A Queen Sits Alone

By Mark A. Kellner | Posted April 20, 2021

Thanks to pandemic restrictions observed throughout Britain, the widow sat alone in a row of choir seats in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, the same chapel that held the wedding of her grandson Harry to American Meghan Markle nearly three years ago. The casket containing her husband’s remains lay not far from her.

For Queen Elizabeth II, saying farewell to Prince Philip, her husband of 73 years, was a public duty commingled with personal grief. Another photo revealed the monarch—noted for her usually stoic composure when the occasion calls for it—wiping away tears after the service while leaving in her state car.

The Times of London captured the scene: “She stood apart, the lonely Queen, a masked figure all in black, head bowed under her hat. On this gloriously sunny but most solemn of Saturday afternoons, she was not just a monarch in her castle being [scrutinized] on television around the world but above all a woman saying goodbye to the one she loved.”

If anything, the eight days between Philip’s death and the funeral served to unify public support in Britain for the Queen. “You’re Not Alone, Ma’am” read the next day’s headline in the Sunday Express, while the Daily Star Sunday trumpeted, “Bless Her.”

And it’s possible that the Duke of Edinburgh could achieve something in death that eluded the royal family during his last year: peace, most conspicuously between Prince William and Prince Harry, Philip’s grandsons, whose relationship has been strained for several years over the latter’s wife. Press reports indicate the brothers are speaking with an eye toward reconciliation.

Royal Relationships Healing?

Their grandfather’s funeral came on the heels of an “explosive” television interview Harry and Meghan gave to talk show host Oprah Winfrey, which aired a little more than a month ago on March 7 during Philip’s month-long stay in the hospital for heart surgery and which drew mammoth ratings in both the United States and then in Britain the following day. In it, several heavy-hitting topics were broached, with suicide and racism as the most damaging. While the couple spoke graciously of the Queen, they were openly critical of her institution. Harry also confirmed the current rift between him and his brother—not to mention his father, Prince Charles.

The world has watched William and Harry grow up and usher in a new generation of the monarchy. With Harry and Meghan having “stepped back from their official roles” a year ago, contentions surrounding loyalty to the crown have surfaced in the media. It is ironic, then, to note that Philip was known particularly for his steadfast devotion to his wife, her office, and her country. At a speech given to commemorate their 50th wedding anniversary, the Queen called her consort her “strength and stay all these years.” Indeed, Philip holds the record as “the longest-serving royal consort in British history.”

The Queen’s family is riddled with separation, with three of her four children currently divorced, the most notorious being Prince Charles, who split from Diana, Princess of Wales, two years before she tragically died in a car accident in 1997. In contrast, media outlets have touted Philip for the sacrifices he made for Queen Elizabeth and the duties she bears. The much-loved monarch will, Lord willing, celebrate 70 years on the throne next February. 

After Death, Then What?

Philip “planned his own funeral in meticulous detail,” a no-muss-no-fuss affair that lasted only 50 minutes with “no eulogy or readings.” As it was in his life, so it was in his death: “The theme was service to Queen and country.” Even at his last send-off, the world’s eyes were on his Queen, the solitary black figure alone in the pew.

The loss of a loved one may leave those left behind, family and friends, to wonder what happens after this life has ended. It’s widely known that Queen Elizabeth has a strong spiritual life and faith; when Billy Graham first preached in England, he spent an afternoon discussing Christian faith with the Queen in the first of a dozen or so visits. As one of her few subjects paying respects to the duke in person outside Windsor Castle wondered, “What must the Queen be thinking now?”

Though she may be queen, at the end of the day, she is just a beating heart. She cries, she mourns, she hurts, just like the rest of us. She is, like we all are, one of God’s children. The Bible has encouragement for those who are grieving: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). Do you know who does the comforting? It is “the Lord GOD [who] will wipe away tears from all faces” (Isaiah 25:8).

Whether you’ve recently lost a loved one or not, we hope you’ll find comfort in this video presentation, “Abraham, Pt. 11: Mourning a Loss,” on what the patriarch went through upon losing his wife Sarah.

Often in times like these, there are more questions than answers. But praise God that we have His Word to provide the beautiful truth in times of sorrow. Learn all about where are departed loved ones are in this article from our website The Truth About Death. It provides a biblical answer to this common question: “But don’t souls depart from people when they die?” And what the Bible says may surprise you!

As Christians, we wait for that glorious day when all death will ultimately be conquered by our King, Jesus Christ. Philip lived a life of devotion to his earthly ruler—do we possess the same love for our heavenly ruler?

Mark Kellner
Mark A. Kellner is a staff writer for Amazing Facts International. He is a veteran journalist whose work has been published in Religion News Service, The Washington Times, and numerous computer magazines.

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Thank you Mark for your beautiful recap of the Queen and more so of Prince Philip, the consort and loyal supporter for 73 years.
We all have much to learn in giving rather than taking.
Jesus himself gave up His life that I may have life eternal.
I am thankful to have a Saviour who loves me and that we live in a country where the Bible is available to study and learn all about God’s love for humanity
I pray that the Queen and all who have lost loved ones will find comfort in God’s promises
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Beautiful article.....It truly broke my heart to see the Queen sitting all alone but I believe that she loves the Lord and His Church and we can take comfort in knowing that she is not alone she has her Faith and our prayers to carry her through at this difficult time.
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Barbara Clarke-Reid
As a child living in Jamaica, we ften hear about the Queen. My friends and I would wonder if the Queen go to the bathroom like we do. I usually say, "I am just as beautiful as the Queen. But as i grew up become an adult, I realize that all of us as humans do hurt, and are subject to pain and suffering. It is very touching to know that Prince Phillip has dedicated his life supporting his wife. I often wonder and pray they have a relationship with the Lord. We all need Jesus.
I enjoy this article.
Thanks for sharing!
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Raphael Dowe
Heart Warming Message. Would like to contact the writer.
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Amazing Facts
You can contact the writer, Mark Kellner through his website: https://www.kellner.us/
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Woderful Thank you!
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Hello Mark, In Genesis 2:7, the bible tells us that man was created from the dust of the ground and the breath of life. (As were the animals stated later in the chapter). So it takes dust and the breath of life to make a "living soul. This would mean that when we die we become a "dead soul." The "dust" returns to the ground and, as far as the breath of life, the bible does not tell us what happens to it. Does it return to God?

Many people seem to interpret "the soul" as a spirit that ascends to heaven. But, as shown above, it takes dust and breath of life to make a "living" soul, a living human being or animal. Could it simply be that when a person or animal dies, the "breath of life" simply ceases to exist?

In EG White's writings, she says that "The Holy Spirit is the breath of spiritual life in the soul." Christian Service, pg. 254.4. Yet still, Mrs. White does not anywhere state that the breath of life returns to God, nor does she discuss it. (See Ellen G. White Writings on the web, type in breath).

Please don't misunderstand my question. I'm not trying to "split hairs." This is just a query. But, as people do believe that the soul returns to God, which it does not, I would like to be able to answer a question posed to me about this in a factual manner.

Thank you, Marcy Adkinson
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Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link: https://www.amazingfacts.org/about-us/bible-questions We look forward to answering your question!
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Thank you for this insight and encouragement.
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Excellent article.
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Angella M, eisable7@yahoo.com
Well said, i believe it was befitting for the queen and everyone that is mourning a loved one..We all feel pain no matter who we are. Death seperates but it also draws families together. Thanks for this article, let us keep all those who are mourning in our prayers..God bless.