
Media dealing with Bible Characters


A Counterfeit King

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1913 the little country of Albania in Eastern Europe achieved its independence. There a...

A Dedicated Soldier

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Jesus wants to make us victorious soldiers for His cause. This story of David's sin teache...

A Double Portion

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video A Double Portion...

A Garment of Innocence

Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Video Adam and Eve lost their original garments of light and purity, but God Himself supplied ne...

A Jar of Oil, Pt.1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Part 1 - A woman who was the wife of one of the sons of the prophets was a widow and her s...

A Jar of Oil, Pt.2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Part 2 - A woman who was the wife of one of the sons of the prophets was a widow and her s...

A New Order

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video After their liberation from Egypt, God organized His people into an army and a priesthood ...

A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video After Pentecost, Peter became a central figure in the early church, even though he still h...

A Portrait of Andrew

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Every Christian can lead someone to Christ. Andrew the disciple of Jesus was willing to fo...

A Portrait of Mary

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a great model of living with Christ in our hearts....

A Portrait of Mary

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a great model of living with Christ in our hearts....

A Portrait of Mary: Mother of Jesus

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What does the Bible say about Jesus' mother? What is the Immaculate Conception? Do we need...

A Tale of Two Women

Storacles of Prophecy Print Revelation 12 reveals a church holding to God’s truths just before Jesus comes....

Abiathar: The Priest

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Abiathar the priest had faithfully served David during his lifetime, but his unwillingness...

Abigail: No Victim of Circumstances

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Abigail, wife of the foolish Nabal, demonstrates the importance of listening, not speaking...

Abraham, Going by Faith

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Sometimes God calls us to go out and take a step of faith. The Bible tells us that God ca...

Abraham, Going with God

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video All of us are being invited to take risks when we go for God, but we don't have to be afra...

Abraham, Pt. 1: Going by Faith

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the first in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. He is a prime example of giv...

Abraham, Pt. 10: The Ultimate Test

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the tenth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on the u...

Abraham, Pt. 11: Mourning a Loss

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The eleventh in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. In this sermon we look at the dea...

Abraham, Pt. 12: Finding the Right Bride

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The last in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on the search for...

Abraham, Pt. 2: My Sister, My Spouse

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the second of a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Abra...

Abraham, Pt. 3: Riches and Strife

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The third in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Abraham's wea...

Abraham, Pt. 4: Rescue and Reward

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The fourth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. His experiences are a miniature sto...

Abraham, Pt. 5: Righteous by Faith

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the fifth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon reminds us that ...

Abraham, Pt. 6: The Surrogate Son

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the sixth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Hagar...

Abraham, Pt. 7: A New Name

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The seventh in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. When God cleanses us from sin, we ...

Abraham, Pt. 8: Entertain and Intercede

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is part 8 of a sermon series on Abraham and deals with Genesis 18 and 19. The topic i...

Abraham, Pt. 9: Right Relationships

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The ninth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. Here we look at Abraham's relationsh...

All Things to All Men: Paul Preaches to the World

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video Paul tailored his missionary approach to be the most effective for whatever group of peopl...

An Epic Quest for Wisdom - The Queen of Sheba

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How much are you willing to endure to see your King? How far are you willing to go?...

Arabs, Israelites and Inspiration

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The Bible record of ancient cities and people's has been proven, by archaeology, to have e...

Arrest in Jerusalem

The Book of Acts Video "How often have you humbly acknowledged God’s providence in your own life despite the tria...

At Jesus' Feet

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video At Jesus' Feet...

Balaam, Prophet for Sale

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Balaam's name appears over 60 times in the Bible. He is an interesting character with a s...

Balaam: Part 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Balaam was paid by the king of Moab to curse the Israelites. His life of covetousness is a...

Balaam: Part 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The story of Balaam following a covetous heart teaches us how God protects His people agai...


Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Here is the story of Barabbas, a guilty man who was released by Pilate to please the peopl...

Baruch: Building a Legacy in a Crumbling World

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Jeremiah's scribe, Baruch, left an important legacy as the world he knew crumbled around h...

Beggar at the Beautiful Gate

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The story of the lame beggar who was healed at the Beautiful Gate tells us about the proce...

Blind From Birth, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The emphasis of Jesus' miracles is that we might believe. Part 2 of 2...

Bowing to Babylon

Storacles of Prophecy Print Learn how to stand without fear in the days of persecution to come....

Broken Chains

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video Broken Chains...

Broken Chains

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Is there anyway to break away from the chains of addiction? From sin? Can we really live v...

Cain and His Legacy

Genesis (2022) Video Why must we do all that we can in God’s power to eradicate sin from our lives?...

Caleb: Living With The Wait

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Caleb stands out as an example of godly living amid a population intent on rebellion and a...

Can Satan Cast Out Satan?

Bible Question Archive Audio In Matthew 12 Jesus speaks of Satan casting out Satan. What does this mean? And what does ...

