What’s Coming After Coronavirus?

By Mark A. Kellner | Posted March 17, 2020

This Internet meme sums things up: “What a year this week has been!”

During the past week, we’ve seen the United States go from a bustling society to one on a near-total lockdown.

By order of their governors, Maryland and Washington, an epicenter of the virus, are two of the latest of several states to close their restaurants and bars. In New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, dining establishments are restricted to takeout service only. The tri-state area has also recently enforced the closing of recreational locations, such as movie theaters, casinos, and gyms.

This move on the part of the government to decree what can and cannot be open hasn’t been this widespread since September 11, 2001, when terrorism struck at the heart of America’s war and economic institutions and its largest city.

In addition, more than half of the states have shut their schools. Many have also followed the newest CDC recommendation to restrict gatherings of more than 50 people, while President Donald Trump recently narrowed that number to 10. Now, seven counties in Northern California have issued a collective “shelter-in-place” directive, in which residents are ordered to remain in their homes except in cases of necessity.

The Public Reaction

Across the world, people are responding in waves of mass panic, emptying shelves of dried goods, bottled water, and toilet paper. The subsequent shortage of supplies has led to multiple altercations, thefts, and violent threats. Racist acts, from unprovoked assault to work-related discrimination, have made Asians global pariahs.

All of these unsettling reactions have caused another product to skyrocket: guns. In just two weeks, Ammo.com, an online ammunitions dealer, reported a 68-percent increase in sales.

“People are panicking because they don’t feel secure,” comments Southern California gun dealer David Liu. “They worry about a riot or maybe that people will start to target the Chinese.”

Preparation Before the Storm

Reporters all around the world have deemed the domino effect of this pandemic unprecedented, from the stock market to the lockdowns. Jesus said that at the end of time, “there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).

Just prior to that, He warned that different kinds of disasters were “the beginning of sorrows” (v. 8). In the original Greek, the word “sorrows” is equivalent to labor pains. During childbirth, the contractions, the “sorrows,” gradually occur closer and closer together. Are we seeing this in our world today? It is not only the novel coronavirus; it is the locust plagues in Africa, the tornadoes in Tennessee, the missile launches from North Korea and in Iraq. In a single chapter, Jesus appears to have predicted the exact state of our world today.

In that same chapter, He also described the state of society: “Then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another” (v. 10). Is this happening now, when fear has turned to procuring weaponry over a lack of toilet paper? Are we beginning to see “the love of many … grow cold”? (v. 12).

Jesus also clearly stated the reason for all of these predictions: so that we could be ready for His soon return (v. 44). Now that the signs of Matthew 24 are appearing, we can know it is time to prepare for what is coming next.

In an extreme response to the coronavirus emergency, Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen of Champaign, Illinois, enacted an executive order, which includes allowing the city to ban the sale of alcohol, firearms, and gasoline and “take possession of private property.”

To soothe the public outcry over this order, city attorney Frank Stavins’ reassured the local newspaper: “To be extremely clear, only provisions that are necessary to protect the public health in this situation will be enacted. The city council would never take an action to violate anyone’s civil liberties.” But then why do these infringements exist in the first place? Is this a harbinger of future mandates?

Ironically, it was another Illinois politician, Rahm Emanuel, who offered a telling illustration on November 18, 2008, days after then-Senator Barack Obama was elected President of the United States amid a global financial panic: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste,” Emanuel said. “What I mean by that [is] it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” What kind of “opportunity” will this current pandemic create?

The USA in Bible Prophecy Our merciful God instructs us how to prepare for these earth-shaking events. Get a solid understanding of what Scripture says is coming in our free online Bible lesson, “The USA in Bible Prophecy.” See how the events occurring right now could usher in the prophecy of Revelation 13, in which a beast, the symbol for a kingdom, compels people by economic mandate to worship (vv. 16, 17).

In the present crisis, Amazing Facts International offers an informative and helpful video on “The Best Coronavirus Prevention,” featuring insights from Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Institute. It’s well worth your time to watch!

