Church-State Battle Over Worship Continues

By Mark A. Kellner | Posted August 18, 2020

In what is shaping up to be a contest of wills—and attorneys—an evangelical Protestant church in a remote corner of Los Angeles County has drawn a line in the ongoing battle over whether or not they can hold indoor worship in person, without social distancing or compulsory wearing of masks. And if this sounds like a reprise of an issue raised here just two weeks ago, you’re right.

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, whose senior pastor is noted radio preacher John MacArthur, defied a last-minute court order and hosted those services anyway, media reports indicate.

On August 15, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James C. Chalfant ruled Grace Community Church could hold indoor worship services, denying a request by the county health department to ban such gatherings. Judge Chalfant’s order did require social distancing and mask-wearing, however.

Initially, the Associated Press reported, MacArthur sounded a conciliatory note in a statement responding to Chalfant’s ruling: “I am very grateful the court has allowed us to meet inside and we are happy for a few weeks to comply and respect what the judge has asked of us. This vindicates our desire to stay open and serve our people.”

Some 24 hours later, however, a three-judge panel of the California 2nd District Court of Appeals overturned Chalfant’s order and mandated that Grace Community Church not hold indoor worship services. “Were we to not issue a stay of the trial court’s order, the County would be barred from enforcing that provision and the Church would be able to conduct its services indoors, even though indoor church services have been a ‘source of outbreak’ of COVID-19,” the judges wrote.

Following that late-night ruling, it appears MacArthur moved on another declaration he’d made after the first ruling: “We will stand firm to protect our church against unreasonable, unconstitutional restrictions,” the AP quoted him as saying.

Is Defiance God-Honoring?

So it was on Sunday, Aug. 16, that the Grace Community congregation piled into the Sun Valley sanctuary and held worship. MacArthur greeted them warmly: “We’re not meeting because we want to be rebellious. We’re meeting because our Lord has commanded us to come together and worship him.”

It appears that the lack of compromise on the part of county officials may have sparked this backlash. “They’re not willing to work with us; they just want to dumb us down. But we’re here to bring honor to the Lord,” MacArthur stated. Grace’s defiance comes with a risk of fines of $1,000 per day and possible imprisonment of church leaders.

An argument could also be made that outdoor worship in a warm climate—weather reports said the temperature at 9:00 a.m. that Sunday was 93 degrees—might have been harmful to some worshipers. MacArthur told his congregation, “It’s very hot out there. So the Lord knew you needed to be inside.”

For whatever reason, MacArthur is firm in his belief that worship at his church should happen indoors, and that no authority can prolong a ban on such worship. Grace Community Church agreed to the initial shutdown when the pandemic forced a near-national lockdown but eventually chafed under the restrictions. (For a look at Grace’s responses in leading up to this court order, see our previous blog on this subject.)

But it is valid to ask whether or not its members should practice social distancing and mask-wearing. Not even the harshest critic is hoping for an outbreak of COVID-19 infections among those who’ve attended the church’s in-person worship services, yet some critics have predicted such will be the outcome of the congregation’s defiance. So far, MacArthur has insisted there has been no transmission of the disease there, according to media reports.

What’s a Christian to Do?

When told by the religious authorities of his day not to preach the good news about Jesus, the apostle Peter had a simple answer: “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). That verse has been quoted down through the centuries to justify civil disobedience in the face of religious suppression, whether it was the Waldenses in northern Italy, the Puritans in England, or the Baptists in the New World.

Yet Paul, writing to the early church at Rome, said the civil authority “is God’s minister to you for good” (Romans 13:4) and should be obeyed in matters such as taxes, customs, respect, and honor. 

So what is a Christian currently to do considering this biblical counsel? There is a virus that has swept the globe in a matter of months that must be taken into account. During a time of pandemic and illness, what is also relevant is protecting your health and the health of others. Wearing a mask and keeping socially distant may be inconvenient, but they’re not insurmountable restrictions to sharing the gospel.

