Pastor Doug, Neil Nedley Highlight Coronavirus Prevention

Amid global confusion over combating COVID-19—which the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic on March 11—Amazing Facts International has just released an informative, hope-filled video detailing ways you can boost your immunity and take sensible precautions against the novel coronavirus.

The 14-minute video, “The Best Coronavirus Prevention,” features Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts, and Dr. Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Institute, both located in Northern California.

As shared in the video, Pastor Doug says, “God doesn’t want us to live in fear; He wants us to live in faith.” He also says that confidence in the face of crisis can be had by “following the principles God gave us for natural healing and health.”

The new video offers a concise explanation of the coronavirus, why it is so transmissible among people, and the origins of this illness. While those with strong immune systems and those under 50 are less likely to succumb to the disease’s more severe effects—Dr. Nedley says that 80 percent of those infected with COVID-19 will experience either very mild or even no symptoms—precautions still need to be taken because the illness spreads more easily than the seasonal flu does.

The two discuss Weimar’s famous NEWSTART health program—an acronym for “eight health principles: proper nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance (avoiding things harmful to the immune system like alcohol and tobacco), fresh air, rest (proper rest) and trust in Divine power, which is also shown to be immune-enhancing.”

The video also offers viewers a free copy of Amazing Health Facts! 8 Bible Secrets for a Longer and Stronger Life magazine, which discusses Bible guidelines for more robust physical health. Get your copy today!


