The Battle Between Church and State

By Mark A. Kellner | Posted August 06, 2020

On a recent Sunday morning, congregants at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, a Los Angeles suburb, stood, cheered, and applauded when Pastor John MacArthur opened worship services in a filled-to-capacity, 3,500-seat auditorium. Few, Christianity Today reported, wore face masks or maintained social distance. The 81-year-old pastor, who’s spent more than 50 years leading the congregation, told an interviewer that he and his congregation “didn’t buy the narrative” about such measures.

MacArthur has attracted national attention for his refusal to buckle under when California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered churches to remain closed and to halt singing in indoor worship.

At roughly the same hour, Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, conducted its worship service, but in an outdoor tent, with congregants spaced out among folding chairs and wearing masks. A sign read, “Just leave room for your Bible—and another 5½ feet.” Temperature scans were conducted on those attending, and congregants were asked to wave at each other instead of the more usual hugging. Christianity Today did not indicate whether or not the Harvest congregation sang during the service.

Obey God or “Caesar”?

The key question for churches—whether Grace Community or Harvest Fellowship—is just how far they should go in complying with government mandates. Greg Laurie, who pastors the Harvest Fellowship Church and who, like MacArthur, is well known in evangelical circles, says he’s willing to submit to government regulation in order to resume in-person worship.

 “I’ll be honest with you. One of the things that kind of irritates me is the way some people are not really responding appropriately to the very real threat of the coronavirus,” Laurie said in an April Los Angeles Times interview.  “Sometimes people are just ignoring it as though this has not been asked of us, and I think we want to be considerate of others,” he added.

Over at Grace Community Church, however, members viewed the situation differently, rejecting the government’s mandate to limit the size and manner of religious gatherings.

In a statement, MacArthur and other leaders declared, “When officials restrict church attendance to a certain number, they attempt to impose a restriction that in principle makes it impossible for the saints to gather as the church. When officials prohibit singing in worship services, they attempt to impose a restriction that in principle makes it impossible for the people of God to obey the commands of Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16.”

Scott McConnell, executive director of Southern Baptist-owned LifeWay Research, has yet another point of view: “Given the flare-ups in some places, the churches that reopened have been following in many cases some rigid standards, but, at the same time, is that enough? Those questions I think will increasingly be asked,” McConnell told Religion News Service (RNS).

It is no secret that the conflict between obeying God and following the directives of state or local health officials has been a contentious one during this pandemic. While Grace Community and Harvest Fellowship have responded in their own ways, other churches have begun legal proceedings.

Despite the Supreme Court of the United States twice ruling against churches seeking to bypass such mandates, three churches in California are suing Gov. Gavin Newsom over restrictions. These churches, however, are located in counties where indoor worship is still permitted. The point of contention instead lies in the California ban on singing in indoor places of worship while, at the same time, permitting similar activities elsewhere. 

“Banning singing in California churches is an unconstitutional abuse of power,” RNS quoted Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, as saying. “And to do it in the name of a pandemic is despicable.”

A Soon-Coming Conflict Over Worship

Even MacArthur acknowledged the Bible’s injunction in Romans 13:1, 2, which reads, “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.”

The Grace Community Church statement reads, “We are to obey our civil authorities as powers that God Himself has ordained.” But it also adds, “However, while civil government is invested with divine authority to rule the state, neither of those texts (nor any other) grants civic rulers jurisdiction over the church.”

MacArthur’s objection, it appears, is when government steps in to regulate specific activities of the church. At the same time, as some critics have noted, the dogmatic approach of the Grace Community Church manifesto has alienated other churches. In essence, Grace Community has effectively stated that its way of responding to government restrictions is the only way to exercise faith in Christ. Anything less or anything other than open defiance of civil authority is treachery against God.

Will this kind of spirit play a part in leading the world to the very last battle over worship? 

Certainly, this disagreement somewhat mirrors what Sabbath-keepers are going to encounter in the last days: a government-religious power that will attempt to dictate when and how people will worship. Those who comply will be able to participate in commercial activity, including the buying and selling of food. Those who resist will be persecuted. The Bible tells us that our own Christian churches are going to take an active role in this.