The New Heart Series with Pastor Doug

At the same time, it’s incumbent upon governments—who, after all, are supposed to represent the people they serve—to make sure they work with those being governed. The seemingly arbitrary actions and continuing restrictions imposed without legislative consent are not encouraging trust in the civil authority. There needs to be the kind of give-and-take our legislative process was designed to foster. When it doesn’t happen, reactions such as MacArthur’s are unsurprising.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that we are in a difficult and spiritually challenging time. Recently, Pastor Doug Batchelor spoke about the need for a “revival of true godliness” among believers in his 10-part series, The New Heart. In these turbulent days, these programs will revive your spirit and offer the guidance we need most of all, God’s Spirit.

Mark Kellner
Mark A. Kellner is a staff writer for Amazing Facts International. He is a veteran journalist whose work has been published in Religion News Service, The Washington Times, and numerous computer magazines.

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There is a biblical principle that superseeds, or creates a prohibition against entering the assembly or congregation. If there is any possibility that you have been infected, especially by human body fluids, you are prohibited from entering the assembly until you are certain that you are not infected. This principle is what must be applied here, and not the false choice of obey God or man.
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Doctor Bill
I believe that a few easy precautions should make open communion of church people safe and beneficial, and I am not referring to social distancing and masks. There are good studies on these things. An effective strategy would be to require that people take 6000 units of vitamin D3 daily and 500 Mg doses of NAC twice daily. Asking should be effective among church people! Then as they enter the church, they should all be handed (in a sterile way!) a zinc lozenge of about 50 Mg each to suck on until gone. This should prevent any spread of the virus yet it wouldn't inhibit social interaction, singing, or any normal worship activity. Let the people worship freely! A few churches should try this policy as a scientific study to record what happens. That could open up our whole nation! People should also understand that a BMI of over 25 greatly increases your chance of getting and spreading the virus, yet I believe this remedy would stop this pandemic instantly.
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My oh my! The world has gone mad!! 200,000 dead and people still talk as if this is not happening. Its not that bad. I have my rights...Rights to spread a virus only nominally kept in check by our modern medicines? The right to endanger other lives? If I want to drive drunk I can no longer do it in this country yet when I grew up it was commonplace and if you killed someone, well that was sad but you weren't imprisoned. Can I smoke wherever I want as much as I want? And yet again as a child the air was thick with smoke wherever you went. We slowly saw the danger of these practices and you can now be arrested. We don't have decades for people to see the light. This virus is far more dangerous than most understand and the death toll is far from over.
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Whether I die in a car crash, a plan crash, natural age deterioration or a disease, my body will perish.
Give to Caesar what belongs to him- my life does not belong to him. Taxes? Sure. My health, my life? Caesar didn’t give it, it is not his to manage. Forcing a person to manage their health per a set of government regulations is against this Nation’s Constitutional right of Personal Liberty. Our Constitution is based on Biblical principals of self management (God grants us self discipline, power of love and the mind of Christ in Timothy) the Government is also forcing the philosophy that I am responsible for your health and guilt tripping me to comply to their way of caring for you- much like forcing me to pay for other people’s health care. Even the Apostles in Acts did not forcibly take from those in the first church to care for unbelievers. The believers gave to the believing community to help other believers. I believe the Bride of Christ should be standing up respectfully and unitedly for The Kingdom by living separately than non-believers. If that means against the government, then let the persecution begin. As it is in some places, a person can’t garden in their own backyard or sit on their own front porch without a face covering, many cannot buy or sell unless covered. The Bride of Christ unifying as they did in Acts, would set us apart like the Hebrews in Goshen and I truly believe God would grant us the riches of the unrighteous.
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I have no problem attending church and wearing a mask and socially distancing. Hey, when I go to work or outside for errands I do the same thing. Of course, the devil will whisper to my ears that I ought to attend church as if there's no pandemic and leave it to God to protect me. Well, that's rather presumptive of me towards God's grace if I listen to that serpent. No, I can accommodate the concerns of both sides quite easily. God won't be glorified if I ran around claiming to be a follower of Him yet act foolishly when it comes to the safety of my health.
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N Doyle. What is the solution for worshipping together then. Are we not conforming with the world by following these restrictions? The pandemic is not caused by God, nor the hot weather. Isn’t Satan using his powers to cause these chaos to keep us away from God? Wouldn’t this be the shaking we are all talking about? Why do we as a church conform to the dictates of the present situations. What are we to do as Gods children. Let us all pray that our eyes and ears will be open in these difficult times.
