70 Christians Murdered for Their Faith

March 10, 2025     
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Social Media—Is It Really Social?

Posted on Mar 28, 2017  |  1 comment
A new study reveals that time spent on social media may actually increase feelings of social isolation.

Noah’s Days

Posted on Nov 08, 2016  |  6 comments
Are we living in the days of Noah?

Should a Christian Vote?

Posted on Oct 10, 2016  |  17 comments
It’s that time again—when Americans will be heading to the polls to decide which politicians will be tasked with leading the nation and their local communities.

Be a Calm Presence in the Storm

Posted on Jul 11, 2016  |  23 comments
Violence, riots, shootings, and protests continue to spill into the streets of cities across America. What should Christians do now?

Devaluing Human Life

Posted on Jun 27, 2016  |  11 comments
How should Christians respond to the Supreme Court ruling that struck down a Texas law regulating abortion clinics?

The Snare of the Devil

Posted on May 16, 2016  |  1 comment
News about a shark bite this week reminds us of Satan’s plot to catch us and never release us...

The Real Story of God

Posted on Apr 04, 2016  |  4 comments
National Geographic’s new documentary “The Story of God” begins by asking the age-old question, “What happens when we die?” How do we find the truth?

Do You Fear the End?

Posted on Jan 25, 2016  |  18 comments
Do you struggle with fear regarding last-day events? While some researchers believe one drug just might help people cope with a dreaded phobia, there’s even something better than a pill for the Christian!

Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Errors

Posted on Nov 02, 2015  |  20 comments
Another bestseller about heaven attempts to confirm the realities of life after death through a study of near-death experiences. Can we trust these phenomena to guide our beliefs about what happens when people die?

The Pope, America and Prophecy

Posted on Sep 15, 2015  |  47 comments
Protestants in America have a history of mistrusting the Catholic Church, but attitudes are rapidly changing as many—from all faiths and no faith at all—are opening their arms to welcome Pope Francis on his first visit to the United States. Is this a good sign?

The Pope Promotes Sunday

Posted on Aug 17, 2015  |  71 comments
Prior to his September visit to the United States, Pope Francis has laid bare his deep devotion and promotion of Sunday keeping. Pastor Doug examines the pope's recent radio address and asks, "Could this be yet another step in the fulfillment of last-day prophecy?" Find out!

Is There Life on Other Worlds?

Posted on Jul 27, 2015  |  4 comments
World-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking is teaming up with a Russian billionaire to advance the search for life on other planets. What does the Bible say about intelligent beings beyond the earth?

Is the 'Rapture' Near?

Posted on Jun 09, 2015  |  5 comments
Is the rapture the next event on the prophetic calendar? One famous evangelical says 'foreshocks' of Armageddon indicate the second of the church could happen soon. What does the Bible say?

“Lucifer” — Dark Lies

Posted on Jun 01, 2015  |  1 comment
A new upcoming television series on the Fox Network looks to re-interpret Lucifer as a bored but supernatural antihero living in Los Angeles. But is this show merely entertainment … or is it a dangerous delusion?

God and Super Bowl Sunday

Posted on Jan 27, 2015  |  13 comments
A recent survey reveals that a staggering 26 percent of Americans believe God will play a role in the outcome of the Super Bowl. What does the Bible tell us?

Captives Set Free

Posted on Dec 15, 2014  |  3 comments
"His ideology is just so strong and so powerful that it clouds his vision for common sense and objectiveness.” Unwilling to wait any longer, police finally stormed a café in Sydney, Australia, to free a dozen hostages after a 16-hour standoff with a lone gunman.

A Robot Apocalypse

Posted on Dec 09, 2014  |  3 comments
Does the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) spell disaster for the people on our planet? Is the future of humanity at risk because super-intelligent robots will someday steer us to doom? Discover what the Bible actually says about the end of civilization ...

Seven Unusual Reasons to Be Thankful

Posted on Nov 25, 2014  |  4 comments
During Thanksgiving, it can sometimes be pretty easy to make a list of blessings for which we might be grateful. 'In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you'. But that can be a tall order when your bank account is empty or you’re facing a serious illness ...

The Bible vs. Darwin

Posted on Nov 17, 2014  |  12 comments
In a recent poll in England, the Bible narrowly beat out Charles Darwin’s "On the Origin of Species" as the most valuable book to humanity. Those who chose "Origin" over Scripture said that Darwin answered the fundamental questions of human existence, whereas Scripture does not. But is that true?

Breaking the Ten Commandments

Posted on Oct 27, 2014  |  20 comments
Telling the police the devil made him do it, an Oklahoma man drove his truck into a Ten Commandments monument at the state capitol. Many are upset that this mentally disturbed soul smashed the controversial statue to pieces, but how many of them are spiritually smashing God’s law into dust?

How Do We Forgive Our Enemies?

Posted on Oct 21, 2014  |  64 comments
A woman who was kidnapped and held captive for more than a decade now says she has been able to forgive her abductor and find peace. The Bible speaks much about forgiveness, even toward our enemies—but is it really possible?

The Truth About 'Left Behind'

Posted on Oct 13, 2014  |  33 comments
The recent reboot movie 'Left Behind' has been heavily criticized as shoddy with atrocious acting. But a deeper question revolves around its theology. Is the rapture actually biblical?

Suicide: A Final Act

Posted on Aug 18, 2014  |  28 comments
The tragic death of Robin Williams last week has raised public awareness about suicide, a choice from which there is no turning back. Does the Bible say anything about this troubling topic?

Pope Promotes Sunday

Posted on Jul 07, 2014  |  14 comments
Pope Francis recently discouraged people from working on Sundays, speaking of the day as a traditional Christian holiday. Is this custom found in the Bible?

Dying for Your Faith

Posted on Jun 25, 2014  |  9 comments
Meriam Ibrahim is a Sudanese Christian making headlines for recently being condemned to death for her faith. Would you be willing to die for your belief in Jesus?

Is Heaven for Real?

Posted on Apr 16, 2014  |  38 comments
Is there really a heaven? Absolutely. So where do we find trustworthy facts about this place? A new movie this week, "Heaven Is for Real," makes staggering claims about heaven and people who die. How does it compare with the Bible?

Whispers of War

Posted on Apr 02, 2014  |  7 comments
The troubling Crimean crisis continues to loom in the headlines. Will this international predicament between Russia and the Ukraine escalate into a battle of biblical proportions?

Spiritual Formation: A Self-Centered Spiritualism?

Posted on Mar 19, 2014  |  16 comments
Twenty years ago, many Christians would not have raised an eyebrow over the term "spiritual formation," but today there is a lot of passionate discussion about how this philosophy and practice are infiltrating our churches. Should Christians be involved with spiritual formation and contemplative prayer?

Five Ways to Battle the Blues

Posted on Mar 12, 2014  |  31 comments
Life is stressful, and everyone eventually gets hit by challenges that can knock them off their feet. But when your feelings stay low, day after day, getting in the way of normal, everyday life, you might be battling depression. What can you do?

Does Pope’s Message Fulfill Prophecy?

Posted on Feb 28, 2014  |  151 comments
A recent video from Pope Francis appealing for unity with Protestants in America has gone viral. Many are asking, "Is this a fulfillment of Bible prophecy?" Click here for a special message from Pastor Doug Batchelor, which includes a link to his special video message directly addressing this event.