Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?

In these rapidly changing and challenging times—when promises of stability and safety rarely come through; when trusted spiritual leaders prove false; when lying in politics seems to be the norm; when those you depend on the most often hurt you the deepest—is there anything left you can trust? Yes! You can fully trust the Bible! Let’s take a look at the evidence …
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I am grateful to Doug Batchelor and his teachings. I am learning things I never understood. I only wished I knew all these things sooner because I could have explained to my deceased mom and dad bc I want to see them again one day. Thank you for this ministry I am elated! Thank you thank you and thank you. God Bless
Irene Mendonca
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Child of God
Thank you! Very well made 👏❤️
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i like this
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Buh, what are those three continents mentioned in the message
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Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Amazing Facts
Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:  We look forward to answering your question!
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This has been very helpful, i thank the Lord for this message that came my way
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I’d like to use these during our morning routine for homeschooling. Are there printable pages that correlate with the audio that we can fill out as we listen?
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Amazing Facts
These study guides don't have "fill in the blank" options. They just have a final quiz at the end. You can purchase them here: But we also have the "Landmarks of Prophecy" lessons which require you to look up the verses in the Bible and fill out the blanks. You can get those here: We also have children's lessons here: and teen lessons here:
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Thank you so much!
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Thank you for providing these audio books! They are great! God bless Amazing Facts
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Terupo Boone
Please how can I download this audio file.
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Amazing Facts
Unfortunately we don't offer these as free downloads. You can purchase the mp3 files here as a complete set, or individually:
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Thank You So Much! This Has A Lot Of Information That I Really Understand. Thank You guys!!!
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This is awesome you guys such a blessing.

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