Amazing Facts Study Guide 20

Our free online Bible Study on “The Sabbath and the Mark of the Beast” outlines the ins-and-outs of this crucial end-times conflict. A careful study of this guide will help you understand some of the dynamics at play today—and what is most definitely going to happen in the not-too-distant future.

Mark Kellner
Mark A. Kellner is a staff writer for Amazing Facts International. He is a veteran journalist whose work has been published in Religion News Service, The Washington Times, and numerous computer magazines.

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Peter Maxwell
It reminds me of something I heard from Keion Henderson, pastor of a church I attend in Humble, Tx. I consider myself fortunate to have lived in an era when sermons like these can be accessed with the click of a mouse!
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Gene Nodine
@Thessalonians 2:3 "Let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first....." Have faith! God promised to take care of His people. The first christians stayed faithful even in the face of certain death. How can we do less? Pray for our leaders and for each other. We will get through this with our loving Lord's help. Eccl. 12:13. " Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the "WHOLE" duty of man." Jesus said "If you love Me keep My commandments". It's not complicated. We can only control what we can control. Trust God and Let Him deal with things beyond us.
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Suzanne Miller
“And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men. Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22:16-21‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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Dear Pr. Bachelor, God bless you abundantly. I love you brother, at the same time you know that this is a plan=demic started on 2010, patented on 2014 and announced in 2017 to happen the outbreak in 2019. Br. Bachelor, the people doesn't need to be PhD to conclude. It is very sad, our Br. Veith share with us the blue print of the FAKE VIRUS, why we give credit to a secular scientist than to ours, is jealousy or envy? all of this is heading to Sunday law, so smoothly, we are sleeping, we are like rabbits, so afraid like every body, please, my God Jesus never give us spirit of coward or fair. This Pr John, even in his ignorance of the Spirit of Prophecy or what we know, he is standing for God, even for doing wrong day. I believe he will one of the 144,000, instead of the many SDA people will be in the side of the Pope, as now. Many of us are pretending to love God, but when the crisis come, we scattered like Jesus disciples.
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The document which deals with risk analysis of 'Modi-Sars' was developed by the Robert Koch Institute and prepared for the German government in 2012
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We have to stop being the resistance to the coming of the Lord. Stop wanting things the way you believe them to be and allow God to move through you so We as the body are ready and He can return. The coming of the Lord is near. Let’s all rejoice and testify of His goodness to help those waking up to also be ready.
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Ed B.
Right On! Great article. Hebrews 10:25, KJV: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Will all this go away after the Election. How much of this is political and has nothing to do with the virus. The numbers just don't lineup.
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Walkin the Dawg
I think the whole idea of all this is to try and keep the virus from spreading. Banning all these churches and church activities is NOT intended to be forever. Its a temporary crisis measure in an attempt to deal with the virus. People in churches need to realize this is not a permanent banning of singing or attending church. Its not anyones intent to get rid of churches or forbid worshiping God. This will all pass once this virus goes away, if ever. At least thats how I see this situation.
