Filling the Void With Truth

Filling the Void With Truth


An Amazing Fact: The Duge Bridge is a four-lane suspension bridge that spans the border of the Guizhou and Yunnan provinces in China. The $147 million structure took five years to build and is considered the highest bridge in the world—sitting 1,854 feet above the Beipan River!


Many people have a deep chasm in their hearts that cannot be filled with drugs, alcohol, food, movies, gambling—you name it. But the only Bridge who spans the void between you and true joy is Jesus Christ.


The devil tempted Beni with endless ways to find cheap fulfillment, but Beni discovered, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12). He had yet to learn, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).


When you are involved with Amazing Facts TV evangelism, you lead people to the bridge of life-changing truth that will fulfill their deepest needs. That’s what happened to Beni …


Like a Bad Dream

The emptiness Beni felt was almost more than the 19-year-old could handle. “1 couldn’t pinpoint the void,” he shares, “or how to fill it.” He often considered ending his life. But these troubled thoughts were interrupted one night when Beni wrecked his brother’s moped and ended up in a hospital. “My world was spun upside down,” he says. His right arm was paralyzed, and he soon began the painful process of rehab. Beni’s new reality felt like a bad dream. During his ordeal, he would sometimes pray, but his Catholic upbringing never gave him a real connection with God.


Eventually, Beni recovered enough to return to work. By his thirties, he was married to a beautiful woman, had two precious sons, and had a great job. It seemed like everything he needed to be happy—yet that same void kept gnawing at him. “While I tried to find answers, my wife was on her own journey, searching for God,” Beni says. One evening, she watched me preaching on television, but Beni was asleep. The following night, that same message was broadcast, so she recorded it. A few days later, Beni finally watched the program. “It may have been the first sermon I ever watched,” Beni shares.


The first time Beni ever heard lifesaving truth on television was because you and other dedicated friends make Amazing Facts TV available 24 hours a day. You provided a chance for the Holy Spirit to speak to his heart. I am amazed at how the power of technology can be heaven’s channel to guide people to Christ!


A Book of Fables?

A few months after watching their first Amazing Facts program, his wife saw an advertisement for our series on the prophecies of Daniel. Despite his misgivings, Beni watched it with her. “I was blown away by what Pastor Doug shared,” he says, “and how the Bible recorded future events before they happened.” Beni had always viewed the Bible as a manmade book of fables, but this newfound knowledge challenged him. He decided that if the Bible had been inspired by God, then God Himself would be able to speak to him from His Word. Turning to Amazing Facts again, he purchased our study Bible, which features a one-year reading plan. “I desperately needed that since I was ignorant of the Scriptures,” he shares.


Then Beni made this heartfelt petition: “God,” he prayed, “if You are real, I need You to clearly reveal Yourself to me—and I will give myself to You fully. If You’re not real, I will be an atheist and never want to hear about Christianity again.” Following the Bible reading plan you helped make available, Beni says, “For the first time, the words came to life.” And from that point, God began showing the couple wonderful truth after truth. They soon began worshiping at a Sabbath-keeping church and even changing their lifestyle.


Seismic Changes in TV

Beni’s testimony reveals the true power of TV evangelism—which is why I’m so excited about a new opportunity to multiply the channels broadcasting His truth through a new service known as FAST—that’s Free Advertising-supported Streaming Television.


FAST offers the public easy-to-find channels on popular platforms. It’s similar to over-the-air or cable TV, but through new platforms like Samsung TV Plus, Vizio WatchFree+, Amazon Freevee, Prime Video, Disney’s Hulu, NBC’s Peacock, The Roku Channel, and many more. Some of these channels have over 25 million monthly active users!


Nielsen ratings show that three FAST channels were in the top 10 of all streaming services last year. We want to keep up with these seismic changes, but it’s a major endeavor to prepare our programs for the FAST format and will require immense additional labor. That’s why I’m asking you to be a part of helping put God’s truth on these channels, which will create even more pathways for people like Beni to hear last-day messages.


More Channels on FAST

Friend, God has used you to provide ways for desperate hearts to find answers to their deepest spiritual questions. You can open up even more pathways to Jesus by making a gift for reaching new audiences through these FAST channels. Every week, I receive letters from people like Beni—and my heart is moved to keep broadcasting essential truth while we still have the freedom to do so!


Will you join me in proclaiming the everlasting gospel through FAST so that God can fill the void and transform lives like Beni’s? Well, if so, I also have exciting news! Some friends who are excited about this new evangelistic opportunity have designated up to $500,000 in matching funds this month. That means every dollar you give will make twice as much a difference for God’s kingdom.


It costs less than one cent per person to impact someone’s life for eternity through these platforms. So, your generous gift of $100 can provide life-changing messages to 10,000 viewers. And with the matching gift, that’s 20,000 people impacted for Christ! And a seismic-size gift of $500, $1,000, or even $5,000 will help lay a powerful foundation for expanding truth to more people on these platforms.


Beni, his wife, and his brother have all been baptized into a Sabbath-keeping church! Would you provide more faith-building programs that transform the lives of more seekers like them? Thank you for being a co-worker in building up God’s kingdom.


Building bridges to truth,


Pastor Doug Batchelor

President, Amazing Facts International

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