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The Law of the King

The Law of the KingLesson 6

After Darius, king of the Medes and Persians, had conquered Babylon, he executed all Babylonian government officials, except one. That fortunate man was Daniel, a servant of the true God. Seventy years earlier, he had been carried from Judah to Babylon as a captive and made to serve in the palace as an advisor to the Babylonian kings. Daniel became known throughout the kingdom for having "an excellent spirit." Daniel 5:12 6:3.

Not only did King Darius spare Daniel, but he "thought to set him over the whole realm." Daniel 6:3. When the Medo-Persian officials learned that the king was going to promote an old Hebrew captive to rule over them, they were jealous and outraged. So they plotted to entice Darius to sign a law that for the next 30 days, anyone who petitioned any god or man except the king would be thrown into the lions' den (Daniel 6:7). Apparently these men knew that Daniel was unswerving in his prayer life and firmly committed to obeying the law of his God, which forbids worship of any other gods (Exodus 20:3).

Just as they expected, the officials caught Daniel praying to God from his open window. When King Darius discovered that he had been tricked and that his old friend was headed for the lions' pit, he tried every possible angle to deliver Daniel from the foolish law he had signed. But the law could not be changed. Daniel went to the lions' den, and God rewarded his faithfulness by sending an angel to shut the lions' mouths (Daniel 6:22).

Prophecy tells us that in the last days, God's people will have to make a similar decision regarding which king and which law they will obey.
1. Can God's moral law be amended or repealed?

1. Can God's moral law be amended or repealed?

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NOTE:   Under no circumstances can God's Ten Commandment law ever be amended or repealed. It is as permanent as God Himself. Three times in the Bible, earthly kings (Herod, Ahasuerus, and Darius) made laws they later wanted to change but could not. If the laws of weak, vacillating kings were unchangeable, how could anyone think that the eternal law of God, written in stone by His finger, could be altered? Look at this comparison between God and His law.

Characteristics: God Is: The Law Is:
GOOD Luke 18:19 Romans 7:12
HOLY Isaiah 5:16 Romans 7:12
JUSTDeuteronomy 32:4Romans 7:12
PERFECTMatthew 5:48Psalms 19:7
LOVE1 John 4:8Romans 13:10
RIGHTEOUSExodus 9:27Psalms 19:9
TRUTHDeuteronomy 32:4Psalms 119:142,151
PURE1 John 3:3Psalms 19:8
SPIRITUAL John 4:24Romans 7:14
UNCHANGEABLEMalachi 3:6Matthew 5:18
ETERNALGenesis 21:33 Psalms 111:7,8

God's law cannot be changed, because it is a transcript of His character. The glorious words in Scripture that describe God also describe His law. God's law is His character in writing. It is no more possible to change God's law than to change God Himself.

2. According to the Bible, what is sin?

2. According to the Bible, what is sin?

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NOTE:   The devil hates the law because it makes us aware that we need a Saviour from sin. Romans 4:15 states: "For where no law is, there is no transgression." The law cannot save anyone, but it shows us God's perfection and our imperfection.

3. To what law does 1 John 3:4 refer?

3. To what law does 1 John 3:4 refer?

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NOTE:   It is God's Ten Commandment law that says, "Thou shalt not covet." So breaking God's Ten Commandment law, which He wrote with His own finger (Exodus 31:18; 32:16), is sin. Every sin that any person could ever commit is condemned by at least one of the Ten Commandments. This is why God's law is called "broad" (Psalms 119:96) and "perfect" (Psalms 19:7). It covers the "whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13. When we are aware of our sin, we look for a Saviour. So the devil especially hates the law, because it sends us looking for Jesus to save and forgive.

4. Did Jesus keep the Ten Commandments?

4. Did Jesus keep the Ten Commandments?

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NOTE:   Jesus did indeed keep the Ten Commandments as an example for us (1 Peter 2:21).

5. How many people have sinned?

5. How many people have sinned?

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6. What is the punishment for living a life of sin?

6. What is the punishment for living a life of sin?

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NOTE:    If God's law could be changed, it would not have been necessary for Jesus to die on the cross. The fact that Jesus paid the penalty for sin and died is proof that the law is unchangeable.

7. Some say the Ten Commandments are not binding for New Testament Christians. What does Jesus say about this?

7. Some say the Ten Commandments are not binding for New Testament Christians. What does Jesus say about this?

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NOTE:   The New Testament plainly teaches that God's people will keep His commandments. All of us know that the world is in big trouble today because so many no longer feel it is important to obey God's law. The Bible speaks of our day by saying, "It is time for thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void thy law." Psalms 119:126.

8. How is it possible to keep the commandments?

8. How is it possible to keep the commandments?

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NOTE:   When a person is born again, Jesus Christ, through His Holy Spirit, moves into that person's life and miraculously makes obedience possible.

9. What is the old covenant, and why did it fail?

9. What is the old covenant, and why did it fail?

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NOTE:   The fault with the old covenant was with the people, not with God or His law.

Psalms 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.

10. Upon which law is the new covenant based?

10. Upon which law is the new covenant based?

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NOTE:   The two covenants were agreements between God and His people. The old covenant failed because it was based upon the faulty promises and works of the people.

Exodus 24:7 All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient.

The new covenant succeeds because it is God's law written in the heart and is based upon Jesus' promises and His miracle-working power.

Hebrews 8:10 I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts.

A person's entire nature is changed, so he finds doing God's will a pleasure. Notice that the new covenant is based on the same law, but it is written in a different place (the heart) and based on better promises (God's).

11. Doesn't living under grace, by faith, make keeping God's law non-essential?

11. Doesn't living under grace, by faith, make keeping God's law non-essential?

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NOTE:   Those who have been forgiven by Jesus for breaking His law are doubly duty-bound to obey His law. And sensing His blessed forgiveness, they are more desirous than others to happily follow Jesus.

12. Are people saved by keeping the law?

12. Are people saved by keeping the law?

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NOTE:   No one is saved by keeping God's law. All are saved by the miracle-working grace of God. But those who are saved, or transformed, by the grace of Jesus will want to obey His law as an expression of their love and thanksgiving to Him.

John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

13. What motivates a person to obey God's law?

13. What motivates a person to obey God's law?

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NOTE:   Love is the magnificent motivator. The first four commandments have to do with my duty to God. When I love Him, obeying those commands is a pleasure. The last six commandments embrace my duty to people. If I truly love people, I will not want to do anything that would hurt them.

14. Can I be a true Christian without keeping His commandments?

14. Can I be a true Christian without keeping His commandments?

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15. Are some Old Testament laws no longer binding upon Christians?

15. Are some Old Testament laws no longer binding upon Christians?

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NOTE:   Yes, the ordinances that regulated the priesthood and the sacrificial system have been abolished because they prefigured Christ (Colossians 2:13-17). He fulfilled them as the true Lamb of God.

16. Whom does the devil especially hate?

16. Whom does the devil especially hate?

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NOTE:   Satan hates and is infuriated with God's end-time church, which obeys Jesus' commands and teaches people that there is divine power to change a sinner into a saint.

17. What are some of the glorious rewards of keeping God's law?

17. What are some of the glorious rewards of keeping God's law?

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NOTE:   Happiness, joy, peace, and more abundant living come to those who obey God's law. No wonder David said that God's commands are more desirable than gold (Psalms 19:10).

18. Do you desire to have a loving relationship with Jesus that will lead you to be one of His joyful, obedient children?

18. Do you desire to have a loving relationship with Jesus that will lead you to be one of His joyful, obedient children?

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