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I'm writing this in June 2021. I agree with every word you have written, both now and 11 months ago.It is heart wrenching the insanity that continues to grip this country. Even after over 600,000 (!) people have died those convinced of the lie that the virus is fake continue in their deception. In my county only 38% of the people have been vaccinated. Now the virus undefeated continues to mutate to stronger forms. Its origin is almost insignificant as it follows its own course. Will my immunity last? I hope so as I have many significant health problems. The fear certain groups had concerning restricting church gatherings as being an evil plot to interfere with church rights was, in this instance, wrong. It was just pandemic precautions. The idea that it was practice for future attacks against religious groups shows an innocence of the fact that when the time comes that the government/religious entity wants to persecute any particular group it will need no practice.
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H1N1 went on for 19 months and there were no shut downs, no mass media hysteria. This coronavirus is indeed a political issue as it's not even a deadly virus. Those who have died have died of other health problems, and with other health problems, if you get the flu or pneumonia or now this virus on top of your pre existing medical condition then yes, your chances of dying increase, especially if you're up there with age. Did the media blow this whole thing way out of proportion? YES!! Did the majority fall for the fear mongering? YES!
Is the government abusing its power? YES!
When the government passes the Sunday law will people fall for that as well? YES! Why? Because fear controls you and they know it.
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Adventist college professor
You should be embarrassed to write this gaslighting comment about an international health crisis. I recommend you visit a Covid ward and breathe very deeply for several hours and then check back with us in a few weeks whether it’s a serious virus or not. Be sure to also have your heart and kidneys checked.
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Marje. I have no problem complying, up to a point. If it makes others uncomfortable I will wear a mask and social distance when in close proximity to others, applying with common sense. If it went against God's law I would not comply. But I don't see any need to upset others unnecessarily.
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I don’t understand why Christians are making such an issue over Mask and quarantine...
Quarantine was instituted by Christ in the book of Leviticus for the very same reasons we have today, to keep the community safe.
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Adventist college professor
Because they are inserting Republican politics into a health crisis. It’s disturbing.
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Christ wasn't on earth in Leviticus.
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Charles P.
The "question" isn't is quarantine a good and useful thing. The "question" is is Covid-19 a legitimate threat for us to quarantine??? ...and why are we quarantining "healthy people" when the Bible ONLY tells us to quarantine and inspect "sick people" or "potentially sick people" and also quarantine "contagious outbreaks on the walls of the house or some structure or object"..????? Even in those who understand makes no sense to quarantine "healthy people"....
As a Truck Driver i've been everywhere on this east coast at Truck stops, Stores, etc.... and barely anyone is concerned about quarantine...and I'm about 16weeks still living a healthy life.
It makes NO SENSE that the Church of God is being restricted by man's hands.... One of our medical missionary institutes (i believe Wildwood it was) have a video interview on YouTube showing that they totally erased all covid-19 symptoms from their patient in 48hours...! without the use of medication!!!!!!
Enough said, ....thats miles and miles better than the Government-endorsed Hospitals and Big Pharma........
It seems, if we were more faithful to the Health Message and Medical Missionary education & work and too the Country Living Get Out Of The Cities message.......we would have nigh almost nothing to worry about in regards to Covid-19.