Comrades in Arms

Rebellion and Redemption Video "How many times are modern disciples more eager to race off and work for Jesus rather than...

Confinement in Caesarea

The Book of Acts Video "How much are we willing to sacrifice in order to see the gospel spread?"...

Conflict and Crisis: the Judges

Rebellion and Redemption Video "We are either for the Lord, doing something of meaning and purpose for Him, or we are, in...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There are many references in Scripture to centurions. Many were faithful and some were ope...

Cornelius - the First Christian Soldier

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Chapter 10 of the book of Acts covers a kaleidoscope of Christian teaching in the story of...

David, Part 1: From the Pasture to the Palace

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the first in a series on the life of David. It begins by looking at Saul who turne...

David, Part 10: Great Repentance, Forgiveness, and Consequences

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In this continued series on the life of David, we look at his great repentance and confess...

David, Part 11: Absalom, My Son

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is a series on the life of David. It focuses on the failures of David as a father and...

David, Part 12: For The Good of Many

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is a continuing series on the life of David, the shepherd boy who became one of the g...

David, Part 13: Pride, Punishment, Provision

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In this continued series on the life of David we will look at the story of him taking a ce...

David, Part 14: Setting the House in Order

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the last message in a series on the life of David and deals with final events in h...

David, Part 3: Behaving Wisely

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In this continued series on the life of David, this sermon looks at 1 Samuel 18 and Saul's...

David, Part 4: The Great Escape

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In this continued series on the life of David, this sermon looks at Saul's anger and desir...

David, Part 7: From Ziklag to Jerusalem

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The seventh in a series on the life of King David. This sermon focuses on 1 Samuel 22 and ...

David, Part 8: Personal Priorities

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is part 8 in a series on the life of King David, the greatest king of Israel. This se...

David, Part 9: The Great Transgression

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the 9th in a series on the life of David. This sermon focuses on 2 Samuel 11 and D...

Days of Noah and Lot

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video This sermon considers the days of Noah and Lot, as referenced by Jesus. Perilous times wil...

Destiny of Satan

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Is there really a devil? Where did Satan come from? The Bible talks clearly about the old ...


Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Satan has tried to capture this world by spreading the teaching that there is no devil. Bu...

Did God Create the Devil?

Bible Study Guides Print Where did the devil come from? Was he an angel in heaven? How did he fall and become the d...

Did Jephthah offer his daughter as a sacrifice?

Bible Question Archive Audio In Judges 11 Jephthah makes a vow to offer as a sacrifice whatever came out of his house a...

Does the Bible say that Satan will impersonate Jesus?

Bible Question Archive Audio Does the Bible say that Satan will impersonate Christ at the end? The Bible says false Chr...

Dorcas - Full of Good Works

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Dorcas spent all her free time trying to devise ways to bless others. That is what the Ch...

Double Portion

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What does "In the spirit and power of Elijah" mean?...

Dream of the Ages

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video There are several times in history when God has given dreams so we can know where we are i...

Elijah - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Elijah was a voice against false worship in the days of King Ahab. The Baal teachers of su...

Elijah - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The world's greatest weather-prophet was Elijah. On Mt. Carmel, Elijah challenged the prop...

Elijah's and Elisha's Mantle

Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Video Elijah was one of the most powerful prophets in Israeli history, but for all his strong fa...

Elisha: Open Our Eyes

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This message deals with the fourth dimension of the spiritual realm. Angels are very real ...

Elisha: Vessels in the House

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon is on Elisha and the widow's oil. Elisha, in this story, is a symbol of Jesus....


Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Whatever happened to Enoch and Elijah? If John 3 seems to indicate that 'no man has ascend...

Esther and Mordecai - 2015

Biblical Missionaries Video "Though not your 'typical" missionary story, the narrative of Esther and Mordecai does pre...

Facing Opposition

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'When opposition gets in the way of doing what we believe God calls us to do, we have the ...

Final Choice

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Here is the story of Paul's defense before Felix, a ruler who was curious about what this ...

First Things First! (Haggai)

Major Lessons from Minor Prophets Video "Haggai's message is simple: What are our priorities, and why is it so important to get th...

For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video Paul's background, education, conversion and love of God made him the best person to take ...

From Complaints to Apostasy

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video The Israelites quickly descend into open rebellion against God, resulting in their 40-year...

From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video Peter's transformation of character is one of the most striking examples of the power of G...

From Prison to the Palace

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video From Prison to the Palace...

From the Lions’ Den to the Angel’s Den

Daniel 2020 Video 'What kind of witness do we present to others in regard to our faithfulness to God and to ...

Gehazi: Missing the Mark

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video As Elisha's servant, Gehazi had little excuse to fail as badly as he did....

Genesis History (Adam and Eve): A Honeymoon in Paradise

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This study on Genesis focuses on the time between the creation of the Sabbath and the entr...