Faith is equally important, if not more so, during a time of trial and crisis. Bible faith begins with receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior. Pastor Doug Batchelor offers a video Bible study on what salvation is and what God offers each of us. Viewing this message might be the most valuable step you can take in these uncertain days.

Mark Kellner
Mark A. Kellner is a staff writer for Amazing Facts International. He is a veteran journalist whose work has been published in Religion News Service, The Washington Times, and numerous computer magazines.

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Stephen Wilcox
From a worldlings viewpoint, it seems that we are are headed to the battle to end all battles-Armageddon. From a biblical viewpoint (mine), we are but not as fast as many think. God is holding back the four angels from releasing world shattering disasters until everyone has decided whose side they are on-Christ's or Satan's. Until then, and even though terrible things are happening now, nothing current will compare to this final battle. In this little time of trouble, we must decide whose side we will be on-no middle road. This means clarification of the messages being sent forth by Satan and by God. Astrologers can't help. Misguided preachers can't help. So, who does one turn to for the truth? There is only one place-the Word of God. But we must open it first and read it for its life-giving, life saving messages from the Holy Spirit. Jesus said there were two roads-the Broad leading to destruction and death and the Narrow-leading to Eternal Life. Most will stay on the Broad but those who walk the narrow with Jesus will live eternally. Do not settle for world for it will soon pass away. Cling to Jesus. He will carry you though the death and destruction just ahead-the terrible time of trouble such as the world has never experienced. "Trust and obey. For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey". Keep on keeping on. Steve Wilcox
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Yes what is written in the Bible it will come to pass and nobody can stop it. But the most important is this: the people should Repent and turn from their wicked ways and accept Jesus Christ in their heart as their Lord and Savior. God wants everybody come to repentance and be Save.
Just pm me if you want and how?
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Seth Bdw
God Bless
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Thy will be done LORD. we could not do anything Lord without you.
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So, what are you now trying to monetize?
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Of this PANDEMIC, as a DOMINO effect worldwide, there was a common gestures of all President having IATF however, no country has been exempted the weslthiest and the poorest has not made any possible solution, We must Have ONE TRUE HOLY GOD with Lord Jesus Christ through solemn PRAYERS could be a certain RESOLUTION in preparation to tje next coming of his Son,our Lord Jesus CHRIST..IGNORE the ANTI CHRIST..STAND in ONE,the true CHURCH of CHRIST we all be bestowed of GOD HEALS us ONE.
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Very true,just as predicted in the bible, let's prepare ourselves for his coming .
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" FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY..." April 19,2020 3rd Sunday. AMEN.
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If you have implicit TRUST in the Lord there is Nothing to Fear, come what May. Just PRAY and keep Safe at Home🏡
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As our context is being waved by this pandemic it seems the implication of the second coming of Jesus is true. During the ww1 & ww2, the natural catastrophies would have been alerted by this part of the Bible. It did not happen! While practicing faith and does not come true, certainly there's something wrong about it. The second coming will definitely come but the exact date was untold. If our task is to prepare ourselves and now are we, the second coming must be our delight to happen anytime and not necessarily after covid19. Identifying its signs is not that important!
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I feel an urgency like I've never felt before. I truly believe we are living in the very last days of earth's history. Jesus is about to return with His Angel's to take us home. I do believe it it will sooner than we all think. Come Lord Jesus! I don't recognize this world anymore. It has drastically changed in just a few short weeks. Perilous times we are living in.
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Samuel R.J
Now the vaccination is coming .Please nobody take the vaccine you will get the diseases after few years .its a Plan of the NWO. Everything is coming to an end of this world and Anti Christ is already b operating through UN and WHO Be prepared Don't take th Chip too
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Refer your last words ,"Dont take th CHP too" what us that chip please I want yo learn about that
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Matthew 24 yes. Also 2nd Timothy 3 shows the condition of people in the last days. We are there. Give your life to Jesus our Lord.
