Thousands Accept Christ in Kenya Amidst Riots

By Shenalyn Page
Posted September 16, 2024

From June 22 to July 6, 2024, Amazing Facts Oceania led an evangelistic and health outreach trip to Kenya. Providing medical and dental care, sharing the gospel in prisons and schools, and preaching at 20 outdoor sites. 

God blessed mightily—4,454 precious souls responded to His call and were baptized. One of the evangelists described the crowds as “very hungry for the Word of God!”

The medical team treated 5,000 needy people across 12 medical and dental clinics. They also provided medications and health education. Additionally, the team distributed 1,600 Bibles in Swahili and English and 83,000 Amazing Facts Study Guides

Prisoners eagerly responded to the messages of hope shared by the evangelism team. Nearly 225 prisoners gave their hearts to Jesus and were baptized. They were also thrilled to receive their own copies of the Bible. 

Students at public and Christian schools also responded eagerly to the gospel presentations. In one public school, 500 students eagerly accepted Amazing Facts Study Guides. At another public school, the entire student body rose to their feet to give their lives to Christ.

Led by Ettienne McClintock, partner relationship manager at Amazing Facts Oceania, the team included 17 pastors, lay evangelists, and medical workers from Australia and New Zealand, who responded to our Lord’s commission to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Prior to the team arriving in Kenya, Amazing Facts Oceania had sponsored local evangelists to conduct evangelistic programs at 33 additional sites, making a total of 53 sites. The local churches are now discipling the precious new additions to God’s family at each location.

Divine Protection 

Satan did not want these meetings to take place. Severe monsoonal flooding caused damage across Kenya in the month preceding the evangelistic programs. Then, just as the evangelistic meetings were to begin, violent political protests broke out across Kenya against the government’s new tax laws. Dozens of people around the governor’s office in Nairobi were killed and hundreds more injured in the protests, making headlines around the world. Foreigners were particularly under threat. 

After much prayer, the team decided to proceed with the meetings despite the dangers. God answered dramatically. Above-average rainfall had been predicted for Kenya, but it did not rain for two full weeks while the team ran mass-scale outdoor evangelism—until the last person had been baptized. Then it poured!

God’s protection was also evident as thousands gathered to hear the gospel preached in the open air. One evening, while Ettienne was preaching, he heard the shouts and gunshots of an approaching riot. People were clearly nervous, but no one left when Ettienne asked the congregation if they wanted to go home. A noticeable peace settled over the huge crowd as Ettienne prayed for divine protection. The gunshots soon faded away. Many people made decisions for Christ that night.

Lives Renewed

God has promised in His word that “no weapon that is formed against you will prosper” (Isaiah 54:17), so in answer to earnest prayers, the work went on despite Satan’s best attempts to stop it. The mission produced a harvest of souls in Kenya that could only be possible through a God who works miracles in people’s hearts.

Alex had spent the last year sleeping on park benches while trying to get a job and an education. As the oldest son, Alex was expected to support his family, but his failure to even support himself had pushed him into alcoholism. At this low point, he heard music from one of the evangelistic meetings and came to listen. The message of hope from God’s Word drew him in, and Alex gave his life to Christ that evening. He is now preparing for baptism.

The Oceania team met Jabari the day he was released from prison. * He had been falsely accused and was on his way to murder his accuser and then commit suicide when he came across one of the evangelism sites. Jabari stopped to find out what was happening and met two team members. When they realized that two lives were in grave danger, they took Jabari aside and shared with him about God’s love and forgiveness. Jabari’s face began to soften, and he was visibly touched. He gave his life to God that evening and resolved to let God bring justice instead of trying to make it happen himself.

At one of the roadside medical clinics, a 22-year-old man named John arrived with a large stick in his hand. He was missing his two front teeth but had no apparent disability. “Why the stick?” the doctor asked. 

“I fell into bad company,” the young man responded in fluent English, “and was using drugs and alcohol. My family threw me out of home, so now I live by my stick. I catch rats with my stick, and I roast and eat them. My stick helps me dig out ground nuts to eat so that I can survive.”

John’s story deeply moved the doctor. He taught John how to live more healthfully (no rats!) and told him about Jesus—the Healer who welcomes him as a son, no matter what he has done in the past. John began to attend the meetings and was baptized at the end of the program.


A Renewed Commitment to Reach Australia

After two weeks of seeing God work miraculously in Kenya, the Amazing Facts Oceania team returned to Australia and New Zealand with a renewed commitment to sharing the gospel in their secular homelands. They are now launching a robust digital media and television campaign this month with a presentation called Kingdoms in Time, which focuses on the prophecies of the Bible that have all come true, with the final prophecies soon to unfold. 

Please pray that many will give their lives to Christ through this outreach in Australia and New Zealand. Please also pray for the thousands who accepted Christ in Kenya and for the many seeds of truth that were planted by the Oceania mission trip. 

To read more about the exciting outreach to Kenya and see many more pictures, click here.

*Jabari’s name has been changed to protect his identity.


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