
Media dealing with Sanctuary


A Heavenly Model

Millennium of Prophecy Video What does the Bible say about the sanctuary, a place on earth where God and man could meet...

A Heavenly Model

Storacles of Prophecy Print The sanctuary reveals much about Christ’s ministry in heaven and on earth....

A Temple in Israel

Time is Ticking Away Video The temple in Israel was a prophetic time capsule that changed the world....

Amazing Sanctuary Questions-and-Answers Panel

Amazing Sanctuary Video Amazing Sanctuary Panel Q&A LIVE...

Atonement and the Divine Initiative

Atonement and the Cross of Christ Video The atonement is God's plan to rescue fallen humanity and restore us to our rightful place...

Atonement Announced

Atonement and the Cross of Christ Video God first proclaimed the atonement through the coming Messiah in Genesis 3. He repeated th...

Atonement in Symbols: Part 1

Atonement and the Cross of Christ Video The atonement, as well as other aspects of how we relate to God, were demonstrated through...

Blood Behind the Veil

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video To understand the sanctuary is to understand salvation through Jesus....

Blood Behind the Veil

Free Audio Book Library Audio To understand the sanctuary is to understand salvation through Jesus. Now explore His mini...

Blood Behind the Veil

Free Book Library Print To understand the sanctuary is to understand salvation through Jesus. Now explore His mini...

Blood Behind the Veil Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio This broadcast discusses the work of Jesus as our great High Priest in the heavenly sanctu...

Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary

Preparation for the End Time Video "What is Christ doing for us in the heavenly sanctuary, and why is it so important for us ...

Cleansing of the Temple

Here We Stand Video When the children of Israel left Egypt, God wanted to dwell among His people. He asked Mos...

Cleansing the Sanctuary

Revelation Now Video Cleansing the Sanctuary...

Cleansing the Sanctuary, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Most of the major prophets in the Bible talk about the Sanctuary, Temple, or Tabernacle. ...

Cleansing the Sanctuary, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Most of the major prophets in the Bible talk about the Sanctuary, Temple, or Tabernacle. ...

Cleansing the Temple

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Jesus cleansed the earthly sanctuary twice in His ministry. He eventually left their house...

Cleansing the Temple

Storacles of Prophecy Print Learn what the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary means in Daniel 8 and 9....

Cleansing the Temples

Doctrines That Divide Video Our body is the temple of God. How does He want us to treat it?...

Explain about the significance of the year 1844 and the heavenly sanctuary.

Bible Question Archive Audio What happened in 1844? What was the significance of it and is there a sanctuary in heaven...

For Glory and Beauty

Amazing Sanctuary Video The priests' garments, designed by God reveal important truths about sin and salvation....

God Drew the Plans

New Revelation Video God made a visual illustration of salvation through the sanctuary. There were three physic...

God Drew the Plans

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio The sanctuary in the Bible—old, irrelevant, useless? It's not just meant for the Jews. Unc...

God Drew the Plans

Bible Study Guides Print The sanctuary in the Bible—old, irrelevant, useless? It's not just meant for the Jews. Unc...

God’s Sanctuary and Your Health

Amazing Sanctuary Video The plan of salvation, along with the annual feasts, end with the Feast of Tabernacles, wh...

God's Final Message of Love

Amazing Sanctuary Video Christians today should be asking "Has the Protestant Reformation finished its work? Is t...

Heaven On Earth

The Sanctuary Video "Though the sanctuary in heaven is the original, the one where God Himself is ministsering...

Heavenly Sanctuary

Bible Answers Live Audio The largest building in the world by volume is the Boeing factory in Everett, Washington. ...

His Glorious Purpose Foreshadowed in Types

His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Video Many faithful believers lived before Jesus' ministry, but the promise of the Messiah alway...

Is a red heifer sacrifice a sign of the end times to the Jews?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is a red heifer sacrifice a sign of the end times to the Jews?...

Jesus and the Sanctuary

His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Video The earthly sanctuary foreshadowed Jesus' sacrifice. This lesson looks at the meaning of s...

Knowing God Through the Sanctuary

Byron Spears Audio What is the sanctuary?...

Lessons From the Sanctuary

The Sanctuary Video "The sanctuary is one of God's major devices to teach us the meaning of the gospel. ... T...

Pending - Your Case in Court

Free Book Library Print Describes the end-time courtroom scenes of Daniel and Revelation and why you can look forw...

Right on Time! Prophetic Appointments Revealed

Bible Study Guides Print An eye-opening look at the major time prophecies in Daniel chapters 8 and 9....


The Sanctuary Video "Central to the entire gospel is the concept of sacrifice. In the biblical languages, the...

Salvation in the Sanctuary

Amazing Sanctuary Video The tabernacle in the wilderness was designed to host the presence of God and to reveal Hi...

Sanctuary Waymarks in Revelation

Amazing Sanctuary Video The sanctuary is a picture of Christ. Understanding the sanctuary is greatly beneficial t...

Sighing and Crying in Jerusalem

Amazing Sanctuary Video The devil seeks to usurp God's authority, prophecy foretold it and history affirms it. Th...

The Heavenly Sanctuary

The Sanctuary Video "Scripture is clear: the heavenly sanctuary is a real place, and from it we can learn trut...

The Priest, the Confessional and His Church

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video The Priest, the Confessional, and His Church...

The Revival of the Beast

Amazing Sanctuary Video The history of the papal system is replete with attacks against the truth of the Bible, i...

The Sanctuary and Daniel’s Prophecies

Amazing Sanctuary Video In the heart of the book of Daniel, we discover God's strategy to bring judgment against e...

The Sanctuary Worldview

Amazing Sanctuary Video How does the sanctuary play into the grand world view? Is there any prophetic significance...

The Ultimate Sanctuary

Amazing Sanctuary Video Jesus has entered into the Most Holy Place, partaking in a work of cleansing and vindicati...

Thy House Is Left Desolate!

Amazing Sanctuary Video This message focuses on the ministry of Christ in the earthly sanctuary and the messages H...

What is Jesus doing in the heavenly sanctuary and why is it taking so long?

Bible Question Archive Audio What is Jesus doing in the heavenly sanctuary and why is it taking so long? Jesus is plead...

What on Earth Happened in 1844?

Amazing Sanctuary Video Judgment is necessary to vindicate God's character and show that He is not a capricious le...

Where Is the Temple of the Lord? Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Where is the temple of the Lord? Once we understand the themes of the temple, more of the ...

Where Is the Temple of the Lord? Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Where is the temple of the Lord? Once we understand the themes of the temple, more of the ...

Where Is the Temple Today?

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Where is the temple today?...

Why Are We Still Here?

Amazing Sanctuary Video How did God respond to Satan's rebellion and how are we a part of the campaign to vindicat...