Genesis History (Adam and Eve): The Entrance of Shame and Blame

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon is on a pivotal chapter in Genesis (chapter 3) on sin and suffering. Here is t...

Genesis History (Cain and Abel): The First Family Feud

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In this series on Genesis we look at the issue of the first family feud. Many people quit ...

Genesis History (Cain): Walking Separately

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon on Cain in Genesis 4 speaks of him "going out" and building a city. He turned ...

Genesis History (Noah): An Ark of Salvation

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This study focuses on Noah and the ark of salvation in Genesis 6 and 7. We can know Noah a...

Genesis History (Noah): Through the Storm

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon speaks of Noah's ark and experience of the flood depicts the story of salvatio...

Gideon, Part 1: Calling the Courageous

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon on Gideon is called "The Calling of the Courageous." Israel did not stay faith...

Gideon, Part 2: A Few Good Men

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a two part series on the life of Gideon, a simple man called by God to lead ...

Gifted for Service: Philip

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video The disciple Philip displayed powerful gifts of the Spirit as he executed his ministry in ...

Gigantic Faith

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video Gigantic Faith...

God's Call

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'What excuses do we often find that keep us from doing the things we know the Lord would h...

Hannah: A Mother's Sacrifice

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. We see spiritual lessons ...

Hannah: Learning to Be Someone

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Hannah gives us an example of relying on God to find self-worth in times of trouble....

Heroes of Gratitude

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video A seasonal sermon on Thanksgiving and gratitude that focuses on the story of the ten leper...

How could the apostles be accused of getting drunk on new wine?

Bible Question Archive Audio How could the apostles be accused of getting drunk on new wine? You can't get drunk on gra...

How many of each animal did Noah take on the ark?

Bible Question Archive Audio How many of each animal did Noah take on the ark? It talks about two categories of animals...

Immorality on the Border

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video At rest near the border of the Promised Land, the Israelites go astray after foreign women...

In the Lion's Den

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video This sermon is about the story of Daniel in the lion's den. Daniel's dedication to God is ...

In the Shadow of His Wings

Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Video King David's experience with Bathsheba lays bare the truth about temptation, sin, and God'...

Is the covenant with Abraham still in effect?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is the covenant with Abraham still in effect? When God gave Abraham the promised land, did...

Isaac: Birthright and Bad Bargains

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at the story of Isaac who intended to bless his eldest son Esau, but is ...

Jacob - Israel

Genesis (2022) Video What are the idols of our culture, our civilization? How can we make sure we aren’t worshi...

Jacob the Supplanter

Genesis (2022) Video How can we learn to trust God when we don’t see “justice” being done, when we see people w...

Jehu - Driven to Clean the Kingdom

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There was a time in Israel's history where sin had infested the whole nation. God said He...

Jephthah: God Calls the Outcasts

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first of a two part series on one of the early judges of Israel named Jephthah. He was...

Jephthah: Keeping Your Vows and Vowels

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a two part series of an ancient judge in Israel named Jephthah. In this serm...

Jeremiah's Yoke

The Book of Jeremiah Video "God's prophets preached not only through words but also through object lessons. At times ...

Jesus and the Good Samaritan

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God asks us, "Do you love your brother?" The way we treat each other is how we treat God. ...

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The focus of this sermon is the story of the Rich Young Ruler found in three gospels. He w...

Jesus in All the Bible, David

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, David- This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bible,...

Jesus in All the Bible, Esther #1

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Esther #1 - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the B...

Jesus in All the Bible, Esther Part 2

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Esther Part 2 - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All t...

Jesus in All the Bible, Isaac

From Cover to Cover Video From Cover to Cover - Jesus In All the Bible, Pt. 2: Isaac - This series, From Cover to C...

Jesus in All the Bible, Job

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Job: This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bible, is...

Jesus in All the Bible, Joseph Part 1

From Cover to Cover Video This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bible, is a good panorama of the Bible...

Jesus in All the Bible, Joseph Part 2

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Joseph Part 2 - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All th...

Jesus in All the Bible, Joseph Part 3

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Joseph Part 3 - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All t...

Jesus in All the Bible, Joseph Part 4

From Cover to Cover Video This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bible, is a good panorama of the Bible...

Jesus in All the Bible, Joshua

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Joshua - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bible...

Jesus in All the Bible, Joshua

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video In Bible stories you find the gospel echoed through all the characters and the stories....

Jesus in All the Bible, Moses Part 1

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Moses Part 1 - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All th...

Jesus in All the Bible, Moses Part 2

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Moses Part 2 - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All th...

Jesus in All the Bible, Nehemiah

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Nehemiah - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bi...

Jesus in All the Bible, Ruth

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Ruth - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bible,...

Jesus in All the Bible, Samson

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, Samson - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in All the Bibl...

Jesus in All the Bible, The Book of Judges

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, The Book of Judges - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jesus in ...

