No Hope to New Life

No Hope to New Life


An Amazing Fact: The Eastman Kodak Company was a giant in the photography industry in the 20th century. However, when its engineers developed the first digital camera, Kodak executives ignored it and kept focusing on film. But in failing to embrace the new tech, the company fell behind—and was forced to file for bankruptcy in 2012.


When her husband suddenly passed, Gail tried to end her life. But by God’s grace, she survived—and then He used you to give her a hope-filled future!


It breaks my heart that so many people out there feel so hopeless that they are thinking about ending it all. Just last year, 1.6 million attempted suicide in the USA—sadly, more than 50,000 succeeded.


It’s no surprise that such despair is on the rise. Many of these troubled hearts are turning to Google to find answers and meaning in this sin-sick world. Over 99,000 searches are made every second worldwide—that’s 8.5 billion per day.


The bad news is that Satan has a slew of evil responses waiting for them. Millions of toxic websites dump garbage into seeking minds, luring people with cheap promises and glittering lies that lead to death.


The good news is that we can share real hope that leads to eternal life. We must bring precious Bible messages to the forefront through truth-filled websites and draw people to lasting solutions found only in Jesus Christ.


In fact, God used you to reach Gail on the internet. Your gifts brought her a life-changing message that led her to search for more truth on! Let me tell you more …


She Was Losing All Hope

Gail and her husband were best friends. For 21 years, they did everything together. But that changed when he died from cancer due to Agent Orange exposure from his time in Vietnam.


Gail was devastated. If you’ve ever lost someone close, you know what that’s like. Well, one day, she took a trip to a small coastal town, a place with many happy memories with her beloved. “I just wanted to be with my husband,” Gail explains. That’s when she tried to end her life.


Many like Gail are struggling right now with crushing despair. Even Bible heroes experienced it. Elijah was running from Jezebel’s assassins when he “prayed that he might die, and said, ‘It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life’” (1 Kings 19:4).


But God wants to give light to those in darkness. “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart” (Psalm 34:18).


She Found Truth on a Cheap Laptop

One day, Gail was flipping through TV channels when she found an Amazing Facts program. She was encouraged by what she heard. A glimmer of hope sparked in her heart—except she disagreed with what I said about the Sabbath.


Gail shares, “I thought you were wrong, so I took the last of my money and bought a Bible and a cheap laptop. After discovering that you were speaking the truth, I looked up the Amazing Facts website and started watching your prophecy seminars. Then I started your Bible lessons.”


Our website provided a rich portal of resources that utterly changed Gail’s heart from hopeless to hope-filled!


I cannot overemphasize how vital is in helping seekers find hope-giving truth! It is a doorway to thousands of free books, videos, blogs, Bible studies, and radio programs. But all these resources are possible only because your loving heart wants to be there for lost souls grasping for any light they can before total despair robs them of an abundant life!


Ensuring God’s Message Goes Forth Powerfully

Satan is robbing people of the knowledge of truth online. But you can handcuff him by delivering foundational truth instead.


Amazing Facts’ websites have a tremendous amount of truth-filled content and are a key entry point for last-day seekers to find and be transformed by the three angels’ messages. Nearly 8 million people visit our websites each year—that’s one seeker every 3.5 seconds! Like Gail, some come to explore after seeing a video on social media or TV; others type their deepest Bible question into Google and get a carefully placed link to our site—finding a video, book, or Study Guide at just the right time.


However, it’s been six years since we redesigned our main website. And, frankly, it’s starting to show. We’re losing valuable traffic at a time when we must expand the gospel work. We must act now.


As seismic changes occur in our society, we must improve the functionality, technology, and appearance of so that it’s easier for desperate people like Gail to find the resources and topics they are looking for when they are looking for them—whether it’s the Bible truth about the Sabbath, the afterlife, prophecy, healthier living, or whatever God is convicting them to learn about.


That’s why we’ve already begun working with a top-notch website development company to overhaul It will be more than a facelift—it will revolutionize how we deliver the gospel to billions at this late hour in Earth’s history. This will cost nearly $400,000, but this investment will last for years!


We plan to simplify website navigation; enhance search results by transcribing all our videos; improve our infrastructure so that Google and other search engines will recommend our truth-filled resources more prominently; and build a website that can rapidly translate new, lifesaving messages into many more languages.


The Gospel More Accessible to More People

Friend, God is already using your compassionate heart to stream His final message of mercy across the internet—among many other avenues. You are giving hope to the brokenhearted like Gail, answers to the confused, and guidance to the lost.


But we must now take another huge step together to expand this gospel work. By helping to revolutionize our websites, you will make it possible for millions of seekers to discover God’s last-day message and have an everlasting relationship with Christ.


Will you please join me in advancing Bible truth worldwide online and through every avenue available? Your compassionate gift this month will help hurting people like Gail discover life-changing truth every 3 seconds this year. Your gift of $50 will give over 800 people online Bible studies. A gift of $25 will stream God’s Word to 352 seekers through our website. And a worldwide-web-sized gift of $100 will make it possible for 1,600 souls to discover lifesaving truth that can lead them to God’s last-day church.


Saved from a tragic attempt on her own life, Gail was led through our website to a local Sabbath-keeping church—where she was baptized. Today, she says, “Now I know why ending my life didn’t work. God had other plans for me!” Will you help more despairing souls find a new life in Jesus?


Revolutionizing the gospel work,


Pastor Doug Batchelor

President, Amazing Facts International

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