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What is Doug Batchelor saying about the vaccines that may be available soon. Does he agree with taking the vaccine if it helps to reduce the COVID-19 killings❓
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Amazing Facts
Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:  We look forward to answering your question!
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What's happened to video? Why it is removed?
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Amazing Facts
I’m not sure why it was taken down. Can you email us here with your question?
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NAC is POISON to the body!
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Please provide the journal article to the recent New England Journal study on NAC referenced by Dr Nedley. I am looking for the so that I can advise fellow health professionals.
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Amazing Facts
After contacting Weimar Institute and the secretary of Dr. Neil Nedley, here is the article that was found: If this isn't what you are looking for, please contact Weimar Institute directly for more information.
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Daniel 12 talks about a huge crisis. What can we do with regards to the current health crisis (super virus, coronavirus)? How can we strengthen our immune system? (Please remember that being in contact with Covid-19 does not mean that you have to become ill. Why? Because a strong immune system will make all the difference!) Remember Exodus 15:26 - He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of Yahweh your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, Yahweh, am your healer."
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Betty McAllister
Thank you for this excellent advice from the doctor. Also, I don't see the link for that free magazine but would appreciate receiving it, if that is still possible.
God Bless you and keep you safe in His arms. Under His wings,
Betty McAllister
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Amazing Facts
The link is at the bottom of the article. But here it is:
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Dr. Nedley says in minute 7 that men are unclean animals. I don t understand this very well because we are created as the image of God. I heard already from other friends, to who i distributed this link, that they are disturbed by these words. I think it is not clever said.
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I was concerned too.when I called this is what he meant by that comment:
We are unclean in the sense that we do not have split hoofs and don’t chew our cud.  That’s why we should not ever eat human meat.  Not “animals” in regards to our brains, we are human and each has a soul to save.
Also we need to be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I never thought of us as animals either but I knew it would be misconstrued so I called!
We are creatures made by the Creator but more than that uniquely made in His image in the likeness of Him.
We are only unclean in the Levitical sense. We are not to be eaten bc we don’t meet the correct definition of clean animals in Leviticus.
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Linda F, Cairo, Illinois
As the Personal Ministry leader at my church, I like to show relevant, inspirational clips to inspire us as a congregation, to minister in our communities. However, this past Sabbath, (March 14th) I already had plans and was deciding between several different segments to show, but the LORD impressed me to do it on the Coronavirus. I researched for our churches view and saw your video. It was such a blessing and to show how God was working in all of this, as I walked in the church, there was a meeting in the office about the Coronavirus, the conference position with several members and later a subsequent announcement during church service. As Sabbath School came to a close, I was able to do Personal Ministries and show most of the video. I'm thankful for how God used you both to produce an encouraging, motivational, informative and comforting video to educate and inspire those that view it,to share our last day message with the health message as "the entering wedge" via NEWSTART!
It helped educate about the virus and gave hope, helpful foods and over the counter remedies (most importantly trust in God). It's so important to follow God's leading and I'm so glad I obeyed.
Thanks so much for all you do for the cause of Christ!!
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Debra Waggoner, Reno NV
Our Center of Influence would like to obtain about 500 copies of Amazing Health Facts! especially if there could be a one page statement made by Amazing Facts and Dr Nedley in regard to Covid 19 that could also be printed and inserted in the magazine. The residents surrounding our Center have few opportunities to use the internet. We want to deliver to our neighbors the valuable information you have and invite them to attend a natural remedies training in May/June at our Center. Is a printing of a one page statement as mentioned above something you might do for us?
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Amazing Facts
Hi Debra, your message has been forwarded to the Publishing department and someone will contact you at the email address you had provided.
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Great video. But can someone fix closed caption for does of us who are coming from non English background. There are errors especially in the parts where they both speak at the same time. Thank you once again and may God bless you.
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Amazing Facts
Hi, our media team just informed us that we don't do the captioning, it is YouTube that automatically created the captioning. We apologize for the difficulty.
Amazing Facts
Thank you for your comment, we have forwarded it to our media team.
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I found this very interesting. Thank-you so much. May God Bless. I will Share it with Family and friends. I am a true believer that God is always in control
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I think this crona virus will lead to an economic collapse around the world which will lead to the sunday law.Time will tell but my gut tells me we are right at the end of time.
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Thank you both for this very informative video. I will share with all my viewers. Praying for each person that may get this awful virus!! Thanks again!!!
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Exactly why we have been given the health message, more than a century ago! But few there are who obey and apply it and even fewer who share and spread this message! We pray it will not be too late for God's faithful people!
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Steve Jepson
The CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza. And that is way down from last year. and this is with about 175,000,000 doses of vaccine administered. On average- the flu season last about 13 weeks each year. Take for example the 2017-2018 season. 45 million influenza illnesses, 20 million influenza-associated medical visits, 800,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths*. 61,000/60 days +/- of an average flu season would be more than *1,000 people per day! Of course they do not all die during the flu season, but a lot of the deaths do happen during this time each year. As of today (3/13/2020) in the USA - 1,362 of the 1,629 cases reported are “under investigation”; not confirmed yet.
