New “Creation or Evolution?” Magazine Answers Big Questions

An Amazing Fact: Earth orbits the sun at a distance of nearly 94.5 million miles, traveling at about 67,000 mph and spinning at about 1,000 mph. These conditions are perfect for sustaining life on our planet. Any significant changes to them would have catastrophic effects.

Did life on Earth accidentally start and evolve over millions of years—or did a Creator make our perfectly placed orb and all life on it?

To help seekers get answers and to strengthen the faith of the Christian community, the Amazing Facts publishing team has produced an all-new sharing magazine called Creation or Evolution? Examining the Evidence. This 76-page, colorful resource is filled with hundreds of incredible facts and stunning images to support the Genesis account of our beginnings.

Pastor Doug Batchelor has often said there are three important questions we must ask ourselves: 

1. Where did I come from? 

2. What am I doing here? 

3. Where am I going? 

He explains, “You cannot fully answer questions 2 and 3 unless you have the answer to question 1.” The Creation or Evolution? magazine closely examines how the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent Creator best explains the complexity and beauty of our natural surroundings. It reveals the shortcomings of evolutionary theory and demonstrates how the evidence found in nature perfectly aligns with Genesis.

Dozens of easy-to-read articles provide a simple-to-understand summary of the key issues in the hotly contested debate between creationism and evolution. Vital topics include …

Biogenesis: Did life arise from non-life?
DNA: Could this staggeringly complex code really have evolved?
Cambrian Explosion: Isn’t this a thorn in the side of evolution?
Macroevolution vs. Microevolution: What’s the difference, and why does it matter?
Irreducible Complexity: Can lucky random mutations explain the human eye?
Dinosaur Soft Tissue: What are the chances that cells stayed intact for millions of years?
Ice Core Dating: What does the Glacier Girl teach us about Earth’s dynamic history?
The Geological Column: Is circular reasoning behind the dating of fossils?
The Big Bang: Does new evidence cast doubt on this once “ironclad” cosmic theory?
Plus, radiocarbon dating, mitochondrial Eve, homology, living fossils, missing links, Flood legends, and so much more!

Besides building your trust in God’s Word, the Creation or Evolution? magazine is perfect for sharing with friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and others who are wondering about their purpose in life.

You can order Creation or Evolution? by calling 800-538-7275 or going to Bulk discounts are available!

Creation Summit Planned for March 2025

We are also excited to announce a Creation Summit on March 28 and 29, 2025, at the Granite Bay Hilltop Church. Guest speakers will tackle this critical subject, and free resources will be distributed. Watch for more details.


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Are there PDF versions of this magazine?
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Amazing Facts Correspondence
There will be in the future, but at this time there isn't.
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Ralph Munoz
I would like to get the Free Offer for today's program Dec 19, 2024
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Reuben 🇬🇭 Reuben from Ghana just 15 years old,and i get touched whenever Pastor Dough preach...Im really looking forward to meet him one day..i would be very glad and that one of my dream...
I want to be a Missionary, but here in Ghana, because we dont have the support we have no missionary..but i am a missionary by myself, by sharing God's message and bible truth and prophecies to my friends in school..some of them are ready to convert from Sunday to Sabbath but their parents won't allow them please remember them in prayer...thank you for your patience 🙏
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I just started watching amazing facts and I love it I can't wait to watch more and learn more thank you
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Will there be new episodes of Amazing Facts tv broadcasts? If so, when?
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I ordered several copies a couple of weeks ago for myself, my daoghter, and a friend
Am anxiously awaiting my copies
Wish i could afford more
. Thanks!
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I think Creation is very important topic and we should use it more in a way of sharing Jesus.