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We need to prepare ourselves for His second coming through repentance and renewal in our way of life.
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What happens when we find the truth but we are not baptized?
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Thank you
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It's very true. Jesus already said that heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away.His second coming is very soon.
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A confused sinner
It has been on my mind for a while to ask for advice about my current situation. Since the outbreak of covid19, I have been hit with the need to study the scriptures and live a life that reflects God.
I am reading His word every day but I just can't stop thinking of my financial situation. I have accumulated a lot of debt because of irresponsible spending. I am worried about this because I am thinking of purchasing a property off the grid. But I need time to pay my debt. What do I do, where do I begin? I'm also working in a foreign land at the moment. I also have thing thing that happens in my head, when I pray I have conflict ling thoughts like I'm being sincere and the other thought that I'm just pretending. I can't seem to quiet this second set of thoughts. It makes me doubt myself and whether or not I am really growing while studying the Bible. I don't know if this makes any sense. I'm hoping someone would be able to help me.
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I would just like to recommend this series to you about christian finance on Audioverse.com: "It's Your Money! Isn't It?" by G. Edward Reid. I have been listening to it the past few days and it has been a huge blessing. I hope it can help you in some way. About your conflicting thoughts, I think you just need to keep praying and reading and claim God’s promises until this stops. There is a spiritual war in you but know that Jesus has already conquered darkness so keep doing what you’re doing, He has already won the victory, let Him continue the good work in you. You are His child, He wants to help you, He will never give up on you so dont give up on him. Hope this helps.
Amazing Facts
Thank you for your question! We just want you to know that we're unable to answer Bible questions here. So if you'd like to get an answer directly from the team at Amazing Facts, please fill out this form here: https://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/bible-questions
If you need to speak to someone that can pray for you, you can call our prayer line at 1 (800) 835-6906.
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What you are experiencing is normal.. The feeling of being sincere versus the feeling of pretension. The bible said the flesh it includes soul is enmity with the spirit. Its like having war in your being. Your flesh is reacting because hes not trained accustomed to the things of the spirit...its like you want to pray in the morning nut your flesh says no i have to sleep... What you must do is continue your Bible reading and mind the things of the spirit.. Eventually, your flesh will be brought into subjection.
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I'm 21 years old. Im debating on submitting this, I've been writing different version multiple times...Im scared with everything that's going on. I was raised in God's word. I never studied on my own. And I honestly do thrive to do so. I feel like a failure. Even a hypocrite maybe. Reading some of these comments make me scared, yet have courage. For some reason it's not easy for me to talk to my family. I'm not even sure what I want to talk about. I have a problem with studying, which I know is one way to grow a relationship with God. I dont feel like a good person. It's clear that I'm a sinner. I dont know why I dont thrive to study. Things like this make me realize how little time I do have. I hope everyone gets there hearts(including mine) focus on God. I dont want to be lost...
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Rose 🌹
Oh honey, you are right where you need to be, feeling your need of God. Do you remember the story of the prodigal son? He left his father and went out into the world, didn't understand how much his father loved him until he was at a loss, a terrible loss, hungry and afraid. That's where he needed to be in order to understand how much he needed his father and he went to him knowing his father would give him what he needed. Don't be afraid ,Jesus loves you.Read Steps to Christ, over and over because each time you so, you will learn more. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you, He is our Comforter, and pray for the protection and ministry of the Holy angels. Then get a book of Promises from the Bible and read them, they are our promises directly from God that we can stand on in good times and in bad. Are you working, do you give tithes and offerings? Do you give God something He can bless and return to you 10, 50, 100 fold? And pray God will lead you to speak with your parents or someone you can feel comfortable with that you trust in spiritual things. Jesus is smiling down on you and is wrapping His arms around you to lead to in every way!!😊💞🌹
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Kenneth D