Jesus in All the Bible, The Prophets

From Cover to Cover Video Jesus in All the Bible, The Prophets - This series is a good panorama of the Bible. The ...

Jews and the Future - Part 3

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The Jews were chosen by God to carry His great message to the nations. But the promises of...

Joab: A Fallen Hero

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is on the life of Joab, a fallen hero. Joab was one of the greatest generals in Israe...

Joab: David's Weak Strong-Man

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Joab shows weakness by supporting David's sin rather than standing up for righteousness....

Job's Comforters

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The story of Job teaches us some very important lessons in our Christian life. A very weal...

Job's Redeemer

The Book of Job Video "Job saw God as Creator; after the cross, we see Him as Creator and Redeemer, or particula...

John the Baptist Part 1: Spirit and Power of Elijah

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first of a two part series on John the Baptist, known by Jesus as the greatest prophet...

John the Baptist Part 2: A Voice in the Wilderness

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a two part series on the life of John the Baptist. Many parallels between th...

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the beginning of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it appl...

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the second part of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it ap...

John the Baptist: No Greater Prophet, Pt. 3

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the third part of a study of John the Baptist, his incredible life, and how it app...

John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video The mission of John the Baptist was to prepare the people to receive Christ. God's end-tim...

John the Baptist: The Greatest Prophet

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This study is on John the Baptist, who Jesus called the greatest prophet. He was a prophet...

Jonah - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale and living has been pointed to by skeptics o...

Jonah - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Though many question the veracity of the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale and liv...

Jonah: Incredible Influence

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is on the Bible story of the life and calling of Jonah whose life had an influence on...

Jonah: Stuck In Reverse

05 Revive Video Is it possible to run from God? Can we ever really hide from Him? We'll be examining the s...

Jonathan: Born for Greatness

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Jonathan, son of King Saul, demonstrates the importance of friendship and the relationship...

Joseph, Master of Dreams

Genesis (2022) Video How can we learn to trust God and cling to His promises when events don’t appear provident...

Joseph, Prince of Egypt

Genesis (2022) Video What are ways that others should be able to see, from the kind of lives that we live, the ...

Joshua Part 1: A Courageous Heart

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first in a six part series on the life of Joshua. He is a great character for us to st...

Joshua Part 2: From Jordan to Jericho

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a six part series on Joshua. Here we move into the transition from Moses' le...

Joshua Part 3: Covenant and Conquest

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The third in a six part series on the life of Joshua. The experience of Israel in crossing...

Joshua Part 4: Troublemakers

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the fourth in a series of six sermons on the life of Joshua. This sermon focuses o...

Joshua Part 5: The Gibeonites

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The fifth in a six part series on the life of Joshua. This sermon focuses on the renewal o...

Joshua Part 6: Claiming the Promised Land

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the last in a series of six sermons on the life of Joshua. The miracle of the sun ...

Josiah's Reforms

The Book of Jeremiah Video Josiah was one of the few kings who, using free will, chose to do what "was right in the s...

Journey to Rome

The Book of Acts Video "Despite everything he had gone through, Paul never gave up his faith or his mission. What...

Judas Iscariot - Apostle of Infamy

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video This message talks about Judas Iscariot and his call, character, camouflage, covetousness,...

Judas Iscariot - Apostle of Infamy

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This message talks about Judas Iscariot and his call, character, camouflage, covetousness,...

Judas Iscariot: Misguided Motives

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Judas was a disciple loved by Christ who had misguided motives. He had a yearning for Jesu...

Keys of the Kingdom - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The discovery of King Tut's tomb remind us about another young man who was destined to be ...

Keys of the Kingdom - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Unless we forsake all, we cannot follow Christ. Moses was a Bible character who gave up pe...

Lazarus Come Forth

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Here is the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It is not only the story of God's...

Lazarus Come Forth

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Here is the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It is not only the story of God's...

Leaders in Israel

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'It could be said that both Ezra and Nehemiah had a purpose in life. They had a vision of ...

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 1 (Saul): Backsliding

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon deals with lessons learned from the monarchs of Israel and is called "Learning...

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 2 (Uzziah): Pride and Position

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the second part in a continued study called "Learning from the Kings." Pride is th...

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 3 (Hezekiah): Pride and Possession

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God wants to bless us. Having material possessions is not bad, but it can be when our hear...

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 4 (Nebuchadnezzar): Pride and Passion

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the last of a series on learning lessons from the kings of Israel. Power corrupts ...

Leper Healed by Jesus' Touch

Bible Answers Live Audio A recent spike in cases of one of one of history's most feared diseases has been blamed on...

Lessons from Elijah, Part 3: Showdown on Mt. Carmel

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God says to Elijah, "Go show yourself to Ahab". Elijah listened to God and did what He to...

Lessons from Elijah, Part 4: Riding the Fence

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is a continued study on the experience of Elijah the prophet. The history of Elijah, ...

