Dominique: Amazing Facts has definitely left a major impression in my life.
Michael: If it wasn't for amazing facts, I probably would not be here right now, my relationship with Christ would not exist. Because of Amazing Facts Ministry and all the programs that they do, and the internet and all the websites that they offer, and the prints, the tapes all those things have been a great resource to me to go to study, to learn, to fully develop my relationship with Christ.
Dominique: When I left home and started attending college, the rest of the world seemed to slowly but surely creep into my life. I stopped going to church for a while, and I became so guilty about not doing what I knew was right, that I quit saying my prayers. I just avoided God completely for a while.
Michael: When I was in college, I met my wife, Dominique, in an organization event, a social event that she was at too. I met her there, and we began talking.
Dominique: It seems that from the moment I met Michael, God was definitely using him in my life to bring me back to him. At the same time, he was using me to bring Michael into a relationship with Him, which he had never had before. It was definitely a divine appointment.
Michael: Dominique and I have been going on a few dates now, she decided it was time for me to meet her parents. I needed to meet her dad, I said, "Okay, that's fine." We're sitting there and actually finished lunch, Dominique and her mom went to the backyard having a discussion, her dad pulled me to the side and we started talking about religion. He opened up the Bible and went through a Bible study, which I didn't realize at the time, and there been a four hour Bible study.
Dominique: The first amazing facts prophecy seminar that I had ever attended was when I was-- I believe I was like 14 or 15, and it was Jason Morgan's very first, I believe very first seminar that he had ever done. When I was in college, he came back for a fourth seminar, when Michael and I were dating.
Michael: When I was dating my wife in college, she told me about a prophecy seminar that was going on in New Orleans. We decided every day to make the commute and go listen to this evangelistic series.
Dominique: He knew very early on in Jason's series that he wanted to be baptized. He was very eager about it, my father actually had a set of Doug Batchelor prophecy seminar on tape. He told Michael to watch the seminar and if he agreed with everything in it, and completed all the lessons, that he'd be ready to be baptized by the end of it. Simultaneously, while Michael was going through Jason series, he was also doing Doug Batchelor series on tape during the day, he was getting a double dose real quick. By the end of it, he was ready to be baptized.
Once we were married, Michael and I both moved back to New Orleans to assist in rebuilding homes after Hurricane Katrina. A lot of my family members have lost everything, we both felt very convicted after school to make an effort to go and make a difference down there. From there it was about work, work, work and not really putting God first again, and just like in college, It was slowly but surely Christ and my relationship was being put on the back burner.
I was cleaning up one afternoon and a copy of our wedding vows fell out of the back of a photo album. The last line in our wedding vows, "Was together we will love, serve and honor Christ, with him being in the center of our relationship." When Michael came home from work that night, we had a conversation and I just told him we really need to change, we've got to start doing what we're supposed to.
From there once again Jason, we started watching his DVDs that he had given us the setup one of his series that he had recorded somewhere. Every night we're watching again another prophecy seminar.
One day I just had a horrible day at work, and it was not going well. I pretty much just had a breakdown, and I was on my knees in my office crying, and I was praying, "God, what do you want for me?" I'm sorry. I was asking God, "What do you want for me? What do you want with my life?" Because even though we were helping people get back into their earthly homes, we knew we needed to help people get back into their heavenly homes, and that was our focus. That's where our focus needed to be.
As I was praying, I sat back down in my chair and I opened up my Bible, the verse that I opened up to was proverbs three, five, and six. It says, "To trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding, but acknowledge him In all thy ways, and he shall direct thy paths." Right at that moment, I read that and I had a total peace come over me. That was the moment that I made the decision to fill out the application for AFCOE.
Michael: I want to go to AFCOE to take time away from the work from, the world, to study scripture, to really learn, to really learn how to witness to others. That was one of the main reasons I wanted to come to AFCOE. Because not only did I want to reinforce my beliefs and know what I believed more fully, but also I wanted to have the tools and be able to witness to others.
Dominique: Amazing Facts has definitely left a major impression in my life.
Michael: If it wasn't for Amazing Facts, I probably would not be here right now, my relationship with Christ would not exist. Because of amazing facts ministry, and all the programs that they do, the internet and all the websites that they offer, and the prints, the tapes all those things have been a great resource to me to go to study, to learn, to fully develop my relationship with Christ, so it has been an intricate part in my life, It definitely helped lead me to Christ.
Narrator: The Lord is using Amazing Facts to change countless lives each day, just like Michael and Dominique. Would you consider joining hands with us right now, by making a tax-deductible donation, and be a part of helping prepare people for their heavenly homes. Our address is, Amazing Facts P.O. BOX 1058 Roseville, California, 95678. Or you can donate securely online at