“Prophecy Odyssey” Opens to Packed Theater

By Shenalyn Page
Posted September 30, 2024


Manhattan Center, Manhattan – There are 45 minutes until the Prophecy Odyssey meeting begins tonight, but already the Manhattan Center is buzzing with activity. The main floor is beginning to fill up as guests file in from the streets. Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) students just gathered to pray for the Holy Spirit to work mightily through this meeting. 

Camera operators are getting into position for the evening production. Behind the huge LED wall, the Amazing Facts’ media team is busy putting together a life-changing production to broadcast live around the world. Not long ago, Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International, was in the media control room going over last-minute plans with the team.

There is a sense of quiet eagerness among the guests. Many are reviewing the Bible studies they received when they walked in the front door. Others are talking with AFCOE students and staff as Jackie plays and sings “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior” at the grand piano on stage.

Outside, large signs advertise the event along busy 34th Street. Once the meeting begins, a large LED screen on the street allows passersby to watch the meetings live. 

A City Ready for Harvest

The Prophecy Odyssey series opened on Friday night, September 20, to a packed audience. The main floor and three levels of balconies were all full of people eager to hear the Word of God. Many have continued to come for the nightly meetings. 

Prophecy Odyssey is an epic, 15-part Bible series presented by Pastor Doug. Attendees are getting clear, trustworthy, logical answers to their questions about the book of Revelation, prophecy, and the last days. 

Amazing Facts chose New York City for the Prophecy Odyssey series because of the potential to reach people from so many cultures in one place. “The whole reason we’re here is to bring souls into the kingdom,” says Wayne Leman, Amazing Facts’ media creative. “New York City is such a melting pot of cultures. What better place to reap a great harvest?” 

AFCOE students have been doing outreach in the city parks each day. “Our goal is to strike up conversations with people that we meet,” explains J Broder, an AFCOE student from Bakersfield, Calif. “We tell people we are praying for the community and ask them how they think we should pray for people in New York. Then we share the Prophecy Odyssey meeting invitations.” 

“I have so many stories of what God is doing!” says Cornell, another AFCOE student. 

Our Largest Production Yet

“Doing a production in New York City is unlike anything else,” says Wayne. “New York is a technological beast. Everything is booming so fast here. It’s very different than when broadcast from a local church.” 

The media team began preparing for this massive production months ago. They put together a flight pack with all the camera, sound, recording, augmented reality, LED wall, and other media equipment they would need for the series. Then, they practiced loading it into the 16-foot travel trailer and unloading and setting it up rapidly. “It’s a good thing we did!” says Wayne. “We needed every moment we had to get things ready.” 

The first night challenged the media team to the utmost. “We started the production with only four of our eleven cameras working,” Wayne explains. “By the end of the night, we had nine cameras running. The devil definitely was attacking. But we believed, and God answered. It’s only gotten better since.”

It’s Not Too Late

Prophecy Odyssey is being broadcast live around the world in English and Spanish. It is also being translated by artificial intelligence technology into 14 languages. Groups are watching live in Belgium, New Guinea, and many other places around the world. 

It’s not too late to begin watching the Prophecy Odyssey meetings or to share them with someone who needs to know that there is a God in heaven who has good plans for them. Live broadcasts are available at prophecyodyssey.com, AFTV.org, Hope Channel, and on YouTube. Free Bible lessons and recordings of previous meetings are also available.

Thank you for making Prophecy Odyssey possible. Please keep praying that God blesses seekers abundantly!


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I want to Praise and Thanks God for his blessings amén 🙏🙏👍👍👍🙏👍
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HI good afternoon Happy Sabbath my name is Mary Anny Mármol and I was one of the misioneros that worked in the Building of Manhattan Center and I want to praise and Thanks for The Series of Prophecy Odyssey a Production of amazing facts Team, And also I thanks God for the volunteers misioneros from many places that I have the chance to meet, work and share this great experience here in New York la grand manzana, thanks 😊👍 God bless you Today is the last day and I was crying because it finished I will miss you 😘😘😘❤️
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Winona Pierce
We are a group of Adventists watching from Yarmouth Nova Scotia and enjoying it immensely.
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Carolyn Schroeder
I have been praying for the meetings daily.