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Forehead or Hand? Where is the mark of the beast?
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2 years ago
Bolo Badelk
According to Native American Indian prophecy before the coming of the messiah that the United States will return back to the 574 tribal nations. Due to the fact the land was stolen and the injustice against the Native American Indian for the past 500 years this is the accordance to Deuteronomy 28, United States will be curse due to immoral and lack faith in the creator, but the 574 tribal nations will be blessed under these scriptures, and 574 tribal nations will have their own congressional senate of their own house of Government. the signs when United States Government will collapse. Due to economy disaster. this also states in revelations. Most Christians states that the pow wows are demon occult because of Dances, that they perform. However these Dances are healing dances for their native community and for the earth to heal due to global warming. The white buffalo is another sign of prosperity and peace among 574 tribal nations that the land is going return back to indigenous people
2 years ago
Alphie Soleyn
Thanks for the wonderful message.
2 years ago
Thank you Brother Doug! Love you and the SDA message....the only place these days people can find the truths of difficult scripture to understand. May God continue to Bless you and your ministry!!!
2 years ago
Disciple of Jesus
One of the few accurate biblical teachings from this false prophet. I know it is simply a deception to get listeners to keep listening for his end time myth. Thankfully there is a book called, Dissolving the End--Times Myth, which delivers the truth why people are teaching this false prophecy.
2 years ago
Please explain then Rev 13 16-17 where you are not able to buy or sell without this mark which will be forced in order to buy or sell. This sounds to me like tyranny and control through the coming new world order and the Mark Of The Beast as well as the CBDC Digital Currency.
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2 years ago
Amazing Facts
Thank you for your question! Unfortunately, we're unable to answer Bible questions here, so if you would like to receive a personal Bible answer from Amazing Facts, you can ask it at this link:
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2 years ago
Love this explanation.
2 years ago
Carmen Duncan
Thank you for making this topic so clear. I so appreciated the scripture references.
2 years ago
Nicely taught!
2 years ago
Daniel S Young
totally disagree with one part... bible would not have said just right hand as that is specific. This is referring to AI which is more powerful now than a human mind. I choose to go by what the bible says "Right hand or Forehead" this is specific enough for me. People who accept this were already lost and the anti-christ already had their minds and hearts this is why they will submit to this mark (AI) to begin with.
2 years ago
JOHN the Former Baptist
The Greatest Lie Ever Told… THE SECRET CONSPIRACY OF CHRISTIANITY! 100% Biblical Proof that the Savior rose from the grave on the SABBATH DAY… NOT SUNDAY!
Use an online Thayer’s Lexicon to discover that each time the Bible mentions the Resurrection Day of the Savior in the ORIGINAL GREEK LANGUAGE that it was written in, it NEVER SAID “FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK” (SUNDAY). It said SABBATON (Strong’s # G4521). SABBATON is translated 59 times as SABBATH AND OR SABBATH DAY in the New Testament! But the Roman Church and later translations, intentionally mistranslated Sabbaton as "FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK" to support a "Sunday as Sacred" narrative. Of course, the Church was too high and mighty to be bothered with the Jewish practice of Sabbath Keeping. And the only way to pretend to justify Sunday as sacred, was to pretend that Christ rose on that day. This is why you can’t get 3 days & 3 nights from Good Friday to Easter Sunday morning. IMPOSSIBLE! (Matthew 12:40)
These are the Resurrection Scriptures: Matthew 28:1. Mark 16:1-2. Luke 24:1. John 20:1. You’ll see in any Lexicon, which breaks down each word in the Bible and provides the ORIGINAL GREEK WORD, that SABBATON IS USED EVERY TIME AS THE DAY CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD!! And also note, that SABBATON is also at times used twice in the same verse… BECAUSE THERE WERE 2 SABBATHS THE WEEK YESHUA WAS CRUCIFIED.
The first Sabbath was the Ceremonial Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This is the HIGH DAY SABBATH that forced the Jews to beg Pilate to remove Christ from the cross, before that Sabbath began at sunset. (JOHN 19:31 & LEVITICUS 23) Christianity pretends it was a Friday. But the Bible contradicts this common error. Because Christ said He would be in the grave, not just 3 days, but 3 NIGHTS, TOO. (Matthew 12:40). And there is no way in Heaven you can get 3 days & nights from a Friday afternoon Crucifixion to an early Sunday morning Resurrection. HE DIED ON A WEDNESDAY & ROSE ON SATURDAY, THE HOLY SABBATH! But the status quo religions have relied on the laziness of their followers to never research this simple and important TRUTH! I mean no offense.
This mistranslation heresy also continues in the Book of Acts and 1 Corinthians. In the Greek language of the New Testament, SABBATON (Strong’s # G4521) was also mistranslated in two Scriptures that Churches erroneously use to validate their "Sunday as Sacred heresy." Acts 20:7 & 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. The same blasphemy they performed to the Resurrection Scriptures, they repeat here. They intentionally MISTRANSLATE the Greek word “SABBATON” to “WEEK.” and added “First Day” in front of it. And just like magic… SUNDAY!
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