Media referencing the book of Micah

Chapter 1


God's Special People (Micah)

Micah 1:1-9 SSSH - Major Lessons from Minor Prophets "Even amid the worst apostasy, the Lord was willing to forgive and heal his people."...

Chapter 5


Messianic Prophecies, Pt. 1

Micah 5:2 Bible Talk Is Jesus really the Messiah? The whole Christian faith is based on the belief that Jesus Christ is t...

Prophecies of Christ

Micah 5:2 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible prophesied that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would come to our earth. Many prophesies for...

The Fullness of Time, Pt. 2

Micah 5:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The prophecies in the Bible prove that Jesus is who He said He is. Part 2 of 2...

Chapter 6


Trust Not in Deceptive Words: The Prophets and Worship

Micah 6:1-8 SSSH - Worship The Israelites were prone to turn pure worship into meaningless ritual, and the prophets helped stee...

Understanding Sacrifice

Micah 6:6-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Everything you give to God, you get back. What you keep for yourself, you lose. The key to happine...

What Is the Main Thing? Pt. 1

Micah 6:6-8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor You can't obey God if you don't love Him. The essence of the Christian life is summarized in Micah ...

What Is the Main Thing? Pt. 2

Micah 6:6-8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Don't do anything that will hurt someone. Don't do anything that will hurt something. Don't do anyt...

Embracing Humility

Micah 6:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The supreme motive of hell is selfishness and the highest motive of heaven is love. Humility lays th...

God's Special People (Micah)

Micah 6:8 SSSH - Major Lessons from Minor Prophets "Even amid the worst apostasy, the Lord was willing to forgive and heal his people."...

Spiritual Priorities

Micah 6:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It's human nature to focus on trivial things and miss the big picture. That can happen for Christian...

The Cry of the Prophets

Micah 6:8 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'Throughout the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, one of God’s responses was to send prophets...

Violating the Spirit of the Law

Micah 6:8 SSSH - Ezra and Nehemiah 'We need to be careful not to let rules and regulations become an end in and of themselves rather th...

Chapter 7


Hope Against Depression

Micah 7:1-7 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Depression is a serious medical condition and should be treated as such. The Lord offers advice abou...

The Day of Atonement

Micah 7:18-19 SSSH - The Sanctuary "This week we will study what happened on the Day of Atonement in the earthly sanctuary, specificall...

Atonement: Purification Offering

Micah 7:18-20 SSSH - The Sanctuary "This week we will study several concepts linked to the 'purification offering' (also called 'sin of...