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I believe those are accurate and purposeful questions. I concur the Bride needs to unify. I support your perspective that the church needs to honor God no matter the cost- losing their tax exemption, paying a fine- we are not of another religion that we should be masked while worshipping.
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O Doyle
We can form little groups among members where you know they are being safe, we can use all of this amazing technology to have Zoom, Skype or whatever virtual worships. We are not limited to a building, sit in the park with family and other church members while social distancing. Go on nature walks, whatever satan tries to use God is able to pun intended
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SDA public health nurse
Ask yourself, What would Jesus do?
Would He wear a mask if there was a possibility He was infected with a virus that could threaten the life of a vulnerable person?
During a true undeniable pandemic, is wearing a mask any different than the public health law that says you cannot expose others to second hand cigarette smoke.
In the name of religious freedom we Christians sure are inconsiderate and selfish sometimes.
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The facts and data show that this pandemic is neither an undeniable or true health concern. In Franklin County Ohio there have been a total of 545 deaths attributed to covid. Although deaths are always regrettable, the media fails to report the denominator for this data. 545 is the numerator(the number of deaths), which must be divided by a denominator - which is the total population of 1.3 million. The resulting percentage is 545/1300000 = 0.000041923076923. In other words, not even close to approaching 1%. Sadly, this doesn't yet take into account the average age of those who die from covid (which is 80+ years old in Ohio), or the fact that covid is recorded as the primary diagnosis by insurance providers every time - even when this is not always the case. There are FAR more deaths from auto accidents and obesity every year than covid. We would save far more people by getting rid of our cars and forbidding the sale of pop and candy. Requiring the public to wear a mask when there is no evidence of a true health concern is a method to test our unthinking compliance. We are called to be critical thinkers and to "test the spirits". Looking carefully at what they are telling us - and what they are leaving out (like a denominator for any reported numbers) is a good place to start. Calling your fellow Christians inconsiderate & selfish is not very Christ Like .
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Hear hear!!
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evidence based medicine not required for masks to be mandated.
bingo, and where are those evidence based medical studies proving masks are of any use ? there was one done in Singapore which was ignored, but this study was the only one to actually use the actual virus being coughed and sneezed into a mask. but the truth is never popular. so we get to wear masks, which likely do nothing but harm. there is no evidence that masks block covid 19. stop believing pharma there are usually no studies unless you believe their tobacco science and forget the FDA they sign off on so many drugs that end up killing people. these drug companies have no mortal compass. and the FDA is a revolving door of conflicts of interest with pharma. so why are they mandating masks???? studies have not been done,
safety studies for the golden cure will never be done , but we will be mandated to take it. understand you can not sue, they are exempt from liability, unavoidable ,unsafe biologicals coming are way and they are given to those you love most, at birth in some cases, but you have never read the package insert, and today those adverse events are now disappearing from those package inserts because you never read them, you believe there is just a little redness, swelling, and a fever. you believe their false science and you cant believe these products are so unsafe that they are now exempt from liability making this product a goldmine with every school mandate. and the greed goes on and on. and the science is fake. yet you believe the lies. goodness Satan is real. and he works with Pharma. stop using.
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Taking the statistics from one state and applying it to a global pandemic is unwise. Look at the global situation and the many places where multiple mass graves have been filled due to deaths from COVID 19 and you can see that this is a virus that needs to be taken seriously.
Wearing a mask doesn’t protect you from getting the virus, but it does reduce the risk of you unwittingly giving someone else the virus when you are unknowingly carrying it.
Isn’t that the most Christ-like thing to do. It’s not looking out for yourself - it’s out of love and respect for others that you wear a mask.
Overwhelming the medical capacity to save lives is what we all need to avoid. Regardless of whether you believe the percentage is small or not -vulnerable people are going to die based on the selfish actions of some. It’s a tiny selfless action that can save another human being’s life!
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Where are the mass graves in this country? I do not wear a mask for the flu, I do not wear a mask for second hand smoke, etc. The Christ-like thing to do is to honor the choice: if you want to wear a mask wear it -- if not, do not wear it. This is also called Freedom which is a reason I served in the military for 27 years to give people this choice. If you are a vulnerable person then wear your mask and stay home. This is how it has been done in the past.