Far Too Young To Constantly Be Looking Towards The Few Failures Of The Past, Instead Of The Coming Success You Will Achieve As You Get Older. Hypocrisy Is Certainly One Of The Most Pressing Feelings We Deal With. Not Only Is It Embarrassing When Noticed By Others, But Also Painful When We Notice The Act Of Being Hypocritical Ourselves. I Am A Bit Older At 30 Years Old, And I Deal With The Same Feeling Of Losing The Battle Especially With Falling Back Into Being A Hypocrite. But I Have Great News For You!
THANK GOD, You Are Having These Feelings! THANK GOD, You Still Feel Your Heart Swell With Guilt! THANK GOD, You Recieve A Constant Tug To Reach Out To The Lord!
That Just Means God Is Still With You And Is Still Fighting For Your Heart, Soul And Eternal Life. You Should Only Worry When You No Longer Feel Gods Judgement Upon You. For God Put It In Everyones Hearts The Knowledge Of His Existence And Those Who Have Completely Hardened Their Heart To God Are Those Who Should Be Deeply Worried. Because Once God Gives One Over To A Wicked Worldly Spirit, They No Longer Feel Gods Love And The Much Valued Conviction You Are Currently Feeling.
Be Careful Also To The Conviction You Feel. It Is A Very Dangerous Thing To Play With The Love Of A Jealous God.
You Will Always Have Troubles In This World, This Is A Must As A Christian. Christians Should Always Feel Like Outcasts, Disliked And Plotted Against. Jesus Says This All Through The Gospel, A Hatred Like No Other Towards Not Only Jesus Christ But Also His Flock Of Believers. Try To Look At The Stumbles And Shortcomings As An Oppurtunity To Open A Dialogue With God, To See What His Advice Is On How To Approach Recovery Or How To Get Back Up. God Waits All Day All Night 365 Days A Year To Hear From You In Prayer, He Is On The Edge Of His Chair Waiting For Your Prayer At All Times Of Everyday. The Bible Says He Is A Loving Father, An All Knowing Father And One Who Instead Of Condemning His Children When They Fall, He Supplies Armor And The Holy Spirit To Lift Us To Face The Many Struggles Of A Fallen World. Remember No One Will Reach Day Of Judgement Perfect Or Sinless! We All Will Be Guilty In The Eyes Of God,I Personally Will Be Murderous, Blasphemous, Adulterous And A Thief When I Face Judgement. I Have Hated People(murderous), I Have Lusted(Adultery), I Have Used Gods Name In Vain(Blasphemy) And I Have Stolen, I Would No Doubt Face Eternal Hell, But Because I Believe In Jesus Christ As My Lord And Savior. I Believe He Was Beaten, Thrashed And Crucified For Those Sins And Opened A Passage To Eternal Life With Him, And I Believe He Rose On The 3rd Day Proving He Is All God, All Man And Holy Spirit In Charge Of His Life And His Death And Soon Ascended To Prepare The Heaven We Shall Soon Be In. To Repent Is Not To Become Forever Sinless, But To Turn Away From Sin While Accepting Jesus Role In Our Salvation And Admitting Why We Need Him In Our Lives When We Once Again Sin.
I Apologize This Has Become So Long. Ever Since I Have Become A Born Again Believer I Just Get To Writing About The Enormous Awesome Of God. Keep Your Head Up And Just Look At The Hard Times And Fallings As A Oppurtunity To Become That Much Closer To Jesus Christ. God Bless You And Your Family, I Look Forward To The Day We May Celebrate Together In The Glorious Heaven Jesus Is Preparing Right This Minute For You And I!
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Spot on!!
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Thank you
Amazing Facts
We’re sorry to hear you’re struggling. You can call our prayer line at 1 (800) 835-6906 if you wish to speak to someone. You can also let us know about your prayer request here: http://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/prayer-requests We all feel like failures at one time or another, the key is to get up and keep pressing forward and asking the Lord to give you the strength you need.
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His house His rules.... Just as it was written in the Bible.... All of this must happen..
Stand firm in your faith to the end... Thank you Jesus. Hope to see you soon...
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I totally believe that the lord is returning and also believe in him.
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sarathan sarandiel
heavy man,...that's heavy stuff !!!,..thee end is nearring be sure your on side good or side evil.
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Lady Di
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There's nothing that says this has anything to do with the end times we have had worse things happen in our countries before ... world war II the civil war pandemics in the past that killed hundreds of millions of people. Yes there will be mistakes and governments will do what governments do sometimes but there's no indication that this has anything to do with any end times we do not know when Jesus is coming back it may be in 5 minutes it may be 500 years yet. There are other views of the above quoted scriptures that make more sense and seem to be a better interpretation
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Matt V.
Bill, just except the facts...we are living in the "END TIMES!"
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Matthew 24 and Matthew 25 or in chronological order birth pangs is the first step and warning of things to come the tribulation will be in two segments read all of Matthew 24 and 25 God bless
