A Christian Without a Church?

Q. Can a person find favor with God by living biblically but not going to church?

A. First, it’s important to note that there will be many people in heaven who were not affiliated with a church, either because they did not have that opportunity or another reason that prevents them from that privilege. But one of the most important principles of Christianity is that we are saved into the body of Christ, which is another name for the church. When you are baptized, you become part of Christ’s body and enter into the church.

So I would ask in return: Why would a person say they love God and His truth, but not wish to fellowship in love with His people? That’s one reason God wants us in church—because it has people with similar faith and likeminded beliefs. It actually helps to bolster our faith and makes us accountable.

It is also an excellent environment to increase our capacity to love one another. People learn their most important lessons of love in the context of their biological families. Church families follow the same dynamic, especially with new believers. If a person says, “I believe in God and the Bible and want to be saved and baptized, but I don’t want to go to church,” it sounds to me like a man saying to his bride, “I love you, I want to marry you, but I don’t want to live with you.” It’s saying you want the benefits of marriage, but not the relationship that goes with it. Part of the Christian experience is having a relationship with the church, the fellowship of believers.

I lived as a hermit once—up in a cave and away from society. In that kind of solitude, you have a tendency to become eccentric. Isolating oneself from society and lacking social contact begin to affect your mind; your brain sort of atrophies. You become socially inept. In the same way, it’s important for Christians to be social with fellow believers in corporate worship and gatherings to avoid becoming spiritually eccentric and inept.

It’s part of God’s gift, so I encourage each Christian to find a biblical church in which they can grow into mature members of God’s family. “And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).

