Religious Excess During Coronavirus Pandemic

By Mark A. Kellner | Posted March 24, 2020

In the midst of the global novel coronavirus outbreak, many worshippers are staying isolated, but others are taking extreme risks.

News stories from around the world are filled with details of large congregations now connecting remotely via online platforms like Facebook and YouTube. But the streaming of such services isn’t without hiccups: Alongside a “Praise the Lord” might be a request to mute one’s computer microphone; a poor Internet connection might result in an interrupted prayer meeting. Pastors must now attempt to preach an effective sermon to rows of members’ photographs instead of actual members.

Religious Reactions to the Virus

Some churches, however, are ignoring government orders and other federal health guidelines. The Life Tabernacle Church in the district of East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has defied calls by the state’s governor to cancel meetings of more than 50 people. Rev. Tony Spell, the church’s pastor, said more than 1,100 people attended Sunday worship on March 15, with another large crowd assembling the following Tuesday.

“It’s not a concern,” Spell told WAFB-TV regarding COVID-19. “The virus, we believe, is politically motivated. We hold our religious rights dear and we are going to assemble no matter what someone says.” Moreover, he claimed “anointed handkerchiefs” would protect congregants from the infection.

Islamic worshippers in Iran took even greater risks. At least two men released videos of their licking and kissing various shrines, monuments which some believe prevent or cure disease. A member of Iran’s parliament said the men could face between two months and two years in prison, as well as corporal punishment.

And in Greece, a priest of the Greek Orthodox Saint Gregory Palamas Holy Metropolitan Church doled out a sip of wine through a communal spoon to each of his parishioners. He reasoned that the cup of wine, having been blessed, was immune to the novel coronavirus and any other disease.

According to The New York Times, clerics in one Southeast Asian country had a creative preventative: “In Myanmar, loudspeakers broadcast advice from Buddhist monks: Seven ground peppercorns, exactly seven, placed on the tongue will ward off the coronavirus.”

Faith-Based Foolishness?

While much of the world reacted with panic, hoarding, and self-quarantining, these religious devotees have taken a more confident approach.

A fair number seem to be relying on a type of talisman or ritual as a form of protection from the virus. Scripture warns us, however, against placing our faith in an object instead of the God behind the object. When the children of Israel were attacked by serpents in the wilderness, God instructed Moses to construct a bronze serpent on a pole so that those who had been bitten would, upon looking at it, be healed (Numbers 21:8, 9). Centuries later, King Hezekiah destroyed that same bronze serpent because the Israelites had begun to worship it, mistakenly believing that it—not God—had the power to heal (2 Kings 18:4).

There is also a strong sentiment that through these social distancing measures, people’s religious rights are being stripped. The Bible gives clear instruction on this as well. As Jesus said to His disciples, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21). In other words, as Paul reiterates, believers should obey civil authorities as far as possible (Romans 13). Peter likewise advises, “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake” (1 Peter 2:13).

As long as the civil law does not go against God’s law, we, as God’s representatives, are to act as exemplary citizens in order to demonstrate to others the beauty of God’s character (v. 16). What kind of Christian witness are we exhibiting when we adhere to cautionary measures against the spread of this virus? What about when we oppose them?

Ultimately, in times of crisis such as this, we can claim God’s promises in the Bible. In Psalm 91:1–3, we read, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.’ Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.” While this does not mean that all believers are immune from the virus, it does mean that God has given all who trust in Him deliverance from fear and, with that, the sure promise of eternal salvation.

The first two verses of Psalm 46 assure us, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed.”

And 2 Timothy 1:7 proclaims, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” In the midst of global anxiety, God can and will grant His peace to those who ask for it.

The Amazing Facts International team is carefully following government guidelines and restrictions during this crisis while still proclaiming the everlasting gospel. In place of in-person meetings, we’re relying on video presentations and online Bible study resources. (You can find these and much more on the homepage of this website.)

