70 Christians Murdered for Their Faith

March 10, 2025     
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Surprise! A Strong Faith Lessens the Fear of Hell

Posted on Feb 11, 2019  |  1 comment
We’re sometimes told that Christians do what they do as part of a desperate effort to avoid the flames of hell. But a recent study suggests something different—and the Bible confirms it!

Does your faith really make you happier, healthier?

Posted on Feb 04, 2019  |  3 comments
A globe-spanning survey offers a mixed answer to the question of whether or not a faith-filled life makes people happier and healthier. Is this the final word?

When young adults leave church, is it forever?

Posted on Jan 28, 2019  | 
An alarmingly high number of American Protestant young adults said they’ve stopped attending church after leaving home. Are these losses permanent? How can parents help their kids stay connected to faith?

Can Your Diet Save the Planet?

Posted on Jan 21, 2019  | 
The effects of climate change are many and various—and there’s a continuing debate over how much human activity contributes to the problem. At the same time, scientists contend that a worldwide change in diet could save humanity as Earth's population explodes over the next three decades.

Will Smartphones Bring the Antichrist?

Posted on Jan 14, 2019  | 
Location-based technology and the harvesting of personal information could trigger control of humans by the Antichrist, says the Russian Orthodox Church’s top cleric. But does the Bible support this claim?

When the government shuts down, who loses?

Posted on Jan 07, 2019  | 
Government shutdowns are not uncommon in the United States, as the current impasse in Washington demonstrates. But there is a government that won’t ever shut down and will deliver benefits for all. Where is it?

Can you trust 2019 predictions from the “Blind Mystic”?

Posted on Dec 26, 2018  | 
Has a blind Bulgarian mystic foretold what will happen to U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Europe’s economy in 2019? Or is there a more sure word available to help you know the future?

Archbishop of Canterbury voices concern over plight of Christians

Posted on Dec 10, 2018  | 
The persecution of Christians in many Middle Eastern nations is reaching critical levels. Does the Bible say anything about it?

Are More Dead Sea Scrolls Awaiting Discovery?

Posted on Dec 04, 2018  |  2 comments
Ancient texts are confirmed as true by modern archaeological discoveries. Now, searchers in the desert where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 may soon find a mother lode of more evidence proving the Bible is true.

Europe Plans for War Against China ... and America?

Posted on Nov 19, 2018  |  1 comment
Seventy years after the end of World War II, the leaders of Europe’s most powerful nations are calling for a continental army to defend the region. What does Bible prophecy say about this move?

An atheist minister walks into a church ...

Posted on Nov 12, 2018  | 
A Christian denomination in Canada decided not to part ways with an ordained pastor who says she is an atheist. Should you be a Christian minister if you don’t believe in God?

Why the Rise in Vampirism?

Posted on Nov 05, 2018  | 
Many young people are fascinated by vampires, and we’re not talking about a costume worn on October 31. Learn more about this disturbing trend.

Reformation Day Is Here, But Are Protestants Still Reforming?

Posted on Oct 29, 2018  | 
Martin Luther’s questions about humanity’s relationship to God—and whether the church of his day distorted that bond—led to a movement that changed the world. Are we in danger of losing that gift 500 years later?

Rapture Theory Making Headlines Again

Posted on Oct 22, 2018  | 
A noted American evangelist says a national revival could trigger the rapture of the church. But what does the Bible really say?

Grave Deceptions: Halloween in America

Posted on Oct 15, 2018  | 
A record 157 million Americans will celebrate Halloween this year. What about you?

7 Easy Ways to Share Your Faith this Halloween

Posted on Oct 09, 2018  |  2 comments
It's almost impossible to avoid Halloween. But Christians can use this time to share God's truth—often without speaking a word!

Can You Still Raise Children That Will Stay in the Faith?

Posted on Oct 01, 2018  | 
For believing parents who long for their children to embrace the faith in a secular culture that widely rejects the Christian lifestyle, there is hope.

Will THIS Red Heifer Spark Jesus’ Return?

Posted on Sep 10, 2018  | 
Does the birth of the 'first red heifer in two thousand years' fulfill Bible prophecy and signal the end of days?

Christianity and the New Age - Toxic Faith?

Posted on Sep 04, 2018  | 
A dramatic shift in the way Americans practice their religious faith is underway, as many believers in "traditional religions" are incorporating New Age practices. What does the Bible say?

A Whole Town of Mediums

Posted on Aug 13, 2018  | 
Every summer, the town of Lily Dale becomes a beehive of spiritualist activity, offering healing and assurance to hundreds of visitors. But what does the Bible say about the practice of spiritualism?

What is the world's most persecuted faith?

Posted on Jul 02, 2018  | 
As the United States celebrates its many freedoms this week, we pause to consider the state of religious liberty around the world.

No Time to Lose?

Posted on Jun 18, 2018  | 
The idea of a religious leader summoning executives to the Vatican and imploring them to act may seem strange to some ...

A Museum of the Bible

Posted on May 28, 2018  | 
A Washington, DC, museum honoring the cultural impact of the Bible drew 565,000 visitors in first six months.

Hell Isn’t for Real?

Posted on Apr 02, 2018  | 
The pope has recently been quoted as denying traditional views of hell. What does it mean?

OK, Google: Who Is Jesus?

Posted on Feb 05, 2018  | 
Google recently found itself in a social media storm over the simple question, "Who Is Jesus?"

The Man Who Unlearned Hell

Posted on Dec 04, 2017  | 
A $3,000 challenge to discover the Bible truth about hellfire changed one man's life forever.

Is All that Social Media Rotting Your Brain?

Posted on Nov 13, 2017  | 
For decades, American kids have been warned: “Watching all that TV will rot your brain.” But today, the warning is not just for television—and it’s not just for kids.

Undoing the Reformation

Posted on Oct 30, 2017  | 
Five hundred years ago, a Catholic monk challenged the theological authority of his church’s leaders—igniting the Reformation. But is the Reformation no longer necessary?

Jesus—the Eye of the Storm

Posted on Sep 15, 2017  | 
In the last days before His death, Jesus delineated the signs that would help us identify our place in earth’s history and know when we are approaching the end.

Will Racism Ever End?

Posted on Aug 15, 2017  | 
Hatred has plagued our planet for millennia—including racism, which appears to be running rampant in our modern world.