“Prophecy Odyssey” Touching Lives in New York and Around the World

By Shenalyn Page
Posted October 02, 2024

Manhattan Center, Manhattan — Claudia wasn’t supposed to be in New York to celebrate her birthday with her family until next month. But her schedule shifted, and she ended up here, now. “I didn’t know about Prophecy Odyssey until I got here,” she says. When her mother told her about the series, she knew she needed to come and bring her cousin Paula, who has been searching for God recently. “Now I know why I’m here this week instead of next month!” 

Claudia, Paula, and Claudia’s mom came to Prophecy Odyssey last night and heard Pastor Doug explain who the antichrist beast is in Bible prophecy. The message was fascinating for Paula. “It answered a lot of my questions,” she said afterward. “I loved how clear everything was. And it was all presented so well.” She plans to come again tonight. 

Better than Dry

Patricia started drinking and smoking when she was just seven years old. By the time she was 13, she drank to blackout. She was also finding herself attracted to the same sex. “I was doing it to escape the pain of my dad’s abuse,” she says. “I was so angry with God. Why would he make me like this?” 

Over the years, she tried to stop drinking, but nothing worked. Eventually, she got involved with Alcoholics Anonymous. “They told me I needed to find my higher power, so I started seeking God.” Her search led her to look for things about prayer and the Bible on YouTube. 

One day, a sermon with Pastor Doug popped up in her feed. “What is this?” she wondered. But something told her to watch. Soon, Amazing Facts became her go-to. “I listen to it all the time.” 

Patricia’s excitement about God bubbles over. “I’m better than dry!” she smiles. “I’m seeking God! And He goes out of His way to show me that He loves me.” She hasn’t been in a relationship with another woman for three years. “It’s just me and God.” She gave her life to God in baptism this past weekend and is thrilled to be attending the Prophecy Odyssey and be part of the local church family.


160 Baptized Already

Patricia is not the only one who has been baptized because of Prophecy Odyssey. The local Sabbath-keeping churches have been working hard to prepare for the meetings. Eighteen Bible workers have been preparing people in the greater New York area for baptism. Their work has been extraordinarily successful. 

Pastor Lara, who has been coordinating the local effort, says, “About 160 people have been baptized in New York City already, but I am praying for 250 baptisms. I have no doubt that God will give them to us! We’ve been working hard, and God has been doing amazing things.” 

Pastor Lara is working closely with local congregations to ensure that every newly baptized individual is welcomed into the family of God and has a spiritual guardian who will help them grow in faith.

New York Instead of Peru

Jason and Dee Patton had scheduled a trip to Peru to celebrate their seventeenth anniversary, but then they heard about Prophecy Odyssey and the opportunity to be Manhattan Missionaries. “We did the worst possible thing,” Dee grins. “We decided to pray about it.” It wasn’t long until a friend offered them a fully furnished basement in which to stay in New York.

They couldn’t be happier about their decision to reschedule their trip. On their first day of witnessing, they prayed with a man named Ani. He had just lost his job and was desperately searching for a new one. They kept in touch over the next few days and kept inviting him to come to the meetings. He showed up for the first time on Sunday evening. “Pastor Doug told people they would get a special blessing from being here,” Dee says. “And guess what?! Twenty-four hours after coming to the meeting, he got a job!” 

“This is totally God’s leading!” says Jason.

Prophecy Odyssey Reaching Millions Online

Prophecy Odyssey is also reaching people far beyond the borders of New York City. Already, the live broadcasts have been viewed 28.3 million times on Facebook and 1.9 million times on YouTube. 

Only God knows all the people who are being touched by the series, but the reports filtering back to us are thrilling. One viewer wrote, “I was suicidal as this series started. Watching has completely turned things around for me—and given me hope and something to look forward to and believe in. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts International and speaker for Prophecy Odyssey, says, “What we are seeing now is just the beginning of all God is going to do through this series. Once they get on the internet, people will be able to watch them for years to come.” 

“It is always exciting to go where you see God leading!” adds Karen Batchelor, his wife. “We have been personally praying for these meetings for the past one and a half years. Meeting the people and sharing Bible truth is always amazing!”

Please continue to pray with us for all those attending Prophecy Odyssey in person and watching online. And thank you for helping to make these evangelistic meetings possible! 

How to Watch

Live broadcasts of Prophecy Odyssey are available at prophecyodyssey.com, AFTV.org, Hope Channel, and YouTube. Free Bible lessons and previous meetings are available at prophecyodyssey.com.


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