Why did God destroy Achan's family when only Achan sinned?

Scripture: Joshua 7:25-26
Why did God destroy Achan's family when only Achan sinned? Achan and his family knew that he had taken forbidden booty from the war and clearly went against God's wishes. He hid the booty in his tent so his entire family was an accomplice to his sinful act.
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Caller:  In Chapter 7, verses 25 and 26-

Pastor Doug:  Of Joshua?

Caller:  Yeah.  It talks about Achan, they killed him and his children and everything.  When I read that, I knew that it had to be something of God, but I was questioning the purpose of it.

Pastor Doug:  Why did all of them get killed together?

Caller:  Well, yeah.

Pastor Doug:  Well, Achan had taken forbidden—he basically had stolen from God, because all of the booty from Jericho was supposed to go as an offering to the Lord.  He took some of the silver and the gold and the clothing and he hid them in his tent.  Everybody in his family was privy—they were aware of this act of thievery. 

So they suffered with their father.  Even in our courts today we call that an accessory and so they were accomplices with him in hiding this forbidden booty from the war.  So they suffered the same fate.  Okay?

Caller:  Okay.

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