To Bury or to Burn - Is Cremation Biblical?

Date: 01/28/2022 
To Bury or to Burn - Is Cremation Biblical ?
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Diana Gomez Rea
Very well put! God Bless you.
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Very interesting way to look at the topic! I think also, as you said, burning was often used as a way for someone not to be remembered -- that not having a grave was considered the ultimate curse/judgement. But often when people choose to cremate, whilst scattering ashes (usually in a tearful or ceremonial way) may be one method, they sometimes choose to carry them in urns or some are even put into a form of grave that is marked but it saves a lot more space. So even when someone is cremated, they can still end up with a grave of some sort, or if they are scattered it is done honorably. And also like how you brought up how some martyrs died, obviously God will not abandon them, it was just the enemy's way of trying to defile them by not giving them a burial plot but even so martyrs often left an impact so despite that defilement of their body their faith carried them with honor.
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Heather Paul
Thank you so much for posting this and explaining both sides so well.

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