For Further Study: Ephesians 2:20-22; Acts 20:28; Hebrews 3:6


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Not everyone lives in an area where there are biblically-sound churches. I am one of those people, sadly. I have sat in churches where the truth was not taught. Some may say that I am seeking for the "perfect church" or that I am too picky. I would love to be able to find some place to worship and fellowship with other Christians. Unfortunately, many churches are falling away. It's especially difficult when you are all alone. I may not live in a cave, but there are some Christians who due to circumstances , are not able to fellowship with other believers. I wish that wasn't so, but it is for some.
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if children follow their parents and is passed down from generation to generation it is a curse. just as how Adam and Eve sins passed down to us!
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Hi. I was very active in the church but now suffer very badly from Bipolar and most days cannot get out of my own home and have not been to church in a year and a half. I keep my Sabbath by myself and still feel close to God. I just cannot be among people. I suffer badly from anxiety and panic attacks. I am on medication but still cannot go to church. We have a huge church with about 300 people every Sabbath. Please give some advice. I live in South Africa. Thanks. God Bless.
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Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."
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Is this consider as good as going to church? Like meeting a couple friends and studying the Bible together. I never go to church and really have trouble finding my place in one. What do you think the verse you quoted means?
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I have a question, what if the church you were in seems fake, you love the preacher, but then he leaves and the church is worse. I know we are to love one another, but when you see the same people outside of church living a completely different life and you are a new Christian, its hard to want to go there. we live in an area where the few churches here are more about money and what you wear than about worshipping or learning of Christ, So what do you do?
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I understand your dilemma and i experienced the same thing you are experiencing now..sadly to say, but the bible says that not everyone who goes to church will be saved. Therefore, leave your life according to Christ' s word, it is true that there are many fake Christians inside the church, but let God makes an exception out of you.
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Let me encourage you to keep seeking after God with everything you have. Even if you look around and see hypocrisy or worldliness. Jeremiah 29:11-14 talks about seeking with Ll your heart and you will find..
Or Matt 6:33 seeking his kingdom and righteousness... Or john 8:31-32 where it says holding to the scriptures no matter what will bring further clarity of the truth and freedom to your life. I believe God desires all of to be apart of his fellowship of believers and will lead us there as we are ready and in HIS timing. Remembering those believers are made up of infallible people who will make mistakes but they are striving to continue grow and change glorify his kingdom. ToGodBe
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One of Satan's tricks to try to get you to give up on your walk with Jesus is focusing on the faults of others or your own faults. I went through this phase myself. As a christian we ask Jesus to give us a supernatural love for people. We are all sinners and hypocrites in some way. If you stay and you are faithful in letting Jesus help you love the people that only love money. God can use you as a positive influence to touch the lives of some of those people. The closer we get to Jesus the more we see ourselves as an unworthy sinner. So when you go to church look to be a blessing by smiling at someone or hug someone make a visitor feel welcome. Then eventually there will be more and more people who don't love money so much. Also the church is going to look like its going to fall but it doesn't don't give up don't let Satan win
What helped me was to read 3 books steps to christ , desire of ages, and the great controversy. God bless I'm Jenny
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That's a tough one Christa. Let me start by saying I'm happy to here you accepted Christ! I'll pray for you! Easily, the first thing to do is PRAY about it. Secondly, cling to the faithful few who are truly walking in accordance with Christ. Especially since you're a new believer. It will help you tremendously. This next one will be hard . Try to see the good in everyone and be the change you want to see. I am in a church that is in desperate need for revival and it frustrates me. Everyone seems down and far from God.I know of people who want to leave and go to different churches.I have realized that bible study helps me and active witnessing. Get much fresh air. Read a Spirit of Prophecy book. I recommend "Steps to Christ" or "Alone with God".
You seem to be having a terrible experience at your church and wants that addressed. You know through the bible God's chosen people "the church" Have been riddled with error. They were wicked, stupid, astonishingly faulty, sometimes, even rebellious against Him .Just read the story of Israel and you'll see what I mean. Israel got so bad that Moses Had to stop God from killing them. God was so enraged he was about to wipe them out. Trust me, I'm talking from experience. Get actively involved in something. Volunteer to be in a department and give it your all, it's refreshing. My final Advice is walk by faith and not by sight Here's one of my favorite scriptures.
2 Corinthians 12: 9
"and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my stength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest on me
His grace is sufficient-- It will help you get through anything, Even a church with a set of silly people who you expected to be far more than what they are spiritually. Please remember that :D
Hope i helped
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You don't go to church to find the truth, rather you go to the truth to find the church.
In like manner, you are not saved because you go to church, instead you go to church because you are saved. Let us not forsake the gathering of ourselves together.... Iron sharpens iron! You can not sharpen iron swinging it through the air!
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I was raised in the Baptist church. I must add that it was a church that was predominantly African-American. This, in my opinion, is important because where I'm from, you can go to several different predominantly African-American churches and listen to the pastors preach or teach on the same subject, but little to none of their teachings or doctrines are parallel with the other. There was no universal understanding of the scriptures and the interpretation thereof. With that being said, I was introduced to more truth later in my life when I was introduced to the Seventh-Day Adventist church. I only visit the Baptist church occasionally for a special music event. So, I am no longer affiliated with the Baptist church on a regular basis but I have not cut ties with it either. God often presents opportunities to witness the truth in those areas and disassociation with the Baptist church would alleviate those opportunities to witness. I have not joined an SDA church but attend regularly. I was recently told by a pastor of the SDA church that my soul is at stake because my name is not on a church membership roll. I thought that, as the article states, that the church is another name for the body of Christ. So, because my name is not on a membership roll, my soul will be lost? I would love to hear some feedback.
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HI I don't think your soul is at stake because you're not yet a member, but the Bible says to repent and be baptized to be saved. So if you're not yet Baptized then your soul is at stake. By baptized I mean the biblical way by Emmersion like Jesus did. Read Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38 for a bit of clarity.
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Baptism is a symbolic act that you are changing. Immersion in water is not necessary for entry into heaven. Jesus said for whomever believes upon me shall not perish but have everlasting life. He did not say whomever believes in me and gets immersed.
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Hey there! Salvation is a gift, something we must accept, as you already know (probably). I really do not see how being registered in a church helps you get any further and closer to heaven. I do see the benefits of going to church, and I am an involved member of the SDA church myself; however, I do not believe that salvation comes from that. Remember the story of the rich young man? Our responsibility is to chose God daily, and want to live according to His will (follow Him in every aspect of our lives). God knows our hearts, thoughts, worries...Maybe it would be a good idea to ask Him what He would like you to do?:)
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We are living in the Charlotte, NC area and are looking for a church home much like yours that hold services on Saturday, the Lord's Sabbath Day. Can you help us?