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May 14 pact is right around the corner...
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I totally agree.
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but we really know it's not just a day for the planet to rest.....it's a way to get control of the world...like the bible says....the mark of the beast...
we really need to be praying a lot now...
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that's what i worry about the country going broke...pope stepping in to offer to help....But wants something in return....a sunday day of rest for the planet....before we know it ...we have been bought off......that is kind of how i imagine it could happen...money is a powerful thing....root to evil.....
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And the scary thing is that the whole world is practically shutting down..i really pray for all of those who are not working..it is a really sad situation..but we all need to have faith and pray that god will get each and everyone of us through this...my heart goes out to all of you....
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I forgot to add to the comment below...what if we were to tally up the flu world wide by the hour how many people are sick or passed away..it would be just as scary as this pandemic......so hyped up..it is just getting real old real quick....
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I wonder how serious this pandemic is because of the all the reporters and media the internet fake news...and it's horrible that everyday they tally up the number of cases..it gets so tired of hearing about how many in this county, that country, that state, that town...and so morbid when they show pictures on the news of coolers outside of the new York hospital....is it the media and politics internet tv news it all seems to be hyped up...I know Jesus said there will be pestilence and we are seeing that now..but what happens when the the country goes broke....will our country be asking for help...for example the papacy.....an agreement being made...and then before we know it a sunday law.....the pope is calling leaders from around the world to meet in may...we need to be ready....studying the word of God now..no matter if people think we are crazy.....or do not share the same views....the bible says at some point it is going to happen..on top of that...the climate change thing...another thing to add to it all...
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Mark and amazing facts, thank you so much for the encouragement and information is this very dark time in history, we have faith God is in control but we need
Information and encouragement from each other, I’m very blessed for all the information and blessing from amazing facts, God bless you all now more then ever we need to keep in contact, we are home confined but we feel connected to our brothers and sisters all over the world.
Trust in God is my prayers.
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Daniel 12 talks about a huge crisis. What can we do with regards to the current health crisis (super virus, coronavirus)? How can we strengthen our immune system (Please remember that being in contact with Covid-19 does not mean that you have to become ill. Why? Because a strong immune system will make all the difference! Remember Exodus 15:26 - He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of Yahweh your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, Yahweh, am your healer."
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Excellent info ,glad to see some truthful reality messages coming out not sleep on messages
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Pastor Doug,
Thank you for this book, the Amazingfacts Ministry, and current event updates. May God continue to bless and help us all to finish the work, and be ready when Michael stands up for His people!
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Wonderful article! Thank you for writing this. I enjoy all the articles you write for AF.
Hope you and your family are healthy and safe.
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Another crisis, another Christian predicting the end times! Ho-hum. Don’t you all get tired of this nonsense?
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It’s not nonsense it is Biblical my friend
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Friend, have you read Matthew chapter 24 where Jesus speaks of the end-time? If not I invite you to please prayerfully do so ... the things that are happening are far out of the norm. I don't believe that anyone here is predicting when the world will end or when Jesus will come, but Jesus Himself said that we can know when it's near. We would be foolish to write these current happenings off as nothing. There is definite significance to the events taking place around us, it would behoove us to examine our hearts, study our Bibles, and draw closer to our Savior while the doors of mercy are still open to us.
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Was talking about this today God is letting the world know he is still the Master of the Universe and in control.