And for those who are self-isolating, our free Media Library offers a wide range of audio and video messages that will help to not only strengthen your faith but also provide inspiration and insight during perilous times. (Did we mention that it’s FREE?)

Mark Kellner
Mark A. Kellner is a staff writer for Amazing Facts International. He is a veteran journalist whose work has been published in Religion News Service, The Washington Times, and numerous computer magazines.

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Thank you for your good advice. Our church is meeting on online platforms. But it is hard to give up our freedoms. I work for delivering mail. I go to 600 boxes each day. At first I was anxious because I have already had pneumonia this year from exposure to the weather and the environment but I read God's promises and he has given me peace.
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I agree. My right to practice my religion can never come at the expense of another person’s right to live. We Christians are to bind each other’s wounds, not cause each other’s deaths. I honor God when I give my life in His service, not when I give yours. My right to religious freedom must never take away your right to breathe.
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James Cuthbert
My wife and I love to watch Amazing Facts. Doug Batchelor and the other pastors and presenters are all great. Thank you and thank God for all that you do. ✌&❤ 🙏
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I heard about the churches in the US that are still meeting despite the regulations against large gatherings during this health risk. One pastor even said something along the lines of God not being there if the meetings are online. And I was like, don’t you remember the verse, Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst of them?
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God is spirit and can meet with us anywhere.
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Amen, Sarah. I agree with you. Only God has the right to demand sacrifice because we are His. Even in the Old Testament, God only required the sacrifice of animals a person owned. The only time God order a regular person to be sacrificed was Issac. But God substituted an animal at the last minute. Only Jesus, who was fully God and fully man was sacrificed for our sins and Jesus laid down His life; men did not take it. But for someone to exercise their so called “freedom to worship,” knowing their reckless actions will take an innocent life is to blaspheme God because they are acting arrogantly, as if they had the right to sacrifice another human life. Only God has that right. God did NOT give man that right.
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Most churches are not licking or drinking from the same cup as you over exaggerated to make it seem that most churches do that. A lot of people that need to be reached don’t know how to use online or even have good service on their phone to watch online. I believe use good judgment if still having Church by practicing clean and social distancing but still have church. Maybe that will break the traditional routine service each week of the SDA.
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John was imprisoned on the island of Patmos by himself when he received the visions that became the book of Revelation. When it is not possible or in fact dangerous to meet in person you can worship by yourself. It's not ideal but it is better than putting you or other people's lives at risk. Also most people who aren't able to use technology are usually the elderly who are especially vulnerable
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Thankyou as I stumbled upon your site. Very spirit filling and satisfying.
My country's Prime minister and the many believers in PNG put God first and as the world grows in many Covid cases our country is untouched but with one case.
We are praying and fasting that this passover will end soon for our neighbors and in the world..
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Lenny Disla
I am so excited , though simultaneously sad, because Amazing Facts is presenting these wonderful saving Bible lessons and studies all over the Internet . People realize now that these events indeed are related to bible prophecies and that there is a need for the listening to these messages. Thank you.
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Susan Morcos
I was glad to know that we SDAs do believe in obeying the commands of the governments when they do not conflict with the commands of the Bible or of Christ.
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Thank you Amazing facts for using the word of God so eloquently. In times like these we need to know the truth and be wise.
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This is truly a time when Christians can be very effective in reaching out to others by caring for their needs, when possible purchase needed items while doing your own shopping, or ordering for them over the internet. Many older brothers and sisters do not know how or have the resources to use internet marketing. Now is a time to tell others about the God who created them, loves them and wants them to learn of Him and His Amazing Love!!! Phone calls to neighbors and those in your phone book you have not communicated with lately can be just the lift they needed. Text others. E-mail others. Write notes and do a drawing to others, especially children. They love getting mail -- a drawing they can color, a story they can read (appropriate for their reading skills), a recipe they can help Mom and Dad make while quarantined at home. Seniors also are so very excited about receiving mail. You can even send some of these over the internet for the parents to print out for the children. NOW IS THE TIME TO REACH OUT AND SHOW THE LOVE OF JESUS!!!