Will a man trust in Government, rather than God?????
Oh blind trust!
What happened to our Health message?!?
What happened to God's keeping power?!?

The Government has "man-handled" the Church, and told us that Liquor stores, Vape stores, Marijuana stores, the WWE, Grocery Stores and Supermarkets, and various other Businesses, that all these are "essential"........while "the Church of God" is "non-essential"....!!!!

If that's not a "man-handling" and "wrangling" of the Church, what is????
Religious Liberty is more and more taken away..
As "Adults" we choose and determine the risks we'd like to take with our own body
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Agree 100%.
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Whether we agree or not with the steps taken in response to the virus, it is not our business. We are expected to follow our civic duties even those requested of us by governments until such matters as the mark of the beast law.
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Mike K
It’s my understanding the sick were quarantined not the well.
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Don't misquote the Bible. Quarantine in scripture was for a person who was infected, not for everyone.
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Anti Apostasy
This is Ral (YouTube channel - Anti Apostasy). Although God's people (church) are so often treated like just another secular entity, their earthly presence and moral compass in Christ Jesus bears an invaluable asset to modern society. However, the materialism that typically overwhelms the minds of secular leaders allows them to see only the tiny monetary presence of the church. The sad reality nowadays, as prophesied in the Bible, is that love of money flourishes while love of righteousness, justice and mercy keeps diminishing. In light of the aforesaid, forging a trust-relationship with secular governance should never be a priority of God's people. While it's our God-given privilege to show the love of Christ to all, the very striking difference in priorities between church and state is evidence enough that it would be both risky and careless to treat the state as an authority intermediate to the LORD of Salvation. Meantime though, as we endeavor to follow Christ's example on earth, we must render to Caesar what is Caesar's. Church leaders must also be humble enough to seek Holy Spirit's guidance on matters of church-state relations that are vague. As church leaders receive humble enlightenment on these matters, the entire church family ought to be instructed in ways that bring no disrepute upon the name of our LORD and Savior. I pray that all of GOD's people will be enlightened and led by Holy Spirit for these and the next challenging times. Blessings Ralston Davis
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it's very sad how this has been turned into a political issue. and how people talk about wearing a mask as though it is about their rights. this is a health issue. and it is to protect others, not yourself. as Christians we are supposed to be other centered, and I can't imagine that Jesus would want us to cause harm to others. some people use the argument that other businesses are open, and so churches should be too. I say the opposite, that the other businesses should not be open either. we need to listen to the immunologists, the health experts, and take heed to follow the advice obtained from the studies that have been carried out as we have learned more about this horrific virus. I am so thankful that we are able to have worship service on social media, and also on other streaming platforms (personally I'm always sharing these worship services, and we all should be). if it's what we need to do right now to get through this, then it's a small price to pay. a new projection is that over 300,000 Americans are going to die by December if we don't take responsible action. that's just in America. the study shows that if we just take the simple step of wearing a mask and social distancing and not congregating in large numbers indoors, that this number can be reduced quite a bit. personally, I don't see what the issue is. it's very simple, be responsible. this is my personal opinion. I respect that some may not agree with me. I pray everyday for God to protect us.
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Has your income been stopped during this lockdown?
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Debbie C.
Hi Rayne. I so agree with your comments. It IS a huge responsibility for all of us to do the right thing and wear our masks in public! The people that won't wear masks are acting stubborn and childish This is a very serious health issue! The sooner we ALL do the right thing the sooner this Covid 19 virus will be under control. I hate wearing my mask. I saw a clerk at a gas station yesterday wearing a full face shield and am thinking about getting one too. At least I could see all of his face. Bless you sister! - Debbie
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Ben W
Nice article.
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So what is the conclusion?
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The Bible study on the Mark of the Beast is the conclusion --- the covid-19 is not the Mark, but leads up to it. Obey the rules, which make some sense, until the rules say disobey God --- the Bible study details it.
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The conclusion:- Obey Caesar in everything except when he wants what should be rendered to God (even when H1N1, SARS, etc, didn't have such a response-- time is almost over). Wear the masks, space out, sing outside, cooperate sweetly, etc, but when Caesar says to break God's law, respectfully refuse, even in face of death, & quote the relevant Scriptures.
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I agree with you, Rayne, the college professor, and several others; we should be wise in our dealings with this health issue. There are many Adventists and other denominations who have lost lives due to COVID-19. Although it is true contracting this virus may cause permanent injury possibly lasting for the rest of your life; or maybe even take the lives of your loved ones as well as your own. The one thing that it can not take from you is your salvation. If you are saved through Christ it can't touch your soul. As you well know, there are those who may not even display symptoms of COVID-19 but are able to transfer it to others by various means. Listening to many talk about this issue, I ask myself, If I were to bring someone who has never been in a Seventh Day Adventist Church, what would they find? Would there be unity in the Word of God, of His love towards us? I agree that we wear masks and distance ourselves because we Hope to prevent others from being affected in the event we may have this illness. After all, it is written, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13. How little it is then that we pick up a mask and wear it? True, many of us find discomfort and possibly even problems getting the proper amount of air while wearing a mask, and some resort to using face shields. We don't do this because we lack faith but because the love of Christ is in our hearts we seek to protect not only ourselves, our families, our extended families in the church, but our communities as well. It does not hurt anyone if I wear a mask, and a mask in itself is not absolute, but if I should have COVID-19 without knowing it and don't take precautions, how great are the dangers then? If the dangers of transmitting it increase even the slightest percentage then that is sufficient for me to wear the mask in the first place. As Always, allow the Word of God to lead you.