Lessons from Elijah, Part 5: Praying for Rain

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is a continued series on the Old Testament prophet Elijah, one of the greatest of the...

Lessons from Elijah, Part 6: What Doest Thou Here?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is another sermon in a continued series on the Old Testament prophet Elijah. This six...

Lessons from Elijah, Part 7: Naboth's Vineyard

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Ahab wanted Naboth to sell his vineyard to him. But Naboth refused because the law of God ...

Lessons from Elijah, Part 8: Double Portion

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the last in a series on the Old Testament prophet Elijah. After briefly discussing...

Lessons from Job, Part 1: There was a Man

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the first in a series on the book of Job. It is a poetic book that talks about a g...

Lessons from Job, Part 2: Trusting through Trials

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There is a battle going on behind the scenes for our hearts, the devil wants us to turn ou...

Lessons from Moses - Baby in Basket

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Moses was one of the greatest heros in the Bible and is still alive in Heaven today. Ever...

Lessons from Moses - God's People or Passing Pleasure

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There are three arks in the Bible. God saved His people in the first ark. He saved Moses...

Lessons from Moses - Into the Promised Land

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the conclusion of the Moses series. It covers the high points, and the low points...

Lessons from Moses - Out of Egypt

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This message focuses on the deliverance of the Israelites through the plagues and out of E...

Lessons from Moses - The Burning Bush

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Do you sometimes feel like God doesn't hear you? God knows what we can bear and will not a...

Lessons from Moses - Through the Wilderness

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Lessons from Moses - Through the Wilderness...

Lest We Forget! (Malachi)

Major Lessons from Minor Prophets Video "Malachi teaches us the extent of God's commitment to His people but also points to their ...

Life in the Early Church

The Book of Acts Video Five main points characterized early Christian preaching: Jesus was the suffering Messiah;...

Lot's Lingering

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Society tends to encourage a victim mindset by hesitating to call sin by its right name. B...

Making Sense of History: Zerubbabel and Ezra

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'Our best performance comes from a realization of who God is and what He has done, and fro...

Mary Magdalene - Perfume, Tears and Kisses

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The story of Mary Magdalene. They who are forgiven much, love much. There are two storie...

Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video Christ trained His disciples to carry on His work, which included physical and spiritual h...

Mephibosheth : Hope for the Handicapped

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at a story of the grace of God in Scripture and how our entire status ca...

Mephibosheth: Broken People

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon speaks of broken people with a focus on the Bible character Mephibosheth. We a...

Mission In a Pagan Land: Daniel and Company

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video Daniel and his friends had to uphold God's standards in their lives while living in a host...

More Woes for the Prophet

The Book of Jeremiah Video "God loves humanity and wants it saved, but He does not force our choice. If we want to do...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The story of Namaan teaches us that sin, like leprosy, separates us from God. The Jordan R...


Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'Nehemiah doesn’t begin with a cry for help, but rather first states the truth about who G...

Nehemiah Part 1: Leaving the Palace

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The story of Nehemiah teaches us about God’s protection and plans for His people. Nehemiah...

Nehemiah Part 2: Trouble and Rubble

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Nehemiah is a type of Christ in the Bible. He was sent from a king in the interest of his ...

Nehemiah: The Watchman on the Wall

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible encourages us to watch and be alert. The springboard for this sermon is the stor...

Nicodemus, Part 1: Born Again

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the story of Nicodemus, a very wealthy man and a great teacher in Israel. Jesus ex...

Nicodemus, Part 2: Looking for Life

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Nicodemus was told by Jesus he needed to be born again. God invites us to be made new. Tha...

Nicodemus, Part 3: Whosoever Believeth

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What is the significance of Jesus' interview with Nicodemus and what does it mean for us a...

Nicodemus: Born Again

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Can we have all the trappings of religion, but our hearts are not born again?...

Noah and Today

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Jesus is coming soon. Most people are more concerned about being conformed to the world th...

Noah Found Grace

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Noah’s experience and time are an example for our time. Just as Noah was saved by God’s gr...

Old Testament Faith - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video Paul clearly outlines the consistency of the gospel message and uses Abraham's example to ...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video Paul's conversion experience and the impact it had on his ministry, and the church, throug...

Paul’s First Missionary Journey

The Book of Acts Video "Based on Paul and Barnabas’s example, what can we individually and as a church do to nour...

Paul's Pastoral Appeal - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video Paul makes a personal appeal to the Galatians based on their previous relationship and his...

Peter on the Great Controversy

Rebellion and Redemption Video "Instead of us being concerned about being accepted by others and conforming to their opin...

Pilate - Parts 1 & 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The most pathetic story in the Bible may be the life of Pontius Pilate. He hated Jews and ...

Planning Ahead

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video Despite their rebellion in previous chapters, God still guides them through the wilderness...

Please explain about the woman's seed bruising the serpent's head.

Bible Question Archive Audio Please explain about the woman's seed bruising the serpent's head. This speaks about the w...

