Caller: Yeah everyone I have another one, something you've touched on many times before with Old wine and new wine. Acts 2:13, referring to...
Pastor Doug:...on the day of Pentecost when they thought they were drunk?
Caller: Yeah it says these men are full of new wine and I didn't think you could get drunk on new wine or on grape juice.
Pastor Doug:Well you can't. They were saying this here facetiously. Now Acts 2, which verse were you looking at, 13?
Caller: 13.
Pastor Doug:Yeah. They're teasing. You know a lot of people used to say, 'Well I'm not drunk. I was drinking new wine.' And so here they're saying it mockingly: 'They're full of new wine.' See what I'm getting at?
Caller: Ok, I get it. Yeah.
Pastor Doug:So there's sarcasm in there. You can't really take that as a literal statement but mockingly.
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