Man is now scrambling to try and find a cure and governments our leaders on Earth are in confusion as to how to stop this and the simple answer is they can’t.
This is definitely a sign that the return is near when believers will be called home to Heaven❤️
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Brian . Chambers
All you say is bible truth , but I feel to much ( America America ) Not enough about Europe , Palestine, Jerusalem . etc . I feel you are a little deceived in this area , Please think of yourself as not being an American and reading this message . What would poor starving countries think when a country full of food and good health reads this message . I do not by any means condemn your message ,Your message is very true and from Bible prophesy but as I said a little to much USA in it . God Bless. from Australia .
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Rockies E
It's not what's coming at the end it's who is coming
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Ralph Jackson
SDA’s have been preaching about these times for years so it shouldn’t come as a shock to us. We are to look up and know that Jesus will soon return. Let each one of us promote the gospel message to as many as we can so it will go to all the world quickly and usher in Jesus return.
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We are living in the end times! Accept Jesus Christ as your saviour. Have Faith God will protect you. The sparrow does not worry yet God takes care of it. He will take care of us, we are his precious creation♥️
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Thanks you for this wonderful article..may God bless you all..
I’ll pray for you all..please pray for me and my entire family l. So we all can See Jesus coming and glorify his name for ever and ever in heaven..
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Be ye also ready for in such an hour you think not, the Son of Man comes! May God help us all to be ready is my prayer.
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To me brother this is a preparation for the time of TROUBLE and a time for GOD getting the church's attention and the WORLD
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I really like this article..thanks for writing it..God bless..Rosemary your statement is completely right..this is our time for preparation..God is shaking us to wake us up from a deep sleep..he is telling us “hey wake up I’m coming for you” “the last of the times signs that I predicted in the Bible are about to happen..” remember? If for any reason we were away from God, we all need to find connection with Jesus and with the Holy Spirit. God is real, the Bible is real, prophesies are real, Jesus is coming soon and we all need to be ready..
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Good to hear an honest, clear and succinct essay on what is happening and where we can go to learn more. I constantly remind my Small groups, Ready is a 'State of Being!' These indeed are at least, the beginning of Sorrows I think we should remind folk, also, that Psalm 91 is primarily applicable Post Probation. We must remember that we will go through the Time of Trouble but especially after the close of probation, "...it shall not come nigh thee!"
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I just read that an earthquake has hit Utah. Could this virus be the catalist that starts other things predicted in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy???? We have the stock markets falling. We are told the last events to hit earth will be global, except the 7 last plagues, and this virus so far has interfered with every person's way of life. It is global and so is the financial repercussions associated with it. My thoughts of this is "Even so Lord Jesus, come."
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I was thinking this is fulfilling prophecy. Being out in the world, people are very mean and into themselves. I see all the chaotic panic out there. It signifies Christ is coming soon, so we all should be ready, what I mean ready, is to make sure we're acceptable to Him by repenting and converting ourselves.
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Lenore stevens
I agree these are signes of the end time.
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Excellent article!
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What does Ezekiel 26:20 & 21 refer to about "going into your chambers and shutting the door"?
That this is about this time or Ezekiel's time?
Thank you.
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King David
que la gracia de Dios este con cada uno de nosotros , muchas gracias por las letras bendiciones
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I am very disturbed my SDA church in Pennsylvania has decided not to have services this Sabbath. I feel this is the time we should be throwing the Church doors open proclaiming why no one need fear ever again. Jesus is all we need. I understand wanting to protect older members, I have a very compromised immune myself. But I feel by closing our church and following the world's fear we are being hypocritical in our message. I hope Pastor Doug sees this and can advise.Thank You
