Are YOU stealing from God? Are Christians required to Tithe?

Date: 05/05/2023 
Tithing is a controversial topic so how do we know if we're stealing from God?
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Lela Clarke
God said it, and I believe it, and that settles it for me. I don't know why some of us are still in the wilderness wondering if we should return the Lord's money, and we know very well that we should. Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. Malachi 3: 8. Did you know that, when we repeated the baptismal vows we vowed that we will return our tithes and offerings. If we don't, the Lord said,we are cursed with a curse, because you robbed Me, Even this whole nation. Verse 9. We owe it all to Him.
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Those who wander in the wilderness may as well fall asleep. If they do not "get with the program" by doing things the way the loving Lord set for us to do and speak, they will miss lots of blessings they could have received in these days, in those in heaven and in New Jerusalem once this earth has been renewed. Most of all, those who deprive themselves by disobeying the Lord are cutting their life support off during an emergency when help is needed the most.
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Thank you for claritying because since im not a Pastor or Elder ,my way to support the Remnant Church, topay for Pastors and Bible workers ,and i dont want to Rob God
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Abraham and Jacob are covenantal promises. If that is the standard than why tithe if you are divorced. I have already broke a vow to The LORD. How can i even surmise that GOD would bless me...i've already broken my promise, or vow, or covenant...he who is UNfaithful with little...(i know its a reverse way of reading that scripture). In my honest opinion i don't believe GOD recognizes my tithes, however, i do believe HE recognizes true freewill offerings, (not necessarily to the church) to help others in JESUS' NAME
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I have found over and over again that when l give God the little He asks from us,from all that He gives us, l am the one who gets a blessing. When l was growing up my mother ALWAYS put her tithe and collection money for Church aside even when she thought, ? Am l going to manage on what is left.She always did and we Never went hungery or comes down to trust and who we listen to. Our Lord and Saviour or Satan. I pick Our Lord and Saviour. God Bless yvonne
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I id not come back to God until I was 63. I thought I was a Christian, but when I found out the truth I knew I wasn't. I wasn't going to church or even reading my Bible. Once saved always saved that was what was being preached and probably still is.
Preachers do more harm than good when they don't speak biblical truth.

I started giving tithe. When I sold a car or anything else I owned I paid 10 percent. I had never paid tithe on the money I used to buy the car. God made this earth and all in/ on it. I freely give tithe with a happy heart because I wouldn't have or be he person I am now without God's loving Grace.
Also we need to give free will offerings. How else would our churches keep their doors open.
I feel the more you give the quicker the word gets out to the whole world, the sooner the Lord will come for us and no more of this ugly world.
God bless Doug Batchelder and his Amazing Facts ministry. Also AWR ( Adventist World Radio). Things are happening. Please give to these organizations. Sooner the message of truth reaches all the world the sooner we all get to see our Maker and our Savior
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To use the word “stealing” is, I think an incorrect usage of the word in this instance. Unless, you’re trying to get attention.

Stealing is defined: “to take or obtain (not already owned/possessed) without right”

So if a person rightfully possesses money for which they rightfully own, a better word to use here might be “owed, obliged or even duty”. Although the Bible clearly uses the word “giving” so the word STEALING doesn't fit in place of the word “GIVING”. Yes, you could continue an argument that God has “allowed or given you a job” to earn money to be able to have food, shelter and such, but going back to my previous statement where the Bible clearly uses the word “giving”

Tithe - concordance definition: 4643, 6237, 586, 1281, 1283
Give - concordance definition: 5414, 1325, 6213, 5534, 1696, 3051, 7760, 4991
Take - concordance definition: 2180, 3769, 3947
Stealing - concordance definition: 1589, 2813

Just my humble opinion on the usage of the word “stealing” in this instance.
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Not pay but return
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It’s always good to be reminded of the faithfulness of God towards us when we are faithful to him. We cannot fight God’s battle. We must do his will, and not worry about what man is doing because then we will become distracted and be in danger of losing our souls. Ionie D.
It's biblical
Thank you
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Tithe-yes, but only to those that are faithful. "The ministry is becoming enfeebled because men are assuming the responsibility of preaching without gaining the needed preparation for this work. Many have made a mistake in receiving credentials. They will have to take up work to which they are better adapted than the preaching of the word. They are being paid from the tithe, but their efforts are feeble, and they should not continue to be paid from this fund. In many ways the ministry is losing its sacred character. GW 94.4 I'm not saying Doug is not faithful, but there are many standing in pulpits today who are not.
Tammy Lewis
It says I can’t watch but now. Why send it?
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