70 Christians Murdered for Their Faith

March 10, 2025     
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“White Lung Syndrome”—Is It the Next Plague?

Posted on Dec 11, 2023  |  10 comments
The recent pneumonia outbreak in Ohio worried many, but it was a known pathogen, not some new superbug from China. God designed our immune systems to keep us strong and healthy through simple things like a whole-food, plant-based diet; outdoor exercise; water therapy; and sufficient rest.

Are We on the Brink of World War?

Posted on Nov 20, 2023  |  12 comments
Battlelines are being drawn between the United States and its allies and the powers of China and Russia. The world seems to be inching ever closer to World War III. However, no matter what actually happens, we are to live with unswerving allegiance to our heavenly Commander-in-Chief.

The End Is Nigh. Now What?

Posted on Nov 13, 2023  |  2 comments
Just when you think that things on Planet Earth can’t get any worse—they do. No wonder many Americans now think the world is going to end soon. How, though, should Christians act in the meantime?

The Domino Revival: A Movement of God?

Posted on Nov 06, 2023  |  3 comments
A Christian film recently hit theaters for one day only, taking viewers on a spiritual journey with a group of revivalists. Now, due to viewers’ claims about various miracles, the feature returns to theaters for one more day. Are we witnessing a true revival in America?

Halloween Costumes: Dressing for the Devil?

Posted on Oct 30, 2023  |  12 comments
This year’s Halloween spending in the United States is expected to reach a record of over $12 billion—most of it going to costumes. What is the costume that God wants Christians to wear?

Celebrating Death: Halloween, Paganism, and the Bible

Posted on Oct 24, 2023  |  24 comments
Whenever Halloween approaches, questions arise about its pagan origins. But we might be surprised at how many other pagan traditions have impacted our culture and faith. How should Christians decide which holidays are appropriate to celebrate?

Israel and Hamas: Will There Ever Be Peace?

Posted on Oct 16, 2023  |  10 comments
As another chapter opens in the decades-long conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, Jews and Christians alike continue to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). Does the Bible really predict peace for this earthly city?

After Death: New Christian Documentary Rejects the Bible Truth

Posted on Oct 11, 2023  |  70 comments
The powerhouse Christian film company Angel Studios claims that its new film, “After Death,” offers evidence that life goes on even after the body dies. But is that what really happens according to the Bible—or are people being deceived? If so, what can God’s people do about it?

Multiple Powerful Earthquakes Strike in a Day

Posted on Oct 10, 2023  |  3 comments
Powerful earthquakes hit Afghanistan, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea within hours of each other—reminding us that Jesus is coming soon. What should Christians do when there are millions we have yet to reach with the gospel?

Hamas Attacks Israel: Is the World on the Brink?

Posted on Oct 09, 2023  |  10 comments
On Sabbath morning, the world woke up to the deadliest terrorist assault on Israel in history. Israel is now responding to that violence with a counterattack. How should Christians understand this latest tragedy—and is it a sign that we are living in the last days?

Diet Soda: New Warnings About Its “Deceptive” Ingredient

Posted on Sep 26, 2023  |  14 comments
The sales of diet soda continue to rise—despite a new study linking aspartame to learning disabilities. Should we use artificial sweeteners to control our sugar cravings?

Unprepared: Thousands Perish in Libya Overnight

Posted on Sep 19, 2023  |  1 comment
Thousands are dead and missing following severe flooding in Libya precipitated by Storm Daniel. Rescue efforts have been hampered by politics and finger-pointing. What is our safety in these troublesome times when two opposing parties are battling for our allegiance?

Talking to the Dead: Spiritism Alive in America

Posted on Sep 11, 2023  |  5 comments
According to a recent poll, millions of Americans are claiming to have communicated with the dead. But can the dead really communicate with us? If not, with whom have the living been talking? And what does it mean in these last days?

Hurricane Idalia: One More “Unprecedented” Disaster

Posted on Aug 31, 2023  |  8 comments
The most recent hurricane to hit the United States is stoking the fire on climate change. How can we survive the spiritual storm in these last days?

From Lamb to Dragon: Religious Liberty in America

Posted on Aug 28, 2023  |  2 comments
When a Christian posted a comment about her faith on social media, she sparked a fiery debate on religious liberty in which she was accused of bigotry. How long will America respect its principles enshrined in the First Amendment?