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This respond is to multiple threads
  • Regarding stats from only one state- people ought to do the research. It is commonly less than 1% around the world.
  • Women in other countries have been forced to wear masks all the time, doesn’t stop them from getting sick- with anything.
  • in Virginia our Governor clamped down on restrictions for just new cases- not even deaths! Our death toll is also lower than that of the regular flu.
  • Jesus would not have contracted this disease, that is not even a logical conversation to be had. But He sure would have healed the ones who Father told Him who did contract it. Why is the Western church not the conduit that allows Holy Spirit to heal people? You want to be like Jesus and do what He did? Give up everything, surrender completely to Him and go heal the sick, the blind and release the addicts in His name. (John 14:12)
  • Thank you for your service to our country and protecting our liberty. My spouse wonders now why he gave his life, his resources, his body, his mind (he is disabled) for 15 years just for things to be where they are now. I hope you can find peace knowing you did your part and forgiveness of those who are abusing it. In Jesus name!
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Jesus gave advice on how to live very clearly, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s not about individual rights and freedoms, it’s about taking care of one another. Wearing a mask does not prevent you from contracting COVID 19, it greatly reduces the risk of you GIVING it to someone else. Unfortunately vulnerable people are not the only ones who die of COVID-19. It would be a horrible thing to find out later that you were the cause of other people’s deaths when you could have saved them by simply following expert medical advice and wearing a mask. The mandate we are given is to care for each other.
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There are no facts that a mask reduces the risks of spreading COVID - just research. There are more people in my state dying of drug overdose than COVID. There are also just as many people dying of the flu. Masks are not safe for the general public when wearing them in public. . You wear the mask and collect all types of dirty germs that can put that person in the hospital. You have to breathe in air that is meant to be exhaled from your body which is mostly co2. You need to breathe in fresh air that is full of oxygen - not air that has already been exhaled. Unfortunately 48,000 people die from Smoking each year.
Unfortunately 80,000 people die from Drinking each year.
Unfortunately 38,000 people die from auto accidents each year.
Unfortunately 670,000 people die from Life styles each year. ( Eating junk and not exercising)
Drug overdose etc. I have no problem with someone not wearing a mask “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I also have no problem that you want to wear a mask. Currently many states require a mask in public and one day in the future these states will require you to worship on Sunday.
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The question is, what can you personally do to help all of the people in the examples you have just given. Unfortunately, not much. You can, however, be a part of helping save another person’s life by the simple precaution of wearing a mask. True, it is not ideal, but it isn’t permanent either. It is a temporary measure to prevent unnecessary transmission of a disease. It is also only necessary when you are in a public place, so claiming that it is interfering with your oxygen intake is taking the analogy a little too far... With regard to your Sunday law comment, Ellen White clearly stated, “whenever we can comply with the law of the land without putting ourselves in a false position, we should do so.” She stated that when the law does not contradict a moral statute of God, it should be obeyed, but that Christian’s should contentiously refuse to obey laws that defy the law of God. Unnecessary opposition to government serves no useful purpose but instead turns Christians into declared enemies of the state and renders any positive influence we could have had on important issues useless.
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You have the right to wear your mask, but you do not have the right to tell others to wear a mask. Your mask-wearing mandate goes too far. My wife, son, and mother in law have severe breathing, choking, and coughing problems whenever forced to wear a mask. It makes far more sense for vulnerable people to stay home and wear their mask.
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O Doyle
My opinion is that the SDA church has been preparing for this moment in time. We have been having church virtually for years. We have sent out videos and tracks to multiple communities for decades. We are now getting a preview of end times and we should be grateful for this and prepare, the restrictions on worship are not malicious but for the health of society. If congregants were ill in church they would take the step to protect their fellow members.
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Bonnie Bortel
Interesting and challenging situation. Here in HI there is an SDA church that refuses masks and gathers together for worship and potluck every Sabbath. Actually, the group is not affiliated with the church, but are separate as they believe Sda’s are too world conforming. They have a minister who was working as a Bible worker in the northeast. One wonders if we are reacting properly to the laws.
Bonnie B.