SSSH - The Book of James "More important than the healing of the body is the healing of the soul. Our purpose is not, after ...


James 5:16 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Relationships can make us joyful or miserable. The Bible offers guidelines to improve your relations...

Ten Keys for Answered Prayer

James 5:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God wants to do more, exceedingly, abundantly more than we can think but we need to ask, and pray. H...

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 1

James 5:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Elijah is an important character in the Bible. He went to Heaven in a fiery chariot, he appeared to...

Does the Bible say we should judge sin in other Christians?

James 5:19 Bible Question Archive What does it mean to judge? 'Thou shalt not judge' is a verse that is probably quoted more than ot...

The Promised Revival: God's Mission Completed

James 5:7-8 SSSH - Revival and Reformation "The proclamation of the gospel to the entire world may seem impossible, but God's power will overco...

Getting Ready for the Harvest

James 5:8 SSSH - The Book of James "In Greco-Roman times (as in some places still today), a flurry of activity preceded the coming of a...