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It is a scary time we want to be brave but there will be a little fear of things to come but now we know what to expect it's plain in the Word of God trust him and he will comfort you with his love. Let not your heart be be troubled. Believe in and also in me. Father in your the name of Jesus accept me as yours and guide my life I just want to serve you properly.
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Thank you! Well written and to me anyhow calms. Again thank you
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Excellent presentation.
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Joanne Hermsen
Hi Amazing Facts,
This message is an eye opener for me.
I scrolled through it but didn't think on reading it,But then a very strong thought came to me urging I should read this.
I know I haven't been a good person, I am full of sin,I pray that My Lord forgives all my iniquities and help me prepared myself for Jesus soon coming
Thank you for this message of the last days.
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1John 1:9 is a promise. Acts 3:19 is another beautiful promise. Jude 24 is another. Let God do a cleansing work in you and He has promised to complete it as we keep our eyes on Him.
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It’s as simple as what you said, you confessed you sin and asked for Jesus.... You are forgiven and He will now be your guide on this narrow road that leads to Him....
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Hi Joanne. I would like to share an encouraging quote with you from 'The Basic Steps to Christ' that I have been reading lately. It is a summary of the book Steps to Christ (which is a section of the book The Great Controversy). I really recommend that you read at least one of these wonderful books if you have not already. If we faithfully follow the precious guidelines there, they will help prepare us spiritually for what is coming upon this earth.
"The closer you come to Jesus, the more faulty you will appear in your own eyes; for your vision will be clearer. This is evidence that Satan's delusions are losing their power. No deep-seated love for Jesus can dwell in the heart that does not realize its own sinfulness. The soul that is transformed by the grace of Christ will admire His character. A view of our sinfulness drives us to Him who can pardon; and when the soul, realizing its helplessness, reaches out after Christ, He will reveal Himself in power. The more our sense of need drives us to Him and to the Word of God, the more exalted views we shall have of his character, and the more fully we shall reflect His image."
So don't give up friend. Keep seeking Jesus and studying your Bible, and you will grow and develop until you clearly reflect His image.
God bless.
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Hello to whomever this may concern. I’m a lonely man. I used to be on fire for the Lord God, but now I rarely pray and it’s been a very long time since I’ve gone to church regularly for Sabbath. I got married a couple of years ago. I guess I thought it was the right thing to do(little did I know I should’ve went off of faith instead of emotion). My wife and I conceived after our marriage was finalized (we abstained from intercourse until we were official we made that promise to God). God blessed us with a son. Romani, I named him after the book of Romans. We went to church quite often(weren’t official members though) and we had Bible studies there, and I was happy. I still drank alcohol etc and was learning more about Gods Word and His remnant church. I was on fire for Him though. After a while my wife stopped going to church. I often went alone. And after that she just stopped, and went back to her old ways. She cheated on me multiple times. I drank more and more. There was an underlying issue with her(she’s Bipolar 1) which explains a lot of her behavior. I eventually didn’t go to church much but I’d read the Word pray and watch a lot of sermons and still drink. I moved out last April. I God blessed me with a nice little apt to live in, close to my boy and He also blessed me with a job I like that’s walking distance from my apt complex. I continued to drink, but finally was able to save money and feel better. After a few months my wife called me and demanded I help her get a new bed. She eventually told me that my suspicions of her having bed bugs(from inviting the worst kind of people over after I had left) were right. I, like a fool said ok, listen I can’t have you guys suffering over there and told her she could stay with me while she gets her apt deloused or w.e. So I got her and my boy over. Washed their clothes, comforted them and they stayed with me. A few days later she decided she didn’t want to stay there any longer. She was cooking and cleaning(things she never did before when we were together) and out of the blue she proposed us getting back together. I like a fool obliged and for the love of having my family together allowed her to move in. After a few months things were great. I tried my best, she had a decent job I helped her get and she was holding it down and we were finally gonna be a financially stable family. So one day I say hey, why don’t we get a new car?!! We’ve got too long without and things are better now let’s go get something! Naturally she was excited. We go and like a fool, I financed a new 2019 car in BOTH of our names. So now we have a new car, I have hopes and dreams for the future