Does your faith really make you happier, healthier?

By Mark A. Kellner | Posted February 04, 2019

A recent global study reveals that if you’re an “active” participant in religious observance, it’s more likely you’ll describe yourself as “very happy.” But while there may be some health advantages to faith-based practices such as shunning tobacco and alcohol use, among other unhealthy choices, it’s not clear that being a religious observer will keep you healthier.

Those are some of the “topline” results from an analysis of survey data from the United States and “more than two dozen other countries” by the Pew Research Center, an independent think tank based in Washington, D.C., whose work is widely respected.

Noting that many people assert religious believers are, indeed, happier, healthier, and more socially engaged than non-participants, Pew says, “Are religiously active people better off than those who are religiously inactive or those with no religious affiliation? The short answer is that there is some evidence that religious participation does make a difference in some—but not all—of these areas.

”Only 36 percent of religiously active Americans say they’re “very happy” in life, Pew reported, but that number nearly doubles to 71 percent of Mexicans who say they’re active participants in faith. Some 45 percent of religiously active Japanese and Australians reported being “very happy,” the survey said.

Among those who are either “inactive” in their faith or unaffiliated, the happiness numbers drop: 25 percent for both groups in the United States; in the low to mid-30s in Australia and Japan. For those living in Mexico, there’s less than a 10 percent gap.

Health Results Vary

On the health front, Pew reported, things are a bit murkier: only in Taiwan, Mexico, and the United States do active religious participants say they’re in better health than others. However, the group notes, many religious participants don’t outpace their non-observant peers when it comes to obesity or frequency of exercise.

But temperance seems to help, the study found. “Religions often frown on certain unhealthy behaviors, and that tendency seems reflected in data on smoking and drinking. In all but two of 19 countries for which data are available, the actively religious are less likely than the unaffiliated to smoke, and, in all but one country, less likely than the inactively religious to do so,” the report states, noting actively religious people “tend to drink less” than others surveyed.

On the civil engagement side, actively religious people are generally more likely to join such nonreligious organizations as local charities or clubs. They’re also more likely to vote than the religiously unaffiliated.

As interesting as this data might be, it’s not wise to reach sweeping conclusions on the basis of one report. It’s also worth noting that the manner in which questions are posed might have an influence on the responses received. (This is not to suggest any bias on the part of the survey-takers, just to state a somewhat obvious fact of public opinion research.)

And let’s remember, too, that these surveys measure self-reported public opinion. They’re not scientific studies of verifiable data measurements, as happens in medical research, for example. In other words: It’s a good idea to view these findings with, perhaps, a grain of salt.

At the same time, the overall report of better health and happiness outcomes by active participants in religion in the United States and Mexico—to name two nations—does bear some consideration. Readers in the United States will understand, and often acknowledge, the hectic pace of today’s life and the toll such living often takes.

In 2010, for example, the Center for American Progress offered a grim assessment of middle-class life: “The typical American middle-income family put in an average of 11 more hours a week in 2006 than it did in 1979.” It’s not impossible to surmise that the toll of the 2008 recession and the rise of robotics and the “gig economy” have made those workweeks longer, not shorter, for many people struggling to keep up.

More than Data Crunching

Perhaps the greatest demonstration of the positive effects of active religious faith is not to be found in surveys but in individual lives. Many of us have seen, or heard, or read the testimonies of those who found a complete turnaround in their lives for the better when they found an active relationship with Jesus and began following the ways He promoted.

You may even have one of those testimonies yourself. If so, let us know in the comments below!

It’s unclear if John Newton, the seventeenth-century slave ship captain whose life changed when he found Christian faith, enjoyed markedly better health afterward, although he lived to age 82 before passing to his rest. But Newton’s hymn “Amazing Grace” rings down through the centuries as a testimony to the happiness that finding peace with God gave him.

Every day, Amazing Facts receives first-hand accounts from people all over the world who say how their discovery of Bible truths has changed their lives from darkness and despair to happiness and even improved health. We invite you to watch these real-life reports and gain from them inspiration and hope. What happened to these people can happen to you, or those you love!

Testimonies of Changed Lives

Mark Kellner
Mark A. Kellner is a staff writer for Amazing Facts International. He is a veteran journalist whose work has been published in Religion News Service, The Washington Times, and numerous computer magazines.