Since January of 2020, there have been 41 deaths*. 138 cases are travel related, 129 cases have been caused by person to person close contact. How many had *light symptoms is not reported. How many have recovered is not reported*. How many recovered and did not even seek medical treatment is not reported.
Statistically speaking *as of today what is the chance you will contract this virus? Almost ZERO. That can change very quickly, and I am not trying to poo poo the idea that COVID-19 is a potential threat, but as of today, the reactions to it are absurd – relative to other risks we don’t want to even think about.
And this newish virus may significantly dissipate just like the flu does every spring.
Do we shut down the churches (for just one example) for flu season? Of course not.
But in perspective COVID-19 is relatively insignificant in terms of a health risk at this time*.
On average *90 people die every day in a car accident and 3,000,000,000 people are injured, 2,000,000,000 of them will have some sort of permanent disability.
I did some research into rates of death from various causes in order put the risk of COVID-19 into a rational perspective. I will not even list them here because I don’t want to spread fear for no reason.
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Looks we have our first poo poo here. Pray for him everyone!
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The economy globally collapsed years ago. And it takes time for the results of over spending and artificial market inflation to correct.
The US trade war drastically exacerbated the above results and now the people involved need to blame something instead of take responsibility.
Enter Covid-19 and the propaganda machine.
How quickly mass panic has set in is a clear indication of how ready people are to be told to worship the image of the beast.
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Steve, I think you exaggerated the number of injuries daily! 3 billion injured, 2 billion of them have permanent disability? Other than that, I agree with you!
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Amazing Facts is amazing because they use the word of God in everyday life and the things that comes our way everyday.
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Thank you Pastor Dough and Dr. Nedley for this extremely informative video. I will be sharing this with my coworkers. I already had a conversation with strangers asking about the Coronavirus; and explained to them about avoiding unclean foods, getting proper rest, and exercising. Shabbat Shalom.
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Thank you both on all the good information concerning this virus and the speed in which you released this video.
I will share this with others and keep Aftv in my Prayers. God bless you and your staff.
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Thank you very much for doing this presentation it is very helpful
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Thank you for information I can use to teach others in our walk with the Lord.
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Thank you
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Wonderful Video! So much helpful, uplifting information in this time of uncertainty & fear!! Thank you Doug Bachelor & Dr. Medley!
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Dr Nedley & Pastor Batchlor
Thank u for ur colaboration
On the (
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Thank u both Dr Nedley & Pastor Batchlor for participing in & broadcasting the your video.
It was very informative, concise
& was presented in a calm humble manner. I 1st say it on Facebook. God has show u a way to reach ur flock & others in the trying times. Thank you both! I pray u continue working together as needed during this outbreak of covid-19 so our flock can receive current information & support to others.
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Thank you! I'm sharing this message with all my Contacts, believers and not-yet believers, bringing encouragement and allaying fear. Thank you, bless you!
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Thank you so much Pastor and Dr. Nedley for providing this important and helpful information.
God bless Amazing Facts and Weimar and the ministry as they bring people close to Christ.
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uncle Ned
just ordered N A C from Amazon.
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Thank You
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This was very informative , thankyou .
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Thank you for sharing these tips!
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Amy Taupin
I see you have PhD listed with your name. Can you please share where you earned well as where we can find your dissertation?
Thank you
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Amazing Facts
In 1998 Pastor Batchelor received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Southwestern Adventist University, and he was introduced as Dr. Douglas Batchelor.  He usually does not use this title, preferring to use “Pastor Doug.”  This was an error in our rush to release this program.  It actually should have read Dr. or D.Div not PhD.  We apologize and appreciate you coming directly to Amazing Facts.  Since being made aware of this, Pastor Doug has posted a correction on his Facebook page and YouTube.
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God says he will never leave us nor forsake us. Psalm 121 tell us where all of our help comes from. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord. While we take the necessary precautions we must never forget where our faith is. I am glad Pastor Doug is stepping up to assure us that God's pharmacy is not far in the natural healthy foods we should be eating. Let us use wisdom brothers and sisters in Christ. We have not because we ask not so lets go boldly to the throne and lay our petitions before the Master and finish this race in Jesus amen.
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We are so blessed as a people of God that His word is our refuge, that with the eight principles of health our immunity of both body and spirit is boosted. God bless you
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I was hope I can have that book the 8secrets of health. How much is it Pastor Doug? I am in South Korea. Thank you so much for this encouraging presentations. May Continually bless you abundantly.
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Amazing Facts
Hi Gennifer, apologies for the late reply as we were trying to figure out how to make a download available for people overseas. Please go to this link and you can download the magazine for free:
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God is great thanks for a good message I'm waiting for free copies
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Hannah mucker
God is great and faith coming by hearing.
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Thank you for the logical and informative recommendations.
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Lori-Anne M.
Ki nass koumitinan, I thank you for offering this succinct video presentation and the Magazine with the 8 Principles of Well done ^_^
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Pattsy Orsburn
Thank you for the information, can't wait to get the booklet. Patt
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I did not see how to get a free copy of the magazine. 8 Bible Secrets .... Thank you
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