etc, she then starts to change. Hanging out with bad people. Leaving messes everywhere. Leaving the house. And then she started having her gfs sleep over. She continued to leave a messy house and mess up my belongings. She was spending all of her paychecks, and not contributing to bills. Then she would disrespect me in front of her friends. She would physically assault me and then one day she took the car and left. I now have a binge drinking problem. I have social anxiety and I started to regularly smoke cigarettes again. I’m double minded and I hate myself. I only see my son on the weekends(not court ordered, and still legally married) and I’m a bad father. I have to walk miles to work, and I have no family or friends. The only reason I don’t kill myself is the hope for a new heart or miracle in the Lord to save me and bless me and my boy with eternal life but demons have me bound and I lack self control. I ask for prayer of deliverance. I beg for mighty prayer from you all , I watch your sermons all the time, I daydream that I’m a man of God and I’m happy with a Christian wife and a big family etc and we keep the Lords commandments and praise His name every day and on Sabbath etc. I feel like I’m gonna die lost. What’s pathetic is that I’ve lost soo much is this wicked world and then on top of that I’m gonna fail what really matters and be destroyed. Help me. I don’t know who’s gonna read this. I don’t know who is gonna care. All I know is that this is hell. I know that maybe if I kill myself it might be better because I’m just gonna burn anyway, I’m too far gone and this will speed up the process. I imagine me being self deceived. Like I’m saved but in my heart I’m not. That I didn’t live up to the standard that other saints lived up to and my social anxiety prevented me to do and for that I will burn when I could’ve just avoided the plagues and the disasters by simply slitting my throat and waking up to the holy hell fire that was prepared for the enemy who I followed my default. I still can’t imagine me being deceived by him to try to attack Jesus, and take the new city etc because I know the Word and although I’m a sinner I know the prophesies and how it all plays out but maybe satan will have mesmerizing powers I don’t know how that works. I’m sorry for this long pathetic story.
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Matthew, Let God do a cleansing work in you.
He has promised to complete it as we keep our eyes on Him. 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, JUDE 24 KJV
19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. ACTS 3:19 KJV
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1JOHN 1:9 KJV A summary of the book Steps to Christ (which is a section of the book The Great Controversy) follows. Read at least one of these wonderful books if you have not already. If we faithfully follow the precious guidelines there, they will help prepare us spiritually for what is coming upon this earth. "The closer you come to Jesus, the more faulty you will appear in your own eyes; for your vision will be clearer. This is evidence that Satan's delusions are losing their power. No deep-seated love for Jesus can dwell in the heart that does not realize its own sinfulness. The soul that is transformed by the grace of Christ will admire His character. A view of our sinfulness drives us to Him who can pardon; and when the soul, realizing its helplessness, reaches out after Christ, He will reveal Himself in power. The more our sense of need drives us to Him and to the Word of God, the more exalted views we shall have of his character, and the more fully we shall reflect His image." PEACE 365: THE THINGS THAT BELONG TO YOUR PEACE
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life." John 6:47
Hi Matthew, Thank you so much for sharing your story. We would like to reach out to you but we have no way of contacting you. Can you please go to this page: https://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/prayer-requests and share there what you have shared here? Then we will at least have your email address. No matter what is happening to you right now or how you feel, Jesus loves you more than life itself. Otherwise He would not have died for you. Please contact us at your earliest convenience using the link above.
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Hi Matthew, I could not help but feel deeply for you after reading your comment. I have been where you are now. I read a book that asked whether a person is willing to be made willing with regards to the work God wants to do in us. This has helped my weakened faith to get a hold on something I could control. I can control my willingness to be made willing by a God that knows how to get me out of the deep pit I am in now and off to where He wants me to be. I am praying for you.
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I'm following from Nairobi Kenya. Thanks a great deal for reminding me of what I was already thinking. I know for certain that jesus must return soon.
I urge fellow brethrens to awaken from our slumbering and prepare to meet our saviour
I have purposed in my heart to change my way of living, read the Bible regularly, pray earnestly and watch the unfolding signs of Christ's return .
Pray for me fellow brethrens too. For my faith to be be strong in the lord.
Come lord Jesus