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Thank you!!!!
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Amazing Facts is so amazing! When my thoughts turn to sorrow, I read my Bible and watch Amazing Facts throughout the day. Pastor Doug, you have certainly made The Gospel Commission the absolute core of your being! Satan is trying hard to delay his sure demise but he cannot deny the Word going into all the world with dedicated leaders and laity. "I am homesick for Heaven. Seems I cannot wait. Yearning to enter, Zion's pearly gate. There never a heartache, never a care. I long for my home over there." And with you rushing forward, it won't be long! Thank you Doug and Amazing Facts.
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Thank you so much for this website. I have wasted so many years I don't want to waste any more. God Bless you for spreading his word.
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Doug batchelor is telling us to follow authority, but yet he is still having service with some members .
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You do realize, of course, that many programs have been recorded and are available because they are recorded! Surely you don’t think they are all live presentations. I’ve been watching The New Heart Series and there is no panning of an audience even the Q&A section at the beginning clearly has social distancing between those presenting it. The vocal solo and the pianist even appear to be in different rooms. I’m glad to know that meetings done earlier are still available - worth repeating and for people like me who are just discovering these broadcasts a whole new message.
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I am that I am I who I trust the Alpha And Omega of life itself
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I love Amazing Facts and all the Sermons that's presented. So uplifting and Informative.Bless all who are responsible for this Ministry that will lead others to Christ.
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Thankyou, Amazing Facts team for encouraging and sensible information. As a nurse I’m working in the community . I find that people are afraid. This is the time to offer prayer and more. My faith is nurtured by recognizing that patients are receptive now as never before.
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I say amen for practical reasoning because as long as what is being done is not against God's Word.
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John G. Fianza
Your topic was well said. Here in our city in the Philippines, we felt that a community quarantine was coming since the capital city of Manila was starting a lockdown. WIth this, we held a last church worship service and announced that the next Sunday will be done by online streaming and all prayer meetings are to be done in the various homes. Immediately after the preaching and closing songs, we recognized the heads of families who can lead the home worship services and then watch together the online streaming at a designated time. There was no question that God was in control of every situation since this epidemic (pestilence acc. to the Bible) was not just local but national and international. Sure enough, there was a lockdown announced within the week and we simply followed-up preparations on how to conduct ourselves during this quarantine. We needed to abide with the government's directives for the benefit of the whole nation. It would not be a good testimony for the church to have people who are not abiding with directives by the government that aim to bring peace, order and safety. We have been actively praying daily that God will grant mercy and that those afflicted will cry our for His mercy, healing and salvation. We also humble ourselves to learn the lessons that God is teaching during this isolation so that we shall be part of those being made ready for the coming-again of Christ.
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In times likes its a relief hearing enlightening words from you folks.
Thank you.
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Just heard about this today and was astonished that someone would think our religious freedoms are being compromised. And they say that Louisiana is now a new hot spot....I wonder why! I understand that God has the power to protect us....but really, is it really necessary to expect Him do that because we are rejecting the government admonition? I love having these videos and totally appreciate your ability to come into our homes this way. We had internet church (Bonita Valley) and I thought it was very nice, and we could chat and send love and amens.
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Levimae Compra
Thank you for enlightening me because I’m a bit curious this past few days regarding that matter. God bless! Keep safe all.
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Thank you for these timely comments. I agree. Our church did the Zoom app and connected visually and audibly with each other from out separate homes. There were about 25 participating households plus our interim pastor gave a short message as well.
Now that I have restricted contact with my neighbors, it has convicted me that I have wasted time on the past which could have been used in the service of the Lord
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Mark, Pastor Doug, Jean Ross, etc.... folk you are such a blessing and all I can say is thank you for allowing yourselves to be such servants of the Lord ALMIGHTY. Please continue and your blessings will be sure in the not too distant Lord. Of that we can be sure, and thank you for strengthening us