Power Struggle - November 2009

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video Burning with resentment over their situation, the Israelites quickly turn to rebellion aga...

Power Struggle - September 2009

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video 3 John addresses a power struggle in an early Christian church congregation....

Preparing a People

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video God instituted several laws to guide them into good health and stable society....

Priests and Levites

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video God further defines the roles of the priests and Levites, and institutes a tithing plan to...

Prodigal Son

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio This broadcast tells Jesus' parable of the prodigal son. In a powerful and beautiful way t...

Rahab’s Red Rope

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video Rahab’s Red Rope...

Rahab's Red Rope

05 Revive Video We'll be examining the Old Testament story of Rahab in relation to faith and salvation....

Rahab's Red Rope

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What spiritual lessons can we learn from Rahab's red rope?...

Rebuke and Retribution

The Book of Jeremiah Video "This week we'll start to look at the trials of Jeremiah, whose ministry seemed to consist...

Remember Lot's Wife, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video In Luke 17 we find one of the most dramatic illustrations Jesus ever used concerning the e...

Remember Lot's Wife, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Why will anyone linger over the call of God? Have you ever thought about that? Why would y...


Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Video While we wait for the promise of paradise restored, pain and suffering are assured in our ...

Rizpah: The Influence of Faithfulness

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Though only specifically mentioned twice in the Bible, Rizpah demonstrates that faithfulne...

Running from God

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video Running from God...

Ruth - Reaping, Redemption and Rest

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The book of Ruth is the story of redemption. It begins with wandering and poverty and end...

Samson, Pt. 1 - Honey From a Lion

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video How much trouble do we bring into our lives when we compromise how we know we should live?...

Samson, Pt. 2 - The Jawbone of a Donkey

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The story of Samson is a good reminder to be courageous and trust God. Part 2 of 3...

Samson, Pt. 3 - Conquered by Compromise

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Samson’s strength came from the Spirit of God, which is also available to us. Part 3 of 3...

Satan: the Great Deceiver

Bible Answers Live Audio Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr., better known as Fred Demara, must have been one of the most pr...

Solomon Part 1: The Son of David

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first of a five part series on the life of Solomon. He was born into a scandalous situ...

Solomon Part 2: The Wisdom of Solomon

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a five part series on the life of Solomon. This sermon focuses on the wisdom...

Solomon Part 3: The Zenith of the Kingdom

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the third in a five part series on the life of Solomon. This sermon focuses on the...

Solomon Part 4: The Queen of Sheba

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The fourth in a five part series on the life of Solomon. This sermon focuses on the visit ...

Solomon Part 5: The Worlds Wisest Fool

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The last in a five part series on the life of Solomon. We learn that even if we are blesse...

Some Lessons from Job

The Book of Job Video How can we learn more compassion for those who are suffering, even suffering from their ow...

Son of David

The Book of Matthew Video "If God receives us despite our faults and shortcomings, how can we learn to do the same w...

Spirit Led: Philip and the Ethiopian

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon is about being "spirit-led" and looks at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian...

Story and History

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video A look at some Old Testament stories help us understand the purpose of setting and plot in...

Symbolic Acts

The Book of Jeremiah Video "We can rest assured that, despite the reality of human free will and free choices, and th...

The Apostle John

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video John was "the apostle Christ loved." He has a special message forus through his eyewitness...

The Apostle Paul in Rome

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "What kinds of issues are agitating your church at present? What role are you playing in t...

The Bride of Christ

Bible Study Guides Print The bride of Christ shows up all throughout the Bible and has a significant role in the en...

The Call to Discipleship

The Book of Luke Video "Being a disciple energizes the spirit, challenges the mind, and demands our utmost in our...

The Centurion, a Faithful Soldier

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There are simple but powerful lessons in the story of Christ healing the servant of the ce...

The Character of Job

The Book of Job Video "No wonder the Lord said what He did about the life and character of Job. This is a man w...

The Church Militant

Rebellion and Redemption Video "What happens to us, either individually or as a church, that could make our love for God ...

The Coat of Different Colors

Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Video Excited by envy, the other sons of Jacob stripped Joseph of his colorful coat and sold him...

The Compassionate Savior

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video A look at the compassionate character of Jesus gives us an example to follow in our own li...

The Controversy

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "What are some of your favorite Bible promises? How often do you claim them? What choices ...

The Conversion of Paul

The Book of Acts Video "In what ways does Saul’s conversion illustrate the operation of God’s wonderful grace? Wh...

The Covenant With Abraham

Genesis (2022) Video How can we learn to keep focused on Christ and His righteousness as our only hope of salva...

The Crisis Continues

The Book of Jeremiah Video "No matter what we have done, we can repent of our sin and be forgiven. This is the great ...

The Crisis Within and Without

The Book of Jeremiah Video "If we could pick one word to describe the human condition since the Fall, it would be "cr...