Maui on Fire: An Apocalypse in Paradise

Posted on Aug 21, 2023  |  7 comments
Wildfires have devastated huge swaths of Maui, most notably the historic tourist town of Lahaina. Why did this catastrophe happen, and what lessons can we draw from it as we prepare for the return of Jesus?

Mistaken for a Carjacker: Can We Trust Facial Recognition Technology?

Posted on Aug 14, 2023  |  4 comments
A woman was getting her children ready for school when police arrived at her doorstep, surprising her with an arrest warrant based on a false computerized facial match. How does God’s facial recognition software work?

The “Immortal” Cells of Henrietta Lacks

Posted on Aug 07, 2023  |  9 comments
A biotechnology company and the descendants of a long-deceased woman just reached an out-of-court settlement over her cancerous cells. Who was this woman, and what do her cells have to do with your eternal life?

Alien Invasion: Congressional Hearing Stokes Further Interest in UAPs

Posted on Jul 31, 2023  |  8 comments
Congress has officially heard personal testimony on unidentified anomalous phenomena. What information does the Bible reveal about UAPs?

The Shakahola Cult: How Do Christians Avoid False Teachers?

Posted on Jul 24, 2023  |  9 comments
More than 400 bodies have been exhumed from a Kenyan forest—all victims of a cultic pastor who held his congregation spellbound. Why must even Christians be guarded against such deceivers?

Modern-day Slavery: A Sign of the Times?

Posted on Jul 17, 2023  |  12 comments
Whoever thinks humanity is improving morally merely needs to read the latest headlines regarding human trafficking—including that of children, a scourge recently put into the public consciousness by the controversial independent film “Sound of Freedom,” which stars Jim Caviezel. What does modern-day slavery say about the human condition?

Cultural Christians: Can They Save America?

Posted on Jul 10, 2023  |  10 comments
After three Jeopardy! gameshow contestants couldn’t answer a simple question about the Lord’s Prayer, many conservatives decried America’s increasing biblical illiteracy. Can cultural Christianity save the country?

The Titan Tragedy Reveals Humanity’s Titanic Dark Side

Posted on Jun 26, 2023  |  2 comments
On June 18, a submersible carrying five passengers to view the Titanic wreckage was reported missing. What followed was four days of terror, complicated by media bias and public reaction. What can Christians learn from this tragedy?

Canadian Wildfires Ignite Myriad Conspiracy Theories: What’s Really Happening?

Posted on Jun 19, 2023  |  9 comments
Canadian forests are being decimated by ongoing, horrific wildfires. Although authorities have issued reports revealing the cause of the fires, conspiracy theorists have different ideas. What are they saying really caused the fires—and what lessons can we take from their claims?

The Bible Banned in Schools: Utah’s “Porn” Law in Action

Posted on Jun 12, 2023  |  6 comments
A parent’s complaint resulted in the Bible’s removal from all elementary and middle school libraries in Utah’s second-largest public school district. How do Christians respond?

Taking Aim at Target: The Bible vs. Culture

Posted on May 30, 2023  |  3 comments
Target is just one of many companies being boycotted by political and religious conservatives for 2023 LGTBQ+ collections, particularly those items targeted at children. Why is this year’s backlash stronger than usual—and how should Christians respond?

Overcoming Death: Can We Become Immortal Through Science?

Posted on May 22, 2023  |  2 comments
As new technology increases at astonishing speeds, some want to use it to solve an age-old problem: death. What are their chances?

Social Media and Mental Health: A New Advisory Offers Guidelines for Adolescents

Posted on May 15, 2023  |  1 comment
For the first time ever, an institution of psychology releases a health advisory on social media use for adolescents. What can Christian parents learn from the advisory’s recommendations?

The After School Satan Club: Giving the Devil His Due

Posted on May 09, 2023  |  14 comments
A recent federal court allowed a self-proclaimed satanic club to meet in a public school, basing its ruling on U.S. First Amendment rights. How are Christians to respond?

The Jesus Revolution Comes to Hollywood: Will Thousands Be Converted?

Posted on May 01, 2023  |  8 comments
Recently released on DVD, Jesus Revolution is being hyped as a new evangelism tool. Does the popularity of this film among Christians say anything about their true spiritual condition?