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I was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, in 1940. My parents were Buddhists at my birth. During the Japanese occupation my father, had been working up to that year at a Dutch Metal Factory (the NIMEF which stands for Nederland Indische Metal Fabrik or Netherland India’s Metal Fatory), now known as The Military Amunition and Weapon Industry of Indonesia.
When the Japanese occupied Indonesia, in 1942, my family was put in the concentration camp for the Dutch and those considered as colaborators or sympathizers. It was actually God’s providence, or a real blessings in disguise.
It was in that concentration camp that my father met a Dutch Reformed Church minister, Pr. Bletterman. Pr. Bletterman befriended my father who was Dutch educated and spoke the language very fluently. My father, was very impressed by the friendliness of the Dutch pastor. He determined that if he got out of the concentraton camp, he will accept Christianity. A couple of months later, the Japanese government, who wanted to continue producing weapons and amunitions in the NIMEF, had a hard time trying to understand the manuals and labels on the machineries, which were all in the Dutch language.
After a few inquiries, the administrators found out that my father, Lee Bing Kit, who was detained in the consentration camp, was an Indonesian born Chinese and was formerly the person in position as foreman handling the machineries.
So we were released from the concentration camp, and put in one of the former house of one his former employers.
Two years later my father met a Pentecostal Minister of the Pentecostal Mission Church, in Dutch the Pinkster Zending Gemeente. He was baptized into the church and later after studying at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary he was ordained as Pastor of the above mentioned Church.
In1946 after the Japanese surrendered, the Indonesian revolutioners were after my father, and us his family to be executed. So we escaped to Makassar the capital of what was at that time called Negara Indonesia Timur, or East Indonesian Country, and was still regarded as an enclave of the Dutch Government.
I started my schooling at the Dutch Primary, and Secondary School in Makassar, which was later continued to be operated by the Jesuits Order of the Roman Catholic Church in Indonesia.
Later I entered the Seventh-day Adventist Academy and the Tertiary College, now named the Indonesian Adventist University, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and English.
I started working as a pastor of the local church and Mission Evangelist in Manado, North Sulawesi as soon as I graduated from the College in May 1962. I served as the Mission Evangelist for 5 years until 1967 when I was ordained as a minister. In the same year I was recruited to Sarawak, Malaysia, as Mission Evangelist, Personal Ministry Department Director and Voice Of Prophecy Radio speaker, in English, Malaysian, and Dyak languages, as well as Editor of the Sarawak Mission Buletin, until the end of 1970 when I returned to Manado, Indonesia.
In 1975 I migrated to Sydney and continued my studies at Macquaried University, School of Linguistics. While studying I was also volunteering as an unpaid lay preacher in Sydney, and at the same time operated a Vegetarian Restaurant and Catering Business in West Ryde from 1977 to 1988.
In 1988 I was asked by my daughter to help her in operating an English Language School in Jakarta.
In 1992 I was recruited to Kuala Lumpur, Peninsular Malaysia, to be the pastor of the Kuala Lumpur English SDA Church and also director of the English Language Institute operated by the Mission.
The following Year I was transferred to the Hong Kong Macao Mission, to work as Chaplain of the Sam Yuk SDA High School, Pastor of English Teacher and Pastor of the English Congregation of the SDA Church in that city. At the same time I was also appointed as the pastor of the Indonesian Chinese Interdenominational Christian Church of Macao.
At the end of 1999, I returned to Australia and resided in Bribie Island, volunteering as assistant pastor of the SDA local church, as well as volunteering as Indonesian, and Mandarin Teacher at the University of the Third Age, and English teacher at the Bribie Island State High School.
In the year 2000 I was called to serve as an English teacher at a local SDA Church School in Jakarta. At the same time my wife was called to start a Chinese School in Bali.
Two years later in the year 2000 my wife decided to leave me and travel with her rich spinster sister and three brothers, around the world.
In the year 2003, I was married to my present wife, Dr. Brenda Parkinson, who was formerly Missionary Doctor at the Karachi SDA Hospital, and Auckland SDA Hospital, until the year 2000.
In the year 2004 I was asked to be the pastor of the Guildford Italian SDA Church. I served there for two years until 2006. The following year I started to get invitation to conduct Seminars and Evangelistic Meetings in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Netherlands.
Starting four years ago, I have been invited mostly by the Charismatic churches in Indonesia.
During the last four years I have been going back and forth from Sydney to Indonesia, conducting Health Seminars and Evangelistic Meetings, by the Charismatic Churches in Sumatera, Java, and Sulawesi.
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After jumping through all the password hoops, I forgot what I was going to say. Oh yeah. I was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1987, just after undergoing a kidney transplant. Since then I've eliminated unclean meats from my diet, lowered my sodium as well as started drinking more water. Today attended worship services on a weekly basis and have made some great Godly friends. However, my health has recently taken a nosedive, with a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. It has shaken my faith a bit, but I think my church friends and ministries such as Amazing Facts have kept me from straying from the narrow path.
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It was said that it's in fact Christians that have to go through the hardest times to test their faith, if being Christian gave health benefits then everyone would be one just for health insurance alone but in the end God is by your side and knows what's best for you as long as you have faith in our Lord.