The Damascus Road: Making a You-Turn

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a two part series on the life of Paul, particularly his conversion experienc...

The Damascus Road: Seeing the Light

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video First in a two part series on the life of Paul the Apostle. A foundation for Paul's work o...

The Daughter's Dance

Storacles of Prophecy Print The Bible reveals the identity of the woman Babylon and her harlot daughters....

The Day of Good News

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video The Day of Good News...

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Elijah is an important character in the Bible. He went to Heaven in a fiery chariot, he a...

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Part two of Pastor Doug's series on Elijah who is an important character in the Bible. He...

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 3

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Part three of Pastor Doug's series on Elijah who is an important character in the Bible. E...

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 4

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Part four of Pastor Doug's series on Elijah who is an important character in the Bible. E...

The Destruction of Jerusalem

The Book of Jeremiah Video "Even while people in Jerusalem were still fighting the Babylonians, still hoping that the...

The Devil's Propaganda

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This program explores the devil's propaganda and the great controversy between good and ev...

The Faith of Abraham

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "As justified sinners, we have been made the recipients of grace and undeserved favor from...

The First Church Leaders

The Book of Acts Video "Why must we be careful not to be so locked into some of our cherished notions that we clo...

The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The gospel according to Mary Magdalene demonstrates one of the most devoted disciples of a...

The Gospel of Esther

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The theme of this study is the gospel of Esther. When you read this book, you can see the ...

The Great Controversy and the Early Church

Rebellion and Redemption Video "The greatest barrier Jesus faced with His followers was their preconceived opinions. The...

The Greatest Prophet

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The courage and boldness that John the Baptist had is the same that God wants in our lives...

The Jerusalem Council

The Book of Acts Video "When disputes arise, how can we learn to sit together, to listen to each other, and in a ...

The Jews and the Future - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio For the first time in the history of the world there is within the hands of man the capabi...

The Jews and the Future - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio God's first church were the Jews who are called God's "church in the wilderness." Committe...

The Last Five Kings of Judah

The Book of Jeremiah Video "It had never been God's intention to give Israel a king; by the end of this week's lesson...

The Legacy of Andrew

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The legacy of Andrew the apostle is that he frequently brought people to Jesus....

The Madness of the Prophet

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video Balaam, a prophet of God, attempts to curse Israel for money. He is recorded in the New Te...

The Man God Tried to Kill

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio There is a Bible reference about a man God sought to kill. This broadcast looks at this st...

The Man of God: Obedience Is Not Optional

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video A nameless prophet's death underscores how importantly God views our obedience to His comm...

The Mark of Cain

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What was the mark that God placed on Cain after he killed his brother?...

The Mark of Cain

Storacles of Prophecy Print What is the Mark of Cain and how did he get it? Did God mark him and if so, why? Is the Ma...

The Ministry of Peter

The Book of Acts Video "What does it mean to you to be called a “Christian”? What about your life is truly Christ...

The Mountain of Glory

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video The Mountain of Glory...

The Mystery of Mary Mother of Jesus

Free Book Library Print Mary, the mother of Jesus, has taken a special place in our faith...

The Mystery of Mary, Mother of Jesus

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There are many myths about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Was she divine? Is it proper to ca...

The Other Woman

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio This study reveals the scarlet harlot known as Babylon, depicted in Revelation chapter 17....

The Parable of the Pharisee and Publican

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The basic message of God is love. Our attitude shows our true heart....

The Person of Peter

Feed My Sheep Video "Whatever his faults, and they were many, Peter was a spiritual man who was ready to follo...

The Prodigal Son

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The story of the prodigal son is really about two sons, and the real hero is the father an...

The Prodigal Son

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video If a person strays away from God, can they come back?...

The Promise

Genesis (2022) Video Why is it so comforting to know that while not all things are God’s will, He is still in c...

The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah

The Book of Jeremiah Video "Jeremiah wasn't called to find solutions to the problems of the nation, or to become a gr...

The Rebellious Prince

Storacles of Prophecy Print A prince’s rebellion helps us learn about the origin of evil and the devil....

The Rich Young Ruler

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The story of the rich young ruler is found in each of the Gospels. It is the basic story ...

The Roots of Abraham

Genesis (2022) Video What kind of influence do our actions have on others? What kind of message are we sending ...

The Saddest Story in the Bible, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Today I want to point you to the most pathetic story in all the Bible. It's a story of a m...

The Saddest Story in the Bible, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video The Saddest Story in the Bible...

The Second Generation: Admonitions

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video Israel's second generation receives warnings as they prepare to enter into the Promised La...

