Will a husband and wife know each other in heaven?

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:12
Will we know each other in heaven? Will we recognize each other in heaven or will our glorified bodies make it so that we don't know who is who?
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Sounds unfair to have some married in heaven and others single for eternity because they couldn't find a mate on earth! I believe Jesus was clear that the marriage institution will not exist in heaven. We will all be single and married to Christ, just like angels do not marry and abide an individual beings.
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Family member goes to heaven will not recognize love ones... base on my dream happened when my mother passed away.God give them peace and free from worries...
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Will I be able to kiss my mom in heaven.
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The question came up,,,will we know one another as wife and husband,and will we know our children?
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why trinity is not defined or mentioned in Bible.
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Because the trinitarian view of God is a concept that was created by men at the Council of Nicea. The Bible does not support this concept.
According to Harper’s Bible Dictionary, “the formal doctrine of the Trinity as it was defined by the great church councils of the fourth and fifth centuries is not to be found in the [New Testament]
Paul F. Achtemeier, ed. (1985), 1099
Also, in consequence of the confusing doctrine of the Trinity, a fourth-century monk said, “Woe is me! They have taken my God away from me, … and I know not whom to adore or to address.” (Quoted in Owen Chadwick, Western Asceticism (1958), 235)
Some scriptural references to consider:
John 12:27–30; John 14:26; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 1:1–3.
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The word Trinity was most likely created and put in use after most of the books of the Bible were already written. It simply describes the concept of the God head presented in scripture, but we shouldn't expect to see that exact word in the Canon. Let's not get bogged down by semantics though, the general principle is that the God head is comprised of 3 Beings (see 1John 5:7, as one of many examples).
... I hope this helps. God bless
Caller: My question is will a husband and wife know each other when they get to Heaven?

Pastor Doug: Well they’ll definitely know each other better. Some don’t know each other now but let me ask this question. I’ll answer your question with a question Cindy.

Caller: Ok.

Pastor Doug: Do you think that when we get to Heaven our perceptions and discernment will be enhanced sharper or duller?

Caller: Enhanced.

Pastor Doug: Ok. So we’ll definitely know each other. I think you’ll look at a person and you’ll not only see the outside, I think you’ll see the essence of who they are, their character. In Heaven of course, everybody will have nothing to hide. So um…

Caller: Yes. Ok. I just wasn’t sure. I had heard several things, that we would not know each other when we got to Heaven, that none of us would recognize each other, that we would be new in Heaven.

Pastor Doug: No, no. Let me give you a Scripture. First Corinthians chapter 13, ‘…Then we will know even as we are known.’ Now we see through a glass darkly, right? But then, we’ll know even as we are known. And so, of course we’ll know each other. Now there’s a Scripture that tells us that the former memories will not come into mind. It’s talking about the painful memories, and that’s in Isaiah.

Caller: Ok. Will we still be married?

Pastor Doug: Let me – that’s a different question.

Caller: Sorry.

Pastor Doug: No it’s a good question. Let me tell you, there is one Scripture where Jesus said to the Sadducees that those that are worthy of the resurrection will neither marry nor are given in marriage and that word He uses, the verb of marrying, that means there will evidently be no new marriages. In the case of people who had multiple wives and marriages, they’ll ultimately be married to God in Heaven, not each other. King David is not going to have a harem in Heaven, neither will Solomon. Jacob will not have four wives when he gets there.

Caller: Ok.

Pastor Doug: But, what do you do with someone like Adam and Eve? They, we understand, were only married to each other, and we suppose they’re both redeemed. Does God give them divorce papers when they get to Heaven? That’s a question I’m not sure what the answer is. It may be they’re still married. There just are no new marriages.

See, God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to fill the earth – I think the King James says, “replenish” – and that’s a word we don’t use any more. It means, “to fill.” And the earth is now going to be populated with those who are saved, so we may not need new marriages and the proliferation of families. Ok?

Caller: Ok.

Pastor Doug: So I hope that helps.

Caller: Yes it does. Thank you.

Co-Host: Thank you for the call Cindy.

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