How did God get there in the first place if there was nothing here?

Scripture: Psalm 93:2
How did God get there in the first place if there was nothing here? That's a good question and if anyone knows, they would be God! It is hard for us to grasp the idea that God has always been and always will be.
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   Q. How did God, the spirit part, get there in the first place if there was nothing there to create Him?

   That's a good question, and if I could answer that, I'd probably be God. I can't honestly answer that, but the Bible does have a few words about Him. In Psalms 93:2, we are told, "Thy Throne is established of old thou art from everlasting to everlasting." That means God has always been, and that's difficult for us to understand.

   Yet God has always existed. Before time ever began, God was there. That's why Jesus refers to Himself as the "I Am," meaning He's the self-existing one. He's always been, He always was, and He always will be.

   It's difficult for humans to imagine because we live in a realm where everything has a beginning and an end. But not so for God? He lives outside this realm and He created time for humans. He doesn't have a beginning, nor does he have an end.

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