The Second Missionary Journey

The Book of Acts Video "How can we as a church show the same understanding Paul had of cultural differences and t...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 1 - The Lord Looks at the Heart

The Shepherd King Video One of the great Bible characters is David. There are very few people in history that hav...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 11 - Absalom

The Shepherd King Video All of us either surrender to God like David or we rebel like Absalom. We either do our ow...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 12 - The Sunset Years of David's Life

The Shepherd King Video David was a man after God's own heart. This message is about the last 10 years of his reig...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 2 - Spirit-Filled Music

The Shepherd King Video Music does have a power and it can draw, it can repel, it can inspire in good ways and bad...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 3 - Ginormous Faith

The Shepherd King Video David ran to defeat Goliath with a sling and five stones but he wasn’t trusting those thin...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 4 - From Friend to Fugitive

The Shepherd King Video David learned that people will turn against us and we need to trust in God who promises to...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 5 - Vengeance and Mercy

The Shepherd King Video Have you ever had an opportunity to get even with someone that hurt you? Maybe God's givin...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 6 - Nabal and Abigail

The Shepherd King Video The story of Nabal and Abigail is an example of how Jesus is our mediator and that God ble...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 7 - From Carmel to Ziklag

The Shepherd King Video The story of David and his soldiers fighting for and saving their families represents how ...

The Shepherd King, Pt. 8 - Securing the Kingdom

The Shepherd King Video David was a great king who was a type of Jesus the King of kings....

The Shepherd King, Pt. 9 - Mighty and Merciful

The Shepherd King Video David was a mighty king. There is no mention in the Bible of him losing any battle. In t...

The Shunammite Woman

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pastor Batchelor looks at the story of the Shunammite woman and her son who died but was m...

The Sign of Jonah

Free Book Library Print What is the sign of Jonah? Isn't the story of Jonah just a children's tale? Discover the e...

The Sin of Moses and Aaron

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video Nearly 40 years after their sojourn began, the second generation of Israelites rebel again...

The Sin That Conquers Kings, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video As a warning to us there are many stories in the Bible about kings who fell because of pri...

The Supreme Sacrifice

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video God promised Abraham that through his son all the nations of this world would be blessed. ...

The Third Missionary Journey

The Book of Acts Video "Misunderstood, maligned, mistreated, and often reviled, Paul nevertheless pressed on in f...

The Truth About Israel's 144,000

Prophecy Code Video Who are the 144,000? Are they a literal group of people or a representative group? What th...

The Two Witnesses

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Who are the two witnesses spoken of in the book of Revelation?...

The Widow of Zarephath: The Leap of Faith

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video An unnamed widow during Elijah's time demonstrates the "great controversy" in miniature fo...

The Woman at the Well, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There is no life where there is no water. All life requires water. The living water that...

The Woman at the Well, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There is no life where there is no water. All life requires water. The living water that...

The Woman of Shunem

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon tells the story of the Shunammite woman and how Elisha raised her son from the...

The Wrath of Elihu

The Book of Job Video "We don't live by faith when everything is fully and rationally explained. We live by fai...

Thessalonica in Paul's Day

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video "A short study of the context of ancient Thessalonica deomonstrates that Paul's approach t...

Trumpets, Blood, Cloud, and Fire

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video A year after the Exodus, the Israelites begin to move as a highly organized company of peo...

Uriah: Faith of a Foreigner

Background Characters in the Old Testament Video Uriah teaches us about living faithfully as a foreigner in a society and about loyalty in ...

Washed in the Jordan

Inspiration - The Bible's Greatest Stories Video Washed in the Jordan...

Weighed in the Balances

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio One of the most tragic stories in the Bible is of Belshazzar who held a banquet in defianc...

What is Truth?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on the story of Pilate asking Jesus at His trial, "What is truth?" Is ...

What was Paul's 'thorn in the flesh'?

Bible Question Archive Audio What was Paul's 'thorn in the flesh'? Most scholars believe it probably had to do with his...

Where did Cain's wife come from?

Bible Question Archive Audio Where did Cain's wife come from? Who was her family? Who were her parents? According to th...

Where is Micaiah?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon deals with the story of Jehoshaphat making an alliance with Ahab and calling i...

Who Are the Sons of God?

Free Book Library Print Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Are they aliens, angels, or even ... our ancestors?!...

Who Is Michael The Archangel?

Free Book Library Print Who is the Archangel Michael? What does He do? What does His name mean? And why do we need...

Who was Melchisedec?

Bible Question Archive Audio Who was Melchisedec? Where did he come from? Where did he go? We don't know much about him...

Why did Lot give his daughters to the crowd?

Bible Question Archive Audio Why did Lot give his daughters to the crowd? It was a middle eastern custom that when you ...

Why did the dogs not eat Jezebel's hands, head and feet?

Bible Question Archive Audio Why did the dogs not eat Jezebel's hands, head and feet? It was prophesied that Jezebel wo...

Why does God allow Satan to inflict evil on our world?

Bible Question Archive Audio Why did God allow Satan to inflict evil on our world? If, as soon as Lucifier and his foll...

Women of Mission

Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Video The New Testament reveals that women played an important role in the advancement of the ea...


Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon covers the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19. This much hated man who was rich at t...